Flying Mile High Chapter 3

Story by dolphin_dreamer on SoFurry

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#12 of Flying Mile High

09.40: Sydney.

"Flight Attendants, please be seated for landing!. Ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking. We will be landing shortly at Sydney International Airport. The current weather is Sunny at 35 degrees Celsius with very few clouds in the sky. The current time is 09.40am, with a 3 hour time difference between Beijing and Sydney. We should be landing in ten minutes or so, and we thank you for flying with us today". The Captain broadcast.

Janice strapped herself into her jump seat, as she lifted the window shades of the emergency exit. She watched the plane fly over Sydney Harbour, with the many ferries and speedboats sailing slowly across the city. Janice felt her eyelids droop as she slowly drifted into a deep slumber.


The moan of the engine hypnotised her, as she found herself sitting in an old Volkswagen Santana taxi which smelt of bodily odours in the middle of Beijing. The driver was a faceless old Rabbit, mumbling to himself as he honked his horn at the millions of cars on the highway. It was 18.30 as the Beijing population made their way home after a tiring day at work, clogging the entire road system throughout the city. The driver starts swearing in Chinese under his breath. "Zhe xie sha bi wei shen me bu hui ta ma de kai che ya?!?".

Janice looked through her phrasebook and found the correct sentence for asking how far they were from the hotel. Janice tapped on the rabbit's shoulder and asked. "Wo men li jiu dian hai you duo yuan?".

At this point the old rabbit has lost his patience. He took out a pocket knife and began stabbing himself in the head. He let out a high pitched scream as Janice watched in horror as blood began to drip out of his wounded ears.


Janice's eyes sprung wide open. She was panting hard as she heard a scream fill the entire plane. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! MUMMY!!!!. IT'S MY CAR!!!!. I DROPPED IT AND NOW IT'S GONE. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!. MY CAR!!!!. IT WENT ROLLING DOWN THE AISLE AND NOW IT'S GONE. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!".

She turned her head and saw a young fox, no older than 3, waving his arms in distress from losing his prized possession. Janice growled to herself. She always had a hate for children who threw tantrums on flights. The whole plane started to shake violently as the engines started to spool up. She felt herself thrown forward from her rear facing seat with her seatbelt keeping her from falling. The engines were able to drown out the toddler's screams momentarily, until they started to spool down. Janice looked out the window and saw the airport terminals with Qantas planes parked at the gate.

"Welcome home Janice!. No more screaming kids and lonely passengers for the next 2 days". She mumbled to herself.


Joe sat in the left hand seat, as he began to program his machine for the journey back home to Sydney. "PHNL/YSSY in the From/To section of the MCDU, Flight Number TA312, Company Route: TAPHNLYSSY". Mumbled Joe, as he punched the commands into the little computer.

Gwen held a torch in the dark as she searched for any cracks or tears on the mighty beast that travelled all over the planet. She reached the nose gear and proceeded to kick it with all her might. The gear appeared to be intact and there seemed to be no problem with the fuselage.


Sarah was busy pouring Champagne into glasses, when she noticed Gwen walking back to the cockpit. Sarah ran to the interphone and dialled every single cabin crew on the plane. A chime was heard throughout the cabin as each flight attendant picked up the phone and identified themselves.

"Maria operating Exit 1 right".

"Jenny operating Exit 2 left".

"Hannah operating Exit 2 right".

"Sally operating Exit 3 left".

"Rachel operating 3 right".

"Amanda operating exit 4 left".

"Lara operating exit 4 right".

Sarah looked at her watch and made an announcement to the rest of the crew. "Just wanted to point out it's 09.50. and passengers will be boarding in 10 minutes. I think it should also be time we play that little joke on the two beasts who fucked each other".


Gwen sat herself down in the right hand seat and placed her headset over her ears. Joe had just finished programming the plane's computer for the return route and was about to request for their flight clearance from Honolulu Delivery. Right as he tuned the VHF radio to the correct frequency, the interphone begins to ring.

Joe took the call and gave his usual identification to the crew. "Flight deck, this is Captain Joe Williams speaking". He looked up at Gwen and his jaw dropped wide open and his eyes went as round as ping pong balls. Gwen burst out laughing from the priceless look on his boyfriend's face, until he handed her the interphone.

"Ohhhh!. Captain!. Fuck me please!. Ohhhh!". Gwen's jaw dropped when she heard the crew recreating their love making session in the shower. The two looked at each other with the exact same expression as the interphone fell out of Gwen's paw.