Kaum's lucky encounter

Story by Kakumei_keahi on SoFurry

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This is a Male Male romantic story involving anthro sex. Both characters belong to me, blah, blah, blah. Remember, the count has an eye on his ankle. Beware of fires.

Kuam was walking home from his part time job, Kaum is a relatively small raccoon in size and even more so in weight. The raccoon was on his way home after a quite specify horrible work shift, one filled with complaining customers and a very agitated boss. He worked for a small retail company that sold household decorations to furs who enjoyed spending countless hours adding nicknacks and flair to their homes. The poor Raccoon had a very unfortunate life, with misfortune after misfortune starting from his parent's death and no one to take care of him shortly after his high school graduation he was simply trying to cover rent with the only job he could get with his lack of experience. He deeply hoped that one day he could afford to pay for his one bed room apartment as well as decorate it, however his life had so far been one disappointment after another. He had a very long walk home because he couldn't pay for a car right now, and had to walk every where. Kaum was never fond of this walk, it took him though some very shady neighborhoods but walking around them could add a full hour to his long trek home. On his long walk he imagined how he could one day have a comfortable life. He met many customers who could afford thousands of dollars to throw away simply to make where they live look pretty, this only made him even more upset then he could ever be. Kaum's life may seem as dismal as could be, however he had nothing but luck him in the future. The raccoon couldn't imagine that kind of luck though, he had only knew hardship in his life. Kaum was quite sweaty and tired from his shift, his part time job hardly paid for rent and to save on a water bill he sometimes stopped along a very clean stream on the way home to wash up some. Tonight was no exception, he took a small detour to go to his regular spot to wash the sweat from his fur, carrying large pallets around the store really broke out a sweat and his boss who was specifically cruel to him, because he couldn't quit if he wanted to, often gave him nothing but the harshest of tasks, so naturally he was always exhausted and in desperate need of a shower, However the stream was the cheapest shower he could find. The stream was near one of the more dangerous and shady neighborhoods Kaum had to walk through on his long way home, and once he began washing up he wasn't all too surprised to see someone on the other side walking up to him. He had more then once met someone who had wanted to jump him for the cash he had carried here so he decided to abandon his washing for now for a quick escape. However, as he began walking off the voice from the wolf on the other side of the stream had a very sencear and kind tone to it, something the unfortunate Raccoon was not used to in the slightest, so he paused when he heard the grey wolf say "Hey, if you need to shower your welcome to use mine. I have a portable shower near my tent" Naturally Kaum was surprised when the wolf offered him a shower, wondering mostly why he had a tent set up around such a bad neighborhood so he tentatively asked "I uh, that's a very kind offer. I just don't know." The wolf stepped across the stream closer to the timid raccoon showing how he is quite taller and more muscular then the small raccoon, smiled at him and replied "I mean, I just thought you could really use a shower rather then splashing stream water on your fur." The raccoon quickly realized the wolf truly didn't want something from him, if he had wanted it he would have tried to take it already. The raccoon then nodded lightly "Sorry, i'm not used to someone offering me something without a catch" The wolf gave a half smile "I'm sorry to hear that, maybe I can show you not everyone is a jerk by showing you more hospitality. I am camping out over here about a mile away from here and you are more then welcome to borrow my shower or extra tent if you would like" Kaum was rather confused why the wolf was being so accommodating to him, however little did he know this random chance encounter would become so much more when he thanked the wolf and began following him through the woods between the bad neighborhood and the small camp ground the raccoon had never know about before. The walk passed through some untouched terrain, no paths and full of tall bushes. The raccoon was frightened to speak as to not accidental say something that the wolf would then turn cruel like everyone else he had met in his life had become, so after 15 minuets of silent walking the wolf spoke up "So, why were you over trying to wash up in a stream rather then in your home?" The Raccoon was nervous to answer, he wasn't particularly proud of his living situation but it was how he was forced to live to he told the wolf "Well, I'm really low on cash so, I was just trying to save a bit on my water bill." He looked intensely at the wolf as he followed him, worried as to how he would react. The wolf however, gave another very kind response "I'm sorry to hear that, your quite welcome to use my shower free of charge though and I promise it's better then a creek" The raccoon gave a timid smile as he looked at the wolf, he was still in shock that someone could be as kind as this noble creature, not to mention a creature he began to think of as attractive. The raccoon shook his head quickly to get the idea of the wolf being attractive our of his head, he was lucky enough to have the sexy wolf offer him a real shower he wouldn't risk that by thinking the wolf was hot. Eventually the pair reached a rather large tent, where the wolf was sleeping for the night. Along the trip the wolf had explained how he enjoyed sleeping outside when he had the option to sleep inside, seemed more natural to him and far more peace full. The wolf smiled at the raccoon and said "The portable shower is just over there, feel free to clean up" The raccoon nodded thankfully as looked at the shower. It was a large bag of water, suspended up in the air above the shower head. The area was curtained off by what looked to be like a sheet. The Raccoon lifted the sheet to slip inside, and quickly found the small lever that controlled the water flow and turned it a bit. The water turned on, and unlike the shivering cold he was used to the water was oddly warm, there must have been a heater in the water bag somewhere. There are times in life when one can completely re-evaluate how life is, this was one for Kaum. For most of us a hot shower may be normal, and even expected however for Kaum it was a luxury and having being offered a free hot shower he re-evaluated life as something that may not have been as bad as he thought. A handsome wolf had randomly given him a free shower and was suddenly filled with the prospect the world isn't as bad as he may think. Kaum used almost all of the water in the bag by the time he was done, and used a confidently placed towel to wrap around himself before stepped outside. The wolf smiled at him, and seemingly got a good look at the raccoon's body wearing only a towel, but Kaum dismissed that as merely a dream. The wolf smiled over at Kaum and held two plates of food, one apparently for the raccoon. As it would seem while Kaum was showering, the wolf had cooked a meal over the fire he just not saw behind the wolf. The raccoon thanked the wolf for the plate with a tentative smile and sat at a rock around the fire. He began eating the cheeseburger he had been given, hungry. The wolf looked rather surprised and said "I guess you don't get a good meal much more then you get a good shower" The raccoon paused eating quickly finishing his bite and swallowing, blushing a bit "Er- sorry. I shouldn't have been eating so fast." The wolf gave a comforting smile, one that put the small raccoon at ease "It's perfectly fine, I should have guessed that when you said you couldn't even afford a shower. If it means anything, your always welcome to call me up and get a good meal, you need it." The raccoon blushed brighter, even if it was true he really could often use a hot meal however did not want to bother the wolf anytime he was hungry shivering from the cold air, "I uh- really appreciate the offer I just don't know though. I really don't think I sho-" The wolf cut him off, knowing where he was going "I'm really far from in need of money, if you Ever need help I will be more then happy to help out, Really." Kaum, blinked in surprise, amazed that the wolf seems to show him nothing but kindness and hospitality, however before Kaum could give a response the wolf was placing a blanket around the raccoon from only seeing him shiver for a short time. Kaum was speechless, this had to have been the kindest creature he had ever met, and was too scared to speak and simply looked up at the wolf who had just given him a blanket. The wolf smiled again as he seemed to always do, the short raccoon leaned toward him with a glazed over feeling of romance, even if he felt that it would never work, he didn't even know if the wolf liked other males, he was simply wishing that this final wish could come true that the wolf would like him romantically. He thought to himself how foolish he was to think such a thing, the wolf was just trying to be kind, even if that's rare he shouldn't expect romance. As the raccoon thought himself out of a romantic setting, the wolf also leaned toward Kaum and to his surprise leaned just close enough to touch his lips to the raccoons. Kaum, blinked in shock that this final desire could come true and only melted when the wolf wrapped a arm around him and kissed the raccoon deeply. The raccoon was in heaven, he couldn't have imagined a better situation to be in but the wolf broke the kiss and looked embarrassed to Kaum's disappointment, the wolf quickly said to him "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have- Just, I know I haven't known you long at all I just really liked you from the moment I saw you across the creek" The raccoon blinked in shock, not sure what to say but replied the best way he ever could have "I did too.. I don't know why but I really feel close to you, even if I hardly know you." the raccoon was only speaking from his heart and the wolf gave a smile that could have lit up the world, he was very happy and he would in years to come know that this random meeting was the beginning of a relationship that would last for a lifetime. As if it was the most natural thing to do, the raccoon and the wolf kissed again. The wolf held the raccoon closely his tongue exploring into the smaller fur's muzzle both of them in pure ecstasy, neither knew why they were so deeply attracted to each other so quickly, neither did they know how in the long term they would be happy together for the rest of their live, all either of them knew was they were happy now, they were happier more then they had ever been in their lived. The raccoon, had found a truly happy person who cared about him, and the wolf after years of searching had found someone who unlike everyone he met during his business was not a greedy self absorbed jerk. He had found a very sweet, even if unfortunate raccoon that from this moment on he wanted to do nothing but care for. The two had never been happier, and the raccoon only murred in anticipation as the wolf gently rubbed his chest. They kissed deeply for what seemed for hours, holding each other closely as if they had found buried pirate treasure, even though they both knew they had discovered something far more valuable. The wolf continued rubbing at the raccoon's chest rubbing lower, and lower, eventually reaching his waist line where the towel was wrapped as he broke the kiss. The raccoon, through his blushing nodded slightly as if to say, I'm all yours. The wolf got the message, and undid the light knot on the towel, to show the already hard cock of the raccoon. The wolf leaned down and gave some very light licks onto the cock's head causing the raccoon to whimper lightly. The wolf smiled, and buried his muzzle into the Kaum's crotch taking his full length into his muzzle without notice. The raccoon moaned in delight, as the wolf began to lick at his warm member inside his mouth. The wolf sucked onto the cock, sucking deeply on the raccoon's penis as he slowly began bobbin his head up and down the raccoon. Kaum melted into the ground, the wolf giving him pleasures he had only imagined until now. He could feel every lash of the wolf's tongue on his cock, every slight movement of his head moving up and down his lips caressing his member. The raccoon had never felt such pleasure, and moaned loudly as the wolf pushed his muzzle down to the raccoon's crotch deepthroating him. Kaum whimpered and moaned to every lick and every movement of the wolf's skilled muzzle feeling as if he would orgasm any moment. The wolf sensing the raccoon was close, vigorously increased his speed, bobbing his head up and down over the raccoon's cock wanting to make the cute thing feel as much pleasure as he could give him. Kaum, stand it any longer, all the wet pleasure of feeling his cock in the wolf's muzzle licking and sucking had taken it's toll and he could no longer stand it. His body tensed, and he let out a loud moan bucking his his instinctively upward he released a flood of cum into the wolf's waiting muzzle. The raccoon panted heavily, and winced at the very strong feeling he got from the wolf giving him one more lick on his cock. The wolf had swallowed the most he could, but still had some of Kaum's cream dripping from his muzzle. Kaum gave the wolf the most loving smile, knowing exactly how to repay to wolf for the wonderful blow job he had just been given. He rolled over onto his belly, and lifted his butt and tail into the air as if begging to be filled by the wolf. The wolf gave his normal grin and positioned his already hard cock to the waiting hold the raccoon was offering him. But before the wolf plunged into the raccoon, he leaned down over to his ear and whispered to him "This is all sudden, but.. I need to say this. I've always been one to be skeptical of love at first sight, I know now for sure that it is very real, because... I love you.. I really do." The raccoon smiled brighter then he had in years, he knew from this moment on no matter what problems he had, having a bad boss, having a horrible job, or having no money mattered so little because he had found someone he would love forever. He knew as well as the wolf that for the rest of their lived they would be happy together, for better or worse. He leaned his head as much as he could to the side and smiled at the wolf, who smiled back and leaned forward just enough to touch each other's lips and kiss. The wolf wrapped his arms around the raccoon and kissed him again, they would both be happy together the rest of their lived. The wolf hugged the raccoon close, and gently pushed his warm cock into the raccoon's ass both of them moaning at the pleasurable feeling. The wolf, slowly began thrusting into his lover, holding him close. His cock penetrated Kaum deeper and deeper with each trust until with one quick motion he pushed agenst the raccoon's butt with his hips his cock fully inside the raccoon. The wolf gave into his sexual desired, and began humping the raccoon vigorously. With his arms wrapped around the smaller creature, he fucked him and they both enjoyed it deeply. The wolf pounded the raccoon's ass for a long time, and eventually the wolf felt a tingly feeling in his cock telling him he wasn't going to last much longer. He held onto the raccoon tighter then before panting heavily, he began filling the raccoon's tailhole with his warm seed. He continued humping into the raccoon until he was completely empty, then just layed onto the well yiffed raccoon who was still murring happily. They both had found someone they were happy with, and shortly after fell asleep on the ground together. Neither of they were normally comfortable sleeping like that however they were both far more comfortable with sleeping next to each other they fell asleep almost instantly with the wolf's cock still inside the willing raccoon. Before either of them knew it morning popped up, with the sun shining in their eyes. At some point in the night the wolf had rolled on his side, and out of the raccoon's tailhole when neither of them had noticed. The wolf woke up first to the sunlight and trying not to wake his lover he sneaked away from him and began to cook another meal. The raccoon,awoke to the smells of bacon and sausage cooking seeing the wolf was cooking for him and he smiled. The raccoon even if just waking up quickly with a bright blush looked at the wolf "goodness, I uh. I'm sorry I don't think you ever mentioned your name..." The wolf smiled over at the now waking coon and said "I'm sorry I may not have mentioned it.. i'm Keroth Keita" The raccoon's eyes widened in shock and surprise, he knew that name. Infact he knew that name well, he had heard it on the news more the once. This wolf he had fallen in love with was none other then the famous owner of a world wide corporation known as Keita Corp, a company that has found cured to countless diseases. The company was publicized as the most stressfully medical research company in the world. The raccoon thought for a moment, logic says that this wolf couldn't have been the Keroth Keita he heard of, however logic also had told him not to trust this wolf for a free shower and that had proven wrong. As it would happen the wolf that Kaum happened to meet was the billionaire company owner of the amazing medical research company he thought. He was just a fan of camping out, also was a generally kind person. Kaum had up until this night been the most unlucky raccoon the world had ever seen, until now. Keroth offered to give Kuam a place to live, his place. They deeply loved eachother, and are living proof of love at first sight. They still live happly together in their mansion, Kaum even started a Charity organisation for poor orphans. So, like Kaum no matter how bad you have it, you can live. However, there is still always the chance things will get better, amazingly better. * * * Hope yall liked it, this is my first story i've written in years. Just was drunk and wrote it haha. Well, if yall liked it i'm glad.