Lily Loves Pokemon - Chapter 1

Story by punjoke on SoFurry

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#1 of Lily Loves Pokemon

"Absolutely not young lady, you're far too young to travel on your own."

I begged and pleaded, but my parents were resolute. I tried to make them understand that people did this kind of thing all the time. Setting off on a journey around the land with just your pokemon was like a rite of passage. But they wouldn't let me do it.

So I had to make do with exploring the route connecting my hometown and the neighboring city. Most days I would take my pokemon and venture through the woods and grass, battling wild pokemon and exploring all of the little side paths along the way. To be honest, it would have been very boring if not for the fact that it was such a high traffic road.

When two pokemon trainers meet, they battle! That's the way it's always been. Our town was small, but the neighboring city was big. It had a huge shopping area and a pokemon gym! There were always a lot of trainers making their way to and from the place, and they were all eager to battle. I couldn't make the journey myself so I figured the next best thing to do was to battle everyone that came through.

So far it had been a good day for my Pachirisu and me. We'd made our way well off the beaten path, and she had beaten several wild rattatas and pidgeys. We were both feeling very confident. As we made our way back we spotted somebody coming down the road. The rugged clothing, the backpack, the pokeballs at his hip; the look was unmistakable - our first pokemon trainer!

I rushed out into the middle of the road and defiantly blocked the young man's path. Striking a suitable pose, I called out to him. "Hey, you're a pokemon trainer, aren't you? Let's battle!"

I must have been quite a sight: I was wearing my long brown hair tied back in a ponytail along with a tight pink t-shirt and a cute little skirt that went halfway down my thighs. One hand was on my hip and the other was thrust outwards, pointing towards my opponent in challenge.

He stopped, looking me up and down. "Look, no offense or anything, but I don't usually pick on little kids."

Unbelievable. I stamped my foot down in anger. I was not a kid! Sure I was still short, and my chest had barely begun to grow out, but all the boys seemed to appreciate my recently developing boobs all the same! "I'm a pokemon trainer and I just challenged you to a battle! You have to fight me!"

"You're really sure?" he sighed.

I nodded, completely convinced that my pokemon and I were about to show this hot shot up. "Pachirisu, get ready!" I cried. With a "Pachi!" my little pokemon dashed out into the road between us.

My opponent stopped to think for a moment ("I knew it, he''s afraid of us!" I thought to myself) before selecting one of his pokeballs and clicking the button. "Rapidash, go easy on them."

The fiery pokemon appeared with a flash. It was unlike anything I'd ever seen before, and I must have gawked at it in envy. The trainer shot me a wry grin. "If you don't take this fight seriously, you'll never have a chance." My cheeks burning, I put on my game face and assessed the situation.

The Rapidash looked pretty strong, especially compared to my cute little Pachirisu. The smaller pokemon seemed quite intimidated, her earlier bluster gone. It was then that I realized the large flaw in my plan: being the route to a gym, most of the trainers I would meet were going to be a lot stronger than us! Nevertheless I whispered words of encouragement to her. "Don't worry girl, just do your best!"

The Rapidash started the battle off aggressively, charging my Pachirisu at full speed. She just barely dodged out of the way, but it was on top of her again before she had a chance to counter attack. I held my breath, proud of my pokemon as she used her smaller size to great advantage dodging the powerful blows that came in her direction. At last she found an opening and discharged all of the electricity she could muster into the Rapidash's backside. I couldn't help but jump up and cheer, but the cry of encouragement died in my throat as the Rapidash, unphased by the attack, lashed out with its rear legs and sent Pachirisu flying.

"Pachirisu!" I shrieked.

I could tell that my pokemon had taken a serious blow. Pachirisu was wobbly as she struggled to her feet. Showing no mercy, the Rapidash appeared in front of her again and reared up, preparing to land its next attack. The smaller pokemon had no chance to dodge; I could tell this fight was over already. Desperately, I conceded the battle. "Don't hurt her! We give up!" The well-trained Rapidash immediately broke off its attack, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

I ran over to my Pachirisu, hoping she was alright. The trainer knelt beside us and handed me a potion. "Here, she'll be fine after she drinks this." Grateful, I took the gift and fed it to the dazed pokemon. The effect was almost instantaneous, and soon Pachirisu was fully rejuvenated.

"Pachi!" she cried sorrowfully, tugging at my skirt apologetically. I stroked her head soothingly. "I don't care that you lost, you did really well Pachirisu! I'm proud of you."

The trainer stood. "Actually, I agree, it was impressive. You two still have a long way to go but I think you have very strong potential!"

He extended his hand to me and pulled me back up to my feet. "You can call me Derrick by the way." I found myself blushing at his praise, and Pachirisu danced happily at my feet. Then there was an awkward pause, as if he was waiting for something.

Suddenly I realized what it was. Derrick was waiting for his prize money. Oh no! That was the other thing I hadn't taken into account! I had a bit of money on me, but I had been saving my allowance for weeks and I had big plans for it. Now everything would be ruined.

Reaching into my bag, I pulled out a wad of cash and offered it to him despondently. "H-here..." I muttered, avoiding his gaze.

Derrick shuffled his feet anxiously and pushed the payout back towards me. "Nah, you keep it. It wasn't a fair fight, you never stood a chance."

My face lit up. His eyes averted towards the ground, he continued. "But if you really want to reward us, well..."

Completely taken in by his kindness, I nodded my head excitedly. "Yes! Whatever you want!"

I wasn't sure what to expect as he took my hand and led me off of the road into the woods. Our two pokemon followed behind us, chattering to themselves. Eventually we came to a small clearing; by now we were far enough away from the road to guarantee isolation. Derrick sized up the spot and, satisfied, led me over to where an old log had fallen over in the grass.

He sat, but kept his hold on my hand. "You never told me your name," he said.

"Oh!" I blushed again, realizing how rude I must seem. "I'm Lily!"

The older trainer drew me closer to him. His thumb was rubbing against my hand and suddenly I felt very uncomfortable. "Lily, do you know what I'm going to ask you?" My face felt flush as my blush deepened; I was starting to get the picture.

"Y-you want me to... d-do stuff with you?" I stammered, butterflies in my stomach.

Derrick smiled and I noticed how handsome he was almost in spite of myself. "Would you mind?" he asked soothingly, still rubbing his thumb along the top of my hand. "I won't make you do anything you don't want to do."

My first impulse was to yell no and run back to the road. Derrick had been so nice to me, though. He'd given Pachirisu his potion and he'd let me keep my money even after I had been the one to insist on our battle in the first place!

I swallowed hard and forced out my answer. "I g-guess... I don't really know what to do though."

Letting go of my hand, Derrick unhooked his belt and set it aside. I watched breathlessly as he undid his pants and slid them down his legs. As scared as I was, I had never seen a penis before. Now that one was standing erect before me I couldn't help but feel curious. My legs were beginning to shake, so I sank to my knees in order to steady myself... and to have a closer look.

Derrick encouraged me onward. "Touch it."

So I did. It felt warm and firm in my hands. As I squeezed it gently I began to feel my own panties dampen and I had the sudden urge to slide one of my hands down into them. Having some idea of what boys did in private, I began to run my hands up and down the shaft. It might have been my imagination, but as my tempo increased it seemed to me as if the rod of flesh grew even larger and thicker.

After giving me ample time to explore on my own, Derrick spoke up again. "Why don't you try using your mouth?"

I looked down at the throbbing penis in my hands. The purple head was crowned with a small drop of clear liquid. It didn't look very appetizing, but I told myself I would just try it quickly and then go back to using my hands. Trying to work up my courage, my tongue darted out and ran up the length of his cock. When it reached the tip, my tongue met briefly with the drop of liquid. It tasted salty, but it didn't seem unpleasant.

Shutting my eyes, I opened my mouth and lowered it down. Once the head was entirely in, I closed my mouth and probed it with my tongue. More of the salty liquid was released as I ran my tongue around in a circle.

I felt a light hand on top of my head, gently pressing me down. Taking the cue, I swallowed as much of his shaft as I could. When I was halfway down, I felt the swollen tip bump into the back of my throat. I stopped there, his cock completely filling my mouth. It was so large that my tongue was now pinned to the bottom of my mouth. I held as long as I could before I jerked my head off of him, gasping for breath.

After I had steadied myself, I looked down again. His cock, now covered in my saliva, glistened in the sunlight. "What's that stuff coming out of it?" I asked, curious.

Derrick laughed. "You sure can work my dick like a champ considering you don't even know what cum is."

I blushed, feeling foolish. "I know what cum is! I've just never seen it before!"

Deciding that sucking dick wasn't as bad as I'd thought, I moved in to swallow him again. This time Derrick stopped me. "Hold on." I paused, confused and a little hurt. Did he not want me to? Had I done something wrong?

"You're doing great Lily, but it's not fair that you have to help me alone. You and Pachirisu are a team, you should do this together."

I was stunned. "B-but Pachirisu is a pokemon!"

"So?" Derrick asked plainly.

"So humans and pokemon don't... do stuff like this!"

Derrick shrugged. "Why not? Pachirisu is a girl, isn't she? Why don't you ask her if she'll help you?"

I looked back over my shoulder into the clearing. My Pachirisu and Derrick's Rapidash were both waiting quietly off to the side, their eyes turned in our direction. It was somewhat embarrassing; I'd become so lost in what I was doing I'd never even considered that they were watching us.

"Um, Pachirisu, come here," I beckoned my little pokemon over. She approached hesitantly, her wide eyes glued to Derrick's cock. "Pachirisu, do you want to... help me?"

The pokemon didn't respond, she just stared at the erect shaft towering over her. I picked her up gently and held her closer to the object of her interest. She reached her tiny hand out to grab it but couldn't even get her grip entirely around its girth.

Derrick took Pachirisu from me and steadied the pokemon on one of his legs. "It's okay Pachirisu. Let's do it together," I said to her. Then I wrapped my fist around the cock where the pokemon's much smaller hand was still resting. Her hand in mine, I began to rub up and down the shaft. At first Pachirisu sat passively, letting me guide her hand over the cock. Then I felt her start to move her hand with mine.

"That's good, Pachirisu!" I encouraged her. "It's fun, isn't it?"

I let go of Pachirisu's hand and gripped the bottom of Derrick's cock, leaving her the top. Smiling now, Pachirisu reached in with her other arm and grabbed on with both hands. As we stroked him up and down together, Derrick ran his hand through Pachirisu's white fur. The little pokemon was bouncing up and down on his leg with excitement as she pumped with all her might.

At this point my panties were completely soaked and the desire to touch myself had become overpowering. Still jerking Derrick off, I slid my other hand under my skirt and pulled down my panties. I was really wet; my love juices began to drip down the inside of my thighs as my fingers went straight for my clit. Soon my hand was slick with lubrication as I masturbated roughly.

As I played with myself under my skirt I began to feel the urge to fill my mouth again. I let go of Derrick's cock, letting Pachirisu run her hands along his full length, and took the head back into my mouth. The salty taste of pre-cum filled my mouth once more; my tongue scooped it up from where it pooled at the tip and I savored.

After I'd had enough, I pulled myself off. "Pachirisu, taste it."

No further coaxing was necessary as I pushed Derrick's wet cock towards Pachirisu. Removing her hands and focusing on this new task, she opened her mouth wide and attempted to take as much of it into her mouth as she could. The sight of her cheeks bulging out around the massive cock excited me much more than I had expected. As the pokemon worked the head, undoubtedly tasting Derrick's salty cum just as I had, I nibbled and licked all along the length of the shaft, all the while still playing with myself furiously.

"I'm gonna cum pretty soon girls," Derrick said with a strained voice.

"Pachirisu, don't be greedy!" I moaned, wishing it were my mouth around him right now.

All of a sudden I felt a pulse run through Derrick's cock and Pachirisu's cheeks bulged even wider. Ignoring my protests, Pachirisu attempted to take as much of his cum as she could, but her mouth was just too small. Thick white cum burst out from between her lips. Derrick's spurting cock popped free as a powerful geyser of cum exploded high into the air before falling back down and spattering across my face and hair. My hand was a blur underneath my skirt as jet after jet of the milky liquid rained down onto the two of us.

When the deluge abated, Pachirisu and I were completely covered in Derrick's sticky seed. Pachirisu had swallowed as much as she could, but it still flowed from her mouth and into her fur in great gobs. Leaning in close to my cute little pokemon, I lovingly licked her fur clean. Unable to resist, I stuck my tongue into her mouth and scooped as much cum as I could directly out of it. As our tongues met I felt the slight prick of electricity and I wondered if Derrick had felt the same on his cock. When Pachirisu was somewhat clean, I giggled as she attempted to return the favor, licking all over my face with her little tongue. Each little lick was accompanied by a tiny electric shock. My imagination ran wild at the thought of that electric tongue between my legs.

Pachirisu got what she could, but there was still a bit left dribbling down my forehead. Suddenly a wicked and perverse thought struck me. Removing my soaking hand from my underneath my skirt, I scooped up the rest of the cum left on my face with my index finger, then returned my hand to my steaming crotch. I stuck the finger, cum and all, deep into the warm folds of my pussy. There was no risk of pregnancy, my parents had insisted I get on birth control, but I was driven by some primal urge I didn't understand to have his spunk inside of me.

"Thanks girls, you two are hot!" Derrick groaned, leaning back and taking a look at us.

By now I was so worked up that my initial reluctance had completely evaporated, replaced by a lust I hadn't realized I was capable of. I stood up and lifted up the front of my skirt, revealing my hairless pussy. "Are you gonna fuck me now?" I asked sweetly, still fingering myself. I felt like a slut and I loved it.

Derrick's eyes were glued to the view I was giving him, but I was disappointed to hear him say "Lily, I'd love to, but I need to rest up a bit before round two."

Not ready to take a break, I did my best to get him fired up again. Taking my finger out of my pussy, I stuck it in my mouth and in my best little girl voice I moaned "Pleeeeeeeease?"

Derrick shocked me again with his next suggestion. "While you're waiting on me, don't forget about my team mate. Rapidash wants his reward too."

Derrick's Rapidash was still waiting at the edge of the clearing where he'd been watching events unfold. I studied the pokemon and noticed that the fiery stallion was quite well endowed and very aroused. The concept of fooling around with a pokemon still seemed odd to me. I had already shared a cock with Pachirisu, though, how much stranger could it be to get one off?

There was just one problem. "He's... way too big for me!"

"You don't have to have sex with him. Just play with him," Derrick suggested.

What the heck, I figured, it could be fun. "Okay, but this could get messy," I said as I began to strip down. My panties long since discarded, I slipped my skirt down. Then I pulled off my shirt, revealing that I was not wearing a bra. My breasts had barely begun to grow, but I was confident that I looked sexy! Completely naked now, I walked towards the Rapidash, doing my best to sway my immature hips sexily and give Derrick a good look at my backside.

When I reached him, I ran my hands through the stallion's orange mane and gave him a wet kiss on his nose before sinking to my knees. His dick was sticking straight out underneath his belly. It looked even larger up close; in fact it was thicker than my arm!

My hand ran across its rubbery length all the way down to the base as I nuzzled my face up against the shaft. My mouth latched onto the side of his thick cock and I suckled it while my tongue went to work. I continued exploring with my hands, moving from the base of his penis to cup his swollen testicles.

Still rubbing my face against the Rapidash's massive rod, I squeezed his balls gently and spoke to him in my teasing little girl voice. "Do you need to cum, Rapidash? Will you cum for me please?" I couldn't believe the naughty words were coming from me.

Rapidash snorted in response as cum began to ooze from the tip of his long cock. Giggling at the ease with which I had set him off, I moved to his tip and opened my mouth as wide as I could to latch onto it. Rapidash's cum was different than Derrick's; it wasn't as thick, and it tasted slightly more tart, but most noticeably it was hot! It wasn't unpleasant however, and I eagerly swallowed it. More and more of it flowed into my mouth and soon it was dribbling down my chin. I felt drops of it splash onto my chest and thighs. As I sucked, I ran my hands along my small breasts and rubbed the pokemon cum around my hard nipples.

I felt soft fur brush against my thigh. Reluctantly, I removed the pokemon cock from my mouth and looked down. Pachirisu was standing beside me on her tip toes, straining to see better. I picked her up.

"Try it!" I said. Her mouth was too small to fit even the head inside, so I held her just below the steady flow of seed. It dripped down onto her face and into her mouth and she stuck her tongue out to catch more of it.

When she'd had her fill, I set her down in front of me. "I think this one is too big for you to help me, Pachirisu," I apologized. Pachirisu protested with a sad squeak. "But if you want to..." I trailed off as I spread my legs, giving her access my swollen pussy. Without any further coaxing, Pachirisu dived right in.

I let out a small cry as Pachirisu's tongue contacted my wet lips and a titillating jolt of electricity stimulated my horny cunt even further. The slight shocks continued as Pachirisu lapped at my labia and clit over and over. It was as wonderful as I had thought.

"Pachirisu, your tongue feels so good!" I gasped.

As distracting as my pokemon's electric tongue was, I couldn't forget about the penis in front of me. Wanting to share the pleasure I was feeling, I grabbed onto it with both hands and began to pump it forcefully. I rubbed my face against the sticky head, smearing cum across my lips and cheeks.

"Rapidash, I need you to cum," I begged. "Please cum on me. I'm a little slut and I want it all over me!" The dirty talk excited me as much as it seemed to excite him.

The Rapidash's orgasm came almost without warning. I was planting a tender kiss right on the tip of his penis when I felt something surge through his long cock. Before I could remove my lips a blast of his unusually hot cum shot right into my mouth, almost choking me. I reflexively pulled back and just barely had time to close my eyes before the next blast completely plastered my face with enough force that it stung. His cock was like a fire hose and I was quickly soaked in the sticky substance as it splashed all over. It was in my hair, all along my chest, and great rivers of it fell down on top of Pachirisu, who ignored it as she continued to eat me out. I was glad to be naked, as my clothing would undoubtedly have been completely ruined!

By the time Rapidash was empty I was a total gooey mess. The pokemon cum flowed down my body and pooled around my crotch, finally becoming so thick that Pachirisu had to stop licking me. The top of her head, her face and her big bushy tail were likewise covered in the stuff.

"Wow, that was a lot! You really did need to cum, didn't you boy?" I said to Rapidash, giving his balls one last squeeze before I stood. Then I turned to Derrick. He was hard again and had been idly stroking himself while watching me service his pokemon.

"Umm... do you have a towel?"

Of course, no pokemon trainer left on a journey without a good towel, and Derrick was no exception. He retrieved one from his backpack and threw it over to me. I wiped myself down before bending over and doing the best I could with Pachirisu.

"Pachirisu, we're going to need to take a long, hot bath together after this," I said. She agreed. "Pachi!"

We were mostly cleaned up, but my hair was a mess and Pachirisu's white fur had become quite matted. Nevertheless, Derrick beckoned us over, eager to have another go.

I sauntered over to him. Running a finger teasingly down his abdomen towards his crotch, I cocked my head to the side and asked "Are you ready to fuck me yet?" as innocently as I could. My finger danced across his cock head.

Derrick reached out and ran his hands all over my naked body. They snaked along the slight contours of my chest before his fingers moved inward and traced circles around each of my pink areolas. I giggled as he pinched my firm nipples. Then his hands moved to the sides of my body and slid down past my girlish hips. He ran them back and enveloped my butt cheeks, then pulled me in close.

The lips of my over stimulated pussy rubbed against his erect manhood, the juices seeping from each mingling. Feeling naughty and wanting to get back at him for making me wait, I reached between us and parted my sex, letting his head slip into my delicious folds but not allowing him to penetrate me. Then I sank down slowly, pushing his shaft up against my engorged labia.

The teasing worked. "Let me put it in," he begged.

I reveled at the feeling of being in control of the encounter for once, but in the end I wanted it as badly as he did. He sat back on the log as I climbed on top of him, my slit hovering over his rod. Then he grabbed my hips and pushed me down. I felt his head push against me and at first it felt like it would never fit. Then, with a soft POP, it slid inside.

At first it hurt and I clung to Derrick, my head pressing up against one of his shoulders. As I eased myself down onto him, the pain was replaced by pleasure and before I knew it he was completely buried in my tight tunnel. We sat there for a moment and I held onto him as his hands dug into my soft behind, both of us anticipating what was to come.

When the moment had passed and I was ready, I started to grind against him. He responded by gently thrusting his hips up. Every time I pushed down onto him, he would push up into me. I felt the tip of his cock brush up against my cervix and I wanted more. My grinding became more forceful and soon I was humping him hard and fast.

"Fuck me hard Derrick. I need you deep inside me," I whined in his ear, feeling half-crazed by sex. Derrick grunted in response and matched my animal drive by increasing the force of his own thrusts. Our flesh slapped together as he pounded up into my deepest recesses. His cock slammed against the back of my pussy. I still wanted more.

I felt like I was aware of every cell in my body as I pressed up against him. My sensitive nipples tingled at the feel of his rough clothing. One of Derrick's hands was now exploring the crack of my ass. I felt a finger slip down and rub my anus. Sensing he was unsure whether or not he should proceed, I whispered in his ear again.

"Do it. Fuck my ass with your finger."

Derrick responded and I felt not one but two fingers probe their way into my ass. The tight opening stung as he penetrated it, but once he was up to his knuckles I was practically screaming for more. Each time I pressed down onto his cock, his fingers moved deeper into my other hole.

Suddenly Derrick slowed and I almost cried out in disappointment and anger. "What's wrong?" I moaned. "Don't stop!"

"If I don't stop now I'll cum," he said. "I wanna fuck Pachirisu first."

Still grinding against him slowly, I replied "You'll never fit inside of her!"

"Not all the way, but you'd be surprised," he said. "Just let me try it."

As much as I wanted him to stay inside of me, my loins burned at the perverted thought of watching Derrick hammering away at my little pokemon. As I slowed my movement to a stop, I agreed under one condition. "Fine. But you have to cum inside of me." His cock slid out of my burning cunt with a wet slurp, thin ropes of pre-cum connecting us for moments even after we'd separated.

Pachirisu was right by our side and I took her up in my arms. Telling Derrick to stand up, I took his place on the log. Reclining all the way onto my back, I spread my legs, presenting my pussy to him. Then I took Pachirisu and lay her down on top of me. I ran my fingers through the fur of her belly and down towards her crotch until I felt her small slit. For a brief moment I explored her depths with my finger before reluctantly withdrawing. She responded with a soft "Pachi!" Then I spread Pachirisu's legs wide to match mine. Our two pussies were stacked, mine right below hers. Derrick stood over us and, taking hold of his cock, positioned it at the little pokemon's entrance.

"Don't hurt her," I warned him.

"Pokemon are very resilient," he reassured me. "I promise she'll love this."

With that, Derrick began to push into Pachirisu's cunt. I held the little pokemon in place as she wriggled against me. To my surprise, he slipped in easily. "Pachi!" Pachirisu cried in pleasure. When his shaft was halfway into her, he stopped, apparently having hit his max depth. Then he began to pump in and out of her.

With one hand, I masturbated furiously as my pokemon was fucked on top of me. With my other hand, I explored Pachirisu's cunt as Derrick hammered in and out of it. I rubbed her outer lips as they parted around his girth, then snaked my fingers up his pistoning shaft. Bringing my hand to my mouth, I licked off the mixed juices of their lovemaking before returning for more. Pachirisu's mouth hung open, her tongue slack. When I brought my sticky fingers to up to it, she reflexively licked them clean.

"Is she tight?" I asked as I felt around their coupling. "Does my little Pachirisu feel good?"

Derrick's voice was strained. "Yeah!"

Pachirisu writhed in pleasure against me, repeating her one word over and over again. "Pachi! Pachi! Pachi!" I'd never heard her this way. Every thrust pressed her tighter against me. I thought about how hot it would be to just let Derrick dump his load into her, but I wanted it for myself too much.

I'd never even thought of pokemon sexually before today. Now a whole new world was opened to me, and as my finger rolled off of her tiny clit I knew that Pachirisu and I were going to be closer than ever from now on.

Suddenly Derrick cried out "I'm gonna cum!"

True to his word he withdrew from Pachirisu and, without missing a beat, shoved his cock into my waiting pussy. He began to ram into me with new force as I quickly inserted two fingers into Pachirisu to fill the void he'd left.

I felt his whole body tense as he slammed in to the hilt and began to deposit his spunk inside of me. I could feel his cock pulse with each jet of sperm and a warmth spread throughout my lower body. Some of it began to drip out of me onto the log, but even more flowed through my cervix where it splashed into my waiting womb. This finally set me off as I was wracked by my first orgasm. My whole body began to tremble and I jammed my fingers deeper into Pachirisu without thinking. My vision went white as I convulsed in the sheer pleasure of being filled by my partner's seed. I was completely unaware of the feeling of Pachirisu's little cunt milking my fingers as she too reached orgasm.

For a time, the three of us were completely oblivious to anything but our own pleasure, even as we all shared our orgasms together.

Spent, Derrick collapsed on top of me, sandwiching Pachirisu between us. The three of us lay there, panting, as we recovered. I felt him start to soften inside of me, and I was at last aware of the quivers running through Pachirisu's pussy as the last of her orgasm faded.

Once we became untangled, I stood and found my discarded clothing. I dressed as Derrick tended to his Rapidash. Pachirisu lay in the grass, exhausted, her beautiful white fur filthy. As I straightened my short skirt, I reflected on what had happened and I couldn't believe what a slut I'd transformed into. I knew I had to do this again.

We all walked back to the road silently. Derrick and Rapidash were none the worse for wear, but Pachirisu needed a bath terribly, and I could still feel a thin sheen of sweat and cum all across my body. My frayed ponytail hung down in a mess, dried semen clumped throughout my hair. I wondered what passersby would think.

It was time to part ways. Derrick turned to me. "Lily, you and Pachirisu are going to be an excellent team!"

I smiled at the compliment. "Good luck on your journey!" I said. Thinking for a moment, I added "Make sure you come back some day. We have to 'battle' again!" I winked at him.

Derrick nodded with a sly grin. "You can count on it! Rapidash wants to 'battle' again too! And next time I'll introduce you to my other pokemon!" He patted the pokeballs on his belt as he spoke.

As they left, I took Pachirisu in my arms and kissed her forehead as she snuggled up against my small breasts. She tasted and smelled heavily of cum. I ran a finger teasingly around her sex as I said "Okay Pachirisu. Let's go take that bath!"

Lily Loves Pokemon - Chapter 2

My fingers skimmed impishly across my pokémon's furry wet cleft, the slight prick of static electricity as I contacted her making them tingle. Pachirisu's back arched and her tailed batted back and forth as she strained to push herself closer. Still I...

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An Encounter With Milotic

I sat on the grass by the water's edge, face turned up towards the warm sun, eyes closed and feet dangling down, stirring the water slightly. It was cool, calm and crystal clear. Even here at the edge, the lake was about four or five feet deep; the...

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My Mawile - Chapter 3

My giving Mawile oral sex, as well as the more unconventional act of fucking Mawile's maw, became regular activities for us. All of my initial concerns with putting my cock into the toothy, powerful jaws were gone in light of the extreme pleasure of...

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