i pod love part4

Story by mydjet on SoFurry

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At the end of that day, Ruby found himself in Barnes and Noble, one of his favorite places to be other than the video game store. He often wandered there on days when he had been to stressed to focus his mind outward at things he passed or where he was. He would essentially get lost inside his own head. He didn't mind doing, wasn't surprised when it happened randomly. The things that annoyed him most was finally coming out of his head in a place he had never been before and having to wander around till he found a familiar landmark. He was sitting in one of the big bean bag chairs over by the music section. Books about historical musicians, and books on how to play this instrument or another surrounded him, Neatly organized on selves. He had been thinking about all Tails had told him. It disturbed him slightly about Cream, he had never picked up that feeling from her ever. Sure he had caught many feelings from her and many other people about weird things they would do with even weirder objects, but that particular fetish was to perverse to have been missed. He walked home, it was late, getting close to 10 pm even. He didn't bother pulling a game out and playing it, it would only prove distracting to his surroundings and he would end up somewhere other than his home. Instead, he played his music, one of the upsides about psp's. Dntel's Last Songs started playing and he allowed himself to relax by walking on all fours. Many of the people around didn't think walking on all fours was dignified, but frankly, Ruby didn't care. It felt nice to get back down to his ancestral roots.

Remembering the history books speak of how foxes used to hunt rabbits before either had gained sentience. How wolfs ran in packs of multiple family's and viscously hunt anything and everything they could kill. That was centuries ago however and that was doubtful to ever happen again. The song changed just as he came around the corner to see his house. The perfect song for a more chilling sight than normal. Where is my mind by the Pixies played in the ear buds as he focused on the light from a lamp post in the street behind his house sprayed its light against the tree in his yard. The tree was dead, had been dead since he moved in, but it was simply to big to be cut down. So the light lit up the tree from behind in a way that made everything seem surreal. That the light itself had a life and was bringing life to the things around. Not a good life however, an angry life, life that wanted nothing but to tear the life from other life bearers.

Ruby stopped and stared for a minute before he finally strolled down the street towards that unholy light and into his home. He quickly checked his email and face book. Nothing, never was, he didn't know why he still checked it. After all, he only had one real friend, and that was Tails. He surveyed his home, everything seemed in order. Dirty clothes by the washing machine, clean ones in the dryer for tomorrow, towels in the bathroom for his cleaning in the morning, living room was fine, two cups on the coffee table, both had contained coffee. He poured out the remains and rinsed them, leaving them in the sink. His room was minimal, a PC with flat screen monitor and a queen sized bed that had seen better days. He reached over and pushed a combination of buttons on the computer keyboard and a small portion of the wall slide into itself to reveal another room. He walked in, pressed a button on the wall and fifteen computer screens flickered into life, each showing something different. News in one, the game channel in another, random shopping webpage's, and a few percentage ratings on various things. He ran a quick systems diagnostics check and once he was satisfied with the ratings he left the room, the wall sliding back into place to resume its job of being part of the wall, small clicking coming from it as it locked itself in place.

He peeled off his shirt and looked down dissatisfied at his own shape. He set his alarm, dimmed the lights, and crawled into bed. He laid there for a few hours, not quite sure what to do, the familiar loneliness and depression hit him daily and that rarely let him sleep at night. The times he did get to sleep was when staying up too long had caused him to literally pass out. Tails and Samantha came across his mind several times. Finally the alarm rang and he sat up and crossed the room to turn it off, grunting to himself in a monotone

"Looks like more coffee for me"

Pressing the same combination of buttons on his keyboard, the door slid away. He didn't bother going in that time, instead he said in the same monotone

"Run system diagnostics and display them in the shower"

The door closed and he walked to the bathroom, taking off his dirty clothes and putting them in the pile.

The hot water felt nice as his fur was getting soaked, a small screen below the shower head showed the system results and he analyzed them, pleased that not much had happened that night.

"Reset to last nights prefences and play music from file four one three"

The freshman by verve pipe played and Ruby shampooed and conditioned his fur, turning the water off and shaking the water from his fur.

He didn't hang around to see Tails and Samantha. He sat in his first period class ten minutes before anyone got there. He pulled out his book and began to read, Hyrule Symphony's version of Hyrule field playing in his headphones. Seven minutes passed, along with three song changes before he felt someone was watching him. He looked up and caught sight of a bunny; she had apparently said something and was waiting on a reply. He took out his headphones and asked

"Did you say something?" He didn't bother with reading her

"Yes, i said 'is this pre cal with Mr. Price?'"

"It is, the bell doesn't ring for another..."

He was cut off by the bell and he shrugged

"five seconds ago, anyway, there is no seating chart so feel free to sit where you want" he finished

She surveyed the room and picked the spot next to him, he didn't really notice as he went back to his book. Everyone else in the class came in and picked their usual spots, Samantha picked the spot in front of me, I guess she wanted to know more about me. He mused as he marked his page and took out one ear phone to give the teacher his pretended attention while he focused on the music. Yoko Shimomura's march caprice for piano and orchestra.

He looked over at the girl who sat next to him, she was pretty. She had the hood of a hoodie on so her ears were out of sight. She had the body of someone who didn't care what they looked like as long as they were comfortable, which meant slightly chubby. Her breasts weren't overly big but had enough size to them to be noticed in the hoodie, he put them around a D size, maybe a little less. Her hoodie was no doubt custom, there was no way you could fine one that had the triforce, the nobody symbol, and foxhound symbol. He read her, he had to, and she had apparently liked the same games he did. She was thinking about himself and something about classes, as well as a faint backdrop that signified music was playing in their ears of Kyle Gabler's Best of times. He took a chance, pulling out his psp, he started to play World Of Goo, holding it in such a way that if she looked over, she could see the game. This was significant because Best of Times was on World of Goo. She looked over, he read her at lightning speed. There was surprised there, that was obvious. He finished the level and saved, aware that she was watching him. He quit the game and his familiar wallpaper showed up. It was Link from Zelda looking out over a cliff. Even more surprise came from her. Now he was really gunna take a chance, he pulled up the text pad and typed out "I know you looking". She read it and blushed, immediately looking down at her desk. She didn't look back at him, but he could still read her, and surprise and embarrassment was on her mind, as well as she seemed to be debating something with herself.

The bell rang and she shot out of the class so fast, people were looking around for Sonic. I laughed. Samantha turned around and asked

"What was all that about? Did you scare her or something? Give her a break she is the new kid"

I laughed again, and replied

"No I didn't scare her, I embarrassed her by catching her watching me play a game"

Samantha looked confused and indeed she was, I didn't give her time to ask another question before I left. So she was new, pretty, and had got my interest on the first day she was here. I would defiantly have to think things out about this during my lunch hours.

I was lying out on the concrete close to the water deep in thought when I felt someone coming. Probably a cop or something so I ran back up the concrete hill and curled up in my hiding place, the same place that I sometimes slept when I had forgot to get coffee in the mornings. It was a good spot to see and not be seen. The girl came around the corner, the same rabbit from that morning. My curiosity was instantly spiked, but watching and learning before confronting was always the better plan, so I waited and observed. She was stressed, tired and also disappointed. I checked the time. Smack in the center of lunch hours, this must have been her lunch, in fact it was Tails' and Samantha's lunch as well. No doubt making out on the roof again. She rummaged around and pulled out a psp of her own, and a cell phone. She texted someone and sighed, sitting down and playing a game i couldn't make out from my position. This was good however; I pulled out my psp, and instructed it to contact the system computer at my home through. I had customized it to do whatever I needed it to do, there was no use for an AI, plus that was the last thing he needed, getting attached to his electronics. The main system received the signal and prompted for orders, I instructed it to scan for cell phone signals within a twenty yard area and receive the number. A number displayed across the screen. Pulling out my cell phone I texted that number with "Why are you under the bridge?" and sent it, instructing the psp to wipe clean the recent connection while I waited. Her phone vibrated, she looked at it and looked around, and there was fear in her. I didn't move from my spot, she couldn't see me. She finally texted back, I let my ringtone play. The familiar final fantasy victory theme. I don't know what she said in the text cause the next moment she was where I was hidden.

I smiled and sat up

"Hello there, what brings you to my magnificent bridge?"

Her fear was instantly replaced with happiness and her disappointment vanished completely.

"I needed to know who you were after this morning. It was like you knew I was listening to that song" she replied

I decided not to lie to her "I did, just like how I know your happy now, how I knew you wanted to ask me something this morning, but that's another question in your mind that might just have to wait"

She was stunned, I could read it from her

"Long story short, I have an exceptional talent for reading people's emotions and general idea of thought, I don't even need to see them to read them"

She stared at me for about five minutes. Ruby couldn't stop himself from reading her, there was confusion, curiosity, and revoltion. He didn't question her, he knew a question was coming, he didn't have to read her to know that.

"Isn't that an invasion of privacy?" she finally asked

"Of course it is, but I can't help it, I've tried to stop it, but events only caused it to get stronger. I used to be able to ignore it, but things happen in ways that you don't always want them to, strong feelings and motivated ideas come without me having to read people, but the minor feelings and ideas are the ones I have to look for"

"So do you know what I'm feeling right now?" she asked

He read her in a nano second and replied

"You feel annoyed at the thought of someone knowing how you feel, and still slightly confused"

She pretended to be impressed, Ruby knew she wasn't.

"Why are you pretending to be impressed? Did you forget that I can read emotions and ideas?"

She dropped her expression on the instant.

"What's so bad about showing your true emotions? You're convinced that you need to fit in, and the one time you can't hide your feelings and emotions you're annoyed. I don't know about you, but to me that's the definition of crazy. Being something you're not only leads to pain, believe you me, I've been down that road, I've experienced that pain and it's not pleasant. Be who you are, because more often than not, the person you want to be is just shallow and petty.... What's your name anyway?"

She laughed, he reminded himself to pay attention more because her name was called that morning. Echoing that thought she said

"What? You didn't pay attention in class this morning, typical boy"

"I rarely do, I've got better things to think about, besides I was to preoccupied by you"

She blushed, hard. Her face was almost completely red before she turned around

"My name is Reia, yours?"

"Now who was the one just talking about paying attention? Don't answer that, it was rhetorical. My name is Ruby...." The bell rang distantly "That's your bell, you better get to class Reia"

She turned around to face him

"Aren't you going too?"

"No, the lunch hours are the equivalent of Niagara falls with emotions and feelings, if I'm far enough away or have something to focus on, then I won't faint"

She reached out and took hold of his hand

"So focus on me"

To her surprise, his fur was like silk and she blushed as a thought crossed her mind, she tried to dismiss it before he could read it from her but she knew it was too late when he chuckled. To her relief he didn't press the subject, she gathered her things and half pulled, half walked with Ruby. She for the life of her couldn't think of anything to say. She was entertaining to Ruby though, because he hadn't fainted and all he did was stare at her hand where it held his own. She also knew he was constantly reading her to find out her intentions, but she had gone through this multiple times in her head before lunch and knew what to do without having to think about it. Once they reached her class, she turned around and kissed his cheek and hugged him. He was stunned; she didn't need to have his talent to decipher that. He smelled like coconuts, which was her favorite smell, she allowed her mind to form a very dirty thought and she saw it recognize on his face as he blushed. She turned around allowing her butt to brush his thigh and disappeared into the class. She laughed softly as she heard his footsteps running away, no doubt hiding his erection.

I found out that Reia had my seventh period, great, I needed to talk to her about lunch, however I didnt want Tails and Samantha to notice. Once Reia walked into class and sat down next to me, Samantha raised an eyebrow questioningly. I gave her a shut up look and she went back to talking with Tails. Reia looked over at me, I pointed at my phone and mouthed "Texting would be best right now" gesturing at Tails and Samantha with a flick of an ear.

She was confused but nonetheless pulled out her phone, silenced it and waited for his text.

"That was a dirty trick you pulled at lunch"

She smiled and texted back

"You needed something to focus on till you got back to you bridge, so i felt obliged to do so"

She was pleased, he could feel it from her, so he brushed his fur against hers lightly and knew that had done the trick cause she blushed and looked down. His next text read "Next time you do that, I won't let you get away so easily" She blushed a deeper red and he stretched back, his shirt lifting lightly and she saw the bottom of his abs. Oh god she thought, he's cute, smart, and buff.

I caught that thought almost as she thought it. I looked over at her to see her even redder than before. Before he could do anything she hid her face in her arms with the hood of her hoodie up. He couldn't see her face but desire flowed off her. He chuckled softly, pulled his psp out and played a game till the end of the class. She kept her head down the whole time, her current thoughts were hers and hers alone. True that he may have taken a peak here and there, but that only made him blush. The bell rang and the class poured out the door. Tails and Samantha left the room leaving just me, Reia and the teacher. She gathered her things and looked over at me, she blushed and looked away. I smiled and once she got her things, I took hold of her hand and together we walked out. I hadnt wanted Tails or Sonic to find out about her yet so we went out the back way. I let her lead me to her new home, surprisingly only two blocks from mine. The whole time, we didn't talk. She desperately wanted me to carry her though, so as soon as she pointed to her house I swept her off her feet and carried her the rest of the way. She only gave a small "eep" once I picked her up. I set her on her feet on the first step of her porch. She let her hands drag from my shoulders down to my abs. It tickled slightly as her fingers dragged against them slowly. Sure I had a six pack, but that only came from the army, I wasn't the work out type. She bit her bottom lip before turning around and walking inside. Just before she did so however, I read her. She wanted nothing more than to take me then and there. I walked the rest of the way home, reset the system and added her address, I instantly got blue prints of the house, infrared and x-ray satellite feeds. I watched the red form of body heat on the screen that must have been her for about an hour before I texted her my address. I almost knew she was going to sneak out to see me that night.

End Entry.


Her clock read 3:59 am


She didn't care all she cared about is 3 things


1 she needs to keep up the pace


2 she needs to keep her phone with a pik of tails shirtless body in her left hand no mater how un comfortable it is.


And glorious 3....


She needs to


She moans loudly into the pillow "mfffffffffffffffff"

Pant pant pant

"Why can't I have what's mine"

Maybe it's "the season" for these urges to surface.

No that's not it if it was this house would be a lot louder...

Maybe lust?

Maybe love?

Probably both...

It won't matter Samantha already decided fainting or not She was going to get what she wanted after school.

Once me and Samantha get outside we go the roof. I reach into my pocket to grab a smoke just as I am about to light it she grabs it out of my mouth and tosses it behind her.

"You know tails I haven't met your parents yet..."

"Well if I ever find them u will be the first to know."

"You live alone?"


"Well I guess it won't be a problem if I come over"


"That is if you want me over but if you don't......."

She turns around and starts to walk away.

"No it wasn't that you just..."

Next thing I knew she is a inch from my face

She seductively whispers "caught ya off guard?"

"ye...yeah" I blushed madly

She giggles a little and hugs me from behind

"can you fly like this"


I take off and start going to my home her arms and legs wrapped around my shoulders and back.

(Now to have a bit of fun) I slowly wrap my tail around him resting a small bit on his cock. He shudders a bit and droops a few inches then quickly recovers.

"Sa...Samantha are....are you ok?"

I nuzzle into his back "I'm with you right?"

"ya...yes bu..." I nuzzle into his neck and he has to shut up so he can keep flying

"then I suggest you concentrate on flying"

I lightly start rubbing his ever growing member through his pants with my tail...we drop like 10 feet before he catches us...

I keep rubbing "careful baby"

He can only respond with a nod

(wow he isn't fainting yet I wonder if we will stay in the air if I...)

(what is she thinking!?!?!? What if I faint!?!? We will crash if she goes much further I might...)

I feel her tail go under my shirt then it turns around and prods at my waist band.

I grab her tail.

"I don't think I will be able to do that and fly"

She whispers seductively "can't Handel the heat baby" then she bights my neck

We drop 40 feet before I catch us

"no I just am having a difficult time concentrating on flying already"

She laughs as says "I can tell"

The rest of the way there she teases me. By the time we reach my house I'm sweating bullets.

My house is a 3 story red brick house with an observation dome built into a cliff front facing away from it. In the back I have a large airstrip connected to my house by a big concrete slab runway and a large lake that connects to my house and the ocean by manmade rivers. By each door, the airstrip, and the lake are pedestals with a purple glass bubble on them.

As soon as we land near the front door I turn around and grab her tail.

"No more... For now ok?"

She pouts at me "why not?"

"U remember the ai I told your dad about?"

She cocks an eyebrow "yeah what about it?"

"She kind of has a thing for me"

She busts out laughing "you wrote a program to love you"

"no she reprograms herself"

"and u didn't expect it?"

"How would I know she would fall in love?"

"You don't think ahead do you?"

" I have a problem with that..."

"Has she come onto you?"

"She teases me but no not really bad normally"

She gets close to me and rubs my chest with one finger.

She says in a sweet sexy voice "I'm better though rite?"

"Baby, you've made me have the most interesting flight of my life"

She laughs and walks to the front door I stare in a daze at her hypnotizing tail swishing lightly from side to side just as she reaches the door I snap out of it and remember my defenses.

Shit. Just as she touches the door knob I yell "STOP!!!!"

To late...

A pink mist surrounds her and she collapses to the ground passed out...

I run up and yell to the little purple glass bubble "run a scan"

My ai projects out of the glass bubble as normally without cloths on to try and tease me

"wolf, female, age....approximately 18, pulse...normal, clothing...shirt; jeans; black bra and panties. Welcome home baby."

"Rachel, not now..." I pick up Samantha "open door"

A metallic click sounds and the door opens. I bring Rachel in and lye her on the couch

the purple 2 tailed fox shows up in the room and asks "you know her?"

"Yes add her to the go list which means no gassing"

"...dun baby"

"How long until she wakes?"

"2 hours minimum possibly 3"

"Shit... Well I will be back up in 2 hours"

I turn to the stairs to my hanger which went up the third floor and down to the first floor.

"Ok baby"

While I'm walking away I say "and please get on cloths"

She changes into a sexy maid outfit and poops up in front of me.

"Is this better?"

I just walk through the ai.

"Jeans and a t shirt"

She sighs and programs jeans and a t shirt.

"Anything else."

"Yes 2 things. 1 start my work playlist in the hanger at my work volume."

"And the second?"

I stop at the stairs "behave tonight we have company."

"Yes ba..."

"Please don't call me that for the moment"

She sighs "ok b... Tails"

As I go down I yell "don't disturb me while I'm working"

"Yes tails"

When I get down there I go straight to my jet grabbing my torch and going straight to work.

The ai smiles as he goes down well it was easy to trick him.

Now to wait 25 minutes for her to wake up.

I feel sum thing soft under me. I open my eyes and see a strange purple foxes face....

The fox asks before I can talk "who are u?"

I sit up groggily "what did you say?"

She steps back one step "who are you?"

"I'm Samantha and you are.....?"

She puts a hand on her breast "I am ai 00001 but you can call me Rachel."

Suddenly it all comes back to me.

"You must be tails ai then"

"Tails smart ai... Why douse your ear have a bite taken out of it...?"

I blush

"it's a wolf thing"

"what does it mean?"

"It means I can mate with only the one who made this mark."

"Ah so you and tails are together?"

"He told you...?"

She grins "no but you did"

"Sneaky of you"

She just smiles.

"Where Is tails?"

"He is in the hanger...your pretty cute ya know."

For some strange reason i found myself blushing bright red.

"Umm thank you."

"it's the toroth hunny now go down there he will be working but he will stop for you"

"Um ok" I run down stairs

When I get down there I hear Gorillaz kids with guns blasting from all sides.

I see him on a board with rollers on it tapping his foot to the beat under a plain completely preoccupied.

Ok now all I got to do is turn this one more time and...

Next thing I'm being pulled out by my ankles. With my socket wrench in my hands and the oil relief bolt in it... Shit this is going to be messy.

First I see her then I see the stream hit her chest.

She yells as she falls rite on top of me...

I wrap my arms around her so she doesn't fall off as the board keeps going... My face gets covers in oil as we pass under the still pouring oil... After we finally stop we are both panting from the adrenaline. I finally laugh.

She goes red and berries her head into my dirty shirt.

"I'm sorry baby you got oil all over you"

I rub her shoulders

"its ok sugar fur but it looks like we made a bit of a mess... You have a change of clothes?"

"Yes in my bag"

"Well you go up stairs have Rachel show you my personal shower, I'm going to shower down here."

There is the faintest hint of disappointment in her voice as she says "ok"

As she goes upstairs I turn to my shop shower and call for Rachel

"yes tails?"

"show her to the shower in my room then pleas get sum bots to clean up in here."

"ok tails"

Once I get up stairs I see the purple fox...she asks me what happened

As I grab my bag as I causally say "I pulled tails from under his plane and we got hit with a lot of oil."

The ai gets in front of her "I saw that..." she gets uncomfortably close and says in a seductive tone "I meant why aren't you showering with him?"

"Oh I am I just haven't told him"

The ai laughs "ya know what I like you kid"

I smile as I decide to play her game "I like you to...you cute little fox" the ai's cheeks go red as I walk back down stairs swinging my hips along the way.

WARNING: The following contains intense sexual content. If you are under the age of 18 go to the next part if possible.

Once I get to the shower I turn it on and say "play shower playlist 1"

I look around making sure that Samantha isn't there.

Once I am satisfied I take off the oil covered shirt and pants and my favorite boxers making sure to keep them away from the oil.

Weezers automatic starts playing as I step into the shower and close the curtain.

I put one hand on the wall as I hang my head watching the clear water turn black with the oil and grime cascading off my body... Showers always make me feel so peaceful...so peaceful I close my eyes...

I am so preoccupied in my relaxing that I don't even hear the footsteps...nor the clothes hitting the floor...hell I don't even notice the shower curtain open... Though I do quickly notice the hand on my back rubbing the soap in... I am having to good of a time relaxing to fully notice the implications. So I just give a grunt of approval to the mysterious hands working the soap into my fur..... I notice the wet white furry hands rub my shoulders... With my mind blank i start to pour into my memories trying to remember who I know who has white hands... After a moment I feel the hands slowly make their ways around to grip my pecks...my mind flashes to that last fight with the old team I remember holding her white furry body... No not her... I feel the hands solely make their way down just as the hands past my belly button I remember cream would try to do this only to hurt me a minute later... My hand grabs the hands and I snap around pinning the figure to the wall thinking it was cream... It took me a full 5 seconds for me to realize its Samantha I relax my grip keeping her pinned to the wall.

Her smile is full with lust...

Then I realize it..... She is in the shower and we are both naked...I guess I'll play along. I get inches from her mouth but as she leans in I pull back and grin... She glances down.

I use one my tails to point the shower head off of me and strait to the floor and use the other one to flick the heat to 200% of the normal high heat... Steam flows from the shower head creating a cloud of steam just below my waist line. She looks back up at me slightly flustered.....

Once I get down to tails workshop I here "automatic" and the shower down there I go straight to it. Once I reach it I peak in... I see him leaning on the wall with one hand water cascading off his head all the oil already off of him and strangest thing of all his muscles relaxed...

I strip throwing my bag and cloths next to his.

I slowly open up the shower curtain trying to not make noise.

Once I step in rite behind tails I close the curtain and grab his soap squirting some of the soap in my hand... Time to have fun. I start massaging his back and shoulders expecting a great response but all I get is a happy grunt. That's different...let's see how far he can go...

I rub his shoulders for a minute before slowly moving back down to his upper back and then circle around to his firm pecks... I squeeze them while rubbing... His heart beet is a lot calmer than normal... I slowly start moving my hands lower in tight little circles... Just as I graze his hips he shoots up and grabs my hands... Then he turns around and pins me to the wall a bit tightly at first but then he loosens his grip... He gets his mouth a inch from mine... I lean in to kiss him... He moves back until I can't move any more. I glance down and smile at the sight.... Steam quickly covers his waist line.

I smile up at him I move my tail to grip his penis

Once I brush his leg his tails move lighting fast one pins my tail against the wall the other rides up the middle of my leg... I shut my legs but not fast enough as his tail starts rubbing against my clit.

She is so cute when she moans...

I get close to her lips and whisper "what's wrong with my normal shower" I love teasing her

She manages to mutter in between moans "it ...doesn't ...have ...this ...in it..."

She lets out a loud moan

"ah so was this in your plan?."

she can only nod

I smirk and take my tail from between her legs

"well let's continue this in my room..."

I release her as she turns but as she turns I flick the temperature to a warm but not hot temperature and grab her wrist pulling her back flat against my chest "first let's wash you off first"

I grab the soap and start rubbing her tight stomach...

She shudders at the touch.

I get next to her ear and whisper "up or down"

She guides my hands up.

Once I reach her large breast I start rubbing them with the soap shampoo conditioner mix I made.

She lets out little whimpers of pleasure as she bites her knuckles to try to stop herself from moaning...

I think (I liked it when she moaned... I know how to fix this)

I go to her hard nipples and use my index finger and thumb to start rubbing, lightly pinching, twisting, pulling, and generally torturing them.

She can't hold it in any more and she starts moaning.

I turn her around after I had enough of torturing her.

I stoop down and put her nipple in my mouth licking sucking and nibbling them.

After she lets out halve a dozen big moans I turn her around and wash and rinse her rock hard nipples.

Then I get more soap and go back down to her stomach.

I kiss her neck as I start going painfully slow down to her pussy. She lets out small moans of wanting and grinds herself on my soapy hand not caring that soap could get in her folds I pull back my hand and grab a clean wet washcloth and start rubbing her pussy with it. She starts bucking with it trying to get my washcloth and fingers in her. I drop the washcloth and just start rubbing her with just my fingers.

A few soft moans escape her lips.

I get next to her ear and ask "can I have a taste please"

She turns around and pulls me into a deep passionate kiss

While we are kissing I hit a tile.

It slides back and a bench slides across the back of the shower

I break our kiss and sit her down on it. I kneel down in front of her and while looking at her I lick her slit dragging my tung against her clit.

She lets out a loud moan and grabs my ears and pushes me against her

I push my tong deep in her looking for her spot

She let's go of my ears and screams out in pleasure as I find it.

I start tong fucking her making sure to dig into the spot each time. After 10 minutes of this she wraps her legs around my head and comes unleashing a lot of her juices on my face I lick her clean and kiss her.

We get out of the shower and head to the little elevator bringing our cloths with us. I push a button and the elevator glides up to the 3rd floor and my room...

I am still breathing heavy as we get in the elevator. By the time the elevator stops I am already teasing him with my tail while holding him...

We step out and I push him to his bed and say "It's my turn now fuzzy" I kneel next to his bed and pull his legs towards me until he is sitting on the edge.

I slide my tung up his shaft flicking it on the tip

He shudders a little

I wrap my lips against his head and slowly go down

He lets out a moan once I reach the base

I think to myself (how cute)

I start moving my head up and down humming and swirling my tung as he moans louder

Once I feel his cock twitching I slam my head down deep throttling him as he cums. I swallow it all (wow it tastes good). Then I come up and kiss him deeply.

I push him back until his legs are completely on the bed...

I straddle him and say "you ready baby"

He chuckles and says "I am ready slugger fur"

I grab his cock and put my other hand on his chest.

I slowly lower myself on him...

Once I finally get him the whole way in my eyes go wide as my inner predator finally comes out and I start pumping him wildly

We both moan loudly

After a good hour I finally get close to reaching my limit I manage to say in between moans "I...I think.... I'm almost there..."

He sits up and says "me too"

We both let out a scream as we both cum...

I collapse in his arms and we fall back to tired to even get off...

After 5 minutes I manage to roll off of him...

I lye one arm over his sleeping body as I fall asleep...

Ruby's Journal entry three:


I had watched that screen all the way up till she left, which was about 11 pm. Her parents were only asleep for an hour when she left. That was the upside of rabbits; they were horny little creatures even when it came down to other species, granted I am a fox and her a rabbit, which should almost never happen being that my species used to eat hers. It wasn't rare to see a rabbit and fox dating, it was just unusual, but at that point I hadn't cared. Putting together a playlist for our fun time had occupied most of my time while I watched her red heat signature. I had taken a shower, cleaned the house and even went the extra effort of making the bed. Even though it wouldn't stay made for long. There was a knock on the door, and I answered it. There she was in all her glory, I could almost see everything. To her credit, she wasn't naked, but that wasn't to far down the latter of what she wore. It consisted of a silk see through groin with blood red panties and blood red bra, both of which clashed horribly with her brown fur that was specked with black. She did a quick turn and her small bushy tail brushed against my thigh. I blushed, I was almost too stunned to read her, let alone say anything, so instead I moved closer to the door to let her in. She knew what she was doing to me, that much was clear because she dragged her hand against my lower stomach, making me want her to go lower. I turned and shut the door.

"So what do you think Mr. Psychic, don't these panties look just adorable on me?"

I composed myself as much as I could and replied

"I rather think they clash with your fur"

She didn't miss the beat.

"And the bra? What do you think of that?"

"The same with your panties, they clash with your fur"

She smiled which caused me to smile

"I thought you would say that. If they don't match my fur, then why do you think I put them on?"

I gulped

"To take them off possibly"

"You really are psychic aren't you"

With a flick of her wrist the bra fell from her, but she put her arm over her breasts to simulate the effect of the bra. A movement of her arm and the silk see through groin fell from her as well, joining her bra by the front of my floor.

To my credit, I wasn't just idly standing by and letting her tease me, during this time, I had moved to my bed room and dimmed the lights. The moment her groin hit the floor was the same moment that I pressed the programmed button my keyboard to start the playlist. She strolled over to my bed and sat on it, still using her arm to hide her breasts from me. I took a step forward towards her as Fly by Sugar Ray played in the surround sound speakers. Another step and she stopped me with her foot, prodding at the edge of my shirt, lifting it slightly. I took the hint and lifted it over my head. The second my vision was blocked by it she moved, grabbing my shirt and pulling it back stopping me from pulling it off and keeping my vision blocked. She kissed me, pulling away before I could react leaving me leaning forward lightly to keep the kiss. She kept tight hold of my shirt behind my back and dragged her remaining hand through my chest fur slowly down against my abs.

I wasn't gunna let her do this to me without a fight, and used my tail to swing around her once and pulled her close. Her breasts pressed against my chest and my abs against her stomach. She let out a soft moan and let go of my shirt freeing me. Throwing my shirt to the side, I looked down at her and smiled.

"You don't get all of the control" I said coolly

I lifted her up and carried her the foot or so to my bed, setting her down and kneeling on the floor in front of her.

"Now let me fix this color clash you have here"

I pulled away her panties, dragging my fingers against her pussy teasingly and down her thighs and legs, dragging the panties with them. She moaned and I smiled as I kissed back up her legs, dragging my tongue against her pussy slowly, flicking her clit with the tip of my tongue. She grabbed the sheets and moaned even louder. I felt my instincts taking over. She was my prey, and she knew it. Breathing slowly against her clit was borderline torture to her, but that's what I want. She slid her hands down and tugged slightly on my ear, pulling me up from my snack and be level with her. I would have been insane not to kiss those beautiful lips. She dragged her hands down through my fur against my chest and my abs to my pants, she undid my belt and pushed my pants and boxers down, I helped her out by kicking them the rest of the way off. My penis was harder than stone it seemed, and she was so close, I could feel the heat coming from her pussy against me. I wanted to put it in her straight away and would have done so had she not pushed me onto my back. She kissed me passionately as her hand explored down my chest and abdomen going straight for my penis. Grabbing it softly and stroking it slowly, she kissed down my chest, biting once one my nipples. She never once looked away, her blue brown eyes looking up at me with a look that could have ended it there and then had she not looked at my penis when she did. I did a quick read while she was distracted, and she was astonished, she had never seen one so big, I chuckled. At that she looked up at me and took it all into her mouth. That shut me up instantly. After a few blissful seconds of her mouth, she pulled away only to go back, dragging her tongue the length of the shaft. She looked up at me and blushed, leaning forward and kissing me again. She put all her weight on my shoulders and I fell on my back in the midst of the pillows. I could have easily held her there, but I knew what she meant nevertheless. Sliding her legs to fit on either side of me she effectively straddled me. Her pussy was against my penis, rubbing the underside of my shaft. This felt very good, but there was something that felt better.

She grinded me for a few seconds before I made the move, she moaned loud when it happened and held herself up with her arms on my chest. I thrusted hard and deep, she moaned loudly and leaned heavily against my chest. I dragged my hands up from her thighs to her breasts and squeezed, giving another hard thrust. Her arms were shaking now; one more and she would be on my chest. She would like that I bet, but I won't give her the satisfaction of getting what she wants, instead, I dragged my hands down to her waist and moved her instead of thrusting. Her clit was being rubbed by my fur and she tried to hold back a moan but failed. After about a minute, I gave a hard thrust, just as I had predicted, her arms gave way. Either from surprise or pleasure, I wasn't sure; I couldn't concentrate hard enough to read her. As soon as her arms gave way I sat up and caught her before she had gone more than two inches towards me. As she wrapped her arms around my shoulders, I wrapped both my tail and arms around her waist. Half bouncing, half grinding her in my lap. The bouncing for my benefit, the grinding for hers. Suddenly, she bit down hard on my neck and moaned through my fur and her teeth. She had come, I knew because she got slightly wetter. My tail felt hers twitching as she came as well, I shifted my grip and each and every thrust after that was hard and deep, her breasts bounced against my chest and she came three more times. I barely registered it when the music stopped, there had been over two hours of music on that playlist. I was intent on making her orgasm however so I kept going. After the third time she came, I laid her on her back and thrusted into harder still, gravity was on my side now and I was using it. She had her legs wrapped around my waist, and she never let go of my shoulders.

I was just considering the thought of abandoning making her orgasm when she shivered in my arms and her pussy tightened wildly. She clenched her fists together in my fur, ripping most of it out, leaned her head back and moaned so loud it was almost a borderline scream. No doubt the neighbors heard, but that was to be dealt with later. As her pussy tightened I couldn't hold myself back anymore and I came inside her.

This must have enhanced the effect for her, because she shivered for more than five minutes, she took two more fistfuls of my fur, though she was too weak now to rip it out, and her pussy was so tight that there was no possible way I could free myself. The she collapsed from me, only to fall the inch or so to my bed. She looked up at me and smiled weakly before saying

"So much for being gentle on my first time, I only wish it was your first time as well, but with those moves, there is no way you were a virgin"

I blushed and replied

"That was my first time, I'm just smart and have great stamina"

She stared back amazed, I just smiled and kissed her softly

"Stay here, I'll bring you some ice cream"

And with that, I rolled off of the bed, put my boxers on and walked out of the room for the kitchen. I came back to find her sitting up on the edge of my bed with my shirt on, she smiled softly at me and said "I guess I'll stay here for the night since I cant stand"

I chuckled softly handed her the ice cream and sat next to her with the milk. She leaned against me and my tail seemingly wrapped itself around her waist and a few seconds later, my arm joined it. She leaned in and kissed me, setting the empty bowl down on the floor and gulping the milk down in two drafts, putting the glass down with the bowl before crawling into the bed fully. She pulled my tail and I joined her. She cuddled closely into my chest fur and promptly fell asleep in seconds, I smiled, kissed her cheek and followed her to dreamland.


To my credit, if the teasie replies in proper response to the teaser, then the teaser becomes the teasie. In other words, Ruby knew exactly the right responses to turn my teasing back at me. Once I got home, I had to change my pants and panties, I was that turned on by him. I mean come on, he was smart, he knew exactly how she felt almost all the time, he was incredibly ripped, he smelled just amazing, and he only lived two streets down. Now I had seen my fair share of strong men, but they all seemed bulky and to full of themselves. Ruby, he made it seem like the muscles came as an afterthought to him one day. She wondered if he could see her, or if he could read her from that distance but she put it out of her mind, she was going to see just how amazing he was. I waited patiently for my parents to go to sleep. I occupied my time by picking out the clothes I would wear to his house. I knew the silk see threw groin was a risk if I only wore that, but it was dark, not allot of people would be able to see my goods. So instead, I decided to test his sense of class and picked the most horrible match of panties and bra. They clashed badly with my fur, but I wouldn't wear them for long. So I put them on, pulled the silk groin over them and as quietly as I could sneaked out of the house. Once I was clear of the gate, I ran as fast as possible. I hadn't expected this cold and there was his house. I stopped, calmed myself and promptly knocked on the door. Something slid into place somewhere behind the door with the soft his of compressed air and clicked. Not much escaped a rabbits hearing. I mentally followed Ruby's footsteps away from the hissing sound and to the door. I put the most seductive face I had coupled with a very sexy pose that made my boobs look bigger than they were. The door opened, he was staring at me, so just to tease him, I gave a quick turn so he could see my ass. I felt my tail brush his thigh and when I was facing him again, he blushed a light shade of red and he let me into his home. It smelled like coconuts as well, but I decided not to comment on it, instead I said

"So what do you think Mr. Psychic, don't these panties look just adorable on me?"

I could see him trying to gain himself as he said

"I rather think they clash with your fur"

I was quick to reply

"And the bra? What do you think of that?"

"The same with your panties, they clash with your fur"

I smiled and was satisfied that he smiled too.

"I thought you would say that. If they don't match my fur, then why do you think I put them on?"

He gulped audibly, but what he said was smooth nonetheless

"To take them off possibly"

"You really are psychic aren't you"

Even as I said it, I undid my bra and let it fall from me, but he wasn't going to see the girls yet, so I hid them with my arm. He was moving towards his room and I followed, shrugging off the groin easily. Music started when my groin fell to the floor, I didn't pay any attention to it. We were in his room now and I casually walked over to his bed, sitting on the edge. He took a step towards me; I raised my foot and stopped him on his second step, my foot resting idly on his lower belly. I wanted to see those abs again, so I used my foot to lift the shirt lightly. He took the hint and lifted up his shirt. He was a finely toned machine, every muscled showed under his orange fur. The second he couldn't see me anymore was the second I made my move. Springing up and grabbing his shirt, pulling it tight so he stayed blinded by his shirt.

I couldn't help myself, so I kissed him and pulled back before he could react. He leaned forward slightly to keep the kiss, but I was more preoccupied by his chest and abs. They had a preditorial strength to them. A strength that remembered times when foxes hunter rabbits like her, but I wasn't afraid. Suddenly something pulled me close to him and at the feel of his muscles against me I moaned and forgot about the shirt. He escaped from my grasp, but he smelled so good. He smiled down at me and coolly said "You don't get all of the control"

He lifted me up without apparent effort and set me down again on the bed. I wanted him to join me but he had other plans as he knelt on the floor between my legs. I didn't bother hiding my breasts.

"Now let me fix this color clash you have here"

I felt my panties leaving me, it registered in my mind, but his touch was far more intoxicating. The touch of a predator about to play with its prey. I moaned at the very thought of it. My thoughts were interrupted by another pleasure however. His tongue had flicked against my clit and again I moaned, grabbing the sheets in pleasure. His hot breath against me, his hot hungry breath. I snaked my hand down and pulled him up gently until he was level with me. He kissed me passionately and I dragged my hands down through his fur, against his tantalizing abs to his pants, undoing them and pushing them down along with his silk boxers. He kicked them the rest of the way off. The heat that was coming from me amazing, I could see he wanted it badly, but this was payback for his predator touch. I pushed him onto his back, kissed him and proceeded down his chest with more kisses staring back up into his eyes, transfixed by the lustful hunger there. My hand beat me there however, what I felt was rock hard and smooth. I had never felt a penis before and it felt nice in my hand, I had to take a peek. What I saw was amazing, I had seen penis's in books and on the internet, but nothing as big as his. He chuckled and I looked back up at him, making sure he saw me do it. I pressed my lips around the whole thing, I was hoping I wouldn't gag and was glad I didn't. I massaged it with my tongue slowly before pulling away. I kept my eyes on him as I licked the length of his shaft. I blushed when our eyes locked for a millisecond and kissed him deeply. I was going to feel it better than my hand or mouth would. I silently straddled him, my pussy was against his penis, my clit rubbed against it as I grinded him, unsure of my technique for putting it in when he thrusted hard. His penis went deep into me and I almost came right there. I used my arms to support me against his chest. He did it again and I came closer to coming than before. I was leaning heavily against him now. He held my waist effortlessly and did it for a third time. I came so close to coming, I would have sworn it would be a world record for fastest amount of time to make a girl come. My arms were shaking, I was gunna collapse against him in pure pleasure if he did it again, but he didn't. He moved my waist against him, my clit rubbed him and I tried to hold a moan, but it escaped even so. Then without warning he thrusted again, my arms gave, I came and he moved to catch me. He didn't know I came apparently, but I wrapped my arms around him, I felt his tail go around my waist along with his arms. He was such a caring predator.

I wasn't sure how long we were together like that until I came again, as I did so, I bit his neck hard. Soon after that he started thrusting again, I lost count how many times I came, and each time was like a surprise. I was getting lost in his grip, getting lost in his fur, getting lost in his steadily increasing breaths; I was getting lost in every second of pure bliss. I barely registered when I was on my back and his thrusts got harder. Everything was just so wonderful. I felt it building up before it actually happened. When it did, it felt like all the happiness in the world suddenly sucked itself up and went to me. I felt his penis inside me come his hot seed. The heat spread throughout my body and for a moment, I drifted on the edge of consciousness. I gained control of my limbs again and fell softly. I felt something soft in my hands, most likely his fur. She was dimly aware of grabbing it. I smiled lightly, I was very weak now for some reason, and said

"So much for being gentle on my first time, I only wish it was your first time as well, but with those moves, there is no way you were a virgin"

He blushed, such a cute sight and I almost didn't hear him speaking

"That was my first time, I'm just smart and have great stamina"

That wasn't possible, sex couldn't possibly be anything like that every time. I felt ashamed for assuming that sex was just slightly better than MY hand. He said something about ice cream, put his boxers on and walked out of the room. I sat up; I felt cold now and knew that the best source of warmth for the moment was his shirt. It was close enough to grab without standing up, but I wanted my panties too, they however weren't within reach. I stood, my legs shook violently and I promptly fell back down.

"Wow" I thought. I was just gunna have to make do with his shirt. So I put it on. I don't know how, but it was surprisingly large on her compared to Ruby.

Once he came back, I smiled and said

"I guess I'll stay here for the night since I can't stand"

He chuckled lightly and handed me the ice cream, sitting next to me. I wanted to feel him, so I leaned against him. His tail and arm found its way across my waist. Once I finished the ice cream and milk I kissed him and turned around and crawled into the covers and sheets. Giving a soft tug on his tail, he joined me. I cuddled up close to him, getting lost his fur and fell asleep, exhaustion suddenly taking me.

End entry three. . .

i pod love part 3

iPod love part 3 Regret As we were flying I felt something in his leg pocket brush up against me. I quickly dismiss the thing in the pocket just thinking of how romantic it is flying with him. I push my muzzle into his chest sniffing vigorously...

i pod love part 2

iPod love part 2 "God am I one lucky bastard" After taking Samantha home I decide to fly straight home. About halve way through I hear nirvanas song rape me playing through my phone. I take it out of my pocket to see who it is. New text...

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I pod love... Part 1

IPod love part 1 It was A sunny day in Mobius as the 19 year old fox got on the train iPod blasting sublime what I got. He knew that summer would be over in 12 hours. Back at that school for his senior year.... ....again.... .....Without...

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