Crimson Fire: Chapter One

Story by Euphoria3214 on SoFurry

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#1 of Crimson Fire

Crimson Fire: Sam's First Friend

Sam's First Friend

Chapter One

Disclaimer:All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.


Possibly the worst day of young Sam's life. The whereabouts of his father unknown and his mother just recently captured by passing trainers. A delicate Eevee lay silent, shaking. Sam had never been alone in the forest. He relied on his mother for everything. His good for nothing father had abandoned the family before his birth.

Curled to a small ball in the den as night fell, Sam began to hear strange noises, with his mother present he had never noticed them, he needn't fear with his strong Espeon idol, watching over him. His loneliness meant a long night was ahead. He stumbled in and out of slumber, waking with the noises of the forest.

The next morning, hunger brought him from the den. Very cautiously, he shuffled over to the sitrus berry tree, only recently shown to him. Although he'd never had to retrieve the fruit himself, a determination hovered; to finally do something independently. His lack of psychic powers meant different tactics were in order. The only attacks he knew were what he was taught and still, they weren't of high standard. He knew only three: tackle, quick-attack and dig. The tree shuddered gently as he tried a tackle, no luck. Still determined, he took a few steps back and sprang towards the tree, white energy behind him was a quick attack. This time, on impact, four sitrus berries surrounded him. Proud with this achievement, he sat quietly picking at his breakfast.

A sense of paranoia struck, he was outside the den, alone. His need satisfied, he hurried back to his burrow. Just outside the entrance he felt the earth shake, the tree opposite him shook violently, curious but scared, he cowered into the den, only his small hazel ears and eyes were visible, his forepaws gripping the ground, a few moments had passed now, as his eyes darted about looking for a source another shudder hit the tree. This time a barrage of hemnuts hit the ground. A large piloswine emerged from the other side. Hemnuts were a delicacy to them. Sam watched as it devoured them. Positive the tree was empty the beast scanned the forest floor for signs of food. It caught sight of Sam watching it and snarled.

Discovered, the Eevee scampered to the furthest corner of the den, just then an ice shard attack came barrelling towards the cub, he dodged it, just; but it had a devastating effect on the den, huge glass-like spikes covered the walls. Another and it could do some serious damage. With this in mind Sam bolted for the second exit. His coat now covered with loose dirt and frost, he fled the burrow, now outside. He looked behind him. From the corner of its eye the beast found Sam. Adrenaline raced through him as he took off. Passing tree after tree. His luck however had run out. He ground to a halt as he neared the protruding wall of Frost Mountain. He turned; the piloswine directly behind him launched an ice shard, with no time to move Sam cowered down till impact. Flinching as the ground before him shook he glanced up, finding himself imprisoned in an icy dome. At that moment a huge twister of flames engulfed the piloswine, the raging fire, never-ending.

Through the solid chamber he looked up to see a small red animal, the flames bursting from its mouth. Again, he felt the earth tremble as the burning mass fled the scene. Small trees and foliage gave way to the timorous beast. The red figure approached his translucent walls. The ice around him lit up, his prison was melting away. As it cleared and the flames subsided he saw a small fox. A Vulpix. She looked only slightly older than him.

Quivering in a pool of water he heard "Are you ok?" from his saviour.

He managed a quiet "Yes, thanks". He stood and shook himself dry, his once dirty and wet fur now intact. He looked up to see the Vulpix covered in the mist he just sprayed. Waiting for his reaction she laughed and licked herself clean.

"Hi, my name's Sasha" she said smiling.

"I'm Sam" he murmured.

"So what did you do to that piloswine?" she joked, "You made it pretty mad, I usually don't see 'em down from Frost Mountain" she said as she glanced towards its peak.

"I was watching it eating near my den, I don't know why it got so mad", Sam now himself, angry that he did in fact do nothing to upset it.

His young boyish way showing, she asked "So, Where's your parents?", then regretting it straight afterward.

Sam's eyes widened then watered. He looked away.

"What's wrong?" Have I offended him? She thought.

"I don't want to talk about it". Fighting the tears, he tried to compose himself in front of a girl. A short silence fell over the two. It was humbly broke by the sound of Sasha's stomach rumbling.

She turned her head and blushed, laughing, "I haven't eaten in a while".

The change of subject helped him recover; he turned and said "You like Sitrus berries?"

"Yeah I love 'em, are there any round here?" her face lit up.

"Yeah, loads! I'll take you to them." Sam replied, quite happy at the thought of a making a new friend."Follow me" he shouted as he ran off through the grass, Sasha close behind him. It turned into a race, she overtook him with ease, looking behind, she laughed.

She doesn't know where she's going, what's she doing? He thought to himself, he misunderstood the concept of a race.

Sasha looked back again, no Eevee behind her. Slowpoke, she rolled her eyes. Just then she saw him sprinting towards her, already out of breath.

Now grasping the racing spirit he took off past her, smiling as he went by.

There's no way he's faster than me! She giggled and ran off behind him. She caught up to the little fur ball and found him staring up at the tree. A bundle of ripe berries hung, waiting. Without warning she burst a spiralling flamethrower towards them.

Sam fell back in shock. A Crisped berry crashed to the floor, burnt black. Catching the live show of the flamethrower, he sat dormant, amazed.

"Oh", pausing "That's your one!" she looked at Sam and grinned.

The berry lay, still steaming; he chuckled and stood, took a step back and launched himself at the tree in another quick-attack. This time six heavy Berrys landed next to them.

Astonished and mouth open Sasha looked at Sam, "Show-off!" She smiled and buried her face into one of the Berrys.

Sam sat watching his new friend, enjoying the feeling of accomplishment, especially in front of her.

Sasha looked up, finished; she licked her maw and sighed. She glanced at Sam, who was lost in thought. "What you thinking?" she asked innocently.

Still reliving his frightful experience, his mind then wandered to the state of his once home. Looking up at her he realised. "Oh! You can help me with something!" He exclaimed.

"Sure, what is it?" she asked.

Beckoning her to follow with his paw, he said "Come with me". He scurried off towards his burrow; it wasn't even ten feet away. Arriving at his frozen home, he entered, trying not to get his butt stuck in the doorway as usual. Sasha, amused at his failed attempt giggled. He broke through and saw Sasha bounce in behind him, she was smaller than him, so of course she fit right in.

The first thing she noticed was the icy walls of his den; she needn't ask what he wanted.

"Could you melt the ice for me? But be careful, there's a tree above us" he warned.

She smiled and a small dose of flames started to re-shape his home, the water sinking into the bone-dry ground. Sam took a few steps back, the blaze was baking his face. The light went out, "There!" Sasha smiled and looked at him, "Nice place you've got here", her eyes travelling its walls.

"Well it was until that beast showed up", again forced to relive the memory. The now soggy ground below them shifted slightly with their weight.

Still looking around she said "We used to have a den just like this until I ruined it"

Puzzled he asks "What happened to it?"

"Well... I was practicing my fire moves indoors and it caved in." A mischievous smile broke across her face.

"Oh, so where do you live now?" disconcerted, his new friend would be going home for the night.

"Well, actually I just ran away from home, my dad was so strict! He never let me have any fun and my mother was always out getting food, I hated it there". Her anger soon turned to sorrow, "I miss my mother though, I never even said goodbye". She fought back tears as she imagined her mother's reaction when she came back from hunting.

Sam felt for her, "I know what it's like." He paused, "My mum was caught yesterday by trainers, I never got to say bye either". He was happy that he had found someone in a similar situation as he finally shared with her.

Comforted by this she settled. They spent most of the day reminiscing about their families, "I want to be a Ninetales, just like her" she aspired.

Another chance to shine had just passed Sam. "Oh! I know where some stones are, maybe there's a fire stone!"

Her face brightened "That would be great!" She pondered. "So hey, you're an Eevee, I've heard you can evolve into lots of things".

"Yeah, I'm not sure what to pick, my mum was an Espeon but she wanted to be a Flareon or Glaceon".

"Well as long as we're there you could become a Flareon if you want?" Her voice was rising, her excitement growing.

"I guess... Yeah a Flareon would be pretty cool huh".

Sasha looked outside, the sun had set. "Can we go tomorrow?" she said trying to mask her fear of the dark. The Eevee yawned and nodded, she could see he was tired. "Cool, um... Can I stay here tonight?" She asked, praying he wouldn't send her into the dark abyss.

The thought of company relaxed him. "Yeah, sure!"

"Great, so...Where can I sleep?" she asked looking round, she noticed the spot Sam obviously slept in, elevated and covered with dried leaves.

Sam made his way to his corner, "Anywhere you want", he was just glad he wasn't alone again. The crisp leaves adjusted to the new weight. He lay down, wrapped his tail around his front and pulled his paws in; his head sank slightly into his chest fur.

Sasha found a nice dry spot in the opposite corner of the den. She however, didn't curl up like Sam did, instead she sprawled her body, stretching and relaxing. She opened her eyes to see his eyelids fighting sleep, "Night Sam" her feminine tone relaxed him further.

"Night" he managed.

Smiling, she lowered her head and closed her eyes, thoughts of becoming a magnificent Ninetales the next day still dancing round her mind, my new friend is awesome she thought. Looking up at him once more she saw him shivering profusely. Awwww! Concerned, she stood and padded towards him. She crawled in next to him; the sudden warmth on his side stirred him. She was so snug, advantages of a fire type.

He looked down as a huge heat travelled through him; he shook once more, adjusting to the new temperature. He wrapped his tail around her, almost covering her whole body, her small nose and eyes peeked out. He laughed, "Thanks".

Her lids fell. Smiling, she let out a quiet "hmm". The gentle thoughts of her evolution faded and she drifted into sleep.

The next morning, Sam woke first, his heater friend, still fast asleep. He moved his tail to cover her once again, like a fluffy blanket. The new heat soothed him. She stirred and yawned. Her legs and paws outstretched. Upon realising where she was she looked up at Sam, "Hello" he smiled, gazing into her still sleepy eyes.

She giggled... "Hi" before yawning once more, her eye lids half closed, adjusting to the gentle light of the morning.

Her blanket rose as he stood and stretched his back legs, pulling himself forward from the front, in a rather cat-like fashion he switched pairs and bent down, spreading his forelegs forward and tail high in the air. Better, he looked up at a lengthy Vulpix, again sprawled out across the floor, stretching. "I'll get us some breakfast" he said, then heading out to the sitrus tree. Knowing nothing else would work he let loose a quick-attack, he turned his body so his side took the impact, this time however, only three berries knocked the floor, repeating the move he winced in pain at his second attempt; his torso now pulsing slightly from the bashing. It served its purpose as he found another four fruits beside him.

A gentle sound alerted Sasha as the berries rolled into the den. She stood and raised an eyebrow in wonderment; tilting her head to the side. Seconds later, Sam wandered in with a berry in his mouth. She giggled at the sight. He dropped it and proceeded to nibble on it. She smiled and approached, they both dined on the fruit.

Stomach full, they both left the den. A beautiful day, sun shining, and the sound of Pidgey in the distance. As promised Sam started towards the mine leading her to the stones, he knew they weren't going to be easy to acquire but a curiosity hung over him, to be a Flareon, to possess the kind of power he saw yesterday with Sasha. It overwhelmed him.

They neared the entrance to the Wakefield mine, dug especially for evolution stones. It was boarded off but a large gap granted them access. Sam's mother had warned him to stay away from it but he couldn't back out now.

"Is this it?" she gazed in awe, never having seen anything man-made.

"Yep...Let's go" they both entered the darkness of the mine. Steadily going downhill as the light from the entrance faded. It was near pitch black now.

Sasha, now terrified of the darkness, let out a small flame, bringing light to its walls; she held it there, a handy torch. They ventured further down, scanning the walls for anything shiny. The longer they went down the narrower the hall seemed to get, to the point where the roof was just above their head.

With the light, he saw two narrow passageways ahead "this must be where the miners gave up." Not them though. Sam edged to the side and started digging with his paws, shifting decent amounts of dirt. After flooding his surroundings with ground, he found nothing.

Sasha was already heading down one of the passageways; she forgot he needed her light.

"Hey, wait up" she heard in the background.

She tried to speak to apologize but the flame went out. She jumped as she entered the darkness, in-turn, quickly re-lighting her flame. As they wandered down they caught glimpse of something shiny. They both ran towards it, only to find a water stone embedded in the wall, "Don't touch that, you'll become a Vaporeon" she warned, her flame went out as she spoke. She re-lit it, this time learning her lesson.

"Right", he was ready again, he flung himself at the wall taking up dirt with him.

He's really good at that she thought, knowing she couldn't speak or the flame would go out. Suddenly Sam's body lit up, he froze as he began to morph. He was evolving.

Sasha's eyes widened, what stone did he hit?

He slowly began to change form, white energy moulding his features. The light vanished. He stood, flustered; feeling different; a huge heat fell over him.

Sasha's flame went out in amazement. The mine went black, "Whoa! Sam?"

"What happened?" His paws shifted, carrying a new build.

"You're a Flareon!" her tone rose, excited.

She lit the mine up again, glancing over his new body. Wow, he's cute! she thought as her eyes wandered his silky, orange fur.

Sam started digging, this time for Sasha, masses of ground left the vicinity, his new strength showing. He felt a prick on his right paw, he stopped and looked down, the light hit another fire stone in the hole. "I found one!" his voice rising.

Sasha, now struggling to keep her fire lit, saw a small tree root peeking through the ground and lit it. It was just enough to see with. Her face was full of excitement.

"You ready?" he asked, smiling.

"Yeah..." she looked at the stone; a faint red glint pulsed inside. She slowly advanced towards it with her paw, the light from the flaming root now dying quickly. She made contact and another surge of white light emanated through the cave. Her body started to expand.

Sam watched as her six little tails gradually split into nine. The light vanished, along with the fire. Leaving them in complete darkness.

"How do you feel?" he asked, having experienced the weird sensation himself.

"I feel great! How do I look?" straight after, she noticed her silly question. They couldn't see a thing.

Sam laughed and stepped back, he saw a tiny light, the entrance. "Hey the entrance is up here", "follow my voice" he said.

She complied, following a dark shadow to the light at the end. They neared the gap and Sam squeezed out, it was a lot easier as an Eevee. He looked down to admire his new form in the light, he'd grown; no longer a petite Eevee. Delighted, he glanced up, waiting for Sasha to appear, he'd never seen a Ninetales.

A few moments later he saw a golden-white paw emerge, a slender body followed it. Standing tall and admiring herself, the gorgeous and magnificent vixen glowed. He had never seen anything so pretty. Sam stood mouth open, she looked up at him. Her eyes widened "Wow! You look great!" She exclaimed as she now saw him in the light, he took little notice of himself; she asked "So how do I look?"

He looked her up and down, mouth still open. "You're beautiful." He admitted.

She blushed and pulled her tails round her body, they caught her eye, she jumped in shock, chasing her tails round. "I forgot how cool my tails would look!"

"Yeah they're something..." Sam now fixed on her gold-tipped tails.

A huge smile came to her face as she ran towards him and pounced him "We did it! Thank you so much!"

Surprised, Sam collapsed on his back; the Ninetales stepped over him and lowered her head, her soft fur and tails brushing against his body in play. He couldn't take his eyes off of her, she was just so pretty.

Looking down at him she saw him staring up at her, "What're you looking at?" she said as she swiped his nose with her tails, playfully.

"You, you're beautiful!" he said, smiling.

Blushing, she leant down and quickly licked his cheek, showing her appreciation of his compliment.

He laughed, blushing a little himself as he rubbed his cheek in a childlike manner. Then, he felt an all too familiar feeling below, realising the tingling was his manhood, he quickly stood up, embarrassed, basically throwing Sasha off of him. She cooed at the sudden up-force.

He bound off towards the woods yelling back "Race you to the den!" That was a close one he thought as the cool air settled him.

Sasha raised her brow in puzzlement, before bolting off behind him. Her new speed amazed her, Wow! Look how fast you can run! She thought to herself as she looked down to her long golden legs. With Sam not too far ahead she kicked it up a notch, using quick-attack energy to soar past him.

He ground to a halt wondering how she managed to catch him, looking behind then to the front, T_hat was fast!_ She's not won it yet though he smirked. Tailing off behind. He mimicked, using a quick attack to catch her. "Check you out! That's some pace, not faster than me though" he smiled as he pulled level with her, before speeding off past her.

They were nearly there and she couldn't let him win, she had always been competitive. Right behind him as they saw the den, she leapt up over him; her tails smacked his face on her downfall.

He stumbled to the floor, rolling forward at a great speed, before crashing into the tree above the den, lying in a heap and covered in falling leaves.

Sasha ground to a halt; falling to the floor with laughter at the sight, before realising it may be serious. Sam wasn't moving at all. The fun stopped as she ran over to him. Shaking his side with her paws she yelled "Sam!" No response. Oh my god Sam, what did I do?! Standing mouth open she whined, it was her fault. She bent over him with her ear to his chest. Relieved, she felt a heartbeat. He must have hit his head on the tree. "Oh Sam, I'm so sorry" she hugged his side, her tears darkening his orange fur.

Just then she felt a drop of water hit her ear. She looked up to dark rain clouds above them as the heavens opened up. Scared to move him in case of any internal injuries she got in behind him and wrapped her tails around him, engulfing his entire body in their length. Getting wetter by the second she lowered her head through her tails to be beside him. She closed the gap, sheltering her head from the rain, she watched his eyes flicker, a reaction to the cold. She tightened her grip with her tails, pulling him towards her. Her face now rested gently against his. Doing her best to keep him warm, the rain continued as the cloud-blocked sun set. The icy wind hit overnight, her cold body shivered. Drifting in and out of sleep, her own comfort meant very little, her only goal was to keep him warm.

The next morning she woke, finding him curled up tightly against her, still under her tails. He must have been cold she sympathised. Just like the first night she spent with him he had curled to a ball from the cold. She yawned and stretched as best she could, without disturbing him. She slowly rose and swept her tails from his body. The excess water trickled from their tips. She looked at him, so innocent. The wave of guilt hit her again. This is all my fault, I'm so sorry Sam. She longed for him to wake. Her stomach growled, she hadn't eaten since breakfast yesterday. Sam must be hungry she thought selflessly. She ran off to the sitrus tree before returning a few moments later with nine Berrys, bundled in her tails. She stacked five of them beside Sam, just in case, while keeping the other four for herself. She ate silently, the thoughts of Sam never waking swirling her mind. She rejected them. Looking up she saw him twitch. He's awake! She ran over to him "Sam! Are you ok?"

He opened his eyes slightly, everything was blurred. Trying to re-gain focus he shook his head. A huge pain struck him and he yelped out. He felt Sasha's paw on his side. Slowly this time, he lifted his head and gained focus, he saw her crimson eyes staring into his.

"Are you ok? Sam, I'm so sorry" She cried.

"What happened?" he said as he knelt up.

"We were racing back, remember? I jumped over you and you tripped and rolled into the tree" She paused "I was so worried". She stepped back as he arched up, attempting to stand. "How do you feel?" she asked, still concerned.

"I feel... dizzy" he said before stumbling again, his right forepaw gave way and he hit the floor, Unconscious again.

"Sam?" she said in surprise. Her head sunk, At least he's okay.

She stayed with him for hours on end. Waiting patiently for him to stir, she thought it a good time to clean herself, the rain from the night before and the wet ground hadn't made a very good resting place for them. After licking herself from head to toe she noticed Sam's paws were dirty, better leave that to him , he may not be comfortable with her cleaning him. She began to feel parched, her tongue dry from her cleaning. She remembered seeing a pond yesterday during her race. She looked at Sam, He'll be ok. She wandered off in search of a drink. It really wasn't far from the den at all, a minutes' walk away. She neared the tranquil water, bent down and lapped up the refreshingly cold liquid.

"I knew this place was crawling with fire-types"

Ears perked, she looked up. Standing across the pond was a tall figure.

"Easy girl, I'm not going to hurt you" he said as he pulled out a small red device; it clicked open and announced "Ninetales, the fox Pokémon. It has nine long tails and fur that gleams gold. It is said to live for 1,000 years." He seemed intrigued as he lowered the device looking at her.

She saw him withdraw a small round object from his backpack. With the figure slowly inching towards her, she backed off, eyes fixed on him.

He must be a trainer! She remembered Sam saying his mother was caught by one. At this she bore her teeth, growling.

"It's going to be the hard way then!"

She watched as he reached back and took a ball from his belt. He threw it to the air and a white light screeched out. The light disappeared revealing a rage-filled feline, leering at her.

"Persian, Fury swipes!"

The cat obeyed and launched towards her, it's sharp claws displayed. It leapt up and swung for her. Unprepared, she took it's force, the first swipe sent her through the air, hitting the ground heavy. Her competitive personality invoked, she stood, still strong. She took a battle stance, her chest rose as she inhaled. Moments later a roaring flame emerged from her mouth, sending it barrelling towards the brute.


The feline form vanished and re-appeared beside her, the flames swept past the trainer. He never flinched.

"Tackle" he smiled.

Another attack hit deep. She fell to the ground again. Suddenly her body was struck by something else. Before she had time to look her very aura was sucked into the object as it hit the floor, pulsing. A very new feeling shot through her, it was slowly weakening. With still so much will to be free, she rejected it. The ball erupted; standing fierce and ready, she roared.

He grunted "You're strong" before smiling. "Persian, use takedown".

This time she saw it coming, she jumped up, soaring over it. Landing elegantly and turning.

"Takedown, again!"

It charged at her, this time from close up. She leapt up but met an iron tail mid air. The cat wouldn't fall for the same trick twice. Her body Somersaulted over as she landed in a heap, not much left in her now, she struggled to stand.

"Finish it with takedown!"

Looking up, she saw the raging feline bounding towards her, her mind now ultimately focused on this animal. Thoughts raced through her head, what if this trainer catches me? What will Sam think? The Persian was now inches away from her face as she caught its glare, her eyes lit red. The cat froze, unable to resist. The battle had invoked extraordinary psychic powers deep within her. It hovered mid air, before she sent it flying back towards the trainer. It hit and they both tumbled backwards. Sasha stood, stunned at her new power. She saw the opportunity and fled the scene.

She was still weak from the battle but hurried on, I hope Sam's ok she thought. She reached the den, he wasn't there. Panic struck. She found the entrance to the burrow all dug up and misshaped. What's happened here?! She ran inside, to find Sam cleaning his paw.

He looked up and smiled, "Hey, where have you been?"

She let out a huge sigh of relief before running towards him; she threw her paws round him "I'm so glad you're ok, I saw the burrow, what happened?"

Taken aback by the sudden embrace he yelped in pain.

She backed off, "Oh sorry, you're still hurt huh?"

"Yeah just a bit," he said "I had to dig the hole again to fit my butt in" He said laughing softly, trying to lighten the mood.

She smiled, then her head sank "Listen, about what happened..."

He interrupted "It's okay, you didn't mean it, besides I'm still getting used to my new body... I had you beat though" he smirked.

"Yeah right" her mischievous smile returned. "Oh hey! You must be starving" she remembered.

"No, I found a pile of sitrus berries next to me when I woke up, did you leave them?"

"Oh yeah, that was me" she relaxed.

"So how long was I out?" he said, scratching his ear with his hind leg.

Trying to ignore the sighting of his manhood she said "Well, just last night and today".

"So I slept outside? But it was raining wasn't it?" He noticed her looking away briefly.

"Well, I curled up beside you and sheltered us with my tails" she blushed slightly.

"Oh... well, thanks" he said, appreciating her loving gesture.

"You're welcome," she paused "Hey, you'll never guess what just happened to me!" she had forgotten about her encounter.

She began her story and he crouched, listening intently, she spoke of the trainer she saw and he stood.

"What did he look like?!" he shouted, thoughts of his mother's captor entered his mind. He frantically tried to remember his appearance.

Flustered by the interruption she paused. "Um, well he was tall. He had no hair and he wore this weird belt with these red balls..."

This doesn't sound like the same trainer. He interrupted her again with "Was it just him or was there anyone else" he calmed slightly, lowering back to his prone position.

"No it was just him as far as I saw", she knew the reason to his sudden outburst. She sympathised and placed a paw atop his.

He sighed and apologised. "Sorry, what were you saying?"

She continued her story, building to the climax of her psychic triumph. Watching his reactions as her words gained speed, emphasizing her victory. I'm quite the bragger she realised; she spoke about it for a good half hour.

His reactions mixed with the plot, at the end he stood and circled the vulpine, checking for any sign of injury. Her tails were swaying in unison as he scanned her body. "Sounds like quite a battle! You were lucky to get away".

"What, you saying I'm weak?" she said jokingly as he sparked her competitive nerve.

"No, not at all, but it sounds like you were struggling near the end" he said, thinking for a second he said "Can I see your psychic move?"

Intrigued at the thought of using it again, she smiled and focused on one of the many rocks in the den.

Sam saw her concentration shift to the rock and he watched, waiting for it to move with her power.

A few seconds passed by, with nothing happening she dropped her gaze and sighed. "I don't know what's wrong, it worked before".

"What were you thinking about when it happened" he asked.

"I was just looking at the Persian with a huge fear... I mean anger" her words stumbled; she didn't want to lose face.

"Maybe you need a deep emotion to set it off" he suggested, sounding rather therapeutic.

"Hmm, maybe..." she turned back to the rock and thought of her family, staring at it, she opened her mind as pure emotion flooded through, thoughts of her loving mother, negated by memories of her loveless father shook her deep within. Holding her gaze at the still rock, her eyes lit red once more. A red perimeter encased the rock as it hovered. Holding her thoughts she moved her eyes from side to side.

An entranced Flareon watched as the rock swayed from left to right. It reminded him of his mother; she used to collect food for him with psychic.

The rock hit the floor and she spun round at him, grinning madly. "Did you see that?!"

"Yeah, pretty amazing" he enthused, his advice helped.

The sun was setting, the last tip of light only to be seen at the peak of Frost Mountain. Sasha stayed in for a while, trying to perfect her new mind toy. Sam took the chance to stretch his legs a little; he'd not yet fully recovered from his fall. He decided to head to that pond Sasha told him about, he hadn't had a drink for a while. It was a mere minutes walk away according to her, he took a little longer than that to find it, his cramped legs were slowly loosening with every step.

He approached the metallic looking water, the dying light only just reflecting across its surface. He lowered his head to meet it; his tongue sent hundreds of tiny ripples across the pond, circling out before ending at the edges. Lapping up the crystal fluid, he looked up to see a charred tree branch to his opposite side. He was oddly impressed with the vixen. She did that? His thoughts stopped, the air changed.

His slow breathing picked up a strange scent; he raised his head and inhaled deep. His nostrils flared, he had never come across such a pungent fragrance. It sparked an instinctive pulse in his crotch. He quickly dismissed it and shifted, trying to locate the source. He looked to the right as he locked onto the smell. There was a small gathering of thorned bushes, he walked towards them, parting their edges with his paws as he strolled through, he passed tree after tree, entranced by the scent, he followed it to a darkened clearing. An oval of tree's blocked all but the weakest light. The scent was getting stronger, luring him into the opening.

Suddenly a bright light, not too far in front of him, erupted. Two figures were illuminated. A feminine scream burst out, birds leapt from the trees, the silence broken. Sam bound towards the light as it vanished. He halted to find a damsel Delcatty. Her chest sunk against the floor, her rear high in the air, her claws piercing the earth before retracting. She saw Sam and gasped, another bolt of light struck her and she called out in despair, he saw the other figure behind her but couldn't see his face. Alarmed at her suffering Sam dove forward, unleashing a scorching hot flamethrower at her end, it was inaccurate but it hit his target sending it barrelling sideways, the flames torched the grass nearby. He saw the pale blue figure running off into the darkness.

The flames around them lit the scene. Sam drew back at the sight before him. The feline's hind was still airborne, her genitals dripping with moisture, she turned to Sam.

"What the hell are you doing?!" she yelled. Her eyes flared and she lowered her tail. "I almost had him!"

Sam's mouth fell open, his only response.

The cat stood, it was clearly pissed. "Well?" her pupils leered into his.

Stumbling for an answer, he said "I thought he was hurting you".

"Those thunderbolts! Please..." She had lost interest; she began circling him like a ravenous wolf. On passing, her eyes would scowl into his. "What are you doing here?" her voice had settled, not much though.

"I was following this smell" his own words re-woke his goal, he raised his nose and inhaled, it was so strong now.

She hissed and threw him a huge scowl "YOU followed my scent?" her emphasis on him, suggesting him unworthy.

"Your scent?" he looked puzzled, but remained still.

"You're kidding right?" she cackled before swinging round, she threw her vagina to his face "Familiar?"

He took a step back, the intrusive behind still inches away from his face. He sniffed. That smell!

She spun back round. Smiling, she found the obvious virgin amusing. Her gaze travelled to his hind quarters. She gasped as she saw his fully erect member. Her motives altered.

He caught her gaze; staring down at his crotch. He realised his natural excitement and purposely hit the floor, covering it.

"Oh don't be embarrassed" she said soothingly.

The change of her tone puzzled him further.

She padded round to his face "It looks like you CAN help me" she smiled.

Still distrusting he lay there, denying her view. "Help you with what?"

"My heat, it's burning, I need a mate" she smiled hungrily down at him.

"Your heat?" he asked, genuinely clueless.

She sighed, keeping her cool "I'm in season, my body is ready to bear a child, but I have to mate with a male".

"So you and that other...?" He was interrupted.

"We were going to mate, yes" She saw his next question coming, "I couldn't have his children, he's a Manectric, besides you actually scared him off, he's not worthy" She said, grinning at him.

"Then why did you want to mate with him?" he asked curiously.

"Because my body is craving sex...Much like yours is now" her smirk, now wider.

He leant up, checking his length. It was still rock hard. He lay back down.

She caught a glimpse of it and continued "Will you help me?" she arched over, exposing her soaked pussy to him.

Intrigued, he asked "What do I do?" he slowly raised, the aroma, luring him closer.

Got him! That was too easy! She smiled. "Come here" she beckoned him with her paw.

Sam slowly approached her and stopped, she turned her body to face him, her tail caught the wind as it swayed, cheerfully.

"Good, now just relax" she smiled as she crouched before him, rolling under his torso. Her eyes now fixed on his hanging member. She wrapped her four legs round his body, pulling it down as she positioned her face. Her tail swivelled round his neck gently, before coming to rest.

His balls now hung, inches from her face. He looked underneath him, his nose met her pussy, leaving a dribble of her juices hanging, he sniffed, a responsive wave shot through him and his penis jerked beneath him. He felt her tug down again, his knees bending with her grasp. A discreet pulsation shot through him as her tongue made contact with his member. It was quickly enveloped by her soft lips. He dropped his jaw in response, his head dashed upwards, his thoughts were lost. His manhood had never received such attention from another being. Her frayed ear-tips grazed his tail as she sped up her rocking motion. Dazed in a pool of euphoria, his breathing became harder. He widened his stance allowing better access, his tail twitched as his pelvis contracted, on and off.

Her motions reflected his breathing, she knew he was near. She felt him take over, humping her mouth now, his hips pressed her spine against the ground with his rising pace. Trying to re-gain control of the situation her tongue clamped down on him, swivelling round his length. She reached his top and lashed the tip with her tongue, this sent him over.

Shockwaves tore through him, passing every muscle and joint as his orgasm struck, his hind thrusts continued as he pumped his fiery cum into her mouth, he felt it accumulate around him as he blocked her throat.

Her cheeks flared, storing every drop of his seed. She felt him settle, his thrusts slowed to a hilt, she let his receding shaft slowly drift from her mouth. Closing around it, she swallowed his load whole. Her legs released their vice grip and she rolled out.

He collapsed to the floor, still mind-numbed from the wave of pleasure she provided.

She approached his face and knelt, she smiled an open mouthed grin, also fighting for air. Sighing heavily she said "So how was that?" Like I need an answer she chuckled.

He looked up at her in admiration. His breathing calmed, he knew what was next. "So I guess it's your turn now right?" He was now more than happy to do the same for her.

Her eyes widened, "You're damn right it's my turn" a huge smile formed across her face and she spun round in front of him. Looking back she moved her tail, her display, along with the aroma it carried instantly re-woke Sam's length.

He crawled forward and let his tongue out; as it neared her entrance he felt a huge pain hit his forehead. He pushed back, looking at her, confused. Her tail had whipped him.

"What're you doing?" "Mount me!" she whined.

Embarrassed, He re-adjusted his stance, standing; he placed his paws on her back, he moved his body forward over her and placed his cock against her slit. This felt so new to him.

She felt it and thrust back onto him, her dripping wet warmth engulfed it, tightening around it. She howled at the sky, its blazing heat scorched her tunnel.

This brand new sensation hit him and he found new energy. He let his mouth fall open again as her tight hole wrapped his penis, he started thrusting into her slowly, enjoying the mesmerising experience. He pulled out to his tip and burst back in, letting out a loud soaking noise. The cat groaned heavily through her teeth as his claws contracted, gripping her. She seemed to enjoy it, strangely. She kept throwing herself back onto him lustfully, demanding more speed. He got the message. His thrusts gained speed as his fiery member darted in and out. Occasionally straying and clipping her ass, she didn't seem to mind. His balls were matted with their juices; they swung violently, almost slapping her crotch. He felt the same wave as before building in his shaft.

She had never been filled with so much pleasure as her hole spread to accommodate the best sex she ever had; his fire type cock scorched her own moisture, further adding to the increasingly powerful orgasm she built. She was nearly there.

His nails pierced her skin as he felt another orgasm building. Rapidly thrusting his way into it he closed his eyes, ready. A huge pulse of pleasure immersed his body. He tightened every muscle possible as the most powerful orgasm he'd ever had blew a huge load into her.

The pain from her back coupled with his now super-fast thrusts sent her spiralling into her own climax, she felt his orgasm hit hers, as they clashed his fired semen almost burning her, she screamed to the sky. Her claws punctured the earth as she felt multiple powerful orgasms shatter through her body, one after another. Her discharge lashed out, further coating his already drenched sheath.

His motions calmed and he collapsed on top of her, his member slid out releasing a river of cum onto the ground. Her pussy winked, still contracting from the aftershocks. They both lay silent, gasping heavily for breath.

Her raw desire had been satisfied and more, she lay beneath him, his fur cushioning his weight. "Wow!" was all she could muster.

He sighed heavily and mumbled "So how was that?" ironically. Just as she had done to him before. He knew he was better than she expected.

"I'm impressed", she mustered, her eyes began to adjust to the dying light, his previous flamethrower had torched the area. The blackened blades of grass released their final light. The embers rose slowly into the mild wind.

The flow had by now reached his brain again, his thoughts returned. He felt a proud feeling rush over him, he had managed to free her of her lusting pain, not only that but he was the source of her immense pleasure. He had never felt such a heightened level of satisfaction. His mind replayed her wild reaction as his penis returned to his sheath.

She struggled below him, trying to release herself from his weight. She felt his warm underside leaving her as he stood, letting her out.

Sam's mind wandered back to Sasha, he had told her he wouldn't be long, he looked to the sky, it was now a deep navy black. It was broke in a few areas as thousands of stars shone down upon him. "Listen, I need to be getting home" he hesitated mid-speech, he anticipated a harsh reply.

He's not going anywhere without me she thought, he could provide an extraordinary service to her now, he was her mate. She watered her eyes and gazed into his. "Can I come with you?" she sobbed.

This was the last thing he expected to hear, his first impression suggested she lived solo. Despite this he sympathised, she obviously has nowhere else to go "I suppose you can stay with me" I don't think Sasha would mind.

She grinned and edged closer to him, licking his cheek and purring. "Lead the way stud" she whispered into his ear.

Like the first time Sasha licked his cheek, he blushed. He welcomed the warm breath at his ear and turned. Smiling he walked back to the bushes he once leapt from. Parting their edges with his paws he stepped to the side, allowing her through. A true gentleman. She walked past thinking nothing of it, he went through and released the branch, it swung rapidly back into place. Leading the way once more he joined her side.

She asked "Why have I not seen you around here".

He reluctantly answered; he didn't want to lie to her. "I don't usually leave my den unless I need to" He wished he' never said it, it sounded so pathetic.

"What're you scared?" her pitch raised a little, mocking him.

He looked away and slowly strolled ahead of her.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" her brow fell, noticing his sulk.

The truth hurt, he was getting better with the arrival of Sasha, he wasn't alone anymore.

The silence broke, "Sorry, okay..." She didn't want to offend her new sex toy.

"It's fine..." He was interrupted by a loud thud. He looked round to see the cat's face buried in the ground, her foot trapped in a root. She had tripped. The sight caught him off guard; he burst out with laughter, almost falling to the ground himself.

She was not amused, but laughed as well, to keep the new mood. She picked herself up and shook the excess dirt from her face before joking "Karma's a bitch huh"

He smiled; then a shocked look fell upon him. "Hey! What's your name, you never told me!"

"It's Kristen, what about you?" It didn't seem to bother her, not knowing his name.

"I'm Sam", he ran her name through his head a few times, It suits her.

The repetitive sight of pillaring trees beside faded as he reached the thorn bushes at the pond. He held them open for her; again she passed through, paying his gesture no attention. He ran towards the water, his tongue lashed its surface, thirsty. It was joined by another, they both gulped down at incredible rates, like they hadn't seen water in days. He noticed the ripples to his side stop, looking round he saw the feline bounding towards him.

She jumped, pushing him in with her paws. A huge splashing noise echoed around her as she got her own back.

He broke the surface, the water's depth chilled his body, he quickly climbed out, shivering. He noticed Kristen rolling on the floor, she enjoyed that. Soaking wet, his fur weighed down on him, his tail had lost its fluffy character. He shook violently, releasing vast measures of the liquid into the air, a lot of it landed on her; she winced at its temperature. "It's not nice is it?" he joked, still shaking. "Come on, let's go" he urged, wanting desperately to escape the night wind. He scurried off into the long grass, she composed herself and followed. His jog broke into a run, she scrambled to try and follow him. He reached the burrow and looked behind him; a tired Delcatty emerged from the grass.

"What the hell? You must be freezing huh?" she relived the scene, his reaction when she pushed him. She started laughing again as they entered a lit burrow.

Sasha had been practicing her talent the entire time he was gone, she took the liberty of lighting a small fire in the corner of the den, it brightened the room so well, it served as a great barrier from the cold also. Her bundle of rocks crumbled as she constricted them with her psychic, her attack stopped as she heard someone laughing near the entrance, she looked round and saw Sam walk in.

Surprised to see a fire in the den, he looked round, the walls flickered with light. He saw Sasha smile as he caught her glimpse.

"Hey, feel any better?" she asked.

Kristen turned the corner, spotted Sasha and glared, her smile shattered. She spun round to Sam "Who the hell is she?" her teeth, clamped together, lowering her voice.

He looked to her in puzzlement from her tone. "That's Sasha, she's my friend, sorry, I forgot to mention her".

Sasha sat there; her tails caressed her lower body in sway. She was surprised to see him return with someone else. She picked up the angry tone. Laying silent, she tried to decipher their words.

A wall of jealousy struck Kristen; she would not share a home with another female. Sam is mine! She thought, "Tell her to find somewhere else to go, we're in here now!" her tone deepened.

"What? No... She's my friend I can't tell her to leave", he wondered What's the big deal. "Why don't you want her here?"

"We need our privacy! I'm your mate now, don't you forget that".

Sasha tilted her head in confusement, "Hello?" she said.

They looked up at her, Sam introduced them, "Sasha this is Kristen, Kristen : Sasha." He dismissed the previous comment, taking it as a silly territorial thing.

Sasha was the first to break the silence, saying "Hi there" innocently.

Kristen tossed her a simple nod, keeping the mood, for now.

Sam was content; he wandered over to the fire and sat, pawing at his tail, sponging the excess water out.

"So how'd you two meet?" Sasha pondered, regretting it afterwards.

Kristen scowled "I don't think that's any of your business", she threw her a glare.

Sasha stood, flustered, ready to retaliate but beat to it by Sam.

"Hey, she only asked!" He defended Sasha, shocked by Kristen's pettiness.

Kristen raised her head at Sasha, "Sorry", she felt a pure hatred building inside her. Glaring at Sasha she walked past her, heading for the obvious sleeping place, the leaves crumpled as she sat down.

A waft of new air hit Sasha, she knew that smell. Having been in heat once herself. Her eyes widened as she put the puzzle together. She looked at Sam for confirmation, his glance still at his tail.

"Sam, come to bed" Kristen demanded.

His tail now bone dry, his body scorched as he sat so close to the flame. He went to move.

"Put that fire out" she ordered Sam, then glancing at Sasha, again giving her a painful scowl.

"Sasha, there's another pile of leaves over there, if you'd like, it's closer to the fire" he smiled warmly at her before extinguishing the fire with the fan of his tail and walking towards Kristen.

Sasha had never been so uncomfortable in a situation, her fire was put out and she was being treated like a mortal enemy by Sam's "mate". Did he mate with her!?, what the hell gives her the right to come in here, thinking she owns the place, treating me like that. She stood, heading for the leaves Sam had dedicated. Slowly settling down she brought her tails over her face, covering it. She heard the leaves across the room. Still, she sighed, if she was Sam's new mate, if it meant them getting along, she would, she cared for him.

Sam joined Kristen; he worried if the two would ever get along. He couldn't stand her treating Sasha like that. He knew at this point, if things carried on like this, Kristen would make him choose between the two. He hoped they would get along better in the morning.

Kristen lay in front of him, she turned her back to Sasha and curled in tight to Sam, she relaxed as his warm tail engulfed her body, she looked up into his closed eyes. _ He may actually make a good mate, he certainly has his uses._ Silence fell as they all slept.

Sasha woke suddenly to the dragging sensation along her back, she was being pulled out of the den by Kristen, she swung her body round, ripping her mane from the cat's teeth, she yelped in pain. "What are you doing?" she raised her voice.

"I want you out of here, now!" She let the ripped fur fall to the ground as she spat, clearing her mouth. They both stood directly outside the den.

"Why should I? What's your problem with me!" this time she stared back into Kristen's eyes.

"Sam and I are mates now, he doesn't want you traipsing round his home, now fuck off!"

Sasha took a battle stance, her insult went deep, she imagined Sam saying that, quickly rejecting it after. "Sam would never say that!"

"And how the hell would you know? What! You think you know him better than me?" she yelled.

"We are best friends, I know he'd never speak about me like that" she called Kristen's yell.

"You think he actually cares about you?" her words twisted the knife.

Sasha remained speechless, again her thoughts began to eat away at her, her head sank.

Kristen laughed, "You love him don't you! How does it feel knowing he couldn't care less about you?"

Sam's ears pricked, he caught the sentence and shot towards the entrance.

Sasha's eyes filled with tears, she can't possibly be telling the truth! Her sorrow sparked an anger deep inside and she accepted it, opening her mouth she threw a blazing fire spin bounding towards Kristen.

She looked into the storm before her, throwing herself to the side. Her cream fur was singed badly. She'll regret that, she cackled wildly at the failed attack. She threw her head to the side, charging shadow balls one after the other she swung them, her head violently sending them roaring towards Sasha. Impact.

The pure speed of the attacks meant zero dodge time. One after the other the glowing black spheres erupted on contact, the explosions sent her flying backwards, she hit the ground at full pelt Sasha cried out in pain, sliding to a stop before the tree.

Sam emerged and instantly saw what the situation. He threw a penetrating glance to Kristen before running to Sasha. He had made the choice.

Sasha struggled to get up, she saw him running to her, she sighed, her pain faded.

Kristen's mouth fell open, enraged by the simple choice he just made. Her fury burned. She sent another shadow ball, directly for him.

Sasha saw it coming; it was inches away from him. It stopped and exploded. Aided by her psychic she saved Sam. The shockwave threw him into her, their tangled bodies dragged once more across the grass. Sasha looked up at the vengeful creature and snagged her, her psychic almost perfected; her eyes lit and compressed Kristen's frail body in, the building pressure, pushing her body in on itself.

Kristen screamed. The tranquil forest shook. A green energy burst out of her, expanding the psychic grip, she used protect to free herself. A raw hatred peaked. She charged towards them both, teeth bared she screamed again in rage.

Sasha stood, her four legs widened, her nine tails straightened and fanned out , her eyes lit as she grabbed the bitch again, her head spun, sending the cat rocketing towards a line of trees. Her body slammed into the first, knocking it straight over, hitting the second tree her spine cracked, she howled out in pain as she slid down its shaft. She picked herself up; taking one last look at her former lover she limped off into the darkness.

Sasha's heart pounded, the adrenaline surged through her. She began to weep; the pain she faced that night was unbearable, both physically and mentally.

Sam ran to her aid, her face collapsed into his chest, coating his fur with her tears. He wished nothing more than for her to stop. It pained him deeply to see her like this. He hugged her tight, "I'm here, it's okay... it's okay" her gentle whining hurt him, this was his fault. If I hadn't brought that bitch back with me Sasha would be ok his thoughts pierced him.

She felt so unworthy in his embrace, her self-esteem shattered in one night. She wanted nothing more right now than to simply be with him as her emotions flooded out.

"Sasha" he spoke softly, his nose nuzzled against her mane. He heard her settle with his voice. He let go, his head fell to hers, he licked her cheek gently, wiping her tears.

She sniffed and looked up at him, his warm smile comforted her, she wanted nothing more than to admit. Her lips quivered as she considered. Still holding his gaze. "I love you Sam", her words flowed gently, her heart slowed as she watched him.

"I love you too Sasha" he meant it. Their lips met as one last tear left her face. Their passion kindled.