Call Me Alice (ch.1)

Story by kwinlin on SoFurry

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Hi, kwinlin here, this is my first story more spisificly my first sex seen but I hope you enjoy, oh ya :p DISCLAMER: don't read this if you aren't 18, you know the usual things and stuff. Call me Alice Ch 1: A new face "ALICE, wake the fuck up I'm leaving soon and you haven't even got out of bed, lazy bastard." "Fuck off Luke, and stop calling me that, it got annoying the first time." "Uuugh what time is it," I thought to my self. 9:43. *sigh* time to get up. Anyway my name Alex not Alice, my room mate Luke over there has been calling me that for about a year and a half ago when he found out I was gay. "seriously Alex I have to go in three hours and I still need to say bye to Jill and Max," Luke the impatient tiger that he was, was always getting me up at 6:00am on my days off and making me go on hikes, one of the few things I was looking forward to when he left the dorm. "I'm counting to ten and if you're not out by then I'm going in there and dragging you out with or without cloths" "I'm sure you'd like that wouldn't you, and don't worry I'm up" "Fuck of, and I'm serious, 10, 9, 8, 7... fuck, just hurry up ok?" "Ya ya ya," I grab some baggy jeans and a tee shirt and head for the bathroom. It was a small, no, a tinny room just enough room for a toilet, a sink and the mirror I got from my parents when I left for collage. Looking at my self in the mirror I see the little pure white bunny standing 5 foot 9 inches including my ears witch stand around 4 inches. Still have a bit of winter fat around the belly but nothing a couple of laps in the pool won't fix. I Through on some boxers over my stubby tail and sheath. Then the jeans still tight from my abnormal chubbiness. Slowly as I get out of my sleepy state, I notice I still have bed head. "Do I have time for a shower?" I asked looking at my messy hair "Do YOU THINK you have time to take a shower?" Luke said as though the question was the most stupid thing he had ever heard. "Fine, but you don't have to be mean about it" I grab a comb out of the top drawer of the sink and run it through my fur a couple of times, through on the shirt and run out the door just before Luke actually brakes down my door. "Ok let's go." I said trying to evade the fact that it took me 20min to get myself ready. "*sigh* what ever lets get a move on shall we?" * * *


  • * * When we got to the usual spot, (under a birch tree in the corner of the campus, nice and shady in the summer) Luke and I met up with Jill "Hay guys, I just got a text from Max, he's going to be a little late." Jill, she was the smart one in our group, when you needed help with anything, you went to her. An otter with blue eyes, no wonder Luke likes her. "Are you serious first it's Alice and now max, why do all the gay people I know act like chicks?" Luke said still annoyed apparently "Excuse me what is that suppose to mean?" did I mention Jill was the head of SASS (students agents sexual stereotypes)? "NO, no what I meant was, well you know what I mean right?" "What ever, there's max anyway so stop being a dick." Max is a husky with the usual black/gray/white fur and he's... um, well... "Luke I'm SO SAD you're leaving. I KNOW wana good-bye fuck?" Well he was a bit of a slut but he joked about it a lot so it was hard to tell if he's serious or not but we loved him even either way. "FOR THE LAST TIME NO, SERIOUSLY," Luke said "on my last day with you guys to, horny ass hole" "Oh ya I forgot to ask, were did you get the job," Jill asked, "just wondering because you shouldn't rush these kind of things." "Jill I'm leaving ok, I've thought about it for over a year and I think the Job offer in New York is the best one, ill come and visit I Promise ill visit you guys but I need this job ok?" "I know, its just it is going to suck without you." "Hi my name is Alex, how are you did you know I'm right here?" "Oops, sorry you guys" "ok lets stop with the fighting and sadness and get partying we only have 2 hours left with this sexy lion so lets make the best out of it!" surprisingly good advise from max but every wasn't going to question it because it was the truth and we really were going to loose a friend. * * *

2h later

  • * * "AAHHHHH, PEASE DON'T GO LUKE IM GOING TO MISS YOU." Jill was crying over the fact that Luke was getting in the cab and going to the airport. "What's with the sudden affection," Luke enjoying the sudden attention from Jill "you never did this before" "Shut up I'm sad because you're leaving ok" "I really have to go ok ill talk to you over skype ok, see you all later" *SLAM *, so there stood the three of us, watching one of our friends driving off to find an adventure, of course I never thought of this moment as a positive one, I was devastated. Jill grabbed my shoulder and cried into it, all I could do was pat her on the back and say it was all going to be ok. *clap* "Ok, I say we go out for some drinks later, say 11:00 to make a toast to Luke" Max suggested "Sounds good to me." I said "Ill take Jill to her dorm if you wana go home, you need to introduce yourself to your new room mate" "Right, fuck whatever ill se you at your place 'round 10:30 ok?" "Sounds good, see you then" And so then I was on my way to my dorm to meet my new roommate. * * *

At Alex's dorm---- "HELLO," I yelled into the empty, poorly lit room I through my keys and bag on the couch and turned on the lights, "I guess he's not here yet, oh well time for me to have a shower" remembering what I didn't do this morning. I head into the larger bathroom that is across from Luke's old room and start to get undressed and turn the rather large shower on to a warm temperature. I grab the fruity smelling shampoo and start lathering my self with it, head, back, arms... "Fuck, of all times" I thought to myself, noticing my semi-hard cock, "well I guess I have time for a quick wank." The shower is big enough for me to sit down on the cold tiled floor, I lean forward to grab some more of the shampoo when my balls touch the cool tiles witch brings me to a full hard on. "Fuck" I pant as I start to paw myself off with a copious amount of shampoo in my hand, rubbing up and down on the 5' erection and re-positioning my self so my butt is in the air, the warm water attacking my ass. I don't know what led me to do it but before I knew it I had slid my left hand up to rump and I started to finger myself, pumping my index and middle finger in and out of my tight hole. I could feel my orgasm coming as I started to jack off much more quickly as the sudden excitement of the anal simulation put me into a trance, all I wanted to do was cum, cum all over my little bunny face. "AAAHHHHFFFUUUUUUUCK, I squealed is I felt the ring squeeze around my two fingers and my hot sticky cum pour over my face and in my mouth, swallowing most of the spunk that landed on and around my mouth. Panting I got my self up and continued to clean my self up, my cock slowly sliding back into the sheath. Remembering to wash my mouth out not wanting Max to think I'm as much as a slut as him. "Hehehe, fuck that was fun. Need to remember how to do that, ha, *sigh*, time to get ready for max and Jill." I stepped out of the shower and grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my waist, and stepped out of the washroom. "uuuh, um, hi, I'm James, I'm your new room mate" said the 7 foot bear standing in the middle of the room holding his hand out in front of him., without my ears I would look like a mouse compared to him. "Um, shit can you give me a sec to get dressed? I'm Alex by the way but every one calls me Alice." Yay : ) I'm finally done my first story hope you all like it this is going to be an ongoing series but I don't know when ill have the time to update it I'm hopping ill pose once a week. Anyhow, I want to know what you think of it so far and I always like positive criticism so any things you think I should add or take away or things like that I would love to know any way happy fapping, alos clifhanger XD ! ** ** Kwinlin, <3