A Surprising Journey

Story by Necros on SoFurry

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She huddled under the rocky overhang, thinking back to how this had all started some 5 days ago. It had all started off innocently enough: she had reached the age where she was free to make her own choices and had decided to leave her village and see the world. She had bid her parents farewell and set off with a sturdy pair of shoes, a walking stick, and

enough food for 3 days. The first day out had been just as she had pictured it: easy walking, fair weather, and she had even been able to forage enough to not have to use any of her supplies.

The second day out she had gotten brave and decided to venture from the path a bit and she headed off into the forest, tying her shoulder length, dark brown hair back out of her blue eyes as she explored deeper and deeper into the woods. The trees started to get a little thicker, but her slender, 5' 6" frame made it easy to go further and further from the path.

As she came upon a clearing in the trees, an arrow suddenly shot by her head, missing by a pace to strike deep into the heart of a nearby tree. She threw herself flat; just in time, as another arrow shot through the air where she had been, brushing her hair as it went by. She jumped to her feet and started to run for it, but shortly after hitting the treeline a tall, a rough looking man stepped into her path, daggers in each hand. Her father had taught her to defend herself, but most of what she knew was for unarmed opponents. She wasn't sure she could handle a armed man, so she dodged into the thickest part of the forest, using her smaller size to quickly lose the man, but she was so panicked she didn't stop there. She kept running and each time she began to slow, another sound would send her into flight.

She didn't have any idea how long she ran, but she eventually got too tired to keep running. As she stopped and looked around, she realized with growing despair that she had no idea where she was and which way the path lie from where she was now. She sighed and looked up to try and find where the sun lay, but the trees where so thick she couldn't tell. Shaking her head she picked a direction and set off in it, hoping to find some clue as to where she was. She walked for a long time and it began to grow darker and darker, so she stopped and made a fire, huddling close to it through the night, unsure of what creatures made the strange noises she heard.

After an long, sleepless night it began to brighten, so she put out the embers of her fire, ate a light breakfast of her provisions and set off once more. She soon found yet another reason why she shouldn't have left the path: she couldn't identify most of the plants, so didn't know what was safe and what wasn't. As the day drew to a close, she camped by some boulders, sitting with her back to them and her walking stick across her lap, sleeping lightly and waking at every odd sound. She still managed to snatch more sleep than before and so as morning dawned, she set of walking again, hoping that she found something before the end of the day

and the end of her provisions.

As the day worn on, she realized the truth behind "Be careful what you wish for." Because just as she was getting ready for lunch, she saw some strange creatures watching her. They looked almost like some sort of horrible crossbreed between man and wolves, standing erect on their hindpaws; a intelligent and evil light in their unnerving yellow eyes. They growled and started walking towards her, so she jumped to her feet, taking off away from them. She managed to outpace them, but she didn't find that reassuring, because a mocking combination of howls and laughter filled the air behind her. As she came up on a river, she was glad she had worn a pair of sturdy breeches and a tunic, because she couldn't do what she was about to do in a dress. She dived into the water and swam as quickly as she could upstream, taking a gamble by getting out once more on the same side she had dived in at, but yards from the spot. She silently slipped into the trees, listening with dread as she heard splashing followed by frustrated howls. She smiled as she listened to them on the other side of the river and walked further away, as soon as the howls faded, she quit sneaking and concentrated on making time, jogging off into the trees.

She had lost them for a day. But later the next day, already feeling the effects of several hours without food, she heard a distant howling sound that was slowly drawing nearer. She gasped and took off at a run. As she ran, it began to grow darker and soon heavy drizzle was falling, turning portions of the forest floor into slick, dangerous patches of mud. She was soon splattered with it, her tunic ripped in a few places as well as her breaches and she finally stumbled onto the rocky overhang she now hid under, curling up as far back from the entrance as she could.

As the sun rose to wake her, she once again heard that horrible, mocking, howling laughter drifting nearer and she quickly scrambled out, sprinting off in a random direction. As she ran the ground began to slope upwards and soon she was on the top of a good-sized hill. She

glanced back in time to see the toothy grins on the snouts of the two wolf creatures as they bounded up the hill after her. With a scream she bolted down the other side, only to find it wasn't there; falling hard on the floor of an entrance to a cave. She blinked and scrambled further into the cave, her walking stick still clutched tightly, ready to defend herself from what she knew was coming.

As both the wolf creatures dropped into view, she began to back further into the cave, eyeing them both and trying to look at least slightly dangerous. They both grinned, showing sharp fangs as they began to walk towards her. She swallowed as she prepared to do as much damage as she could before they killed her, when a hand suddenly landed on her shoulder and a deep rumbling voice said, "It's customary to leave prey alone if it runs into the lair of a bigger predator." The wolf creatures ears went flat and they tucked their tails, slowly starting to back away. The hand left her shoulder and for the first time she got to see its owner: a huge 7 foot tall bulk of scales, claws, and muscle that growled low in its throat as it advanced on the wolfs. What there fate was, she would never know, because at that point she passed out.

* * *

She was suprised to when she woke and even more suprised when she found herself waking in a warm, snuggly bed. She smiled, thinking it was all a horrible dream and nestled down in the bed; only to start as a warm, scaled hand brushed her hair back from her face and that same rumbling voice said, "Now then, how about some breakfast?"

She slowly opened her eyes, fearing she understood the meaning of those words and eyed the huge creature directly from legends. It watched her with its strange eyes, vertically slitted pupils surrounded by irises of a slightly rusty red color. She swallowed and managed to get out, "I...if you're going to eat me, do it and get it over with."

It grinned suddenly and chuckled, saying, "I prefer to not eat anything that can talk back."

She blinked and said, "They why..."

It smiled and replied, "I noticed your pack is empty and figured you would like a nice bit of food. Her stomach rumbled at this point, betraying just how hungry she was. It smiled and trotted for the door, saying over its shoulder, "Just follow the lights when you're ready."

She nodded and it left her to her thoughts. It was then that she noticed she wasn't wearing anything. Not only that, but the cuts and scrapes she had acquired had been tended to as well. She got out of bed and quickly dressed, poking her head out the opening that served as a 'door' for her room. There was a little ball of light a short ways down the hall and she started towards it. The minute she passed it, it winked up, the one ahead of it lighting to show her the way.

She soon found herself in an almost normal looking dinning room that had a long, ornate table of some dark wood in the middle of it. The only real abnormality was the fact that the walls where made of smooth stone. She shrugged and took a seat, not seeing the dragon around. As soon as she was seated, it came in from a side door, carrying a tray that was

loaded down with all sorts of goodies: scrambled eggs, some bacon, fruit, and a tall glass of milk. She blinked and dug in as the tray was set before her, quickly eating her fill. Remembering her manners she glanced up and said, "Thank you kind...sir?"

It chuckled and offered a clawed hand to her, saying, "My name is Vrysincet Llyorelyr." As she tried to repeat it, the dragon smiled and added, "My parents were strange. Just call me Vincent. So much easier."

She couldn't help but laugh at that and took the clawed hand, saying, "Thank you for the breakfast then, Vincent, I'm Samatha."

For the first time she actually took the time to look at him. Her eyes took in the nearly translucent wings, the long, whip like tail, and the close laid scales that covered him. His scales where a dark red everywhere but his chest and down his belly, the ones there where a

lighter red. He wore a knee-length silk loincloth that bulged in the front. She blushed faintly as she realized she was looking a bit too much at that bulge, but he only smiled and lightly kissed her hand, saying, "Come, let me look at that one cut on your side... it was rather


She nodded and he led the way back to her room, politely turning away as she striped and covered herself with a blanket. He came over and with a surpassingly gentle touch, checked the nasty cut down her left side. She wasn't sure where she got it, but it ran from just below her ribs down over her hip. She found herself enjoying the touch of his clawed hand on her hip as he gently applied something to it that stung slightly. At her wince he gently blew air over it and she smiled back at him. He smiled as well and kissed her. She was a bit stunned at first, but soon kissed him back; shivering as his tongue brushed over her lips, then between them, exploring her mouth slowly.

His hand gently brushed the covers back, exposing her to his touch; his hand cupping her rear as he slowly broke the kiss. She caught her breath and wordlessly rolled onto her back. He smiled and nuzzled between her breasts. She watched as his long, thin, and forked tongue flicked over her breasts, slowly working towards her nipples and teasing each one

until it was rock hard. He kissed each of them and slowly began to nuzzle and lick down her belly until his snout was just above the entrance to her sex. She shivered at the warm puff of his breath over her nether lips. His hands gently stroked her thighs as he kissed her tender entrance, breathing in her scent before tasting her, lapping up the juices that were slicking her for she now so badly wanted him. She arched her hips against the licks, moaning softly as she watched him smile up at her.

He sat up on the bed and her eyes locked on his hands as they slowly untied his loincloth and dropped it aside, exposing the subtly scaled length of his sheath to her gaze and below that the heavy spheres of his balls. He took her hand and guided it between his legs and she took the hint; fondling first his large balls, hefting and rolling them in her palms before sliding a hand up to squeeze his sheath lightly; the other sliding back to stroke his scaled ass. He half closed his eyes, rumbling like an overgrown cat as she fondled him; his tail arching up as she

trailed a finger between his firm rumpcheeks. The tip of his cock peeked from his sheath; a deep red in color. She licked her lips at the sight, thinking to herself how he was thicker and longer than any other man she had been with.

He panted softly as her finger teased over the tight ring of flesh under his tail; the other hand stroking his quickly hardening shaft. He humped her hand until his precum had slicked his dragonhood nicely and she let it go, lapping his precum from her hand. He shivered and moved up between her legs, rubbing the tip of his length against her tender sex. She wrapped her legs around him as he slowly slid his massive cock into her; her inner walls clenching around him as he gentle slid into her, stretching her around his shaft. He licked tenderly at her lips as he let her get used to his size; his full length sheathed in the tight heat

of her body. She caught his tongue and suckled lightly on it, letting it go with a soft gasp as he began to slide back until just the tip of his cock was in her. He slowly slid it back all the way into her, the tender flesh of her sex stretching around the massive dragoncock. He paused for a moment with his scaled hips resting against her, shivering with barely contained need as he said, "Are you ready my sweet?"

She nodded wordlessly and he began to mate with her in earnest, balls slapping gently against her as he thrust into her tender body. She moaned in pure pleasure under him as he took her with fast, but gentle and long strokes of his cock. He growled with each thrust, his breath coming in soft pants at the flood of sensations; each thrust gently rocking her as they both slowly built towards their limit. He threw his head back and let out a breathless snarl as he reach his limit; his warm cum spraying into her and her sex clenching around the thick, throbbing cock spraying in her. Her body milked the last of his seed from him and he lay close against her, rumbling softly as he cradled her close. He rolled over onto his back, pulling her gently over to lay on top of him, smiling as they slowly fell asleep with him still buried in her warm sex.

When she woke in the morning, thinking last night had to have been a dream, she started to roll over and felt something warm and thick filling her. She blinked awake and saw the scaled chest her head rested on and smiled, shifting against the still hard cock buried in her. Its

owner let out a rumble of pleasure as the sensations brought him awake, nuzzling her lightly as he said, "Good morning... how does it feel to be the lover of a dragon?" She wordlessly nestled against him...

The End?