I pod love part 6

Story by mydjet on SoFurry

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I pod love part 6

I wake up early with her arm wrapped around me...

So tempting to stay here with her...but alas I have to get ready for the mission...

I gently lift her arm and replace my body with a pillow as I get out of bed... I walk down to my lab and go to my armory... I grab a Barrett, a AA 12, and a box of ammo for each. Then I go to the end of the run way and say "set up my target drones" 20 little robots run out as I put down the ammo cans and take out 5 clips of ammo for both my weapons and load each one... I go prone and say "Rachel take control of the drones, randomize cover, and, non lethal rounds authorized..."

Instantly about 50 small buildings poop up out of the ground along with one tower dead center.


I quickly get up and run with the Barrett and the 2 boxes of ammo All the way to the building slamming my back against it...

I sling my Barrett across my back and unsling my AA12 and slam a clip home.

I empty the boxes in my pockets and toss each box to either side... One box falls down onto the ground in the middle of the street the other one makes a hollow thunk and fly's back about 10 feet as it is shot out of the air I roll out of my cover and level the fully automatic shot gun at the first robot it explodes into a million pieces as a frag round hits it dead center.

I grab a long piece of metal as I run to the tower destroying 2 more along the way. Once I get there I kick open the door and clear the room... Once I clear it I use the mettle to jam the door shut I clear the rest of the house and toss a green flair out of the window to let Rachel know to increase the enemy count as she sees fit

I run up to the top of the tower and un sling the Barrett. Once I get there I set up and start aiming and taking them out one by one

I shoot up out of bed as I hear a loud bang I perk my ears up to try to listen to it... A few seconds later I hear it again... I look at my right hand as it is pressed down on a pillow tails...

I get up and head straight down to the airfield. When I get there I start to head for the center of the... "Town"



Bang 3 more snipers go down

As I am searching for my next target I glance over a white figure... I head rite back to it... Why is Samantha out here she spots me in the tower and waves I set down my Barrett as I wave with one hand and reach for the red flair with the other


A rubber ball about the size of a big marble hits me square in the head

I hear the bang and see tails slam his hand against his fore head

I hear him yell "ouch that really fucking hurts"...

He ducks behind a wall and tosses a red flair off the roof it hits the ground and 30 little robots come out of various buildings and lineup outside of the tower the tower door slams open and tails steps out holding a large rifle and a smaller strange looking rifle with a drum on it slung across his chest... Rubbing a huge red mark

"hey Samantha... Did I wake you"

I can barely keep from laughing as I stare at his red mark. "um yeah...are you ok?"

He touches the red mark and winces "I'll be fine... Sorry I woke you baby"

I reach for it and say "got ya good huh?"

He pulls out a rubber ball and hands it to me he points to a robot to the left of me "the only one who managed to touch me..."

She kneels next to it and starts poking around the wiring "so what controls it?"


"ah well Rachel just kicked your ass then without ever having a chance to fight with a body?"

"I took out over 100 of them"

I poke the red mark

"ouch...lucky shot"

"I'm pretty sure Rachel would agree with me that it is tactics"

"ok she might of got me on that one"

"but u did pretty good baby"

she kisses me and I wrap my free hand around her.

I break the kiss and ask "so how about we make sum breakfast after I take care of this little bump."

She laughs as we walk back inside

Once we are in I smile and tell her to go up stairs I go to the little medical table I had set up and grab a needle of grey liquid and say "program these to remove the swelling and sooth the skin"

I hear Rachel say "ok baby"

I close my eyes and inject a small amount of nanites into the red bump

I sit there a second as I feel the swelling go down and the red heat go away... You've got to love those nanites...

After I feel it all leave my system I head up stairs to see an extremely pleasant sight....Samantha cooking with a apron on.... And nothing else...

I smile as I say "hey babe what's for breakfast"

She turns her head and grins "well right now I'm fixing some scrambled eggs but they will take a few more minutes so for now..." she turns around and hoops up on the counter and spreads her legs "... Me"

I frown in frustration and say in a sum what sad voice "alas that would distract me from my mission but a rain check?"

She frowns and says "better or else"

"or else what?"

She gets a inch away from my face and says in a seductive tone "I'll have to strap u down and have my fun with you"

I manage to keep my compo shier and say "Maybe we can try that another day too"

She hoops off and hugs me tight and says "that would be fun and I promise you will be begging me for more"

I just kiss her and hold her close to me for a few minutes then my stomach growls loudly

She laughs loudly as I let go. She says "Maybe after we eat we can talk about it more"

I laugh and we eat our eggs on my couch.

Once we are done I lye my head down on her lap and just rest there looking at her beautiful green eyes....

After a hour I see a little light pop out of the ceiling above us... I cock my head to the rite trying to remember what that light is fore then it starts flashing read just as I remember. I jump off the couch and yell for Rachel she materializes rite in front of me.

"Are we under attack?"

"I don't know but it's less than a mile away heading straight for us"

Samantha just looks at me wide eyed

"why wasn't I informed earlier?"

"Its radar shadow is the size of a dove"

"how big is it?"

The TV cuts out and flashes to a video of what looks like a black c130

She says "I only caught it because it's flying so low I caught it with a security camera I am priming the SAM missile launcher."

"Don't prime them just show them that we have a shit load of teeth"

Out side 50 Sam turret emplacements flip up out of the ground surrounding the house. I go to a drawer and pull out a small hand held radio I twist a knob on top of it so it is broadcasting on all frequencies.

I push a button on the side and say "un known aircraft this is fox hound command you are entering restricted air space respond or you will be fired on"

I hear a voice from the radio come over and say "fox hound this is black bird we have no hostile intent"

"black bird state your intent"

I look at Rachel and nod to her

She disappears as the pilot of the plain says "I think my commander can say it better" the radio cuts and I hear a very memorable voice come over and say "tails this is Smokey from yesterday we have all sorts of red lights flashing around here can you please stand down"

"stand by"

I set the radio down and head over to a control panel. I flip a few switches and all the SAMs power down. I grab the radio and say "tell the pilot to release the sticks"

There is a pause "dun"

I say over the radio "Rachel land for them"

I put the radio down and hold my hand out for Samantha.

She takes it and we head down stairs to the air strip

We watch the big black plane, that looked like what you would get if you crossed a ac130 and a stealth fighter, land at the opposite and taxi over to us. Once it stops 5 grey wolves in black uniforms go down the rear cargo ramp as it starts to go down they go strait into a neat little formation once the ramp goes down completely. I see the old bare walk down the ramp. He just caushuley turns and starts walking towards me the solders marching perfectly

Brain washed drones

He stops a bit in front of me solders coming to a halt a few feet away from him.

He smiles and says "hello tails"

"that's teckgenral to you.... Smokey... Did you give me solders or troops?"

He looks at me confused "what's the difference?"

"Watch this Smokey"

I go around him and command "listen carefully men"

I go right up to the first person on the left "this is a order... Do not move and try not to make a sound."

I crack my knuckles and slam my fist into the stomach of the first guy.

It makes contact he coughs up air. I go down the line hitting each of them once getting more pissed with each one. By the time I get to the last guy I am pissed. I put it all into this punch knowing that I could cause his stomach to tear just before my punch hits he moves to grab my arm and flip me behind him. I catch myself with my tails. I go up to him even more pissed "why did you disobey a direct order trooper?"

He goes to attention and says "that command can only be given if we are yours... Foxhound sop says that until the commander officially accepts the troops they are allowed to not follow orders sir..."

"Is that it"

"I also have a strong will to survive sir"

There is a moment of silent tension... I hear a growl come from the first person...

Still looking at the guy who flipped me I say in a stern voice "didn't I order you to shut the fuck up?"

It instantly stops.

I break from the guy who flipped me and get in the first guys face "Do you like pissing me off?"

He stiffens up "no sir"

I point to the Wolfe at the end "he is rite on 2 levels first he did his research on his new unit second he wants to live... He thinks for himself so I could leave him without contact to command and he will show up to the debrief the next morning" I step back and go back to Smokey "you gave me 4 troops and one solder... You just signed these men's death warrant..."

He looks me strait in the eye "you got what u got"

I sigh I salute him and say "fox hound unit accepts these solders"

he salute back

I look at the new solders I point to the one who flipped me "he is your platoon Sargent"

I look at the new platoon Sargent "form them up in the hanger"

He salutes "yes sir"

They run off leaving me and Smokey alone...

I look at Smokey and ask "do u have a car?"

He looks towards me and snaps

I hear a car door slam from the inside of the plain and the loud roar which could be only one of my favorite cars....

A orange 05 challenger roars out of the plain and skids to a halt rite in front of me and smoky...

I look into the window and can make out a guy in a suit sitting in the driver's seat "nice car so who's the suit"

"my driver and the pilot of the plain"

"good then it will be ok if I do this"

Rachel and Smokey just look at me strangely as I get into the classic fox hound fighting position.

I suddenly knife my hand into his right side... 7th rib down... You can hear a sickening crack as I make contact with the rib. He roars in pain and clutches his ribs I give him a moment of cursing the very ground I live on and Samantha freaking out before I say anything once they are done "I ask are you 2 finished"

Samantha just glares at me and says "what the he'll was that about"

I glare at Smokey "the night of that dream he hacked my computer. When u went into the shower I looked at it and started talking to him you said something very embracing and he laughed at us... This was a lesson"

She gets furious and goes over to Smokey and plans her shoe into his groin "fucker!"

He grunts in pain... I pick him up and put him into the passenger seat and smile to the driver

"please take smoky to a hospital" I slam the door and hug Samantha

"I love u babe..."

"I love u 2"

Ruby's Journal Entry Number Five

I had a rough night. Reia got to sleep easily enough, curled up against me. But me, I didn't sleep at all. It was a common occurrence, but it seemed to drag on forever now that there was something that forced my focus. Reia. She was soft and small. She seemed so fragile that if I had moved a single inch, she would shatter into a thousand pieces. I tried reading her several times, but dreams are hard to make out. All I got was comfort and happiness. I didn't know what made her happy and comfortable in her dreams. The alarm clock went off but I stayed stock still, holding Reia. She woke up from the sounds after about a minute and looked up at my with a big beautiful smile on her face. I smiled back, it took me several more seconds to have the courage to move. She just looked so fragile, but eventually she gave me a little push in the chest.

"Well aren't you going to turn that annoying noise off of what?"

"Oh sorry, I wasn't paying attention to it, only to you"

She blushed and buried her head in the pillow trying to hide it. So I got up and went to the computer to shut down the alarm.

"Why is your alarm on the computer? Why not just a normal bedside digital clock alarm like everyone else"

I replied back with "Because the computers are powered by a cold fusion nuclear reactor down in my workshop, so if the power gets shut down to the island because of an enemy attack, me and Tails can retaliate with all of our systems intact and therefore, all of our weapons and AI's"

She looked dumbfounded

I chuckled softly

"What, you thought everything I said and showed you last night was just a dream?"

She nodded slowly and I laughed.

"Anyway, today is Friday and I've just about skipped my daily maintence routine for the last four days so I think I'm going to skip school today, want me to drop you off and pick you up?"

She was speechless for about a minute before she said "No, I want to be with you, so I'll skip school too"

"I'm a bad influence on you" I said and kissed her "But this plays out good, I won't need to deal with the regular AI's down in the workshop and runway, but first, shower time"

I took her hand softly and guided her to the bathroom, she regained her sense and started fine tuning the hot to cold ratio as I got the towels and clothes set out. Once everything was right we striped and stepped into the shower.

She looked up straight into my eyes "You forgot the music sweetie"

I smiled down back at her and without looking pressed a brighter color tile in the shower in which a computer screen activated and took over, she watched my hand and I watched her. Slowly I typed "music file 413" and let it stay there. She looked back at me

"I don't hear anything" I smiled bigger and said

"Play!" To which the surround sound speakers in the bathroom started playing Blister in the Sun by the Violent Femmes. I mouthed the words and she giggled and step back to give me room to dance to which I did. She laughed and danced as well. When the song was over we were both laughing happily and she hugged me. I used my tail to grab the soap and washed her with it, not letting go over her. She seemed to understand what my tail was doing and she reached for the other soap but I kept her from it.

(Lemon warning or w/e)

"Nope, you are my prey and I want my prey clean before I eat it" I said as part of my tail brushed against her inner thigh slowly

She grabbed my shoulders softly and got closer against me. My tail replaced the soap and flicked the shower head against her to rinse the soap from her fur. Once it was all gone from her, I liked me lips, trying to look like a predator and bit down on her neck softly, I was careful not to break the skin or even bruise her, just enough for her to feel my teeth. She moaned lightly into my ear and I dragged my hands down against her hips and to behind her thighs. My mouth followed slowly down against her front, stopping to bite her nipples lightly to which she gave a generous moan. The whole time I made sure she felt my teeth through her fur against her skin. Once I was level with her pussy I gave a slow torturing lick against it flicking her clit with my tongue once my tongue had reached it. Her moan was satisfying to me, so I repeated the movement with more detail against her clit. She dragged her fingers against my head slowly; I knew she wanted more than my tongue. I thrust a finger into her and got a lovely moan. I massaged her clit with my tongue, all the while thrusting my finger into her. A minute passed with the same rhythm, before I pushed another finger deep into her. She came, right then and there, and I licked it up like a ravoness animal. I stood up and she leaned against me, I kissed her. Dragonforce was playing through the speakers when I stepped out of the shower holding her upright. I sat her on the counter and used a towel to dry her off.

"Your mean, could have given me a warning you were in the mood or I would have retaliated" Her foot rubbed against my penis as she said it

"I would have gone to far, besides, I need you to be able to walk"

She blushed and I started drying myself. Once everything was dry, I put my clothes on. Reia didn't, she just stared at me while I dried myself and clothed myself.

"Why are you staring at me? You should be getting dressed"

"Because you are a very sexy fox"

I chuckled lightly as she jumped down from the counter and slid her hands up inner my shirt to my chest and back down against my lower stomach before she took off my shirt and put it on, strolling over and grabbing a pair of underwear she brought and put them on, they disappeared under my shirt which fell to her knees.

"Now THAT is sexy" I said

she replied back "Good, cause you don't get to wear a shirt today" and took hold of my hand. I lead her out of the bathroom and to the computer, putting the correct sequence in, watching the hidden door slide open, going in it and watching it close. Pressing a sequence into another keyboard and watching another door open to reveal another area, only about the size of a closet, going into it, pressing the single button on the wall. The door closes and a sensation of being lighter for about three seconds, the door opens once again to reveal a whole different room, a room about the size of two football fields.

This room contained two small fighter jets with the team logo painted on them, one small helicopter and about four counters that had large drawers and double Decker layering. On the top of three were guns of all different calibers and the drawers contained the bullets for them. On the fourth counter there were swords and knives of differing lengths and lethality, some with serrated edges, others with edges shaper than a razor, all of them with industrial diamond dust molted in for super strength and in the drawers of this last counter were explosives of all kinds. One drawer was filled with grenades even. Off to the side of this was another computer station with screens as large as a futon bed, ranging down to twenty inch by seventeen inch. That was my destination. Across the rooms from the fighter jets was a suspended two man submarine hanging over a slide away door, underneath which was a man made tunnel big enough for two of the subs to the ocean about a mile away. Leading off to the north where Tail's house was located, there was a long runway that leads off into pitch blackness. I smiled, pointed in its direction and told Reia "That comes out right behind your house, so if you hear a sudden screeching sound like a car slamming its breaks, more than likely, I'm landing from a practice run, which is on the to-do list today"

She stared at me dumbfounded like she wasn't comprehending what I just said. I smiled softly and waited for her

"You mean, your gunna fly that thing" She said pointing at one of the fighter jets, to which I just nodded.

She then proceeded to stare at it for a good five minutes. I occupied this time by activating the two "dumb" AI's I had at my disposal, both of which I had written the programming for. A weekend well spent if I might say. All AI's were smart, they just had limitations to their creativity factors, meaning, in the area of mechanics and physics, they were artificial Einstein's. However, outside that, they were completely clueless, the only reasons I had them, was for maitnece duites and prep for takeoff and landing. The AI's Tails wrote, like his Rachel for example were relatively "smart" AI's in the matter of how they could evolve and find new creative ideas. Even Rachel had limitations however. I rand a systems diagnostics check and had the physics AI, named Charles do an inventory of weapons and ammo for everything while the maitnece AI named Michael prep the runway and sub launch tunnel for takeoff in the next few hours. Lights began turning on above the runway when Reia finally spoke

"How are you doing all this at the same time?"

"I have Mike doing the launch prep, while Charles is doing weapons check, and I am checking the systems of everything to see if they are running like they are supposed to"

"I only see you, where are these other two people?"

I made a gesture at the computer "They are AI's"

"An AI?"

"Yeah, you know, artificial intelligence"

This time she just stared at me, to which I just smiled back. Looked at the screen and frowned. I cursed softly, pressed a button on one of the smaller monitors and the image transferred to the biggest screen.

"That's easily fixed" I said to myself as I strode over to a few drawers pressed into the walls, pulled out complex tools and walked to a seemingly bare section of wall, it slid open once I got close enough to it. Inside was something that could only be described as a ten foot tall car engine. I walked up to it, and crawled into the crawl space that more or less led to the center of it, pulled the complex tool in front of me, fit it into a certain area and spun a dial on it. A soft his issued from it and I crawled out, looked at the big screen and saw the levels equalizing. Good, cold fusion reactors were always easy to fix if you caught the problem within a day of it surfacing, anytime after that and it gets tricky, mainly because they become unstable and what may fix it early on will destroy it and destroying a one trillion dollar device doesn't go over to well with the government. I strolled back to the screen and told the computer to constantly monitor it and relay its stats to the fighter jet's personal screen. A voice came over the speakers and said

"Will the young lady be joining you on your test flight today?" I looked over at her, she had sat down on a work chair I had not too far from the computer control system I was at. She needed some fun.

"Yes she will"

That got her attention and she jumped up

"No, no way, not in a million years will I get in that thing"

"Why not? It will be fun, plus, I'll be gone for the whole day and I don't want to leave you here without something to do"

She pouted softly "Do you even have a pilots license?"

"You don't need one when in a government plane, not to mention, I've only ever met four people that could come close to shooting me down and three of them are now dead" Nita flashed through my mind for a second but I brushed her aside.

"Who is the other one?" she asked

"Tails" I replied

At that moment two suits dropped from the ceiling, suspended on hangers from the ceiling, one if from of Reia and one in front of me. I didn't bother taking anything off, just zipped the suit up around me. Reia on the other hand, got the shirt stuck in the zipper, so I helped her.

Five minutes later, we were in the jet and it was in position on the runway. A small countdown did its job, in effect specifically for Reia.

Three... Two... One... I hit the accelerator hard and we were gone, from the room through the runway tunnel, a second after that and gone completely from the runway into open clean sky, I turned towards the sea so debris didn't fall on to people and their houses. Meanwhile, the Charles and Mike were busy setting up and sending out hosts of "TP" drones to hover at differing heights, differing miles away from the island at sea in seemingly random positions. Once they, they could move freely within two miles of that location.

I circled the island twice, doing barrel rolls and flips for my amusement at Reia's expense. Sure it sounds wrong but she was having a good time, just didn't show it outwardly. Once I spotted my first "TP" drone, It was gone seconds later as well as three rounds. I was in combat mode now and hunted down another rather quickly.

The bullets only lasted about an hour, and by that time only fifteen drones were left. This was where it got interesting in my book. No rounds and just four missiles. Time for the tricky stuff. I did a flyby of the drone I located and turned around as if doing another in an opposite direction, only this time I altered my flight to be about exactly three inches above it and flew strait at it. At the last second I deployed the landing gear, and the drone was hit so hard by the reinforced wheel coverings that it exploded into a shower of shrapnel. I smiled to myself that was something I would have to remember. The next fourteen drones were easy enough, I rounded them up together with carful slow speed passes so they would chase me, and once I had about four of them within a yard of each other I deployed a missile and took them all out at the same time. Generally the same thing happened with the last ten.

Reia was amazed at my skill and was speechless at having witness me use them, then again, she never really did ever see a fighter jet in person, and therefore got to ride in one with a pro. As I turned inbound for the sub tests I got a message, not from my home system, but from Tails and it read in the standard military font: "Come by my house, we have a mission to do"

He was in luck, only about half a mile from his house, so I turned slightly and a few seconds later his runway came into view, I did a quick pass to lose my speed and came down on the run way at an even pace, stopping just before his hangers. I opened the hatch, jumped out and helped Reia down. Before walking over to where Tails stood next to a stealth c130, I pressed a small button on the underside of the jet and a psp dropped out, I caught it smoothly and pocketed it.

Halfway unzipped my flight suit so my chest showed and walked straight up to Tails and coolly said "What's up?"

End Journal Entry Number Five

Just like old times.

I sigh as we take off remembering old missions that began with the team going up in a c130 laughing at some joke one of us said and coming back to my house after the mission for a party. Once we level out a cruising stealth altitude I press a few buttons on my wrist comp and a hologram of the base that we had to infiltrate fades into view. I turn to the men saying

"Welcome to foxhound, in case you were wondering if we always get missions this fucked up, get used to it and accept it. I am your commander Tails; this is my second in command Ruby. Don't test us; we far outrank you in experience, strength, and mental capability. Now there are a few things we need to set straight about this unit. First off, this is not a military unit; we are only advised and funded by the military. I say military because any one of the branches can use us, it just so happens that the army is the richest. Secondly, there are only two surviving members of the original foxhound unit, myself and Ruby. You are to take every order we give out, whether it be shot an enemy, or a friend. Lastly, under your chair is a small black bag, please take them out and put the contents on." I waited for them to do so while Ruby just looked at the hologram of the base drinking a sprite. Once each man had put my specially designed helmet on their heads I continued

"These helmets you are now wearing are specially designed to intercept brainwaves, you will quite literately be talking to Ruby, and yourselves with thoughts, but they have a distance in which they can communicate, so at some point, you will not be able to contact Ruby. That is where the second form of communication will come in which I will explain later"

I gestured towards the hologram.

"This is fort mustang, you don't need to know its location, all you need to know is its fucking cold. For this mission to work, you need to do your job perfectly. First we all get into the hummv with me and Ruby in the back, the driver which will be decided by your platoon Sargent will power slide past this point." I said as I moved my finger along areas of the hologram.

"Me and Ruby will get out during this power slide and go inside the main compound. This is where your two main objectives come into play. One, you are a distraction, and two, you will be protecting our ride. Now, your weapons have been equipped with a foxhound anti-theft device, if an enemy takes your gun you have exactly ten minutes to take it back. If you fail to do so, the mini nuke in the butt-stock will explode at 1200."

I glance at Ruby who was still drinking a sprite as I finished up the briefing.

"There are two more things which you need to know, One, both Ruby and I posses skills that a normal person does not, for example, I am a tecknopath and can control anything electronic. Ruby on the other hand is a telepath and can read peoples thoughts. Our separate mission is classified and all you are allowed to know is that a second tecknopath like me may or may not be joining us for the ride home. And two, there are two AI's with us..."

Ruby coughed but I otherwise went uninterrupted.

"One is called Rachel... She will control this plane, trust me, nothing can hit her so we will have a ride out. The second will introduce herself when she feels like it. That is all, do what you want till drop time"

I end the hologram projection and sit next to Ruby who is just staring at me.

"You got your psp right?"

He pulls it out of his suit and hands it to me, I plug in a flash drive and hand it back. He is staring at me, probably reading me, till I motion him to look at the screen. All he can do is staring wide eyed at it till he puts it down. The next thing he did was unexpected, he decks me hard in the gut and I fall over, realizing that he hasn't gotten soft at all. He pins me to the wall by my throat a few inches from the ground and shoves the psp screen in my face

"What kind of sick joke is this? Programming the second AI to look exactly like her?"

Through gritted teeth I say "No joke... It is her"

On the screen is Lacy, curled up in a little ball sleeping in her cat form she favored. He puts me down and stares at the screen as I rub my throat through the suit, all he can manage is "..H-how?"

"She saved herself in the memory of the airship, I found her while you were still in the coma, but the data was too corrupted, so I rebuilt her... Kinda."

He glares at me holding back tears "What do you mean by Kinda"

"she has no memories, so she is fresh and clean, only activated for tests so far"

He looks closer, going through her programming and notices what I added "Why is there a trash can next to her...?"

"If you don't want her, drag and drop, if you do want her, tap her two times.."

He glares at me "You know that rabbit I flew in with?"

"Yeah, I've been meaning to ask you about her..."

"She is my girlfriend and the first girl since then."

There is one hell of an awkward silence while I mull over what to say


"Ooops? That's the best you could come up with?"

I pat his shoulder "It will all work out for the best, plus, how do you know she will fall in love again?"

"Did you change the programming?"

I pause slightly, knowing that he is reading me "Not that part.."

He raises an eyebrow and I make sure I feel resolve and regret

"Well I guess whatever you changed was necessary and you won't tell me. I hope you didn't change too much of her" He grabs a cable from the side of his mini wrist comp and hooks it up to the psp.

"I only added one line of command. Don't let her delete it, you both need it"

He looks up from the mini wrist comp "You know you could make a great spook right?"

"Only to my friends" I turn away and head back up to the cockpit and drop into the pilot seat. Rachel enters my suit and projects herself sitting in my lap wearing a pilot's suit

"What's wrong baby?"

I sigh and say "I might have fucked up pretty bad"

"What did you do?" she asks

"I gave Lacy to Ruby"

"And that's bad because..."

"He moved on"

"Well this is a new version of Lacy, I promise she won't fuck it up..."

"How do you know?"

"Because we had to put a bit of me into her remember.. It was the only way to fix her."

"True, we can only hope she plays nice like you do, but remember, she was also the first AI ever to not have any restrictions because she rewrote herself, we can only hope she plays nice like you do"

A single line of code goes bright pink for a second... I make a mental note but decide not to persue it further yet...

"I am gunna crash for a bit... wake me when we get near"

That morning was strange for me, it wasn't the fun in the shower, or really anything else in his room. It was when that hidden door slide open and he guided me into his underground runway area. That was what made everything so confusing; I just couldn't see that fox standing by large computer screen as some super genius that could do everything he said he could. I was at a loss for words as my mind grappled with the concept that the people you saw in the movies. The super action spy's with high tech gadgets that were made by some super genius in a lab somewhere, actually existed. Even if they did exist, I would have expected them to have tens of years of training. Then here was this eighteen year old fox that was a super genius able to fix a cold fusion reactor. Stuff like that seemed impossible, we were still worrying about the weather and all buy hybrids to reduce our carbon foot prints. There was one simple fact that stood out; the government was lying to its people. I looked around the room and sat down on a nearby chair, hoping that everything would make sense if I relaxed. Not a minute into this relaxation I heard a different voice than Ruby's

"Will the young lady be joining you on your test flight today?"

And then Ruby's reply

Ill spare you the details, let's just say five minutes later I was sitting in the co-pilot seat of a fighter jet as a countdown did its job. Once it hit one, I was pressed into my seat from the countering g-forces. About a second passed in the semi lit tunnel before the sun winked into existence in an instant. I looked for my house, but we were going too fast to see it, all I saw was the tunnel wall, then bright blue sky. The next few minutes weren't very pleasant, Ruby was doing barrel rolls and flips and complex aerial maneuvers. The first time he did it, I squealed.

After he had his fun I felt dull thuds rapidly on either side of me. I looked out the canopy in front of Ruby to see something get shredded and fall, seconds later and a similar object fell. It dawned on me after a few seconds and a few other things dropping in pieces that these were target practice. So I watched, it wasn't everyday you got to see a fighter pilot practice. After a while and lots more of the things, Ruby stopped shooting; he took on a rigidness that was easy to spot. He must be out of ammo, sure enough, when he spotted another thing, he did a fly by then turned around after it, only this time leveling with its height. I thought he was going to hit it. That would certainly rip a hole in the plane. I was scarred, I watched him, hoping he was going to move out of its way at the last minute. Then faster than sound he pressed a button and a loud THUNK resounded around the carriage. He did another fly by and the thing was gone, he laughed and pressed the same button, I looked closer and read "Landing control" on it. He took it out with the wheel? I grappled with this concept for a few minutes when another dull thunk sounded through the carriage, only this time, something shot away from us leaving a visible smoke trail heading towards a group of four things, then a fireball erupted from nowhere and they were gone. He did it three more times before turning back towards the island. He shifted the jet once and passed a runway to private to be for the airport, a minute or so later and he landed on it.

The carriage opened with an audible hiss and he jumped out effortlessly. I was having trouble so he helped me down, his hands were gentle but firm, and the look on his face was as if he had just won the Olympics in every catogree.

Flying gave him a rush I would never be able to give him. So I hugged him close to me. We stayed like that for a few seconds before I let go. He turned, pressed a button on the underside of the jet and caught something white. Before I could make out what it was, he pocketed it, and unzipped his suit slightly. I did the same and beside him and his shirt stuck out slightly.

I didn't know Tails, well in all fairness, I didn't know allot of people, I was still rather new here. Even if I told my parents I was sleeping over at sleep over to make more friends when instead I just went to Ruby's house. In fact, I only talked to Tails once, and that was to find out where Ruby ate his lunch. Where Tails apparently was standing was next to a large plane, big enough to hold twenty people, painted all black and was streamlined and flat. I had no clue what this was but five people in suits armed to the teeth with guns I had never seen before, even on TV. A lot of words were said, most of it not making really any sense, probably because I was a civilian and they had to speak in military code or something. Later, as Ruby was putting things into this large plane, he explained that he had to leave the Island, possibly for a few days to go save some kid who was working on something called a "pcracker" Whatever that was, but I kept quiet and stayed to myself, I'm shy girl and being surrounded by people who could kill you in hundreds of different ways with the flick of a wrist didn't help that change much either. I watched as Ruby put his "spec op" suit on, strapped a sword to his back, two pistols to his hips and another strange gun to his chest. He told me that they were the same types of weapons he used on his last mission that he and Tails had. Eventually he kissed me goodbye and stepped into the large plane, I was rushed away so I wouldn't get blown away by its engines and was on the runway next to another girl. A wolf to be correct. Together, we watched the plane go from big, to toy size, to a dot on the horizon.

A few minutes later of staring off at the horizon, the other girl turned to me

"Hi, your that Reia girl right?"

"How do you know my name?" I replied

"We have the same first period, if you weren't obsessed with Ruby you'd probley know that"

"I'm not obsessed with him!" I was. "He is just interesting and we have the same hobbies is all"

"Oh really? Then tell me why you were with him in his jet" She gestured towards it. "And that he wasn't wearing a shirt, and that your wearing a shirt obviously two sizes bigger than you"

I blushed "Things may have happened between us"

She laughed "Well I don't blame you, he knows how to play the mysterious guy better than Tails"

"So you have my name, what is yours?" I asked

"I am Samantha" She said

"Nice to meet you, you think we should head inside instead standing here?

"Sure" She turned and walked towards the house, I followed her.

"Umm, this is a little embarrassing, but do you have an extra pair of pants I could borrow?"

She just smiled and told me to wait there, she ran up the stairs and a few moments later she was back, holding a pair of pants.

"I think your my size Reia, it's hard to tell with the flight suit on, but these should fit you"

"Thank you so much" I took the pair from her took off the flight suit, my black panties only showed for a second before Ruby's shirt fell to my knees but I could tell Samantha saw them, a moment later and I was wearing her pants. I sat on a close by chair and sighed. Allot of stuff had happened today. Samantha sat not too far away, but closes enough to touch without reach.

"So, you and Ruby are an item? Tell me how he is in bed"

I blushed "He, uh, he is primal I guess, lets his instincts take over would be a better description, why you want to know?"

She just smiled and replied "Tails is more sweet and loving, but you can tell the instincts are there waiting to jump at every move, as for wanting to know, well, your cute".

I blushed hard and looked down. I guess she turned the music on while I stared at my feet; it was a song I had never heard before. It was so innocently perverted with lyrics that went:

"You and me we're like little machines

We run around the room and mess up sheets

No one can put me to sleep except you"

When I did look up, Samantha had gotten closer

"You like this song? I love it, it's by Zolof and the rock destroyer, I love its title too"

"What's the title?" I asked

"It's called 'argh... I'm a pirate'"

I smiled "That is a funny title and it is a little catchy"

"Did you listen to the lyrics, it's such an innocently sexual song?" She said

I nodded, it certainly was, in fact it seemed like the whole song was sex in relationships and how its essential but not necessary. I smiled as I listened the song. It was a good song and I was slightly saddened when it ended and was replaced with another song I didn't know about sugar vendors or something, I didn't pay attention to it. Instead my attention was drawn to Samantha, who had gotten closer

"Why do you keep getting closer to me?"

She smiled and said "Well, wolfs eat rabbits, and I plan on eating you"

"It's funny, Ruby said the same thing this morning" I was scooting back slightly as I said this

She kept pace with my moments "Well Ruby certainly knows what to say doesn't he?"

I nodded slightly and promptly ran out of room on the couch, it wasn't so much as I didn't want to, she was cute and would have fun with her, but we just met.

She kept getting closer slowly, realizing I ran out of room on the couch.

Then again me and Ruby did it the first day, but we had known each other for a few hours before it happened.

She was inches away now.

My instincts were to constantly mate though and my body responded accordingly.

All that's stopping me is time, and second by second it was getting even more trivial.

Now she was close enough, she leaned forward and kissed my cheek softly. In response, I promptly fell of the couch onto the floor.

"What'd you do that for Reia? Thought I was going to go for something else?" Samantha said while giggling.

I blushed and righted myself.

"So would you?" I asked

"Umm... Yeah.. I guess"

I blushed a deeper shade of red

"But maybe we should save it for the boy's right?" I said

"Nah, you're cute, I don't think I would be able to stop myself" she said with a smile

I blushed even harder, if that was possible

"Umm... Can I use your phone? I left mine at Ruby's"

"Sure thing" She went back up the stairs to get her phone

(Lemon or w/e)

I couldn't help myself, as soon as she was out of sight, I slide my hand down under the pants and panties and felt the hot wetness of me. A soft moan hidden behind a bitten lip as my fingers brushed my clit. One finger in for just a second wouldn't hurt. I loader moan, this time stifled by my shirt. I pushed it deeper into me and allowed myself to fall sideways on the couch so I was lying on my side. My palm rubbed softly against my clit as I pushed and pulled the finger in and out of me.

"WOAH! How come I'm not in on this eh?"

My hand came out of my pants faster than light, and I blushed hard, hiding my face against the pillow. I felt her sit on the edge of the couch by my waist. I didn't move, I felt her drag her hand against my side. I didn't move, I felt her lift up the hand that was previously in my panties. I looked up in time to see he lick my fingers slowly. God she was good, she smiled back down at me and held up the phone. I took it with the hand she licked and dialed my parent's number. A few minutes later and an awkward moment when they wanted to make sure I was staying with a girl and they questioned Samantha. When I hung up, she smiled and said

"Well being that Tail's house is huge, he has more than just one bedroom, I'll show you where it's at" and she took my hand gently and pulled me softly to a room on the second level of the house. She then showed me the room she would be sleeping in, just two doors down. After that, she showed me the bathroom on the first floor, complete with shower, as well as the one in her room, no doubt it was actually the room Tails slept in.

After that, there really wasn't much left to do but watch TV. We shared gossip, but most of time we didn't know the people whom each other talked about.

It was about eleven PM when we decided to go to bed. I crawled into the bed with nothing buy my shirt. Technically it was Ruby's shirt, but I stole it. I chuckled inside my mind. Once under the covers and about five minutes later, I slid my hand back down against me, the prolonged exposure with Samantha had only made it worse. My hand came back soaked. I pushed a finger into myself once more and bite the pillow as I stifled a moan into the pillow, I grinded against my palm slowly, rubbing my clit on it as simultaneously pushed the finger in and out of me. I moaned again, forgetting the pillow. Crap, surely Samantha heard that.

"Screw it" I said silently to myself. I swung my feet off the bed, got up and walked out of my door, two doors down. I stopped just before going in the room, leaned close and tried to listen. I couldn't hear anything. I pressed my ear against the door. All that I heard were soft little squishes and hidden back little moans. She was doing the same thing I was. I smiled and opened the door slightly, peeked in and saw her, the covers were thrown to the side of the bed, she was naked, one hand between her legs, the other rubbing one her breasts. I smiled, and slid my hand down against me once more. I felt my juices sliding down my inner thighs as I picked up where I left off. I dared not make a noise, and for about five minutes, succeeded in this goal, after that, I moaned, but that only seemed to help her. I realized that she was most likely doing it to me, otherwise she would have investigated. I looked closer and saw that her eyes were closed. Maybe if I played this right she would only think of it as a dream or something. I took off my shirt and let it drop in the hall. I silently pushed my way into the room, tiptoed from the door to her and softly leaned down and kissed her. She didn't resist, rather, she probed questioningly with her tongue, I responded in kind with mine. Our tongues met somewhere mid way. I was slowly getting above her, holding myself up by my knees and my hands. I let one hand wander against her breasts slowly, rubbing them slowly and teasing the nipples slightly before it went further south against her hand and followed what it was doing, only adding more pleasure to her clit and another finger into her. She moaned into my mouth softly and I broke from the kiss, dragging my lips slowly against her chest and down, kissing in random places before they met up with her hand. I licked her fingers softly as they were pushed in and pulled out from her. Once my tongue touched her clit she moaned again, this time louder. I pushed her fingers away slowly and replaced them with my tongue, massaging her clit with it as my fingers pushed into her. She loved it, maybe going by the constant moaning, the slight grinding with each lick, and that both of her hands were now massaging her own breasts. Meanwhile, my free hand was rubbing my clit and subtle moans were escaping against her. This only caused more pleasure for her as each moan carried a hot breath that glided against her. My two fingers explored her body with each push, my other hand copying its movements against me. I continued this for a few minutes, up till she came, and once she did, I took my move and pounced onto her, kissing her deeply, making her taste herself on my tongue, dragging my breasts against hers. I sat up on my knees, my pussy hovering over her mouth; I used a hand to keep her eyes blocked in case she did open them. Once again she probed questioningly with her tongue and I bit back moans. Then she flicked her tongue against my clit roughly and I moaned loud.

Suddenly I was on my back, with Samantha on top of me. She kissed me, sliding her hand down against my wet pussy, I was aching for her to slide just one finger in, and it felt like I was on fire. She bit my neck lightly, and I got my wish as a finger entered me. I arched my chest up against hers moaning loudly. Her finger moved around inside me as she shifted positions, her pussy was directly above me and mine directly below hers. As if proving this thought, she licked my clit; a wave of pleasure ran through me. I answered in kind, sliding my tongue against her clit once more. I felt a moan vibrate against me and a tingle of pleasure ran though my pussy, causing me to moan directly into her clit. It was a never ending circle of moans, my moans against her, caused her to moan against me, and that made me moan.

Our tongues seemed to be on equal levels as well, she doing complex movements that went in me and rubbing my clit roughly. I was returning the favor with complex movements of my own. I didn't last long and came in the first five minutes of this, but I didn't stop on her. We both seemed determined to come twice. It felt like hours later when she did a particular movement with her tongue that caught my g-spot, and my resulting moan as I came resounded against her clit, vibrating it roughly and she too came. Once she had come, she collapsed to the side of me; she must have been exhausted from that day. I could feel my exhaustion coming on as well, but if I was in the same bed as her naked, she would know that this wasn't a dream. So I sat up and kissed her softly, pulled the covers over her and stood up off of the bed. My knees were shaky but I could walk. I barely made it back to my room, and onto the bed, only bothering to move the covers to hide my waist and below before I too fell asleep from exhaustion.

I wake up to the sounds of small explosions out side... Shit didn't expect flack...

"Rachel find us sum where to drop in"

She doesn't even take the time to appear she just replies with a firm "understood"

One thing I got to love about her is the ability for her to go to military mode

I go back down and see every one finishing getting prepped

I snag my fully automatic shot gun a desert eagle with a silencer all ready attached and 2 bags and hop in the back

Ruby sees me grab the 2 bags and asks me through the link "what's in the bags?"

I smile and say "one is my .50 cal the other... Whelp It's a surprise "

He just shrugs and says out loud "what ever"

He checks his dart gun ,with a knife custom built into the hilt, his p90 and his d eagle to make sure it's all working.

Rachel's voice comes over the speakers in the plain "boys... It's time to crash a party"

The platoon Sargent hops in the driver's seat and says over the coms "every one get your seats"

The rest of the troops hoop in and while I do a final check and ruby opens the hatch

As we get in I hear the platoon Sargents voice over the neural net coms "so what is our secondary coms?"

"A secure radio to the plane and the plane will forward you to us and vice versa"

Rachel's voice comes over the com "time to go boys..." I hear a snap of breakaway cables getting cut and the hummer starts to roll off of the plane

"I yell out loud "Every one prep for impact..." we all hold on as the hummer roles out of the plane and drops 10 feet... We hit hard about one mile outside the base ruby I plug in a little mp3 player to the hummer and we start hearing acdc's back in black screaming through the loud speakers.

Ruby looks at me with a face that just says "really guy"

I just laugh and say "I know"

The platoon Sargent says over the neural net "everyone this is it..."

I cock my AA 12 while ruby dose the same to his p90 when we can see the gate the mini gunner starts firing at the guards...

I shoulder the bag with the sniper in it and get ready to jump out then I hear over the neural net "TANK"

I unzip and take the already loaded m202 a1 rocket launcher out of the other bag and say over the coms "flip a bitch, gunner get down, and ruby grab a hold of me" I stand up and the driver turns around just as ruby grabs a hold of me. I see the m1 Abrams finish up leveling it's barrel at us.

I quickly target the barrel and pull the trigger. The rocket enters the barrel and blows up the ammo inside the tank.

Every one starts whooping and hollering. Me and ruby just frown as the hummer rounds another corner I think to ruby "ruby that was one of our variants that we designed"

"whelp their is vid of that tank model maybe the tecknopath got sum old vid and copied it"

"...maybe... I still have my doubts... Is the satellite net still working?"

"Last week I hacked a spy satellite and tried to look at our area.... 100 miles around us is still blacked out..."

"We are going to have to ask our tecknopath friend"

He nods

The platoon Sergeant thinks to me and ruby "this is your stop..."

I think to him "you be careful"

"you 2 sir... Meet you at the pick Up sight..." he starts sliding me and tails get ready to launch ourselves out of the hummer

"ready... Go go go" ruby jumps out Rowling forward while since I have the bag I landed on my feat sliding on the thick ice shot gun leveled at the door ruby was rolling towards. I fire 3 shells at the handle and the door blows open. Ruby flies in and sweeps the hallway with his p90. I run in and throw down my bag and take out the Barrett and the stick of c4 mixed with thermite I toss it to ruby and sling the Barrett on my back and the shot gun on my chest. I un holster my d eagle and think to the platoon Sergeant "switch to radio coms keep it to a minim"

"Under stood sir over and out"

Me and ruby nod at each other and move out.

After a few minutes of running we round a corner in the massive complex. Running straight into a patrol. Me and ruby slide into cover.

I ask "how many?"

"10 heavily armed for a patrol with... Heavy suits"

I peak my head out to see them... Shit eod gear with... One guy holding a minigun... The rest holding different heavy weapons.

I pull up a map on my HUD.

"There is a vent that goes around them... I will draw there fire you go behinde them... Get the one with the mini gun first."

He simply nods takes off the vent next to the flor and heads in I holster my d eagle and take out my shotgun I stealthfuly get rite behind one of them and stick the barrel down the neck whole of the armor and let out 2 rounds his mini gun drops to the ground as I role into cover and start popping off rounds at the ones that were rounding the corner... I manage to knock a few of them on their asses but then the 10th guy rounds the corner holding a minigun...

All that is going thru my head is just "oh shit" as he spins up the mini gun

I duck down into cover while he nails the cover and it seems to disintegrate then the mini gun and I look up only to see one of them pointing an spas 12 with one hand rite at my head and holding out his hand

"slowly hand it over kid."

"Shit" I slowly take my hand away from the trigger and slide it down the but stock and press the quick release on the end and hand it over.

He yanks it from my hand

"hands behind your head"

I put my hands behind my head and he zip ties them together

"get up"

I comply with all of his orders.

"Where is your friend?"

"My unit is a part of the Geneva convention I demand to see your commander"

He tears off my helmet "what ever u say now move"

We start walking him keeping the shotgun pointed at my head

I send one thought to ruby "I want to meet him so make your move there."

"under stood"

When i see the cover i was in i notice that all the shots are layered on top of each other... We make the long walk to the command center. When we get there are a hell of a lot of guys going off and one guy standing in the center in a strange metal armor.

Barking orders into the mike he looks at me and asks to the guy with the shot gun leveled at me "what the fuck is this"

The guy says "I believe he is the commander"

I raise my nose up

"rank name unit and country"

I say in the most commanding voice I can muster "I am tech general Prowers fox hound unit"

"and country?"


"What's your mission?"

I stay silent

He walks up to me and hits me in the head with his metal gauntlet. I fall over with the force of the impact.

"Stand him up"

I look at him the feeling of hot blood pouring out of my head "that felt good"

The guy with the shot gun slams it into my stomach.

I cough up a little blood.

The commander sighs and places his hands on my head.

"Now tell me or I will read it and all your memories... I promise you it will be unpleasant if I do"

"ah a telepath"

"Yes Mr. Prowers"

"now let me show you"

He closes his eyes and I feel like a thousand needles stab into my body.

I lose track of time for what feels like a eternity but is actually one second.

When he finally releases me I lose my footing but the guys to either side of me grab my arms holding my limp body I hear him say something


"who put the shield in your head...tecknopath?"

I grin at him... "Wouldn't u like to know"

He places his hands on my head but before he can do anything the door slams open and a soft clink hits the floor

I close my eyes and cover my ears with my arms...

I hear a muffled bang as the flash bang grenade goes off... When I finally open my eyes everyone in the room is dead except me the commander and ruby and ruby has his smg pointed at his head and my helmet in his free hand I get up and grab my weapon from the dead guard next to me "thanks ruby"

He tosses me my helmet and says "next time don't lose this" I grab it and place it on the ground next to me and go to remove the guards helmet.

"Tails what are u doing?"

I undo all the straps on his helmet and say "checking a theory"

I remove the helmet and see what I feared most...

I step back and point at the body... "he has a robotic eye"

Ruby cocks his p90 and says "you know that no country is allowed to do that"

He pulls up his sleeve revealing flesh mangled with metal and wire "back when we were all on the same side other country's started experimenting.... I am subject 000 I was considered a success even though I had some... Sid effects... I am a un natural telepath" he looks ruby in the eyes... "I was going to be your upgrade." ruby's smg starts shaking in rage

I nod at ruby and he pulps the commanders head.

He sighs and lets his weapon go slack... I rip the eye out of the guard and stick it in my pocket as evidence. I put on my helmet and signal him to start heading out so we can complete this fucked up mission...

I woke up that morning feeling very good, with my crotch wet. Must have been the dream I had. Reia and I had fun in my dream, probably because I fell asleep sometime during my masturbation time. After all, I was doing it to her, Imagining her naked, imagining her kissing me and licking me. God, I was getting all fired up just remembering it. Maybe I'll rub one out in the shower, but I should check up on Reia first. I put on one of Tail's shirts that fell to my knees and stepped out of the door way onto Reia's shirt. That's odd. I walked down to Reia's room and peeked inside. There she was, laying face down in the pillows with the covers over everything below her waist, in an angle as if she came from the door and dropped onto the bed. It took me a minute to put all the pieces together. It wasn't a dream, all of that stuff actually happened; I defiantly was going to rub one out in the shower now. I turned back towards Tail's bathroom smiling. I underestimated her; Ruby was one lucky son of a bitch to have that girl.

The shower woke me up as Samantha started it up. Everything that had happened last night was my little secret. I sat up and realized that I was naked. I looked around for my shirt and panicked, remembering where I left it. I jumped out of the room after putting my panties on. Grabbed my shirt where I left it and yanked it on blushing horribly. Hopefully Samantha hadn't stepped outside her room when she got up. Although, if she had, she probably would have put the shirt in the room. Hopefully, I was in the clear. I walked back to my room, grabbed the jeans she lent me, and walked to the nearest shower and washed myself. The rest of the day was spent watching movies and exploring Tails' immense house. Ruby's house was so much smaller in comparison, but who knew what kind of things were under his house. Who knew how far down we had gone to the runway. Could have been ten feet, could have been one hundred feet. I was willing to bet on the larger number though, both boys seemed almost ready for anything. It was late that day when we heard jet engines and the screeching off tires on the runway. Me and Samantha ran out to see the same black big plane slow to a stop before the hangers.


Bang bang bang


Me and ruby fly through an exploding double door.

Ruby scrambles to his feet and sweeps the room while I try to figure out where we need to go next he looks at me and says

"WTF was that?"

"An automated fully automatic grenade launcher turret"

"that's not cool"

"I know... Shit I didn't want to go this way"

"What now?"

"We have to go through a huge courtyard"

"how soon?"

I point at the only exit out of this room.


" More than likely "

"I distract u take them all out?"

"let me set up my baby and I'll give u the signal"

I unsling my rifle and prep it while ruby slings his p 90

I look at him when I am dun

"I think they will want to shoot you more if you have your weapon"

"you ready?"

".... Yeah I got you covered"

"in 10 seconds go through the door..."

I nod my acknowledgement.

As I start walking to the doors I think to lacy "enhance speed and reflexes and tell me when they are about to shoot"

"... You know this is insane?"

"It's a proper test of how well you have been studying my brain... Don't fail"


I push through the double doors and time seems to slow down to a trickle as lacy modify the signals in my brain... I start slowly walking through the courtyard. I reach the center and hear someone slowly yell "stop or we will fire" I keep on walking as I think "how many and how soon?"

"4 one on each side first shot will be coming in 5 seconds"

"tell me when to move"

I hear the first rifle shot as I kick open the double doors I see ruby jumping back amazingly fast... As a small cloud of concrete dust flies up I crouch and take aim at the sniper at the far end of the courtyard and fire a round strait into the scope he is looking through. As soon as he droops ruby lands and moves almost instantly doing a back flip in the air as another 3 snipers fire one above me to the left and to the right. I drop the 2 on opposite side of the courtyard as they start chambering another round. I activate my thermal vision as I look up and grab my but stock... Rite above me perfect. I slam the rifle down forcing the round in the chamber to fire strait through the concrete and through the last guys head... I pant as ruby returns to normal and asks "what's wrong?"

"normally I would have 2 seconds to shoot 3 targets I just did it in one... and the third was at an impossible angle"

He looks up at the small hole beginning to drip blood "you did a good job"

Suddenly I hear a loud crash as a tank roles through a wall in the courtyard and comes to a halt in the middle. We both slide our backs against huge pillars centered on the tank... I smile at ruby... "Want to freak them out"

He shrugs

"ok on my mark we run at the tank plant your c4 as we pass it and detonate it asap"

He nods

"ready... Set... Go!"

We run strait at the tank knowing that with the 2 similar figures perfectly on opposite sides the tank won't get a lock. As we run past it the tank starts turning its head as fast as possible while ruby plants his carg on the front and I toss a grenade into the exhaust. We run a safe distance and me and ruby stop and turn around. Just as the tank finally grabs sight of us the grenade and the c4 mix blow up in a spectacular fire ball...

We stand there a second to watch it burn before turning to enter the double doors near us. When we enter them we enter a huge room with white tiles florescent lights and a huge cage holding a rather tall fox huddled at his work station and an unfinished p cracker...

I nod towards ruby and he sets up in front of the door I walk towards the cage and tap my shot gun on the bar the foxes tail twitches and he says "leave my food there please I will eat it in a bit"

I smile and say "how's about we go out for food instead."

His tail twitches again and he replies "you are very loud..."

"Sorry as a fellow tecknopath I understand your reluctance but we have to get you out of here..."

"One second... And done" he spins around with a strange device in his hands and puts it on his head... When he looks up his demeanor completely changes.

"Umm hi I am chow"

"Hi I am tails and this is ruby we are here to get u out"

He frowns... "You won't treat me like your friend...Rite?"

I frown in confusion ruby also sends me a little bit of confusion... "what do you mean?"

He taps the device on his head and says "I know your big secrete I want to know why?"

I frown and shut down a little "I have no clue who you are talking about but my initial orders were to kill you but I see no reason for that if you comply with my orders"

He points at the back of ruby still guarding the door

I think to ruby "are you getting a read on this guy?"

"only base line emotions"

"ok break contact with me and divert all concentration to him"

"understood out"

I lean into the cage and pull him close by his sweater

I get close to his ear and wispier "I did that for both of our sakes his mind was a mess so I fixed it so drop the subject if you don't want me to end you... got it..."

"Got it"

I release him and aim at the lock "now get back"

He runs to the other end of the cage and I blow the lock off with the shotgun

He moves to the door but I step In his way...

"aren't we going?"

I point to the incomplete p cracker in the room "do you know what that dose?"

"I believe it is a power source but truthfully I don't know... I dreamt up the plans in the night"

"is it complete?"

"no why?"

"what you were building is a bomb so destructive it will blow up the earth"

His eyes go wide as I walk towards it take out a smoke and light it

I start hitting a few buttons on it to check it's status... A little red light winks on and chow hits the floor griping his head and screaming "STOP TURN IT OFF PLEASE!!!"

Ruby runs towards him and tries to get him to calm down after a second of trying to calm him down he yells at me "tails what you did!!!"

I start ripping and splicing wires until the red light starts blinking. chow finally stops screaming and starts panting

I look towards him and say "you ok?"

He weekly nods

I look towards ruby and say "one of the first parts that is built is the part that links us to it... It got mad that I was killing it... this thing is going to blow in 6 hours... Only this building tho will be destroyed"

He raises an eye brow....

I just go to the desk and retrieve a bottle of aliev and all the papers on it.

I toss the alive on the fox's chest and he gladly takes 4 I pass the papers to ruby and tell him "scan these into your database and send them to Rachel" he looks at each paper his in helmet cam recording each one and passes it back... I look towards chow who is finally getting up "you have 2 chooses either become a member of fox hound or go with ONI. At fox hound you can live a normal life but with ONI I promise it won't be pleasant."

"Wheal I guess chose to go with you guys..."

"Good" I take the papers and burn them all with my lighter.

"My plans!"

"No one should have one of these... Plus you are officially a dead man"

He looks at me with a hint of fear in his eyes

"don't worry it's only on paper for ONI... They want to use you... And if I report that you wanted to come with us they will take you..."

He sighs in defeat "fine can we go?"

"Stay behind me..."

We all run for the door outside and see the hummer with only a gunner in it and body's all around it as bullets zip by us suddenly about 10 feet away from the hummer I hear chow yell and fall down i look back to see him clutching his arm I grab the wrist holding the arm and pull the hand away to see that he was only grazed... I role my eyes and calmly say "listen it's only grazed I will fix it up when we get out of hear... We just need to get in the hummer"

"no bring it hear" ruby starts laying down cover fire to try to buy us time

"we need to go now"


"if you don't move I am going to have to move you" he looks away and says "no"

I sigh and take Ruby's dart gun and dart him in his exposed neck.

He thinks to me "was that necessary?"

I grab a zip tie and zip tie his wrists together and loops his hands around my neck I think to ruby "ready?"

Just as he nods the gunner gets shot in the head.

We take off sprinting to the hummer chows body dragging behind me... When we reach the hummer ruby covers me while I put chow in and toss the dead gunner out of the hummer and I get in the turret

I yell at ruby "let's get going!!"

He hoops into the driver's seat and takes off... As soon as we get moving I see 3 hummers role out of a nearby garage and start coming towards us as we make a break for the gate... I swing the turret around as I contact Rachel "you still there we need a hot pick up"

"I am rite above you I can't get the guys behind you but I am nailing anyone else I will meet you at pick up sight bravo I will be going 50 mph"

I think to ruby as I start hitting the first one "go fast to bravo hit the drop armor button if you need to"


I start nailing the first one focusing on the right wheel until it blows off and flips the first hummer into the second. As soon as I Hear a click as the barrel stops spinning... I think to ruby "i think we have a problem


I droop into the passenger seat and Say "we are out..."


"Drop the armor maybe we can out run him"

He slams his fist into the drop armor and the sound of metal hitting the ground all around us and all that's left is the frame

"how close"

He points above us and I can see the plane coming lower and lower rite above us

We exit the woods and enter a clearing the last hummer still keeping pase with us and firing at what's left of our hummer the plane touches down ramp already down and lights turned on

We speed towards it going 90 until the hummer jumps a little as we drive into the ramp me and ruby instantly jump out me going to the cockpit and ruby mashing down the close ramp button as it slowly raises up. Meanwhile I go into the pilot's seat and slam the throttle up and pull back on the stick.

We take off back into the air I sigh as I level out the plane and let Rachel take control again... After a few minutes I went back into the cargo bay and see ruby collapsed next to the ramp controls I climb on the warm hood and pass out. Me and ruby wake up groggy as hell as we land on the run way I role off the hood and grab my knife out of my boot. I walk to the still sleeping chow and cut off the zip tie noticing the red Marco instantly and the wound on his arm still bleeding a little I cut off one of his sleeves and tie it tightly on the wound

"Rachel open up the ramp and head inside"

I pick up chow and look at ruby "let lacy fly ok."

He weekly nods and we booth step out as soon as we step out reia tackles ruby while Samantha puts one of chows arms over her shoulder we leave ruby an reia there and head inside I go straight to the guest bed room and plop him down then me and Samantha go back to my room to crash...

i pod love part 7: Hate

As soon as I stepped off the ramp Reia practically takled me in a hug. Had I not known she was there when I did my first read after waking I would have fallen on my ass. I hugged her back and kissed her gently. "Come on, lets go home" she said and I...

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i pod love part 5

IPod love part 5 I shoot up out of my sleep feeling something wet on my face and a strange noise... Without thinking I do a combat role out of bed without even making a noise or disturbing the bed. I reach into my night stand and pull out my d...

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i pod love part4

At the end of that day, Ruby found himself in Barnes and Noble, one of his favorite places to be other than the video game store. He often wandered there on days when he had been to stressed to focus his mind outward at things he passed or where he...

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