Skyyna: The beginning

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~~~~Hello all... I am Skyyna and this is my story, this is my first ever story I have written so please don't be crude with comments. But positive feedback is always accepted! Thanks and hope you enjoy my story.~~~~

The day was cold and dark, the wind howling through the air no fur in their right of mind would so much as step foot outside on such a gloomy storm such as the one today. However a couple in their late twenties was strolling through an alley way heading home from the bar. The female was practically carrying the male, he was drunk and couldn't even support himself. They heard a faint crying, barely discernable from the wind and a tarp snapping angrily in return. That's when the clouds decided that their burden is to much to bear any longer so they released and a downpour of freezing cold rain hammered the landscape. The crying was coming from an infant no more than a couple months old, wearing nothing but a diaper and wrapped in a soaked blanket. The woman who had been assisting instantly let go of her husband and rushed to the child. She picked it up and held it to her breast, cooing to it trying to make it settle down. "There there now little one, everything will be alright I have you now." She groaned and helped her husband up and ever so slowly made their way back home.

A few days later the infant had slowly began to become healthy and look proper, no longer just a simple bundle of rags waiting to keel over and leave this plain of existence. Her fur had started becoming glossy and more vivid, the purple base colors seeming to absorb every little bit of light into itself. The child had very unique markings, they the coloration of pure gold. In the proper lighting the markings tended to grab light and shine it.

The woman who had taken the infant in had been thinking very hard for the perfect name for the little child. Eventually she came up with a perfect name, Skyyna Brighteyes. The name fit her perfectly, Skyyna's eyes were a bright blue color just like the sky and now that she was healthy they seemed to have their own inner glow to them.

The male of the house never spoke to the child or even so much as acknowledged it. He seemed to despise her, every time he would look at the child it was with distaste. He had not given permission for his wife to bring the thing home but now that she had gotten attached to it there was nothing he could do about it. So he just ignored Skyyna and went about his business, he was not a very happy person most of the time due to the child had all the attention and not him. But he had a plan, it would not work until the child was older and matured slightly. Hopefully his wife wouldn't mind to terribly much though, he decided to give her an ultimatum to either go with his plan for the future or leave now. He didn't want her to leave but if it had to happen he would go through with it. When he said something he always went through with it, regardless this is what would happen and he was going to make it happen. His wife didn't have much of a choice really, she couldn't support herself and the child. Unless she took to extreme measures and did some old fashioned style of making money, he didn't want that to happen though. Of course as he was thinking of the best way to approach his wife with his demands the child starts screaming its head off, he just grumbled and shut the bedroom door. "Sigh... at least it is rather quite in here, no damn peace around that bloody child. I will tell her tonight, if she accepts I will just deal with the child, if she refuses I will help her pack her things and off she goes."

Skyyna was wailing loudly as the woman came running into the room with a warm bottle of milk in her hand, she rather enjoyed having the child. She couldn't have her own children because of her own infertility. But there were no problems with her motherly instinct kicking in and helping her do what is necessary to take care of the child. That night the male approached her wife and told her his demands, she accepted them but was not quite so happy about it but she really didn't have a choice. She did not want to sell her own body to support the child and herself.

A few years later Skyyna started speaking and learning how to draw and color. Skyyna tended to call the male Daddy, he would just grimace and ignore her. One night when Skyyna was being tucked in, "mommy, why doesn't daddy ever talk to me? I wish he would." With a loud sigh the woman forced a smile and looked at Skyyna. "Well little one, you will find out soon enough I promise, it will be so tough but you will be just fine." With a weak smile the woman kissed Skyyna goodnight and left the room slowly. Skyyna's eyes could be seen shinning in the dark room like little dots of light. Unlike most felines Skyyna's eyes did not simply reflect the light of the room, they created their own light. No matter how dark Skyyna could always see, it was a nice benefit even if she didn't know it yet. Over that night a massive snow fall occurred and buried the cabin in 8 feet of snow. There was no hope of getting out and the male was not happy in the least bit, he had plans for that night now he was stuck inside a house with some child he never wanted anyways. But he was patient and bided his time until she was of age. "Soon, the child will finally be of use to me in a way other than eating all my food."

At the age of eight years old Skyyna's father finally got to put his plan in action. For her birthday present she received a bright pink collar with a heart shaped dog tag to go along with it. Inscribed upon the dog tag was "Skyyna Brighteyes" It was the first and only present that Skyyna ever got from her dad, but she had rather liked it. The collar fit her perfectly and was comfortable, she didn't know what it was for until the next day though. Early the next day she was woken up by a bucket of freezing water tossed onto her head by her father. "Wake up you lazy creature, we have things to do." Skyyna stared at him for a second but was grabbed by her collar and dragged out of her room, down the stairs and into the middle of the kitchen. She just whimpered and looked around hoping to see her mommy but she was nowhere to be found. "If you're looking for your mother you won't find her, she left this morning and will not be coming back." With a slight whine Skyyna slowly stood up and looked at her dad, the second their eyes met he kneed her in the stomach. With a squeal Skyyna fell to the ground and started crying, she didn't understand why she was being treated this way or what she did to deserve it. "That will teach you to stand before you master you bitch. If your looking at me you should be looking at my feet. GOT IT?" Whimpering on the ground she nodded and backed away slowly, with a growl her father kicked her in the side sending her sliding into the fridge. "I asked you a question! Answer me or I won't be so nice with the next kick." Crying loudly Skyyna nodded and whimpered weakly, "yes...d..daddy. I understand." He grinned some sadistic grin and kicked her in the head, slamming her head against the fridge instantly knocking her out cold. Blood slowly dripped from her muzzle onto the kitchen floor. Her breathing was ragged and sounded difficult to achieve. The male just opened the fridge door shoving Skyyna out of the way and made himself a sandwich and sat back in a chair watching to see when she would wake back up again. Eventually the male just got up and dragged Skyyna to his room and chained her to the wall and decided to take a nap until she woke up.

About an hour later Skyyna groaned and slowly started to wake up, a paw instantly holding her head from the pain. Her right eye was caked in blood from her head so badly it wouldn't open. Upon realizing that she was chained to the wall she instantly tried moving away but did nothing but make her head hurt more. Her struggles woke the male from his sleep and he just stared at her with a grin on his face, one of those grins you knew something good would never come from. "Ahh I slept rather well for that hour or so, how about you." He said with a particularly venomous tone to his voice. The male stood up and walked over to Skyyna with his stupid smile splayed on his face. "w...well I guess it was alright, I have a B....." The male instantly kicked her in the stomach as she was speaking to him. "That was a rhetorical question you dumb bitch. I think it's time I started training you. Take your clothes off or I'll do it for you, I am going to go to the restroom and by the time I'm back I want your ass naked or else...." With a whimper she nodded and started undressing, he had left the room and gone to the restroom.

She completely stripped naked, her chest still flat and her young slit barely visible underneath her crotch fur. When the male returned she just looked at him fear visible in her young eyes, the first thing she noticed about him is that he was butt naked leaving nothing to the imagination. But in his paw he carried a black duffel bag that looked like it was going to burst with all the items inside of it. "Ahh... Finally learning to listen are we little Skyyna? Well now you need to close your eyes, stand up and put your hands on your feet and stay like that until I say otherwise. If you move or open your eyes before I say so you will be punished. "Scared of the only male she had ever known Skyyna bent over slowly and put her hands on her hind paws, then slowly closed her eyes. The male slowly approached her and set down the bag, his eyes never left her face showing between her legs he had to make sure she obeyed him and didn't peak. He dug through the bag and eventually found what he was looking for and walked over to Skyyna. "Now I want you to keep your hands on those feet and spread your legs as wide as possible." Instantly Skyyna began shuffling her feet apart and spreading her legs, when she stopped she was at a perfect 90 degree angle.

The male grinned at how flexible she was and kneeled down behind her. With an ankle cuffs he locked a spreader bar onto her ankles and then slowly ratcheted her legs apart even more. He heard her start crying and went a tad bit further and decided that would be the perfect start, at 100 degrees. He grabbed two pairs of hand cuffs out of the bag and cuffed her hands to her ankles. Now even if she wanted she could not leave this position, exposed in a crude position vulnerable to his will. With a silly grin on his face he pulled out a tiny egg probably a quarter the size of a real one, a long wire attached to it.

Without saying a word he pushed it straight into her tail star, no lube no warning. Skyyna instantly screamed out and started struggling against the bondage equipment. She lost her balance and fell over onto the ground on her back. "Aww, did the little bitch now like that? Well you're really not going to like this next step then. "He grabbed another egg but this one was on a skinny long rod, with a chuckle the male lifted Skyyna's hips into the air and shoved the egg right into her tiny slit. He broke through her hymen and kept on going. Once he hit another resistance he pulled out almost all the way and shoved with all his might. Skyyna was screaming this entire time crying and begging him to stop. He finally broke past her cervix the second attempt and pushes a button on the long rod. The rod released the egg and he pulled it out of her leaving the egg in her immature womb. "The egg inside your ass is an older model of the one deep inside your little cunt. One uses a wire to power it but the other is new technology that never runs out of energy. So no matter what you will have that little egg inside of your cunt for the rest of your pitiful life. You will find out what they do shortly, after I eat and return from my date tonight. I will talk to you later you cunt, Have fun and don't make too much noise." With those simple parting words the male turned and left the room, Skyyna could hear a faint click as it was locked shut with a padlock on the other end. Left all alone she started crying again a small trickle of blood from her slit leaving her thighs damp and stained.

Not to long after Skyyna had heard the car leave the driveway and she knew for sure that she was all alone in this horrible position with some odd devices inside of her. She thought it couldn't get any worse but she was oh so wrong. Right as she finally began to relax and trying to get to sleep things started to become a lot worse. It started with a slight tingling inside of her womb and anus. The eggs started vibrating becoming slightly enjoyable inside of her sore areas, but that was short lived as they both began to expand. They quickly turned into a baseball size inside of her leaving a small bulge in her little belly. After a couple minutes they turned into a large grapefruit size, Skyyna had began to cry and struggle against her bonds but she couldn't move one bit and any hope of pushing the eggs out was gone. One was deep inside her ass now inflated so large it wouldn't come out without taking her insides out with it. The other was wedged inside her womb held in by her cervix that wouldn't let it out regardless of how hard she may have tried. Skyyna had started squealing in pain as the eggs finally reached their maximum size of about three quarters the size of a basketball.

Her stomach was stretched tight around the two eggs, through the fur her pink skin could be seen. Skyyna was fighting the best she could against her bindings but achieved nothing but making her wrists and ankles start to bleed as her fur had worn off and skin torn. Finally after what seemed an eternity the eggs slowly deflated to the size of a softball. She began to feel another tingling, this one seemed different. This tingling felt like something getting cold inside of her, and it was getting cold fast. She resumed her panicked struggles against the chain to the wall and her bondage devices. Not a minute later she started shaking and whimpering as the eggs were ice cold and freezing her insides. To her relief the eggs stopped five minutes later and started getting warmer. Once she had returned to her normal body temperature the eggs started getting hotter and hotter. Her torture wasn't up yet, she was soon screaming yet again in agony her voice raw and getting quite. The eggs felt like someone had put a burning fire inside of her cunny and anus. The eggs were designed to do no damage yet make the victim feel like they were going to be lit on fire and froze to death. Skyyna couldn't take the pain any longer and passed out, the blackness finally saving her from the torment of the eggs.

It was late at night when the male returned to the house, he wasn't alone though he had brought his boyfriend and a couple coworkers along with him. He had plans for the night and was tipsy from the liquor they had all drunk during the football game. "Hey Slut IM HOME!" He instantly started up the stairs after asking his coworkers to hang out in the living room. But he brought his boyfriend along with him. He slowly unlocked the door and pushed it open greeted by Skyyna's eyes shining in the dark room. "ahh, how was your evening slut? I am sure you had quite a bit of fun." Skyyna just stared at him and then suddenly spit towards him the best she could in her disgust. "Oh...You little bitch!" With a shout he jumped towards her and punched her right in the maw. He unchained her from the all and tossed her onto a hard table that was at the foot of the bed. "Want to spit at me like that, I was going to be nice to you but fuck that. I will teach you manners." As if on cue the male's boyfriend walked into the room.

He was a large white stallion that stood at nearly seven foot tall and made of pure muscle. The stallion grinned as he saw the little creature being abused by his boyfriend. "Well didn't you get a nice catch there Hun." With a grin the male looked up and smiled to the stallion "yes... The only good think that whore of a wife brought me. Would you like to break her in with me?" Skyyna just stared at them and started crying as they talked about breaking her in. "Your pick my sexy stallion, choose a hole and use it!" With a grin on his face almost scarier than the males he walked over to Skyyna and smiled at her. He slowly got naked his large sheath coming into visibility a flared tip already sticking out of it. "Skyyna, meet my little friend, I am sure you two will get to know each other quite well before the end of tonight. "

Slowly the stallion ran his hoof over his large sheath coaxing his cock out of hiding. Once it was his full 18 inches long the stallion moved closer to Skyyna and slapped her on the maw with it. She just whimpered in pain her jaw most likely having a fracture from the punch earlier. "Hay Hun, please turn her around for me and hold that sexy little ass of hers up for me." Nodding the male grabbed her and propped her ass up on some pillows. Her young cunny was visible and slightly open for the stallion to look at.

With a grin the stallion started prodding her young lips, then with no warning he thrust forwards and split her open shoving the first 3 inches of himself into her. Skyyna screamed a blood curdling scream and was met by the male's 9 inch cock being shoved into her mouth and throat. "Bite me and ill tear you to little edible chunks got it slut?" Skyyna started crying and whimpering no longer able to scream because of her full throat and mouth. The stallion leaned forward starting to slide his length into her. Eight inches inside of her, he felt her tight cervix. "Ahhh little girl only 10 inches to go!" with a grunt he pulled out half way and shoved in with all his might spearing her cervix. Skyyna's screams of pain were unheard through the thick meat in her mouth. Her blood started easing the stallions increasing thrusts as it lubed his length. He got 14 inches into her and her stomach could be seen stretching with every thrust he made forward. His cock clearly showing through her abused stomach area. The male started face fucking Skyyna with no mercy making her gag every single thrust into her maw.

All that could be heard in the room is grunting and moaning, the whimpering and muffled screams of Skyyna and the slurping of Skyyna's blood as the stallion slid in and out of her. The stallions cock never was able to fully enter her but that was alright with him, 15 of his 18 inches is not bad for a first timer. The male fucking her throat moaned loudly and came right into her throat, she had no choice but to either swallow it or drown in it. The stallion whinnied loudly and shoved as much of himself into her as possible her flared tip showing up in her belly. He came and with every thick string of cum Skyyna's belly started expanding until the cock was no longer visible and she looked pregnant. When the stallion was done Cuming into her he smiled and slowly pulled out of her. With a loud pop his cock came free and the cum flowed out of her body. Along with it the egg that had tortured her came out as well. Skyyna let out a sigh of relief as the pressure inside of her finally released and she slowly deflated.

The second the male was satisfied he had pumped all of his cum into her belly he dragged her to the wall and chained her up again. He undid the rest of her bindings so she could lie down properly. With that evil grin he kicked her in the maw, and then bashed her head into the wall with a loud thump, Skyyna instantly passed out bleeding from the head again.

"Well what do you think of her so far my lovely stallion?" With a grunt the stallion laid down on the bed his cock still rock hard and in the air. "Well... She was rather nice actually, Still not as fun as your tight ass though." Instantly the male climbed onto the bed and licked up the stallion's length. "Oh really now? How about we fix this erection real fast then return to our party down stairs." The stallion just nodded and moaned as the male cleaned his erection free of Skyyna's blood. Slowly as the male finished he went onto all fours and raised his naked rump into the air and wiggled it. Inviting the large stallion to use it. "Your ass is so perfect, I am glad your all mine!" The stallion smiled and then grabbed his boyfriend by the hips and thrust his thick cock into him. With a loud moan the males cock began to harden beneath him as the stallion pumped 10 of his inches into his boyfriend.

Once the stallion was satisfied that he had stretched the male perfectly he shoved the rest of his massive 18 inches deep into his wonderful boyfriends tight ass. The stallion quickly set a brisk pace making the bed shake and slam into the wall with every thrust. "OH god! Fuck me harder, ung I want your cum inside of me!" The stallion gladly obeyed and sped his pace up. His hips slapping loudly into his partner, for fun the stallion pulled all the way out and spit into his boyfriends gaping ass. Without any pause he quickly shoved his length back into the male. "I...I am going to CUM!" With another loud whinny the stallion thrust his entire length balls deep and came hard inside of the male. "oh... fill me with your sweet seed my stallion stud! Make me full to the brim." Several minutes later the males stomach was swollen and full of the stallions thick creamy seed. He slowly pulled out of his partner and watched with a chuckle as the seed spilled out in a massive wave of white all over the bed. "Such a fine ass you have there, we need to do things like this more often." Nodding the male agreed and stood up with a grunt his ass slightly sore from the pounding he received. They both got dressed and started heading down stairs to the party that was going on. They smelled strongly of cum and blood but nobody realized it because everyone was smashed and dancing to some upbeat techno.

~To be Continued!~

~~~~Thanks for reading my story I hope you enjoyed it! Please comment and positive feedback only please, I am always looking for a way to improve upon my writing. Don't be rude about stuff in story please though, Thanks much... Until next time!!!~~~~

Written by Skyyna~ Characters belong to Skyyna please do not use without permission....