Poem: Sorrow

Story by shyfox5 on SoFurry

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I sit upon my bed at night

and yet I cannot sleep

all I do is sit and think

and weep and weep and weep

I weep for those who know me

and hate me to the core

I weep for those who've heard of me

and the things that I adore

No matter where I go or tread

it's always been the same

people always run or hide

or improve their hateful aim

Those who know me

all say the same mean, and hurtful thing

our lives would've been way better

if we'd never heard of him

Yet those who like me, for who I am

look past my diseased part

they figure their lives surely couldn't

see a better start

Yet as they drag me along

all I can ask is why?

No benefit will come of me

so why do you even try?

They drag me on and on and on

but I only slow them down

be free of me, forevermore

just leave me here to drown

Happiness eluded me,

in order for it to come

I escaped to virtual worlds and times

too hard to overcome

yet all throughout, I managed to see

one spot of hope and light

this happiness was brief but bright

and rid me of this blight

To the girl I love, where are you now?

I found in an endless sea

of people wrought with pain and doubt

please hear my sorrow plea

To be with you is all I ask

to be within your arms

to find happiness, in this world of death

to be far out of harms

Please return my feelings please

I know you know it's true

look to your heart, and I know you will

believe it is true too

Do what you may, do what you might

I am near the end

no more can I lose from this world

nothing more that I can mend

I love you is the hardest words

one can ever say

hopefully this poem speaks them

in a way I could never say

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