Zoo Keeper - ch5 - Moving on

Story by Damaged on SoFurry

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#5 of Zoo Keeper

Our affection for each other grew steadily, along with my midsection. Sally no longer drove to her house, she and I lived in the little flat and learned about each other.

I was now at the five and a half week mark, I felt bloated all the time but Sally became more and more excited as the pregnancy progressed.

She had confessed to me that no one had ever managed to keep hold of themselves after the mating, usually being caught too many times by the male. She thought I would be mad and angry at her for risking me.

I lapped her tears and fears away, I couldn't get angry with her, she was too wonderful to be angry at.

"So, how much longer do you give me?" I asked, my speech much more practised now, I rarely lost any T's any more, usually only when stressed. Right now though I was concentrating on not getting turned on by my lovers tender probing.

"Hrmm, you feel like you will pop any day now David, its..." She was still feeling lightly at my lower belly when she broke off, at about the same time I felt a distinct release of pressure. "Your water just let go, its starting!" Sally said excitedly.

Letting my body and instinct do all the work was easy, and I was very big on easy, letting the 'inner cat' loose to do its thing.

I needed to find somewhere softer, my mind working then suddenly I took off, I knew where was warm, cosy and very very safe.

The small cage.

Snuggling down into the old blanket I felt a pressure build in my belly and instinctively I pushed. A shuddering breath came to me after it and I was almost relaxed when it came again, then again.

I was pushing more and more when I heard Sally say, "Here's your first!" And she passed the kitten up to my chest where I felt it snuggle down against me. Sally had wiped most of the mess off the little kitten, but I gave him a good tongue bath as he had his first drink.

The cramping started again, same pattern, getting faster and faster. With a soft mewl and one last push I felt another life enter the world.

"He's your second, and I think your last love." I was licking at him before he even found a nipple, but snapped my head up at her word, she said IT. For the first time I had heard her say it.

Another cramping push and I felt something further leave me and my inside voice gave the feeling 'you are done'.

I bent back to my little kittens, warmth filling me as I felt them suckle softly at my chest.

I lay back, stretching out and just relaxing, leaving the clean up to Sally, after all, she had promised all those days back with 'you can't midwife me', well, she is not only qualified but is responsible, at least in part, for this whole mess.

I fell slowly into a happy warm darkness, it was filled with loving thoughts and a pair of young that needed me to survive.


I woke to something chewing at my ear.

The source was obvious, but how to distract them long enough to...

He climbed down from my head and nuzzled into my chest, after his next meal. I sighed, "How much longer till they wean?" I asked, knowing by sound and scent that Sally was not only in the room with me but watching me.

"Another week, then you will slowly start changing back, maybe another month for that and you should be almost ready to go again..." I heard the mirth in her voice, even though it was at my expense, I couldn't stop the rumbling purr stemming from having both my kittens with me and my lover close.


I looked down to the kittens, we were sending them both to the 'States. I hadn't named them, knew I shouldn't, but I couldn't stop myself from getting one last lick before the crate was sealed up.

"You knew we would have to do this right David?" Sally said, arm around me as the crate was being carried off by military airmen.

"I knowww." I slurred, letting the accent slip at that moment, "I jus, I lovedem so mush." I was crying now, my head pressed into her shoulder.

The two weeks since weaning had restored to me a portion of my humanity, allowing me to walk upright again.

I cried, all told, for two days after they had left, until I had word, from a different handler to the one who initially sent the request, telling us they had both arrived and were settling into their new habitat.

The woman overseeing them sent us frequent pictures over the next two months, I got to see my little kittens grow to adulthood very rapidly and it suddenly dawned on me just how different this species was.


"Sally?" I asked, scratching at my face again, returned to male and human, I kept forgetting to shave, "Have you ever considered the psychological aspect of all this changing?"

"Its been well documented David, how the brain reverts to instinct the further and further the animal drives you to being one of them. You know only too well how easy it is to slip into that instinct yourself." I nodded at her comment, but she hadn't touched on what I wanted.

"I mean, yeah it was pretty bad at first, but over time, I felt almost normal like that, more like a human in a cat body than a cat stuck with a useless human intellect." I stated. "What I was really wondering, can repeated, deep change acclimatisation affect even shallow changes?"

She looked pointedly right at me, and at that instant I knew I had her.

"I don't think anyone has been... stupid enough to try that. Are you volunteering for it David?" She asked sweetly.

I laughed, "Come on Sally, you know I just, I just don't feel right like this any more. I mean, I love being with you, being able to really hold and be with you, but I just... I guess I miss having a tail the most." I confessed.

She knew this, the recent run of psychological evaluations had shown this in me. I had been afraid at first, after the first test results were released to us, that they would fire me, not let me work here any more. After about the fifth I started to pick up that the psych team were far too interested in my mind than how it might affect my work. They had picked apart my gender identities, my loosening ties to my humanity and to some extent, but with decreasing interest, my love, no matter my form, for Sally.

She looked at me, "Well, there was one thing I wanted to test, it won't stop him changing you completely, but it will stop his seed finding your womb." I looked up at her, she was actually going along with it? "Come to think of it, lets do it." I jumped out of my seat, ready to run in and rut with the big cat right then and there when a grip on my shoulder slowed me. "Hold it buster, I want the paperwork done first, and the experiment write up."

I fell back to my work, attacking the data with renewed vigour.


The next few days passed, seeing me hard at work writing and reviewing my paper, until I had it just how I wanted it.

Submitting it to Sally, I left her to it and went for a run around the compound.

The sun fading, I came back to the office to find Sally at her desk, paper strewn about around her. By the second time I cleared my throat she looked up with a big smile, "This is a great proposal, I can see ways to extend it, but the base of it is very very sound. How would you like to start tomorrow?"

"Sounds like a plan." I said, "But first..." I chuckled, running over the the doors into the enclosure, opening the first and stepping into the little cage.

"Wait! Your suppose to-" She began and stopped as she saw me, rather than reach to open the second door, just reach my arms through the cage to the inside enclosure.

Ralf was there, cuddling into my pats, I felt his muzzle rub against me again and again, eventually lighting a wet heat within me.

I turned back and left the small cage, stepping back into the room with Sally. I was now a very female human as well as a very horny one.

"Oh, wow." was all she said. I knew she wasn't keen on men. She really tried to love me as my male self, but it didn't work out well for her. Fortunately Ralf was always ready to help.

Taking her back to our flat, rubbing the musk from my arms all over her, driving her to a frenzy, I made her night complete, several times.

In the little part at the back of my mind, I heard a 'just in case' murmured. I really really hoped not.


A whirlwind morning led me to this point, standing here, naked as the day I was... wait, no, I was male when I was born. Naked as the day I was first fucked by Ralf then, yeah that would do.

"So what I need you to do, after your first mating, you need to come to me, I will push this rod down inside you and release the spermicide, it will affect you for at least seventy two hours, plenty of time. You have up to six matings, your up!" she said.

I walked to the cage door, working the first door, then, with that closed, the second.

He was waiting for me of course, he knew his little mate had returned, couldn't not return.

This was all being filmed this time, not a scrap of data would be lost.

He was getting more boisterous by the moment, eager for me to succumb to his pheromone laden musk. And while I could feel it working insidiously, I found it within myself now to be able to resist, having experienced almost everything he could do.

"Are you going to lay down and fuck him or do I have to come in there and pin you down?" Sally said from behind the glass.

I turned to face her, about ten feet away and pulled a face.

Ralf took advantage of my inattention and leapt onto my back, knocking me forwards to the ground.

At the touch of his fur on my back, my hands dug into the ground, it fired something inside me and slowly, I gave in and welcomed the ardour his scents were working hard to conjure within me.

I whimpered a little as he mounted me, pressing me forward, but without restraint I stumbled a little and soon found myself pressed against the glass.

I managed to turn a little before he finally grew tired of the game and leaned down to grip my neck, reigning in any urge I had to get away from him.

With this grip, this power over me, he pushed forward and I felt his member part my hairless lips, felt more and more of him ease into me as he slowly, inexorably brought his hips up to meet my buttocks.

I caught sight, out of the corner of my eye, of Sally adjusting a camera, it was literally inches from where our bodies met, recording everything.

Slowly, painfully so, he drew back, letting his barbs trail down my insides, scratching at me, bringing a yowling cry to my mouth, much like you will hear from a female cat when his tom does exactly the same thing to her feline insides.

Forward again, pain turned pleasure, the barbs tickling back over all the flesh they had strained, forcing me to moan out this time, making it abundantly clear just which stroke I liked better.

He didn't care of course, he just had a female underneath him, around him, under his control, one that not only would let him do anything he wanted to, but would embrace every tortured stroke, every sharp bite and every claw mark and then whimper and moan for more when it was done.

Again and again he used those slow strokes, the sound of my voice in various stages of pain or pleasure now the only thing I could hear above my thundering heart beat.

Suddenly, as though he either grew bored of the torment or simply felt I had learned my lesson, he began to truly rut within me.

As his hips started to cycle in earnest I felt a heated friction begin within me and, as he release my neck to growl out his satisfaction, I felt that friction explode into a raw heat that filled me. I lifted my head till it was beside his and roared, despite not having even a fraction of his DNA in me yet, so strong was the cat-instinct within me now.

By the time my clenching muscles and electrified nerves calmed down, I knew something was odd here, he had swelled up larger than I had ever felt him before, so big that as he drew back from me, he was dragging my hips back with him, his returning thrusts only serving to show me just how big he was.

I felt his finishing thrusts begin and felt too his member swell even further, the spines now painful even on the return stroke, but by this stage there was no longer meaning for me between the pleasure and the pain, it was all just heat, igniting my insides.

My body felt suddenly devoid of all feeling, and I noticed winking white lights at the corners of my vision. For that split instant I wondered what had happened, why I wasn't feeling any more when his withdrawn member, having raked my insides raw with its immensely swollen, spined, size, thrust in, bringing back the feelings and shoving them into every atom of my existence as he and I came together, I cried, I screamed, I moaned, I made every sound I could to try and express what I felt, none of them were adequate or strong enough to convey the small nuclear furnace of heat he had shoved back into me.

Unconsciousness hovered around me, threatening to take me away from the sensations, the wonderful glow that still filled me, the amazing lines of pain that he had etched within my most sensitive tunnel.

I would have cursed the big beast if I didn't want him to do it to me all over again.

As I lay there, eventually, he removed himself and with a few tender licks to my rear, wandered off to rest.

A hand touched my flank, I could feel it working its fingers around in the fur, my fur.

I purred happily at the attention of my lover.

"You know I have to put this in you David." She said, resting something long on the side of my belly. "It will help you, trust me."

I could do nothing else, my legs certainly were not capable of moving me, and I would never try to ward her away from me with my threatening jaws, not my mate.

Softly, every so softly, I felt her hands touch my abused entrance, pouring something warm around it.

"This will sooth you a little, and lessen the pain. Tell me if you want more of it, I can work it inside you if you wish, just tell me love." She said, the word sparking a heat inside me that had nothing to do with rutting males and their torturous spined penises.

I just sighed as she first slipped a pair of fingers into me, feebly I tried to work my muscles around them but they had been stretched beyond their limit and would need time to return to normal.

Deeper and deeper the thing she put in me travelled, until with a slight pressure, I felt it press against the end of my passage.

I let out a soft whine when that happened, "Yes love, that's as far as it needs to go, this will be done soon."

A coldness flowed into my deepest parts, filling out, making some parts I hadn't know about that had been burning with heat quench suddenly icy cold, drawing a soft mewl from my throat.

My mate didn't mistake that vocal, she knew it was need and want, and she reacted as a good mate should.

Working fingers in and out, I felt her start to manipulate the tool deep within me, bringing the whole experience, soft as it seemed compared to Ralf's performance, crashing around me, tossing me to flow over the edge, alternating heat and cold pouring through me.

I felt as she left me, her hand patting my flank and I felt suddenly reassured, she would not let me lose myself.

Not my love.

I really have to come up with a name for this species, I think he is something pretty special.

If you really like the story, tell people about it, I love hearing new views on my stories, finding differant people finding new things they like in them.

The best example I have (you know who you are) was someone confessing, halfway through The Business Venture that they were not big into tentacles, but that a story with them not being all nasty, NC and raping things started to change that.

Peace all :)