Wolgram's Search Part 1

Story by Wolgram96 on SoFurry

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#1 of Wolgram's Search

Wolgram's Search Part 1

'Great.', I thought as I stood on the street looking at the high school. 'I can't believe I have to go to this place.' Of course I knew that money was kind of important in urban society so I had to go to school to get a job.

'Man if this thing wasn't so important, I wouldn't do this.', I thought to myself, 'But it is, so I guess I should get to my first class.' I sighed, letting out a deep throaty growl which startled two students passing me by and making me smirk. I then headed to the front entrance of the school.

When I entered, the sight that greeted me was slightly unexpected. Everyone seemed so small! I had done research before I had come to civilization but I hadn't really expected it. Where as even I was big among the people of my pack, being a black wolf who stood at 8'5" and weighing in at 520 pounds of pure muscle. That means I can seem pretty intimidating. Here, truly the tallest person I saw was only 7 feet tall. The rest were kind of short and out of shape for the most part.

Another thing I noticed was that there was almost a pack hierarchy here. The oldest and strongest were acting superior to the rest. Following that line of logic, I could easily become the alpha wolf of this school but I dissuaded myself from that idea since it would just probably cause problems. With that thought in my mind, I figured I should probably head off to my first class.

I started down the hallway, letting out another sigh-growl that caused two deer to jump away in fear. This was all slightly confusing to me. Here were prey species, hanging out in the same area as predator species. This made me really confused, considering my pack would hunt and eat prey species regularly. It didn't really matter that much I said to myself. Different place, different rules.

As I was walking down the hall my super sensitive senses were on full alert. The loudness of the hall was making my head spin and all the conflicting smells clogged my nose. I noticed numerous looks in my direction. Since I didn't have any clothes on, they ranged from fear, to surprise, to hate and even lust.

I really wasn't all that surprised by the look of lust. My musk and the pheromones my body put out were so strong, they made any canine species aroused and practically drool with lust. This caused me to crack a smile, considering I saw a lot of canines in this school.

I finally found my first class without much difficulty and immediately noted everyone was either sleeping or talking. I picked a desk a little away from the main group and sat next to a brown wolf. He looked pretty nice at 6'4" and fairly well toned. I sat down and he smiled at me reaching out his paw and saying,

"Hey man, my name's Seth." He had a strong voice and blue eyes the color of the ocean as he stared at me.

"I'm Wolgram.", I replied and shook his paw. When I let go, I immediately noticed him sniffing the air heavily. I smiled to myself and tried to look like I wasn't paying attention to him, even though I knew what it was he smelled. I watched him out of the corner of my eye as he looked around nonchalantly. Then he put his paw that I had just shook, up to his nose and inhaled deeply. He got this happy look on his face and his tongue lolled out of his muzzle as he panted heavily. Then he stopped and glanced at me. Thinking that I wasn't looking, he looked down at my crotch. He stared at it for a second, then reached for his crotch, shifted his pants and crossed his legs. I knew without a doubt he was blushing under his fur.

He whispered something under his breath but my keen ears picked what it was he said."By the Gods, he's huge!", Seth muttered. At that I had to resist the urge to smile widely.

My concentration was shattered as a loud ringing began, making me jump in surprise which threw my desk away from me.

"Is everything OK, young man?", the teacher asked, looking at me with a bored expression on face.

"No.", I replied, then sat back down. The teacher looked at me, then proceeded to explain the rules and procedures of the class to the students. The rest of the day was the same and I had to fight to even stay awake. It was so boring, especially after my life with my pack had been so adventurous but I got a lucky break when lunch came.

I walked into the cafeteria and realized I didn't see anyone I knew. I was starting to wonder what I was going to do when I felt someone pat me on the back. I whirled around, expecting someone wanting to start a fight. It wouldn't be the first time today but I saw it was just Seth standing there, smiling his smile.

"Hey Wolgram, why don't you eat with me?", he asked. I didn't really register the words for a second. I was trying to not get too aroused by this sexy wolf before me.

Finally, I snapped out of it and replied,"Sure." We headed outside, towards a table where five other students sat. There was a deer, a bear, another wolf, a vixen, and a jackal. When we came up, they all stopped their conversations and stared at him and me.

"Hey guys, this is Wolgram.", Seth said as he introduced me.

The first person to stand up was the buck. He boldly stepped forward, offered his hoof to me and said,"Hey man, my names Jeffery but just call me Jeff. Everybody does."

I shook his hoof and nodded to him. Next the bear offered his paw and rumbled,"My names Barry." I couldn't help but laugh at his name. I guess it was fine because everyone joined in, even him.

Then Seth spoke up to say,"And you know little old me already, so now let me introduce you to the ladies." He swept his paw in the direction of the other three. When he did that they all stopped talking amongst themselves in their group and smiled.

"That's Michelle.", Seth said, pointing at the wolf. She waved at me and when I waved back she giggled.

"That's Amber.", he continued, gesturing to the Jackal.

"Hi.", I said and she just giggled too.

"And last but not least, is Angel.", he said as he gestured to the vixen.

I looked at her and as our eyes met, I froze. We just stared into each others eyes and I could only think, 'She is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!'

She looked down bashfully and could have sworn her fur got redder. I felt a familiar stirring in my sheath and looked away, trying to avoid getting an erection. That's when I noticed everyone staring at me.

I put my ears down and thanked the Gods that they couldn't see me blushing through my black fur. They all burst out laughing when Jeff blurted out,"Hey! Looks like Wolgram digs your sis, Seth." At that everyone laughed harder and I became confused.

When everyone had calmed down I asked,"Wait! How is she your sister? She's not a wolf?"

"My parents adopted her 10 years ago. It's actually pretty cool though since she's my age.", Seth answered.

"Oh. . .", I said, nodding my head but still feeling like a fool for not guessing that.

We ate our lunches, exchanging small talk and got acquainted. The bell rang and everyone waved bye as we left for our next class. I sighed, having three classes left.

It turned out that my last three classes were pretty cool, since Angel and Seth were in two of them. I had woodworking, engineering, and metalworking, which all seemed like they might be pretty fun.

When the day ended, I headed out the front entrance, turning to head for the forest when I heard a shrill whistle from behind me. I immediately turned around looking for the source, then saw Seth flagging me down. I smiled and trotted up, noticing Angel was there with him.

"Hey Seth, hey Angel.", I said and nodded to them.

"Hey buddy! Where were you going? I mean where do you live?", Seth asked.

I responded,"Oh I just kind of live in the woods."

"What? Come on, you don't have a house?", he said shaking his head. Seth then said,"Come stay with us man. It's the least we could do for a friend."

"Really?", I asked with surprise and continued,"What about your parents though? Won't they mind?"

"Yeah really, and our parents died like 5 years ago so now it's just us at the house.", Seth told me.

I felt sad for them, as I knew how it would feel to be without a pack. "Okay!", I replied after some thought about what they just told me. An idea popped into my head but I kept a straight face as I considered it.

When we got to their house, I marveled at how big it was. They showed me my room and said to just settle in and get comfortable. So I did, settling into my room. Of course, all I could think about was that I was alone in this house with two completely sexy canines! The more I thought about it, the hornier I grew and the more developed my devious plan became.

Finally around 7:00, I decided to act. Knowing that Angel was taking a shower and knowing well what my musk could do, I crept up behind Seth and then hugged him tightly making sure he was covered in my musk.

"What..?", he started to say until he got a whiff of my musk. I pressed my sheath against his body. He whined needfully and I whispered into his ear,"Thanks for letting me stay here Seth. How can I repay you?"

I stepped back and watched him. He turned around on shaky legs and in a shaky voice said,"You don't have to, umm . . . I'm going to take a shower."

I smiled, noticing the bulge in his pants as he shuffled off to the bathroom. I knew what he was going to do so I decided to give him a couple of minutes. I crept into the bathroom, seeing him standing in the shower pawing at his 9 inch cock furiously. I grinned and licked my lips, then pulled back the sliding panel.

He heard that and his eyes snapped open. He looked at me, eyes wide in shock and started to say,"Wolgram what are you-", but I cut him off. I pressed my lips to his and thrust my tongue into his maw, exploring it in detail while rubbing my sheath against his cock. He moaned into my mouth.

When I stood back, his tongue was lolling out of his maw and he was panting with his eyes closed. I chuckled at the sight and how submissive my musk had made him. I grabbed his paw and put it on my steadily growing erection while I took hold of his cock with my other hand. His eyes opened and he looked at the 18 inches of rock hard wolf cock in his hand.

"Its so big! It has to be 3 thick!", he moaned out as I started stroking him. Then he got the idea and started doing the same to me. We both moaned out and I pressed him against the shower wall. I started kissing him again, our tongues fighting and intertwining. When I felt him start to tense up, I could feel his knot was fully grown. I stopped kissing him and smiled, then then dropped down to my knees.

I put his cock into my maw, to which he moaned and grabbed my ears. I started to suckle him, then grabbed hard behind his knot. Simulating a tie, it made him howl out as my mouth was immediately filled with cum. I drank it all down then stood up smiling at Seth as I started pawing off.

He got the idea and dropped to his knees, putting the tip of my cock in his mouth and started to suckle it. I grabbed behind my knot, making me howl out at the stimulation while flooding Seth's maw with my cum. He tried to drink it all down but couldn't and eventually it started to run out of his lips and down his chest.

I finally stopped him and pulled him up into a hug, knowing I would be cumming for a while.

Then I heard him gasp out,"Ohh, that was great!"

Wolgram's Search Part 2

Heres my second part enjoy and comment special thanks goes to my good friend DasherCheetah. "Damn it where is that little fuck at?", I said to myself as I stormed through the forest. I couldn't even smell his scent, which I should have...

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