you will be the bitch now
#2 of bitch
You will be the bitch now.
Caesar W.
Patience is like spaghetti... you've got so much of it... you can't snap it all at once.. It breaks one strand at a time... Every time he does something to me... Snap! Every time he threatens me... Snap! I can't take much more... At all...
I heard a whistling echo through the house... My master wanted me... So I stood up from the cold floor of the basement where I slept and walked upstairs to where he had called from, Wondering to myself just what degrading thing he will have me do today... Will it be sucking him off? Raising my tail for him and his friends? Being brutally beaten because he had a bad day and feels like taking his frustration out on someone? Whatever I had to do I knew this... I would not enjoy it.
"Hurry up fox!" My masters impatient voice broke my thoughts... He sounded pissed off... Oh great... this will hurt... I got down on my hands and knees... As that was the only acceptable way a bitch should be in the presence of his master... My master made sure to point this out constantly. "Ah! There you are fox! Get over here. Now." I rolled my eyes and crawled over to him.
My master's a German shepherd called Sampson.. He's taller than me... I only come up to his shoulder... He's a big dog but none of it's fat... it's all muscle... I hate him... The only reason I'm here is because he's better than me... That's how the world works now... If someone's bigger, stronger and faster than you, They can put a collar on you and you belong to them. And it's totally legal... And if you resist they'll beat you until you submit.
"What will you have me do master?"
"Just sit there and open your mouth. I need a piss but I can't be bothered to go to the loo."
"Get up and walk you lazy cunt." I slapped my hands over my mouth... he would make sure I'll regret that...
he stood up and punched me hard in the muzzle. I fell back and held my mouth, whimpering as I tasted my own blood. I quickly backed away from him. "What did you say you little shit? Get up and walk you lazy cunt!?" he walked over to me and kicked me in the stomach "How's this for walking? Huh bitch? Do you understand what you did wrong?"
"yes master!" I screamed in terror, hiding behind my arms... I knew that if I told him what he wanted to hear, things would be much easier for me.
"Good. Now open your mouth..."
I closed my eyes and opened my mouth wide. I felt his warm stream splash against my bare chest before travelling up my neck and into my open mouth. I whined as I swallowed the salty liquid. I closed my mouth and shook my head... "No more... please master..."
He kept on going watching it splash off my face and over the carpet. "you little worthless slut! Open your fucking mouth... Now!" He screamed at me... He then pulled his leg back and kicked my in my tender ballsack. I screamed and fell to the floor, tears flowing down my face... He just stood over me and laughed. "Now clean up this mess you've made. Use your tongue."
then something started ticking in my head... I started snarling and I stood up tall... "No... No. You clean up this mess. Now."
he looked at me. "What?! I'm going to be nice and ignore that... clean up this mess."
"Didn't you hear me you stupid twat? I said no!" he swung his fist at me again. This time I caught it and twisted it round... until the dog scrunched his face up with pain "Now then bitch... are you going to do what I say?"
"no..." he whimpered
"Okay... let me put it this way. Submit. Or I'll slowly turn you into a girl with my bare hands. Understand?"
"Y...You wouldn't..."
I moved my free hand down to his ballsack and smiled "Do you really want to test me pup?"
"N..No.. Master..."
"Good... now repeat after me... my body belongs to my master whenever he wants it." This was what slaves were forced to say as they were collared. He made me say when I first became his slave... Nothing like a bit of payback.
"M..My body belongs to my master whenever he wants it."
"Good... If he wants me to raise my tail I will do so with pride, Knowing that I'm doing it for my master."
"I..If he wants me to raise my tail I will do so with pride... k...knowing that I'm doing it for my master."
"Good. I shall give my master pleasure, but never receive any myself unless my master gives it to me."
"I... I shall give my master pleasure... but never receive any myself... unless my master gives it to me..."
I stroked his head and smiled "Good Boy. Now clean the carpet... use your tongue."
a tear fell from his eye and ran down his face before dripping to the maroon carpet "Yes master..." he lowered his head and started licking at the carpet.
I laughed at Sampson... there was something strangely appealing about watching the bastard who had caused me so much pain and humiliation licking his own piss off a carpet... "Good boy! If you keep up the good work then I'll give you a reward!" I smiled as his ears perked up and he licked faster. "Okay you can stop licking now. The carpet's clean."
he looked up at me from the floor "Did I do good?"
I striked his face with the back of my hand "Did I give you permission to speak?"
he whimpered and shook his head, Slowly getting to his feet.
I snarled and slapped him down again. "The only acceptable way a bitch should be in the presence of his master is on his hands and knees." I removed my collar and put it around his neck. "Do you want to go for a walk?"
"Yes sir..." he murmured
I went and collected my... er... his leash from the hall. I walked back to him and attached it to his collar. "Right then. Today we will be going through the centre of town... through the park... and back home again. Okay?"
he nodded slowly.
"did I tell you how I want you to walk?"
he shook his head "No sir... how do you want me to walk?"
"Hands and knees with your tail raised high at all times."
I glared at him and he shut his mouth. I leaned down and whispered to him "how does it feel to be the bitch?"
"b...bad sir..."
"yep... that is how you've made me feel for the past five years. You took advantage of me... I was just a weak homeless fox... so you put your arm around me and took me home with you... I slept in a bed... I trusted you... I felt happy and safe... but as I slept you placed a collar round my neck, when I awoke You beat me until I submitted to you... maybe I should do the same... maybe I should beat you until you cannot stand... hmmm... that would be rather satisfying..."
he looked at me with dread in his cold blue eyes "p...please sir... don't do it! I'm begging you! I'm so so sorry! I shouldn't have done it!"
"save it for someone who gives a shit!" I screamed "maybe I should just slit your throat and have you out of the way... or maybe I should break your legs and force you to walk..." I smiled evilly, waiting for a reaction, of course I was bluffing...
he just whimpered softly. Maybe he was accepting his fate...
"come on... it's time for your walk now."
"yes sir." he wept gently as he crawled alongside me.
I closed the door behind me and pulled him along on the leash. The look on his face was one of serious uncomfort. The tarmac on the pavement was digging into his paws and knees. I was enjoying his torment. "does that hurt pup?"
"yes master."
"don't worry pup, when we get to the park you can walk on the grass."
his ears drooped "t...thank you master."
"you are most welcome." I grinned, we both knew that the park was a good quarter of an hour away... and to get there we had to walk through the centre of town where oh so many people would stare at him.... just as they stared at me for so long...
it must've been a strange sight... a small fox with a big, strong german shepherd on a leash... a policeman walked up to me.
"is this your pet?" the big wolf asked
I looked down at Sampson "why yes. Yes he is."
"he's a good looking one." I could see the lupine looking under Sampson's tail... I could also see the bulge in his trousers grow.
"that he is. Can I help you with anything officer?"
"sorry... I just thought he looked a bit... big to be a pet..."
"i am! I'm this fox's master!" sampson cried from the floor
the wolf violently kicked him hard in the chest "shut up mutt. Don't disrespect your master like that."
"thank you officer."
"no worries. You have a nice day... and be sure to punish your dog."
"i will officer. You have a nice day too."
as soon as we had walked away from the wolf I snarled at the german shepherd. "try something like that again and you'll be eating your testicles raw." this time I wasn't bluffing.
"s...sorry master... I..."
"you will be sorry... I will make sure of it."
he hung his head as we walked past shops, everyone looked at him with a look of pure amusement, even other people's pets looked at him in that way. And boy did Sampson hate it. "can we hurry up please master?"
"be patient pup, I need to go into a shop and buy something. I may pick you up something too."
"really? Thank you sir."
"okay... wait here pup." I tied his leash to a lamp post and told him to sit. "if I come back and you aren't here. God help me I will hunt you down and you will regret it. Understand?"
"yes master... I will wait here for you."
"good dog." I walked into the sex shop and picked up a few packets of condoms, a vibrator and a magazine for Sampson.. he'll enjoy that later. After paying for the items I walked back out and untied Sampson's leash before walking him to the park. I would try my best to humiliate him here.
"okay... here we are sampson. You may walk on the grass now..."
"thank you master!" he stepped off the pavement and onto the grass smiling as the cool grass soothed his aching paws and knees.
I saw loads of people with their pets walking about the park. "so pup... if you need the toilet go now."
sampson pointed at the small building that housed the toilets.
I shook my head "no pup. Those are for people. Last time I checked you weren't a person... you were a pet. Go there."
he lowered his rear end to the ground and whined as a brown log dropped from his tail hole to the floor. After he had finished crapping on the grass he looked up at me
"hmm... sorry Sampson... I appear to have forgotten to bring some bags... and we can't leave that there... so... i'm afraid you'll have to get rid of it your self... eat up pup."
Sampson looked up at me, a look of horror and disgust mixed on his face "you can't be serious... there's no way I'm doing that. You're retarded if you thi-"
I grabbed the side of his head and pushed him down, rubbing his face in his crap. "eat. up."
"y...yes master!" he whimpered as he opened his mouth and picked up the mess in his mouth, I could tell by the look on his face he wanted to throw up.
"now swallow." he closed his eyes and slowly swallowed the mess.
"there! All gone!" he screeched
"good boy... now lick your tail hole clean. You're a mess."
"yes sir..." he laid on the ground and curled up, his muzzle under his tail, his tongue lapping at his tight orifice.
"good boy. You may stop now." Sampson got back on his hands and knees and whimpered
"may we go home now?"
"well... it is getting late... and I do have to punish you... okay. We shall go."
I slowly walked Sampson home again before leading him downstairs into the basement I used to live, Sampson had been kind enough to install some shackles on the wall. Those would come in handy. "pup. Face the wall, hands in the cuffs. Now."
he nodded sadly and did as he was told.
"good boy." I shut the cuffs and stroked his sheath. I then pulled it back until I could see his knot. "do you want to know what I bought in that shop?"
"yes master."
"i bought some condoms... a vibrator and a magazine for you."
"really? Thank you sir."
I stroked his head and opened a condom, I slipped it over his length and smiled. I took the vibrator from it's packaging and placed it under his tail. Almost immediately his breathing got faster, I pushed it deep into his anus, until the toy's knot slipped into him, making a rather satisfying pop.
I turned it on and his length twitched. "okay. Here's the rules pup. If I come back and there's a single droplet of cum in the condom I will beat you until your whole body is aching. Okay? Hold it in. good night bitch." I laughed and walked towards the stairs, turning the light off as I left him alone, all I could here was his whimpers. My life was improving already. His on the other hand... well... no one cares about him now.