Tyler x Shadow: Chapter Sixteen

Story by SpecOpsElite on SoFurry

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#16 of Tyler x Shadow

I promissed celebration ;). And don't get excited by the lucario, it'll be while till he becomes important. Also, i have decided to give tyler a full team of six pokemon and know who they are. Plus there is even more sex to come, two or three chapters of it before any plot come in actually, enjoy

Chapter Sixteen

A loud crash of a tree followed by a deep roar of anger rocked through the twilight of the forest. Fleeing from the roar, a blue furred, two legged jackal acrobatically jumped over a large fallen log and continued to sprint through the forest. Behind him, the log that was nearly taller than himself was ripped apart by a gabite's dragon claw, sending large splinters flying past the lucario

"Please, I did not mean you any harm," lucario tried to reason with the rampaging dragon, but it would have none of it


Lucario was just fast enough to avoid a fire blast, the heat washing over his face fur. He tightened his grip on the small blue scale he'd stolen and jumped into the air. Landing on the side of a tree and kicking off, he was heading straight for the frenzied pokémon.

"Sorry about this," he apologized as he pulled back a hand and formed a ball of blue aura.

Gabite reeled as the aura sphere slammed into its face, blinding and throwing it off balance. Lucario flipped around and used its head as a springboard to change his direction back into the trees. When the dragon opened its eyes, lucario was gone.

"ROOOOOOAAAARRRR!" it cried in annoyance, loosing another fire blast

The soft plop of a berry cluster landing in front of it caught its attention. Hungered by the chase, gabite gladly ate lucario's sacrificed rations.

"A fair trade no?" lucario said quietly from the tree branch he was perched on, replacing the now empty supply pouch on his rope belt.

His gaze fell on the scale he held in his hand. Supposedly this fleck of blue skin could heal any illness and was very valuable in his home territory. But he had his own reasons for taking it. Securing the object in a leather pouch he had tied around his wrist, he took off, jumping from branch to branch away from the last few rays of sunlight hanging on the horizon.


"What's your problem?" Shadow asked a clearly distressed Tyler

The quartet was walking along one of the forest paths out of Glade Town and towards the Vesi Harbor where a ferry would take them to Spark City. Around the group were the sounds of nocturnal pokémon hunting, battling, fucking, and etcetera. Lava was walking along ahead of them, her flames ignited slightly to illuminate the path during her shift. Slash was, as usual, tailing Shadow like the baby he psychologically was. Tyler and Shadow were walking side by side

"You mean other than having a second town I'm embarrassed to ever go back to?" he said with a hint of anger

"What? It's not like anyone cares, you heard Lily"

Tyler sighed, "it's just, it's weird ok"

"What's weird?"

Tyler tried to figure out how to say what he was thinking without pissing her off, but Shadow read his mind and where he was going with it. She jumped ahead and spun around to stare him down with her bright blue eyes, bring the entire group to a halt "because I'm a pokémon!?"

He tried to respond, but again Shadow preempted him, "oh, so because I'm a different species means that it's unnatural!?"

"Are you going to keep doing that?" he growled

"If you can't figure out how to do it yourself, then yes"

Tyler groaned, running his hands through his hair in frustration. Lava was sitting ahead of them, thankfully remaining quiet and feigning looking around the forest, and Slash could really only say 'kabutops' and variations, but still, he was silent.

Tyler sighed, "I'm sorry Shadow, it's just I'm not used to this. I don't like people knowing what I do with you"

"Well I have to walk around all day smelling like you," Shadow pointed out bitterly, "so every single pokémon we see knows very well that I've fucked you, but no human knows it unless one of us says so"

Tyler sighed again, seeing her point, "I guess that isn't very be fair"

"And do you know how many people I could have fucked over the years? I've spent my entire life with you, gave you my withheld virginity, and fight in little matches on your command," she growled, "I'll probably die well before you, never be able to breed with you, and probably never be accepted as your mate in our fucked up society. I'm perfectly aware that I'm a pokémon, and what that entails!"

Tyler couldn't do much, just standing there while she vented. He was about to say sorry, but withheld it, just listening to her and feeling her frustration, more from being pent up about it than actually angry.

Shadow took a deep breath then exhaled slowly through her nose, calming her breathing and, with it, her mind like her mother had taught

"But. I still love you and," she changed tone slightly to a more apologetic one, "I'm sorry that I keep embarrassing you. Now get the fuck over here and kiss me"

Tyler quickly scooped Shadow up in his arms and nuzzled into her neck before locking lips with his mate for afew minutes while standing in the middle of the public trail.

Tyler pulled away and nuzzled her again, "I'm sorry that I can't just get over it, and I understand what you mean. I mean, you know what I mean. I just*sigh*I love you. But could you please stop asking for sex in public?"

"I suppose, but could we try it just once?"

"I um, we'll see" he said quickly

Shadow giggled at him

"So, um," Tyler glanced around at the dark forest, listening to the pokémon and lack of humans around them, "now that we're out of the town and kinda deep in the woods, you wanna..."

"Na," she declined

Tyler stared at her dumbfounded, "what!?"

Shadow nipped his nose, "just kidding, let's fuck"

Tyler chuckled and licked her forehead affectionately


Tyler and gang left the path and set up a small camp in a clearing a ways off. Once a small fire pit, lit by Lava, was set up, Tyler and Shadow started to get their usual raunchy business.

He laid her down in the grass on her back and spread her legs apart, fully exposing her aroused sex to him and the cool air. The two pink lips stood out from the black, and slightly damp, fur around them and her small clit poked its way out from between them. Tyler ran a finger up her slit, collecting her juices on his digit and making Shadow purr.

The feeling was also transferred into Tyler's mind and, combined with the scent of her arousal and lingering heat, made his own organ harden and press against his boxers and jeans. When he reached her tiny erection, he prodded and toyed with it, making Shadow growl lustfully with Tyler.

Removing his finger, Tyler stuck the lubed digit in his mouth, sucking off her juices. She tasted as sweet as a ripe pecha berry, though her flavor, he noticed, was slightly different than he remembered. Her heat was probably starting to wind down, meaning that she would be less likely to get pregnant, though it wasn't impossible, and wouldn't be releasing pheromones that aroused most of the males she was around for more than afew minutes. That didn't really affect Tyler though

Shadow yipped when he suddenly buried his face in her snatch. His tongue ran up and down her soaked lips, getting more of her juices and further chirps and purrs. The umbreon gave a small squeak as his muscle found her clit, than howled when his mouth closed over it, gently suckling on the small nub of nerve filled flesh for a minute.

Tyler continued to rove his tongue across her vulva until his cock was begging to get out and a stain of pre was forming on his underwear. He shifted his hips slightly and tried to block it from his mind. To help him with that endeavor, he thrust his tongue into Shadow, making her moan and arch her back.

He lapped vigorously at her inner walls, still returning to her clit every so often and tried to get as much of her tunnel as he could with his relatively short reach. Shadow by this mewled and twitched her paws and tail, claws flexing into the air.

As he got deeper and was rewarded with more of her sweet nectar, his cock continued to beg for release, the general pleasure and arousal transferring, but not the actual touch. It was like having your cock tickled with a feather, just enough stimulation to keep him erect, but not getting him nearer to orgasm

Both partners could feel her end slowly approaching. Tyler redoubled his efforts, deciding to bring one of the hands from where it held Shadow's leg and sticking his middle finger into her well lubed canal while his mouth focused more on her outer lips, and especially her button. This all made Shadow howl and writhe, her claws digging into the air around his scalp. It just got better as he added a second finger to her and started pistoning in and out of her rapidly.

It was only afew minutes later that Shadow grabbed his head with all four paws and howled out her orgasm, pleasure locking up most of her muscles, her vaginal ones trying to futily milk his fingers. Tyler was more than happy to stay put, letting her wonderful fluids pour into his mouth and soak his jaw line.

As her orgasm slowly passed away, Shadow slumped onto the ground panting. Tyler licked his lips and sat up, observing his work. Her fur was ruffled with sweat droplets and dirt, her groin was coated in cum, and her eyes were half closed. As for himself, his jeans were heavily tented and his fly was soaked from the pre that had pooled there, most of it coming from when Shadow had cum.

Noticing her partner's predicament, Shadow caught her breath and rolled onto her front, strolling up to him. She ran her tongue hard across the jean covered erection, her barbs catching on the fabric. Despite the interference, Tyler still felt the foreign pressure against him and let out a soft sigh. Smiling to herself, the umbreon closed her mouth over his covered tip and gently bit down, making Tyler groan, wanting more contact than being allowed

Undoing her mate's belt and fly button, Shadow delved into his pants and boxer's waist band. Her nose was filled with the smells of Tyler's sweat, flesh, and cum, making her crotch start drooling again. She closed her mouth over his pre soaked tip, suckling and licking it, making both of them moan. Undoing his zipper, she got more of his cock into her mouth to suck and lap at.

Tyler just laid back, using his hands to support himself while Shadow began to bob her head along his length, using her barbed tongue on all the flesh she could reach, and added her saliva to the fluids in his pants.

When she pulled out to catch her breath her face was glazed with lubrication and drool.

"You are such a messy pokémon," Tyler commented, petting her head

Shadow licked her lips and smiled, "you know you love it"

"Well you know something else I love?"


Shadow purred as his hand roved down her underbelly, finding her hard nipples to play with.

"Then there's this"

His hand cupped her dripping pussy, running a finger between the slit, making her moan and press into his digit.

Next he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him, "and of course one of the best parts," he said as he licked her nose before kissing her

'So what's your favorite part of me?' she asked mentally, her tongue preoccupied working with his

'I'd show you, but I don't think you'd appreciate me ripping off the top of your skull'

Shadow pulled away, licking away some excess drool, "I'll assume that was supposed to be sweet," she teased him


"Fuck now?" she peeped

Tyler shifted to poke his boxer covered cock against her crotch. Shadow pulled out of his grip and got into the usual mounting pose with her hind end raised and her tail up high to expose her eager cunt, the lips glistening in the fire and cum matting her inner thighs.

He quickly shed and tossed aside his clothing and took up position behind her. But instead of mounting her, he grabbed her legs on one side and flipped her over. She now lay on her back in the grass with paws in the air and mate standing above

Shadow purred as he stood over her, his hard cock grinding against her pussy and his digits roaming around her six small breasts.

In one push, Tyler buried 2/3rds of his length into her, making them both howl and arch their bodies against the other. He immediately began to roll his hips back and forth, driving more of his cock into her body with each small thrust. As more of his length slowly sunk into her, the two couldn't help but give off loud grunts and pants.


Lava watched with her tongue hanging out of her gaping mouth while the mates began their fucking. She had tried to ignore them while they had oraled one another, distracting herself with the fire, listening to the other forest sounds, getting some food to cook. But she couldn't keep it up, obvious by the paw slowly massaging her engorging mound.

Slash for his part had no idea what was going on, he'd thought it odd that his parent's had started licking each other like that, and the smell that had started covering the clearing was strange too. It reminded him of the smell from the pokémon center, but less pungent and mixed with the fire's smoke. 'Still it's not bad,' he thought as he sniffed again, the loud sounds and increasing smells working on his instincts rather than his conscious mind.

Lava glanced over at Slash, he was sitting on his knees with his scythes pulled up against his sides like he was meditating, but she saw something that drew her attention immediately. Two inches of his bright blue, slender erection were emerging from his bony body armor. It wasn't like Tyler's, much thinner, and reminded her of a needle.

Slash looked down at the thing poking out of him for only the second time in his short life. With it came the same previous feelings of heat, shortness of breath, and something he didn't quite understand just yet. He looked back to his parents, wondering if he could interrupt them to ask about this, but a sudden surge of pleasure that made his entire body tremble caused him to look back down.

Lava ran her tongue across the blue flesh again, making the kabutops shudder and gasp. She made one more sweep, this time coiling her muscle around the thin tip, Slash moaning a soft 'kab' above her.


With a final thrust, nearly all of Tyler's penis was crammed inside of Shadow, the thick meat was repeatedly squeezed by its now very familiar confines. Both partners moaned as they kissed deeply, their tongues cradling and caressing the other while their owners did the same, enjoying their closeness, both physically and mentally as their pleasure was shared along their mental link.

Agonizingly slowly, five out of the six inches were dragged out, the male flesh left to the cold air and the female left hollow inside, annoyed groans escaping into the air with wet sucking sounds as her muscles and natural vacuum tried to pull him back. As the last few inches slipped free, a sudden change in direction fully rejoined the two in a second with a loud moan and a yip as tip met cervix.

Again the cock was removed slowly, then forcefully rammed back in, the two lovers moaning and sighing with joined bliss as the rhythm was set.


Slash continued to shudder and stutter out the occasional 'kab' when he found enough air to do so. Lava went from rapidly licking the slowly emerging member to placing her mouth around half of the four inches that had become exposed, sucking on his tip and swirling her tongue around the sensitive flesh, Slash crying out above her. She smiled to herself, happy that she could bring her current partner pleasure despite her inexperience, even if it was only because this was his first ever bj.

Speaking of it being his first, Slash didn't have a very long fuse, almost ready to blow even though his full five inches had only now shown themselves, the skin was already as hard as the bones around it. Lava dipped her head down, engulfing the cock until the sharp tip prodded at her uvula, then went further. Slash cried out loudly at his first ever deep throat, bucking his hips and launching pre down her massaging throat while her mouth sucked hard on his length and her tongue traced his even more sensitive ribbed underside.

Lava held herself there, roving her tongue across as much of the body as it could reach before pulling off and returning to suckling on his tip. Slash sighed and bucked slightly, his cock twitching in Lava's mouth. He could feel something building up in his groin, but wasn't sure what it was.


Tyler and Shadow broke apart their kiss and looked over at the sudden outcry to find their 'son' loosing part of his virginity.

"How cute," Shadow purred, Tyler still pistonng in and out of her.

"At least it's not Shadow I guess," Tyler thought aloud, turning back to his mate and speeding up his thrusts.

As her human mate began to fully pound into her, Shadow cried out in ecstasy, digging her claws into his back and hips. Tyler moaned while his fingers dug up clumps of grass out of the soil. On a random urge, he leaned his head down and bit down hard on Shadow's neck, making her howl in a mixture of sharp pain and pleasure, her tail thrashing between his legs and her claws slicing open his back.

Afraid of hurting her, feeling the same pain, Tyler was about to pull away, but Shadow begged him to stay, not very concisely though. He gladly continued to nibble on her, licking her fur and sucking hard as well, further making Shadow arch and howl, baring her fangs and flattening her ears to her skull while her claws left bloody lines across Tyler's back, the only thing keeping the carnivore from doing the same being much sharper teeth that could easily slice his neck open.


Slash's body alternated between wanting to stay frozen and randomly firing muscle groups as his brain lit up like a hundred tiny raichu had simultaneously launched thunders at one another. His eyes glossed over and his entire jaw area slackened as his orgasm was just seconds away. Lava, however, kept her mouth firmly closed over the jerking and pre sputtering cock in her mouth, licking and sucking on it.

With barely any warning, rich kabutops spunk suddenly blasted against the back of her throat and filled her mouth. The texture was similar to Tyler's and Bradley's, but the flavor was much different. Taste itself is hard to describe; it had the same musky under taste, but the main flavors were very different. But she'd only blown three people before him, only one willingly, so who was she to judge. She just continued to suck on his cock and swallow the semen, enjoying herself

As the last few spurts covered the quilava's hungry maw, Slash's body gave a final jerk before going completely limp and falling over in a heap. Lava giggled to herself, licking the escaped sperm off her lips and his receding cock, managing to keep at least an inch or two outside its protective armor for a bit longer.

"Kab," Slash panted, based on the look in his unfocused eyes and tone, Lava guessed it was a thank you of sorts, which she wasn't very wrong in thinking.


Tyler pounded into Shadow at full speed, his head slamming against her cervix with each go, making the pair moan, yip, and howl. He continued to munch on her skin, leaving an unseen hickey behind, while his back looked like he was auditioning for a slave in the next Moses movie and her silky tail brushed back and forth across his balls, tickling and pleasuring him at once.

The lovers could feel themselves getting closer by the second; it would just take afew more moments. Tyler gave her one last lick before bringing his mouth to meet hers. Their lips wrapped around each other and their muscles fondled one another as with one final push the two's bodies shuddered and pressed together while bliss filled their perception

Repeated waves of ecstasy hit them as Tyler's cock jerked and blasted thick spurts of cum into Shadow's convulsing snatch. Easily overflowing the relatively small passage, excess semen and vaginal lube oozed out around their seal and down her ass and rigid tail

After a blissful few seconds, their orgasms passed and their bodies returned to their control once more, afew final spurts of cum shooting out. The two were more than happy to just lay there however, Tyler rolling over so that Shadow lay atop his heaving chest, their kiss ended to allow more air to each's lungs.

With a quiet plop, Tyler's softening member exited Shadow, bringing with it a flood of mixed cum to cover and soak into their skin fur.

"This never gets old does it?" Shadow sighed, nuzzling Tyler

"Not yet," he answered, returning the action

"So how'd you do Lava?" Shadow called

The quilava, her arousal still not sated by the sleeping Slash, was vigorously eating herself out. It only took a moment for her body to lock up in self induced pleasure while her fluids painted her face and matted her fur. Finished, she laid back and joined the other three in rest.

Tyler smiled and wrapped his arms around his mate; calm snoring replacing the lustful grunts in the clearing for the next few hours.