Pride: Striking Out

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#1 of Pride

Sorry sorry! For those that faved and voted for this and all that, I accidently deleted it trying to f igure out how to arrange a story folder. I'm a story writer darn it! Not a techno specialist! ;) The first part of the Pride Series.

Sirana watched her student with a critical eye and a slight furrowing of her brows, her only sign of displeasure. She was tall and slender, her form wrapped in a dark swash of crimson silk that hugged against her body and spilled out around her legs forming a crimson pool. Every inch of her was perfectly attended too, her skin flawless and smooth, her eyes a piercing green and her nails filed to curved points. She had been taking on students for as long as anyone could remember, rumors and hints of immortality became often bantered about gossip. After all, her tower had stood along the coast since the time many of the villagers below were children and it would likely still be standing there when their children were as old as they.

In all that time she had only left a handful of times, each time was to wander the streets and markets with little heed to the whispered sounds that swirled around her. Her movements as graceful as a cats and just as predatory, even the youngest child knew who and what she was. She was a shape-shifter, one of the few that roamed the land. They were the things of legend, the companions of heros and in any great event their kind hovered along the edge of it. Either as a key stone that set things in motion or a wise voice that was sought for advice.

Sirana herself was a part of more then a few stories and the villagers often bragged of having her tower so near their town. She, who had became a great lioness that was nearly the size of a horse, who had accompanied the current king when he was a mere prince to set about to change the world together. They had hammered out a treaty that had united two lands together after more than a century of war, and all had heard of the velvet tongue with which the lioness spoke. The sweet words that had melted the foreign kings heart and there were even whispers that he had assumed her human form and bedded him as well to ensure her success.

Yet that day she had come to the market she had not stopped by the vendors or stalls that sold food or expensive wine or clothing. She came with all the intentness of a lion on the hunt, her eyes sweeping the crowd and many swore they saw them turn to leonine amber as she scented the air. Whatever she sensed or looked for, she had stopped next to a ten year old urchin that was in the process of using the distraction to fill her garment with fresh apples and whatever gold and silver she could thieve from a near by stall. The hand had dropped down upon the slender shoulder and so Lathera had had her fate sealed as she was marked by her future teacher.

The girl had found herself in the grip of a stern task master, the graceful and poised older woman had little tolerance for childish games and pranks. She had not tolerated the unwashed hoyden that she had claimed and had spent several unsuccessful weeks trying to teach her about wearing the proper clothes and assuming a calm and practiced demeanor that would make others second guess what words she said and what she meant by them. Through the years Sirana had finally just been happy the girl remained clean and kept herself polite while in her teachers view, the mutually strong personalities clashing over the smallest of things.

"So you feel you have learned all you can? That's hardly the stance to take when you've just mastered changing into your first form." Her voice was cool and unhappy.

She addressed, not a person, but a five and a half foot tall gryphon. The girls body was itself a work of art, from the raptorial features of the head to the sweeping tail. The coloring a rich golden color that had dustings of silver along the edges of the feathers and black bars that ran over the wings. Softly curved and yet held the sharp angles of a predator, the dark black beak hooked and each talon forming a half moon that ended in a wickedly sharp tip. Lathera gazed right back at her teacher with an aloof confidence in herself as she clacked her beak together.

"I came to learn what I could, it's only a few adjustments to change back." The voice trilled, a bit harder to form crisp clear words through the hinderance of the beak. "It'd be easier to leave now that you've taught me how to fly and I'd like to see my family again."

"I'd warn against that were I you." Sirana purred the words, again disapproval in her voice. Of all the students she'd ever had, Lathera had turned out to be the most troublesome. A wild girl that seemed to prefer breeches and rough clothing to the more delicate silks and flashy colors. Not even carefully aimed barbs affected the way she behaved, the attitude leaking over even to magic. "You'd find it hard to shift without an experienced teacher to guide you."

Lathera snorted in an un-lady like fashion, glaring at her teacher through deep amber eyes and clacked her beak together a few times with displeasure. So far every lecture had been nothing short of insulting to her intelligence, common sense lessons that had been offered as if she were nothing more then a pampered palace brat. Even the lessons in flying had been nearly a week of her listening about how her wings worked, why she couldn't fly in this weather or that, how she should be careful of landing. Baby steps that infuriated her when her body had yearned to throw itself into the sky and leave the world behind!

"I'm the largest thing that can fly, I'm strong and I know how to shift. Anything from here on out is just polishing what I already know and if I stay here you'll be months teaching me anything useful! By that point I'll have figured it out, so there's hardly any danger in the outside world for me." She snapped out sharply and stood up with a shake of her feathers. She felt how each one rose and fell along her body, dropping down to rest naturally along her forequarters and broad head.

She'd chosen this form especially to get a feel for being a mythical creature, well perhaps not mythical, but extinct. After all, most of the animals she felt interested in had been dead for centuries. The great dragons, the sphynx, phoenixes, but her favorite had been the gryphon. Another disappointment to her teacher who insisted the power of a shapeshifter was in assuming a guise of a common animal. To be seen and yet unseen all at once and able to slip and out of troublesome situations.

Who would question a raven perched upon a tent? A alley cat slipping through the bushes on the hunt for mice? Knowledge was power, not just the ability to turn into another shape. But Lathera had turned a deaf ear to such things, her power would be in making her own legend. Of giving form and flight to a creature that had not been seen in the skies for over a thousand years! She had spent days lovingly detailing her new form, how the aqualine fore paws would be powerful enough to sweep down on prey, how the muscles would ripple in the light. Powerful, free, intimidating.

"Mmm as you wish, Lathera, but once you leave here you will be unwelcome to return here. Ever. You must understand this." Sirana finally snapped the words out, glaring at her former student, "If you get locked into a form I will not help you."

The gryphon gave a slight snort in reaction to those words and flexed the tapered falcon like wings on her back, eying her former teacher with a bit of disdain. As if she'd ever return here to learn how to primp and have her nails done! She didn't even bother snapping that retort, she had what she wanted. She had the wings she'd dreamed of for years, and the body to send her into the sky. She hooked her pack with one talon before turning on her tail and tilting her head back to feel the breeze ruffling over her head feathers. Her eyes lidding slightly so that she tasted the salty air blowing in from the ocean, though she enjoyed the sharpness of that scent she knew where she wished to go. Away from the sea, deeper into the land itself towards the places where tribes of nomads still existed and flourished.

Her muscles pulled back to her haunches for a moment before leaping up into the air, her wings snapping open just as she felt her hind paws lift from the ground and sweep down with a powerful stroke. The ocean heavy air being shoved down towards the ground by the beats of her wings, shoving her into the sky and her fore claws reached out as if trying to snag the winds themselves and shove them away from her. From below her teacher watched the golden form slipping into the sky and shook her head back and forth, disappointment and frustration etched on her features before turning back to her house. The girl would either succeed or she would fail, Sirana could not prevent either of those outcomes, but the stubborn desertion of the girl left a bitter taste in her mouth.


Kheperu had spent a lifetime asleep, a human lifetime at least. His mind drifting as his torpid body coiled itself deep within the darkness of the cave that he had made his home. The beast had gathered to him all that he remembered of the former days of his glory, gold and silver, ivory and smooth carved stone had been dragged here from near and far and formed a nest for his body. The serpents turqoise scales barely gleamed in the light when compared to the bed of gold he laid upon, the dry skeletons cast aside towards the edges of his wealth had been crushed in his rage. Those he had found in the war-torn villages of the two legs that had worshipped his kind and brought them sacrifices so that they would flourish.

He spanned nearly thirty feet, from his snout to the tip of his tail, and his girth was so large around it would take several humans to wrap their arms around him at his widest point. The head was draconic in form, wedge shaped towards a tapered muzzle but the sleeping beasts mane was the most eye catching. The feathers a riot of color from vibrant blue to startling yellow and red, they framed his head and ran along the curve of his jaw line, and even the dust that was scattered of his form dimmed those brilliant shades. His body was coiled and twisted, wrapped and entwined with a heavy stone alter that his head almost reverently rested upon. A pair of massive wings were tucked against the broadness of his body, hugged in close against his sides in the same shades as his crest.

He dreamed a dream of ancient times, times long gone in his dim memories. No real thoughts came with those images, instead there were feelings of thrill and fullness. The beating of drums, the cries of the people that summoned him from his rest to spread his jaws for their offerings. Sweet coppery taste of life running over his tongue and the powerful rush at the scent of fear on the small two legged beings that fed him. But most of all he dreamed of his scales twined with another, the sweet musk of female and the dancing they did together, twining and wrapping together in an excess of delight in one another's bodies. How many years had they gone away? When had he last tasted another Quetzalcoatl's scent on the air, let alone a females?

Slowly he had faded, his memories of what had been swallowing his mind as he gathered the riches of his past around himself and given himself over to a deep hibernation. His body breathing shallowly ignoring the world above him, the rustle of feathers and scales the only sound that echoed around the chamber that surrounded him.


Lathera worked her way through the winds that grew increasingly fierce, the buffeting blows coming from above and below as she twisted about. Her eyes narrowing down to slits as she folded one wing to the side only to side slip on the air and drop a few dozen feet with a hiss before her wings worked harder. Regaining altitude with harder strokes of her wings, her foreclaws gripping her pack more securely so that her talons half curled into the material itself.

The skies above her started to darken, the clouds gathering as the winds swirled and wrapped around her and her lungs burned. The shape shifter struggling to simply stay in the sky, let alone try to make any progress towards her goal. She could taste the tang of electricity and heavy summer air on her tongue, her wings growing laden with the humidity that made her wings grow heavier by the wing beat. Soon her beak parted and her slender tongue slipped out from between the curve of her beak, panting shallowly through her exertions.

She'd been gone from her former teacher for a week, kiting her way deeper into the land and towards the thicker part of the jungles and rain forests. A desire to find a place more secluded had started to nibble at her consciousness waking or sleeping. To be in a place untouched by humans and practice her skills at her own leisure, though she knew she'd have to return to human form to assure that she had proper housing. Still, that day was far away from her in her mind. Instead she was filled with the longing of any young creature, to stretch her wings and take to the air and revel in her freedom.

At least that had been her desire, the last few days had slowly proven to be one of chancy weather. Rain showers bursting out of no where left her often damp and shuddering by the time dawn came or the winds had forced her to the higher branches of the tree. Today though the winds were howling and whistling through the forest, her naturally light body being twisted and turned about until her wings were faltering. Muscles burned and she let out a final shriek of anger and folded her tapered wings to her body once she spotted an opening in the branches below. The gold and silver streak twirling down, pushed to the side under another harsh blow of wind as she struggled towards the ground.

Behind her a strike of thunder cracked the air and just as she managed to get her forepaws and forelegs down into the ground she felt the rumbling of the storm through her toes. Flexing them just a little and breathing a bit more harshly before the first heavy drops of rain spilled down through the opening of the leaves above her. A thick drop hitting against her beak and rolling down the edge of it to the ground before more splattered against her body with almost bruising force. The shapeshifter forced to grab her pack with her beak and make a dart for it, ducking under a low hanging group of branches, belly scraping against the ground.

The branches seemed to tug against her sides, her amber eyes flickering around the place with annoyance as she looked for shelter. She should have checked the weather for this place before she decided to try it out, every day it rained here! Though today the clouds above seemed to snap and crackle with seeming rage at the world, the earth shuddering under her feet as the steady sound of rain hitting the ground rung within her ears. Finally she saw something like hope, a break in the bushes that held a yawning dark opening. It was only when she noticed the sharp rocks that lined to either side and the curved smooth top did she realize it was a half buried cave. Several seasons worth of loam gathered along the edges of it making it a tough squeeze for someone of her size to slip through.

"Perfect." She chirped to herself and picks up her pack in her beak before slipping under the bushes.

If it was nearly too small for her, it'd be impossible for a larger predator to slip in and be denning there. She had to twist and turn and flatten her feathers down along her body, pulling them in tight to her form and her wings cupped in tightly to her body to keep them from getting caught. The rain pelted against her haunches all the while she was trying to get within it, talons scored through the richly scented loam and old leaves kicked up behind her before she managed to tumble into the shelter. For a moment she felt a wave of claustrophobic panic as the stone walls pressed against either side of her and made it impossible for her to even entertain the idea of turning around again.

Before her breathing could rise to a peak she saw the dim lightening flashes ahead of her as cracks in the cave illuminated farther downwards. The walls opened up and seemed to widen into something more like a cavern and with one last desperate wriggle and twist she came tumbling into the patch of damp earth and stone. Her beak spread in swift breathing while she looked around in the darkness, the gryphonic eyes keenly picking out several wide tunnels that breeched the cavern, but none seemed to have an opening beyond it that might admit anything larger then herself. Lathera ruffled up her chest feathers to try and dry them and set her pack aside, given the difficulty she had had getting through that opening she decided it might be prudent to change back into a human to get back out again.


Kheperu's dreams were disturbed not by the violent crashes of lightening above or the feel of the earth shaking and reverberating under the raging skies, but by a scent on the air that invaded his blunt muzzle. It was a spicy scent that teased his nose and made his tongue flutter out from it's muzzle, the dark red appendage tipped with a purple-black forked ending. Each one moving up and down independently of each other, tasting the air and the scents as ever so slowly the great beast started to stir. The harsh taste of ozone from the lightening, the heavy scent of air laden with humidity and the storm, freshly stirred earth and crushed dead leaves added their flavors. Yet over it all was a sweet spice that was intoxicatingly familiar, all the sharper due to being wettened it was the scent of feathers and female rolled together into one.

The massive draconic head shifted with a scraping noise against his own coils, the blood starting to pump faster through his torpid form and finally one of his lids moved and flashed open. A great golden eye swirled and spun, the pupil pinning down all the way before flaring open to take in his dark den, feathers ruffling up against his head before he shifted it up. The wedge shaped head swayed back and forth as he extended his tongue rapidly and gaped his jaws revealing serrated teeth to the light, the sweet spice filled his maw with her scent. It wasn't quite right, it wasn't wrapped together with the neck ruffling scent of serpent, but it was feathered and female. Not a bird, no not a bird, nothing so common.

Coils twisted and writhed around the altar he reclined around, arching and rolling while he worked to get his blood pumping again. None the worse for wear for his time spent under the earth and without food aside from the lingering feeling of sleepiness. The turquoise scales flashed and revealed a pale sky blue under belly as they rubbed around each other, the coils heating themselves up until the heavy brightly colored crest rose up on his head framing the beasts face. His head darted back and forth, aiming towards the tunnel entrances one at a time trying to pin point the scent. From one came a trickle of fresh air, carrying the sweet scent with it to his home.

Kheperu uncoiled himself slowly, his belly scales rippling with muscles that worked along the earth as well as the broad wings. The curve of the wings holding a set of taloned wing fingers that were nearly as good as hands in their own way, working to guide him as his sinuous form into the rounded tunnel. The mark of his scales clear on them, the stone having been polished in places until it held an entrancing gleam of dark black, dark reds and pale yellows. The sound of his scales scraped over the tunnel, yet given the crashing of the storm above it was barely a whisper of sound in a hundred others.

The beasts mind was only on one thing, the sweet scent before him. His gold eyes spun with memories that had been pushed away for so long that they were dreams within dreams. Of the brush of another scaled form, the feel of teeth gripping his neck and his own clenching against his partners, serpentine bodies twined around one another in a glorious rush of freedom and desire both. A demand and lust that had risen until twin voices had roared to the skies through their climax, trees and earth churned up while the strange little two legs had danced about them. Singing in their strange voices and reveling in the pair in the most animalistic way possible. It was this thought that blinded him to the fact that the scent was only very very faintly like what he remembered, his eyes taking a blind look as he twisted and pulled himself towards a cavern and his head jerked back in a snake like fashion as he looked out into the storm lit place.


Lathera sat down in the midst of the cavern and closed her eyes, her beak tightly clenched as she walked the paths that her teacher had told her about. Her chest rising and falling and with a force of will she pushed away the storm that echoed around the stone room and let herself think simply of a pool of water. The ripples that hypnotically formed at the middle and spread outwards, further and further and towards the edge, making her mind grip that image with increasing fascination. It was only once her mind felt relaxed and she could only dimly recognize she was still encased in a physical body did she reach for that center inside of her.

She built up her body step by step, the slight frame, the dark cascade of hair that had grown past her shoulders. Dark brown eyes that flashed with mischief and challenge set above a slender nose and a generous mouth. She savored each detail inside and out, her mind forming exactly what she wanted to be before she contracted around the place her power was held and started to build it up. It was a great pressure inside of her, growing through her chest and swelling outwards until she felt as if she were about to burst with it. Only when the pressure was too much to hold did she release her power in a burst that dazzled her inner eyes and made her feel a rush of light headedness. As if she had been spinning too fast and lost control of herself and opened her eyes so she could brush herself off.

She looked down and started when she saw the curved hook of her beak and looked down at the six taloned fingers that were curled into the sandy floor of the cave. She dropped her jaw slightly and let out a soft growl as she twisted her head around and looked behind her, half dreading to find herself half changed, half hopeful. But the broad silver and gold wings were still folded against her back, her feathered deep chest unchanged all the way down to the sweep of her furred hind paws. Even the tufted tail swept behind her, lashing in her agitation, completely furred and just as it had been before.

Lathera hissed out to herself and sat back down, her long leonine tail curling itself along her forepaws and around herself firmly so that the very tip rested over the back of her fore paws. Her mind swirling a little, she'd had no problem at all changing into a gryphon after all. Changing back was the same exact process, or at least it should be, and she hadn't even stirred a small change in herself. Fighting back a hint of panic she drew in a deep breath and sighed it back out again ready to try again, she was still new to this so obviously there'd be at least a few hang ups! Swallowing back the last of her panic she closed her eyes and started back at the beginning again.

Had she had more training or been used to the gryphonic body just a bit more she might have tasted the sweet sharp musk of snake on the air. As it was she started to breath a bit more deeply and relax and it wasn't until she heard a rough scraping sound did her eyes snap back open and twist around looking for the source. The feathers along her hackles raising up instinctively as she opened her beak up, ready to drive off whatever was lurking about.

Just in front of her a pair of massive golden eyes appeared, they looked as if they were made of molten gold and the next flash of lightening showed a wedge shaped head that seemed framed with some sort of crest. For a moment she just stared at the beast, it's head blocked one of the tunnels she had dismissed as being too small for anything of consequence to appear out of. Yet the head was easily four feet long that she could see and she let out a hiss and started to back away. Moving slowly back towards the tunnel she had emerged from.


Kheperu stared at the gryphon and felt a stab of disappoint roll through him, she was not the slender and scaled creature he had set out to find. Instead she was another species entirely, one he had previously ignored since they had often nested in groups. His baleful eyes watched as she started to back away from him and the winds outside howled through the various cracks and openings so that it drove her scent back towards him.

Perhaps it was simply a desire to relive what he had once had, perhaps it was the scent of the female gryphon, perhaps it was a need to try to pass on his genes. Whatever the reason he lunged forward, his coils spilling out until his wings burst free and he spread them like a wall of living color to either side of him. He twisted and moved along the ground with all the speed of a serpent while the hen let out a shrieking call and tried to dive backwards away from him.

It was too late for any escape for her, his head slammed against her side hard enough to send her toppling to one side of the cave. The blunt head knocking her against the rough stone wall, watching her legs and wings went outspread trying to stop herself until with a crack she struck it and fell tumbling down and to the earth. Her eyes tried to focus, the head weaving back and forth before dropping back down. Not fully unconscious, but not awake either he drew his coils in close and started to wrap himself around her. The warm scrape of scales pulling against her while he flickered out his tongue to brush against a few of her feathers. That sweet taste of feminine musk making a rippling shudder roll down his back.

It took the creature several moments to wrap himself around her and still maintain a slender appearance before he turned his head the way he came and started to wedge and push himself through the opening towards his lair. The semi-conscious ball of feathers and fur gripped in his coils, dimly able to feel her paws digging into him in feeble struggles and the wings straining to open themselves up once again.


Lathera blinked her eyes a few times and tried to refocus them on what was going on, she had vague memories of something muscled and large clenching around her. Of cave walls so close to her that she had panicked and fought to get free, only to find herself digging into what felt like warmed stone. For a moment her mind refused to focus right, sorting out memories of large gold eyes and the shock of being hit against the side by something blunt. Gods, her side hurt, it ached and burned all at once until she moved to rub it and heard a scraping noise and something tightened around her!

"What the-" She started to say and turned her head to find herself staring into glittering metals in a dark cave that smelled sharply of some animalistic musk. It stung her nose until she was shaking it back and forth trying to clear it. "Who's there?!" The shriek came out loud enough that it echoed around the room and the scaled body clenched tighter making her squawk out.

The massive wedge shaped head slid into view in the darkness, the only light seemed to come from a bioluminescent moss that grew along the pillars. A dim light that barely let her see outlines, but she could feel the blast of heat as breath washed over her and she kicked her legs hard against the scaled body holding her. The talons scraping against it in fear trying to back away from the head that came in closer, the scent almost gagging her despite breathing through her mouth. It was reptilian and sharp enough it was a shock to her system. Feral and it made her heart start to pound in primal fear of whatever it was gripping her.

Something hot and slimy was suddenly curling against her neck and she shrieked out and freed up a forepaw to slap out against the muzzle. Her dark talons skidding harmlessly over the heavily scaled feature only to feel the tongue working out again, this time sliding down her neck itself! It dragged over the back of her neck and she felt it matting down her feathers as the scaled body twisted in it's hold of her. Her form moving and bucking as the coils seemed more slender as they rubbed over her.

One thick coil wrapped around her upper body, pinning her wings down and just under her forelegs, another wrapped around her lower body just in front of her forepaws and what must be the very tail tip of the creature was wrapped around her neck itself. Unable to struggle past that hold, each time she snapped her beak it tightened just a bit more, making it harder for the gryphon to breath. Terror flooded her, oh gods it was going to eat her! What was it? It wasn't any snake that she'd ever seen, nothing was this big! It had been feathered, she could have swore she saw feathers ringing the head itself.

The tongue moved down and she felt herself being pulled upside down, scrabbling and struggling against the position! Her head was dropped down towards the ground and Lathera kicked her hind paws out and her taloned forepaws clenched against the tail to stop from being dropped on her head. The struggle distracting her just long enough so the slimy tongue suddenly pushed itself between her legs and she screamed out a noise of shock and horror at the touch. No it wasn't just pushing, it was shoving into her with no attempt to prep her. Spreading her walls and making her form twist and writhe as she was penetrated, the twin tips rubbing along her inner passage and shoving in deeper and straining a body that had never been used this way.


Kheperu examined his prize when she woke up, an almost lazy bump of a nose here and a shifting of his coils to move her around. She was smaller than he was, that was the most obvious difference. Her feathers were healthy and thick, no taint of illness hung on her scent or showed with how she moved. With a shock he heard her chirps as something else, the same noises the strange two legged creatures so often made, though he had no idea what they meant.

His interest in her wasn't in her speech patterns though, they were something else entirely and he tipped her upside down with a tug that sent her writhing and kicking in panic. Ignoring the dull pain of talons clenching against his scales he let his tongue uncurl and taste the dewy petals of her sex. The first touch almost a blow to his skull, that taste! That familiar, wonderful taste, the hot sweet taste of female that ran over his tongue so that he pushed his tongue forward with more force then he intended. He felt the hot silken grip straining around it while he swirled and lapped against her heat, rubbing along her inner channel and trying to push in deeper.

He clenched his coils tighter, choking off her screams and words while he explored her. She was tight, small, his tongue itself was a stretch for her, but not a painful one that made him struggle. He tastes the dewy wetness of her on his tongue and lidded his swirling eyes with a prumming sound of pleasure, lashing his tongue back and forth. The tips shoving in until he felt the barrier to her womb and started to work against it with short hard licks. Feeling the hind paws kick and scrabble against his maw even as she grew slowly more slick and not simply from his tongue.

He clamped his coils down tighter, almost to the point of cutting off her air when she begain to screech and try to jerk away from his attention. Ignoring all else but that taste that brought more and more memories rushing back into his mind. The vent along his under scales swelling and bulging, straining to hold him inside before it peeled open and the purple-black cock pushed free. The tip gleaming in the light with preseminal fluids that were gathering, slender with two openings showing in the dim light as it emerged. More of him pushed out, a series of sharp ridges all the way down to the thickest part of the base, rising up until the tip was rubbing and leaving a sticky trail against his belly scales.


Lathera choked as the coils clenched down harder against her neck, cutting off the air flow she was struggling to get down. The slimy tongue worked around her folds and inside of her, shoving her full and more horrifyingly caused stabs of instinctive pleasure when it pushed along certain spots. With a sickening feeling, she felt the tip shove upwards and push right against a barrier inside of her and start to massage over it making her hips jerk and twist. The hot musky scent surrounded her as the coils clenched and relaxed holding her body immobile.

The gryphon sucked in another breath and shuddered it out, feeling the brute using her with all the gentleness and foreplay of an animal. Her struggles ignored until the tongue pulled out and she winced at the lewd slurping noise as it slipped out of her folds and the body was moving around her. Feathers suddenly clutching at her before a wing wrapped over her body and wing fingers hooked against the base of her wing and she was pulled upwards again. A flood of relief rushing through her as it looked like the beast was done with her.

Lathera's relief was short lived as the coils twisted around her, moving and rubbing over her furred belly and back until something thick and slippery was pushing up against her inner thigh. The gryphon going stiff as she felt the hard girth rubbing against her, a matted trail of precum rubbing against the fur and she screeched out a sound of rage and fear. Her paws moving to try and catch under the scales, the beast was male! Worse, it seemed he was intent on trying to breed her despite their difference in size and species!

The tapered tip pushed up and the grip on her neck was released as the smaller girth of the tail moved down and wrapped around one of her hind legs and jerked it up high in the air. Her other paw dropped to rest against the ground while her forelegs and fore body were still forced to raise up from the ground held in the beasts body. His tip jabbing and she felt a sick clenching of her belly as she felt his scales undulating around her while he tried to find his mark. Her back arching and her beak gaped open wider to snap at the air trying to get a grip on whatever had her.

Her struggles were put to an end when the coils finally contracted harder around her and she felt something slippery and hard nudging against her folds before they tensed and suddenly shoved forward. Screaming out a sound of fear and pain, her eyes clenched shut as the girth slammed into her, straining her tight body until she was bucking and shuddering. It felt like a blow to her stomach as the quetzalcoatl didn't stop in that first thrust. He paused before shoving forward again and more was inched into her spread legs, forcing her own wetness to gather around the edges and dribble down.


Kheperu hissed out a sound of pleasure as his tip was engulfed by the feverish heat of the gryphons body, the first clench of her walls sending a shudder through him that translated into a harder thrust. A few more inches sinking into the too tight channel as it blossomed open around him, already dribbling out hot splatters of precum inside of her body and marking it with his scent. The screams and struggles ignored under the rush of endorphins running through him, the blind need to mate and breed strumming through his mind.

He thrust with rippling motions of his entire body, the coils contracting themselves around the struggling form as he inched his way inwards. The ridges plucking along the edges of the inner folds as his precum flooded her form so that when he pulled back out some of it ran along her inner thighs before he shoved inwards again. Letting her drop down to all fours, yet still held with his body to keep her still as he started to thrust, each slam inwards edging him closer to his goal.

The wedge shaped head dropped down to hiss and drag his tongue up and under her jaw line, coiling and stroking under her chin and working through the feathers themselves. The sharp scent of fear on the air came from her, it stung his nose but not enough to make him stop, her body was responding to him and that was all that mattered. He could feel her growing slick and wet with each of his thrusts, her inner walls clenching down and squeezing to mold around the ridges of his cock each time he started to pull backwards from her.


Lathera's body felt stretched painfully wide, her hind legs spread open trying to accomodate the girth that was burrowing deeper into her. Like nothing she'd ever felt in her life, it wasn't smooth like a humans cock, it had ridges and bumps on it that stimulated her inner body. Despite herself her walls were massaging and pulsing with contractions that ran through her, her eyes squeezing shut as she dug her fore paws against the ground in an attempt to pull herself forward. The weight of the beast kept her in place though, his breathing rough and closer towards her as he began the sharp thrusts that drew his tip up too deep inside of him.

Her beak gaped open, the slender tip of her tongue poking out as a rush of horror rolled through her. This couldn't be happening, what was this thing? It wasn't an intelligent creature, he was rutting her like a common animal, pinning her down until all she could do was screech and hiss as the shaft delved ever deeper inside of her, stabbing in towards her stomach. Her claws dug into the ground beneath her, lewd slick sounds coming from the jabbing thrusts as soon she felt the base stretching her. Pushing harder until she let out a sharp scream when it popped inside of her. The ridges that ran along the edges of it catching and pinching against her folds roughly before the beast was securely sheathed inside of her.

Large jaws spread open wide and the hot breath ran against her neck before teeth gripped her and the tongue uncoiled to stroke under her neck and slid through her feathers. The ache of her sex making her walls clench roughly, trying and straining and trying to push the invading shaft out only to feel it drawing back. The slick ridges pulling against her folds as they were yanked free and the coil kept moving back from her until she let out a hiss when the tip spilled out leaving a syrupy trail of precum and her own juices joining the tip to her abused folds. Her breath coming in ragged gasps and she dared let herself hope maybe the beast figured out she wasn't his species.

Suddenly the serpent lunged, it was too fast for her to brace herself or find a way to get out of the way as the cock came tearing into her body again. The tip slammed brutally up against her cervix and forced the slender bottle neck to stretch open around him, a rush of pain ran through her as she dug her claws into the ground and her muscles tensed and rippled. Her vision wavering before she screamed out raggedly, her beak gaping open as her eyes bulged at the feel of being penetrated so deeply.


The winged serpent pulled himself free of his prey, the muscles clamping around him almost too much while he gripped the back of her neck. The purple-black girth flexing and splattering her haunches with his preseed before guiding himself back in again. He didn't hesitate or stop, the thrust came as hard and fast as he could make it until the scales around his vent clapped up against her curved rump cheeks and the tip of him speared up against her cervix forcing it to open around him.

The gryphon screamed under him, her back bowing as he ground the scales of his vent against her stretched outer lips. Roughly pulling around her body with his coils as he worked a series of sharp hard thrusts that worked his slender tip in and out of her cervix, stretching it open to the point of pain. The base of him started to engorge, growing larger while the entire cock was rubbing and stroking inside of that so tight passage and his teeth almost hooked against the tender skin of the gryphon's neck in his eagerness to mate her.

The muted cries beneath him were blocked out as the rush started to fill him, his base swelling out until the hen's cunny was strained and looked puffy from her inner walls being stretched around him. The final tug back forcing her hips to jerk back with his own before shoving forward and burying his tip as deep into her cervix as he could manage it. The first set of internal testicles tightening inside of him just as he reared his head back. Jaws gaping open before roaring out his pleasure in the cave, shaking the stone carved home with his primordial pleasure in breeding his captive.


Lathera cried out each time the beast moved inside of her, her body ached in a horrible mixture of pain and pleasure. Instincts her teacher had warned her about came to the fore until she felt her walls starting to almost suckle around the massive girth inside of her, molding herself around the ridges. A crystal tear rolled down her cheek while she arched her back and let out a whimpering churrling sound as the hips tugged and jerked and horrified she felt the base starting to stretch.

"No.. No.. Pull it out! Don't!" Her words tumbled out, quivering with fear at the idea of the beast knotting her. She couldn't make a run for it then, she'd be stuck against him for however long his knot remained hard inside of her.

The shapeshifters plea fell on deaf ears as the beast erupted into a roar above her, the sound driving into her mind before she felt her body being spread open wider around the knot. The ridges pinching and pulling against her G-spot until her tail jerked higher in the air and she screeched out a shocked sound. The rubbing and pulling against that spot just enough to make her body do what it wanted to do, she felt her stomach clenching down and her eyes squeezed shut as the first hot wash of pleasure ran through her. She could feel the wetness coming from her passage as she orgasmed, locked around that knot before the beast had his way with her.

The tip seemed to swell inside of her cervix before the first thick jet of cream bubbled up from inside of him, it hit inside of her like a geyser thudding inside of her womb. The thick dribble running along her inner walls and flooding deeper and deeper inside of her, the scaled form shoved up against her rump and forcing it up higher in the air until she squawked and the knot itself forced her haunches higher. The virile semen flooded her womb, pumping out in a wash that made her walls contract and pull around it as it soon was creeping out and being forced out around the beasts tip.

The feel of it dribbling along her passage didn't help the pressure as her lower belly started to plump out under the assault. Her beak clamped shut trying to stop the way the aftershocks of pleasure ran through her as she was raped and rutted like a common animal. The coils wrapped around her body loosened as if it knew she couldn't bolt now and instead they kept her hips elevated up. The initial blast of the first rush of cum stopping to start pumping out what felt thicker, bubbling outwards and coating her inner chamber in a bid to breed her.

Lathera found herself panting a soft grateful prayer that she wasn't fertile, she was the wrong species and besides as soon as she turned human it'd ensure the seed wouldn't take. Her hind legs strained apart awkwardly before the beast twisted itself about and she found herself staring into the massive golden eyes that spun in place. The feathers giving a tremor moments before another thick dribble of seed erupted inside of her. Able to time those moments by simply watching as she gritted her beak together in rage and hissing softly to herself

Quetzalcoatl, now she remembered, her mind still working as she went back to her lessons. Winged serpent, but..but they didn't exist anymore. They were killed off when the natives were tamed! The last of them had died centuries ago. But that argument was hard to place when she felt the scales pushed up against her aching folds and constantly pushing and rubbing against her damp inner thighs. Her eyes finally shut out the golden regard of the animal and she tried to still her breathing, tried to forget what was happening to her. She just had to figure out the steps to turning human and she could bolt down a small passage here and get away.

Nearly an hour passed before the beast's knot had shrunk down enough to set her free, her fore body laying down and her eyes darting around the cavern still. Working her situation out in her mind before there was a sudden jerk behind her and a pressure building in her channel that made her let out a cry. Her folds parting open as if giving birth and the dark knot pulled out wetly and the ridges gave one last rub over her body before it spilled out with a lewd wet sound.

Lathera jerked upwards in shock at the sensation, not only that but the feel of the thick pearly seed spilling from between her folds and towards the floor making her nares flush hotly and her feathers pull back flat against her body. She could deal with the humiliation and indignity, she'd get free soon enough, she was sure of it. The creature was large enough it couldn't get through a good half of the openings that she saw, neither could she in her current form. But as a human she could slip through them without a problem.

Her thoughts were pulled away when the hot muzzle pushed down and the twin tipped tongue started lapping at her folds making her hiss out. The sore feeling almost fading as it rubbed against her folds until the wet drooling feel of the seed finally stopped running along her inner thighs and her hips were left to drop back down towards the ground. Her eyes clenched shut, tomorrow, she'd be out of here tomorrow and away from this place, she promised herself. Not letting any sense of doubt seep into her, after all, she just had to concentrate a bit harder to slip into her female form to get away from this place and the serpent. She felt the dreaded coils wrapping around her again and gave a token struggle, pushing against the muscled flesh as the quetzalcoatl started to settle itself in.

The quetzalcoatl coiled and curled himself up around the gryphon, the scales grating against her abused body as she was pinned and his massive head rested towards her head. The eyes dimming as he started to fade towards sleep, already he could scent himself on her feathers and over her body. He'd take care of her again when the storm had stopped, test her and see if his seed would take to her. There were other ways to ensure she would swell for him. For now he drifted into a more pleasant dream then he had before, one rich in the hot scents of sex and desire and the screams of the gryphon being bred.

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