Stones in the Pond - Chapter Five

Story by tobiasfoxx on SoFurry

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#5 of Stones in the Pond

Stones in the Pond - Chapter Five

Author: Tobias Foxx

Title: Stones in the Pond

Part: Chapter 5

Universe: Pokemon

Summary: Kyle meets another Pokemon "lover"

Keywords: Pokemon, nc, mf, oral, fight, beast, zoo, abuse, plot

Prior to reading the story, there is a bit of information that needs to be known. I don't like

the world the Pokémon show is based in. It is too happy-go-lucky, the-good-guy-always-

wins, all-we-need-is-love, kumbaya sickly sweet. That's not how things work. Sometimes

the bad guy wins, sometimes the good guy doesn't get the girl, and sometimes things are

just plain screwed up. That's the kind of world that I live in, and that's the kind of world

my stories will take place in. This is intended to be a series, so hopefully I'll get some

good feedback and will post more :). Also, I've never liked the fact that every single

Pokémon comes from an egg, so the ones that deserve live births, aka the mammalian

ones, are born live. Also, I figure that the fact that so many kids are out there with no

supervision and all, there must be a law or something that makes it so they can basically

liberate themselves for the duration of their Pokémon journey, so that's how things work

in my world. Other than that, I've tried to match the Pokémon world rather closely, but do

bear in mind this is a fanfic, and I've taken a bit of poetic license. Enjoy, and tell me what

you think.


There are a lot of bad people in the world. I've had the misfortune to meet more than my

fair share. There are plenty of good ones too, but I sometimes think there are far too few

of them to outweigh the opposition. Perhaps I'm just a pessimist. I've learned over the

years that you can't just view the world in terms of black and white. Sometimes the right

thing to do is wrong, and sometimes to get the right outcome you have to do the wrong

thing. It's a screwed up world. I recall, for instance, the first person I met when I began

my Pokemon journey.

I had been on the road for about a week, heading towards Slateport. It was the nearest

city and the largest I knew of, so I figured it would be a good place to get some hands on

experience as a newly minted Pokemon Trainer. I remember, I kept pulling out my

badge holder and flipping it open to stare at the empty slots, imagining the sparkly little

trinkets that would eventually nestle there. Psylash, Darkling, and Candi were all in high

spirits, just as I was. We were finally off to adventure, off to see the world, off to find

our destinies and achieve greatness! We were taking the first steps to setting things right

and settling an old score. That was a second reason I was going to Slateport. I had no

idea where to find the red-coated maniac I intended to hunt down. It was logical that the

largest city would lend the largest chance of finding a lead.

It was evening on the sixth day of my trek when I met the first of many trainers along my

path. I was looking for a likely camping spot along the way when my trio perked up their

ears and looked back down the path. All I could see was a black spot on the trail and a

surrounded by a small dust cloud. Less than a minute later, I realized it was someone

riding a speed bike. Less than a minute after that, whoever it was had zipped right past

me, leaving me hacking and coughing. When the air had cleared, I saw him a few dozen

yards down the trail, propping his bike up with one leg as he appraised me with a critical

eye. I returned his regard in kind, trying to look older than I really was.

He was about six inches taller than I with dark hair that fell to his shoulders, held back by

a red bandana, and blue eyes. He wore a pair of khaki cargo shorts, a red vest over a

black tee, and a pair of well-broken hiking boots. On his back, a rather travelworn pack

hung from one strap, pockets bulging with items I could only guess at. He was armed

with a Pokenav on his wrist and a Pokedex on his belt, along with six Pokeballs,

doubtless holding his battle team. Everything about him screamed experience. I, on the

other hand, was a blatant newbie. From my sparkling new clothes to my rather empty

backpack to my obvious lack of a full team. The sly smirk that crossed his lips told the


"Where ya headed?" he inquired in an offhandedly friendly manner, his gaze falling to

my companions. "Slateport?"

"Yeah." Not the most brilliant response of my life. "I wanted to check out the trainers

there and see about starting my Gym Circuit."

With practiced ease, he dismounted and popped the kickstand into place, taking a few

strides in my direction. "Howzabout I give you a little taste of things yet to come?" His

eyes locked on something behind me and he gave a sharp whistle. "Get a move on!

We've got a battle here!"

Glancing back once more, I saw a charmeleon running towards us. It passed by and

slumped into the dirt at his feet, for which ungracious entrance it received a nudge with

his toe.

"C'mon, up and at 'em. We're gonna show this newbie how things work on the road." It

pushed itself up and took a few deep breaths before turning to face us.

"Char!" it offered, taking a battle stance. I looked none too ready to fight, however.

"Why don't we wait until your charmeleon's had time to rest?" I suggested. "Why'd you

have it running behind you anways?"

He crossed his arms over his chest with a deprecating shake of his head. "The road's

tough, newbie. You won't always be at your best when a battle comes your way. You

won't always be rested and well fed. You won't always have a full team at your side, and

you won't always have the luxury of preparation. You don't always have even the League

regs in play. Not everyone follows them, though most of those serious about the Circuit

do." He popped the faceplate of his Pokenav and directed its sensor towards me. "So,

are we gonna battle or should I credit your forfeit?"

He made sense, I had to admit, and obviously took his training far more seriously than I

had. My studied and theoretical approach seemed almost cavalier in contrast. Still, it

seemed rather cruel to fight his charmeleon in its obviously exhausted state, so I offered

up an alternative.

"Why don't we do a double?"

He grinned, flipping his 'Nav closed. "I don't think you're ready for that, newbie. But I'll

give you a taste of Road Rules, if you want." At my blank expression, he continued. "No

time limit, no field limit, no move limits."

I shrugged my acceptance. "Alright, should we back up a bit?"

"Nah, this'll be enough space. Who ya usin?"

"My espeon, I guess."

"Alrighty, Flare, use Iron Tail!"

And just like that, the match was begun. I was caught off guard by the suddenness of his

charmeleon's charge, but sent off a mental command to Psylash. The gem on his

forehead winked in time with his response, and he dashed forward to meet his opponent.

He leapt upwards to avoid the attack, rippling energy around him to catch and focus the

sunlight in a Flash. Momentarily blinded, the charmeleon stumbled to a stop, blinking as

it tried to focus.

"Behind you, Flare!"

His call came too late. Psylash landed a solid Headbutt against the charmeleon's back,

knocking it to the ground, before dashing out of range then coming back for another.

Flare was ready for it, though, rolling out of the way and landing a Slash down Psylash's

side. He let out a cry of pain and put a bit of space between them. The pair squared off,

circling slowly.

"Quick Attack!" my opponent called out.

The charmeleon struck only at empty space, however. I had saved up my allowance for

months to get a single TM. It was a move every guide said was infinitely useful but one

that espeon's didn't learn naturally. Flare's confusion was therefore understandable when

Psylash executed a perfectly timed Teleport, leaving the charmeleon to stumble to a halt

in the space he had just occupied. Unfortunately, it was also left wide open. Flare ate a

second mouthful of dirt as Psylash slammed her with another Headbutt.

"Time to end this," my adversary growled. "Flare, use Fire Spin!"

We countered with Confusion. Psylash's eyes shimmered with a purple sheen for a

moment, quickly fading as the charmeleon's took on the same cast. It stumbled back with

a startled shout then fell onto its back, scrabbling at the air above it as though pinned by a

larger opponent. Psylash dashed in to land half a dozen Bites while Flare fought invisible

enemies before the trainer called the match.

"Alright, alright, enough!" he cried, dashing forward to scoop up his Pokemon. I called

back Psylash and she calmed, gazing up at him with piteous shame. "It's okay, girl," he

soothed, rubbing her stomach as he cradled her. "I guess I underestimated him."

My 'Nav let out a beep as it registered the victory and siphoned some of his credits into

my no longer empty account. I was amazed to see I had won nearly ten thousand Poke.

He checked his own and let out a curse.

"Maaaan... I was saving up for a new evolution stone..." He juggled Flare as he

approached with extended hand. "My name's Tony Hunter."

"Kyle Nurture," I answered as we shook. "Is Flare gonna be okay?"

"Yeah, I got a super potion in my pack. Second pocket on the left side, if you wouldn't

mind?" I obligingly pulled it out as he set his charmeleon down. "Nurture, huh? Like

Nurture Ranch?" I nodded. "Man... I should've known. No way a regular newbie would

have an espeon and umbreon. No way."

With a huff and not a little grumbling, he proceeded to liberally slather the curative salve

over his injured companion while I checked on my own. Psylash had a pretty bad cut

from the Slash he took, but Tony passed me the Super Potion. A few spritzes had him

healing nicely, so the rest went to Flare. I made sure he held still while the nanites

activated and stitched him back together. My compatriot did not apply the spray directly

for the most part, like I had. Instead, he sprayed it on a rather dingy cloth which he then

rubbed all over Flare, except for a few of the deeper Bites. Those got the direct


"Something they don't tell you in the guidebooks," he explained once he was done. "For

general rejuvenation, Potions work best when applied in an even layer. You should only

really spray deep wounds unless you're in a hurry."

We spent an awkward few moments in silence as our Pokemon recuperated, until he said,

"Well... I guess you're lookin for a spot to spend the night? If you wanna borrow my

bike, I know a place a bit further down the road."

"Sure, but what about you?"

"I got a spare," he replied, setting his pack down and popping open one of the larger

pockets. He removed what appeared to be a jumble of connected metal bars. With

amazing speed, however, he assembled them into an Acro bike. By the time he was done

pumping the tires, Flare was ready to go.

"That's pretty cool," I commented admiringly. "I wish I had a bike."

"Well, wait til you get to Slateport. There's a shop there. You can get one. Use mine

until then. We're headed in the same direction, we might as well travel together. Who

knows? We might even get to do a doubles if we're lucky."

It was all rather exciting. Unfortunately, I had never ridden a bicycle before. After a few

false starts, however, I got myself into a wobbly rhythm at a slightly-faster-than-walking

pace. Tony kept beside me, showing off the whole time by popping wheelies and doing

other tricks. With his coaching, I just about had the hang of it by the time we pulled off

the trail. The spot he had told me about was a small stand of trees overlooking a

flowered field. While I set up our tents, he gathered firewood, and we soon hand a very

comfy camp. We shared a meal consisting of fire-roasted weenies and some of his trail

bread then sat watching the stars come out.

"I can't believe I got busted by a newbie," he chuckled.

Candi and Flare were playfully tussling on the other side of the fire whilst Psylash and

Darkling played hide and seek out in the field, occasionally popping up above the long

stalks to snap at a firefly. Tony pulled out his badge holder and popped it open,

displaying five badges that glistened in the firelight.

"Man... I'll never live this down."

"Well..." I considered his position for a moment before continuing. "I wasn't planning

on bragging about it."

"No kiddin?" He glanced at me sidelong. "You wont' tell anyone?"

"Not if you wanna keep it between us."

He nodded slowly, then peeled the first badge from its slot and offered it to me. "Here.

You'd get this easy as pie anyways. Might as well save yourself a trip."

I marveled at the tiny ornament. "Really? Are you sure? Can we even do that?"

He snapped his case closed and pocketed it, then forcibly set the badge in my hand.

"Yes, really. I can always get another one. And yes, it's League legal. You can

challenge any trainer for his badges. It's just not that smart a move. After all, if they can

beat the gym leaders to get them, they're probably stronger than you. Easier to go tackle

the Gym Leaders than try to snag badges from other trainers."

Still in awe of my good fortune, I slipped the badge into my own case. My 'Nav bleeped

confirmation that it accepted the badge as valid. "Wow... Thanks! I dunno what to say!"

"Just keep your mouth shut and we'll call it even." His eyes fell back to the field and his

brow furrowed. "Is it just me, or are your Pokemon getting frisky out there?"

I followed his gaze and double-checked through the link I shared with them and blushed

furiously. "Um... yeah." I had been so caught up I hadn't even noticed. Candi had,

though. She was nuzzling at the erection that tented my shorts as Flare looked on with

curiosity. I shooed her away with a silent chastisement, and dropped my hand into my

lap to hide it.

"Hey, no worries, Kyle," Tony calmed me, though there was a slightly nervous edge to

his voice. "It's all natural, right? No reason to be embarrassed about it. If it gets you

goin, no reason to hide it, right?"

"Wh-whadda ya mean?" I inquired, giving Candi a bap on the nose to shoo her away a

second time. The hurt look she gave me made me feel even worse.

"I mean, um, y'know. Psychic Pokemon get in your head, I hear. S-so you can sense

them and, like, feel what they feel, kinda."

"Uh, yeah, th-that's right!" I stuttered, noticing suddenly that he had a pup tent of his

own. "Um... Wh-what... What about you?"

"I... I, uh..." Flare had moved to his side and settled against it in the mean time. "Well...

Ah, fuck it. Look, I mean, if you... Um..."

"You, uh... Like Pokemon?" I ventured, glancing down at Candi and offering her a

consoling pet. She accepted with a soft mewl, sending mental inquiries and

chastisements of her own.

"Er... Yeah." He glanced at me then back out to the field. "You?"

"Um... Yeah. I, uh..."

He turned back to me, deadly serious. "A lot? I mean, a LOT?"

"Yeah. I... I really love Candi." My blush deepened at the admittance. "Really."

"Good. That's good." He glanced around swiftly as he shifted with discomfort. "Then...

do you mind if... I mean, you can't be very comfortable either..."

"Er... right here? Together?" I had never heard of anyone else having the same kind of

relationship as I had with Candi. Somewhere in my head it was implanted as WRONG,

but I had rationalized that it couldn't be wrong if we both loved each other. I was rather


"Why not?" He shrugged. "Not like I'm gonna brag about it."

I thought a moment, then nervously unzipped my fly and fished out my erect shaft.

Candi pounced on it immediately, lapping along my freed length with urgency. Tony

quickly followed suit with a sigh of relief. I noticed with further embarrassment that he

was much larger than I, which earned me an arrogant grin when he took note. Candi

continued to lap vigorously at my length, pulling a few soft moans of pleasure from me

and a foretaste of the treat she would eventually earn. Tony, meanwhile, crooked a finger

at Flare and beckoned her over. She approached somewhat reluctantly, which seemed

odd to me, but obediently settled between his legs and took his length between her claws.

I watched amazed as she began to stroke along his length with those agile digits, much as

he would have done himself, her thick tongue slithering against the head of his shaft.

Candi followed my gaze and made a rather poor attempt at imitation. Eevees don't have

hands, after all. I petted her between the ears by way of consolation as we continued to

watch Tony and Flare.

He had leaned back, legs spread wide around Flare, hands supporting him as he let out

soft moans. After a few minutes of preparation, she bent her head down to wrap her lips

around the first inch of him, hands continuing to stroke as her cheeks hollowed with

suction. Candi imitated the last, if not the first, and soon had my toes curling from her

tongue running over my tip, caressing the ridge beneath my head. It took all my will

power to hold back at the new sensation, but Tony was a practiced pro at this as well. He

was only just getting warmed up and urged Flare to continue. The charmeleon obliged by

beginning to bob her head up and down. She was able to take most of his six inches into

her blunt muzzle, leaving only an inch or two at the base to her hands. Her pace slowly

increased with Tony's breathing. I myself was only able hold out for a slurp or two

before blowing my load. Candi sucked it down with obvious pleasure, enjoying the salty

taste and radiating happiness at having given me such elation.

It left us free to watch the rest of the show. So, we were both paying rather close

attention when Tony's hand came from behind his back to rest atop Flare's head, and we

were both equally appalled when he forced it down onto his shaft until her nose met his

groin. He held her there for several moments, her eyes bugging as she gagged and

choked, releasing her only to plunge her down once more. If not for the obvious

discomfort the act caused her, I would have thought nothing of it. She did not even

attempt to fight back, hands falling against her sides as she let him choke her time and

time again. After a few minutes of this, he shifted to kneel in front of her then resumed

pulling her against him, the new angle allowing him to literally fuck her face, hips

pistoning against her with bruising force. When he finally came, he held her tight against

him, forcing her to swallow or drown, pressing her away at the last to let some of his

spunk splash against her face and chest.

She fell onto her back, panting and crying softly, radiating unhappiness so forcefully that

I could feel it even with Psylash out in the field. My penis had withered at the show, but

Tony was ready for more. Without even a warming her up, he scooted up to Flare and

plunged himself into her cleft, heedless of her pained cry. Candi's amorousness died as

well as Tony pumped himself into Flare. Neither of us knew the word rape, had never

heard of it and would not have understood if we had, but we were being treated to a first

class demonstration. This was very, very wrong, but neither of us knew what to do. I

had no experience in this kind of situation. If he had been simply assaulting her, I would

have done by best to beat him senseless. This was something different, and I was at a

loss. She just lay limp and unresisting beneath him, letting out weak cries while he did

his best imitation of a jackhammer.

When at last he finished his second round, I was zipped and doing my best to pretend that

the fire was the most interesting thing in the world, Candi snuggled protectively in my

lap. I could feel Psylash and Darkling making their way back, upset by the feelings I was

inadvertently projecting, and I let them see the cause in my mind. I was unprepared for

the wave of volatile rage that slammed back at me. Candi and I let out twin gasps of

shock and fear. Tony turned to us with a start and followed our gaze, straining his eyes in

the twilight to see what danger might be coming our way. He saw nothing but my

Pokemon racing up the path from the field and so shrugged and proceeded to clean

himself up, leaving Flare where she lay.

Psylash and Darkling were beyond anger, beyond fury. The force of their emotion, the

sheer heat of their sudden unreasoning hatred seared at my mind and brought tears to my

eyes. I could barely keep from flinging myself at Tony and tearing him to shreds myself,

and I felt Candi trembling in my lap. It was a terrible thing that I struggled to throw off.

It touched on my own feelings, recalling to me the shared dream of the espeon's torture.

Then I -did- understand and felt my own anger threatening to bubble over. Still, this was

not the way things must be handled. With Red Coat, things were different. He was

untouchable in any meaningful way; untrackable, untraceable, unknowable. Tony, on the

other hand, was very easily tracked and trapped.

As much as it went against my every instinct, we could not take on Tony ourselves.

There was no telling what his team consisted of nor how strong they were. He could

have a dragonite and a gyarados for all we knew, an agron, a metagros. There was also

no doubt that if we attacked him, he would throw everything he had at us with no

compunctions. It was obvious that he cared not a bit for his own Pokemon other than for

what they could do for him. I had no doubt he trained all of his Pokemon as hard as he

could, pushing them until they broke and then pushing yet more. It made me sick inside

to realize it, and I hated him, but I refused to put my own friends in danger just to hurt

him. No, we would have to wait, go with him to Slateport and give him over to Officer

Jenny. As much as it rankled, we had no choice.

Psylash and Darkling did not see it that way, but I was able to stop them. I knew that

they would be angry with -me- for it, but I drew out a pair of Pokeballs and caught them in

the red glare as they entered the camp, imprisoning them in the nebulous confines. The

haze of rage faded slowly, but I got it under control as quickly as I could. Tony was

looking at me funny, but I gave him a weak smile and explained that I really got caught

up in my Pokemons' feelings sometimes. He shrugged and dug a small tent out of his

pack, setting it up in short order. I had not yet used my own and was too weary from the

wash of emotion to bother unpacking it to try, so I just lay back and let my pack cradle

my head, drifting into a troubled slumber. I woke sometime during the night to hear

Flare's soft cries once more, coming from inside the tent, and I did my best to ignore

them and get back to sleep, but I was unable to do so until they quieted.

In the morning, I was groggy and still mentally exhausted, but did my best to act

normally as we broke camp and headed on our way. Tony let me continue to borrow his

bike and we made good time toward Slateport. He chatted about this and that along the

way, mostly inanities that required no comment. What caught my attention was the

mention of an "underground" club that catered to people with "our" interest in Pokemon.

People like "us" went there and could rent a Pokemon for some "fun" or for their own

Pokemon to "play" with. It was expensive, he said, but worth it. I made mental note to

find it after I had dumped Tony off with Officer Jenny. That kind of establishment I

would have no problem trashing and it would assuage Darkling and Psylash.

I made an excuse to stop by the police station that sounded flimsy even to me, but Tony

took little notice. He was eager to hit up the Vulpix Hole, as he called it, and waited

outside whilst I went in. Officer Jenny stood at the desk, just like always, but when she

asked me what she could do, my voice failed and I broke down into tears. I did not have

time for this, I told myself; I had to tell her before Tony became suspicious, but they

would not stop. It took several minutes before I got myself under control and managed to

gabble out my story. I made no mention of my own affairs with Candi. I knew Tony

would probably say something, but I had to hope they would chalk it down to mud


When I was done and calmed, Officer Jenny strode outside and came back in shortly

dragging a trussed and gagged Tony. She was none too gentle, her own anger evident in

the set of her expression, but she dutifully read him his rights before shoving him into a

cell. I had to stay a while longer to give my statement and had to agree to stay in town

for a few days. I told her that I would be staying at the Pokecenter for the night and

would let her know about any other arrangements I made. She asked me to take Flare

and Tony's other Pokemon along with me, and I agreed. Nurse Joy did not ask any

questions, and I guessed that Officer Jenny had phoned ahead. She took the Pokeballs

from me and showed me into one of the recovery rooms to sleep.

I let Psylash and Darkling out then, and nearly got jumped. They were furious with me,

almost as much as they had been with Tony, though it was tinged again with the feeling

of betrayal. I explained to them as best I could why I had done things the way I had, but

it was only when I mentioned the Vulpix Hole and my plans for it that their anger cooled

to a low rolling boil. It was past midnight before we finally went to sleep. Again, my

dreams were troubled, horrible images of what we might find floating through my mind.

In the morning, we set out on the first steps of what was to become a crusade against

human cruelty and abuse towards Pokemon everywhere.