A New World. Chapter 6. Caught.

Story by furryfan1996 on SoFurry

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Hey Sofurry! Whats up? Here is chapter 6. Here We go!

I woke up to a bunch of yelling and swearing. I looked out of My makeshift bed and saw alot of cops surrounding us. Lucario and Derrick were handcuffed. Derrick had a bloody nose. I got up and yelled. "What the hell is going on here!" One of the officers holding what looked like and M16 hit me with the end of his rifle and I got knocked out.

I woke up chained to a chair and Derrick was right beside Me. Lucario was chained to a wall. Some guy walked in wearing a green camo suit. He looked like He was in the military. He sat down in a chair across the table and said. "I am going to ask You a few questions." "What right do You have to do this to Us!?" I replied. "Hey! I ask the questions! Not You!" He yelled back. "Now. Where did You get this pokemon?" He asked. "I got him when I was walking through a trail near my house." I replied. "How old are You?" He asked. "Im 14." I replied. "And Your friend?" He asked. "Same age." I replied. "O.K. We are done here for today." He said as He got up and walked out of the room and shut the door.

"So. Where the Hell are We?" I thought to Myself. "We are in a army facility about 100 miles away from your house." A voice called out. I turned My head around an saw it was Lucario. "Hey Your awake! I have an idea to get out of here. Help Me break these chains." I said. Lucario used metal claw to break the chains around his arms and his neck then went over to Me and Derrick to break the chains around our chairs. " Thanks for that!" I said. Derrick just then woke up and was lying on the floor. "Whats going on?" He asked. "We have been taken prisoner in a military base" I said. "Do you have a plan to get out of here?" He asked. "Ya I do. Lucario can you use Your telepathy to find a way out of here?" I asked. "Ya. Sure." He said.

He closed His eyes and the dreadlocks on the back of His head started vibrating. He ran over to the door and broke it down. He gave us the signal to follow Him so we did. We followed Him to a giant room which had what looked like a portal in it. "Hey! Theres My pokeball!" Derrick said as He ran over to it. He picked it up and put it on His belt. "Hey! What the hell is this?" He asked. I looked at the portal and tried to determine the world it is on the other side. "Lets see. It has a huge mountain range and a huge forest. So this looks like sinnoh!" I thought to Myself. "Hey anyone want to go to a world where We are allowed to become trainers and not worry about the law?" I asked. "Is it dangerous?" Derrick asked. "Not really" I replied. "O.K. Lets go!" He said. We all jumped in through the portal and got teleported to Lake verity. "Wow! That was awsome!" Derrick said. "Lets find a place to stay." I replied.

*Chapter 6 complete. Remmember to comment on the story if You read it. Thanks. Bye. *