Oh Calgary - 01 Grimaldo

Story by Doe-X on SoFurry

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Oh Calgary - 01 Grimaldo

by Doe-X

The following is a short piece of Rifts(tm) porn loosely based on on a series of actual RPG sessions from many years back, when such activities were still shared among friends. For those not familiar with the RPG's setting, I apologize for a lack of descriptive background exposition, but it shouldn't affect your enjoyment of the story. Oh, and before any knowledgeable types comment, I am quite aware that in Rifts(tm) a cockatrice is a form of dragon.

Given the limits of Yif...er...SOFurry's formatting, I'll place the pronunciations up front:

Xiticix - Zy-tick-icks

Cernun - Seer-None

D-Bee - Dimensional Being (i.e. a creature from another world or dimension.)

This was neither the time nor place for this, but guessing at what lay ahead, it was now or never. We were smack in the middle of the western Magic Zone, five weeks from the relative safety of Ishpeming to the southeast and deep within Xiticix territory. By dint of luck, we had so far avoided encountering any of the insect like aliens. I hoped it held. The wildernesses of this cursed planet were deadly to the unwary, but my experienced eye detected no immediate threats and the figure before me seemed relaxed; if any real danger lurked she would be the first to know. The others were asleep and the watch was ours, my doing I admit; it was a plan long in the making. I paused for a moment, running a hand nervously through my closely cropped hair, and wondered where my steel went. Here stood Captain Jonathan Kalt, Hero of the Coalition, who had faced certain death a dozen times, wavering before a task seemingly more challenging than charging any creature from a rift... With a last inward sigh, I approached her from behind as she stared off toward the pale blue glow of the still distant Calgary rift when she suddenly turned her head and fixed me with one bronze reptilian eye.

"So you've finally come to satisfy your obsession," she stated, her voice deep and sibilant. "When this is done, will you still thirst for more?"

Her name was Grimaldo and she was a Cernun, an ancient mystic race of horned serpent folk who were once, in a more superstitious time, worshiped as gods. Grimaldo was no god, or goddess in this case, but she was very powerful, and at this moment in my eyes, ravishing. I stopped in her gaze and swallowed hard. This seemed so easy in my dreams. The tip of her thick tail twitched in apparent annoyance and, throwing back the hood that normally covered the pointed ears on her broad reptilian head and heavy red tipped ram-like horns, she turned to face me.

"What's wrong, Kalt? Has your resolve fled so quickly?" She narrowed her gaze and her voice became husky. "Do you not desire me?"

Tall for a Cernun, at near two meters, the height allowed her to look down at my modest one and sixty-four and she smiled evilly, displaying rows of sharp back curved teeth. She reached a clawed hand up to her shoulder and unhooked the silver clasp to her robe, allowing the wine colored garment to fall and pool about her powerful legs and long clawed feet. Her body was all that I imagined. I knew well the dusky black color that marked the snake-like scales of her usually bare arms, legs, face, and thick neck that faded to a deep rose around her narrow shoulders and broad hips, but this new view took my breath. A complex pattern of rose tinted scales mixed across a pale green canvas that reached from the base of her throat down to the just visible folds of her cloacae. No garish mammalian breasts graced her smooth chest, no navel upon the banded scales of her hard belly. She turned coyly to expose her back to me, allowing the shiny black and red diamond-patterned scales that ran up her long serpentine torso from tail tip to head to reflect the dim rift light. Beauty, claims the adage, lies in the beholder's eye and never had truer words been uttered for to me she radiated perfection; no other man would agree.

"You like my body, yesss," she hissed at me softly, her tongue flicking at the air, "I excite you so...I taste it...I savor your need for me." Grimaldo smiled at me again, accentuating the cold reptilian appearance of her short snakey muzzle and then spat harshly. "You're a disgusting pervert Kalt, to dare believe I would disgrace my people and sully my body with some filthy human...are you a fool, or just simple?"

She crushed me thoroughly, with such ease. I half expected this as my world crumbled, but my desire for her burned even brighter, such the power she held. My determination renewed, her rejection finally firing my courage, I spoke. "You don't mean those words Grimaldo, and I'm no simpleton. I've seen your looks of interest, felt the tickle as you've read my mind. Surely you've sensed the walls of my iron will, yet I've opened myself so completely, my feelings for you lay bare; you know I love you just as I know your words are a sham, a prideful cover for your own desires."

"Such poetic drivel, you stupid mooncalf of a man," she shot back, more gentle now but with a note of incredulity. "Simple you may not be, but indeed you are a fool. You know me not at all yet claim to love me? I am a monster, Kalt. I am greedy, selfish, amoral, evil, and in following this to its end I will use you, probably destroy you, or at least treat you to more of the cruelties in my mind...I doubt you could ever love me." She paused, her look turning more calculating, "Now your lust...that is sincere and I too am a pervert." She gave out a hissing laugh and a sly smile. "I would have to be to keep company with you pack of loons..." She pulled close and stroked a rough palm across my cheek and dark hair, "Too sweet by far are you, but if you truly desire to lay with me then your wish I will grant, if only to point up your folly." The Cernun stepped back and raised her arms slowly. "Come, take me Kalt, and discover if reality can match the phantasms of your fantasies."

How much emotional turmoil could one man endure? I wasn't going to push my luck and find out. I quickly moved to embrace her but she stepped back again, holding me at bay.

"Easy human, there is no need for desperation, you fascinate and I will not renege, but first we need dispose of those offending garments...allow me."

With a predatory grin, Grimaldo reached out a wickedly clawed finger and drug it down the front of my shirt, the tip barely grazing my skin. The fabric parted with a ripping sound, ruining it. I didn't care. She reached in, sliding her hands up my torso and chest, over my shoulders and down my arms, taking the shirt with them. Oh, how I longed for this; I shuddered under her rough touch. I had to give Emperor Prosek one thing, he knew how to keep his military dogs in fighting shape, a fact the Cernun before me seemed to appreciate as she picked out my muscles one by one. She stepped close once more to work the shirt off my arms and brushed her scaled body against mine. I found her scent intoxicating, something alien, truly unidentifiable, but with exotic hints of clove, myrrh, and opium. Tossing away the shirt, she then caressed the straining tent in my pants.

"My, my, is that for me? Clearly in distress you are. Let me help." My heart thundered as she squat before me and worked the fastenings to my boots, "You silly humans and your overcomplicated outerwear; we will work to simplify things, yes?"

She gestured for me to step out of my boots before deftly removing my gun belt, followed by the button of my trousers. Placing her hands on my hips, she worked my pants down to my ankles, freeing my straining member. Embarrassment tinged my cheeks as the object of my desire casually inspected my manhood, bumping the organ with her scaly snout and breathing in my scent. I wasn't especially 'large' by most standards, just average in length and girth, and a feeling of inadequacy threatened, but it vanished as she wrapped a rough palm around my shaft and stroked me slowly.

"Oh, my sweet Kalt," Grimaldo hissed softly. "You far surpass my simple needs. Take this beautiful horn and complete me." With the last she gave the head of my member a gentle lick with her grooved tongue and from her squat rolled on to her back. I realized I never even felt her read my mind...

As she settled back, she spread her legs impossibly wide, the double joints of her hips allowing for such a feat. Obviously not one for much foreplay the ruddy folds of her vent beckoned. I kicked out of my bunched pants in seconds and knelt over her. My blue eyes looked into her slitted ones, she gave a slight nod, and with a gentle touch, I spread those leathery lips to reveal her secrets.

She gave a hiss of impatience as, taking my time, I silently compared the rich plum of her deep cleft and exposed openings to those of the women I'd bedded in the past. All that I'd come to expect was there, though perhaps in a slightly different arrangement. A shallow groove ran up the underside of her tail, joining her vent at the base, marking the location of her anus. Above that was her urethra, so close they seemed a single opening, and the lipless oval of her small vagina lay near the top of her vent, crowned by a protruding cartilaginous ridge I assumed to be the analog of a human clitoris. Actually, I knew quite a bit about her biology, a knowledge gained simply by asking, and surprisingly Grimaldo proved quite forthright with such information, often in gruesomely graphic detail. Apparently the external differences between male and female Cernun were scant, as males, unless aroused, kept their equipment internally. I gave my self a mental grin, from her explanation, and lacking an acute sense of smell, about the only way to tell the difference was the old thumb test like you'd do to an alligator or croc, not something I pictured a Cernun entertaining.

I knew I had to taste her. Leaning in, I gently ran my tongue around the outer edge of her cunt, cautiously avoiding her odd ridge-like clit, while slowly spiraling inward. My ministrations drew a groaning hiss of approval and a flood of bitter fluid, fragrant with her strange scent. Perhaps the differences weren't as great as I'd thought, then again... I pushed my tongue deeply within her pocket, rubbing my nose against her hard ridge and she undulated her hips while wrapping one leg about my head and the other around my shoulders. Now pinned against her nether regions I strove to satisfy her sudden need. I knew her to be warm-blooded, but still found myself unprepared for the heat that radiated from her as she writhed against my mouth. Her inner walls rippled in time with her movements, gripping my lashing tongue like a velvet fist... She rode my face for what seemed hours, though only minutes passed, maybe even seconds so involved was I and her release came suddenly, if release was the proper term, as with a hissing sigh she went completely limp around me. I continued to lap at her flow for a while longer, occasionally dipping my tongue to tease the gamey pucker of her anus, eliciting a soft hiss whenever I did, but not much more.

Finally, I pulled myself from her honey and sliding up her body positioned my painfully hard cock against her slim opening. Her body still limp, with limbs akimbo, I thrust into her heat, burying all but a few centimeters in a single stroke. No godhead's salvation could compare, no unearthly paradise would match this embrace. I was her slave from that moment, for I would endure any hell just to taste this ambrosia once more. My need took me. I withdrew and rammed my length back into her shallow well again and again, my pace becoming frenzied. Slowly she began to respond to my frantic motions, wrapping her thin strong arms around my shoulders and placing her long feet on my bucking ass, soon urging me on with deep hissing groans as her heavy claws dug into my flesh. The wet sounds of our passion filled the clearing and I found myself staring deeply into her bronze eyes as I fucked her alien body like a man possessed; maybe I was. Those orbs could beguile; turn foe into friend and then convince that friend to jump to his death off the nearest cliff. Perhaps I was merely doing her bidding even now, all my desires and plans a culmination of some elaborate scheme. I didn't know, and at this point didn't care as my orgasm approached.

"Yesss Kalt, give me your seed," the Cernun whispered harshly in my ear. "Fill me! Complete me and I shall reward you..."

Lungs heaving like bellows and muscles straining with effort, I fought to fulfill her request. Mercilessly I pounded into her body as her inner muscles began to ripple once more, gripping, squeezing, and finally bringing me over the edge. With a guttural cry, my mind blanked as thick jets of semen shot forth and her grasping walls milked me, drawing my gift deep into whatever passed for a womb within her belly. As before, she fell limp at her peak and I joined her, collapsing my sweaty body atop her smooth scales. Her cunt continued to massage my shaft, and, remarkably, I stayed erect within her. For minutes, we lay in our sex-induced stupor before my libido again roared to life. Whether acting as her puppet or driven by my own desire I now intended to master her completely and posses her body as she had my heart.

I withdrew from her sopping tunnel and sitting back on my heels gazed over her splayed body and spied my next target. Spitting a glob of saliva into her anal groove, I again poised myself above her and ran my slick tip up against the wrinkled bud of her asshole. With a firm push, I felt her rectal fibers yield and the head of my cock popped through her tight ring. Grimaldo's body stiffened and her eyes flew open at the intrusion, accompanied by a startled grunt, even bulging a little as I sank into the depths of her rectum, but she offered no other complaint. I paused anyway, buried in her incredible heat, allowing her to adjust to this obviously new sensation before taking up a slow steady rhythm of long strokes. A glazed expression formed, her eyes closing slowly, and the Cernun snaked her limbs tightly around me while offering a soft groan with each deep thrust. I knew she'd enjoy this, and the hot smooth flesh of her guts would ensure a nice long fuck...

Pacing myself, I sped up slowly, reaming her dark opening ever faster and she responded...meeting my quickening thrusts with bucking hips and deep grunts. We rocked together, pushing ourselves toward a common goal. Ten minutes, twenty...I lost track as I struggled to hold back, but found myself hammering ever harder and faster into her body, desperate to fill her, claim her, and make her mine forever through this bestial act. It struck without warning and with an animalistic growl, my teeth against the hard scales of her collar I came. Gouts of cum filled her bowels, my very essence, and she received it with an eerie trilling cry.

Exhausted, I slumped against her but unlike before she didn't join me, instead grasping me tightly and rolling us over. Now astride my waist she pinned my shoulders and hips with her great weight. Clenching her sphincter around me with an almost painful grip she hissed down at me, "My sweet, sweet Kalt, twice you offer me your precious prize, far more than I deserve...my master you shall not be, but my equal...if your strength holds, before this night is out I shall show you how..."


The first rays of the morning found us, intertwined beneath the low boughs, her cast off robe as a blanket. The barest rustle of dry grass brought me awake; my worn C-18 laser pistol appeared in my hand, instinctively boresighting the intruder, even before my eyes had adjusted to the twilight. The woman on the other end of the weapon's barrel stopped, her hands raised.

"Easy Jonathan!" She laughed nervously, "Nobody here but us chickens."

My eyes focused on her. It was Tashania, an Altara merc who joined our group a couple years back. Though dressed in a simple belted tunic that did little to cover her buxom figure, I fixed my gaze instead on the long vibro-blade in her right hand. I thought I detected a slight blush on her cheeks and the tips of her pointed ears as she offered an uncomfortable smile and quickly re-sheathed the knife.

I lowered my weapon and with a confused grin replied, "Chickens?"

"Oh come on Jon," she huffed, hands on shapely hips. "You know; a small avian, typically fried...everything tastes like it?"

"You mean a cockatrice?" I deadpanned, taking pleasure in teasing the beautiful D-Bee woman.

A pained look filled her white sightless eyes and she blew a few loose strands of long brown hair from her forehead in frustration. Like most Altarains, Tashania rarely spoke, and even then only if necessary, and to hear her laugh was positively surreal; something was very wrong.

"Yeah, something like that," she answered. "Anyway, you two best look alive. Clive has started breakfast, and you know what that means."

I groaned loudly. I had forgotten that it was the short Terrier Dog-boy's turn to cook and exclaimed, "Looks like hot dogs and beer for chow this morning."

Tashania gave a small smile at the comment, but I noticed she was actually "eyeing" Grimaldo. I knew she had some past connection to the Cernun next to me, and was favoring her with a thinly veiled look of disgust. I swear had she the ability to see, daggers would have shot from her eyes. When Grimaldo placed a protective arm around my waist, the Altara completely lost her usual cool.

"Oh, give it a rest lizard. You two have been rutting all damn night! I'm shocked no Xiticix wandered by to see what all the noise was about. Just leave it be! You won, there's no need to rub my nose in it!" She stalked off toward camp and, although I had expected it, her outburst still managed to surprise.

Grimaldo gave me a sidelong glance and spoke, "So you did feel her anger and you hid it as well. You are a man of considerable ability."

"You mean besides in the sack? Give me credit. I just read her body language." I raised my hands in mock display. "Look ma, no psionics. I was Coalition Intelligence after all. I've no doubt she intended to kill you my love, maybe even both of us if I hadn't drawn on her first."

"No. Tashania is many things, but she has endured far greater terrors to capitulate to simple jealousy." The Cernun paused for a long moment, and then asked before I could fill the silence, "She has pursued you all this time...she looks human, is beautiful, and strong, and though she cannot give you a son, she would joyfully fulfill your most fevered fantasies...why choose me instead?"

I sighed heavily and gathered my thoughts, then answered her. "Last night you said my lust is sincere, and yes I lust for your body, but only because you exist within it. You told me you were a monster, greedy, selfish, and evil, and that I could never love you for it. You're wrong." I silenced her with a raised hand as she began to protest. "Hear me out Grimaldo, please? Perhaps once you were all those things, but that's not the person before me now. I've seen the kindness and tolerance within you, and without, though you seek to conceal it. You think it makes you appear weak. Are you selfish? Aren't we all? Greedy, for what? Is it fame and wealth you seek? Surely, you won't find those in our company. On the other hand, is it power you thirst for? Power over others, over the world?" I shook my head. "Those things you already have." I laughed. "Heh, the only power you seek is over yourself and because you seek that power, you ease whatever evil rests on your soul. Nah, you're no monster, any more than I, or Tashania, or even Clive is. Cruel, arrogant, these things you certainly are, and amoral, in a certain wonderful way, but such things could never change my feelings for you or the feelings of your friends. In the end it's simple Grimaldo, I fell in love with you, not Tashania. Really, you already knew what my answer would be. Why make me say it?"

She gave a very human shrug. "I wanted to hear your words, and they would make my prioress proud. Truly, Kalt, you missed your calling. You should have joined one of the mystic orders, perhaps you still could..."

I let her offer dangle and said, "Come on, let's get going. With Tashania coming back empty handed, Lor is going to be up here any minute now, and the last thing we need is a surly Line Walker on our hands. And I'm sure that damn Shifter we're escorting is raising Cain about the late start."

Grimaldo smiled to herself as I got up and said softly, "Very well, my love."