The problem with cooking

Story by Damaged on SoFurry

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#2 of Foxy Lovers

I woke slowly, stretching and yawning, "Mmm that had to be the best-" I stopped short as I realised the ground beside me was empty of everything save my towel. "Why that little rat!"

I climbed to my feet, a slight tightness at my groin belying just how 'good' the night had actually been. When I found the note.

To my love,

I hope you enjoyed your anniversary present.

Your loving fox.

PS. last one home has to cook the other dinner.

And if that's you, go easy on your favourite spice.

"Oh really? There is no way he is getting out of cooking today." I said, picking up the towel and stalking toward the beast he had shot the previous evening.

I studied the warg, it was a little larger, nose to rear, than I was but its muscle mass was immense. With a grin I retrieved first the arrow in its neck, removing the shaft and making sure the tip hadn't been damaged.

Moving to face the beast, I reached up to its damaged eye, grasping the shaft firmly, twisting and pulling. It came loose and was wholly intact. I started reciting what my father had taught me about the beasts, "The thing with wargs is, they have some amazing attributes, the first and most interesting being their rapid regeneration." I grinned as the eye reformed in front of me.

Suddenly I was on my back with the beasts paw on my chest, pressing my breasts down flat, I was receiving the face-bathing of my life. "Oh you" I gasped between licks, "back off." I giggled, he was just a big softy, "Ok, off NOW!" I said and he followed the command, sitting back on his haunches tongue lolling to the side.

Regaining my feet I swished my tail back and fourth, this just might work...

Before long I was riding the back of the monster, rushing as fast as he could run back to our cabin. "... the next thing, they move fast, their reflexes and running speed are all in excess of even foxkin, never underestimate them." I said dutifully, holding onto his fur with all my strength, towel tucked firmly under one arm.

We reached the house first and I opened the door to go in and almost got trampled by the warg following me, "So your an 'inside dog' now are you?" At his apologetic look I softened, "Well you did help me out, you deserve it." He barked once and lay down watching me.

I considered getting dressed then, but it was the day of our anniversary, I had to make sure my fox had all his presents.

Despite the wager I decided it was up to me, being the first home, to cook a nice meal and decided on a pie.

Taking out some things while the stove warmed from me stirring up the coals, I made the dough up and rolled it on the table, getting a nice thin topping that would be the perfect crust.

Picking a suitable tray I added some steak I had cooked and left hanging the previous morning, and began making a nice thick gravy on the stove, boiling down some fat, adding some flour and, with a grin, a bit of my favourite herb, despite my mates admonishment.

I poured the thickened gravy over the meat and set the pastry on top, thumbing down around the edges, "My foxy will love this" I said gleefully.

Thoughts of how he would repay me for the meal floating in my head, a full body flush left me hotter than the open oven could ever make me, I picked up the pie and turned, leaning forward and put it in the oven.

I took a step back then, to lift the door, but before I could, a *lick* took any strength I had in me away, it was a long stroke, starting at my now slightly swollen vulva and rising up to where my tail flagged.

Its repeated application left me in a haze of lust, "Surely your not ho-" I began as I turned my head slowly to my surprise lover.

He wasn't home yet, the hulking form of the warg was bunched up behind me, slurping away any resistance I might have had. Giggling I edged my legs a little wider making sure he had plenty of access.

Just then his tongue slipped deep into me, writhing around to get every hint of flavour, I moaned out loud, too much more of this and I would be a whimpering mess on the floor.

Fortunately he must have heard my thoughts because his tongue never touched me again. But I knew what was coming.

His weight was immense, if it wasn't for him putting his paws down on either side of my shoulders I would have collapsed. "Ugh, good boy." I managed, praising him for at least doing things the right way.

He was practised in this, it wasn't his first time on a smaller partner and on the second stab of his hips he found my breeding hole.

I howled out loud, he didn't take it slow, not like my foxy, he started as he intended to go on, and began pistoning his hips.

My howl turned into an extended moan as the pressure inside me grew, wordlessly my mind ran over another attribute, 'The warg has a lot of stamina, you can observe this best when they mate. But take a packed lunch, those boys just don't know when to stop.'

I felt my pleasure building, his member was still swelling inside me, filling me far more than my mate could. More suddenly than I thought, my body threw me over that amazing cliff and I spasmed around, under the beast, his continuing thrusts just inflaming my body to further pleasure as my mind faded to one simple thing, need.

I pushed back into his returning hips as often as I could, but less often than I wanted, the pace he had set leaving me little more than a whining pile of fur on the floor.

"Well well well, looks like you had some help getting home, but the help wanted a payment." My mate said from the doorway.

Dimly my mind registered him moving into the room, checking the open oven, closing the door so the pie would begin cooking and then standing over us, hands on his hips.

His next few words were drowned out as I moaned, another release tearing through me. I could feel my bestial lover releasing his seed now, one spurt every other thrust or so. It was an arduous way to mate, but I wasn't, at that point, able to articulate an argument.

My fox's hand was on my chin as he looked down to me, in the time lost to my orgasm he had dis-robed, I realised what he was about and raised myself to my hands. Seated on his knees he fed his member to my waiting mouth, I closed my muzzle around him, letting my front teeth play gently over the base of his long shaft. Curling my tongue in the way that I know drives him wild, I started to hum deep in my throat, bringing extra stimulation to my foxy mate.

I managed to glance at the sand clock on the bench, making note somewhere in the haze of my lust of the time, even as I felt the warg grip down on my neck. It would not be much longer for him now.

Without ceremony I felt the beasts member swell up fully half again as big and a torrential flood of his seed poured into me, triggering another mind staggering orgasm as I worked myself around both my lovers rods.

I was exploded, like a tree struck by lightning again and again, the warg's and my juices pouring freely from my stretched and sated love tunnel.

Still somehow working my mouth around my mate it was with great satisfaction that I herd him groan and felt his rod flare, filling me with his seed.

Released from both embraces now, I slumped to my belly, spent.

"Oh no my little foxy slut, we have only just begun the day!" My lover said, gaining his feet.

I managed no more than a soft groan, the warg behind me, cleaning up the 'mess' he had made of me.

His muzzle was pushed away and I managed enough sense to turn and look at what my mate was up to. Without asking my opinion, he lifted me and plopped me onto my back on the table.

I felt left over dough press into my back gooily and a small cloud of flour had risen from the act. My fox just began slowly, rubbing small handfuls of dough into my chest, massaging my breasts softly, then harder, working the now sticky substance deep into my fur.

Admonishments poised on my lips, ready to berate him for making such a mess, I opened my muzzle to give him the tongue lashing he deserved but all that came from my throat was, "Mmmmm".

Without a word, he slid into my feminine depths, pushing as far as he could, it should have brought me to another orgasm, but instead I was still worn, literally, from the warg's immense girth.

"My baby is all warged out it seems, no matter." He said happily, withdrawing his rod from my sticky, well lubricated depths.

A pressure built under my tail, a gasp passed my lips, and he pressed his member forward relentlessly into my rear hole.

"Ahhh, that's more like it." He sighed, working himself in deeper and deeper, the juices from my earlier mating making sure the penetration held nothing but pleasure.

As he pushed in deeper, his hand worked at my folds, rubbing, pinching and swirling around my entrance, I moaned loudly at the amazing feeling of his shaft driving deep into my bowels combined with the stimulation of my other entrance.

He pumped harder and harder, and, lacking the stamina of the warg, relying more on his dexterous hands to excite my need.

The feel of him, driving in and out, fingers pinching first one nipple, then the other, combined to bring me right to the very lip of that wonderful precipice again.

But it was his fingers, tired of the games at my slit, pushing deep into me that drove me over that cliff. Screaming I exploded in pleasure, thrashing around on the table, working more of the sticky cooking ingredients into my soft fur.

I was halfway coming down that steep slope of release when he exploded in my rear, the feeling of him flaring widely and filling my colon with his seed pushing me back up and over the cliff again.

Panting he collapsed onto me. We lay for a moment, his head nestled between my breasts, his slowly declining member withdrawing from my depths.

I glanced at the clock again dreamily...

"THE PIE!" I yelled, getting his attention.

"Oh love, the pie is the least of your troubles, it won't be the only thing in the oven." He said, dismounting and patting my belly.

Stark realisation hit, the last thing I had learnt about wargs, '... and for the love of little green apples, don't let one mount you, their seed is more virulent than the pox and finds its mark in the most unusual of places. Mark my words girly, if'n one ever climbs your back, make sure you have a nulling necklace on.'

My hand flew to my neck, of course it wasn't there, me and my foxy were trying to have children.

Well it looks like now I will be having pups.

The smell of the pie, freshly baked, came to me as my lover opened the oven, "Looks like this is all done babe." He said with a grin.

I give up fighting my muse, she likes me writing short pieces about sex, who am I to argue with her?

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