A Thief's Trials: The Wyvern's Scales

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#3 of A Thief's Trials

(Chapter Three in the Thief's mini series. As always comments are welcome, vote if you loved it, cum if you enjoyed it.)

Illthar stood at the shores of the ocean and lifted his head to feel the breeze rush against his cheeks and silvered hair. The scent of the ocean spiced his nostrils, a half forgotten sensory memory of being a child and running across the white sands of his home. It was a stretch extending his memory that far back but it still brought a smile to his lips. Still he wasn't here to remember a long gone home, where his family's cottage had stood had long since been reclaimed by the wilderness. Beside him the horse sized presence of his Familiar broke the silence.

"She's not far, she's seen the island." It hissed softly, its distrust of the water and distaste of their currently location was palpable.

"Coming with me?" he offered, a tease lingered in his voice and almost laughed out loud as Rufus hissed more violently at the offer.

The Mage moved his hand at waist level from him and gathered up what magic he could. They were so close to the water and the once samebito rich seas, that most of the magic had slowly leaked away. Once he had enough he let it out until he could form a bubble of energy around him, impenetrable and relaxed his hold with a sigh. It would hold even beneath the deepest water, filtering the sea water through to ensure he had enough oxygen to breath. Without looking back at his Familiar he stepped forward into the waves. He had to find Tenja to ensure she didn't rid herself of the eggs.


Tenja had spent three days in a confused state of mind. The waters had provided her with food once she had learned how to work her form properly and found out that the water would easily bring her the scents of possibly prey. Yet her days were filled with fear that the samebito would arrive out of the darkness and claim her again. She couldn't forget that it had happened in the first place. The reminder was plain each time she twisted her body and saw the bulge of her lower stomach. It seemed as if just two days had made them grow far larger and by the third she had watched and arched until she saw the individual orbs pushed against her.

:Come to me.: The voice came into her mind as she slide through water that had grown shallower and more rocky. A hope she was growing closer to land.

Tenja froze in her swim, her tail swept behind her with minimal movements as she tried to place where the voice had come. The words repeated in her mind again and seemed to tug something inside of her. The internal pull turned her swim about and away from where she had started to see the sands rising higher as the water grew shallower. What would she do on land? The water grew darker as she skirted down past the colorful coral. It had once appeared beautiful and alien, but now only made her feel a growing despair. She wasn't meant for this ocean world, had the Mage lied? Was he simply amusing himself by watching her struggle through the ocean?

:No, here Tenja. Here.: The voice was soft as it brushed her mind and as she slipped beneath a thick ridge of coral into the blue twilight of the deeper waters she found the mage standing on the rocky floor.

She wanted to open her jaws to accuse him for leaving her alone but when she did nothing came out, her throat worked, but no sound was produced. The Mage seemed untouched by the water around him, his clothing still dry and his hair smoothly pulled back against his head. A closer look and her eyes caught the slight distortion about three inches around his entire body that seemed to hold the ocean at bay. For a moment rage flooded her, how dare he force her into this shape when he could have simply let her walk as he did! She fanned her fore fins slightly and felt her muscles tense. How easy to strike him now if only he kept to the same position.

"You cannot harm me while I remain in this." He gestured towards the barrier, his voice coming verbally now that she was close enough to hear. "Your changed nature has led you well, I had thought I would need to hunt the oceans for you. Your body knew where it needed to be. How curious."

Tenja mutely stared at him in confusion before a gesture of her hand drew her gaze towards the coral beneath his feet. The strange indentations weren't a feature of natural growth, but instead the scraping of bodies. She could make out the smoothness and ridges where forms had rubbed and forced the stone to conform to what animals had wished to make it. Here and there she saw that outcroppings were not rock at all, but cracked and broken shells that littered the very edges the area. For a handful of heartbeats she wasn't sure what he meant, but then the feel of her own swollen body as her tail moved behind her brought things back in sharp relief.

"Yes, that is what I meant. I cannot change you back while you are heavy with eggs and the samebito's rubies. You will have to lay them first." She could see a trace of regret in the wrinkled features and he moved backwards a few paces, "I would offer you privacy, but I fear if you had complications with the rubies I would be too late in offering aid. " She hesitated still, a flood of humiliation filled her at the very suggestion of what he wanted her to do! He wanted her to lay the beasts eggs and not just lay them, but for him to watch as she did! "Tenja, I cannot turn you back until you do." The voice was maddeningly gentle.

The thief might have refused and turned away on principle. The very thought of laying eggs made her stomach turn, it wasn't normal, it wasn't human. It was something low and beastial. No matter what her choice might have been her stomach clenched, no not her stomach. Her lower belly clenched and she could feel the first ripple of contraction past through her. Her body twisted in the water and she moved her lower fins down to feel against the swell of her egg chamber. It was pressure and a pain that was almost akin to that moment of pleasure one feels at orgasm. It made her entire lower half jerk down, her eyes sought out and found the Mage's.

Tenja's body twisted as another spasm ran through her and what thoughts she had formed against the Mage were washed away with the feeling of being full. So achingly full. Her body felt swollen and pressure built deep inside of her, as if a flood gate waited to be cast open to allow her relief. Through her writhing she dropped down lower towards the ocean's floor and the concaved 'nests' that had been worn out through the years. The pressure built inside of her, the sensation much like when the samebito had penetrated past the ring of her cervix.

She felt her belly scrape upon rough coral and the lower set of fins moved to grip against the hard edges of the rock. Illthar remained quiet, and while she could feel grateful for that small blessing, her world was quickly dissolving into the sensations of her body. The contractions rippled down her passage so that her outer folds were spread open towards the water the slide past her body. The muscle spasms moved and shifted her burden until they started to push forward against the ring of muscle that held them inside of her. She wanted to deny it, to stop it! She wasn't going to lay eggs, not like some common animal!

Her jaws gaped open and she felt one hard edged orb push itself against her cervix and her own body clenched down until the pressure reached a crescendo. It pushed and wedged open the ring of muscle, puckering it outwards so that there was a moment of splitting pain that ran through her. Panic. She was never meant to be spread like this! She clenched her walls down and pulled around the orb as it inched its way into the softer and more pliable channel of her body. A ripple ran down her spine as she imagined she could hear the popping sound of it being pushed free and felt it gripped in her passage.

The changed thief struggled and forgot even that the mage watched her as the contractions pulled and stroked around the egg. Drawing it down from her body as she intimately felt each curve and roughened texture of its shell inside of her. When it started to crown and she felt her outer folds gaping open and straining wider, she felt a stab of humiliating pleasure. It grazed over a spot inside of her that forcefully reminded her of the way the beast had taken her. Her head twisted down and she watched as the mottled grey and green egg opened her to the widest point and then spilled from her body. The gentle waters of the ocean lowered it down into the conclave embrace of the coral.

"Good...it will be easier now, Tenja." The voice was an unwelcomed reminder of the man that watched her. Her head twisted to challenge him, but her outrage was lost as another egg pushed against her cervix by her body's betrayal.

Tenja worked her internal muscles in ways she had never thought to experience. The push of painful pressure when the egg jammed against her cervix before it yawned the dilated ring open to its widest point. Her muscles and body knew what to do even if she was awash with the very wrongness of the act. She could feel herself pulling and squeezing around the ovid and her tail began to thrash back and forth above the carved out nest. The movements helped coax the egg along her slickening passage and drove away the cloudy spill in the water as her body released lubricant to prevent harm to her aching passage.

The egg stretched her outer folds and she wanted to let out a cry, the rough shell scraped against places that made her want to writhe with pleasure as well as pain. The moment it pushed against the outer folds she felt hands against her stomach and then lower. Had she not been half writhing, caught between something like pain and pleasure she would have taken her chances and drove her teeth into him. Instead she was forced to feel his fingers sliding against her folds and a sudden pull before she felt her gaping outer lips emptied of the egg.

The hand didn't move though, it kept a firm touch against her stomach and the other stroked down against her belly. Embarrassment welled up inside of her as she became aware of his soothing soft voice murmuring nothing more then nonsense words. The tone itself meant to calm her as she pushed once again to force an orb against her cervix and spread it open. Her tail whipped against him, but she felt something stop it from completely connecting against his side. His hand smoothed down her belly in a way that sharply reminded her of the way her father would stroke a farm animal going through a rough labor.

The shame and humiliation she felt was short lived as she felt a poignant rush of pressure, pleasure and pain when the orb was forced into her channel. To her horror rather than letting her muscles do the work she felt his fingers press against her folds and then push inwards. The Mage fought against the contractions of her body as his fingers pressed against his thumb and delved into her. The knuckles pushed up against her already stretched passage and she thrashed in place from the unwelcome intrusion into her body.


Illthar watched in silence as she struggled to lay the eggs, they would have been hard for any virginal samebito. Yet coupled with her human mind she seemed to protest what was happening and struggle to stop it. He wanted to turn away, to give her privacy for what she was doing. Each time he looked at her face he saw a human's misery and confusion in an animal's eyes. They were a mute rebuke to what he had done. It was that rebuke that kept him watching her. He could not take her place, he could do what she was doing. The least he could do was not turn away from what she was going to, not flinch and take the coward's way out.

As he watched the first egg crown and then spill forth from her body his own discomfort was forgotten. It matched the color of the coral exactly so that when it dropped down it was just another feature to the normal ridges and curves of the landscape. Was it fertile? Or was it simply a fool's hope that he had done something great here? He wanted and needed to know that what Tenja had gone through was not a pointless violation of her body. He pushed away his own sensibilities and moved to her side when he saw her straining for the second. The barrier that allowed him to breath kept her tail from striking him to the ground and his hands found the sandpapery hide of her stomach and the softer expanse of her sex.

The moment he saw the slash of greyish green crown from between her folds he started to murmur what he hoped were comforting sounds. His fingers found the roughened edges of the egg and cupped them against the palm of his hand before pulling gently. He tried to work with the contractions of her body, but even still he felt her jerk as the weight pushed free of her body. He cupped the egg in his hands and felt the weight of orb resting against his palms. It was heavier then it looked, heavier than he had thought when he had watched the first seem to float towards the ground.

The Mage bent down and placed the egg next to the first almost reverently. Were it infertile it would have weighed far less and had a softer texture. The shell would have been underdeveloped rather than have thickened and taken on the texture of stone. He stared at the twin eggs and realized he was looking at a tenuous hope. If only one of them hatched female she could continue the species and the oceans would find themselves once again protected and watched over by the curious beasts. The thief's trial had not been in vain or purposeless, that alone soothed the ache he felt for her. She may not understand just what this meant, but perhaps one day he could make her see the gift she had given to the oceans.

He had little time to revel in the idea, he could see Tenja struggling through the second egg that she had started to push against. Illthar shook his head clear of the heady rush of joy and moved his hand back to her side. She wouldn't have to go through it alone; he could help make it easier. He had grown up a farmer's son, he knew how to help. He pulled his fingers in tight against his thumb and started to push against folds. They spread open easily around the joined finger tips before he put some pressure behind the penetration and felt the walls clenching down around his touch. He could feel her body protesting the invasion all the way to the point when his knuckles yawned it open to the widest point and passed ever deeper.

Through her struggles he found the smooth hard orb of a ruby with his finger tips and wrapped his fingers around it. The Mage felt a surge of amazement as the walls closed down around his wrist and hand, the internal muscles able to grip around him so that he had to press his hand against her side to pull outwards. Soon they pushed around his hand and helped to maneuver it out past her slickened folds so that he wrist was pulling free. The fingers wrapped around the gem could feel the smooth hardness of the next gem pushed against them.

Another pull and Illthar watched the girl arch her back and her hips almost pinned his arm down beneath her as the ruby spilled free. Before he could marvel at it he watched as the lips peeled back further and the second ruby was birthed from her body and into his waiting hands. Both of them were lighter than he had expected and perfectly formed. The color of heart's blood as it was pumped freshly from the body, so dark he couldn't see the formation of his fingers through them. He couldn't find a single flaw, chip or imperfection as he rolled them along his palms. There they were, perfect and whole. A fortune that many had died for and now he possessed.


Tenja felt her exhausted body go through the contractions that never let her rest. Each time she thought she could relax she would feel the swell of an orb push against her cervix and breech it. Though now the pain had lessened, it had been replaced with a dull ache that never left her. Her walls were constantly held apart no matter how she might try to squeeze them down again. Blessedly the Mage had backed away with the jewels and no longer tried to assist her. The sting of shame that his hand had slid within her was only more acutely felt by the fact she had felt pleasure under his touch.

She forced her mind away from a single moment her body had tensed and she had hovered close to the shimmering edge of orgasm. She had fought it off, but only when the second ruby had pushed its way past her abused cervix. After what felt like hours she had expelled ten heavy eggs from her body, each one was mounded against its fellows so that they looked like a strange piece of landscape in an already alien world. The last one had made her writhe and twist before it had dropped down and left her mound gaping and reddened under the effort it had cost her.

The Mage stepped forward with a sad, yet oddly triumphant smile on his face when she had floated to rest against the ground. Her body beyond spent, her mind numbed even to her shame at having known he had watched her behave like a birthing animal. Perhaps one day she could force away the memory of how his hand had felt pushed inside of her, but it would be a long time in coming. Illthar's hand lifted up and she watched his lips soundlessly move a moment before a wave of giddiness overcame her.

She closed her eyes to stop herself from passing out and the feel of the water changed around her. It glided over her...skin? Her eyes snapped open to find her vision more normal and she opened her lips wide. For a panicked moment she felt water flood into her mouth, rushing down her throat before a firm hand gripped her wrist and pulled her forward. Air flowed through her nostrils as the Mage's bubble expanded to include her. She felt each bruise, scrape and ache of the abuse her body had taken. Her eyes wavered on the silver haired man for a moment before darkness enveloped her world.


The Mage rested in the chair and seemed to be at peace. His eyes gazed at his Familiar while it dozed within the flames. His mind was not at peace, it was stricken with a mingling of guilt and remorse. He'd set his feet upon this path and he knew he could step away from it again. Yet the consequences of doing so would be a price higher than even what he asked of the girl. Could he truly justify it? Could the sake of one young woman be worth the cost of reviving the world's magic? He remembered again the pale face when she had changed back into a human in his arms and though he sought, he found no right or wrong answer within his grasp.

He had brought her home to his Tower and saw to it that each and every need that she had was taken care of. He'd healed her wounds and soothed away the last remnants of her ordeal, at least in the physical. He could see the shadows in her eyes as he could do nothing to pull the memories away from her. It was all he could do to ensure that she was well looked after as she could recover and wanted for nothing.

"You requested me?" The voice was clipped and cold. She'd come upon him so silently even Rufus had jerked his head up and flared the flames a deadly white as his eyes focused on the thief. Illthar was old enough to not show more shock then a simple widening of his eyes and he turned his head behind his chair to see her freshly scrubbed and her skin pink from the shower. Had she tried to erase every taint of her first venture?

"Yes, Tenja, please have a seat. You are well rested?" He formed the words as cordially as he could manage and watched her sit straight backed against the chair.

"Yes." The word held no emotion, she said no more than a simple answer to his question. Her eyes were averted to the fire and then up once she saw the Salamander. Was she so ashamed?

"I'm glad you have recovered. It's time for your second trial." He leaned forward and nodded towards Rufus who formed the fiery circle that he used to scry into. He watched as the girl tensed and turned her head to look at him. He had to harden his heart against the mingled look of fear and dread. He had set himself and the girl's feet on this path, he couldn't swerve away from it now.


Tenja had spent three days alternately feeling as if she was a welcomed well cared for guest and a carefully guarded prisoner. She had wanted for nothing. Clean clothing, warm washing water, foods that were a treat on the tongue as well as filling to her stomach were all provided to her in excess. It was as if she were living a child's fantasy of being snatched away from a life of poverty and into the heady riches of a lord's manner. She slept whenever she was tired and awoke when hungry until she had regained her strength again. The only thing she lacked was her freedom. The rooms she had been assigned were a plush prison.

She glared at the man responsible for this as he sat across from her and gestured towards the ring of fire. How dare he hold her here? What did he want of her? Was it merely his twisted way of ensuring that she would never dare break in his home again or was there something deeper here? The questions had built up in her mind, but she had yet to find a true answer to any of them. All that she knew was that her freedom hinged upon completing the tasks he set her too and prayer that she would be able to make it through them alive.

"High up in the mountains of the north there is a land where the earth is never clear of snow or of ice." Illthar's voice snapped her back into the present and she narrowed her eyes him. "It's a world where men cannot go. There are no trees for fires, no food grown, no fit place for even so mean a thing as tent. It is here that creatures live unscathed and fearless of our kind."

A vision appeared of a world that seemed beautiful and alien. The peaks of the mountains weren't hard rock, but they seemed made of ice. Strange designs swirled through them, twisted and patterned after the weather. In the weak sunlight they seemed to cast back a bluish light and hinted how many layers of ice had been laid down to make the formations. The slope of the mountains was almost straight up and down and the only breaks in them seemed to be with jagged sharp ridged cliffs. She opened her mouth to speak when a gesture from the Mage cut her off as he continued.

"It is not so lifeless as you may think, Tenja." He murmured and the ring drew into a closer view of a particularly savage looking set of spires in the snowy ice. "There are many beasts that make their homes in the mountains. Some are as common as wolves and owls, others are far more interesting."

The spires moved and a head reared back from its position against the iced over mountain face and she unthinkingly jerked back away. The head was tapered to a point at its muzzle and then flared out to form a wedge. The jaws themselves were large and when it opened its mouth she saw a midnight black tongue and the flash of jagged teeth while it yawned. The creature was uniquely suited to its climate, its scales gleamed the same blue-white as the ice that surrounded it and the spikes along its back seemed to be made of crystals.

"What is that thing?" She managed to find her tongue, she couldn't quite figure out the scale of it, was it as small as the Salamander was now? Or was it as large as the Samebito had been?

"This is the Ice Wyvern, a creature the likes of which you'll never see this far south. Legend has it when the gods retreated to the north to escape the constant demands and wars of Man they were followed. Warriors and great kings came to plead for their aid and beg them for the magical weapons they had once created when the world was new. They caused the ice and the snow to gather over the mountains, but still humans came and found ways to carve through icy slopes and animals that could bear them through even the most treacherous path." He paused and looked away from her towards the reptilian creature that reared back on a set of powerful legs and she saw that it lacked forelegs. Instead a set of massive glider like wings rested on either side of its form. The sails of the wings spilled off massive chunks of ice towards the ground as it stirred them.

"Ffanir, the god of tricks, breathed life into a handful of ice, stone and snow so that it took on the shape of a guardian and so the Ice Wyvern was born. The creatures spread far and wide over the mountains and hunted lustily for anything that pumped warm blood. Mankind soon abandoned the mountains with tales of the beasts and the gods of old left their strong hold leaving the North ruled only by their creations." Illthar turned his head to look at her, his gaze seemed to demand she meet it with his own, "Your second trial will be to retrieve both a scale and spike from an Ice Wyvern."

"And how do you expect me to do that?" Tenja's voice came out bitter and laden with sarcasm, "Do you wish me to present myself to be raped by a desperate male?"

"No." She watched with surprise as he shook his head, "There are both males and females in those mountains. A female will challenge you for coming near her territory and engage you in combat, all you need do is close long enough to gather the scale and spine before retreating. You'll know the females by the lack of horns. Avoid the males completely."

"And that's it? Won't it try and kill me for being there?" She narrowed her eyes suspiciously before the Mage laughed, the sound seemed strangely sad.

"They are not human. They do not kill just for having another fly into their lands. She will only drive you away. Good luck, Tenja. Fair flight to you."


Those were the last words that Tenja heard as the sitting room faded away from her view. It was as if she were falling into unconsciousness or down a long hole. The world of the fireplace and old man left her entirely until her body erupted in sensations almost akin to pain. Ice and cold wrapped around her body as she fell through the sky. Stinging flakes of the ice that fell around her hit against her skin like small knives. She opened her mouth and screamed a wordless cry of terror as she fell through wisps of clouds.

The scream rose up until her throat felt raw and it changed into a deep bellowing cry. The burning of the ice seemed to not just sting her tender skin but ran searing through her veins. Her outstretched fingers started to ache and her watering eyes could see the fingers starting to grow longer and the arm itself bulging. Her entire body erupted in one blinding spark of pain and pressure as her clothing tore and scales started to overlap over her bare skin. She bellowed again in her fear and watched as her mouth and nose pushed outwards from her face and her tongue could feel sharp teeth curving down from her jaws.

She spun in the air as she changed and her feet started to lengthen and formed long flexible toes and powerful clear talons to tip each end. The thumb pulled itself back to form something like a birds foot meant for gripping. Her wings filled out with skin and scales that slide down along her side forming a seamless sail that she flapped against the air franticly. The pressure of the air beneath them was almost painful as she tried to use them. She almost missed the spill of a long barbed tail that formed behind her until the last of the wings webbing joined to very base of it.

The next down stroke of the wings made a pain shoot through her shoulders at the impact of air being caught and she screeched out in shock as she started to drive herself upwards and into the air. Each sweep of her wings raised her higher into the icy air that lashed over her scaled chest. Her sharper eyes picked up faint ripples that looked like heat waves and before she could process or wonder her body responded. She caught a thermal under her wings and locked them in place. Her jaws parted as she tried to catch her breath and stop her terrified heart from pounding its way out of her chest. Damn that Mage, was he trying to kill her?


The currents welcomed his wings as he spread them out to their fullest. He swept along the side of the mountain and at times dove down almost to the point his chest and stomach scales grazed the smooth ice. The drake was like most of his kind, sleek of lines and in the full bloom of his strength. None of his spikes showed a dulling and there were precious few scars to mar his gleaming hide. As he skirted over the mountains he looked not for warm blooded prey, but for the enticing scent and sight of a female.

Most of the prime territories had been staked out by some of the largest and oldest males and were jealously guarded from intruders. Not that he could tackle a well practiced female, once they reached middle age they became a force to be reckoned with both in terms of size and in cunning. No, today he sought the smaller and less practiced females that were likely just striking out on their own. They wouldn't have a set territory and thus not have a male guarding over his breeding rights. The drake kept himself low enough to not attract attention from either sex on his hunt.

He'd started coming precariously close to claimed territory when he spotted what he wanted. Instinct had started to grow uncomfortable with the idea of going further when he saw movement higher up above him. The wing beats weren't quite true and had he not been searching for exactly what she was he would have dismissed her as a juvenile. The moment he saw her outline he could see the sweep of her body and the smooth uncrowned head of a queen. Not quite as young as he had wished to catch, but given her faltering strokes she wasn't cruising her own private territory or venturing into the male that claimed it.

He flared his wings to either side and tucked his hindquarters downwards until his claws almost connected with an outcropping of ice coated rocks. No hesitation, no moment of thought. His body screamed with what he had to do. Fly her. Fly her fast and high to make her blood start to heat up and her body warm to him. His kind had no rutting season, it was each male's duty to drive a female to air and through the days awaken her body for him. It often took a week's worth of flights to enflame her womb, but he was up to that challenge. Take her until she couldn't raise her wings again leave her bred and ready to clutch. His jaws gaped before he bugled out his challenge and powered up into the sky towards the white on grey queen.


Tenja found that her wings easily were able handle the currents of the air and even after a few hours of flight she wasn't tired. Though several times she had had close calls when a sudden down blast of wind had knocked her towards the ground until she had pumped her way back into the skies, she had yet to feel any danger. She watched the ground suspiciously for the first hour. Tension had thrummed through her as she expected to watch a female erupt into the air to drive her away. Yet as nothing of the kind happened she began to enjoy herself. Who hadn't dreamed of flying? Of falling into the embrace of the wind and skies and leaving the earth behind?

Such contemplations were cut short by a deeper bellow below her. She faltered in her wing beats before instinctively she folded one wing a hair and circled about almost as if she were chasing her own tail. A white-blue form erupted from a spot below her and she pulled her wings back. She'd finally come across a female's territory. She started to build herself up into sweeping down to confront the other wyvern when she saw the glistening twin crystal horns that perched upon his head. His head! It was a male!

As the larger beast came closer to her she saw his jaws open and his dark tongue flick out against the air before he bellowed. A rush of fear ran through her before she drove her wings down and cast herself into the skies. She didn't waste time calling out, her mind fogged over with panic as she could hear him beneath her and her wings burned as she started to climb past the thin veil of cloud cover. Her wings churned the vaporous wisps around her body before she started to slow down. Her chest burned as she struggled to draw in a breath.

Instead of catching her the drake bellows and then snapped at her tail so that she felt teeth scrape the barbed tip and fueled her fear on. Was he the mate of a female in the area? Was he driving her away from a nesting ground? She launched herself high enough that she felt the cold thin air stab into her lungs and her hind claws scrabbled at the sky as if she wanted to go higher when the male caught up to her. This time he didn't snap, instead he crashed against her and she felt his feet skid over her belly before he locked his claws against her own. His wings fouled with her owns as she found herself pulled in close against his body.


The drake caught the female and pulled her claws out of the way with a gripping of his own, he was canny enough to know that a queen might injure him. He thrust his head forward and caught his jaws against her neck to keep her in place before he spread his wings wider to keep them both aloft. He felt her jerk and hiss at him, the bugles of anger while her wings jarred and smacked against his own. All queens fought when they were first caught, it wasn't until they were brought into heat did they respond favorably to a drake's approaches.

His longer tail coiled itself around her appendage and he brought his stomach in against her own and his vent pushed apart. His cock was a deep blue as it slid from its home, the entire girth conical as it was slender at the tip and grew broad at the base. All along the tip were a series of fleshy darker colored barbs meant to rake along her passage and force her to respond to him. Already he was gleaming wetly and the silvery precum had started to spill over his tip and along the underside. The moment he pushed up and ground his cock against her belly she started to bite and snap at his head franticly.

The drake squeezed his eyes shut to ignore her protests, she was likely virginal. His wings snapped down against his side and his hips jerked forward against her belly. The thickness of his tail tugged him closer as he thrust and pushed against her stomach, prying and pushing against her scales before he found the vertical slit of her sex. His breath ran hot against her neck and he gave one last beat that forced her back to curve in midair before his wings snapped back against his head. A violent jerk of his hips and gravity pushes his cock forward and drove himself into the heat of her body as they began to plummet towards the earth.


Tenja's fear hit a spike the moment the beast had grappled with her and his tail had gripped her own. She tried to pull her feet free of his hold only to feel them clench harder to keep her still. Only his own wing beats kept them truly aloft, her own wings were wildly flailing in fear and desperation to get away from him. Something hot pushed against her stomach. It felt as if it were on fire and when she felt it push up and leave a trail against her stomach she realized what it was. She screeched out a sound of panic while she tried to untangle herself, but the drake's tail refused to let her hips pull away. The tip found the unexplored opening and started to prod against it before she was pushed backwards on the air.

The feel of her back exposed to the ground distracted her for only a moment before the tail flexed against her and the hips came down against her own. She shrieked out a call as she felt the stab against her folds force the scaled outer flesh open and the girth spill into her body. The walls strained open as the drake didn't prep or offer her any chance to adjust. The relatively tapered tip drove itself into her and the base stretched her outer lips until they were a tight second skin. He dropped his wings to his side and she felt them both start to fall towards the hard frozen earth.

The male didn't seem to care that they were falling to their deaths. His wings were held tight against his body as his tail and feet both worked his hips and drove into her with a breathless pace. The withdraw made her bugle out as pain tore through her body. It felt as if her slickening walls were being scratched and abraded and then he was burrowing back inside of her. Her walls contracted around him and squeezed tightly before the yank back flooded another rush of pain through her. She opened her wings and tried to spread them, but it only sent them spinning and twisting about in midair.

The jaws that gripped her throat dug down harder before the hips slammed back into her again. It forced out a slick coating of wetness that ran down along the base of the shaft and the wind sent sliding upwards along her chest. The male didn't care they were going to crash into the earth. As they twisted about his hips started to thrust harder and faster making them spin around in the whipping air. The harder he went in the faster the withdraw that made her body feel as if it were being rubbed raw from the inside and she writhed to try and escape it. The earth was growing closer!


Glorious! The female was glorious in the air! She twisted and tried to escape him as he penetrated her passage and felt the first squeezing pulls of her wrapping around his cock. The pull back made her struggle as he had expected her too, but he soothed the ache away with his thrusts forward. The heat of her wrapped around him and made fire feel as if it were burning inside of his stomach, glorious heat and desire! He used his tail to keep her in place and his feet to force her to not draw back while gravity did most of his work for him.

As they rapidly reached terminal velocity he started to thrust harder and faster inside of her. Her channel had started to grow slick around him so that his precum was mingling together to cast the heady scent of mating wyverns into the air. He felt her jaws lock against his shoulder and tear franticly at it and he snarled a warning as he started to grow closer to his peak. The jagged mountain side loomed closer as he gave a thrust that smoothed his barbs down against his shaft and his tip delved deep enough to plunge against the softened heat of her barrier.

He released her neck and bugled out to the skies as he drove his hips against her own and felt his scales grind against the slickened mound. His cock leapt inside of her with a spasm before his internal balls pushed down on themselves and forced up a sudden rush of his seed. The vein that ran along the boned girth bulged for a moment before the pressured rush of his cum erupted out of him. He was designed to mate in flight, instead of a slow thick ooze of his cum it came out hard enough to batter against the soft barrier towards her womb. His eyes closed and his tongue lolled out of his mouth in pleasure as he jerked his hips in the overwhelming pleasure.


Tenja's mind focused just enough to grab his neck in her jaws and her teeth hooked up and beneath the rise of his scales roughly as he had bitten her neck. His thrusts were growing harder and faster until the blur of pain dulled under the sparking of pleasure as he stimulated her with the rough feral mating. Her world became a blur of it as each thrust drove her body upwards and his breath panted in hot spills against the scales of her neck. She was unable to focus on anything, not even the ground that was rushing to meet the pair of them. The barbs seemed to hook into the sensitive smooth walls and drag her own juices from her body before they replaced with the smooth pleasurable glide forward again.

His jaws loosened from her neck and he pulled his head back to suddenly roar out loud enough to make her ears ring. She clenched her teeth down harder against his scales as she felt the shaft bulge within her, a jerk that made the barbs stand out and dig brutally into her passage. She wanted to sob out as she felt his stomach muscles ripple against her own a moment before his tip erupted inside of her. The rush of heat hit inside of her body hard enough she could feel it splattering against the wall of her cervix. She twisted her body and her passage clamped down tightly around the shaft that impaled her.

She could feel the contractions that milked around him, her heart beat thundered in her own ears as his hips jerked harder against her. The barbs seemed to lock him inside of her as each twitch of his cock spilled out more of seed to coat her form. She jerked her head back with a scream of her own that was partially muted as she tore three heavy white scales from his neck. Her eyes snapped open as she saw the ground close enough below she realized they were about to be dashed to their deaths on the unforgiving rocks below them. Terror flooded her a heart beat before the drake seemed to realize their peril.

The drake shoved her away from him almost violently as his wings snapped open and a rush of pain and fire erupted in her loins. The barbed cock ripped free and scraped her passage as he pulled himself from her body. Her walls rippled after its passage as the very pain and burn from his withdrawal shot a rush of pleasure from her body that spiked within her stomach. She felt a splatter of his still cumming cock hit against her belly before she snapped her own wings open and stretched them wide to try and brake her fall to the earth. She had a glimpse of her exposed reddened inner lips before she twisted herself over and cupped the air under her.

Tenja felt her wings burn with the effort to slow herself and she kept her jaws clamped shut on the scales she had managed to free from him. She finally started to beat her wings harder and instead of the heading towards the earth she shoved herself away from it again. Between the ache of her wings and the burning of her loins she almost forgot the drake that had claimed her. She had seen him arrow off briefly in the other direction, his belly skimming against the ice of the mountain after all. She heard a bellow behind her and pain when a pair of teeth snapped at her tail. She twisted her head beneath her wings and saw the randy male powering behind her with his jaws open in a twisted snarl.

The drakes cock was still exposed to the air, drooling out a silvery liquid on the air as he started to drive her up and into the air again. He'd already mated her, what did he want?! The jaws snapped and she started to climb higher into the air to escape him. Her legs kicking back with all her might as she bugled back in answer to him as they rose higher and higher above the earth she had narrowly missed. There was no mistaking his actions this time, he was prepared to mate her again whether she desired him or not.


A scarred ivory colored drake was awoken by the sound of shrieks and roars that echoed clearly over his territory. Familiar sounds that had no business of being there as he himself was still on the ground and the three females he shared his territory with were currently clutching. He opened his eyes and spread his wings to balance himself as he exited his cave towards the icy winds that whipped around the open air. He lifted his head and saw a drake clearly herding a young female into the sky above him.

The old drake had spent ten decades defending and mating in these skies and he could make out the jutting shaft of the roused youngster. He wrinkled his lips back in a silent snarl. How dare he come into his lands and mate in his skies? How dare he claim what was rightly the elder wyvern's? Massive scarred wings spread out to either side as he launched himself up and from the ground with a powerful thrust of his hind legs. His vent pushed apart to show the deep blue of his cock tip as he watched the lithe female arrow higher into the skies. He would claim what was rightfully his and send the youngster running with his tail tucked between his legs. The female was HIS.

(To be continued in the next chapter)

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