Daughter's appreciation

Story by Werewolf Alpha on SoFurry

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I'm going to try and do a mythical beast series, here is the first installment.

Unicorn:Early unicorn of India was a fierce beast as large as a horse. white body, dark read head and a mostly white horn that was black in the center, ending in a crimson point. Only way to capture it was to surround it with it's foals. The unicorn defended it's foals with it's life.

The unicorn reared, pivoting on it's rear hooves and struck the last human from it's saddle. It landed on all four hooves and glared at the dead human, turning and trotting back to it's filly and herd. Well, she wasn't a filly anymore, she was going on sixteen, and was a full adult. And she wasn't exactly a she. She had gotten the herm gene from her, and was nearly as big as her mother. Natalie stared for a minuet then shook herself, "More will come looking. We have to keep moving." she softly said, nipping slightly at her daughter's heels. her daughter let out a soft whinny, beginning to trot, and letting her mother pass her. her daughter glanced at her mother, and hoped her sister would agree the time was right to show her their appreciation.

"Tara, is your sister at the cave?" she asked, looking around for any other humans foolish enough to attempt to capture her daughters. Tara whinnied "Yes she is. you don't have to be so vigilant mom. You scared any others off." she insisted, rubbing sides with her mom. Tara was the daughter of Natalie and a mare, so she was fully equine, and her horn wasn't done growing, having a blunt black tip. her mother refused to be placiated though and shook her head "That's the problem. They know where we are now." she stated, cantering ahead. Tara sighed and rolled her eyes at her mother's over protectiveness, and nuzzled her flank "Mom, we are how far away from the cave?We'll be safe for awhile, plus you know Lily is still getting over her flu." she knew using her sister's recent sickness was kind of a low blow, but it got Natalie to slow

"Your right....she shouldn't be moved for awhile...." she looked at the sun, which was beginning to set "We can stay tonight, but if the humans get anywhere near us..." she shook her head and broke into a gallop, mindful of her daughter who sometimes can't keep up. Tara panted, unable to keep up the older full-blooded unicorn. Natalie saw that and slowed down so Tara could keep up. They made it to the cave, and Natalie turned to nuzzle Tara "I didn't run you too hard, did I?" she asked, her normally stoic face and tone softened. Tara shook her head and entered the cave, seeing her sister waiting to light a fire. Natalie took a last look around, muscles tense and ears pricked, looking for any hint of danger to her daughters. "Mom!Lily is hungry!" Tara yelled, so Natalie relaxed, entering the cave and laying in front of the entrance. Lily was the daughter of a human and Natalie, so she was more of an anthro, her entire body covered in white fur, her hair was a light pink color, slowly darkening to the red of Unicorn's manes. Her horn showed no sign of growing yet. Lily grinned at her mom, flashing her sharp teeth. She lit the fire to cook the rabbit she caught over it, as well as slipping a bowl of oil over it, having received the sign from Tara.

As the oil heated up, it gave off a lavender and jasmine scent, making Natalie relax, her muscles slowly untensing. Lily took the bowl of warm oil off of the fire, pouring some onto the fire to ensure the scent spreads, but straddled Natalie's back "Lily, what are you doing?" Natalie asked, but Lily just dipped her hands into the bowl "You've been so tense lately, I wanted to give you a massage." Lily explained, and began massaging Natalie's back, rubbing the oil into her muscles. Natalie moaned and stretched so Lily would be able to reach her whole back, the oil made her body tingle pleasantly. Lily grinned, happy everything was going to plan. She massaged the oil over most of her back and her neck. "Mom, I need to get to your stomach." Lily told her, and Natalie obliged, rolling over so her belly was bared. Lily blushed seeing her Mother's member. It had come almost completely out of it's sheath, but wasn't yet hard. Lily continued to massage the oils into Natalie's stomach, before glancing at Tara. Tara hadn't been just laying there while Lily gave their mother such an erotic massage, no she had managed to drag a stone table that would be able to hold Natalie's weight partway into the cave. Lily glanced down to see how her mother was taking the movement, and saw that her eyes were closed and she was panting. Tara dipped her horn into the intoxicating oil and waited for her next part. Lily took a deep breath of the oil infused air, and wrapped her hands around her mother's member, massaging the oil into her cock. Natalie moaned, startled a bit by the sudden touch and looked down to see her daughter, Lily straddling her stomach, and massaging the oil into her balls and cock. Tara took that as her cue, and pushed her horn into her mothers wet slit, rubbing the oil into her cunt. Lily finished massaging the oil into her mothers cock, and laid on the table, gently guiding Natalie in front of her. Natalie looked up at her with eyes clouded by lust.

"Well? Are you going to help me or not Mommy?" Lily asked, blushing as she rubbed her wet slit.'Help' managed to get through to Natalie, and she lurched forward, licking her daughter's cunt. Lily whimpered, burying her fingers in Natalie's mane, urging her forward. Natalie didn't stop, licking deep and strong, curling her tongue to hit the sweet spot "Ohh!Mommy stop teasing me!" Lily gasped, bucking up to her tounge. Tara carefully withdrew her horn from her mothers folds, letting her put her fore hooves on the table cautiously, and her member got closer to Lily, who reached down and lined it up with her wet slit

"You're going to have to be careful mommy. You're much bigger than I am." she whispered into Natalie's ear. It was true; Natalie's cock was nearly three feet long, and the thickness...Lily got nervous, but when Natalie pushed forward, the head slipped into her, and Natalie slid forward, easily pushing past her hymn, making Lily gasp and whimper with pain.Tara waited impaciently, her cock fully hard and measured over two feet. Natalie stopped to nuzzle Lily, and licked her breast, making her moan. Soon, Lily was urging her forward again, and over 10 inches was inside of her when she groaned with pain

"I-i can't take anymore." Lily whimpered, and Natalie braced herself on the table, gently pulling out of her, and sliding back in, setting a steady rhythm, making Lily moan, and Tara took this as her chance, mounting her mother and sliding her own cock into her mother, having more luck than Natalie did herself, and slid all of her cock into Natalie with a groan, letting her head loll. Natalie herself gasped and moaned, almost insane with lust, ears pricked forward to better hear the moans from this odd mare, who was almost painfully tight around what fit into her, and leaned down, licking her neck, beginning to pick up the pace, slamming into her, and hearing her squeal and moan deliciously, letting out a few grunts of her own, letting her tail lift to give the stallion mounting her better access.

Tara had picked up the pace too, slamming into Natalie as fast as she could, her mother's warm wet slit clenching tightly around her cock, making Tara groan, her thrusts becoming slower and deeper as she felt her orgasm approaching, trying to lengthen that feeling, before she felt Natalie's warm wet walls clench on her member tighter as she came closer to cumming. Tara pinned her ears back, thrusting faster, but still deep, before backing up until just the tip of her cock was inside Natalie "Here it comes Mother." she warned, thrusting as hard as she could, cumming hard deep inside of her mother, filling her to the brim. Natalie let loose a loud moan as her daughter came inside of her, pausing for a moment, to the disappointment of Lily, who wrapped her arms around Natalie's neck, leaning up to whisper into her ear

"fuck me Mommy, I still haven't came." she slid one of her hands down, gripping Natalie's cock, and rubbed what didn't fit into her. Natalie happily obliged, bucking into Lily again, groaning at the feeling of seed sloshing around in her cunt. Lily moaned cutely, arching into Natalie as she came with a short yell. Natalie pinned her ears back and gave one last, hard, thrust, fitting more into Lily then before, before cumming, bathing Lily's walls with cum, there was so much her cunt was leaking cum, and when Natalie pulled out, it pooled on the table, and dripped onto the floor. Natalie fell to her knees,Tara pulled out, collapsing beside her mother. Natalie's nose flaring as she panted, the scent of her anthro daughter filling her nose. Natalie was too exhausted to do anything but lap at her leaking cunt, making Lily moan, and Lily managed to crawl off the table and curl up next to her mother, before passing out.


I mean to make this into a little mini series if I ever get around to it.... Haku groaned and slammed down another thick sheaf of papers, causing a loud noise, startling the other cops on duty. Haku is a sergeant who patrols...

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Tsume's Capture

This is a short story about what happened to my Rp character in Pokemorph Academy. Tsume sighed as she sat on her 'throne' made of furs. Every other day the pack hunted, and every once in awhile some other pack was stupid enough to attack...

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Oh Fuck!

I'm really sorry about this-I uploaded a crappy version, tried to delete it and failed and left it empty =( here is a much-edited version...Hopefully I'll upload an 'Oh Fuck V.2' that had my origional idea in it. Natalie ran, the branches...

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