A Trainer's Tale - Chapter 2

Story by FoxStriker25 on SoFurry

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#2 of A Trainer's Tale

Author's Notes: So I managed to crank this out in record time, by my standards anyway. I hope that everyone enjoys this second part. Yes, there is sex in this one, and with that said, disclaimer.

This story contains sex. Please do not read if you arent of legal age in your area. Find out if you dont know. Or not? Pokémon franchise copyright to Nintendo, Game Freak, and others. Aaron, and other characters are mine. Please ask permission prior to using them.

I just got done talking with my friend, where he apparently "Probably have to vocalize though, text won't do it justice". So this was literally writen all night until like 4:30 AM Pacific time, sent to his e-mail, and posted at 2:17 PM Pacific time. Second time writing sex in a story, so any constructive criticism will be most welcome.

Chapter 2 --- Helping Paws

As the girls finished eating, I started to get the feeling that I was being watched. Before I could voice my suspicions, Akalia and Xola had decided that I needed a good cuddle, so they demanded that I sit on the ground. The Luxray was currently lying on my lap, purring as I scratched behind her ears. I rested against Xola, the Milotic had insisted that I lay within her coils. I was resting my head against hers, the only acceptable position for her, unless I wanted to be sprayed with water.

Mist and Song were still talking to each other, the silent exchange of information a mystery to me. I could guess at it, but the reasons I came up with were pretty mundane. I imagined that they were discussing how, or who, to bring up now for me to meet. I imagined that Song and Mist were the masterminds behind this plan, but I didn't mind too much. Getting these four would be enough for me, in all honesty. But if they had plans, who was I to stop them?

The feeling returned, and I sat up this time. Akalia woke up instantly, her eyes glowing, instantly in the defensive. Xola's body curled around me protectively, as I felt the air around me chill. I looked at Xola, whose eyes were focused on the woods around the Pokémon Center, blue mist curling around her lips, Ice Beam at the ready, for anyone that dared to trespass. Electricity curled around Akalia's blue and black fur, as her eyes looked like they glowed brighter somehow.

"Song?" I called, trying to get her attention.

"Yes?" she responded, her voice in my mind once again. She sounded distracted.

"I think there's something coming," I said, still looking towards where Akalia and Xola were paying attention. I strained my senses as best I could, trying to listen, hear, or smell anything out of the ordinary. I looked at the tops of the trees, to see if I wasn't sensing a fire, but I didn't see any kind of smoke billowing. It was odd, though, because after a moment, it smelled like I could smell something burning.

"Do any of you smell that?" I asked. "It smells like something is burning."

No sooner that I said that, a massive Golem plowed through the trees, roaring as its round form smoldered. Flames licked the Golem's rock skin, though quickly put out when it rolled on the ground in front of us. Another Pokémon appeared behind the Golem, though this one was much smaller than the first. The Pokémon stood on all fours, growling loudly so that even I could hear it from my position. Black fur covered its body, while white bands covered the base of the neck and along the back. Horns adorned the head, curled backwards, and a barbed tail completed the image of the canine Pokémon.

The Golem charged at the Houndoom, but either it was chasing it, or was being chased. I didn't want to take a risk, as I looked at Xola, who nodded in my direction.

"Xola, Ice Beam the Golem!" I exclaimed, pointing at the rolling boulder.

The temperature suddenly dropped a few degrees around me as Xola unleashed the beam. A white streak of ice shot forward, quickly hitting the rock Pokémon at its side. It roared for a moment, before being encased in by the ice. I held my breath, still afraid that it would shatter its prison. My fears were justified when the ice holding the Golem shuddered a bit.

I stood up, Akalia running up to the Houndoom, nudging it to move. Both ran towards me after the silent exchange, the Houndoom giving me a wary eye as it passed by. I shrugged at the action, more concerned about the rampaging Golem in front of me.

"Song, is there anything we can do to calm the Golem down?" I asked

"It's possible," she said, her voice thoughtful in my head. "We have to find out what's causing the rage, though."

"Would this Houndoom know?" I asked

The Houndoom barked and growled at me. It sounded like I just offended the Pokémon. Song laughed, her voice echoing in my mind as she shook her head.

"This is Zin, silly," Song said, giggling.

"I apologize, Zin," I said, looking at the Houndoom. I remembered that Song said that Zin was a female, so I began to correct myself. "I didn't know who you were, as Song didn't tell me you were a Houndoom."

She barked, this time with a nod. "Do you know why the Golem is angry?" I asked

She nodded, barking her response. Sometimes, I wish I could understand other Pokémon.

"She says yes, she knows what got the Golem riled up, and it's you," Song said, translating for Zin.

"Damn, so it really was a Golem I woke up this morning," I said, shaking my head. "Out of all the places that a Golem sleeps, right next to the path I always use to get down here."

The ice was beginning to crack visibly along the surface as I approached it. As I looked at the Pokémon closely, I began to recognize him. If I wasn't mistaken, this was once a Graveler named Charles. He liked the woods a lot, and was a loner for the most part. I was pretty certain it was, though I still didn't want to be in the receiving end of a punch from his massive fists. I backed up as the ice began to break, letting the infuriated Golem free.

"Charles, is that you?" I asked, silently praying that it was.

The Golem blinked for a moment, turning his face towards me. His eyes narrowed for a moment, but nodded. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Alright, big guy, do you remember me?" I asked. "It's me, Aaron."

Charles nodded, but he still wouldn't talk. No big deal, though. Now I know its Charles. He was never much of a talker with me, but at least he didn't throw rocks at me.

"Hey, I'm sorry I woke you up," I said, frowning. "It was a complete accident. Heck, I didn't even know you evolved until now."

Charles nodded, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. I did my best to keep a straight face, but inside, I chuckled. It was comical to see such a large Pokémon perform such a human gesture. At least, to me it was. After a moment, he nodded, turning back to the forest.

As soon as I wasn't able to see him, I flopped to the ground, my knees weak. I took a huge gamble on that. For all I knew, he could have been really mad, or perhaps even a wild Golem, though those are pretty rare. I shuddered at the possibilities that could have, but I focused myself on how Akalia was licking my face before I suffocated from her saliva in my mouth.

"OK, Akalia!" I exclaimed, gently pushing her away. She wouldn't have any of it, however, as she tackled me to the ground and continued to lick my face. Her purrs were loud in my ears, but I kept trying to get out of her grasp, much to her amusement.

"You handled that well, Master," Song said in my mind. I stopped struggling for a moment, which was all Akalia needed to practically lay on top of me, her long tongue washing over my eyes. A stray thought caught my attention, though. Did she just call me Master?

"Wait, Akalia, hold on a second," I said, pleading with the Luxray. She relented, if just, but at least the licks stopped. "Song, did you just call me Master?"

"Yes, I did," she said, nodding. "I need to become comfortable with calling you such, if I am to become your Pokémon."

"Why?" I asked, feeling perplexed by her reasoning. "You don't have to, Song. In fact, none of you do. By Arceus, I wouldn't want to know if Nurse Joy ever heard you calling me that."

"Why do you say that?" Song asked, tilting her head to the side

"Well, it boils down to your records," I said, closing my eyes in thought. "Since I've been here for so long, and I've known most of you for quite some time, I do know why you here."

I opened my eyes, looking at the gathered group around me. "Nurse Joy let me know the basic situations that happened to some of the Pokémon here, and I promised her that I would never do any of such things. It appalls me that you've been through what you have, and I'll do everything in my power not to let that happen to any of you again."

I turned away from them for a moment. Akalia had a shocked expression on her face, her eyes wide, while both Mist and Song looked at each other. I shrugged, closing my eyes, but still feeling all six pairs of eyes boring holes in my back. I would imagine that this is the part that I ruin everything. I would have thought they knew this by now, but I guessed wrong. Either way, no going back after what I just said.

"I'm surprised, but it makes sense now, how you always treated us with kindness," Song said, her words in my mind. "But I know that you didn't do it with the purpose of wooing me, or anyone else, to be your Pokémon. None of that matters now. What does is if you are still serious about it."

"Of course I am!" I exclaimed, turning around to face them. "I want to see the world. Meet new people. Find a reason to live, other than the one I have right now."

"And that is exactly what I wanted to hear," Song said, nodding. Xola, Akalia, and even Mist nodded with her, as well. Both Spirit and Zin looked at each other, and shrugged simultaneously.

"I might as well introduce myself properly," the Houndoom said, sighing and shaking her head.

"What in the world!" I exclaimed, taking a step backwards. "You can talk?"

"If you wouldn't be surprised about everything, I would have been talking to you for a while now," Zin said, her eyes narrowed. Her voice carried her growl in it, as if upset. "I've been keeping my eyes on you for quite some time, but you're not easy to track down."

I sighed, but I stopped myself from rolling my eyes. The only places I usually spend a lot of time at are here, at home, or at the Lost Tower. I voiced my thoughts, but she shook her head.

"That isn't what I mean. Oh, never-mind," Zin said, shaking her head. "And before you ask, no, Spirit can't talk."

I turned to the Flygon, her claws clicking against each other. A red hue was visible against the green scales of her cheeks, as she stepped forwards. Why was she blushing so much? I would ask her, but I was afraid that would embarrass her more, or make her more nervous than she already is.

I smiled as she stood in front of me, making an attempt to make it so I looked approachable. Spirit looked at me, but turned away almost immediately. I guess this is going to come down to the more direct approach.

"Hello, Spirit," I said, smiling. "My name is Aaron. It's nice to meet you."

She turned to face me, and didn't look away this time. Her eyes, even behind the red layer of protection, I was still able to see they were glistening, as if she was beginning to cry. I slowly approached her, and I was glad to see that she didn't flinch or back away this time. I reached out and touched her shoulder gently, feeling her smooth scales. She brought her head down, and gently nuzzled my forehead. I brought my other hand to her face, gently stroking her cheek. Her cheeks flushed, but she didn't shy away from my touch. I brought her head close to my own and rubbed her neck gently, as she grew comfortable. She began to make a deep sound, almost like humming, until I noticed her wings would quiver slightly, kicking up a fine layer of dust.

I smiled, pulling away from Spirit for a moment, to bring us eye to eye. She didn't look as flustered as she was previously, so maybe our little interaction helped calm her down. I smiled, and for the first time, she smiled back, small but sharp white teeth lining her grin.

"I hope that I didn't startle you before," I said softly

She shook her head, a bit of coloring returning to her cheeks, but not as bad as before. She surprised me by grabbing me quickly, pressing my body against hers. I was startled by her intimacy, but I quickly went with the flow, returning the hug as best as I was allowed. Her wings hummed, a slow rumbling coming from her.

"So, I take this that you would like to come along with me, too?" I asked, pushing gently against her.

She brought her face to mine, allowing me some personal space, nodding. I smiled, as I brought my hands to her neck, rubbing her scales. She hummed again, as we parted gently. I turned to face the others, who were all wearing either a large smile, or what seemed like grinning ear to ear. I broke them out of their reverie by coughing politely, not wanting to drag any more attention to the overly sensitive Flygon.

"So, Zin," I said, addressing the Houndoom, "are you also thinking about coming along with me?"

"Well..." she said, tilting her head to the side. "If I did want to go, I want to go to my den first. There are a few things that I want to clean up before I would go."

"Aaron should go with you," Song broadcast, her voice echoing in my mind. "That way, we can be all prepared for tomorrow."

"Well, there is that idea," I said, nodding. "Would you like some help, Zin?"

"That would be lovely," she said, walking up to me. Her grin was quite infectious, and I couldn't help but smile at her.

"Just you, though," she said. "My den isn't all that big."

"Then we better head out," I said, nodding. "Song, will you let Nurse Joy know where I'll be, please?"

Song nodded, smiling and giving me a cheeky salute. "Yes, Sir," she said.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her behavior, and that got everyone chuckling before I turned to Zin. When I looked about, she was already at the forest line, and I hurried to her side. Thankfully, she waited patiently for me to catch up to her. As soon as I did, we walked together, I slightly behind her, as she led me to her den.

I was always curious for the ones that chose to sleep out here, even though they had the option to sleep inside the Pokémon Center. My best guess is that since not many trainers passed by here, they felt safe enough that they weren't threatened. Other than by the few people that lived near the woods, like me, they didn't really have much to fear. I smiled at the thought, because it meant that what we're doing here, is working. At the very least, it was making them more comfortable in, so they were used the presence of humans.

The sun was still out, thankfully, but it was turning to midafternoon. The breeze was still blowing, the chill still present, but welcomed. Leaves that have been discarded by the trees rustled, as the wind ran about trunks. I was grateful that Zin slowed down in these winding paths. It seemed that her den was quite a ways away, and I kept the pace as best I could. The problem is that humans weren't made to keep climbing around rock paths.

The journey didn't take that long at all to complete, as the sun was still up in the sky. As the trees finally began to thin out, what looked like a small stream ran through a small clearing. I imagined that they only visible landmark was what looked like a large hump growing from the ground a fair distance away. We followed the stream, the Houndoom happily splashing about in its shallow depths. I was right, as we reached the mound that it was her den, the entrance opening a few feet from the stream. It wasn't just dirt, as I saw that it was more like a boulder had been carved out, and grass grew on top of it to make up for the disruption.

"You're going to have to crawl to get in," she said, as she quickly went inside.

I shrugged, but followed her, getting on hands and knees to follow my guide. Thankfully the tunnel wasn't very long, and it opened to a rather spacious room. It almost allowed me to stand up, but I didn't want to risk bashing my head against the ceiling. Zin pulled up to me a piece of cloth, what looked like an old shirt, and sniffed it deeply. She then walked up to me, and sniffed my hand. I was curious at the display, but I didn't voice my thoughts.

"Was making sure that you were this shirts owner," she said, growling in what seemed like a playful manner. "I have more of them, too. I think I should get rid of them."

I didn't notice there were other tunnels until she disappeared through one. I blinked, startled when she returned with a few more torn shirts in her maw. Curious, I opened the one I had in front of me. Déjà vu hit me like a stone to the head, as she was right. I 'lost' this shirt one day due to Xola's misadventures, the Milotic demanding that I take it off so I could swim with her. The color was gone from the shirt, caked with dirt and a very strong scent that I didn't recognize.

Zin dropped the other shirts in front of me, nodding to herself. "So, is there a reason why you have so many of my shirts?" I asked, trying to keep my voice from sounding surprised.

"Well, as you may have not noticed, a lot of other male Pokémon aren't all that sensitive," she said, sitting down on her haunches. Her eyes stared deep into mine, refusing to look anywhere else. It made me slightly nervous, just looking into those red eyes.

"What are you implying?" I asked, wincing mentally as I could hear my own voice start to crack. Zin grinned at my predicament, her sharp canine teeth giving her a very predatory look. She took a few steps towards me, placing her front paws on my lap. Her face mere inches in front of mine, her hot breath washed over me. Though ignorant in the beginning, it quickly clicked in my head what she wanted. I shook my head, attempting to disengage from Zin.

She wouldn't have any of it, moving quickly, pinning me down on the ground with her strength. I began to grab her, but her jaws quickly found my throat. I froze instantly, knowing full well all she had to do was put more pressure there and everything I knew would end extremely quickly. Her tongue bathed my skin between her jaws, saliva quickly dripping through her teeth and covering my neck with the sticky substance.

There were a lot of laws against this whole Poképhilia thing. I knew some of them, just because the news guys would always run a report on something some passing trainer said or something to that extent. I squirmed in Zin's grasp, only to be rewarded with a growl and applied pressure from her jaws. I stopped after that, forcing myself to stop any unnecessary movements. Her jaws released my neck, and my first thought was try to run away, but I quickly realized that she had a very distinct advantage. I frowned, trying to find a way out of this situation.

Either my face betrayed me, or she guessed at what I was thinking. "You're not getting out of here until I'm down with you," she said, licking me softly against my lips. "Song gave me permission for this, just so you know."

"She did what?" I asked, attempting to sit up. Zin pressed a paw on my chest, holding me down easily. She shook her head, smiling with what looked like satisfaction.

"Oh, you heard right," she said, moving her head down to mine. "The only way I agreed to this whole adventuring thing is if I had you, on my own terms. This is my way of owning you."

"I don't understand," I said, trying to buy more time, or at least, understand what she truly wanted. "What do you want with me?"

"I want you," she said simply, beginning to dig her paw against my shirt. "I want all of you, and you aren't going to stop me. I've waited far too long for this, and I'm NOT going to be denied."

She lunged, her lips meeting mine in a forceful kiss. I gasped, but all that did is allow Zin to stick her tongue into my mouth. I tried to fight against the powerful muscle, but all my efforts seemed to encourage her. Her growls seemed to soften, as her paws worked around my shirt. I managed to part our intimate union, if only to breathe.

"Wait a second," I said, panting. "At least, let me salvage my clothes. It'll be a pain to explain when I get back home how I ended up naked."

"I don't think it'll be too hard," she said huskily. "Just tell them you were assaulted by a Houndoom deep in her season."

"I highly doubt they'll buy that," I said. Her answer made me chuckle a bit, but I suppressed the need to laugh by removing my clothes from me. I put my shirt and pants as a makeshift pillow. I was pretty sure that I was going to be dominated one in this whole thing, so I might as well get comfortable. I was suddenly glad that the floor was free of debris or stones. I kicked off my shoes, but didn't get much further than that, as Zin decided I was naked enough. She pounced on me again, but stood on top of me.

"Song also said I had to explain myself a bit," she said, whimpering softly. I looked at her, confusion more likely quite clear in my face. She smiled suddenly, rubbing her cheek against mine.

"Alright, some explanation," Zin said, pawing at my chest. "I was the strongest of my pack, after my mother was caught by some trainer. I had just evolved, and I was thrust into the position of pack leader."

I wisely kept my mouth shut, but I raised my hand to her head, leaning forward and rubbing her cheek with mine. She licked me, but shook her head.

"Thank you, but I think I need to tell you why I'm doing this," Zin said. "It'll make sense, though there isn't much to tell."

After a brief moment of silence, Zin continued. "I was to lead my new pack out of the area, as quickly as possible. Even though I was put in charge, I didn't have the experience that others in the pack had. I relied on them to help me keep the pack safe, but they only saw me as a hindrance, and refused to help me. More than once, I was asked to leave the pack, but I refused, telling them that we needed to stay together as much as possible. Though, ultimately, I agreed to their demand."

"What?" I asked, flabbergasted. "Why would you do such a thing?" I knew that, to a Houndoom, their pack was their world. Lose that, and they might as well be good as dead.

She shrugged, tilting her head to the side. She ignored my questions, and continued with her story. "Not that long ago, about two summers ago, there was a horrid thunderstorm. One of the young was almost swept away, if it wasn't for me and a few others swift reactions. I made the excuse to look for a shelter nearby, but I made the decision to leave the pack like the others wanted. I couldn't put up with constant whispers behind my back, nor the courtships that some portrayed after talking to me the way they did.

"So yes, I ran. I ran away as fast as my legs could carry me. I found this hide away, and made it my own. Ever since then, I've been wary of humans, never letting get near me, nor my den. Not long after finding this place, I found you, following two other humans into the ruins west of here. I was curious what you were doing, so I followed."

Her story was making sense, in a weird sort of way now. I do remember seeing a Houndoom two years ago. Dad laughed at me, saying that the Unown were playing tricks on me. I guess I was right after all.

"I visited the Pokémon Center on occasion, and I got to know everyone here quite well. I was welcomed into the group, and for the first time, I felt like I had a home. Though Song was the first to truly make me feel welcome, she wasn't the last. After I confessed to her why I was here by myself, she was very enthusiastic of telling me of you. That's why I have these shirts of yours. She gave them to me."

"That's a little creepy," I said, shuddering. "A more important question, is why you took and kept them?"

"It made fantasizing about you while I went into heat a bit more pleasurable," Zin said, a grin spreading across her muzzle.

I swallowed what saliva I had in my mouth when she said that, making that audible gulping sound. Her grin widened, as she licked my lips softly, gently forcing my lips to part for her to have access to my mouth again. I slowly allowed her access, deciding to throw most of my inhibitions out of my thoughts for the moment. Why was I going along with this again? Oh yeah, she was about to rip my throat out.

I felt her weight on my chest as she relaxed against my body. Her warm fur encompassed my senses instantly. I brought one hand to her head, holding her in place, as I scratched absently behind her horns. My other hand, I brought to her body, feeling my way around her body. Her legs tickled my sides as she twitched, revealing her immediate satisfaction to me. I felt her tail snake its way around my right leg, as if to make sure I wasn't going to leave. I don't think I'll risk of getting bitten or burned today.

One of her hind legs lifted up and I felt it snag on the hem of my boxers. The ripping sound of cloth soon reached my ears; the feeling of her claws against my skin thrilled me. Fully absorbed by the mood of the situation, I returned her kiss as best I could. Zin's rewarded me by rubbing the length of her body across mine, teasing me into my full length. I could feel her fur through what was left of the material in between our bodies hiding my member from the air.

Our tongues parted, drool easily dripping from her mouth and onto my chest. I could taste the difference in my mouth, which I had to swallow, so I would be able to talk. The taste wasn't the best thing I've had all day, but I wasn't voicing my concern. Her growls were the only thing she vocalized, as she traced her nose down my body. She sniffed across my abdomen, licking her way down as she made her way to her target.

My member was already erect by the time Zin reached it. She removed the offending piece of cloth and sniffed my member for a moment, only to engulf it in her maw a second later. I moaned as the overly warm heat of her maw engulfed me. Her tongue soon joined the assault, licking the underside of my cock. My hands grasped at the soft ground, my nails digging through the dirt, and my toes curling at the unusual sensations. Her efforts were relentless, her tongue applying pressure at different points, to her teeth gently brushing against the head. Shivers ran down my spine as Zin continued her treatment, the gasps and moans that escaped my mouth only encouraging her onwards.

Suddenly, she stopped, her jaws opening to leave my penis slicked with saliva. She climbed up my body and pressed her lips against mine once again. This time I didn't resist her advance, returning the kiss with as much enthusiasm as I could. We parted long after I had run out of breath, forced to gasp for air as soon as her lips separated from mine. She pushed away from me, a whine escaping her as she walked to my side for a moment. She stood as she lifted her tail up into the air, her backside facing me. Her pussy was already lubricated, juices matting down her fur. I crawled my way to her, and almost touched her flanks when she moved away from my touch.

She shook her head, smiling. "You have to do the same," she said, wagging her tail.

A bit unsure about this, I moved slowly to my target. I brought my face to her nether area, taking a cautious lick of her skin. Her tail drooped down on top of my head, and eagerly pressed herself against me. I gently licked again, taking my time to become comfortable with my situation. Her low growls at the beginning soon turned into gentle whines as I grew more confident. I pressed against her folds with my lips, going as far as I could with my tongue. Her muscles instantly contracted as I gently sucked on her lower lips, whines of pleasure encouraging me to keep going.

I would break away from delving inside of her pussy on occasion; kneading her hips and rear legs with my hands gently. She abruptly pulled away from me, if just a step away, to lean forward, presenting herself to me.

I took a good look at Zin, noticing the smile she had on her muzzle. Her tongue would loll out, to lick her lips expectantly, her tail wagging up in the air, signaling me towards her. Her black fur was beginning to look slightly disheveled, her pants and my heart beat the only thing I could hear. I made my way to the sprawled Houndoom, lifting myself up to align myself with her. At this moment, it was when uncertainty strikes me. I was made aware that what I was doing was going to break a good handful of laws, possibly get me in jail, and a whole lot of other things.

I was about to say open my mouth, but Zin took the lead, pushing back, forcing my erect member inside of her. My complaint turned into a gasp, as I closed my eyes, trying not to dig my fingers into her flank. Zin didn't have my inhibitions, and swiftly let out a howl of pleasure as I filled her depths.

"Yes, finally," Zin said, her voice barely audible over the pounding in my ears. I leaned forward, placing a hand on the ground, the other still grasping her hide. Fortunately, this allowed our faces to be able to be at the same level, and she wasted no time to encourage me with a seductive wink.

I lifted myself up slightly, sliding myself out of her slowly, enjoying how her body tightened around my flesh as I tried to pull out. I didn't tease her for long, as I slid back inside of her tightening depths. I began to match her moans as I began to pick up momentum, pleasure beginning to take hold in my mind. Zin began to thrust push back in time with my own thrusts, our moans filling her den, the smacking of our bodies joining together just as loud as our voices.

I began to thrust faster, as my mind only wanted to get the release it craved. Zin's growls reached my ears, her body thrusting back in time with mine harder and harder with each thrust that passed. I could hear her whispering something, though I couldn't understand it over the pounding of our bodies or the constant beating of my heart in my ears.

Her body locked up, muscles tightening around my cock as I felt wetness at my crotch. I grasped against her hips, as my own orgasm snuck up on me, an explosion of sensations filling my mind. My mind was a haze of white, the feelings I was experiencing not letting me rationalize anything else. I felt my seed explode through my penis, right into her womb, her muscles doing all they could to milk my essence from me into her.

I tumbled on top of her, wrapping my arms around Zin's body. I could feel her pants and heartbeat, her body shivering underneath mine. I tried to at least prop myself up again, but she shook her head gently side to side.

"Please," she said, barely above a whisper. "Please don't go yet."

I frowned, but complied, gently picking her up from the ground. Still connected to each other, I lay down on the soft earth and turned her around, so Zin could lie on my chest. Her head rested against my neck, her breath hot against my skin. Her tongue graced my skin, washing me gently. I groaned once again, as her teeth nibbled on my skin.

"We aren't through yet," Zin said. I didn't know who she was kidding. I was exhausted, and I was betting that she was, as well.

"By Arceus, give me a moment," I said, breathing deeply. She chuckled, her body shaking. Her silken passage tightened around me, and I gasped.

"You're still hard," she said simply, as she wiggled her rump. I moaned as she teased me with her body. She thrust backwards into my length, hilting me again inside her warmth. In this position, I was completely at her mercy, unable to do more than just breath and attempt to thrust back in time with her rhythm. I wrapped my arms around her, forcing her down onto me harder as I thrust upwards, meeting her body halfway. A happy gasp escaped her lips, and I continued with the treatment, eagerly pounding away.

In between mutual gasps, moans and whimpers, both of us weren't going to last long. Her legs began to twitch at my sides, attempting to pull me tighter against her body. Zin was the first to reach her orgasm, bringing her head upwards, releasing a jet of fire from her mouth. I kept thrusting, reaching my own release soon afterwards, groaning loudly as I emptied myself within her once again. I held her against me, if only to keep feeling her warmth on top of me. Now thoroughly exhausted, I just lay there, panting to catch my breath again.

Zin's tongue startled me when I felt it bathe my neck again, but I relaxed after I realized I was still safe. I sighed, holding her against me, feeling oddly satisfied, if a bit concerned. If anyone found out, I'd be a dead man. The odds of being found out are small, true, but the longer this went on, the odds are going to change. I sighed, closing my eyes, exhaustion beginning to take its toll on me. I'll think about it, when I wake up.

====== =============================== ==========

I woke up with my face being licked. I groaned, attempting to bat the offending appendage away, but it would just continue its relentless assault somewhere else in my body.

"OK, I'm awake now," I said, yawning. "Geez, what time is it?"

"You need to get out of here," Zin's voice said. "That's all you need to know."

That woke me up instantly. I grabbed my clothes, and quickly threw them on. I don't remember what happened to my boxers, but it's better to not argue about such an item and hurry. I followed Zin, as she led me out of her den by puffing small jets of fire so that I could see. As soon as I crawled outside, I groaned, noticing that the sun was past setting. The stars outside twinkled brightly, the moon's gentle glow being bright enough for me to see easily. Zin pulled on my pants, encouraging me to move. I followed her as swiftly as I could without twisting my ankle, and was grateful that she slowed down when she noticed I wasn't fast enough to keep up with her.

The woods felt odd at night. I wasn't able to pick up any landmarks as I followed my guide back to the Pokémon Center. As we walked towards our destination, I couldn't help but notice how majestic she looked, running wild through the tree branches and paths she found. Her eyes glowed in the darkness, and easy indicator to where she was. Though, if I didn't know those eyes were hers, I know I would be scared for my life.

We quickly reached the Center, suddenly very grateful that we didn't reach it by the back entrance. It would be locked by now, and I wouldn't have the keys to get in. Zin guided me to the side of the building, where she jumped almost to by shoulders. I kneeled down to give her a hug, but her lips found mine, planting a deep kiss. My nerves kicked in as soon as I felt her tongue roll inside my mouth, but I returned the kiss as best I could. When we parted, she had a very satisfied smile on her muzzle.

"I'll see you in the morning," she whispered in my ear. Before I could say anything more, she dashed to the woods. With nothing to mark her passing, or to say that she would return I stayed there, in the same kneeling position. Every breath came to me quickly, as I tried to calm my nerves.

It's alright now, Aaron, I thought to myself, shaking. Nobody saw you, nobody knows. Sure, you're going about without any boxers, but nobody needs to know that. Especially how I came about losing them or it's my head on a platter.

I walked towards the entrance of the Pokémon Center, and I smiled as Nurse Joy was there. She gasped as soon as she turned to see me, running around the desk.

"Aaron! Oh my goodness, I'm so glad you're safe!" she exclaimed, pulling me by the hand. She shook her head, frowning at me. "How did you get so messy? Oh, never-mind, you never tell me these things. I just called your parents, telling them that you haven't shown up yet. I'll let them know you're going to stay the night here, and no butts! Get the keys from the desk, you know what room to use."

I nodded and grabbed the said keys from the desk. I walked down the hallway to the right of the desk, which led to both private rooms and the operating ward. I unlocked on the door that led inside the rooms and went back to drop the key off the desk again. Nurse Joy was nowhere to be found, so I put them back where I found them with a shrug.

I walked back to the now unlocked door, and I walked in, closing and locking it behind me. I turned to see the usual room that I slept in while I volunteered at the Pokémon Center. I was very grateful that these private rooms had showers. But first, I wanted to do a quick search. I sat in front of the computer that sat in the corner of the room, and turned it on, waiting for it to go through its program. As soon as it finished, I opened the adoption list, the Pokémon that were listed as ready and willing to be adopted. I was startled by a simple realization.

There was no Houndoom in the records. In fact, there wasn't a Houndoom attached to this Center at all. I stood up and quickly left the room to find Nurse Joy. Fear bubbled inside my stomach, as I realized that I just might have had sex with a wild Houndoom. I was thankful that Nurse Joy was back at her position behind the desk as I reached the lobby.

"Aaron!" she exclaimed, frowning. "Please go clean yourself."

"I will, Nurse Joy, but I have a question. Is it true that you don't have a Houndoom for adoption?"

"Why do you ask, Aaron?" she said, confusion in her tone.

"Well, Song said that there was a Houndoom that was interested in coming with me in my Pokémon journey, and I met her," I explained, omitting said sex parts. "That's why I was so late. I know that some Pokémon preferred to sleep outside, so I thought that was the case with her, as well."

"Well, that is certainly true, but I know that we don't have a Houndoom in the system," she said, frowning. "Have you checked the system?"

I nodded. A knot of dread sat at my stomach as Nurse Joy typed and clicked her way through the computer. I hoped that I just saw an old folder and I didn't pay attention to the dates.

"We don't have a Houndoom in our records," she said with a tone of finality. I swallowed what spit I had in my mouth, and tried to not let my voice break with it being so dry all of a sudden.

"Thank you, Nurse Joy," I said. I could even hear my own voice crack. "I'll go get cleaned up and head to bed."

She nodded as I turned away from her. I practically ran back into the room as soon as I was out of sight. As soon as I locked the door, I removed what clothes I had and headed straight for the shower. I turned on the lights, inspecting myself in the mirror. Scratches marred my torso, bite marks on my neck, and a bruise from something on my shoulder. How I got that one, I have no idea.

I shook my head and sighed as I turned on the water. Song is going to explain this one, big time.