i pod love part 5

Story by mydjet on SoFurry

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IPod love part 5

I shoot up out of my sleep feeling something wet on my face and a strange noise...

Without thinking I do a combat role out of bed without even making a noise or disturbing the bed.

I reach into my night stand and pull out my d eagle leveling it and scanning the room.... Bzzzz... bzzzz... I point my gun at the computer finally realizing that this is not a war zone. With my right hand I keep my gun level and scanning while I pat my face down trying to find the wound my hand comes back soaked but no pain on my head... I lick my hand... Tears and sweat... I finally lower the shaking gun and start pouring my eyes out I sit down on the edge of my bead balling holding my head with my d eagle still in one hand reliving the pain... softly repeating the name... Nita....

Samantha wakes up to a strange metallic click. She tries to feel for her lover... No luck he must be awake. She opens her eyes to darkness... As her eyes adjust she notices tails lightly sniffing and saying in a low sad voice... Nita... I grab his shoulder to see if he is ok... He sees my white furry hands and I can feel his heart through the shoulders... And he faints back into my arms...shit.

I cock the gun when I hear movement behind me... Why do I still fight... There is no point... I slowly let the hammer fall back into place... Just finish it... I feel the hand on my shoulder and see the white fingertips... No it can't be... Not her not my Nita she is.... I feel the darkness envelope me as a memory finally forces its way front... Samantha... Darkness again... When I wake up I feel hands holding me against something warm... Samantha's hands and body... Last night comes to me in a rush I lean my head back and kiss her neck.

She looks down at me eyes filled with concern.

"Who is Nita..."

I sit up and hunch over

"... She is someone who turned into what she always was..."

She sits next to me to more clearly see my face.

"What do u mean fuzzy?"

I look in her eyes...

"She is a angel..."

Flash back

it started out like any mission back then...

Find the eagmann cyborgs and kill them.

All of the team was with us even Ruby and Nita... she could heal us just by her touch and with a lot of concentration could even bring us back to life...

I was talking to ruby when he felt the first person died... We both went into action emideatley... While he went to get her I contacted who was left... I ordered a full retreat... But it was too late the ones that went getting slaughtered met their full force when they tried to run... When ruby returned with Nina in tow I was so relieved that they made it...

A bomb hit the tent we were all blown through a concert building...

When we hit i had a piece of iron rebar through my chest... I pulled it out and crawled through the rubble to Nita...

She had a hole in her chest but instead of healing herself she healed me... The last thing I remember is holding her lifeless body crying...

End flashback

"Ruby said after that i went back into a feral state and ripped a few throughts out with my mouth"

She stares at me in shock...

"I've never had this nightmare but then again this was relieving it..."

She asks "how is that possible?"

"When I walked up I was in a hospital sitting next to a bed with the last surviving member of my team in it...Ruby. I had Rachel tell me what happened to him... Let's just say my loss was nothing compared to him... I made a microchip to help heal him and to enhance his abilities as a physic to heal people with damaged minds while feeding on those damages to accelerate his healing... I had the doctors put it in his head while he was still in a coma... When he dreams he dreams about the past... When he dreams I relive it but from my memory... I even feel the pain... I guess karma has a way of paying me back in the worst ways possible... I haven't relived anything for a while...well until now..."

She gives me a tight hug I spend a hour crying into her arms...

After I finally finish crying I sit up and apologizes to her...

She grabs my head and kisses me...

"I'm glad you opened up to me this much now how about we take a shower then I'll make breakfast"

"sounds good u go ahead" I gesture with the gun "I'll put this away"

She smiles and stands up "meet you in their..."

She walks to the shower swinging her hot ass along the way...it's so tempting to take her rite there but now isn't the time... I turn to my laptop and clock and notice 2 things. First i notice its 4 am...

Then I notice the web cam light is on...

I walk to the computer and put my gun on the side of the desk. I log on and I see a strange symbol on my computer...

It is a picture of the earth with a grey circle around it...

I tap the enter button.

A web cam pops up but all that shows is a black screen... Just as I am about to turn off my computer a old bear pops in the window and says "hello Mr. Prowers"

I frown automatically knowing something's wrong...

He asks in a somewhat concerned tone "Did I catch you at a bad time"

I hear Samantha yell to me in a very sexy voice "baby I'm all wet for you... You better hurry."

I yell back "I'll be in there in a minute just got to take care of some bullshit"

I turn to look back at the stranger and frown...

"Yeah you could say that"

he chuckles and I look at where his 7th rite rib should be making a mental note to snap it...

When he stops laughing he apologizes for his beheavoure

"yeah whatever Smokey. Now who in the hell do you think you are?"

"my name isn't important... Just call me Smokey if you want to. I am with ONIE My job is to track down kids with gifts and make them safe"

"so you kidnap children for your own use."

"No... Well we do kidnap them from rough countries but our policy is relocation..."

"You are the one that has to live with yourself... now why did u hack my laptop?"

He puts on a serious face and says..."tails... Another country has a p cracker"

My heart skips a beat... "Negative...I keep all the plans and the device hidden... Even from you guys..."

"They found a tecknopath..."

"Shit... How old is the pour basterd."


"so I need to rescue the kid and destroy the device no problem... If I still had a team"

"we are supplying you with a spec ops team... You will also get an experimental stealth a-c130.... If we send more it will be considered a act of war... And your orders are to give him one chance to come with you and if he doesn't come then you are to neutralize the threat..."

"So you want me to kill the pore Kidd."

"He is too old for us to...help him suppress his abilities"

"... Fine ill do it..."

"We also need ruby on this one..."

"When is the mission..."


"I'll get him..."

"I will send your ai the mission specks..."

"Ok and now pleas leave me the fuck alone"

I shut the laptop. And walk away towards the shower.

Warning lemon

I sigh as Lean back against the wall spinning the cuffs on my finger. What is taking him so long...

When I hear the laptop shut I stop spinning the cuffs and get ready...

He opens the door and says "I'm sorry baby had to take care of something..." As soon as he passes the door way I jump into action... I grab his right arm while it is on the back swing and pull it behind his back. Then I do the same with his left. He turns his head and looks at me questioning look and says "what are u doing?"

I look at him innocently "Having some fun"

The cuffs click into place and all his muscles go tight. He starts shaking a bit in fear.

I nibble on his ear knowing that it would calm him.

"Relax fuzzy I promise you will like this..."

She leads me to the walk in shower and grabs a bar of soap and stands behind me...

I smile inside as I calm down and realize that I still have control of her to an extent. My 2 tails instantly shoot up strait to her pussy...just as I am nearly there she grabs them and ties them to the cuffs... Dam.

"I think it is my turn to really torture you"

She bights my neck just enough to draw a little blood

I shudder at the feeling of her biting my neck...

She finally stops sucking the blood and starts washing my upper body while giving my ears and necks little nips at random... Once she has finished washing my stomach she starts rubbing my crotch... I start moaning a little bit.

That only seems to excite her as she grabs my cock and gives me a hand job.... It feels too good... When I am about to cum she stops and kisses me while she drags her fingers lightly against the bottom of my cock and rubs all the way up to the tip of my head

I let out a soft moan into her mouth... She starts hitting random tiles... Finally she finds the rite one...

A bench seat slides out just like the shower in my shop... She sits me down and gets on her knees in front of me...

She puts her muzzle next to the head of my cock and blows cool air on it I shudder at the feeling... I hear myself say "pleas..."

She stops long enough to say "please what?..."

I manage to say through heavy pants "p...please...please give me a blow job"

She smiles at me and blows a line of cold air down my cock to the base making me shutter in pleasure...

Once she gets to the base she puts her tung on the base of my cock and while looking up at me she started dragging it all the way up to the tip flicking it with her tung.

I let out a rather loud moan.

She wraps her mouth around my cock and starts bobbing her head I can only moan now as she bobs her head going deeper in hear mouth each time my tails start untying themselves she keeps going deeper until she hits the brace... Then she comes up slowly and scoots closer... Then she grabs her boobs and wraps them around my cock so that the head is exposed and she sucks the tip as she move up and down rapidly... Just before I cum my tails finally untie from each other and I push her head all the way down as I cum into her mouth... She swallows it all and kisses me deeply...

She then stands me up and uncuffs me and we wash each other... Once we get out of the shower I walk to my drawer and she walks to her bag... I pull out a pair of jeans and start to put them on acidnetly turning around and I am blinded by a light... When I finally get my senses back I see her grinning at a digital camera in her hands in only a red bra and panties...

"well that was sneaky"

She smiles as I button my jeans then turns around going into her bag.

I toss on a white t shirt as I walk down stairs leaving her there... Let's see how well she can find me...

As I am pulling on my shirt I hear the door close...

I turn around and head out. Once I head out I see Rachel leaning against the wall.

"Hey Rachel..."

She grins and says "you guys are extremely loud... Kinda wish you two invited me"

I plant my hand next to her head and lean in as I say "all you got to do is ask... Now where is my mate?"

Her whole body turns pink

"umm he told me not to tell you apparently he is expecting a hunt"

I get even closer and say "point me in the rite direction for a kiss"


I go in to kiss her expecting to be kissing air but then I feel the soft lips.... What a pleasant surprise...

I pull away blushing slightly....

Rachel points to the stairs... "th... That way"

I smile and say "thanks Hun" I turn and brush my tail against her leg as I walk off

5 minuets...5 whole minuets of processing at full speed... I even maxed out the reactor on the other side of the island... I know there will be an error in it tomorrow... I don't care. I am a lot more pissed off at myself for taking that long to process one word... LOVE

This is probley going take a while... But I don't want to risk another oil spill... I turn to my vehicles might as well prep the car...

Once I get to the first floor I start asking myself "why did I do that... I'm not in to girls...rite?"

I put the question to the back of my head as I remember one fact... I am a predator on the hunt.

I raise my head and sniff the air taking advantage of my primal instincts...

...down stairs.... I lick my lips as I level my head and push a button on the elevator control panel

Once I hear the elevator hum to life I head down the stairs

I hear the elevator hum to life then stop to early for it to mean she is here...

I'll have enough time to mount the turret I press a button and I hear the shop crane system I made growl to life...

I come down and hear weezer's The greatest man that ever lived playing at a comfy level from a speaker over by a hummer. I head straight for it when I see Tails furry tails poking out of the hummer passenger door and flicking them self to the music.

On top of the jet black hummer there was a mini gun and mounted to each of the four corners of the hummer were poles each with a large speaker on it...

I hear him yell "god damit!!!"

I quickly get behind a work bench grabbing the shop mirror on it and positioning it so I can see tails... I see him climb out of the hummer looking kinda mad and cradling his right hand... He takes off his shirt and rips the sleeves off.

He folds it 4 times so it's a long thick strip of cloth and wraps it around his hand tying it into a knot on the side Of his hand... He starts walking to a smaller tool box and looks for a moment and grabs a wrench. He climbs on top of the hummer and starts to loosen the turret... I get out of the cover and hop up on the bench sitting on it as I watch him doing what he was meant to do... Fix the broken...

I silently reprimand myself for not using the ai to help out on placing the turret. Once I finally get the last bolt I stand up and look at the back of my hand where I pinched it on the turret... the white tee was turning red ... Not my worst... Lifting this is going to be a bitch... I grab the bottom of the turret and start to lift it... I grunt as i lift the 287lbs turret just enough to free it and put it in the rite position... I set it down and hop off the top of the hummer. I grab a sleeve and wipe my face as I ask "what is Samantha's position.

I hear the ai say "5 feet to your left..." I take the cloth away from my face and turn to see Samantha sitting on the work bench...

I smile at her and she asks "what's up with the heavy duty fire power"

That makes me frown as I say "I have a mission tomorrow..."

She frowns...

"They know you don't have a team...rite?"

"I have 5 spec ops people coming here and I am going to get ruby in on this too..."

She looks at me with sad eyes "why do you have to do this?"

"... It's my own fault let me show u"

I grab her hand and lead her to a monitor and say "show live feed 0001212321 access code... ARMAGEDDON"

A large floating orb appears in the center of the screen...

I put my back against the wall and slide down cradling my head... Samantha just stares at it trying to figure it out finally she asks...."ummm what the hell is this?"

"I made the plans for this in my sleep last year...i called it a pcracker... I had no clue what it would do... So I made a massively scaled down version of it along with the full sized. once I made it every fiber of my being wanted me to get the fuck out but in my head I could hear it... It wanted...no...it NEEDED me to push the button... I managed to get out of there before it corrupted my powers... I called ruby that day and he put it in our warehouse... It has a way of manipulating electronics to serve its will in a way and it's all it wants is to get to me to activate it... The tv lets it reach me to a degree but I have been training myself to do Handel the voice...it still fucks with me but not that bad.

I can hardly believe all...

I finally look down and see tails curled up back his eyes clenched in pain

I yell "Rachel turn off power to the TV!!"

The TV winks off as I get on my knees in front of him and start hugging him as I say " I am so sorry baby... I didn't know it would hurt you"

He finally wraps his arms around me and says "normally it... Well it sends me pleasant images and makes me feel good and promises more if I come to it... But I haven't messed with it for a while now I guess it knows it's not alone in the world and that i am not as unique as before..."

"What do you mean?"

" it's better if I show you..."

As he gets up I grab his arm and say "this isn't going to hurt you right?"

I weekly smile and say "this only makes me feel better"

She let's go as I get up and walk over to my I pod...

"Now watch this"

I close my eyes and concentrate on my I pod.

I open my eyes and my silver eye starts to glow bright... I use my powers to take it apart to the last transistor then I put it back together...

I stare at his eye in awe as it glows I hear caged the elephants ain't no rest for the wicked cut off suddenly halve way in... I see his iPod coming apart first the casing floats apart then the chips inside start to float apart... Then it reassembles it's self and picks up in the middle of the song... I can only stare at it...

I look at her as she blankly stairs at the I pod... I snap my fingers in front of her she finally snaps out of it she looks at me And can only manage a week "h...how"

"I can control technology...take it apart assemble it destroy change it...all with my mind... I don't know why...well I have theories but nothing solid..."

She sighs

"so what does this p cracker do?"

"truthfully I am not very sure...when I tested the scaled down version though it caused a large explosion that was directed to the core though so I am pretty sure it does the same thing just a lot bigger so I named it the planet cracker because if it activates it should be able to hit the core and blow it up..."

"why haven't u destroyed it"

"it asked me one day so I decided I shouldn't"

"so this guy made one"


"and you have to destroy it?"

"No just neutralize it..."

"Can you?"

"I doubt it I just got to hope it's not dun yet"

"What about the guy?"

"The tecknopath?"


"I have to rescue him..."

"What if he did it willingly and he wants to stay"

"If that's the way it is then I will have to kill him"


"I hate this mission already"

She rubs my back and asks "want sum breakfast?"

"I'm not hungry" my stomach grumbles loudly

she laughs "liar"

I smile and we go up for sum breakfast.

After we eat we go to school.

Every thing goes as normal until 7th...

When I get in my 7th per class Ruby isn't there...Where could he be... Shit I bet he skipped because of the dream

After school we go back to my house and go to my room to watch movies until we fall asleep in each other's arms...

Ruby's Journal entry number 4:

The alarm went off and I sat bolt upright at the speed of light almost. I was covered in sweat and naked, only registering the bleak sound of the alarm beeping. I didn't know that Reia was in my bed, I didn't know what we had done the night before. All that registered was the noise and the dream. Movement next to me, I instinctively moved my hand under the bedside wall where I kept my gun, pressed the hidden button and before I moved my hand in the door it all came back to me. Who was there, what had happened and the realization that it was just a dream. Just a memory of what once passed brought back by the dream. I sighed, pressed the button to lock the compartment and leaned against the wall. She sat up and stared at me confused.

"What's the matter?" she asked

I blearily replied in a monotone

"nothing, nothing, the alarm scared me is all, we better get ready for school"

At that I got off the bed, went to my dresser, picked out some clothes for me and realized that she didnt have any.

"I guess you're getting to wear my clothes today since you didn't bring any with you"

She just nodded, sitting with her feet off the bed

I went into the closet and picked the pants I hadn't worn for more than three years, they were to small for me now, but Reia would probably fit into them, got my smallest belt and one of my regular shirts and last year's jacket for her

"Try the pants on, they are the smallest along with the belt"

She did, the pants slightly baggy on her but otherwise they fit and would stay on her as long as she didnt bounce too much.

"Do you want to go first for the shower?" I asked

she smiled seductively and answered "I want to shower with you"

I just shrugged, walked over to my computer and typed in the command for the shower playlist.

Silversun pickup's lazy eye played over the surround sound speakers in the bathroom.

There wasn't a room in my home that didn't have surround sound speakers or hidden areas, one of my better ideas and Tails was rather jealous of it, but he had a full run way out his back door. I kept mine much more secret. My runway was more batman style because it was under the house; the outward entrance wasn't to far from Reia's house actually. I looked up at her and said "Why don't you get it started, I'll be there in a minute, I have to do something"

She was curious, I could read it, but she didn't press it any further. The second she entered the bathroom, I punched the final key into the code sequence and the hidden door slide open. I stopped it from opening all the way and stuck my head in and said soft enough for Reia not to hear me.

"Reset system and optimize performance by analyzing previous settings" I pressed the button on the wall and the door closed. I walked into the bathroom, steam was coming from the shower and I stepped in. Reia was leaning against the wall waiting for me and the moment I stepped in she hugged me close. I smiled and hugged her back. I felt the predator in me rising but I held it back, it wasn't the time for that. We swayed back and forth with the water washing over us, the song changed to something by Coheed and Cambria, but I was to preoccupied by how soft she was to know what song. At the end of that song however was when I grabbed the soap and washed her off, she responded in kind with me.

We stepped out of the shower just as Flogging Molly's Seven deadly sins started to play. After we got dried off we both got dressed, my shirt hanging down to her knees and my jacket at least two sizes too big for her, I grabbed my necessities' and we left for school. On the way there we stopped at her house for her school stuff.

I of course went in the back way, no one I knew hung out at the back entrance, and we went to class. Of course, Samantha noticed that Reia was wearing overly baggy clothes and was in a conversation with me. It's not hard to read someone while in a conversation so I did so. There was a mix of emotions that was hard to read. There was curiosity, anger, surprise, happiness, sadness and most interestingly jealousy. I shoved it out of my mind however; I had other things to do because the class had just gotten the paper for the day. I was done in thirty seconds. Both Samantha and Reia were staring at me amazed, but they seemed content with me just guessing. When Reia focused on her work, I pulled my psp out and did a few quick home system checks, everything seemed alright but I did a few tweaks just in case. The bell rang. I hate it when I lose time. Probably looked weird, me staring at the screen of the psp, not doing anything, and on the psp screen were lots of complex algorithms and binary code sequences'. Reia grabbed my hand softly once I had everything together and guided me to her next class so I could walk her there next time. She gave me a quick kiss and hugged me. She was so soft, I didn't ever want to let go of her, but eventually she pulled away to get to class, I didn't stop her. Turning, I went to my next class. The memory coming back to me. I was barely conscious of getting to my second period, and when I blinked, I was under the bridge. Losing time again, this wasn't good, it almost always meant I had to relive a memory. Fucking dreams, I take the pills strictly for this reason, so I won't dream, but last night was special and I had forgotten. A flash of light and my mind was gone to the past. I saw what I saw then, a stranger in my own body and could do nothing about it.


"Why Nita's squad? What did you do to make him put you in charge of her squad?"

Tails laughed

"I shot him in the foot"

I laughed with him

"I'm going to need your help with this one Ruby, you know how I am with Nita"

"You couldn't have stopped me from helping somehow, come on, let's go get geared up"

We walked into the armory that had our names on it, put our spec op suits on. Nothing fancy, standard infrared radar, fire retardant, cold resistant, personal comp pads on our wrists, but that was where our suits matching qualities fell away. His allowed for faster movement of his fingers and his personal comp pad had about three dozen extra buttons. By stark contrast, my suit allowed more information intake by enhancing all of my senses, including my reading. With the suit, I could directly communicate via thought and senses. I often acted as a live walkie talkie with other members of our squad, and with the second feature of my suit was able to not black out by the incredible information intake. That was a personal smart AI, a custom feature that I built into the suit and Tails designed for the AI he created. I put the helmet on and felt the rush of her going into my head. The other members of our squad could handle it to a degree, but I was the only one who could fully withstand the AI's mind. If any of the other squad members lost their helmet or had it destroyed without moving the AI somewhere else on their suit, the AI would be destroyed as well, whereas I could literally keep the AI in my mind, not needing the suit to hold her. However, due to our closeness, an unforeseen complication arose. We loved each other. To a point that love seemed to small a feeling to express for each other. She manifested herself as a spry cat and pounced at me, hugging me tightly. I smiled.

"Hey Lacy, sorry I couldn't take you with me for the briefing, but you'll find it in my memory"

I felt the cool prodding touch in my mind and the briefing happened again, two hours of time experienced in less than a second. Almost always caused vertigo, and I had to sit down for a minute while my senses returned to the present. I didn't mind it, as long as I had warning.

"Sorry love" Lacy turned to Tails "Soo, what's with you and this Nita"

"Long story, maybe you should probe me through Ruby's sixth sense"

She did so, this was worse than vertigo, experiencing someone else's senses fully for months that flashed by a single second.

"Enough" I said "You're going to give me a migraine with that"

Tails smiled before saying "Hey, she was your idea to begin with"

"Whatever, let's just get everything in the jeep and get going"

I strapped my P90 with dot scope on my chest, Five-seveN, and Desert eagle onto my hips, sheathing my sword on my back, put my helmet on and walked out to the jeep, taking the driver's side. A few seconds later Lacy manifested as a mini version of the cat she just used, sitting on the steering wheel. A second after that, Tails joined me in the jeep on the passenger side, with the same gear with the exception of a SA 1911 Operator instead of the Five-seveN.

Fours hours later, four-hundred miles away, we came across Nita's encampment. I jumped out, grabbed the two tents from the jeep bed and began setting them up in the camp against a wall of a nearby mostly destroyed buildings. I cut the link between me and Tails once he took care of the formalities, no doubt they wanted some privacy, and sure enough, when I finished putting our tents up and turned to inspect Nita's squad for myself, I saw Nita hugging Tails tightly and pulling him towards his tent. As they passed me I just smiled and went back to inspecting the troops. Nita included, there was twenty-four. Twenty of them standard military troops with m16's and 9mm, two snipers with SVD's and 9mm and two spotters with MP7s and Socoms.

Not bad for taking on fifteen to twenty elite forces of eggmans army. I turned and went back to my tent to rest.

A few hours later Tails poked his head in my tent.

"Did you set up perimeter cams?"

I nodded and pointed to the screen to my left

"And the troops?" He asked

"twenty-four including Nita, twenty of them with m16s and 9mm, two sniper squads with SVDs MP7s, 9mms and Socoms"

"Not bad actually" he said

"I said the same thing"

"Thanks for the privacy earlier by the way"

"Like I wanted to feel your fun time" I said with a smile

Then I felt it, through the link, Tails felt it too. I turned to the perimeter cameras. Nothing. There it was again, the feeling of loss as a life

nearby ended.

"Fuck!" we both said at the same time

I unstrapped and leveled my P90

"Ill get Nita, is she in your tent?"

Tails nodded. I exited my tent and ran towards his only ten meters away. People were dyeing all around me so stealthily that, had I not felt anything, would have been over in a minute. I burst through the tent entrance just in time to see Nita pulling her shirt on over her white coyote fur. She saw the look on my face and was instantly alert. I handed her my P90 and drew my Five-seveN. I felt only five familiar life signs. I had to get back to my tent before the last three died. Shots rang out and were abruptly cut off. In seconds Nita and I were with Tails back in my tent. The Air Exploded. All three of us were blown back through the wall my tent was against and into a dirty office room. About six-hundred pounds of rock was on top of me, but I shifted the rocks and crawled into the next room silently. I probed the area with my mind. Five enemies, two heading our way. I peeked out the door I came in from. Tails was on his knees, holding Nita in his arms; he was rocking back and forth. He only had his Deagle and sword left. When the two enemy elites stood in the hole of the wall, Tails looked up. He radiated predator, he lost all his sentience in the moment and was entirely a wild fox. Faster than thought he was apron the two elites. He lunged at ones neck, they dodged. I jumped out and charged the other, my sword unsheathed and held high. Tails apparently gained some of his sentience because one of his tails held his sword, but he stayed on all fours. We leaped at the same time. Tails going for the neck and slicing the sword across the only direction the enemy had to escape, my sword going in the chest of the other and out the back, leaving a fist sized hole where the heart would have been. In a matter of five seconds, two enemies died. We turned and charged the closes enemy. Tails sliced his neck a second after my sword punched its way through his stomach. Lacy pointed out the other two enemy's direction as they ran. We followed. Three miles in two minutes must have been a record but neither of us cared. A nano second read later and I knew there were thirty-two of them. Intel had got it wrong again. Lacy read my mind and began enhancing my speed, at that moment, I was as fast as Sonic and killed five of them, each of them had about an eighth of a second to respond to seeing their friend killed. A second later, I fell to the ground, both calves torn, and bicep pulled. Tails protected me while I overcame the pain. In that time he had killed thirteen. I sat up and began slicing them down with my other arm. In terms of movement, there was none for me. I was kneeling in the dirt, unable to even stand.

They learned quick, three more dead and they kept their distance, realizing I couldnt move much. They took aim and nine shots rang out. Nine enemy bodies hit the ground. Tails still had his Deagle, but it was empty now.

It was that time that Lacy pointed out the airship above us. Shit, one of eggmans airships. A low buzz, flash of light and excruciating pain that seemed to last for hours. Dim light, pain in my legs and right arm, and an excruciating headache that almost made me black out again. Tails was to my right and a doctor on my left. Tails had cuts all over him, almost like a grenade went off to close to him. I briefly wondered if I had the same cuts across my body but put it out of my mind as I heard Tails talk as if from another room.

"I don't care about his muscles or the micro shrapnel in him, I want to know if you can put the damn micro chip in his head so he can stabilize other members of the squad when they lose their minds over grief or something without having to wear the fucking suit!"

"I'll try, but I have to get these pieces of rock and metal, sew up his muscles and put the arm in a cast before I can worry about designing a chip to take brainwaves in and turn them into something his brain can use" The doc said in a deep voice.

I felt everything fading, I was passing out again and caught only the end of what Tails said

".... is already done, put it in his head first, connection with my mind will heal him faster"

Sweet blackness.

Not a sound.

Not a smell.

Not a feeling.

Not a taste.

Not a sight.

Not an emotion.

I was alone, truly alone.

I was alone forever, nobody, nothing.

I was dead.

Wait, I can't be dead.

I can still think.

But what am I?

Bits of information came and went. Things about someone named Ruby, someone named Lacy, and something about an AI.

From what I pieced together, this Ruby couldn't get another Lacy because he was in sick hall too much. This Lacy turned out to be an AI.

I didn't understand any of it.

Suddenly I could feel. I could feel the entire time but didn't know.

I felt stupid and sighed. I realized I could breath.

What else didn't I know?

Sudden light. I slammed my eyes shut. And passed out into what I can only describe as a dream

there I was, laying on the ground, sword laid slack against the ground and Tails protecting me in his rage. A reddish green light was shining directly onto me. I could feel the pain again, but it was shadowed away by something else, by something artificial. Something said "I love you, Tails will get you away"

Tails suddenly turned and picked me up, leaving the sword and ran as fast as he could carring me. I didnt follow, I was too curious of this artificial intelligence. I looked up past the light to the airship. The light turned off. Other lights in the ship began pulsating and suddenly, it began to fall. Suddenly I was with my body again being dragged behind it. I watched the ship fall and crash to the ground. There was multiple explosions and hundreds of things flew past. I felt the shadow of pains where peices hit my body.

I opened my eyes and was once again blinded, shutting them tight once more.

Tails was crouched at my body talking into something, sounds of a helicopter drew close and my body was lifted into it.

I opened my eyes, a hand blocking the light, another hand pushing me onto my side and I saw a chair. Then the hands removed themselves and Tails sat in the chair I saw.

"She saved you Ruby; she saved us both" he said

In the process of doing, I discovered I could talk



He said her name, and once he did, I remembered everything, who I was, who she was, who Tails was and why I remembered his name, everything that happened.

I cried into my pillow right then and there.


It took me awhile to decipher the crying from my memory to the small rush of water of the stream that flowed under the bridge. It took me even longer

to register the small girl asleep in my lap holding my hand. I checked the time, School ended four hours ago.

"Fucking time losses" I muttered to myself

I brushed Reia's cheek softly and woke her up. She looked up at me, but didn't say anything. I grabbed her's and my things together and set of, she

followed. Once we got to her house, she took her things inside, and came back outside with a bag of clothes under her arm. Once she got to me she

took my arm and we went towards my home. Once there, I put my things up and sat on the love seat in the living room. She sat next to me.

"So why were you rock solid the entire time I was with you and every time you made a noise it mentioned some girl named Lacy? Who is this Lacy?" She said firmly.

I sighed

"It's a long story Reia, a really long story" I put my head in my hands

"I've got time" she said

So I told her, I told her everything. I showed her my hidden computer room. I showed her the runway and submarine drop station under my home. Showed her satellite pictures of Tails home with his runway. Showed her my uniform with its foxhound patch proving me to be part of an elite group of child

solders. She took it all in stride, and at the end of my tale, she kissed me, horrified that I had taken so much abuse and understood that nothing I

could do would take away those memories of Lacy, or the foxhound unit. In the end, we fell asleep holding each other's hand once again on my bed. I

hadn't forgotten to take the anti-dream pills this time.

End Journal entry #4

I wake up early with her arm wrapped around me...

So tempting to stay here with her...butt alas I have to get ready for the mission...

I gently lift her arm and replace my body with a pillow as I get out of bed... I walk down to my lab and go to my armory... I grab a Barrett, an AA 12, and a box of ammo for each. Then I go to the end of the run way and say "set up my target drones" 20 little robots run out as I put down the ammo cans and take out 5 clips of ammo for both my weapons and load each one... I go prone and say "Rachel take control of the drones, randomize cover, and, non lethal rounds authorized..."

Instantly about 50 small buildings poop up out of the ground along with one tower dead center.


I quickly get up and run with the Barrett and the 2 boxes of ammo All the way to the building slamming my back against it...

I sling my Barrett across my back and unsling my AA12 and slam a clip home.

I empty the boxes in my pockets and toss each box to either side... One box falls down onto the ground in the middle of the street the other one makes a hollow thunk and fly's back about 10 feet as it is shot out of the air I roll out of my cover and level the fully automatic shot gun at the first robot it explodes into a million pieces as a frag round hits it dead center.

I grab a long piece of metal as I run to the tower destroying 2 more along the way. Once I get there I kick open the door and clear the room... Once I clear it I use the mettle to jam the door shut I clear the rest of the house and toss a green flair out of the window to let Rachel know to increase the enemy count as she sees fit

I run up to the top of the tower and un sling the Barrett. Once I get there I set up and start aiming and taking them out one by one

I shoot up out of bed as I hear a loud bang I perk my ears up to try to listen to it... A few seconds later I hear it again... I look at my right hand as it is pressed down on a pillow tails...

I get up and head straight down to the airfield. When I get there I start to head for the center of the... "Town"



Bang 3 more snipers go down

As I am searching for my next target I glance over a white figure... I head rite back to it... Why is Samantha out here she spots me in the tower and waves I set down my Barrett as I wave with one hand and reach for the red flair with the other


A rubber ball about the size of a big marble hits me square in the head

I hear the bang and see tails slam his hand against his fore head

I hear him yell "ouch that really fucking hurts"...

He ducks behind a wall and tosses a red flair off the roof it hits the ground and 30 little robots come out of various buildings and line up outside of the tower the tower door slams open and tails steps out holding a large rifle and a smaller strange looking rifle with a drum on it slung across his chest... Rubbing a huge red mark

"hey Samantha... Did I wake you"

I can barely keep from laughing as I stare at his red mark. "um yeah...are you ok?"

He touches the red mark and winces "ile be fine... Sorry I woke you baby"

I reach for it and say "got ya good huh?"

He pulls out a rubber ball and hands it to me he points to a robot to the left of me "the only one who managed to touch me..."

She kneels next to it and starts poking around the wiring "so what controls it?"


"ah well Rachel just kicked your ass then without ever having a chance to fight with a body?"

"I took out over 100 of them"

I poke the red mark

"ouch...lucky shot"

"I'm pretty sure Rachel would agree with me that it is tactics"

"ok she might of got me on that one"

"but u did pretty good baby"

she kisses me and I wrap my free hand around her.

I break the kiss and ask "so how about we make sum breakfast after I take care of this little bump."

She laughs as we walk back inside

Once we are in I smile and tell her to go up stairs I go to the little medical table I had set up and grab a needle of grey liquid and say "program these to remove the swelling and sooth the skin"

I hear Rachel say "ok baby"

I close my eyes and inject a small amount of nanites into the red bump

I sit there a second as I feel the swelling go down and the red heat go away... You've got to love those nanites...

After I feel it all leave my system I head up stairs to see an extremely pleasant sight....Samantha cooking with a apron on.... And nothing else...

I smile as I say "hey babe what's for breakfast"

She turns her head and grins "well right now I'm fixing some scrambled eggs but they will take a few more minutes so for now..." she turns around and hoops up on the counter and spreads her legs "... "Me"

I frown in frustration and say in a sum what sad voice "alas that would distract me from my mission but a rain check?"

She frowns and says "better or else"

"or else what?"

She gets a inch away from my face and says in a seductive tone "I'll have to strap u down and have my fun with you"

I manage to keep my composhier and say "Maybe we can try that another day too"

She hoops off and hugs me tight and says "that would be fun and I promise you will be begging me for more"

I just kiss her and hold her close to me for a few minutes then my stomach growls loudly

She laughs loudly as I let go. She says "Maybe after we eat we can talk about it more"

I laugh and we eat our eggs on my couch.

Once we are done I lye my head down on her lap and just rest there looking at her beautiful green eyes....

After a hour I see a little light pop out of the ceeling above us.. I cock my head to the rite trying to remember what that light is fore then it starts flashing read just as I remember. I jump off the couch and yell for Rachel she materializes rite in front of me.

"Are we under attack?"

"I don't know but it's less than a mile away heading straight for us"

Samantha just looks at me wide eyed

"Why wasn't I informed earlier?"

"It's radar shadow is the size of a dove"

"How big is it?"

The TV cuts out and flashes to a video of what looks like a black c130.

She says "I only caught it because it's flying so low I caught it with a security camera I am priming the SAM missile launcher."

"Don't prime them just show them that we have a shit load of teeth"

Out side 50 Sam turret emplacements flip up out of the ground surrounding the house. I go to a drawer and pull out a small hand held radio I twist a knob on top of it so it is broadcasting on all frequencies.

I push a button on the side and say "un known aircraft this is fox hound command you are entering restricted air space respond or you will be fired on"

I hear a voice from the radio come over and say "fox hound this is black bird we have no hostile intent"

"black bird state your intent"

I look at Rachel and nod to her

She disappears as the pilot of the plain says "I think my commander can say it better" the radio cuts and I hear a very framiler voice come over and say "tails this is Smokey from yesterday we have all sorts of red lights flashing around hear can you pleas stand down"

"stand by"

I set the radio down and head over to a control panel. I flip a few switches and all the SAMs power down. I grab the radio and say "tell the pilot to release the sticks"

There is a pause "dun"

I say over the radio "Rachel land for them"

I put the radio down and hold my hand out for Samantha.

She takes it and we head down stairs to the air strip

We watch the big black plane, that looked like what you would get if you crossed a ac130 and a stealth fighter, land at the opiset and taxi over to us. Once it stops 5 grey wolves in black uniforms go down the rear cargo ramp as it starts to go down they go strait into a neat little formation once the ramp goes down completely. I see the old bare walk down the ramp. He just caushuley turns and starts walking towards me the solders marching perfectly

Brain washed drones

He stops a bit in front of me solders coming to a halt a few feet away from him.

He smiles and says "hello tails"

"that's teckgenral to you.... Smokey... Did you give me solders or troops?"

He looks at me confused "what's the difference?"

"watch this Smokey"

I go around him and command "listen carefully men"

I go rite up to the first person on the left "this is a order... Do not move and try not to make a sound."

I crack my knuckles and slam my fist into the stomach of the first guy.

It makes contact he coughs up air. I go down the line hitting each of them once getting more pissed with each one. By the time I get to the last guy I am pissed. I put it all into this punch knowing that I could cause his stomach to tear just before my punch hits he moves to grab my arm and flip me behind him. I catch myself with my tails. I go up to him even more pissed "why did you disobey a direct order trooper?"

He goes to attention and says "that command can only be given if we are yours... Foxhound sop says that until the commander officially accepts the troops they are aloud to not follow orders sir..."

"Is that it"

"i also have a strong will to survive sir"

There is a moment of silent tension... I hear a growl come from the first person...

Still looking at the guy who flipped me I say in a stern voice "didn't I order you to shut the fuck up?"

It quickly stops.

I growl and break from the guy who flipped me and get in the first guys face "Do you like pissing me off?"

He stiffens up "no sir"

I point to the Wolfe at the end "he is rite on 2 levels first he did his research on his new unit second he wants to live... He thinks for himself so I could leave him without contact to command and he will show up to the debrief the next morning" I step back and go back to Smokey "you gave me 4 troops and one solder... You just signed these men's death warrant..."

He looks me strait in the eye "you got what u got"

I sigh I salute him and say "fox hound unit accepts these solders"

he salute back

I look at the new solders I point to the one who flipped me "he is your platoon Sargent"

I look at the new platoon Sargent "form them up in the hanger"

He salutes "yes sir"

They run off leaving me and Smokey alone...

I look at Smokey and ask "do u have a car?"

He looks towards me and wissels

I hear a car door slam from the inside of the plain and the loud roar wich could be only one of my favriot cars....

A orange 05 challenger roars out of the plain and skids to a halt rite infront of me and smoky...

I look into the window and can make out a guy in a suit siting in the drivers seat "nice car so who's the suit"

"my driver and the pilot of the plain"

"good then it will be ok if I do this"

Rachel and Smokey just look at me strangely as I get into the classic fox hound fighting position.

I suddenly knife my hand into his right side... 7th rib down... You can hear a sickening crack as I make contact with the rib. He roars in pain and clutches his ribs I give him a moment of cursing the very ground I live on and Samantha freaking out before I say anything once they are done "I ask are you 2 finished"

Samantha just glares at me and says "what the he'll was that about"

I glare at Smokey "the night of that dream he hacked my computer. When u went into the shower I looked at it and started talking to him you said something very embracing and he laughed at us... This was a lesson"

She gets furious and goes over to Smokey and plans her shoe into his groin "fucker!"

He grunts in pain... I pick him up and put him into the passenger seat and smile to the driver

"please take smoky to a hospital" I slam the door and hug Samantha

"I love u babe..."

"I love u 2"

Ruby's Journal Entry Number Five

I had a rough night. Reia got to sleep easily enough, curled up against me. But me, I didn't sleep at all. It was a common occurrence, but it seemed to drag on forever now that there was something that forced my focus. Reia. She was soft and small. She seemed so fragile that if I had moved a single inch, she would shatter into a thousand pieces. I tried reading her several times, but dreams are hard to make out. All I got was comfort and happiness. I didn't know what made her happy and comfortable in her dreams. The alarm clock went off but I stayed stock still, holding Reia. She woke up from the sounds after about a minute and looked up at my with a big beautiful smile on her face. I smiled back; it took me several more seconds to have the courage to move. She just looked so fragile, but eventually she gave me a little push in the chest.

"Well aren't you going to turn that annoying noise off of what?"

"Oh sorry, I wasn't paying attention to it, only to you"

She blushed and buried her head in the pillow trying to hide it. So I got up and went to the computer to shut down the alarm.

"Why is your alarm on the computer? Why not just a normal bedside digital clock alarm like everyone else"

I replied back with "Because the computers are powered by a cold fusion nuclear reactor down in my workshop, so if the power gets shut down to the island because of an enemy attack, me and Tails can retaliate with all of our systems intact and therefore, all of our weapons and AI's"

She looked dumbfounded

I chuckled softly

"What, you thought everything I said and showed you last night was just a dream?"

She nodded slowly and I laughed.

"Anyway, today is Friday and I've just about skipped my daily maintence routine for the last four days so I think I'm going to skip school today, want me to drop you off and pick you up?"

She was speechless for about a minute before she said "No, I want to be with you, so I'll skip school too"

"I'm a bad influence on you" I said and kissed her "But this plays out good, I wont need to deal with the regular AI's down in the workshop and runway, but first, shower time"

I took her hand softly and guided her to the bathroom, she regained her sense and started fine tuning the hot to cold ratio as I got the towels and clothes set out. Once everything was right we striped and stepped into the shower.

She looked up straight into my eyes "You forgot the music sweetly"

I smiled down back at her and without looking pressed a brighter color tile in the shower in witch a computer screen activated and took over, she watched my hand and I watched her. Slowly I typed "music file 413" and let it stay there. She looked back at me

"I don't hear anything" I smiled bigger and said

"Play!" To which the surround sound speakers in the bathroom started playing Blister in the Sun by the Violent Femmes. I mouthed the words and she giggled and step back to give me room to dance to which I did. She laughed and danced as well. When the song was over we were both laughing happily and she hugged me. I used my tail to grab the soap and washed her with it, not letting go over her. She seemed to understand what my tail was doing and she reached for the other soap but I kept her from it.

(Lemon warning or w/e)

"Nope, you are my prey and I want my prey clean before I eat it" I said as part of my tail brushed against her inner thigh slowly

She grabbed my shoulders softly and got closer against me. My tail replaced the soap and flicked the shower head against her to rinse the soap from her fur. Once it was all gone from her, I liked me lips, trying to look like a predator and bit down on her neck softly, I was careful not to break the skin or even bruise her, just enough for her to feel my teeth. She moaned lightly into my ear and I dragged my hands down against her hips and to behind her thighs. My mouth followed slowly down against her front, stopping to bite her nipples lightly to which she gave a generous moan. The whole time I made sure she felt my teeth through her fur against her skin. Once I was level with her pussy I gave a slow tortureing lick against it flicking her clit with my tongue once my tongue had reached it. Her moan was satisfying to me, so I repeated the movement with more detail against her clit. She dragged her fingers against my head slowly, I knew she wanted more than my tongue. I thrust a finger into her and got a lovely moan. I massaged her clit with my tongue, all the while thrusting my finger into her. A minute passed with the same rhythm, before I pushed another finger deep into her. She came, right then and there, and I licked it up like a ravoness animal. I stood up and she leaned against me, I kissed her. Dragon force was playing through the speakers when I stepped out of the shower holding her upright. I sat her on the counter and used a towel to dry her off.

"Your mean, could have given me a warning you were in the mood or I would have retaliated" Her foot rubbed against my penis as she said it

"I would have gone to far, besides, I need you to be able to walk"

She blushed and I started drying myself. Once everything was dry, I put my clothes on. Reia didn't, she just stared at me while I dried myself and clothed myself.

"Why are you staring at me? You should be getting dressed"

"Because you are a very sexy fox"

I chuckled lightly as she jumped down from the counter and slid her hands up under my shirt to my chest and back down against my lower stomach before she took off my shirt and put it on, strolling over and grabbing a pair of underwear she brought and put them on, they disappeared under my shirt which fell to her knees.

"Now THAT is sexy" I said

she replied back "Good, cause you don't get to wear a shirt today" and took hold of my hand. I lead her out of the bathroom and to the computer, putting the correct sequence in, watching the hidden door slide open, going in it and watching it close. Pressing a sequence into another keyboard and watching another door open to reveal another area, only about the size of a closet, going into it, pressing the single button on the wall. The door closes and a sensation of being lighter for about three seconds, the door opens once again to reveal a whole different room, a room about the size of two football fields.

This room contained two small fighter jets with the team logo painted on them, one small helicopter and about four counters that had large drawers and double decker layering. On the top of three were guns of all different calibers and the drawers contained the bullets for them. On the fourth counter there were swords and knives of differing lengths and lethality, some with serrated edges, others with edges shaper than a razor, all of them with industrial diamond dust molted in for superior strength and in the drawers of this last counter were explosives of all kinds. One drawer was filled with grenades even. Off to the side of this was another computer station with screens as large as a futon bed, ranging down to twenty inch by seventeen inch. That was my destination. Across the rooms from the fighter jets was a suspended two man submarine hanging over a slide away door, underneath which was a man made tunnel big enough for two of the subs to the ocean about a mile away. Leading off to the north where Tail's house was located, there was a long runway that lead off into pitch blackness. I smiled, pointed in its direction and told Reia "That comes out right behind your house, so if you hear a sudden screeching sound like a car slamming its breaks, more than likely, I'm landing from a practice run, which is on the to-do list today"

She stared at me dumbfounded like she wasn't comprehending what I just said. I smiled softly and waited for her

"You mean, your gunna fly that thing" She said pointing at one of the fighter jets, to which I just nodded.

She then preceded to stare at it for a good five minutes. I occupied this time by activating the two "dumb" AI's I had at my disposal, both of which I had written the programming for. A weekend well spent if I might say. All AI's were smart, they just had limitations to their creativity factors, meaning, in the area of mechanics and physics, they were artificial Einstein's. However, outside that, they were completely clueless, the only reasons I had them, was for maitnece duties and prep for takeoff and landing. The AI's Tails wrote, like his Rachel for example were relatively "smart" AI's in the matter of how they could evolve and find new creative ideas. Even Rachel had limitations however. I rand a systems diagnostics check and had the physics AI, named Charles do an inventory of weapons and ammo for everything while the maintainense AI named Micheal prep the runway and sub launch tunnel for take off in the next few hours. Lights began turning on above the runway when Reia finally spoke

"How are you doing all this at the same time?"

"I have Mike doing the launch prep, while Charles is doing weapon check, and I am checking the systems of everything to see if they are running like they are supposed to"

"I only see you, where are these other two people?"

I made a gesture at the computer "They are AI's"

"An AI?"

"Yeah, you know, artificial intelligence"

This time she just stared at me, to which I just smiled back. Looked at the screen and frowned. I cursed softly, pressed a button on one of the smaller monitors and the image transferred to the biggest screen.

"That's easily fixed" I said to myself as I strode over to a few drawers pressed into the walls, pulled out complex tools and walked to a seemingly bare section of wall, it slid open once I got close enough to it. Inside was something that could only be described as a ten foot tall car engine. I walked up to it, and crawled into the crawl space that more or less led to the center of it, pulled the complex tool in front of me, fit it into a certain area and spun a dial on it. A soft ssss issued from it and I crawled out, looked at the big screen and saw the levels equalizing. Good, cold fusion reactors were always easy to fix if you caught the problem within a day of it surfacing, anytime after that and it gets tricky, mainly because they become unstable and what may fix it early on will destroy it and destroying a one trillion dollar device doesn't go over to well with the government. I strolled back to the screen and told the computer to constantly monitor it and relay its stats to the fighter jet's personal screen. A voice came over the speakers and said

"Will the young lady be joining you on your test flight today?" I looked over at her, she had sat down on a work chair I had not to far from the computer control system I was at. She needed some fun.

"Yes she will"

That got her attention and she jumped up

"No, no way, not in a million years will I get in that thing"

"Why not? It will be fun, plus, I'll be gone for the whole day and I don't want to leave you here without something to do"

She pouted softly "Do you even have a pilots license?"

"You don't need one when in a government plane, not to mention, I've only ever met four people that could come close to shooting me down and three of them are now dead" Nita flashed through my mind for a second but I brushed her aside.

"Who is the other one?" she asked

"Tails" I replied

At that moment two suits dropped from the ceiling, suspended on hangers from the ceiling, one if from of Reia and one in front of me. I didn't bother taking anything off, just zipped the suit up around me. Reia on the other hand, got the shirt stuck in the zipper, so I helped her.

Five minutes later, we were in the jet and it was in position on the runway. A small countdown did its job, in effect specifically for Reia.

Three... Two... One... I hit the accelerator hard and we were gone, from the room through the runway tunnel, a second after that and gone completely from the runway into open clean sky, I turned towards the sea so debris didn't fall on to people and their houses. Meanwhile, the Charles and Mike were busy setting up and sending out hosts of "TP" drones to hover at differing heights, differing miles away from the island at sea in seemingly random positions. Once they, they could move freely within two miles of that location.

I circled the island twice, doing barrel rolls and flips for my amusement at Reia's expense. Sure it sounds wrong but she was having a good time, just didn't show it outwardly. Once I spotted my first "TP" drone, it was gone seconds later as well as three rounds. I was in combat mode now and hunted down another rather quickly.

The bullets only lasted about an hour, and by that time only fifteen drones were left. This was where it got interesting in my book. No rounds and just four missiles. Time for the tricky stuff. I did a flyby of the drone I located and turned around as if doing another in an opposite direction, only this time I altered my flight to be about exactly three inches above it and flew strait at it. At the last second I deployed the landing gear, and the drone was hit so hard by the reinforced wheel coverings that it exploded into a shower of shrapnel. I smiled to myself, that was something I would have to remember. The next fourteen drones were easy enough, I rounded them up together with carful slow speed passes so they would chase me, and once I had about four of them within a yard of each other I deployed a missile and took them all out at the same time. Generally the same thing happened with the last ten.

Reia was amazed at my skill and was speechless at having witness me use them, then again, she never really did ever see a fighter jet in person, and therefore got to ride in one with a pro. As I turned inbound for the sub tests I got a message, not from my home system, but from Tails and it read in the standard military font: "Come by my house, we have a mission to do"

He was in luck, only about half a mile from his house, so I turned slightly and a few seconds later his runway came into view, I did a quick pass to lose my speed and came down on the run way at an even pace, stopping just before his hangers. I opened the hatch, jumped out and helped Reia down. Before walking over to where Tails stood next to a stealth c130, I pressed a small button on the underside of the jet and a psp dropped out, I caught it smoothly and pocketed it.

Halfway unzipped my flight suit so my chest showed and walked straight up to Tails and coolly said "What's up?"

End Journal Entry Number Five

Mydjet: hey guys and gals (probley more likely guys) just wanted to let u all knw a few things first thank you for reading this readers and sry I didn't release this sooner... thank you. Second I might write for fun but I would like a few suggestions for future parts. Third we are introducing 2 new characters one of which will be controlled by a 3rd writer...however more Intel about them will be provided in the part after that one. Lastly the next part will be out in a few days along with a contest connected to the [www.fanfiction.net](%5C) version of this story... so keep reading"

Tails: for all who want to flame to start the proses click the red x at the top right of the screane

Ruby: read and review

I pod love part 6

I pod love part 6 I wake up early with her arm wrapped around me... So tempting to stay here with her...but alas I have to get ready for the mission... I gently lift her arm and replace my body with a pillow as I get out of bed... I walk down...

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i pod love part4

At the end of that day, Ruby found himself in Barnes and Noble, one of his favorite places to be other than the video game store. He often wandered there on days when he had been to stressed to focus his mind outward at things he passed or where he...

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i pod love part 3

iPod love part 3 Regret As we were flying I felt something in his leg pocket brush up against me. I quickly dismiss the thing in the pocket just thinking of how romantic it is flying with him. I push my muzzle into his chest sniffing vigorously...