Going Nowhere

Story by Tallep on SoFurry

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This is basically a prologue to a series I'm planning to write. The reason it isn't in chapters is because I'm planning to write the series in a different POV than this story.

Don't hesitate to criticize my writing. (I'm freaking horrible at writing smut.) XP

Of course if you have compliments please give those too! X3


I have some idea of how I got here. I have no idea of where I was before. The only thing I know about my previous world was that magic never existed in it and it was a bad place when I disappeared from it. Perhaps I didn't simply disappear though. Maybe I died, and went to heaven, or hell or simply the afterlife. The only thing I remember before I came here was fire, screaming, smoke, earthquakes and blood. Whatever place it was, it was coming to an end. All I remember is my last moments and then going away.

I only know about this place I'm in right now, on the planet Larathume, the 7th furthest planet away from the sun in its solar system just beaten by planet Agmond. Yet Larathume is three times bigger. Larathume has three moons, Madrallum, Epis and Ixadora. Larathume has nine continents, Alimos, Carthem, Abathia, Polus Arti, Polus Endri, Lathimus, Eandre, Hindraminen, and Nanimori. And within the continents are regions, states, provinces, kingdoms, countries and so on. Larathume has eight oceans, The Abathian Ocean, Hidalian Ocean, Napalic Ocean, Kleptum Ocean, Eastern Ocean, Western Ocean, Sundered Ocean, and The Lunar Ocean. Within these oceans are seas, sectors, quadrants and thousands upon thousands of islands. Got it? Just like any inhabitable planet plus magic. And I happened to wind up in the city of Preth, in the kingdom of Lundar on the continent of Carthem.

Obviously I still was pretty freaked out when I realized I was in a completely new place. I even more so freaked out when I couldn't remember anyone from my past, I couldn't even remember my name. I have to say, the most I freaked out is when I saw what I could only describe as an anthropomorphic horse glare at me from across the room. That's when I fainted. Of course that was my first day at this place, I eventually got used to it.

They say I was found in the streets the morning after a night of a heavy eerie fog that swept through the city. I was just lying there, knocked out along with others. Some of them were dead, some were alive, some were young like me and then unlike me some were old. Dead or alive, young or old we were all called Children of the Fog. I woke up in a cot with a somewhat young girl with a tired expression looking down at me. She went and got someone else, and older motherly woman. Things went typically from there. I didn't know who I was, where I came from or where I was currently. To fix the first problem they gave me a name, Nasume. Neither did the rest who appeared in the streets. The place I woke up in was a human shelter for the homeless and that's where I stayed, working, doing errands, chores, doing small jobs for a place to live and perhaps a chance at a future in this strange place. Yet the dream of a future was worn down on my first week in this new world which I was struggling to comprehend when I finally got it in my head that the anthropomorphic beings were the ruling force and humans were considered lesser. The sad truth is that we were... we really were.

We were beaten in strength, dexterity and reflex and most of the time intellect. We were lesser, we were inferior and in every persons head it was hammered that we lived to serve the anthros. Few humans led independent lives, and those who did were often joked about. We had the right to learn magic, but many who attempted were made fun of, they all laughed at us when we tried to be independent, tried to do something for ourselves. I didn't remember my previous life, but I did remember that I have never in my life felt like such... a novelty.

I hated going into the streets to do chores or jobs. When I needed to get supplies I was often ignored, perhaps given a cursory glance if I was the only human on the street. Yet if I had to actually interact with an anthro I was sneered at. The only time I was paid positive attention was when I did a simple math problem or logic problem that comes to real life every so often. Others would say "Wow! He's smart!" or if it was an anthro it would be "How surprising, an intelligent human." The first time this happened, I realized that humans in this world weren't freely educated.

I simply thought we were ignored by all anthros. Then I heard of groups like the Anthro Pride Allegiance which were dedicated to the extermination of the human race. Most anthros sympathized with humans and some, human rights but thee organizations were still a danger. APA was one of the largest organizations of the type and they are the reason the shelter I lived in was burned down a year later, over half of its residents and caretakers slaughtered. Me? I was cleaning some foxes mansion at midnight with someone else from another shelter in the city. She was killed right when she walked out. They were waiting for her. I ran, never stopping. I fled throughout the city in circles and zigzags, switching streets until morning. I read in a local paper who was killed and which shelters were burned down. All of them, burned down.

Afterwards, I then took a plan into action. One I had been fabricating ever since I learned that it was possible for humans to learn magic. I would stow away on a ship to Abathia, venture to the region of Irrith and study magic at the city of Dahmeni. It was a city that seemed to be bent on the promotion of the education of magic and provided free education from basic to advanced in exchange for labor and tasks. Something which I was more than happy to give for such a wonderful opportunity. I didn't care if it seemed like a joke, I was going to become a mage, I was going to learn to support myself.

It was pretty easy to stow away on a ship. No one pays attention to a little human like me. What could I possibly do? Well nothing interesting, or horrible. I went to the office where the dock manager was and took a peek at the shipping schedule. Only one ship was scheduled for Abathia. "Draciente Crimson IV". It was easy to stow on, what I didn't pay attention to at the time was the gossip about the ship around the dock which was prevalent. Gossip about it's crew, it's size, it's captain. Perhaps if I had the mind of any other anthro I would have been a bit more perceptive. But alas, I am only a human.

Hiding was pretty easy, I found a small spot wedged between two boxes of scented oils and plants to prevent myself from being sensed from any anthros with a high sense of smell which there were plenty of. I waited about an hour and then I felt the lurch of the ship setting off to my future. Or so I thought. Despite my rather insecure position, I fell asleep to the gentle swaying of the floor.


It is to my belief that I awoke a number of hours later due to the fact that I was semi-well rested when I came to. Yet at the moment I wasn't thinking about how long I had slept, how dirty I was, or how hungry I was. My attention was focused on the obviously reptilian roaring right on the other side of one of the boxes I was squeezed between. I knew it was a dragon when I saw a pillar of fire shoot into the air from my angle. I heard claws rake through wood. This dragon was either in mourning or really pissed off or in pain or some other negative emotion. Dragons usually expressed all their negative emotions in a temper tantrum, except depression, which in my opinion is more of a state.

He finally calmed down, I didn't dare make a sound as he sat on the box next to me breathing heavily. It was then when he started making sniffing noises I began to wish I were dead that instant. I knew he could smell me. There was no use running though, even though every cell in my body wanted to run away as the huge crate was being pushed aside my mind took over with a fierce sense of rationality. I stayed, waiting for death and wishing it quick.

The dragon snatched me up before I could even get a good look at him. Then he set me down on top of the huge crate and folded his arms and looked at me. My hair covered most of my face and I looked him up and down. He wore a sash with various symbols, pins and insignias on it and simple shorts lined with line patterns. His crimson scales were smooth and his body was muscular. He had black claws and horns. He had horns protruding from his knees and elbows. His belly had a deep gold color and the same with the underside of his long and thick tail. His wings were folded but I could tell they were vast. He was definitely more than twice my height. His eyes glowed amber, I saw no corneas or pupils. I just saw the glow of amber, it felt strange looking at them and despite my fear I felt warmth flood through me.

Despite the warm feeling that overcame me I flinched when he approached me. He gave a deep chuckle. "Looks like I have a stowaway on my ship. I can have you killed, or kill you myself little human." At those words I knew he was the captain. I stayed rooted to my spot and looked down, my body began to shake uncontrollably with fear. Tears welled up in my eyes, I was beginning to cry and I never felt as pathetic as I did at that moment. I didn't expect what happened next. I felt two huge arms wrap around my waist and the back of my head nuzzled in the neck of the dragon. He brought up one of his huge hands to my head and turned it to the side pressing my ear into his neck. I could hear him purring. A long forked tongue licked away my tears, I could hear him give a series of hisses as he drank the drops. I didn't know what was happening, my rational self was too straightforward to assimilate to such a change in a situation. My left hand clutched his bicep and I placed my right on over his heart. His heart was huge, it pounded against his chest rhythmically and the beat was sent through my arm. It somehow calmed me.

He brought his huge hands up to the sides of my head using only his forearms and began messaging them. A strange feeling overcame me and all I could feel was numbness as images of my memory flashed through my mind. The last thing I saw was fire, smoke, ash and dead bodies then everything went black.


I woke up to the sound of raging thunder that shook the whole ship. I was naked, covered in several sheets and curled up in a very cushiony bed. I also felt clean, in places I didn't usually feel clean either. I felt immaculate in fact. I sank deeply into the bed and I sat up covering myself with the sheets. I was in a huge bed, and there was a huge window before me that showed darkness until the lightning flash revealed a dark ominous looking sea. I realized there was a light behind me. I turned around and saw a rather large room that was nicely furnished. A large desk with a lamp on it was in the middle. Sitting at the desk with his back facing me was the dragon. He was busy scribbling away on some parchment. He stopped and looked up, and as if sensing me he turned his head and looked at me with a grin.

"I see you're awake little human." He said.

I didn't respond. I simply looked at him from the bed, covering myself in the sheet.

"Hmm. Still afraid of me?" He asked.

I looked down and tightened the sheets around my shoulders causing him to chuckle. Then he strode over to the bed I was on. He sat on it and stretched his wings with his back facing me. He took his pants and sash off. I made no sound as he unwrapped me from the sheet. With at least one year in this world one of the first things I learned is that when in a situation you can't control, it seldom helps to scream. I whimpered instead.

There we were, both on his bed and we both were naked. He held me to his chest, purring. I felt a familiar tongue lick the back of my neck. I gasped a bit when he changed position. He was positioned over me with my back facing him. He was in crouching position and his arms that were holding him up were positioned on both sides of my head. His legs were bent and he pressed his groin against my backside. I could feel his huge testicles graze on the back of my upper thigh below my buttocks. Above them, grazing my crack was a wet spot. I was perplexed as to what it exactly was but the forked tongue that lashed and licked my back drew my attention away immediately. It explored every section of me saving the sensitive parts for later as if they were dessert. He licked everything, my legs, back, neck, armpit, and feet. It felt so weird to me.

Then the tongue began wandering to the place I dreaded. My crack and groin. This is when I struggled. He had to hold me down as his tongue explored my groin and the area between my anus and testicles. It felt so uncomfortable to me, it felt good and I knew it because I was rock hard. Despite what my body thought, I thought different. I felt uncomfortable because my mind was reeling. Who would possibly want to do this to ME? Why a dragon? How did it benefit him? I didn't understand and I became even more confused. My pondering was interrupted when the tongue entered me. At this point I was struggling violently and thrashing in the dragon's grip. He tightened his hold and growled at me. I stopped thrashing immediately and he continued exploring inside me. His forked tongue started to flit at my prostate, tickling it. I began to cry silently. And then he withdrew his tongue and turned me over.

I got a good look at him this time. His long black tongue hung down and his chest heaved. He made a low hissing sound. I spotted his erection before he advanced upon me once more. A long, thick, black, penis jutted out from which was once just a wet spot. He lowered his chest on me and drew in his tongue bringing his snout to my face.

"Yes cry," He rumbled softly. "let me milk you of your sweet tears Nasume."

"W-why?" I whimpered. "Why are you doing this to me... I'm confused..."

He didn't respond. He lapped up my tears and when my eyes were dry of them his tongue wandered the front of my body. This time he didn't bother with the legs; he went straight for my crotch and wrapped his tongue around my penis. He pinned my legs with his thighs making my thrashing futile.

After a minute or so of torturous pleasure he advanced forward bringing his snout to mine. Lightning flashed with an explosion of thunder outside causing me to flinch. I hated lightning. I caught a glimpse of his tail between his legs; its tip was approaching me. The white light disappeared as fast as it came. As blackness drowned the room again I felt his snout dig into my mouth and his lips part at the front. It could only be described as a kiss. I didn't refuse, not out of fear though. Perhaps it was at that point, my mind decided that this situation could not be approached with anything except my instinct. As his tongue entered my mouth his tail entered me elsewhere. His tongue and tail explored both nooks of my body in unison. I could smell his musk, it was heavy and intoxicating and his cock grazed against my stomach. Lightning flashed outside in the angry storm constantly and thunder exploded and rumbled loudly pulling me between fear and joy. As if he could read my mind he brought his vast wings down shielding both of us from the outside world. I could only feel him, I could only see him, I could only hear him, and I could only smell him.

He changed positions again clutching me, still keeping me closed within his wings. He was sitting up and I had attempted to wrap my legs around his large waist and my arms around his huge chest but neither attempt was complete but still enough to hold me up as I clung to him like there was an abyss below me. He parted my buttocks bringing his erection up to my anus. The tip was wet with precum and it glazed the outside of my entry, he let go of my ass and brought one of his hands to hold the small of my back and the other to hold my upper back. Slowly, he entered me. He was very slow and very gentle, but it still hurt. He was hissing and letting his tongue hang out. I could feel his muscles contract as he made his thrusts.

The pain eventually went away. Ironically after that is what made me gasp and cry out softly. I felt immense pleasure replacing the pain tenfold. His grip became tighter and his claws dug into my skin, but that only made it feel better. Finally, I came onto his abdomen. He kept thrusting though and his grip became tighter and tighter until I could barely breathe and then he came with a loud roar. A flood of hot semen filled me, it assaulted my prostate and I could feel it fill me up. I let out a cry as I came again onto his abdomen.

After the climax he sat there holding me tightly, he was still inside and his chest was heaving showering me with his warm breath. He caressed my head again as he slowly withdrew himself from me. I could hear his contented rumble inside his chest and I could smell his musk which was now strong. Still clutching me he changed his position once more and lifted his wings. We were both lying down on the soft bed and my face was buried in the warm area below his pectoral muscles. I heard thunder rage outside. He wrapped his arm around me and his long tail wrapped around both my legs from waist to toe and then his wings closed around us once more as if to protect me. He pulled the sheet over me wrapping me completely in it while wrapping it only around his abdomen and down. He stroked my hair, his chest puffed out and back. I could hear his rumble, and his heartbeat. I felt a small sting from the punctures on my back from his claws.

I tried to rewind the day I had in my brain but it was too much chaos for me to comprehend. I gave up trying to make sense of it because his heartbeat was distracting. me. The deep pulsing rhythm was hypnotic and the scent of his musk was intoxicating. I gave way to his flow, I could glimpse the glow from his eyes. He was waiting for me to fall asleep but I didn't care.

As the world before me faded to black I heard his pulse,

I saw his glow,

I smelled his scent,

I tasted his sweat,

I felt his ---