The Guardian Chapter One

Story by SnowWolfe on SoFurry

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So this is my first attempt at a furry story. I'm not that great at writing, atleast not yet. It's a series idea I've had in my head for a while and hope to keep working on it. All characters are copyright of SnowWolfe. Enjoy.

The Guardian

Part One

By SnowWolfe

The artic winds bite sharply into the five Wolven Guards standing below the tree. It was just above the tree line where the mostly thick forest turned into only a few sparsely placed trees, providing little wind protection. Kayden seeing right through there false tough guy act knew they were dying to be near a warm fire instead of here, but they all played along following there leader. He was the largest of the group and seemed the least affected out of all them, though still probably wanting to get inside. With night coming and a storm rolling in the temperatures plummeted. They wore simple armor, nothing thick enough to protect them from the dropping temperatures. They wore leather vest across their chest with metal plates woven into them in intricate patterns for strength and mobility. They wore long tan leather pants that dropped to their cloth wrapped feet. Along their arms two of the larger ones wore leather bracers. The smallest of the group had wrapped his hands in cloth to try and keep them warm.

Unlike the wolves below Kayden was unaffected by the low temperatures. His thick white fur protected him from the icy winds to where he only wore a simple white loincloth to cover his more private area. It blended in perfectly with his fur making him nearly invisible in the snow covered mountains he called home. The only things beside that he wore were a large sword across his back with a perfectly white hilt that blended in with him and a small blue crescent moon necklace. The necklace had been inlaid into his fur to protect it and prevent it from giving him away. He stood nearly seven feet tall and was well endowed with muscles. He had been watching these wolves for over an hour. He was hidden high above, around 30 feet, in the tree they were all standing under. His pure white fur coat blended perfectly into the snow covered tree top. If any of them even bothered to look up all they'd see were two small icy blue spheres that were his eyes looking down at them. For the past few minutes he had been kneeling down low in the branches to listen in closer to the conversations.

He had learned nothing of importance from spying on them and was getting frustrated. There had been little conversation and hadn't even heard any of their names spoken. But he knew he had to stay and listen. It may seem strange but ever since Kayden had been in these mountains a small voice in his head had helped steered him through trouble. Some would call it instincts, others a guiding hand from the spirits. Kayden never really cared what it was called only that it had never been wrong and had saved him many times before. Now the seemingly irrational instincts had drawn him to spy on the Emperor's Guard. The Emperor's supposedly perfect warriors, revered for their skills, had no idea a wild wolf from the mountains had been carefully watching their every move. The thought that maybe once his instincts were wrong slowly crept into his mind before he pushed it away. No there was a reason they were here and he needed to find it out. These guards never traveled this far up into the mountains and with a storm quickly rolling in why were they still here and not heading for shelter. Surely they would freeze if they didn't leave soon. So why were they here? He concentrated on listening to the conversations below.

Over the past hour he had learned very little about these wolves except that they didn't work very well together. "Why are waiting here Kegan" asked one of the larger wolves in an angered and annoyed voice. He stood about as tall as Kayden, had a deep brown colored fur and was extremely well built, covered in muscles. He wore the standard leather vest and pants but had a large battle axe strapped to his back. On his wrists he wore leather bracers and around his waist he wore two sheathed daggers and a small pouch that held what Kayden assumed was some gold coins. He had asked Kegan this question several times before but his tone was getting more aggressive now. Kegan was leaning against the tree with his arms crossed over his chest. Kayden could see he was a tiny bit shorter than the other wolf. The other wolf was standing right in front of him looking seriously annoyed. Kayden could tell they were both Alpha Male types and this was causing a serious clash of power.

"It's Captain, to you Brinc" Kegan said with a deep low growl standing up, "and I told you..."

"No you didn't, you haven't told us anything" Brinc said with the same low growl cutting Kegan off. What Kayden had heard Kegan tell Brinc before was that they had to wait to be met by another group. They were both the alpha male type and were battling for dominance. Brinc was on the losing side though. He definitely seemed more built then Kegan but was also immature and used to fighting only through brute strength. Kegan however was older and more patient. He had obviously seen lots of battles and won the important ones, evident by the numerous scars across his once silver but now greying fur. He wore the same vest as the rest except his had a small red star on top his left shoulder. Kayden figured since no one else had that it was because of his rank as Captain.

Kegan was catching on to the aggression and wasn't going to put up with this insubordination. Kayden clearly saw Kegan's muscles tense slightly just before he jumped forward. Kayden wasn't surprised as he saw the captain's knee launch into the stomach of the insubordinate wolf. Kayden agreed that this wolf did need a good beating to teach him to keep his mouth shut. Kayden watched unphased as Brinc was thrown back in the air. Kegan's arms came uncrossed and his right one shot to Brinc's throat closing around it with what Kayden guessed was an immense amount of force. Brinc landed on his back several feet from where he was with Kegan kneeling on his stomach with one leg.

The smallest of wolves had to jump back himself as the two much larger wolves came crashing down where he was standing. Kayden could see the boy was not as fast as the rest of them missing being tackled by a hair. Unlike the rest of the wolves singly colored fur he was a light tan with white running down his neck. Kayden assumed it extended below his vest covering the underside of his body. He'd seen the pattern before in other wolves but it was rare. Instead of a weapon he carried a leather pouch across his back that Kayden had seen carried food and water for the rest of the men. Around his waist he wore several pouches and a sheathed knife along his left hip. To Kayden he seemed barely sixteen and wasn't taking the cold well. He had wrapped his hands in cloth and had blown into them several times to try and keep them warm. Now he was watching stunned as the two larger wolves fought for dominance in front of him. Kayden assumed by his reaction this wasn't supposed to be a common occurrence.

With Brinc on the ground Kegan used his left arm to throw his right arm to the ground pining him. Kegan swiftly removed his hand from Brinc's throat only to clamp down around his muzzle. There was a slight cough as Brinc tried to breath but now he had to do with what he could get through his nose. Kegan leaned in a few inches from his face staring right into his eyes. Kegan talked slowly and with power, barely loud enough for Kayden to make it out, "if you ever question me again I will slit your throat...".

"Captain someone is approaching" said one of the wolves trying to sound confident but a small hint of his fear crept through. He obviously was afraid the Captain would do to him what he was doing to Brinc. He was thinner than the rest but still looker strong and agile. He was in between the height of the young boy and the larger warriors. He had brown fur with a mix of red in it that gave it an interesting shade. Kayden could see his weapon of choice was a bow and arrow across his back.

Kegan's attention shifted as he looked up to his right towards the tree line.

Kayden shifted slightly and looked to where Kegan had turned. Then he heard it. The faint sound of footsteps out in the distance. A small group not too far away. Kayden sniffed the air quietly. Definitely wolves four maybe five. Kayden hadn't noticed them before because there was a gentle breeze placing them down wind but now it shifted to him. Kayden was nervous now that the other wolf had noticed them coming before he did. His senses were as good as Kayden's and that wasn't good. Kayden relaxed realizing his body became tense from this thought. They still didn't know he was here so he was safe. For now atleast. Kayden was fine if he had to fight these five wolves alone. He had surprise on his side but ten, he didn't like the risk. He nervously checked the sky looking at the approaching storm. It would be here soon. A few scattered flurries came down shining in the twilight as the storm was approaching opposite the sun and hadn't covered it yet. He didn't have long before the storm hit full force. He hoped whatever it was he was here for would happen soon.

Kegan turned back to Brinc and gave his muzzle a tight squeeze, producing a small but audible yelp. Brinc acted so tough but Kayden knew he was a soft pup on the inside. He acted tough to try and muscle into power but if he got knocked down he turned as brave and dominate as a newborn pup. Kayden thought he should find this funny but was too worried to think about it. The other group was getting here soon. Kegan stood up to Brinc's left and turned away from him walking a few steps. Brinc leaned forward looking at Kegan, pissed and obviously deciding whether or not he should attack from the back. "Man this guy is stupid" thought Kayden. Brinc stood up, helped by the last wolf, grumbling something to himself, most likely a few choice cusses toward Kegan. The last wolf was as well built as Brinc and had jet Black fur that stood in complete contrast to the snow. He wore a large two handed sword across his back and bracers on his arms like Brinc. The other wolves walked toward Kegan obediently all watching the tree line patiently. Kayden could hear they were close. They would pass the tree line any second. At this point Kayden's instincts kicked in again. Whatever was about to happen was going to happen now. He slowly reached up to his sword ready for anything.

Kayden first saw dark shadowy figures appear in the trees and they became clearer as they walked out of the forest. He was right there were four wolf Guards like the ones already below him but there was also another. One of the large warriors was carrying a fifth wolf over his shoulder. The wolf seemed much smaller than the rest. Probably still a young teenager. Kayden couldn't see anything but the back of the kid as they carried him forward. The warriors wore the same thing as the Guards below him. A wolf resembling the archer except for black fur was leading the group. He walked to within a few feet of Kegan and bowed his head slightly. Kayden thought this a funny thing to do. Kayden couldn't see what weapon he wore and saw he carried only a knife around his waist. "Lieutenant", Kegan spoke softly but with power. He nodded his head slightly.

"Captain" said the lieutenant in response in an almost as powerful but still softer voice.

"I see you were successful in your mission" he said looking towards the guard carrying the boy.

"Yes we were" said the lieutenant in response. He looked back to the guard and motioned with his hand to come forward. The guard moved quietly placing the boy on his back in front of Kegan. The boy laid their unconscious, his arms tied in front of him. Kayden could now clearly see his face. He knew from the face the boy wasn't more than fifteen maybe sixteen years old. His face had been beaten severely. There were several cuts across his cheeks with dried blood covering his fur. The boy had light brown fur covering his body. His ears had small black tips and lay still against his head. He was wearing thicker clothes than the guards. He had on a faded tan leather coat and thicker looking pants that were also well worn and had a few cuts across the stomach and arms. Blood stains covered the cut areas of his coat. The boy had taken a beating and Kayden felt sorry for him. Then again he might have deserved it. That thought was the only reason Kayden hadn't jumped out this tree and attacked all the guards. He just didn't know and while his hand gripped the hilt of his sword ready to fight he wasn't going to take any stupid risks.

The smallest wolf of the group was now walking forward, pulling off one of his pouches around his belt. He opened the small bag and waved it in front of the captured wolf. It was probably smelling salts as the boy started coughing and his eyes opened slightly before closing again. "Get him up" said Kegan in a voice more commanding than Kayden had heard him use before. Sure enough one of the wolves from the other party picked him up by the shoulders not bothering to be gentle as he got the boy onto his knees kneeling before Kegan. The guard was kneeling behind the boy holding onto both arms of the boy. The boy's head lay motionless against his chest. Kayden had wondered if the boy was still conscious or passed out again. Kegan knelt down in front of the boy now taking his muzzle into his palm and lifting the boys head to look at his. "You will tell me everything I need to know boy" growled Kegan using every ounce of power in his voice. Kayden knew it was to instill fear and dominance and would do just that. The boy's eyes were open but distant. Instead of looking at Kegan's they were looking pass him, into the top of the tree.

What was he looking at? Did he see me? No he couldn't see me. But he's staring right at me. And then their eyes locked. Kayden did not know how this boy saw him but he did and they stared into each other's eyes for what felt like hours. Kayden could see the beautiful green of his eyes. The dazed and distant look slowly draining into awareness. Kayden felt as if he could tell everything about this boy from his eyes and the boy the same about him. They locked eyes for seconds but that was all it took. Kayden knew the boy was innocent, taken for no reason. He didn't know what was happening and he was scared. In those eyes he could see him ask for help and Kayden knew his eyes responded yes. He was going to save the boy whatever it took. He wasn't sure if it was those eyes or his instincts or both but he was compelled by what seemed an all-powerful force to help this boy. Kayden's body tensed and he gripped his sword and put all his power into his legs to throw himself forward. He had surprise on his hand and he would use that to send a hopefully crippling blow.

He soon realized that he had lost the element of surprise. As he jumped forward he saw Kegan turn around and his attention shift straight to the sudden movement. Kegan shouted something Kayden couldn't make out and the wolf with the bow was already pulling back an arrow. Still in midair Kayden saw the arrow fly straight towards his body. "This guy was fast" thought Kayden. Kayden tucked in and turned to the right, the arrow just missing him on the left. Halfway to the ground his sword was already drawn and he was aiming for the nearest wolf, Brinc. Kayden's feet plowed into the chest of the wolf before he even realized what happened. Brinc was thrown back to ground as Kayden landed on him. Kayden could feel the force break atleast four ribs, probably more. The sound of crunching bones almost echoing. His head was also thrown back in the ground hard. Even though it was still mostly snow he hit hard enough to be knocked out. He wasn't going to be causing any trouble from now on.

Kayden's blade came down across the chest of the large black wolf slicing easily through the armor and leaving a large gash across his chest. The Black wolf fell back as large amounts of crimson liquid flowed out of the wound. Even though it looked bad Kayden knew it wasn't fatal. The wolf would be incapacitated by the loss of blood and pain in moving his body but he could heal. As easy as it could have been it was not Kayden's intention to kill these wolves. He wasn't a cold blooded killer and would only do so if a life depended on it. Right now he was trying to save one without taking another.

"Two down seven to go" Kayden thought as another arrow came towards him. This time barely missing him on his right. Kayden ducked down to his left and grabbed a small blade around Brinc's waist and with a flick of the wrist sent it hurtling towards the archer. It struck him perfectly in the right shoulder, making him yelp loudly as he fell backwards. He'd be unable to use that arm for a while. Kayden knew the first three were easy and it was going to get much harder from now on. He had surprised them and they were stunned by his appearance but now they were getting over it and were ready to fight. To his left the large wolf holding the boy had thrown him to his side and was pulling out his weapon, a large battle axe. Kegan had already turned around and drawn the sword from his back. It was made of a dark black metal, one Kayden had never seen before. The smaller guard was standing to the left of Kegan and stood entirely stunned, and the only weapon he had was a small knife still hanging from his waist.

There were still three other wolves though to his right, the lieutenant and his men. Out of the corner of his eye Kayden saw them all arm themselves. The lieutenant had drawn an unusually curved blade. To his side a greyish colored wolf had drawn a sword and another light tan wolf had drawn several throwing knives. Kayden took in a deep breath and prepared himself as all the wolves converged to attack him.

The one with the throwing knives was the first to attack. He sent two of them flying nearly as fast as the arrows. Kayden brought his sword up deflecting the first blade and jumped to the left to dodge the second blade. This put Kayden in front of the now swinging sword of the greyish colored wolf. The wolf swung his blade high. Putting massive power behind it. Kayden could see this and knew how easy it was to defeat this move. He brought his sword up at an angle. The two metals clashed and Kayden's strong arms held it in place as the Guards blade ran down and to the right of Kayden. With a flick of his blade he sent the Guard's blade flying into the ground. The wolf was now unbalanced and falling forward. Kayden moved his spinning himself around. He struck the side of the wolf's head just below the ear with the flat part of the bladed. He fell almost instantly to the ground. Blood began dripping from a large gash on the side of his head. Again, Kayden knew he would live, he'd be out for hours and need a few days to recover but there should be no permanent damage. Besides even if there were it's not like the wolf was using the few brain cells he'd lose." Four down" he thought thinking that maybe he would make it through this fight unharmed. That thought was abruptly ended as he his instincts rang in loud and clear. The Guard that had been carrying the boy was coming from behind axe swinging towards his right side. Kayden jumped to the side. But not enough to completely miss the axe. It grazed along the right side of his stomach cutting a small gash in his side.

Kayden felt the axe hit and the pain that radiated. His eyes flicked down for an instant. He saw the axe had cut him and blood was now dripping down through his fur. His jump to dodge the blade had sent him a good distance from the Guards. Kayden scolded himself. This would slow him down and facing this many warriors he needed every ounce of speed and strength he had. He pushed the pain away until he only felt the heat from the blood mixing with his white fur.

Kayden could see the wolf with the axe charging at him again. The wolf with the knives had also drawn two more and about to throw them. Kayden saw the perfect opportunity. As the knives left the wolf's hands he saw the axe of the other come swinging at him again. Kayden ducked to the right just enough to miss the axe. The metal making an eerie tone as it cut through the air. As it continued down he grabbed the right arm of the wolf with his left. Using the wolf weight and momentum against him he sent him falling to the left, right where the knives were heading. Both knives hit him in the back as he fell. A loud yelp was heard as they hit. Whether or not they had been lethal shots Kayden wasn't sure but technically it was the other wolf that did it.

Making sure this wolf would stay on the ground Kayden used his blade to make a long cut up his left leg just before he hit the ground. Large amounts of blood ran from the wound, several muscles and possibly the artery being cut. He would be unable to use that leg for a while. "Three left, not counting the one boy" he thought reassuring himself even though he knew it wasn't getting any easier. He had taken out the weak ones already. The one's who's first thought was to attack without thinking on how best to attack. The last four would be difficult, especially the one with knives. As long as he kept Kayden at a distance he had the advantage, that is until he ran out of knives. Kayden did a quick count of those knives. The vest he wore had pouches for eight inside it. Around his waist he had sheaths for two more. There were also probably more on his back, Kayden didn't know how many because this wolf hadn't turned his back to him yet. He had thrown four and drew two more in his hands. The very least there were six more, but maybe more. The lieutenant and Kegan had there blades drawn. The metals shown slightly in the setting sun. Kayden could see the snow actually pick up. The storm was beginning and the dropping visibility would play in perfectly for Kayden. There was enough of a snow fall that his movements would be blurred to the other wolves. It was just what he needed.

They all stood about ten feet from Kayden. Everyone had gone still. Kegan was standing to his right by the boy. The smaller guard was standing behind Kegan a look of fear and surprise stuck on his face. In front of Kayden to the left stood the lieutenant and the wolf with the knives. "Who are you" growled the lieutenant towards Kayden. Kayden could make the expression of pure rage across this wolf's face. Kayden had taken out most of this guy's men and knew it was pissing him off. It could also be the fact this wolf was scared of him now and hiding that fear in anger. It really didn't matter which to Kayden as he didn't answer the angry question. He instead focused on the cut along his side. The bleeding had slowed but not completely stopped. He had lost a decent amount of blood and he felt it take its toll. His breathing was heavy and heart pounding. He took a second to relax his body as the lieutenant shouted again even angrier now. "You have attacked the Emperor's Guards, the penalty is death" he shouted. "Then try and kill me" thought Kayden grinning to himself.

Kayden looked over to Kegan ignoring another threat and growl by Kegan. Kegan didn't seem as angry as the lieutenant. He seemed calm. His stare was focused on Kayden, sizing him up, trying to find weaknesses. The wolf with the knives was the first to make a move. He sprinted forward first throwing his two blades straight towards Kayden. Immediately after he drew two more and sent them flying as well. Kayden now had four blades flying straight towards him. He brought his blade up again to deflect the blades. Moving swiftly to the right he deflected two of the blades and missed one. The fourth however cut him across the back of his left forearm. Kayden drew his arm in in response to the pain. Looking up he saw the wolf jump up having drawn two more blades and coming straight towards him.

Kayden threw his blade up towards the wolf. He blocked the attack using both blades to catch sword. The momentum of the blade carried through throwing the back to Kayden's left. He hit the ground in a crouch and immediately threw himself forward again in another attack. This time Kayden was the one to move. He jumped high in the air as the knife wielding wolf flew under him shocked by the fact he could move so quickly. Using his incredible agility he sent himself into a front flip above the wolf. Kayden timed it perfectly as his blade cut a gash along the wolves back. Kayden finished the flip landing perfectly and spinning around launching himself at the wolf. The wolf was about to hit the ground thrown by the sudden blow to the back. Kayden took this opportunity of unbalance and landed a blow with the side of his blade across his side. The wolf was thrown hard and smashed straight into a trunk right at the tree line. He was out cold. "Two left" Kayden thought as he turned to look at them. The Lieutenant had moved closer the Captain and Kayden saw why.

"I'm Guessing you came to help the boy" said Kegan. He spoke softly but adding in power and a threat. He was holding thee boy up by the back of his neck and had a knife against the front. The blade was curved and was made of the same black metal as the sword which was now back in its sheath. "Don't talk much ha" he continued mockingly, "then listen surrender or I slit the boy's throat" he growled as he pulled the knife tighter to the unconscious boy's throat.

Kayden had froze. He wasn't going to anything that would risk this boy's life, he was doing this to save him. Ok, think. They were both standing under the tree. The snow was coming down heavier and it was getting darker as night fell. He stared at them. The Lieutenant had his sword drawn and held it at an angle down towards the ground. "Drop your sword" said Kegan obviously seeing Kayden's hesitation at the threat to the boy. Kayden obeyed and tossed his sword to the side. It landed softly in the snow. He'd pick it up later.

The lieutenant raised his sword slightly as he walked toward Kayden. Kayden's eyes followed him the whole way flicking back quickly to check on the boy. "Get on your knees" growled the lieutenant deep and powerful. Kayden obeyed dropping to his knees, looking up at the lieutenant with an emotionless expression. Kayden figured it would help set this wolf on edge. "Tell me" he said putting the blade up to Kayden's neck and smiling wickedly "why I shouldn't just kill you now?"

The wolf was in complete shock as Kayden's arm shot up and grabbed his wrist forcing it away from his neck and forcibly into the ground. Kayden could feel the wrist snapped from the force he grabbed it with. The Lieutenant screamed from the pain but Kayden took no notice of this. Kayden reached quickly over the blade to the knife around his waist. He would only have one shot at this, and as fast as he could he sent the blade flying towards Kegan. It did its job perfectly burying itself in the hand holding the blade which dropped to the ground. The boy was safe for a few seconds.

Kayden grabbed the falling sword with his right paw as it the lieutenant dropped it from the pain. Kayden stood up forcing the lieutenant back using his grip on the wrist and bending the arm. Kayden quickly took the hilt the blade and smashing it into the lieutenant's face. This big tough wolf was out in one blow. The blow was enough to cut up his face between the eyes and blood started pouring around his muzzle.

Kayden quickly dropped the unconscious wolf and lounged at Kegan. Kegan had dropped the boy and was swearing under his breath holding his hand, the blade going straight through to the other side. Several inches through the flesh. Kayden grabbed around the wolf's neck and threw him into the tree. He grabbed the knife inside the wolf's hand and threw the blade into the tree trunk, painfully pinning the hand in place. Kayden could see the wolf would have screamed but couldn't with a vice gripped paw around his throat. Kayden looked deep into the wolf's eyes. He saw anger, cold calculating rage. The typed that screamed no matter what I will get revenge. Kayden ignored this as the wolf finally loses consciousness. Kayden held on for a few more seconds before letting the body drop. The hand still pinned in the tree. Kayden looked around. All the guards either lay unconscious or barely able to move.

The younger guard stood frozen in terror. He looked fearfully at Kayden afraid of what the wolf would do. Kayden wasn't going to hurt him, but didn't show it. Kayden looked down at the cut on his side. The bleeding had stopped but now the pain came back. "I'll fix that later" he thought. Kayden walked over and kneeled by the unconscious boy. He placed his fingers to his neck and felt a pulse. It was weak and faint but still there. He looked down at the bruised and cut face. He was young and innocent looking, cute even. Kayden put his arms underneath the boys legs and under his back picking him up easily. The boy was so small compared to Kayden, so light. It took almost no effort to carry him.

The boy was cold, Kayden could feel it through his fur. Kayden looked up. The snow was coming down hard, he needed to get the boy inside to warmth soon. Kayden quickly moved over to his bald and adjusted the boy as he picked up his blade and wiped the blood into the snow. He sheathed the blade along his back. He adjusted the boy again and held him close, hoping his body heat would help warm the boy. Kayden looked back at what he had done to save this boy and knew it was worth it. Whoever this boy was, Kayden knew he had to protect him. Kayden turned to the mountain and took off in a run heading straight for his home.

To be continued...