Life Goes On: Part Six - On the Road to Recovery

Story by Jester94752 on SoFurry

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#2 of Life Goes On Series

Disclaimer: so I made a promise to a friend that my disclaimers would be different every time I wrote a new chapter. As hard as this is going to be I will try. Ok so if you haven't figured it out yet this is a zombie horror survival novel. There is strong language and violence. Because honestly if you were in a zombie survival situation, don't even tell me you would be able to resist the urge to scream "WHAT THE FUCK!" when a 30 foot slime covered tentacle beast emerges from a sewer and proceeds to anally rape your teammates. Regardless of how "clean" and "righteous" you are. Anyways. Now that all your heads are filled with scenes of tentacle rape, lets get on with the story.


Everyone was gathered around the radio as it just crackled in unfriendly static.

"Bollocks" mumbled the tank crew as he set the handset down onto the table, shaking his head.

"Whatsup? Is our radio junk?" Kyle asked as he stood up from the seat at the end of the table.

"No, or at least I don't think that's the problem. We just aren't getting through." he said as he walked back to Kyle's Jeep to retrieve the MP5.

"Hey. Are you British? And what's your name? I mean if we're gonna be relying on each other to stay alive, might as well be on a first name basis." Chad said as he limped over from the clearance bin.

"David. PFC David Rollinger. And no I'm not British, I've just always wanted to have a reason to say that." he said as he slid a clip into the MP5 using his knee to lock it home. He then flexed his broken right arm and winced as he adjusted the sling.

"OK. So what's the plan David. Surely you know something about what's going on and what to do?" Bobby said as he rubbed his arm where the fossa had stabbed him. "Cause we are kind of falling apart here, I don't think we'll last much longer if we just try to ride it out."

"Agreed." David said approaching the map. "Well we had an outpost here." he said pointing to an intersection about three miles south east of their current location near a freeway entrance.

"Had?" Kyle said now looking over David's shoulder at the map.

"Well it sort of got over run. But if we can make it there, there was a vehicle depot with some light armor we could use. Providing that nothings happened to it. And from there," he said tracing his finger along the freeway. For about thirty miles, then tapped on an open field where nothing was at. "here. Should be an undisclosed airstrip, Operated by SpecOps units."

"Shit, then why are we waiting here... lets pack up and get set to head out." Chad said as he grabbed several duffle bags.

"Where are you going?" David asked as Chad hobbled down the isle.

"We are going to need food and water. No telling what can happen out there. So I'm going foraging. So to speak." Chad called over his shoulder.

After loading up the duffle bags with dried foods and water he returned and packed them into the rear of the jeep. Everyone else in his absence had made modified gun racks out of duct tape over the holes that were the windows in the back of the jeep, where they mounted the assault rifles and shotguns.

"Hah! And I thought the boy scouts in my troop were bad with duct tape." Chad guffawed.


Once the jeep was loaded down they moved it to the front of Walmart, as they prepared to emerge they realized that the sun was setting.

"uhhhh... maybe its not the best of ideas to move by night?" Bobby said as everyone stood at the edge of the window, not wanting to go out.

"Alright, we leave the jeep here, we will come back in the morning to move. Everyone grab a gun and some magazines and lets head back to the camp for the night." Kyle said, as he grabbed the keys from the ignition.

As they neared the Camp they noticed all of their floodlights had been smashed and the cords ripped apart.

"That's just great. These fuckers are getting smarter and smarter." Kyle said as he kicked over one of the floodlights stands.

"We need to move, tonight. We aren't waiting for day." David said. Walking back towards the Jeep. Everyone else followed.

Back at the jeep, now loaded and ready to roll they exchanged nervous glances about what they were about to do. Just as the last of the twilight disappeared over the horizon Kyle climbed in and started the Jeep, dropped it into gear and rolled it through the window frame. Everyone else walked out behind it, guns at the ready. Once they were out onto the parking lots surface he snapped the headlights on as David climbed into the passenger seat, while the others boarded the exterior of the jeep, and held on as they wound their way through the parking lot out to the streets.

They took a sharp left onto the highway and started rolling faster, reaching around thirty miles per hour. In the short drive that it was to the intersection they needed to turn at they had only encountered three other zombies, all too preoccupied with searching the surrounding vehicles for food. Not interested in something that they couldn't catch up to. Chad saw Kyle aim his magnum at one of them and shook his head as if to say, don't draw any unwanted attention to us.

As they rounded the corner something snagged the right tires of the jeep as it shredded the rubber off the rims. Kyle managed to control the jeep to a stop as everyone dismounted and swept their guns back and forth. The moonlight was barely enough to see by without needing flashlights. Something caught Bobby's attention as he fired a burst at a shadow that jetted across a few store fronts. 'this isn't good.' Chad thought as he noticed they were pretty much in a good position to be ambushed.

"we need to get out of here. These buildings are too close to the street, giving us a limited field of fire and them more spots to hide." he said gesturing his paw down the street. They unloaded whatever they could carry and as they started moving Kyle flicked on his high beams to illuminate the street for a few hundred feet ahead of them. Then patted the Jeep on the hood.

"You got me through a lot of shit. Looks like this was just one that was too much for ya. Rest in piece old girl." he said as he walked away.

They had only moved about 50 feet from the jeep when something flashed across the headlights causing everyone but David to turn around. Bad idea. They all stared straight into the high beams and were temporarily blinded.

"FUCK" Chad said rubbing his eye, trying to block out the light.

Suddenly David's MP5 spat a few bursts and he shouted "we need to move! NOW!"

Everyone turned their backs on the jeep and started jogging down the road, but everyone now noticed the shadows that were moving parallel to them down the sides of the street. 'Eight. Twelve. Seventeen. At least seventeen shadows.' Chad counted. Just as he finished his thought one of the shadows leapt from a rooftop to perch on a telephone pole. Kyle raised his UMP to fire on it and the shadow spread its arms and pushed off the pole, headed straight for Kyle. Kyle luckily opened fire just in time to get enough rounds into the beast to kill it, but its lifeless corpse hit him like a ton of bricks. Sending him sprawling onto the ground, as the UMP clattered across the pavement. He pushed the body off of him and coughed as he tried to regain the breath that was knocked out of him. This just started a frenzy among the other shadow beasts and they all started to rush the group in twos or threes.

"Their humans! Their infected humans!" Bobby shouted as he flicked the flashlight taped to his M-16 on.

Clatters of gunfire sounded periodically as they all fired off short salvos of rounds into the shadows to keep them at bay. This tactic wasn't going to work for long as their ammunition was dwindling. They crested the hill they had been working their way up. It was all downhill from here. David ran over to a truck and stripped the steering column. Then popped it into neutral and ordered everyone to climb in. the group no on board started coasting down the hill, gaining speed. The shadowy figures of the humans ran into the streets and began to chase them but they soon had fallen too far behind to care anymore and broke off.

The truck gained to about sixty MPH as David fought with the steering wheel to weave around the abandoned cars that littered the road. Once everyone's eyes adjusted back to the dark they saw the military blockades in the distance that they were gaining on rapidly. Everyone felt the brakes applied to the truck as it slowed increasingly until they came to a rest just outside of the first barricade. Suddenly a massive tremor ripped through the earth followed by a deafening boom and an enormous fireball that filled the sky, brightening everything around them for the few seconds it took to dissipate. Then all hell broke loose.

The sounds of heavy MG fire erupted from the distance followed by shrieks and cries of the demonic souls as the rag tag group of fighters rounded the barrier and moved as fast as their battle torn bodies would carry them towards the outpost. As they entered the main yard they saw the bodies of dead zombies littered the ground. As sprays of sustained fire from a mounted M-60 in a window rained down into the hole in the wall the zombies were coming from. As they entered the fire shifted from the hole towards them, causing everyone to scatter and dive into cover.

"HEY FRIENDLIES!" David screamed.

Chad peeked over the cement barrier he dove behind to peer at the window, tough to see but he thought he recognized the gunner. No way. Cant be.

Just then a window shattered as a 5'9 Wolverine wearing a black overcoat with red shreds and straps dove backwards through the glass an AK-47 one handed back in behind him. He landed on the top of a box van in a roll and slid down the windshield. Landing in a sprint he cleared the gap between the van and the building that housed the machine gun in a few seconds and vanished into the door frame.

Chad stood and ran crouched to the door frame and peered inside, catching the tails of the coat disappear up the stairs. He snuck through the hallway to the stair well and began to ascend it quietly, when he reached the third floor where the gun mount was he stopped and opened the stairwell door slowly and called out. "HEY! FRIENDLY COMING IN!"

Just as he said that three rounds of 7.62x39mm ammunition impacted the wall just above his head. "FOR FUCKS SAKE! I JUST SAID FRIENDLY!"

"CHAD?!" a voice called out from the hallway.

"CJ?!" Chad called back

They both emerged into the hall way and celebrated that they were both still alive. Just then Kiti, a 5' 6" Ermine, emerged from a third door and rejoiced seeing that her friend that she hadn't seen a couple years wasn't dead.

"What are you guys doing here?" Chad asked as they followed CJ into a side room that had a table set up with some chairs around it.

"We've kinda been living here for a day now. Figured with all this ordnance at our disposal we'd stand a better chance here than anywhere else." CJ said, pulling up a chair.

"So the huge explosion..." Chad started.

"Us." CJ finished. "We rigged up a fuel truck outside that crashed in a ravine to be one massive landmine in case they decided to come from the ravine. Which they did.

"What about vehicles. Are there any that are still operational here?" Chad asked, cocking his head to the side, his ears folding back, awaiting a bad response.

"Well there is an APC out back, but its pretty badly beat up, but it runs. But don't look at me, I wouldn't know the first thing about driving it, I thought it would be simple right? Hell no, theres like, six pedals, four levers, and a shitton of switches. Why are there six pedals if there are only four directions?!" (RVB Reference) CJ exclaimed.

"Well I might have a solution to that, we have a guy that we saved from a tank. He might know how to drive it. Looks like things are finally looking up for us."

Chad walked to the window and opened it and called to the courtyard, that Kyle Bobby and David had secured, for them to come up. He then sat down and done something that he hadn't done in almost 38 hours. He fell asleep. But his dreams were plagued with images of his friends dying. The worst part was. He was what was killing them.


Well there's Chapter 6. I posted this one a little early. I'm going to be trying to wrap it up around Chapter 10. Then maybe start a different series. Take a turn to a different mode of story telling.

Life Goes On: Part 5 - Rescued at Last!

Alright obviously by now you know that this story is rated adult for language and violence... dunno if I misunderstood the rating system, but it doesn't exactly rank as clean due to language. But its not exactly extreme compared to some other stories...

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Life Goes On: Part 4 - Reunited

DISCLAIMER: just a fair warning my stories contain strong language, adult themes and situations, violence, etc. if you don't like any of this don't read on, and if you do, don't complain about it, seeing as how I did warn you......

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Life Goes On: Part 3 - Shit you thought was only possible in the movies

DISCLAIMER: just a fair warning my stories contain strong language, adult themes and situations, violence, etc. if you don't like any of this don't read on, and if you do, don't complain about it, seeing as how I did warn you......

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