The War Ch8

Story by Sid burn on SoFurry

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#8 of The War

Here we got Chapter eight, got down quicker than i thought, and looks like Jerin and Marcus get a little more close..XD Dont know how good the scene with them wil be, gotta get back into the sec parts. Its been quite a while since i have done a part like Enjoy!

Marcus looked out the edge of the hanger at the camp below, " do we get down? we just jump?" A small one-man speeder zipped past the gap between the ship and ground.

Jerin smiled and laughed, "We jump...or if you want you can take the lift down..." She saw a grin appear on Marcus's face at the mention of jumping off the hanger. He loved to BASE jump, and before she could react he was already out the hanger and falling down to the ground. "Hey wait for me!" she yelled, diving after him. She pulled her wings close to her body to speed herself up as she got close to Marcus, they were half way from the ground when Marcus fired his jetpack up and Jerin opened her wings. Gliding to the ground floor slowly, Jerin landed softly, while Marcus shut the jetpack off fifteen feet from the ground and did a flip in the air. Landing in a crouch he kicked up a small puff of dust.

"Show off," Jerin mumbled under her breath, Marcus smirked and stood up. Jerin took the lead as they made their way away from the camp, they walked for a few miles, all the while enjoying the walk and talking about whatnot.

"Where I come from...." Marcus began, "Life was good but I didn't like all the big cities and junk, so we moved out into the country. Almost all the time in the summer I was in the forest, I felt great when I was there. I felt at home in the forest like I do right now."

"So if you could leave all the tech, cars, spaceships, you know...would you? To live like we do?" Jerin asked, looking up at the stars.

Marcus smiled, "Oh, hell yea. I would I a heartbeat, guns I could live without too but still would be nice to have for self-protection." Jerin was amazed, she had asked other people and they no or were half and half. "You guys have an ultimate paradise, it took use years and I mean years to rebuild all the forests. I hope....that I get to spend...the rest of my life here."

Jerin stopped in mid walked, but Marcus not noticed walked forward still looking up at the stars fell into a pond. Jerin burst out laughing; he pulled himself out from the pond completely soaked. She held out her hand, he grabbed it and was yanked onto his feet.

"Why did you stop," Marcus coughed as he spat water.

Jerin knocked her hand on the top of his head, "Because, silly, we are at my home now." Marcus looked around and saw that they were in a very small clearing; it had a pond that had a continuous supply of water from a stream. There was a cave hidden by bushes and vines that Jerin lead him into.

The cave, he found out was quiet roomy, high ceiling, smooth brown walls that gave the room a warm feeling. It went in fifty feet, giving more than enough room for the caves current owner. There was some tech in the room. A small generator that connected to a large Holo-tv, which had a few gaming consoles and systems. A small heating and cooling unit, and a few other items.

"Nice home, you got here," Marcus murmured as he looked around the room. Jerin smiled, he was so kind, he her a one of a kind, and there would never be another person like him. Ever. But he was the first person to see her home; she hoped her parent would get over their dislike of human for her to show him to them.

"Thanks." She beamed, "You're the first to see it." Jerin walked down the cave, plopping down on her bed which was a large pile of blankets and pillows. Marcus shrugged his gear off and dropped it; it hit the ground with a heavy THUMP! With a soft sigh of relief he sat down on the bed next to Jerin, pulling out a small Comlink he press a button on it.

"What are you doing?" Jerin asked, looking at the Comlink.

"I'm calling Caelia so she doesn't get worried about me like she always does when I'm gone on missions or whatever." Marcus said as he put it up to his mouth.

Back at the Dragon temple, Caelia was chase fire flies around the grounds. She jumped at the bugs as they floated by, catching one in her hand she looked down at the bug. Its light flashing bright green, for some reason she found the urge to eat the bug...and put it into her mouth and ate it! She suddenly regretted eating the bug and spat it out, the horrible taste covering her tongue.

Sparx laughed at the face she made only to get smacked by her tail and sent spinning into a wall. Sparx groaned and rubbed at his sore head, "I guess I deserved that.."

Spyro jumped at a cluster of fire flies, he looked at them as they glowed in his hand. They crawled all over his hand until they reached the tips of hand. The bug tickling his hand as they walked around, when they reached the end of his hand they took to the sky, lights flashing as they flew away. He watched fascination as they disappeared into the sky. He remembered when he was little he used to chase the bugs all the time.

Cynder was looking up at the stars when she heard a beeping sound come from the direction Caelia was in. Caelia pulled out her Comlink and activated it.

"Hello, Marcus is that you?" she asked, half hopeful.

The reply came in a cocky laugh, "Who else would it be? Santa Clause?" She heard a laugh in the back ground from Jerin.

"Marcus....when will you be back?"

"Well....i don't know kiddo. Might be here for a day or too, but I will come back for you. So...until then enjoy your time with your with your friends....sorry. But I got to meet my real parents."

"Really," Caelia queried a happy smile on her face. What are they like?" It took him a second to respond.

"You saw the holo-projecter, they looked like that but not with the blue color body....well except for my mom she is blue. They were so happy to see me, and I was happy to see them. They want to see you very soon ....but I will have to wait to get you. until then have fun, I will see you again soon."

"Bye, Marcus!" Caelia said in a cheery tone, now knowing that he was ok and going to be back sometime soon, she shut the Comlink off with soft click. Caelia sighed softly and looked up at the stars. They look so big, much bigger than back on earth, and no ships zipping past all the time.

There was a sudden BANG! That erupted out of nowhere, Caelia whipped her head around to see Cynder holding the rifle that Marcus dropped with he got hit, Spyro had dropped it when he was dragging them back. She was holding the gun by the handle and had fired it into the ground, when she had fired it she jumped from the sudden and loud report the gun made as it fired the bullet.

Caelia sighed and rolled her eyes, "Looks like you found one of Marcus's guns," Cynder looked at Caelia and made a small smile. Spyro stood at a distance; he was a little worried about Cynder firing the gun untrained.

"Oh," Cynder said, "Yea, I saw him firing a gun and saw this......and wanted to try it out, it doesn't look that hard. Do you think he could train me on how to use it?" she asked in a hopeful voice.

Caelia smiled; another dragoness that wants to learn how to shoot guns.

"Me too!" Spyro called out

"Well since he isn't here I can teach you." There was a happy cry of delight from both of them...and a groan of disgust from Sparx.

"Oh...great, now the dark servant is going to use guns..." Sparx said in a mean tone.

"Sparx," Caelia called out, "Why don't you shut the fuck up before I let her use you as target practice." Cynder showed off an evil grin at Sparx and chuckled. Spyro laughed and joked at Sparx. Colt

"Here," Caelia said and hander Cynder her Colt Trooper pistol, and handed Spyro a Colt Anaconda. "Ok, I will teach you the basics of a six shooter. Six shooter means it has a six barrel chamber that holds six bullets that are made for the weapon...."

"There..." said Marcus as he pocketed the Comlink after shutting it off. "That is done...nothing else to do but relax..." he grunted as he laid back into the pile of blankets and pillows. He yawned slightly, he was tired, sleeping on a rock floor wasn't his idea of a good night sleep, but he had had worse.

Jerin yawned also, "Don't....yawn, it is contagious." She mumbled cuddling up close to him, kissing him on the cheek. She leaned over him and grabbed a remote, with a quick tap the lights went out then, and the only thing that kept the cave lit was the small braziers that lay on the walls...

"Sorry," Marcus yawned, "I can't help it..."

"STOP yawning!" she growled, getting on top of him, "Do it one more time and I will do what I told you on the VTOL right now....i don't care if you're tired or even if I am...."

Marcus gave her and evil grin, he pulled himself up and leaned close to her face. "Just you try....i dare you..." he ended the sentence with a long kiss. He felt her tongue push into his mouth and wrap around his as she leaned in. he loved the feel of her scales against his skin; they felt so soft and hard at the same time.

She broke the kiss with a soft lusty growl, pushing him down into the soft bed. Her voice was a soft hiss, "We aree going to have allottt off fun now." Jerin yanked off his jacket and shirt-well ripped the shirt off was more like it. He quickly undid his pants as to not have them ripped apart; he liked the pants and would rather have then in one piece. Jerin grabbed the pants and threw them aside with the rest; all that was left was his boxers that had a large bulge in it.

Jerin let out a giggle and pulled him into a loving kiss, she felt Marcus's hands massaging her shoulders, she let out a soft moan as she released him from the kiss. His hands relaxed her tense muscles and washed away her nervousness. She felt herself getting wetter from his massage and was finding it a little hard to hold back.

Marcus felt her shiver slightly, and that concerned him. "You ok Jerin?" she shivered again, her eyes were half-lidded as she relaxed even more,

"HMM?...oh yes...yes I'm just fine." She murmured to him before reaching down and pulling off his underwear to reveal his manhood to the. Jerin crooned at the sight, it was her first time seeing one and it was going to be her first time just like him. She leaned down and licked the tip of the head, getting a groan of please out of him. Wrapping her tongue around his member she started to suck eagerly on it, the pleasure was amazing! He gripped the blankets as he bobbed her head up and down coating his shaft in saliva.

"T-this is a-amazing!" Marcus stuttered in pleasure, she started to suck harder-she wanted to taste his seed and she wanted it now! He didn't know how much longer he could hold out, the feeling was...out of this world. Her tongue worded her magic on him, moving around, speeding up his climax. He sudden start to thrust up into her as she bobbed up in down, he yelled out in pleasure as he climaxed. Releasing his warm seed into her mouth.

She sucked greedily on his seed, enjoying the unique flavor until the last spurt was sucked down her gullet. She opened her mouth, a small trail of cum trailed off Marcus's member and her mouth. He pulled himself up and grinned at her.

"My turn now." He said as he kissed her on the cheek. She smiled and turned onto her back, giving him full view of her slick, wet vent. It parted slightly showing off the pink depths of her sex, there was a smell in the air that made him feel even more aroused, he found out it was her scent and it smelled amazing!

Jerin felt his fingers rub over her sex, she moaned loudly in pleasure, bucking slightly. Pushing her pussy into his hand as he started to push his fingers in, he suddenly felt her inner muscles clench around his hand. The muscles massaging them as they went in deeper.

"Feels soo gooood...." she gasped, Marcus grinned and removed his fingers much to the disapproval of Jerin who pouted that the pleasure had stopped. He placed his head close to her sex and started to lick it in slow circles around the opening. She whimpered softly, bucking upwards, his mouth pressed against her wet sex.

Juices started to trail out of her sex as he ate her out, her walls gripped his tongue, her walls felt soft and very warm, her tongue lolled out of her mouth as she panted heavily.

"Don't....stop...please, it feels so good." She moaned, whimpering as he hit a sensitive spot. He shifted place, spreading her vent wide as he tried to hit that spot again. Jerin roared in pleasure as she climaxed, her juices exploded out of her pussy, drenching Marcus in the fluid that he eagerly drank down. It tastes so sweet; he drank down as much as he could fit in four large mouthfuls! Her body shook as her orgasm subsided away. Before she could move Marcus straddled her tail, she looked up at him with wanting eyes.

He rubbed his cock against her soft lips, "Are you ready for this?" he asked in a soft tone, she could hardly control herself now.

"Do it, do it now!" she pleaded, he didn't was a second. Marcus slowly pushed the head into her, she rumbled in pleasure as she felt the head of his shaft enter her. They both moaned in pleasure as he pushed deeper until he felt a resistance, and with one quick thrust took her virginity as well as his own.

Jerin roared in pain as she felt her virginity taken, the pain died away into pure pleasure. "Ohh...Marcus it feels so good!" she exclaimed as she shifted under him, inner muscles massaging and gripping his member as he thrust in and out of her sex with a wet sound.

Marcus grunted as he felt her walls clamp down on his member as he went deep inside her. Gripping it tightly as he began to thrust slowly into her, getting gasps and moans of pleasure from both of them. The pleasure they were both experiencing was new and wonderful to them, they didn't want it to stop and never wanted to be apart, not now or ever. Not after they had bonded with each other in heart and soul.

Sex juices splashed onto the ground, covering them and everything within reach of them. Jerin started to thrust with him adding to the experience. He gritted his teeth and quickened his pace; he wanted their first time to be a night to remember.

Jerin felt her orgasm approaching fast, "Gonna....c-cum" she whimper, Marcus instantly slowed down, keeping her close to but not over the edge. She growled at him but loved that he was doing it. Every time he brought her to the edge he slowed down to a near stop and then start up. Again and again he did this until he gasped out.

"Jerin.....I'm gonn-"

She stopped him with a finger to his lips, "Let go, its ok. I want it, give me your seed." She said in a soft voice that he couldn't resist. He quickened his pace again, her slick folds quivering and gripping his cock as it slipped in and out of her tight sex.

With one finally thrust it sent them both over the edge, they both roared out in pure orgasmic pleasure as the climaxed, Marcus send his seed into her in large spurts as she climaxed. Her juices mixing with his seed and pouring out of her onto the stone floor, covering them both.

They both lay there for a long time, enjoying the warm afterglow of their love making, both panting heavily. Jerin gripping Marcus's head as she cooed softly, still feeling the tingling sensation of his thrusting. She let go of his hair and breathed, "That was the amazing..." Marcus nodded in agreement. Trying to catch his breath. "You want to go another road?" she nibbled on his neck and nuzzled him softly.

Marcus' grinned. "Yes, yes I would love too..." They did it again and again until they collapsed onto the bed of blankets and pillows, utterly exhausted and spend, they curled up in bed, the braziers in the cave flickered dimly and softly in the night air. Outside the wind blew softly, the moon cast a bright light over the land partially illuminating the land as the night went on. Sing birds whistled away, calling out to their kind before they went to sleep....

Back at the dragon temple, Spyro and Cynder were nursing there wounds; they underestimated the power of the guns and ended up with painful bruises.

Spyro lay on the bed in his room, awake; he could stop thinking about Cynder again! He had feelings for her since the first day he met her, even in her evil for she looked beautiful. She couldn't help it, and couldn't wait any more, when they went out on the scouting mission tomorrow he would tell her. It would be just the two of them, no Sparx to stop him or the guardians to interrupt one but them. He put his hand under his pillow to feel the Beretta M1951R pistol, he now had his own gun and plenty of ammo on the count of the small bag of Nano-tech weapons and vehicle left behind in case things got 'rough'.

Cynder was just the same, she had a large welt on the side of her head were the gun had recoiled and hit her with the end of the barrel. She couldn't stop thinking about Spyro, she didn't want to admit it yet but... she loved him! Even in her dark form she had falling in love with him. When she was in that form she had yearned to use her dark powers and turn him to her side to have him as her love. She knew about the scouting mission and dcecided that she would tell him then. She silent gripped her new Boberg XR-9 pistol that lay under her pillow. The cold steel of the gun felt good against her scales.

Caelia lay curled up in her bed, sleeping soundly, for some reason she too held her Colt Trooper mk.V with 8in barrel and mounted scope next to her, it was her baby and her weapon. With the pull of a trigger she decided who would live and who would die. She dreamed of many things, Marcus, the new world and her fantasies...Tomorrow was going to be a big day for all three dragons. So they rested up while they could...