Zoo Keeper - ch7 - Consequences

Story by Damaged on SoFurry

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#7 of Zoo Keeper

I did a lot of self evaluation then, as I was unable to drive to help Sally.

"Sally, love." I asked her, "Keep a diary for me, I can remember the big things, they day I met you, all the big events, the mess with Ralf, but little things are sliding away from me."

She looked down to me, warmth in her eyes, "Problem with the cat side?" she asked, at my nod she said, Ok.", promise in her voice, "But we have to work out what we are going to do about all this. They might not come after us if they think its just you, but if they find out about this" she rested a hand on my midsection, slightly swelled now, "they would hunt us to the ends of the earth."

I sighed, "We will train them, the kittens, they will not be like Ralf." I said, almost surprising myself with the feeling.

"Of course not." she replied, but I heard a note of uncertainty there.

The next time we stopped for fuel she brought a diary and started writing in it.

Leaning over, I looked down.

Two weeks after escape: David asked me to get this diary, he wants me to keep everything in it, particularly the little things, I hope its enough. Just sitting here, the feline smell of him, the feel of his tail flicking lightly against me, I

She faltered and looked to me, "Its a diary my kitten, you can read it at the end of the day but not until I am done, ok?" she said firmly.

I took the hint and lay back on my side of the car, ensuring my tail continued to flick her.


My belly had continued to swell until one day I curled up and gave birth to three beautiful little kittens, who grew rapidly.

My life was filled with happiness, Sally had taken us south, to cooler climates, and we had found a little shack out in the scrub-lands.

I hunted, using all the skills the 'other' side of me had instilled, I brought every kill home. I didn't need the food, much as Ralf and all his... our, kind. But Sally needed to eat.

It was on one such hunting trip, my kittens having grown big and strong, helping me hunt sometimes, that I noticed one was missing.

We roamed far, calling for him wordlessly, to no avail.

Giving up for the day I returned home to smell something I hadn't for quite a while, the smell of my kind in rut.

Racing to the door and pushing it open with my weight, I saw my 'little kitten', above my mate, now bearing a lot of my sons features, ploughing her with long deliberate strokes.

Frozen in place, as much by the smell as by the sight, it was a whimper and then a word that brought me from the shock.

"love..." Sally said, gritting her teeth at what my son was doing to her.

Rage filled me, rage that my own kind would do this, that they would take the last human thing away from me and I leapt at my son, knocking him from Sally's back and into the wall, hard.

Ripping with my teeth and claws, desperate to defend my mate, I didn't know when he died, I just kept going.

The soft cry again, behind me, drained the anger and hate and I rushed to Sally.

With some hope I noticed she still sported the breasts I had fallen for so long ago, much reduced, but still there.

"You n dare love?" I asked, my speech falterting as I nuzzled her head around to me.

She tried to pull back, tried to pull away, "e ouldn sop, I..." Tears welled down her eyes and my heart steeled, my own kind, who I had worked to make different had turned on me.

I lifted my muzzle, staring at the two remaining cubs standing in the doorway, a mixture of shock and lust written all over them. I growled, deep, menacing and full of promise for what I would do.

Realising my intent, they backed away from me, eventually turning to run.

As soon as I lost sight of them I turned back.

Sally was laying there shivering. Never before had I cursed my new form so much as that moment, all I wanted to do was lean down and wrap arms around her and tell her it would all be alright.

Slowly, I began to lick her fur clean of the smell and seed of the male. Working more and more I heard Sally slowly drift off to sleep. It was when I realised the only thing I was cleaning off her were my own tears that I finally stopped and surveyed the room. My son lay dead against the wall, the smell of his and Sally's musk, suddenly a sour scent, was all around.

Working as I could, I removed my son from the room and lay him out in the scrub. Much as I hated what he had done, I still felt a sadness for him, mainly that he had likely been forced into this by his own body, as much as Sally had been.

I returned to the shack to find her sleeping fitfully, making soft scared noises every now and again, the whole scene breaking my heart completely.

I lay down beside her and tried softly purring, letting her just feel that I was there and beside her.


I woke, memories of the previous night coming back to me, reminding me why I had this hate and anger burning low within.

"O wake." She said, nuzzling against me.

I leaned into the caress, "Yeah, I'm awake." I was content to just lay here, pressed against her, just letting moments slide by.

"Go oo sop em" She said cryptically.

I looked at her, trying to figure out what she said.

"Sons, stop your sons." She said, concentration marking her features, but her pleased look at accomplishing the clean speech took some of the pain away from my heart.

I just lay there against her, "Wouldn't be able to catch them now love, they have the night as a head start and you may not have noticed but neither of us can drive."

She purred a chuckle, leaning in close.

"Make my body no rememb las nig" She said softly, pressing tight against me.

I let my own purr swell as her meaning sunk in, licking at the tip of her nose, then slowly working downwards.

My intent clear to her, she rolled to her side as I found the small swells of her breasts and treated the whole area to a bath, paying close attention to her slowly stiffening nipples.

Working downwards with my probing tongue, I brought a paw to her chest, rippling the muscles in my digits, careful not to expose my claws.

Still kneading her chest in this way as I turned slightly so I could just reach between her hind legs with my mouth, feeling ripple of movement under my oral assault as she drew in breath to purr increased my need to wipe the previous night from her memories.

As my intent became more obvious she raised her leg slightly, making my access to her depths much easier and I rewarded her with a long lick down her damp slit.

Her purring ceased for that moment, breath easing out of her in a long mewl. I relished the sound of it so much, I attempted to draw a repeat performance from her, working my tongue in and around her tunnels lips, watching them swell and darken all the while.

I paused for a moment, as she burrowed in, working her muzzle betwixt my own legs, but continued before she could make her first strike.

My spine arched as she drew her tongue, now much rougher than her previously human one, over my sensitive flesh, I couldn't help but flex my paw kneading her chest, letting my claws out just a bit. She stilled, at first I thought I had hurt her, but then a high pitched gasp came to my ears and I realised my accidental clawing had brought her peak.

She panted hard, coming over her crest of pleasure, "Mrr pweeees" she murmured between purrs and I took it as both invitation and challenge.

Bringing my paw up, I used my body to roll her to her back, a very different position to how my son would have had her, and laid down on her belly, bringing paws up to her flanks and flexing my claws on her flesh.

Dipping down again, I returned to my task even as I heard her moan loudly, ending it the return of her purrs.

I started to dig into her, pressing my tongue down as far as I could, running its surface up her insides and back out, finding a different angle and doing it again and again.

Hot breath washed across my own sex as she began to return to her own task, slowly but surely bringing my own release nearer.

Again and again we worked at each other, bringing our needs ultimate conclusion several times.

Devoid of the strength to go on, I curled up under her belly, spooned in her furry embrace, her paw flexing as it gripped my shoulder, claws pressing at and into the skin only making the afterglow burn even longer.

A sound at the front door made me start, the paw retracting from me as Sally drew caution and readiness close around her like a cloak.

I padded forward and pulled at the twine my mate had tied to the door.

One of my sons was standing there, blood staining his fur, evidence he had been in a fight, likely with his now absent brother.

I felt anger boil in me at the thought of him returning, right up to the point where he collapsed, blood pooling around him.

Standing in shock, I was aware Sally ran past me, using her still slightly finger-like paws to examine him.

"Dien, no muh longr" She said, turning to me.

I ran forward then, grief and sorrow filling every part that remorse hadn't. Of the three he had been the least boisterous, preferring just to sit and listen to either Sally or me. I had driven him away, with his brother.

I lay down, resting my head over his body, feeling his breathing slow. I wept and purred softly for my little kitten, for what the world had done to us, for what it might have made him do.

Sally joined me, he was her kitten almost as much as he was mine, she had raised him with me, but deep down, I knew he would have done the same thing to her as his brother had.

Somewhere, feeling and knowing that, I realised I was happy at least that he was never forced by his body to do that, happy that he had died innocently.


It was her time, Sally was in labour.

She had made me promise, swear on her own safety, that I would do what was needed.

Tears came though, this wasn't fair, what if they were all like my poor little son, innocent to the worlds harsh requirements of pain and death.

Her first slipped free, and I pulled it clear of her, carried it to the hole she herself had dug.

Gripping down tight, not letting the little creature even have its first sight, I lay it down in the hole, still and dead, along with a part of myself.

Returning I found only her placenta behind her, so it had been just one.

I couldn't bear it, I left, I opened the door and went inside, had to be away from that pit and the little bit of Sally and me that was in the bottom of it.

Laying, sobbing into my paws, I felt her lean in beside me.

"S don." She said and began purring softly, licking the tears away.

Sorry this took so long, it was hard to write but I had to, to continue the story. Stopped twice while writing to wipe away my tears, I think I get too caught up in my writing, I love my characters. I wouldn't have it any other way.