The Shower Accident!

Story by Demon the WindDragon on SoFurry

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please tell me if you like this story! i hope you do because i'll be posting up my mini series called "Tale of the Wind Goddess" which unfortunatly won't have any sex in it! well my short stories from the series will! enjoy!

It was a beautiful night as the wind blew a Dark figure stood at the window gazing out. They sigh as if deep in thought watching the moon and stars. The figure was wearing a black vest with two straps on the neck and three on their chest. Further down were symbols on his cloth that dangles down to cover his crotch with four gold rings on the cloth that hanged down. The figure's inner thighs have black straps crisscrossing each other. Going back up they had blue eyes and blond hair that was pulled neatly back into a ponytail with the hair band red. On the figure's paws were black gloves with blue gems in the middle on golden bands.

The figure continues to gaze out until hearing his name being called. "RANSHIIIN! OH RANSHIIN!" the figure snorts in disproval before heading out of their room to find a beautiful white Wind Dragoness looking agitated. The Female had a blue arrow on her head that went all the way back to her base of her tail. She wore a golden necklace that helped keep her chest hidden but showed the indentions of a female. She wore a pilot's cap on her head with goggles. On her paws were brown gloves with blue gems in them on golden bands. She had blue eyes and long blond hair that ran down her long neck. She also had a talisman and locket that said "ANGEL" on it in cursive.

Ranshiin crosses his arms looking curios as he watched her. "What did you want?" The female glares before huffing. "Take a shower! You smell bad..." Ranshiin felt red flush his face as he said back to her making her jump back a little. "Oh yeah? What about YOU? You always mate with my brother Shiron but never take a bath. So what's the difference, Angel?" Angel blushes deep red before mumbling. "Just does it or Anna will kick my ass again." Ranshiin smirks thinking about Anna who was a harpy friend kicking Angel's ass. "Alright alright, I'll do it on one condition." Angel frowns as she looks up. "And that would be?" Ranshiin smirks. "You give me your bra and I'll do it." Angel blushes red as she gives in and slowly nods. "Good! Well I'll see you later." And with that Ranshiin heads off to the bathroom leaving Angel behind having to go get her bra for him.

10 minutes later......

Ranshiin looks in the mirror at himself before smiling. Man I'm hot! Ranshiin thinks before taking his ponytail holder out of his hair. Ranshiin could hear the shower running as he had it running for himself because it was one of those days that he needed to clean. But before he could even think about stepping in he forgets his towel in his bedroom. Ranshiin huffs before leaving the bathroom to go get it while of course leaving the shower on. Angel comes in the bathroom just as Ranshiin had left to his bedroom to (while singing a tune to herself) take a shower when she heard the shower running. "That's odd, why's the shower running? Oh well!" She takes her towel off and steps in the shower just as Ranshiin re-enters the bathroom. He takes off his towel and puts it on the railing before opening the curtain to get a huge surprise. Angel stood there shocked, (while naked of course) stares at Ranshiin (Who's eyes were wide open and his mouth gaped) before screaming. "AAAAIEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!" Ranshiin stares at Angel's wet body until he gets wacked up side his head. That's when he came back to his senses and quickly waves his hands in the air not realizing his towel had fallen off of his waist showing off his handsome slit sheath.

Angel stares while blushing as that sheath bulged a bit as Ranshiin was saying. "I'm so sorry! Really! I uh you look very nice by the way! OUCH!"Angel had wacked him with her scrub brush her face pure red now. Ranshiin covers his face from getting hit again as Angel swings at him again but not as hard. Ranshiin for the first time smelled the air and caught a husky scent that told him Angel was in heat. Angel stops swinging her brush as she watches Ranshiin slowly backs off a bit before putting his towel back on and leaves the room red faced. Angel stands there in wonder at the scent that was left behind. The scent smelled very husky as if Ranshiin was in heat. Angel shakes her head clearing it as she continued to take her shower.

Later on.....

Angel was sitting on her bed in the middle of the night thinking about what happened earlier decides to go talk to Ranshiin about it. She feels Shiron snuggle up in the empty space that she left behind before going off to find Ranshiin. Angel creeps through the sleeping house to find him in the living room sleeping. Angel shivers slightly. Could she really be doing this? Well time to find out. She sighs as she slowly approaches him. Ranshiin grunts in his sleep and turns over on his side as Angel pokes him gently in his back. He snorts before tugging the blankets more up onto his shoulders to keep warm Angel stands there thinking for a minute for deciding to do what she had in mind and leans in to his face slowly and kisses him gently. Ranshiin purrs as he kisses back making Angel Squeaks as his tongue collides with hers and it slips all around her tongue.

Angel blinks before slowly kissing back as Ranshiin thinking he was kissing Demon wraps his arms around her neck holding close to him. He doesn't realize that it was Angel until she rubs his chest making him open his eyes to see her standing over him. "WHAT THE HELL?" He falls off the couch as Angel tries to explain. "I just wanted to see you! That's all, I'm so sorry." "Why may I ask? It's in the middle of the night!" He rubs his head as he lies back down on the couch.

"I think it might help get rid of what happened earlier....I know this is gonna sound bad but..."she leans into him. "Wanna have sex? Shiron's fast asleep and won't hear us" Ranshiin's eyes grow wide. "No, No! This is so wrong!" Angel giggles as she kisses him again but more deeply. Ranshiin knowing he couldn't get out of this kisses her back. The two kiss until Ranshiin kisses her neck whispering "get on your hands and knees for me, I'm going to fuck you hard. Harder than you ever had in your life." Angel eagerly gets on her hands and knees with Ranshiin on the couch watching her in interest. He then gets on top of Angel, before slowly rubbing his sheath to make his hot throbbing member slowly come out of its hiding place.

Angel watches in awe from her back as Ranshiin growls before holding her hips firmly in his paws as he slowly pushes himself in her without wasting time and thrusts hard into her. Angel moans in pleasure as he continues to pump. "Oh! Ranshiin" Ranshiin smiles as he continues to pump harder while her insides held his shaft hungrily. He wanted to fuck her yeah but he wanted it to last for awhile. He pulls out before thrusting in back in hard and shoves himself as deep as he could as he feels himself reaching his climax. Angel moans wanting him to cum but he wouldn't for some reason and moans out pushing back into him making him growl softly. "Hold on my pretty, you'll get what you want but I want to feel your tightness so be patient my dear." Angel pants as she so badly needed him. Ranshiin felt his Knot growing and needed to get it in Angel before it got to big but her slit wouldn't let him push his knot in. Damn girl you're so tight! How am I supposed to get my knot in? He thinks as his ball sack swells up not being about to hold back he roars out as he pushes in deeper and getting his knot finally inside of her sex lips which rippled and moved out of the way as his knot slips in with a loud pop before spurting in Angel his hot juices. Both Angel and Ranshiin moan as more waves of his hot juice are spurted within Angel.

Finally Ranshiin pants as his knot loosens when he lays her down on his chest. Angel purrs happily as Ranshiin rubs her arms a little. "You were great." "So were you." Angel laughs before falling fast asleep on Ranshiin's chest. Ranshiin smiles as he thinks man that was such a good fucking, I'll plan on that again sometime for sure. Before he too falls fast asleep next to Angel while holding her warm body close to his.

please tell me if this is better! thanks!

Demon Vs Angel

okay guys! if you are reading my story here please don't hestitate to tell me if i didn't do good or if it might affend you okay thanks! Enjoy! Shiron,Dandy and Ranshiin all belong to Legendz! "You just stay out of it! Do you...

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Demon's darkest fear

**Demon's darkest fear** Demon sat with Angel under an apple tree near the fair grounds, she looks at her as the wind blows gently. "Angel?" "Yeah?" "I'm glad I have you with me for if you weren't I would be lost" Angel smiles as...

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