TMNT: Donatello Gets It

Story by LionStories on SoFurry

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It has been thought that the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were infatuated with April O'Neil, a human love interest. But when she unceremonously announced to the turtles that she was dating none other than long-time ally Casey Jones, they were completely heartbroken. Not before long, after April started dating Casey seriously, the turtles openly questioned their romantic predisposition of humans. After a prolonged period of non-stop crime-fighting, the turtles realized they failed to rectify their sexual deficiency, and talk of dating -- like what teenagers normally do -- faded into oblivion.

The turtles became preoccupied with defeating Shredder and eating pizza with unusual toppings -- yielding to harmless pleasures and superficial, social discourse. But there were some rare instances when the turtles experimented with each other. The sexual experiment was sometimes unexpected. Other times it was vigorous and lively. Each incident was peculiar, but the wild nature of their encounters was very stimulating -- even if it didn't "feel right."

Donatello was not a turtle with an aggressive nature, but he was hard to persuade. He spent hours each day, working on his inventions and martial arts training, alone and eccentric. "Donny" quietly produced a lot of useful gadgets for his turtle brothers, but the dedication cost him company. Being he was alone so often, the purple mask-wearing turtle sought pleasure that would relieve him from his tension. He cherished the opportunity to engage in devious behavior: he would walk to a corner of his lab, obscured by his many inventions, and masturbate. He would lay on the floor, tug down his belt, his tight, purple briefs. He would become naked, sporting a modestly sized cock, which dangled happily in the air: eager to be soothed, stroked, and more.

In his deepest, darkest fantasies, he would be reunited with his desire for another male turtle.

Donatello often fantasized about Leonardo since he looked up to him as a "role model." Leonardo was level-headed, reasonable, caring and aggressive when he wanted to be. Donny was more interested in Leonardo's aggressive side. He envisioned his blue mask-wearing comrade as having an infinite lust for action. Donny could feel the aura of sexuality when he was close to Leonardo. He often imagined Leonardo lovingly caressing his bottom at one moment, licking his puckered hole at another. Then Donatello imagined that he was restrained by Leonardo and held on the ground, unable to escape; his only salvation being that he was thoroughly taken advantage of by his ideal partner's sweat-dripping cock.

Donny wanted nothing more to be mounted and fucked -- like there was no tomorrow -- by a force of nature that also showed kindness and civility. He wanted to be fucked so hard that he cried for more. Ideally, the pressure of Leonardo's thick, juicy member slamming against his prostate would yield enough pain that would make the experience seem longer, but there would be enough pleasure to keep him satisfied. He wanted Leonardo to cum inside of him almost uncontrollably as if it was all "natural" and "right." He wanted to feel that sweet, sticky feeling and cherish the euphoria that followed. Alternatively, he wouldn't mind if he was covered in Leonardo's musky seed. Taking all of these concepts into consideration, Donatello found himself in a constant state of arousal: an exciting zest of taboo feelings that couldn't possibly remain unaddressed.

At last, the tech-savvy turtle had some time to himself without Splinter, without the turtles loitering around in his lab. The uncomfortable silence -- with the exception of water drops from leaking sewer pipes -- failed to dissuade Donatello from seeking release.

However, the turtle was blissfully unaware that Raphael entered their dwelling in order to retrieve his pair of sai, which was inconveniently located on a table in Donatello's lab. The purple-masked turtle leaned up against the sewer wall, behind a tall set of server racks, and slowly undressed. But something didn't seem right, Donatello thought. His ninja sense detected a presence, but it didn't seem to be an ominous one. Still, he looked around to see if anyone was around when suddenly, a dark shadow hovered over him. He looked up and saw Raphael, who gave a low-rumbling chuckle at the sight of his comrade in such an awkward position.

"Didn't mean to interrupt you on your date," said Raphael with his trademark deadpan humor.

Donatello hurriedly pulled up his briefs. "You shouldn't sneak up with me like that," he snapped at Raphael.

"Woah, woah, woah. Take it easy. I was just retrieving my sai. But now..." Raphael started rubbing his chin.

"Now what?" Donatello's tone remained defensive.

"Oh, I don't know. I was just thinking, 'What if I told the boys about what Donatello was doing in his lab?'"

"Come on, Raphael! You're kidding, right?"

"'Yeah, guys, Donatello was really working hard on it,'" teased Raphael as he made a suggestive jerking motion with his hand.

"You wouldn't. Telling anyone about this is unlikely, according to my calculations!"

Raphael calmly sat down beside the now-horrified Donatello, who started to stand up. Raphael quickly commanded Donatello to "sit down," which he did, all while looking door at the floor. "You know what, though? We can work something out," said Raphael, smiling.

Donatello took a deep sigh of surrender. "Based on your smile, I can deduce that you probably want my body for... sexual purposes, right?"

"Excellent work, Sherlock. How could you have ever guessed?" said Raphael in a nauseatingly sarcastic tone.

"Your, shall I say, erection, perhaps?" Donatello's eyes were fixated on the large, phallic bulge that outlined Raphael's briefs.

"Sure, I'm a little turned on. Let's make the best of it and enjoy the ride."

"I take it that you're not referring to a car-drive-to-the-beach-and-watch-the-sunset kind of ride, is it?"

"No, that's just gay, Donny. Shut up."

At that point, Donatello realized that Raphael was going to take advantage of him. He wasn't Leonardo, but it was acceptable, given the circumstances. The problem was that Raphael was much more aggressive than Leonardo, and he was concerned about the uncertainty of the situation. Donatello expressed acceptance of Raphael's advances with a slight nod and a small, reserved smile. It was just the two of them, thought Donatello, so perhaps he could cut his losses and let the situation play itself out.

Raphael pressed his chest up against Donatello's, pushing the purple mask-wearing turtle up against the wall. To Donatello's surprise, Raphael leaned his face up to Donatello and kissed him on the lips. Once Raphael's lips met his, Donatello felt himself getting hard. His tight, purple briefs started to get a little uncomfortable for him, but the kiss took precedence. He opened his mouth a little bit and gave Raphael some tongue, which Raphael did not expect. Both were equally surprised at each other's display of affection. Nonetheless, there was a clear rhythm that was established -- and nothing was going to stop them.

"This is -- wait, how does Michelangelo say it? -- totally awesomemundo!" thought Donatello.

"Well, well, well. Looks like Donatello wanted some action after all," confirmed Raphael. "This should be interesting."

Raphael started to rub Donatello's face with his fingers while the submissive turtle was caught in a deep, romantic trance. Slowly but forcefully, Raphael pushed Donatello's face down. To Raphael's surprise, Donatello continued to exercise his tongue by licking his bare chest all the way down from his abs to his groin. Raphael enjoyed Donatello's passive-aggressive style, so he gave Donatello more freedom to lick his moist, muscular chest. A short while later, Raphael subtly pulled down his red, speedo briefs to his knees and massaged his thick cock only a few inches away from Donatello's lips.

"Suck it, boy," ordered Raphael with a mischevious smirk.

Donatello nodded and subsequently took in Raphael's member. The truth is that Donatello never performed oral sex on someone else before, but Raphael was oblivious to that fact. Donatello took Raphael's cock to the back of his throat to the point where the tip of Raphael's shaft was tickling his tonsils. Donatello lapped his partner's member thoroughly; exploring the texture of the salt-flavored shaft. Donatello would occasionally withdraw from sucking to concentrate on fondling Raphael's balls out of sheer devotion. "This is not something a virgin would do," Raphael thought, "but it's not bothering me. I'm enjoying this!"

Raphael tapped Donatello's shoulder, signaling that he was done and ready to move onto the next phase. Donatello pulled himself out and panted. He moaned quietly as he looked up at Raphael's face. Raphael, in return, returned the favor by exchanging a glance with his hunky, submissive slut. Raphael couldn't help but notice a few samples of his precum was dripping from the tip of Donatello's tongue. Both the turtles had a good taste of what was about to come.

"You're getting me all fuckin' horny," Raphael muttered. "Be a good, dirty pig and show me some ass."

Donatello didn't mind the cheesy dirty talk. He obeyed Raphael's orders by standing up, pulling down his purple speedo briefs, turning around to face the wall and spreading his legs apart. Donatello leaned his chest forward, extending his exposed rear for Raphael to enjoy. Raphael shook his eager dick in preparation to enter. Donatello looked down at the floor and bit his lip, anticipating the impact. He took a couple of heavy sighs before going completely silent. "Come on, come on. Fuck me already!" thought Donatello. "Give it to me!" And sure enough, Raphael did just that.

Raphael guided his dick inside Donatello until he felt his member was tightly packed on all sides. Once he was fully inside, Raphael could hear Donatello give a faint squeal. "Ohhhh!" moaned Donatello at the feeling of a thick, heavy dick entertaining his prostate. The impact took the wind out of him. The feeling was something he could not describe with words. The pain and pressure was so intense and so pleasurable that it almost brought him to his knees, but due to his experiences with combat, Donatello was used to the feeling of pain. After he made his way in, Raphael started to jerk his hips and thrust while holding onto Donatello's waist. Raphael looked down to make sure that he was doing everything by the book: so far, so good.

"Take it like a little bitch!" Raphael exclaimed.

Donatello was at a loss for words. He could only grunt and wince at the bursts of pleasure that rocked his rump.

Raphael's balls zealously slapped against Donatello's rear with ferocity. His two large, succulent orbs dangled in the air, dripping with perspiration and desperation, begging for release.

The submissive turtle was about to let loose. He could feel his cock fluttering with energy worthy of a satisfying climax. Then the tip of his shaft spilled several plentiful spurts of thick, milky cum that splattered against the wall and dripped onto the floors of the sewer. Once Donatello achieved his orgasm, he loosed up his rear and surrendered to Raphael, who followed up with his own climax. Raphael quickly pulled out of Donatello and sprayed the submissive turtle's back with even more gobs of spooge, effectively bathing his partner in his own juices. Donatello welcomed the warm, syrupy seed that covered his back and poured onto the floor. Everything happened so quickly, Donatello tried to slow his mind down and enjoy the moment.

Raphael unceremoniously pulled up his briefs and stretched his arms, yawning. Donatello turned around and faced Raphael, but not before he aggressive turtle took a swab of the semen from the tip of Donatello's dick and licked his fingers.

"Refreshing," said Raphael. "Now get yourself cleaned up before Splinter and the others come back."

Donatello replied back with a snarl. "No, we're in this together. Grab a mop. We got work to do."

Raphael walked outside of the lab to retrieve a mop nearby. A couple of seconds later, he returned and tossed the mop from across the room to Donatello, who caught it. Raphael stood in the doorway of the lab and crossed his arms while Donatello cleaned. After watching his sibling clean, Raphael walked over to Donatello and rubbed his forehead playfully, following a uncharacteristic kiss on the cheek. Donatello stopped cleaning for a moment to feel the spot on the cheek where Raphael kissed him. By the time he turned around to thank Raphael for the experience, Raphael was gone -- vanished in thin air. Donatello overheard the other turtles walk inside the dwelling and talk to each other.

Donatello smiled devilishly once he heard Leonardo calling his name.

"Where are you, Donatello?"

"I'm coming..."

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