Pride of the Neighbourhood

Story by Damaged on SoFurry

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#3 of Summoning

Six hours sleep she gave me, graciously, for my service yesterday.

She seems to like these stories and I think she wants me to like them too.

Who am I to argue with her?

I got changed that afternoon into a tight pair of denim shorts that hid so very little, opting for a bikini top that, while it hid somewhat more, showed off a whole swathe, and with a laugh and a six pack of beer headed out to tend my lawn.

My house was set back a long way from the road in a small suburb, it was quiet, but only by day.

Starting the rusty old mower I opened a beer and began pushing the grunting, screaming machine around my lawn. It was a hot summers day and all too soon I was into my third and about half done with the lawn.

I decided to take a break and sat on the edge of my porch, still in the sun but taking long pulls of my beer.

Yeah, only by day. At night this little 'patch of heaven' became my own personal game of checkers. I thought suddenly of Mr Howard and his family behind me. He was a well paid accountant who, according to his wife, kept coming home late because of the extra work he did, his wife didn't know he slunk down two houses to the single mother of three, Ms Stotts. He however most certainly didn't know that I would climb his back fence and, with the help of Ms Stotts eldest daughter, a bit of a prodigy of mine, make sure that Mrs Howard never felt lonely.

And that was Thursdays...

Grinning, taking a swig, rubbing my crotch a bit, was when it hit my leg.

A single piece of paper blew against my calf muscle and almost seemed stuck there by static. Picking it off my limb and jumping up to sit in the shade, I read it.

Always thought there was a little more to life?


Call ####-###-###-####

To order your copy of a book that will change your life!

Intrigued I reached into the pocket of my shorts for my mobile. After a few seconds of ringing someone answered, "Address please." the voice asked with a slight growling tone to it, but none the less I felt almost compelled and complied with the request.

It was later that evening, having finished my lawn, and Mr Hastings from three doors down, I thought it odd they didn't ask for money.

Two week later I got a call from the post office telling me a parcel had arrived at my home and I had to pick it up because no one was there to sign for it.

On my way home from work I swung by and grabbed it, opening it in the car I was so intrigued.

"New age grimoire." I read the title. I flipped it open and a handwritten note fell out with instructions on it about where to start, what to try.

With a giggle I realised it was some sort of satanic ritual thing, sounded like fun.

I got home and checked off the list of thing, candles, salt, chalk... heck I had all this stuff laying around, I could give it a spin tonight!

Waiting till after dark, as the instructions said, I drew the circle and pattern on my back gazebo, and quite well I must say, my skills as an architect paying off.

Circle complete and candles burning on the warm summers night I decided I would do this nude, as I believed all good satanic rituals should be. Besides, the neighbours might see me, I thought with a grin.

Standing naked and proud, I began reading the phonetic-spelt line. I started saying it, over and over. I began to feel a little silly when something in the words 'clicked' and I felt a pulling out from me, flowing with the words as I spoke them. Almost startled at this but feeling daring, I continued, feeling more and more of me drawn out until with a thunderclap, a large dark being appeared in the circle.

"Ahh, the fliers are starting to work, he is such a good pet." the... thing, in front of me said.

It stood huge, hulking, the legs of a goat, the body of a wolf or dog and the head of a bull, complete with a huge ring through the nostrils.

"Female? I have never before in my existence seen a female with the power..." it seemed speechless for a moment but soon regained its composure, "None the less, it seems so, and one who can at least follow directions. Miss I must say your skills with chalk are superb." I blushed a bit at the words, not sure why, but praise from this thing made me feel a little warmer.

"Thank.. uh thank you great one." I said a little shakily, trying to read from the book to find out what I was supposed to do next.

"Miss, why don't you just put the book down and I will lead you through the usual summoning procedure?" it said and I nodded mutely at it, "Very good, now normally, the first thing to establish would be what you bring in tithe to me, however I can see you are quite alone so under the circumstances it must of course be you." wait, tithe? What did it mean?

Seeming to read my mind it continued, "A tithe or, sacrifice, as the old words call it, is merely your bargaining chip in a barter for power, knowledge and a bit of fun on my part. Usually, once the sacrifice is chosen you would make the first offer for what you want against what you are willing to let me do. You may begin this..." it said and I was at a loss.

I looked down to the book at my feet, wanting to pick it up, needing to, I was so out of my depth here. What should I ask for?

"A hint, and it will cost you a little later for me to say this, but I would highly recommend asking for your life to be extended, with no change to your age of course, as well as knowledge to extend your dark arts." it said smoothly.

"Uh, yeah, ok..." I said, "Um, five hundred years of extra life, knowledge to make me the greatest in the world and, oh yeah, not to age for that time." I said, pulling the wording, figuratively, out of my arse.

"Oh that is a nice one, how about twenty years of extra life, age locked of course, and I can give you at least the same book I gave to my first acolyte. For your part... half the remainder of the evening." it replied.

Realising of course I may have been a little high with my first demand, I replied, "A hundred years of age locked life and I want more knowledge than your first acolyte. For half the night." I said.

"Your getting the hang of this pretty quickly." said the demon. "None the less, fifty years age locked, as much knowledge as your mind can soak up but I will need the whole night for such a deed."

I froze, it was a very 'deer in headlights' moment, "What exactly can you do to me during that time?" I asked it.

"Smart girl, very smart, I would have been free to do anything, including torture you to within an inch of your life, very well. Fourty years of life, age locked. As much knowledge as you can take for half the night and I will do no physical harm to you." it answered.

I thought about it, all the things it could do. I looked down a bit and saw its member, pushing loose from its dog-like sheath. My pulse quickened, "Ok, as you spoke it, sounds reasonable."

As soon as it smiled I realised I had fucked something up, but not yet sure quite what. "Excellent, now I will make the contract and we can get started." it said just before a massive pouring of heat and raw power flowed from it, searing the very air between us.

Hovering there was a transparent mass of words that with a start I realised I could read. The demon cut its paw and leaked blood, dark blood, that leapt at the words, filling them in darkly. "You must do the same my dear, add blood to the contract." it said. Leaning down I picked up the knife the instructions had said I would need and sliced my finger, watching the redness swell and drip from it, curling in a gravity defying arc up and into the contract.

"Done then." the demon said as the contract evaporated. "I must say, you are the first summoner I have ever met who would bring me into being in the open air for anyone to see what we will be doing. Also, because you have offered yourself up to me I am honour bound to grant you a boon, in addition to the ones stipulated. This will be an extra power I will grant at the end of the contracted period. Now..." it stepped out of the ring of salt and toward me.

Its member grew and I realised what would be the best way to keep it busy for half the night. With a grin I knelt down in front of the thing and ran my tongue from the furry base of its sheath right up to its dark, leaking, tip.

It said nothing, just grunted, so I continued.

Leaning forward and, to my surprise, starting to warm to my task, I started applying more and more licks to its exposed surface even as my hands cupped and massaged its huge balls hanging just below.

Bringing it into my mouth for the first time I was almost knocked back by the heat it radiated, it wasn't burning hot, but it was just below uncomfortable. Of course its hot, its from hell you idiot, I thought, continuing none the less.

Working my lips down over as much of it as I could I felt myself growing used to the heat, almost like my own temperature was rising to match it, and with a sigh I began working it as deep into my mouth as I could.

Rocking my head back and forth, tongue trailing down and around the long tapered rod, I felt it start to swell further.

"You are quite good at this, the best I have found in a long time. Yes, you will be a special one..." it sighed, gripping at my hair to control my movements.

I relaxed my neck muscles, letting the creature use me as it pleased, working my unresisting head up and down his shaft, faster and faster until with a choking gasp I felt him swell further again and begin to spray seed down into my throat.

I worked to swallow, and I must say with the practice I have had, I didn't spill a drop.

Gasping around him but still unable to pull back due to his hold I heard him say, "As my seed fills you, so shall you become more. Take my first gift, I think something soft, agreeable but aggressive at the same time... ahh a skunk." as it spoke the last word I felt a heat pass down its length in my mouth, burning into my belly and further down, working at my groin and lower. My legs gave way and I would have toppled had he not been holding me up. I felt a pressure at my rear and realised I had gotten, as the creature stated, the lower body of a large skunk. Reaching down to feel my new, soft fur I felt something odd at my groin, there, just above my feminine slit was a sheath, hanging heavily, separated from my folds by a pair of hanging testicles.

I gasped as just then the demon released me to walk away, and let me drop to my new limbs.

"Over here, NOW pet." it said, demanding my obedience, and with a soft sight I rose and walked over to it.

A tearing sound from deep within the ground sounded and out of my perfect rear lawn a low stone dais appeared.

It was ringed around its edge with that same scrawling script as the contract. Words flared out at me, my name, sexual descriptions... I was inflamed and hot just from looking at it. I knew exactly what he wanted from me and with a spring in my step that was only partly from the new muscles in my legs I padded over and lay down on my back, bringing those new legs up and holding them just before my shoulders with one arm, working fingers down into my folds with the other.

"Well, aren't you just the most obliging little thing, very well, I will make sure you enjoy this for such an act of wantonness." it said, swaggering over to me.

I looked down to see him position himself behind me and with a smile I leaned back and looked up into the star-lit sky.

The feel of him, pausing not one second to let me adjust myself, as he pushed into my rear passage made me cry out both startled and, due to the previous lubrication and the juices pouring down from my female cavern, needy.

He drew back after a short way only to thrust back, deeper. Again and again he worked, as I felt my insides shift around to accommodate him, driving ever deeper until I swore I could feel him moving behind my breasts.

"Yes, very wanton." he commented and I felt myself warm at the compliment and, lowering my legs down to grip the edge of the alter, began to push myself back against him on every return thrust.

My own rod, erect now for the first time, ached and dimly in my mind I realised that the wording of the contract hadn't forbidden me from getting off, something that seemed odd to me to think about, but with a happy moan I wrapped one hand around my long red length and began pumping.

Timed with his thrusts my hand was a blur of motion and I felt myself rising that wonderful wave of heat and pleasure quickly.

Suddenly the big demons paws came down and gripped my sides, claws digging into flesh as he drove harder and harder, flaring wide inside, only to bellow loudly and explode within me.

The feeling of fullness, of having every last drop of him burn my back passage and not leak out caused me to whimper and moan through my own orgasm, spraying my seed all over my chest, some even landing on my chin, which I licked up eagerly.

"And so, with this gift of seed, you have the form of a lion, a most virile of creatures!" it said with a flourish. Again, with the animal named, the heat and power burnt into my muscles, twisting me from the hips upward, I cried out again and again, still impaled on the demons length, unable to gain relief from the pressure within that was changing me.

The waves of change passed, ceased and I was left floating. "Ah, perfection." the demon said softly, clearly happy with its work. "Alas my dear, the middle of the evening has come and I have only just been done with you. You have your years of life, you have as much knowledge as you can take. You will also have some other gifts, a time such as this shall be remembered for the rest of this ones long existence." very gently that big bulls mouth came down, kissed me softly on my new leonine muzzle and walked off, whistling a bright, happy tune.

I lay there I don't know how long, his seed slowly draining from my rear.

Things felt very different now, I could smell so much. All my conquests around me, their needs starting to pull at me, causing me to roll off the side of the alter to all fours, and lift my nose to the air.

Absently one of my paws ran down my body, taking stock.

My lovely breasts were gone, reduced to a broad, muscle packed chest, fur covered and feeling just 'right'. Further down the skunks rod had changed, it was still erect, the need I smelt in the air making it grow heavy, and although it felt similar to how it had before the lion change, I could feel sharp pricks against my pad as I ran my paw down its bone reinforced length.

Down further I felt my large balls, hanging heavy and ready. Below that... nothing.

Sighing, I didn't feel too much loss, the demon had given me so much, a little loss could be expected.

"Mary are you there?" a young feminine voice called as it had just vaulted over my rear fence.

It was Felicity Stotts, nineteen years of perfect female, and I felt something within me growl, "Mine!"

Leaping I landed just beside her and knocked her backwards, a power the demon hinted at reached out from me then, instinctively, driving the girl into a heated need to match my own.

Pushing her down again, I ripped away at her clothes with my claws, baring as much of her as I could as quickly as I could.

I worked my tongue into her, around her, making her cry out over and over. I worked again and again, smothering her juices downwards, around her tight puckered rear.

Growling with need I nuzzled her around until she got the idea and braced on her hands and knees.

Mounting her quickly, I thrust home in her tight bung hole, feeling the moisture I had added sooth the depths even as my spines inflamed them again.

Rutting hard, my jaws wrapped around her neck, I took her again and again, never once letting up, using her tight rear until she just lay there whimpering in the need my power brought forth in her.

At last, light breaking softly on the horizon, I lifted clear of the girl and staggered back to my house.

What had the demon done to me? I couldn't even think straight I had been so horny.

Opening the back door I noticed the books, dozens of them, all over the floor of my kitchen.

Purring softly I began collecting them and stacking them. I would need some new bookshelves.