In My Head.

Story by Vaster Sorasan on SoFurry

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Has nothing to do with Endeavor. Keep in mind Ariel is a white stalion and Alexander and Dyson are Dragons. This was yet another english project for valentines day. If its good enough I may be able to continue it. February 15, 2200 Dyson: He wasted neither time filing for a divorce nor telling his wife and friends goodbye. Theirs rumors that he's in France at the moment where I don't know. "The sad thing is, I'm not even worried if he's ok or not."Ariel said. She sits in the couch with her green tea rethinking her marriage. I didn't bother with telling her he left for France; he said it was the right thing to do. The war is in its final days, for me it ended 5 years ago.

Alexander: I felt that it would be better if I let her worry about me than telling her I'm leaving. It may be the only time she will care about me. Nevertheless, I must go to France. The technology here should be shared with everyone, so many of the world's problems can be stopped now. I believe fusion power can change everything. Why did I hesitate to leave now, I could have left at any time and potentially stopped the war sooner. Her. She's the reason why. If I took the road less traveled she would be the tar, gaps, weather, or any other obstacle lying in my path. Now I'm free to do what I please without having any one to control me. February 15, 2195 Dyson: I told her this would happen; she would blindly choose money in any situation. "You just don't learn" I said. "What? I swear it's not for the money, he's courteous and respectful." Ariel said. "Making excuses I see-" "It's ok I know your jealous, you'll get over it." "If it wasn't for money we would be in France now!" I was jealous, but it didn't honestly didn't matter. Shed chase a man of money down like a wolf to a rabbit. And probably leave it once the bone is all that's left. I went back into the living room to dust off my old analog clock. People ask why I keep it around, seeing it's stuck on one minute to twelve. I like antiques, although this is the only antique I have left. I hope Alexander and Ariel do fine from what I can see they have a lot in common, they're both stubborn. Alexander: I almost got my best friend killed trying to get this girl. I probably won't be able to forgive myself, but now I have her. I should be thankful that I met Dyson during the war. We were childhood friends but after high school things just fell apart. I guess it was because he thinks I broke his grandmother's clock. Well when I was drafted, I saw him there in the mess hall. My first instinct was to ask if he had contact with Ariel still. "We worked together, before I was pulled here." I couldn't help myself; he didn't want to let her go. If he would only let things go, everything would be fine! February 15, 2185 Dyson: I got the letter five months ago. I was so close to Ariel, close as in getting her, almost past the "best friend" barrier. Now I hear she's engaged to some rich, Jean Pierre. Of all the people she falls for a Frenchman, probably completely oblivious to the war raging up north. Cutting to the chase I was with a squad of men one of the four was Alexander. "Has any one seen Alex?" I said over the radio. "Last I saw him he went to the next floor." I started for the door when the ceiling above collapsed. An explosion, of some sort deafened me and there was a loud ringing in my ears. The ceiling destroyed the floor beneath me to my luck I was hanging to some rebar by the door way. My adrenaline supply was cut off and I was too weak to pull myself up. Unable to see and hear I screamed for help, even though I can't hear, I can feel my vocal cords moving. Some on had to hear me, soon enough Alexander came running down well after I regained my hearing. "Well would ya look at that." he said. "Hey you gonna pull me up or what?'' I said. "Well it depends, can I have Ariel?'' "Oh for Christ sake!" I was in too much pain to get angry. "Well, - she's engaged to a Frenchman so-.''"No worries, I'll report him when I get back and he'll be detained in a few hours; but I want YOU to stay away." "Fine." I said. Alexander: I need him out of the picture. He in no way wanted to reestablish friend ship, so whatever. I set the traps on the floor above and watched him through the crack of the floor to see if he was there. He walked in asking where I was on the com channel and was immediately heading for the door. The floor falls and I wait for the smoke to clear, Dyson is still alive. After I pull him up I see the others down bellow, we save them and leave the collapsing building. August, 14 2184 Dyson: As I'm celebrating my birthday, Ariel and I meet up with Alexander. I am notified of an important email and I leave the two to talk. It was the draft notice; I ignore it and try to keep a straight face. "Did you know he was working in our department this whole time?" Ariel said. "Yes, I just... never had time to talk." I said. "We've been talking, and we may have a way to prolong the reaction, hopefully tomorrow we can run the test- together." I pretend to take in the good news, and walk back to my computer terminal.

Alexander: I see Dyson and Ariel walking over. My heart beats faster seeing Ariel; I think I may be blushing. Luckily Dyson walks away and we begin to talk. I brought back the memories of high school and the clubs we both participated in. I asked her if she was single, he hesitated to answer. "I really can't even think about starting anything with the stress of research and the war starting, I'll think about it though." She said. She quickly changed the subject to her fusion research. Amazingly we found a way yo prolong the reaction. With this energy we could end this war today, but America doesn't deserve any of this. If anything France needs it more and wouldn't use it as a weapon. Nevertheless now Ariel is more important if she wants it here it will stay here. August, 7 2184 Dyson Alexander Valentine: America just declared war on France at 11:59, in anger I broke the antique clock on the wall. I look in the mirror at my bleeding hand with the blood dripping on a bottle of medication. "Oh Joy!" I laugh at how they think I'm crazy. I toss the medication into the trash knowing I don't need any medication. I have noticed how the medication makes me slower in my thinking process. I refuse to take anything that will inhibit my ability to think properly. I clean my hand looking at the clock, barely any damage. Then changing my view to a picture of Ariel. "We are going to change everything, I promise." She is working in the same field I'm in. If we're together then I can have it all the fame and the love of my life. August 14-25, 2184 Ariel: Alex is wonderful he happens to be in the same department as me and he has a bit of wealth. Yet something worries me, I see him talking to himself some times. Maybe he's thinking on something. Unfortunately though he was drafted into war, it sickens me how France is so selfish. Never the less though I met this foreigner, who happens to be from France. I feel bad for letting Jean into my life, but pushing Dyson away. However Jean did have a bit more cash.

The Endeavor: Flight of November

  The Endeavor: Flight of November 11:43 a.m., 17th of November on 2552.  Dyson sits still folding his hands idle in his armor, inside he is reading to himself , shutting off all the outside sound. Noisily groups of marines jump on crowding around...

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