Drakkor and Lilly: Drakkor's Return

Story by MatheauStratford on SoFurry

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Authors note:: This story takes place three months after the last Drakkor and Lilly story. As always, Drakkor is copy written to me, and Lilly is copy written to a dear friend of mine, so do not use either of them without our consent. This story contains sexual acts between a dragon and a human. If you don't like that, don't read it, nor should you read it if you are under the age of 18-21, depending on your state. I am not to be held accountable for your actions. Chapter 1 Lilly hummed softly to herself as she tended to her garden. Neither the blazing sun, nor the heat bothered her while she sang and hummed to her flowers, yet rather boosted her mood, as well as her spirits. After a time, she stood and stretched, sighing softly. An all too familiar pang of pain in her heart reminded her that Drakkor was still gone. After the day of her announcement, Drakkor had neither been seen nor heard from. At first, she thought nothing of it, thinking that he had merely gone to hunt in the morning as was usual for him. But after a few hours had gone by, she knew that something was wrong. He never stayed gone for more than an hour while out hunting. As the hours turned to days, the days to weeks, and weeks to months, Lilly was worried sick that he would never return. When the hurt had passed, anger took its place. How could he be gone so long without sending her word of his whereabouts? He had been gone for three months now, and her belly was quickly swelling with his child. How dare he leave her and the child alone like that? Anger was quickly replaced by fear. What if something had happened to him, like when he was struck by lightning? Or worse, what if he had left her forever? No, she had more faith in him than that. They were so closely linked by their love that she knew in her heart he would never willingly leave her. Lilly turned to start towards the palace when there was a sudden clamoring above in the guards' balcony above her. They shouted in loud, indistinct voices, pointing towards something that Lilly could not see. There was a sudden silence, and then a collected gasp from the guards as a quake shook the earth, knocking Lilly on her bottom. She had no more than gotten up than the head guardsman approached her and gave her a quick bow. "Milady, please, you must come quickly." The guard panted, trying to catch his breath and compose himself. "There is no time for me to explain the situation." Fear gripped her as he escorted her into the palace and through the corridors to arrive at the front door. As she reached to open the door, the guardsman grabbed her wrist, startling her. "Prepare yourself, majesty." He said solemnly. "You will not like what you are about to see." He released her; and she flung open the door and rushed outside. What she saw took her breath away, and only a strangled gasp of horror came from her throat. Lying on the ground in a great heap was Drakkor, a deep rut in the ground behind where he now lay, showing just how far he had bounced and slid after his crash-landing. Lilly ran full speed to the downed form of her beloved mate. Healers were there, surrounding his great form, but she pushed them out of the way and knelt next to him, cradling his head in her lap, trying to maintain her composure in front of her subjects. After a few long, silent moments, the whisper of Drakkor's voice was heard in ragged gasps. "Much like.....the.....first time.....we met." Came the hoarse, cracked voice. "Drakkor! Oh my gods Drakkor, what happened??! Where in the world have you been?!!" Drakkor opened his mouth as if to speak, but Lilly gently closed his mouth and pressed her hand to his muzzle to stop him. "Don't talk now, save your strength. You can explain everything when you are well enough." She beckoned to the dragon guards standing nearby to call them to her. "Carry him to our bedchambers, immediately. Get every single healer we have on hand to help him." Despite her emotions, her voice was hard and full of authority that the dragons dared not disobey. The hoisted Drakkor carefully between them to carry him, but when Drakkor's tail was dragged across the ground, Lilly nearly exploded with rage. "Pick up his tail you fucking idiots!!" She even went as far as to smack and hit the dragons, even though it hurt her a lot more than the dragons. "I don't want to see any more injuries on him than I already do, not one more scale damaged, do I make myself clear enough for you?!!" The dragons flinched back at their queen's wrath, but they did understand, and knew why she was so angry so they did as they were told, and said nothing. Drakkor was taken to the bedroom, but before Lilly could enter, she was blocked by a large bronze dragon. "I'm sorry, my queen.....but you cannot enter. We need room for all of the healers here, and no space can be spared." Lilly stared in disbelief at the dragon, unable to believe that she was being denied entry into her own bedchambers to see her husband, but finally accepted the fact that with all the healers in the room, there was no room for her, and merely nodded to the dragon, backing away from the doorway as it closed. Only then did the tears come. Chapter 2 Hour after hour went by, and still the bedroom door had not opened. Lilly paced back and forth, her hand on her belly, never before having felt so helpless in her entire life. Finally, after what seemed an eternity, the door opened, and the healers quietly exited the room. The bronze dragon approached her and gave a bow of his head. "We have done everything we could, my queen." Lilly raised her hand to her mouth in horror, expecting the worst. "Is he.....?" "Resting." The bronze cut in. "He was very badly injured, but he will make a full recovery." Lilly was so relieved that she began a mixture of laughter and crying as she fell to her knees, hugging herself and rocking back and forth. "You can go see him whenever you would like now, my queen." The bronze dragon bowed to her before he took his leave. Lilly spent a few moments more in the hallway to compose herself before she swept into the bedroom. What she saw caused a gasp of sorrow to rise from her throat. Drakkor's once magnificent form was almost completely covered in bandages, and he was hooked up to many machines that monitored his heart rate, as well as many other machines whose uses she did not know. Tears came to the corners of her eyes. "Drakkor, oh my gods, what on earth happened to you? Where have you been these past months?" At the sound of her voice, one of Drakkor's eyes slowly slid open. "A story....that will take.....time to tell." Lilly placed her shaking hand gingerly on Drakkor's side as she sat on the edge of the bed. "Drakkor.....don't. You can tell your story when you have had time to heal." He gave a slight nod and closed his eye. It wasn't long before he was asleep again. Lilly couldn't say how long she sat there with him. But before she knew it, the sun was going down for the day. She got up from her seat at his side and kissed his lips softly. "Rest well, my beloved Drakkor. Then she got up and exited the room, closing the door quietly behind her. Chapter 3 Lilly awoke early the next morning, moving for the bedroom. As she opened the door, she was amazed at what she saw. Drakkor was standing out on the balcony, taking in the light of the rising sun, plucking the remnants of the bandages from his body and stretching his magnificent wings. "It's good to be back home where I belong at last.....don't you agree, my beloved Lilly?" His body was horribly scarred, but none of the wounds were open or bleeding, and it was obvious that moving caused him no discomfort. "Yes, it is Drakkor. It is good to have you back home. What happened to you? Where have you been? Why didn't you send me word of where you were, or when you were going to be back? I was worried sick about you!" Drakkor turned at last to look at her, and the look on his face was one of profound sadness. "It was not my intent to be gone so long, my beloved. And had I been able to send you word of my whereabouts, believe me I would have." He came into the bedroom, closing the balcony doors behind him. "To put it bluntly, I was kidnapped." Lilly then started in surprise, staring at him in disbelief. "Kidnapped?! Drakkor, who on earth could, or would kidnap you?" Drakkor was silent for long moments before he lifted tear filled eyes. "It was my mother." Try as she might, Lilly couldn't hide her shock as she sat down on the bed. "Your mother? But Drakkor, why would your mother do such a thing?" Drakkor crawled onto the bed to get comfortable. "It is a long and complicated tale....." Drakkor motioned for Lilly to come closer to him, which she did without a moment's hesitation. "But first, I want to know how you and our child have been doing while I was away." At first, Lilly thought that he was trying to dodge the subject, but as she looked into his loving eyes, she knew in her heart that he was just concerned for her welfare, as well as the child's. "Other than worrying for you, I have not been very active, my love. Mostly I have been tending to my garden, trying not to do anything too strenuous." She then took Drakkor's claw gently in her hands and placed it gingerly upon her swollen belly. "And the baby is fine too. It has been very active while you were gone. We were both worried about you." "I was worried that I would never again see you, or our home. I feared everyday not for my life, but that our child would grow up never knowing its father." He leaned forward and took her lips in a fiery kiss that was full of passion. She did not pull away from him, but instead pressed herself closer to him. She could feel the heat of his body through her light sleeping robe, and it threatened to set her ablaze inside and out. She moaned softly into his mouth. "Drakkor.....it has been so long....I have been so alone....I need to be loved. I want you to fuck me, Drakkor. Make me feel like your mate." She wanted an explanation of everything that had happened to him, but the more important need was her body, it demanded his attentions. She needed to have him inside of her, no matter what form he was in. Drakkor was all too happy to oblige her. Using his talons, he all but tore the thin robe from her body, exposing her completely to his hungry gaze. "Yessssss....be rough....." Lilly whimpered loudly. "Take me like you did in the forest, mate me hard and deep!" Drakkor pinned her hands above her head, and Lilly's body tensed in anticipation for a rough, wild mating, but it never came. Drakkor placed soft kisses up her neck, a searing line of pleasure that led a path to her ear. He nipped and licked her earlobe, whispering softly into her ear. "While I was gone, I forgot what it ws like to be loved. I want to love you, and I want you to love me in return." Lilly arched her back in response, moaning loudly at the heat of passion between them. Drakkor hooked his claw carefully under her back, pulling her tightly against the heated scales of his underbelly. He had not entered her yet, nor had he touched her in any intimate way, save for the soft kisses, yet the heat of his body, the soft scraping of his heated scales on her heated flesh got her soaking wet, threatening to send her into orgasm. She clutched tightly to Drakkor's neck, kissing and sucking on the scales, tightening her thighs about his waist. Her hardened nipples scraped against his scales, and she arched higher off the bed, trying to meld her flesh with his, trusting in his hold supporting her back. Her legs spread wider, and she felt the hot, throbbing head of his cock pulsing at her hot pussy. His pre-cum leaked onto her body. The heat was both searing and delicious, enveloping her completely. As he pressed his hips forward and his cock parted the lips of her pussy and slid within her, she screamed against his neck. But it was not a scream of pain. It was a scream of absolute bliss. Inch after inch of his hot cock sank into her, stretching her soaking pussy wide around him. After what seemed like an eternity he hilted himself inside of her, resting for a moment and savoring the sensation of her tight heat wrapped around him. Mindful of his deadly talons, he slid his claw down her back and gripped her ass with his claws, pulling her hips off the bed so that his thrust would go down into her at a slight angle. He slowly pulled his hips back, dragging his cock out of her, effectively teasing him as much as her. But as he bucked forward again, Lilly shrieked with pleasure, reaching upward and grabbing a hold of the horns on his head. Using them for leverage, she pulled herself up and down, fucking herself on his massive dick. "Drakkor.....Pleeease.....I want more." Either the scent of her pussy, or the wet sounds of his throbbing member pulling in and out of her urged him to give her what she wanted. His thrusts became harder, sharper, and came much more quickly. He panted with lust, his tongue half hanging out of his mouth. All he could think of now was how much he wanted to fill her with his thick, hot seed. Lilly was screaming, panting and moaning with each thrust into her. She had let go of his horns to grip her breasts tightly, rolling her nipples in her fingers. Her tight cunt was squeezing his cock tightly as she neared her peak. She could feel every vein, every pulse and throb, and every squirt of his rich pre-cum that entered her body. But alas, all good things must come to an end. At the precise moment that Lilly reached her orgasm, she screamed and arched off the bed, clenching her thighs tightly about Drakkor, making her soaked pussy squeeze him tighter, massaging and milking him for his seed. Drakkor gripped her ass tightly and roared mightily with his climax, shaking the walls of the palace. Lilly could only gasp, moan, and writhe beneath him as she felt the searing heat of his delicious cum flooding into her body, warming her to her very soul. They rested like that for a few moments, lost in one another's warm embrace. As Drakkor moved to withdraw from her, she squeezed her thighs around him, making him groan with pleasure. "I'm not letting you leave me again, Drakkor." Her voice was soft from exhaustion, but full of emotion. "I don't care if I have to chain you to the bed, or If I have to follow you on every hunt......I'm not letting you leave me again." Knowing full well he could not sleep atop her without harming her, he carefully rolled to his side so that he was still buried inside of her, but now they were in a spooning position. "I never wanted to leave. I will not be leaving the palace again for some time, my beloved. You have my word." He rested his great head on a pillow and closed his beautiful eyes. "Let us rest for now. I will explain to you what happened later." He had no more than said the words before he was asleep. Lilly remained awake for some time after that. She had picked up his claw and laid it against her belly, stroking it softly. As if sensing the contact, the babe within her kicked quite frequently, as if sensing his/her father was back home, and that he/she was happy. Lilly's eyes were heavy, and she smiled softly as she buried herself against Drakkor's stomach. "That's right, my child.....Daddy's home......"