Zoo Keeper - ch11 - Desperation

Story by Damaged on SoFurry

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#11 of Zoo Keeper

Story contains children, but not in yiff, not now, not ever.

She woke slowly, fitfully, still in the grip of her heat.

All she did was whine, looking at me with eyes that begged relief, but that was the one thing I would not let Rough give her.

"Shhh," I said, "it only lasts a day or two, then you will feel much better."

"But, but I need him, please, I don't care any more, I just want him to fill me one more time." she said softly, but managing not to act on it.

I wanted to run then, wanted to head into the town and try and save as many as I could, but for the moment we were tethered. My kittens soft nuzzling of my chest reminding me that I was not here just for one purpose as well as their suckling lent a measure of calmness to me. Sally too would be having her litter soon, not to mention the poor soldier who I had taken as my charge.

We heard a big diesel engine then, it was roaring, my head shot up, "What's that? Is it more soldiers?" I asked, unable myself to move away from my kittens attention.

"Oh god..." the house owner said, peeking out the window around the blinds.

The sound of her voice drove me, and pushing the mewling kittens I had to get up and see.

I raised my front paws up and lifted, just in time to see the school bus, paced by a dozen of the big males hit a fence post just down the road.

I was jumping the broken door, running, anger and fear driving me onward.

The cats were working at the doors, trying to their way inside.

I let out a roar that would have caused the dead to recoil. Most of the males turned, the ones at the front, minds devoted to the hunt, broke through the door.

"Noo." I said as I bashed one cat away from now partly open door.

Not noticing why but thankful that no more followed me in I saw at least a lesser horror than the one I expected. As the big cats paced down the bus, every child they rubbed against changed and changed fully to cat.

There were two inside the bus, one had the injured driver and was making himself acquainted with the newly female human while the other was striding down, waves of whimpering children and kittens mewling in his wake.

With one roar I leapt and caught him, digging my claws in. The resultant fight was as short as it was deadly, I felt a few wet patches on my fur where my blood was leaking, but I had the males throat in my teeth and I was clamping down tighter and tighter.

With a triumphant growl I felt his wind pipe collapse and released him, turning back to the mayhem he had spawned.

Young female kittens were mewling all over the place, I had to steel my nerves to pace past them, advancing on the creature that had worked its way behind the poor feminised bus driver.

He was easier to deal with, mind set as it was in his rut.

With yet another big cat laying dead I turned to survey the damage. About two thirds of the bus had been changed, leaving six children in the back. As I watched though two of them looked down at their hands screaming as I saw fur advance over them. The musk was still affecting them.

"Out the back!" I yelled, thankfully one of the girls, older than the rest by quite a few years, didn't hesitate and grabbed the emergency hammer and shattered the glass with a big swing. "Stand to the side a second." I said as I charged down the bus to leap out the back window.

One solitary male was standing there, expecting maybe a scared cub or two, not a fully grown and very angry female.

As I swiped at him, forcing him back, I called, "To the house, run!"

The older girl, about sixteen, had grabbed the youngest and started to run when the male in front of me noticed and tried to turn to them. I made sure the scent of them running was the last breath he would ever take.

Looking up from the kill, feeling yet more wounds, I saw one of the children trip, the other just kept running but the girl turned. "Keep running!" I roared after her and broke into a sprint, gripping the child by the shoulder and dragging him along, hearing his screams all the while.

I reached the house just as Rough, blood splattered and caked on his fur, stumbled to the path leading to the house, a path of injured males behind him. Two things registered at once, if Rough came inside just the scent of his musk would start to turn the last few children and the second was that his presence ensured their freedom.

I stumbled in the door, dropping the child in shock. "No!" I said, even as the child I dropped ran screaming over to the others. I had recognised where the children had huddled, it was as far away from Sally, my kittens and the still whining soldier as they could, the exact spot where Rough had been laying for the last hour working off his frustration.

As I watched, the last three young children convulsed, fur sprouting over every visible part of them. I collapsed almost in tears at the children-turned-cats in front of me.

The frightened teen bolted to another part of the house, terrified at what she had witnessed and, likely as she was thinking, caused.

I staggered in and, picking the spot the teen had just vacated I lay down, smelling now my mates musk all around me.

The tears came then, I couldn't stop them. But he did.

Licking lightly at my eyes, catching every drop of moisture, Rough dropped down beside me.

Sally had come over and, with a wink, herded the new cats over to where she had my kittens corralled.

He worked on my face until my tears stopped, a soft purr replacing them, his attentions were just too soft and gentle to believe from one of his kind, let alone that he would be so discreet about his own desires.

Laying there I let his warmth spread over me even as he cleaned at my wounds with his tongue. My breath came short when he worked over a nasty gash, but after a few laps it faded to a minor annoyance.

His own purrs began to work at the last part of my tension, leaving me completely relaxed as he finished his ministrations.

I surveyed the rents and bloody marks on his beautiful hide and began my own work, lapping at him, working all the blood and nastiness from each wound and not a small amount of his musk.

Almost panting as I finished him, the relaxation I had felt, eaten into by the need his pheromones had raised in me, I murred deeply, urging him to rise and help me with it.

He began his licks of me again, starting at my shoulder and working down and around, pressing himself against me at every opportunity I felt the heat rise as he worked his tongue down and around my belly, running roughly over my sensitive milk-bearing nipples, bringing mewling cries from me with each tortuously sensual stroke.

I felt my legs buckle as he worked down lower along my belly, still lashing out at my aroused mammaries but not letting an inch of the surrounding, suddenly highly erogenous, nerves go un-stimulated.

Rolling to my side, as much his urging as my own effort, I felt him work, orally, down further and further, eventually reaching my oh-so-wet slit, its petals spreading wide for him.

That tongue applied its indelicate surface to my surrounding lips, making my mewls turn to loud whines and moans as I just couldn't believe how gentle he was.

My pleasure was reaching steadily higher, a wonderful plateau just on the horizon as he suddenly pulled back, depriving me of his touch.

"Rrrr Rough." I begged, pleading with words and finally sounds, whimpering and crying for him to do anything to push me over.

It was then, in that most unnatural position I felt him push up against me, laying his belly down flush against mine, to slide deep inside.

My throat gave voice to the moaning roar as my pleasure, sparked to its fiery crescendo, raged its heat through me, causing me to writhe and wriggle under the big male.

He hadn't moved since entering me, just content to lay down over me, making the contact between us as large a surface as he could, letting my own crescendo complete.

At last, satisfied that I was done and ready for his next act, he sat up a little and drew back with his hips. I am not sure how he managed to suppress the flaring of his barbs, but he did, leaving me filled with just pleasure as he began to cycle his big muscles, pushing deeper and deeper within.

Grunting, whining, moaning I could feel every inch as it cycled, pistoning back and fourth, eliciting more and more vocal exclamations.

As I felt him reach his largest, unable to suppress the bite of his spines any longer, I obtained further release, reaching forward blindly, gripping at his throat and rumbling a colossal purr into his being, even as he had himself buried far within mine, spines flared and dug into my skin, making light waves of the most exquisite pain roil just under my pleasure, enhancing and stretching it.

On and on I flowed, my heat burning through every inch. As he gave another slight thrust I felt what I thought of as a full orgasm drop away, a new level of ache pouring in and out, leaving me blinking as the release almost caused me to black out.

Slowly, oh so slowly, he leaned forward, laying my still gripping muzzle down and to the side as he relaxed and just lay over me, within me, and all through me.

I slowly released his neck, every muscle movement caused spikes of aching pleasure to form and disperse.

I managed to do one last thing before exhaustion came for me in earnest, "I love you." I said softly into the big cats ear, low enough so that only the two of us could hear.


"So could you tell me just what the fuck is going on here? We were on our way home from school when these big cats came out of nowhere, next thing I know the bus has crashed, half the kids are turning into cats themselves and she" there was a slight pause, obviously she was pointing to me, "comes in like a fucking demon and tears them apart getting us away." the teenager finished her tirade at the houses owner, she was scared as hell, and I think she deserved to know the truth.

I tried to move, but Rough was still laying over me. My movement stirred him to open his eyes and softly roll off.

"Well? Any-fucking-one?" now I could feel anger in her, that was better than fear at least.

Standing, walking over to her, "Yeah, I know what's going on, for the record Sally there" I nodded to my love, "knows too, but she can't talk too well."

I explained the whole sorry mess, from the beginning, sparing nothing. Not even my sons betrayal of Sally.

The girl stood there, dumbstruck and it was at that moment I realised the soldier had even managed to stop her desperate self pleasure long enough to hear. "Shit." the part cat said and bent back to lapping at her groin.

"So what do we do?" the girl asked, looking to me, "Can we warn people? Will that help?"

I shook my head, "They have out run us now, we can't do anything ourselves. She" I nodded to the soldier, "said that the organisation who were looking after this are not even telling the military what's going on." I looked around at the room, the young children were still in the other room but for the most part everyone else was here, "The only thing I can do is to protect you all and save as many as I can from a fate they would not want."

The teenager looked relieved, her world was righted all of a sudden, someone was in charge. Bending low she wrapped her arms around my neck, muttering, "Thanks for saving me and at least trying for the kids."

I froze though, at a sudden smell from her.

It was then I realised, rising as I had from having spent a very energetic mating session with Rough, I was still drenched in his musk.

The girl looked at me and said, "This is... this is it?"

Nodding, feeling relief she didn't turn cat straight away, I none the less watched her run from the room, heat-need scent pouring from her.

Padding back to my kittens, noting the three new additions, I thought, 'Things are getting complicated indeed.'. I lay down on my side, presenting my belly to the young, surprised to feel mouths close over all eight of my nipples. I just sighed, a mothers work is never done.

Well, as I said to a few people, there was a hole in this plot that my muse made me aware of last night, here is an explanation for it :)

And no, there will be no cub in this story. Really not my thing (and that's a pretty big statement, as you, my readers, know)

Zoo Keeper - ch12 - Establishing Self

Quick heads up, I haven't really gone into too much about it in the past, but astute readers will have noticed for a long time David still refered to as 'him', this was because up until a point, 'he' still thought of himself as a male trapped in the...

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Zoo Keeper - ch10 - Protector

I lay there, my kittens finishing their meal, keeping an eye on Rough, although to his credit he kept well away from the comatose woman. "Gon jus do no in?" Sally said, padding over to the woman to check on her. Purring I looked up...

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Zoo Keeper - ch9 - Surrender

I woke to the sound of sex, two feline voices, one crying out in lust, pain and need, the other just grunting and growling in exertion. Looking around, dazed, feeling defeated, I found my mate asleep at my side, completely cat now, no trace...

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