Zoo Keeper - ch4 - Sweet Dreams

Story by Damaged on SoFurry

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#4 of Zoo Keeper

I moaned softly, claws digging in and out of the soil underneath me, waking softly.

He was warm at my side, my mate, he had filled me with fire so many times, I couldn't begin to keep track, I picked up another scent though, something apart from his musk.

Turning my head I saw her, Sally, some part of me filled in. It didn't matter, she didn't matter, so long as my mate was here and my belly swelled with hi.... a flash hit my mind, something wasn't quite right.

The plan, we needed someone to lay with the big cat, to bear his kittens, I had agreed.

I purred softly, my other mind and my needs colliding into an agreeing mess, this was a nice thing.

"My count is at seven, David, just so as you know. Think you can stir him to another go? I need some sleep and don't dare leave you two together alone." Sally said, stifling a yawn.

Eight? Oh yes, eight times, to be sure my belly would swell. There was nothing else for it then...

I rose softly, there was little left of me human, I still had what seemed like stubby fingers, a slight swelling in my chest all that remained of my breasts, my hips were a little wide still, but I was confined to all fours.

I reached forward, stretching out as far as I could, arcing my back and curling my tail.

Holding myself for just a moment, I slowly eased my muscles back, bringing myself to a more natural pose.

I managed to growl out, "Wwwwron morrrr?"

Sally nodded back to me. This made me happy, I got one more mating with him.

Turning back to the male in question, I was about to wake him with a lick, when something inside told me a warning, 'this would be your last', and it wasn't referring to the limit Sally had set.

He came awake at the touch of my breath on his maleness and climbed languidly to his feet. A soft whuff as he leaned his neck over my suddenly frozen form. Could I give in one last time? Be his forever?

I turned to face Sally and murred just one word past my muzzle, before my body gave in to the need, "Help". I was amazed at the clarity of it, for such a complex sound for my new throat to make, but that amazement was short lived, I nipped at the big male, making sure his attention was completely on me before turning around, offering myself to him again.

Dimly I heard Sally say, "What does he mean, 'help'?" even as I felt the big cat lean over me pushing me down again, sliding home into my depths with practised ease.

"Oh shit, its your last isn't it? You can feel it just like Kate said she could before... fuck!" I heard dimly, feeling the big cat stroking deeply, this wasn't a slow, loving mating, like the first, he was impatient to get this done.

A soft 'phut' sounded and I felt the male above me slow his pace, I thought he was trying to tease me, so began pushing back, wanting him to return to me. He slumped sideways off my back, dragging his spines from my depths. I saw then, his groin tense suddenly and his seed fired from his maleness, staining the grass and his fur where it touched.

A sadness welled over me, I had to get that inside me and I started to move forward to drink from him when the little sound came again and with it, darkness.


I woke, still groggy from the dart, a heavy weight lay over me.

Thinking it my mate I turned my head to see what he was about when I heard the crying.

"I'm so sorry David, I didn't realise, I didn't mean to ask you to, why didn't I notice..."

It was Sally, weeping onto my fur.

She must have felt my movement because she backed up away from me quickly looking into my eyes, I could feel her gaze searching, did she think I was lost.

"Ss oh kayyy" I managed, muzzle still having trouble with some sounds.

Her weight instantly returned, arms wrapping around my up-stretched neck, "Oh god your still in there, David I am-" she started to weep harder.

I pulled from her grip easily, looked up into her tear wracked face and leaned forward, cleaning the tears away a purr beginning deep in my chest.

Her sobs stopped after a while, she had laid down with me, in the small cage. Hearing her deep, breathing, a sign of sleep, I curled up a bit closer around her, my instincts reaching to protect a fellow female.

As I lay there, feeling her, relaxed and completely vulnerable, I realised I had no urges to mate again, the need that had filled me last time was not present. Within me something, my instincts again likely, informed me that this was because I was pregnant and no longer in heat.

I was drowsy myself, and napped on and off during the day, letting the doctor have her sleep she so desperately needed.

"Mmmm, are you really in there David? Was it real or a dream?" She said slowly, waking me from my own rest.

"Ss meh" I managed, purring softly again.

"Can you tell if you are..." Sally asked, trailing off.

"You grrroh a lot quesns day." I mumbled back, keeping the purr going, "Yeh." I nuzzled my belly, knowing that the big males seed had taken root within me.

"Ugh, so tired still. And this, despite you obliging, is not comfortable." she said with a grin, refering obviously to the sleeping arrangements.

I understood, she need to be in a bed, she needed to have a full nights sleep so she could look after me.

I tried to work the situation in my head, her clothes were ruined, she needed rest... the flat!

I rolled to my feet, all four of them. Sally tried to follow suit to her own but I pushed her back down, "Shday" I said.

"Eeep." she exclaimed falling back to her rear on the ground.

I padded to the exit door and, twisting with my muzzle managed to open it. Using my tail to hold it open I reached out and snagged a chair with a claw, able to wedge it in the doorway.

Turning back to my charge, who was still sitting obediently, I dragged the smelly 'cat blanket' from the cage over her, gripped her by the back of the neck, wrapped in the blanket, and just started marching out, flicking the chair with my tail on the way past but snatching the appendage out of the way before the door caught it, closing behind me.

Carrying her, I trotted to the cabin, managed to work one of my stubby fingered paws up and opened the door, carrying the doctor inside.

She hadn't said a word, just let me carry her around.

Lifting herself clear of the floor, she pulled back the covers of the bed and was asleep before she could even straighten up or pull the covers over herself.

Smiling happily, I climbed onto the bed and snuggled down beside her, using my fur to protect her from where she had forgotten to pull the bedclothes over.

Purring I let full sleep take me again.


Warmth floods me as I purr myself back awake, the feelings pumping through me leaving me in a happy little mess of thoughtless lust.

I opened my eyes slowly, revealing a half asleep redhead in bed with me, she picks that time to curl her fingers up, penetrating the folds she had been up till then, only toying with.

I let loose a sigh, reaching out my own blunt paw to engage her.

Her skin, so soft, seems so fragile at first as I run my fingers around her belly and down her thigh, teasing her.

It was then her eyes flew open and she just stared. "You're... we're..." She began, but I took the words she wanted to follow with from her, lifting my digits to her now damp slit, running one finger up into her gently while swishing around the entrance with the knuckles of the same hand.

She just opened her mouth, moaning very quietly. I leaned forward and put a lick on her nose, bringing her eyes open again and she looked right into my own.

She leant forward this time, pressing her lips to the tip of my muzzle, kissing me, pushing her tongue at my feline lips.

I opened my mouth for her, lamenting that she had stilled her fingers, but realising at the same time I had ceased my attentions too. I began to rectify that.

Her tongue pushed past my sharp teeth, to play with my own appendage, lapping at it and getting the taste of me.

My ministrations had stirred her to similar action and I gasped as her fingers reached my most delicate parts.

I broke the kiss suddenly, pulling back from her and, without giving her any notice, inverted in the bed, bringing my muzzle to her crotch.

A long lick and tickling fingers began to probe at my sex once more, making me yowl out, my muzzle pressed to her own female-hood.

Pulling back, resisting the temptation to just dig my tongue right in, I started working her petals, softly at first, then leaning more of my oral dexterity and strength into the task. I could feel her breaths coming fast upon me now, and in an agonising moment, realised she had peaked just as I had, my passage constricting again and again around her invading tongue.

I lay panting, lapping around her mound, cleaning it of any drool or oh-so-delicious juices even as she serviced me in the same way.

"That's..." she panted, "That's my first time with a cat babe. How did I do?" She asked.

I turned away from my work, looking down into those beautiful eyes.

"Purrrrrfect." I said, rolling the R into a deep purr of contentment and finally managing a T"

And so, with that last line, I complete the worst pun of the day, thank you for watching :)