Chosen - 1.01 "The Sacrifice"

Story by Torren on SoFurry

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#1 of Chosen


Season 1 Episode 1

"The Sacrifice"

"What am I?" I screamed.

"You're a stupid selfish bitch!" my dad yelled back at me.

"Whatever, fuck you..." I stormed away from him and out the front door.

Ok, so it's not always like that. I kind of deserved that since I blamed him for mom's death. I mean, it really was just a freak accident, but I felt better when I blamed it on him. He was kind of like "Oh, hey Nick, what's up? You're mom's dead. Oh and we're moving in two weeks because I can't deal with her death." Very professional.

Two weeks later, I'm the newest citizen of Terinsville, California. New school, no friends, I'm basically screwed in terms of a social life. I used to be one of the most popular kids in school when I lived in Tennessee, but that was almost a country away and none of my friends had really gone out of their way to contact me. No one really seemed to care.

When I arrived at the new school, teenagers were swarming around the campus. It looked like your average, but somewhat well-funded high school. Some kids were sitting on the stairs that guarded the entrance to the school and others were gathered around various red tables. I was one terrified little husky.

I was sixteen years old and kind of short for my age. Of course, I was good looking with an average build covered in black and white fur. My best feature was my sapphire blue eyes and girls dug the bushy tail. Basically, I'd had quite a few girlfriends and a couple of boyfriends, but the last part was a total secret. I didn't want to be out and new. That'd just be social suicide, as they say in Mean Girls.

As I strode toward the doors, I was met with a few strange glances. A little jealousy from the dude and a little admiration from the chicks. (Ok, so I'm a little conceited, but you'll learn to love it.) Soon, I was in the building, walking down blue and white halls. Neat colors, I guess. I glanced at my schedule to try to find my first class. It was an advanced placement biology class that should've been located right in front of me, but the numbering system was extremely confusing. I saw a scruffy looking bear and decided to ask him for help.

"Excuse me, I'm trying to find AP Biology in room 207. Can you help me?" I asked.

"Sure, it's at the end of this hallway, take a right and it's the last door on the left."


"Uh huh." I followed his directions exactly and found my first class. I glanced around for a suitable seat, but the cliques had already claimed various areas. I took a seat in the front because I knew all teenagers migrated towards the back of the class. They hate learning.

"Hey, you must be new here! I'm AJ," I glanced over at a tall, skinny Doberman. His fur was a light brown and his eyes were a soft honey color. He was dressed in some band t-shirt and a pair of jeans. I normally would've ignored someone dressed like that, but I was new and friendless.

"Hi, I'm Nick."

"Nick, huh? Well, welcome to the hell hole that is Terinsville High School." I forced a laugh at his joke.

"Thanks, you must be good at biology to be in here."

"Well, not really. I just take them because my friend is super smart and let's me cheat," he grinned. "So where are you from?"

"Um, I moved here from Franklin, Tennessee."

"Why?" he laughed. I paused. My mom died is kind of a conversation killer.

"Um, just personal complications."

"Oh, I get it," his glance shifted to the door. "Hey! BayBay!" He waved the person over. I glanced up to see a short, thin malamute. Her fur was white except for the long straight black hair that fell past her shoulder blades. Thick black rimmed glasses balanced over her muzzle guarding her light blue eyes. A short floral blue dress draped over an average bust. Nothing too special, but she did have a charm. "BayBay, this is Nick."

"Hi, I'm Bailey Williams," she introduced herself timidly. "Pleasure to meet you."

"You too." I opened my mouth to say something else, but the sound of a slamming door and the immediate silence that followed interrupted me.

"Ok, class. Who has the homework?" The teacher asked. I studied the older german shepherd for a moment. His fur was a dark golden brown that compliment his darker eyes. He wore a silver button down with dark slacks. For a teacher, he was exceptionally good-looking. I noticed BayBay's hand was the only one raised. "Perhaps the better question would be, who doesn't have it? Oh well, moving on. Open your books to chapter ten, so we can discover the wonders of mitosis and meiosis." His voice was deep and coated with a slight English accent. He didn't add too much enthusiasm. It was evident that he found teaching high school students very boring.

"Dr. Carter, why is biology so boring?" some girl in the back asked rudely.

"I fear it's not biology that's boring, but your lack of effort that is boring and a little tasking. So..." His eyes fell on me and lingered for a while. "I need to speak with you after class Mr..."

"Stetson, Nick Stetson," I finished. There were a few chuckles in the back of the class. Something else to hate about high school. I wasn't sure if they were laughing at me or if someone had made a joke about me or maybe just a random spin of laughter.

"Yes, well, continuing with the lesson..." he continued his lecture drawing various pictures on the dry-erase board.

"Already in trouble?" AJ asked quietly.

"I didn't do anything," I whispered. I was kind of offended. Although, it could have been over my schoolwork. I tuned in and out of his lectures until the bell rang and the students raced for the door.

"Hey if you don't already have somewhere you can sit with us at lunch," AJ offered.

"Yeah, thanks," I replied still sitting in my desk. Once all the students were gone, Dr. Carter turned to me.

"You're new to Terinsville, right?" he asked.

"Yes, sir." He walked over to the door and closed it gently. I shifted in my desk uncomfortably. This didn't feel very teacher-like.

"You moved here with your father after the death of your mother?" I felt shocked that he knew that. No one at this school was supposed to know that.

"How do you know that?"

"Do you know how she died?" I almost couldn't respond.

"Who- What do you mean?"

"It's a simple question."

"Not for me."

"Was it a murder?"

"She fell out of a window!" I answered cruelly. Tears were forming in my eyes and anger was boiling in my blood. Who was this man?

"You never found it odd that a grown woman just fell from a seven story building to her death?"

"N- who are you?" I stood out of my desk in a confrontational manner.

"My name is Doctor Joseph Carter and I know more about you than you think."

"What do you mean?"

"I am your guide and you are the Chosen One."


"You are the Chosen One."

"Chosen for what?"

"The Chosen One maintains the balance of good and evil."

"So I am supposed to fight the bad guys?" I asked sarcastically. He seemed more insane than I first realized.

"In theory, yes."

"Why me? Is this some kind of prank on the new kid?"

"No. You're mother was the Chosen One before you and in the event of her death your powers were activated."

"I don't understand."

"A very long time ago, there were two people on the Earth. I believe you know them as Adam and Eve. A snake in the garden lured them to take the forbidden apple. The snake was the very first manifestation of evil."

"So God created the universe and what not, right?"

"Well, this is simply a story. We have no idea what the first true manifestation of evil was, but most use this story as the basis. Eventually, evil would over run the Earth, but the higher forces saw it unfair to leave the world to face such powerful foes without a reasonable strength. They created the Chosen One. The first Chosen One drove the evil to near extinction, but even he eventually failed. Evil was believed to be victorious, but the Chosen One had a daughter and the power was triggered in her as soon as her father had been killed. You are the current descendant."

"How do you know that? I'm just a normal kid."

"You are far from normal, Nick. You have many more abilities than you know."

"Like what?"

"Superior strength, accelerated recovery and the memories of your fallen ancestors."

"Ok, that all sounds really cool, but I think you have me mixed up with someone else." I started to leave, but he blocked my path.

"There is no mistake. You are Nick Stetson. Born to Richard and Kimberly Stetson on July 7, 1995. You attended Franklin Elementary up to high school with no significant events until the death of your mother on December 28, 2010. Your father moved you to Terinsville, California to cope with the death of your mother, but you place the blame on your father." I gulped nervously and wiped the tears from my eyes.

"You do not know me. I don't know who you are or why you're talking to me, but stay away from me." I pushed past him to leave.

"You cannot deny your destiny." I pretended to ignore him and walked through the empty halls to find my next class. I stopped next to the restrooms and placed my head in my paws. There had to be some truth in what he said. He was absolutely right about my entire life, but evil? I'm supposed to fight evil? Like a superhero or something?

Admittedly, I liked the idea of being a superhero. Who wouldn't? None of it made any sense. Why me of all the kids at this school? I know I fit the stereotype, but surely mystical beings that grant magic powers to fur think of more than stereotyping, don't they?

"Hey, are you ok?" I instantly put on a smile and looked at the fur addressing me. It was BayBay.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just needed a minute. Being new and all."

"Oh, I'm sure it's stressful. Um, if you wanted to, you could um, come with me and AJ to Club 7."

"Um, I'll have to check with my dad, but I'll let you know."

"Ok, just meet us there if you can. It's right across from McDonald's you can't miss it. It's like three seconds from the school."

"Ok, hey do you know where I can find, um, Geometry?"

"Oh, it's up the main stairs and to your right," the malamute smiled.

"Thanks," I said turning away to find the main stairs.

The rest of my day was uneventful. I texted my dad and he gave me permission to go, not that it would've mattered either way. Finally, the lunch bell rang and I realized I didn't have any money to eat with. Thanks again, dad. I found AJ and BayBay where they said they would be. It wasn't very crowded outside, which I found strange because at my old school no one could eat outside and they would have died to do so.

"Hey, what's up, Nick?" AJ greeted, "the classes are good?"

"Yeah, they're very... classy." BayBay laughed at my joke.

"No new friends or enemies?" I wanted to tell them about Dr. Carter, but I didn't know them that well, yet.

"No, not really. Can I ask you something about one of the teachers?"


"Dr. Carter, what do you know about him?"

"Um, well he's really smart. Like too smart to teach biology. He's new this year, not like you new, but still new. He's not really big on giving detention, so that's a plus. And his real name is Joseph. That's about it."

"Hmm, so nothing like weird about him?"

"Well, everybody's weird, but he does a good job of hiding it."

"Yeah, I guess so..." I noticed the doctor walking to his car and opening the trunk to retrieve a bag before returning towards the school.

"What do you... um, like him?"

"No! I just feel weird around him."

"Oh, I get the same way about Mrs. Dagger, the principal."

"Oh and Mr. Cloak!" BayBay added.

"So, we don't really know that much about you, Nick. What do you like?"

"Well, I like music, scary movies, and soccer."

"Well, I like the music and the scary movies, but I'm not too big on the soccer. You'll make a lot of friends though. The sports guys always do."

"Yeah, I was kind of counting on that. Listen, I have to take care of some things with the office. I'll catch you guys later at the club." I turned to leave, but stopped when AJ spoke.

"Ok, dude. Be careful getting there. Weird stuff happens here."

"What kind of stuff?"

"Just strange things. They aren't really explained, but people have a habit of disappearing or acting weird."

"I'll keep that in mind." I jogged off towards my first class. When I arrived the door was closed so I knocked gently. I wasn't sure why I was going back, but something told me I needed to. Things weren't adding up naturally. The door opened and Dr. Carter stood in the threshold.

"Nick! I'm surprised to see you. Did you need something?"

"Just to talk." He moved to let me in and closed the door behind me. "So let's assume that I believe you... what happens next?"

"Traditionally, training would begin immediately, but we are very pressed for time as it were. I believe we should begin with simply weapons training."

"Ok, so where do I need to be?"

"I have everything we need here."

"Here!? As in right now?"

"Yes, we have no time to waste."

"What if someone sees us?"

"In this particular dimension, Nick, I believe doors do have locks." He locked the door to emphasize his point. "I'll deal with your teachers later."

"Ok, so what now? And can I call you Joseph. Dr. Carter is just so syllablish"

"That will suffice," Joseph answered as he pulled a scarecrow-like dummy from a closet in the back of the room. Next, he walked to the brown leather bag he had retrieved from his car and pulled out a small lap sack. He sprinkled purple dust over the dummy.

"What are you-" Suddenly, the dummy moved and stretched out its limbs. The dummy dropped to a combat stance with its arms guarding it's body.

"First, we need to work on hand-to-hand combat. Attack." The dummy rushed towards me a swung his fist into my muzzle. I cried out in pain, but the dummy struck my stomach and interrupted me. It raised its arms to slam into my back, but I threw my paws up to block him.

I felt the strength Joseph had mentioned flowing through my veins. My instincts took over and I sent my knee into the dummy's exposed mid-section. I followed up with a blow to the face that sent the dummy to the floor. Before he could recuperate, my foot found the dummy's throat with enough force to crush it.

"What was that?!"

"It's a training dummy. It wouldn't have killed you."

"A little warning, next time."

"If you insist, here's your warning." I heard the dummy jump off the floor, but he didn't attack.

"Ok," I changed my stance somehow. I was confused about how I knew everything I did, but I wasn't complaining. I kind of felt... cool. I watched the dummy move the desk away from the center of the room.

"Your memories are helping you to adapt very quickly. I would have thought you'd been snapping throats for a century. So let's move on. Catch." I glanced over to see a large sword being hurled at me. I yelped and caught the sword by its hilt. Definitely the memories. The sword was long and shiny and the hilt was black leather.

"You're not supposed to throw knives!"

"You did fine! Now, that is a typical broad sword. Nearly any blow will be deadly."

"Ok, so kill the dummy with the sword."

"Well, we have to make it a fair fight first." My muzzle dropped in shock as he threw the dummy a sword. "He can kill you this time."

"No, wait, wait-"

"Attack." The dummy lunged forward and swung its sword at me. I felt my muscles move almost independently to block the attack. He was way faster than I expected. Flash after flash of silver crossed my vision and I managed to fend off his attacks. "Your footwork is phenomenal." I hadn't noticed that my feet had moved every time he swung at me.

Suddenly, the dummy made a slash that I was able to dodge and capitalize on the opportunity with stab the dummy's rib cage. The dummy dropped his sword and I spun to finish the dummy by slashing the head. The odd head rolled off the dummies shoulders.

"Ok, we've got to slow down. I almost died."

"You were amazing. Most Chosen don't make this much progress for weeks."

"I'm sure there's a reason for that."

"Well, if you don't have any plans-"

"Actually, I kind of do. I got invited to a club tonight."

"Oh, perhaps we can do some other training later. We still need to cover basic demonology, magic and rituals, there's just so much-"

"Demonology? Like demons?"

"That's what you will be fighting. Well, I expect there will be a few different enemies, but they are the most dangerous minions of evil." I thought about what a demon might look like. Red skin maybe, curly horns, evil laugh.

"Ok, well, I don't want to miss my last class on the first day, so I better go."

"Nick, one more thing..." he pulled a soft black cloth from the bag. "These were your mother's favorite weapons." He opened the cloth to reveal two three pronged daggers. "They're called sais. Very lethal in the proper hands." The blade was long and thin and the hilt was black with silver spirals twisting around it. I lifted one of the blades carefully and twirled it in my fingers. I felt closer to her for some reason. These were definitely going to be my favorite. I'd probably sleep with them like a teddy bear or something. What? I'm not allowed to be reminiscent and sarcastic?

"These were her favorite?"


"So my mom was all, bad-ass like Elektra?"


"You know, Elektra, from Daredevil? She's like this super hot chick that can like annihilate armies with two little knives like these. I'm surprised I can twirl these like this. Doesn't it take like lots of training?"

"I don't know about electric or whom ever you speak of, but your mother used to spin the daggers like that."

"Thanks for showing me this. It means a lot."

"They're rightfully yours. I believe you should have them."

"I will, but it's probably not wise to walk around school with them."

"Oh, yes, of course! I'll save them for you."

"Thanks. When should I meet you again?"

"Perhaps, tomorrow after school?"

"Sounds good. Later!" I ran out of the room just as the bell rang. I was full of excitement. I couldn't even remember why I was so reluctant to believe him. I felt like a real superhero. Of course, knowing my mom had done it made it a lot easier to accept. I had a thousand questions for Joseph, but I knew if I cancelled on my new friends, I'd probably lose them and I didn't have anyone to replace them.

Keyboarding was a super drag. As soon as the bell rang I ran home like all the other kids. Dad wasn't home yet so I left him a note telling him about my day and where I was going. After a quick change of clothes, I was ready to go. I wore a pair of tight ripped jeans and a bright red jacket with white stripes on the sleeves. I ran out of the house back towards the school.

BayBay was right. Club 7 was a hard place to miss. It was a large grey building with flashy neon lights bathing the surrounding area. Heavy bass seeped from the building shaking the sidewalk. The double doors were open with a large bull dressed in all black marking the kids paws.

After receiving my glow-in-the-bar-light x, I entered the building to feel the stomping bass in my chest. I took in my surroundings with a quick glance. Dancers were bathed in flashing lights. A few groups sat around tables or the bar. There was a stage, but no band tonight. I noticed a flight of stairs that led to a green lit lounge.

"Nick!" I turned around to see AJ running towards me. "What's up, dude?"

"Not much, just looking for you guys."

"Well, here I am. I'm not sure where Bay is, but she should be here somewhere."

"So what happens here? Just dancing?"

"Well you have your drunken dancers, and your sober dancers which is even worse, your recreational drug users, and your typical music enjoyers like me and you," the Doberman grinned widely at me.

"Ok, so it's your typical all ages club."

"And the only source of entertainment for miles."

"There are quieter places to hang out."

"Who wants quiet?" I smiled politely back at him "So, can I ask you something?"


"Are you like um, into guys?" I was a little put off by his question.

"No! Why?" I lied. Well, actually I wasn't sure yet, but I did find some guys attractive.

"No reason. I just thought you might be. Due to your interest in Dr. Carter."

"Is he? Into dudes, I mean."

"I don't think so, but you just seemed so focused on him. I'm totally cool with it if you were, I mean. I can keep a secret too."

"Yeah, well even if I were, I don't know you well enough to trust you with that kind of information."

"Ok, I can understand that. So what does a guy have to do to get to know you better?"

"It usually just happens. No force required."

"Oh and here I was thinking-" AJ was interrupted by screams. I turned to find the source of the commotion. Standing solemnly on the stage, several black cloaked figures guarded something behind them. "Wolves?" I studied the figures closer. They're cloaks were simple cloth, but covered every inch of them was covered except for the ghost white muzzles that protruded from the darkness of their hoods.

"I don't think they're normal wolves." They seemed a little... magical. I felt something from them. Something evil. Evil feels kind of like a vibration, but a little creepier. "Maybe we should get out of here."

"The doors are locked," AJ said pointing at kids that were banging against the doors. They must have felt the evil too.

"Dearest, Shadow Queen, We bring you this sacrifice in hopes that you may feast and rise again." The wolf in the center spoke as two behind him brought a tiny white figu-

BayBay. "Please accept our offering."

"We have to do something! That's Bailey!" AJ whispered.

"What are we-" I didn't even finish the sentence. I knew what I had to do, but if this entire club saw me do it. I'd be ruined. My potential friend's life was at risk though. "Ok, um, I need something. Some kind of weapon."

"Um, um, fire extinguishers?"

"No, do they have those axes?"

"No, do you want to kill them though?"

"Of course they don't! That'd be too convenient. Yes, they plan on killing her."

"Ok, um, chairs, pool sticks, glass bottles..." Suddenly, the lead wolf drew a sword from the inside of his coat.

"I think we need something more... sword-like."

"What if you distract him and I tackle him to get the sword... who uses swords anymore?"

"No, that's too dangerous. I'll think of something." I shrugged my jacket off and threw it over a chair. Now I was wishing that my jeans weren't so tight and the dark green shirt was a little less snug. I didn't really have a plan, but I was sure my mom had gone into a fight without a weapon before or someone in my past had. I approached the stage quietly while weaving in and out of panicked teenagers. I was face to face with the stairs before I knew it. "Hey," I barked as I walked up the stairs. "You can't do that here." I could see the wolf's smirk. BayBay looked terrified.

"And you're going to stop me?"

"I was kind of leaning towards a more diplomatic solution, but if that's what it comes to then so be it."

"A teenage husky is no match for my power. I am a shadow. You are nothing."

"Actually, I'm the Chosen One, so you have to do what I say... or something like that." The wolf turned to me with a shocked expression. His sword was away from Bailey and pointed at me.

"That's a very dangerous title to be throwing around, kid. Not many people like it very much. In fact, the Chosen One has a very high price on his head. Maybe-" Suddenly, the wolf was tackled from behind and the sword slid to my feet.

"AJ!" I yelled.

"Shut up and grab the sword!" I grabbed the golden hilt as the other two shadows rushed at me. They drew their swords quickly and didn't hesitate to attack. A flood of memories hit me at once and I saw several opportunities to block their attacks, but I settled on one. I connected with the closest sword and kicked the other shadow in the chest. I forced his sword into a circle to open a stab move, but the shadow dodged. I felt the other shadow's presence behind me and slammed my elbow into his muzzle. I blocked another attack and roundhouse kicked the shadow's muzzle and capitalized on the wound to send my sword through his chest. He grunted and I drew back in shock as his body rippled and billowed into thin black ribbons of smoke.

The other shadow threw me to the ground. I rolled to my feet and caught his next swing against me. I connected my knee to his sternum and he doubled over. I placed my hands around his head and twisted it hard. I was a little shocked at my brutality, but watching them go up in magic smoke was pretty cool. "AJ, grab Bay and run!" AJ did as I ordered and the two made it off the stage safely.

"You can't stop it. No one can. It is done." The lead shadow grabbed the nearest sword and plunged it into his own chest. It took him longer to dissolve, but eventually his skeleton faded into dust. I sighed with relief that I didn't have to kill another one, but that didn't last long.

Suddenly, the floor started to shake beneath us and the darkness in the club seemed to move. They gathered on the stage in front of me and began building something. Soon, the shadows took the form of a creature similar to the shadows, but more feminine. Her muzzle faded to the ghost white like her male counterparts. Her cloak was more suede and rich-looking. "I am the queen," she announced, "and you are dead." Her claws wrapped around my throat and threw me to the back of the club. I slammed into a wall and took a moment to shake off the dizziness. My side was writhing in pain, but I could already feel it healing.

The kids had finally forced the doors open and were fleeing the club. I took a deep breath and prepared for another fight. "You are the Chosen, correct?" Her voice boomed from the stage.

"Uh huh, and you must be the Shadow Queen."

"I am." I stood to my feet and suddenly she was face to face with me. I reared my fist to swing at her, but she caught my fist. I felt my paw cracking under the pressure. I felt another blow hit my stomach and I was launched back across the room. I used the stage to help me to my feet.

"You're a pretty tough chick."

"You," her voice was right in my ear, "are a very weak Chosen One." I felt her claws twirl in the fur between my ears and force my muzzle against the stage. I felt my muzzle snap almost in two. I tried to scream in pain, but all I could do was breathe. I tried to crawl away. Tears gathered in my eyes and my muzzle burned with agony. "Where are you going?" Blood drizzled on from my nose and I could taste it seeping from my mouth. "Is it hard to give your cocky commentary with a broken muzzle?" I whimpered for mercy before her foot slammed on my other paw and a loud scream escaped my muzzle.

"Please... stop," I whispered. I was in so much pain. I just wanted to leave.

"You have been a very good victim. I suppose I could make this fast." I didn't want to be the Chosen One anymore. I wanted to be fleeing the club like everyone else. I was shivering with terror. Her claws wrapped around my arms and lifted me. "Once you are gone, no one can stop me."

"How about me?" She dropped me and spun around. I looked up to see AJ and BayBay slamming fire extinguishers into the queen. She lost her balance and fell beside me. "Grab Nick, let's go!" I felt soft paws wrap around my arm and help me to my feet.

Soon, I was rushed into the cool night air and being dragged down a dark alley. "No," I groaned, "we have to stay away from the shadows."

"They'll never find you back here!" BayBay argued.

"They're already here." BayBay and AJ took my advice and I limped with them towards the school parking lot. Once we were far enough away, I collapsed on the stairs to the school. No one was around except for the three of us.

"Ok, so... what the hell was that?!" AJ yelped.

"I don't know..."

"Well, I'm not really believing you! I saw you kill two of those... things!"

"Yeah, well I guess I got lucky."

"No, that was... like expert sword fighting."

"AJ, I really don't feel like doing this right now. My entire body is aching, my muzzle is totally broken and I'm scared out of my mind right now."

"Let BayBay help you with that. She's pretty good at the medical stuff."

"I want to get out of here first." I stood and started walking towards my house.

"Where are you going?"


"Wait, come stay with me or something."

"I really-"

"Nick, I think you owe us at least a little bit of time." I took a deep breath and walked with AJ and BayBay to his house.

When we finally made it to his room, BayBay took a quick inventory of my injuries. "Wow, she really did a number on your muzzle. It's almost snapped in half."

"Can you make it stop hurting?"

"I'm not sure about that, but you're healing really fast."

"Not fast enough." She began to wrap my muzzle in gauze.

"It should be totally healed by tomorrow." She used alcohol to disinfect all of my other wounds before wrapping them. I winced as the liquid burned out any potential infections.

"So what were those things?" AJ asked.

"I don't know," I mumbled against the gauze.

"Ok, then what are you?"

"Something... it's like a superhero thing. I'm supposed to protect the balance of good and evil."

"Oh ok. How long have you been... a superhero?"

"Just today."

"Oh, that explains it. I thought superheroes were supposed to be... you know, super."

"Hey! I saved Bailey!"

"Yeah, thanks for that by the way," Bay added.

"No problem."

"It looks like a big problem," she chuckled.

"So," AJ continued, "if you're a superhero, can we be your sidekicks?"

"Um, maybe you missed my broken muzzle, but this is a tad bit dangerous."

"Yeah, but we total saved your life back there."

"I know and I can't thank you enough, but you'd be helping big time if you just kept this a secret."

"Well, we were planning on that. How many people do you think saw you?"

"Oo, I can answer that!" BayBay interjected, "I believe since the room was in such a panicked frenzy most of them will be in denial of what they saw and attribute it to the marijuana in the air. Even though, marijuana cannot be-"

"We got it Bay, they'll just forget about it," AJ sneered. Bay shot him an annoyed look. "So, does anyone else know?"

"Dr. Carter, he's like my mentor or something."

"Oh, well that explains your interest in him." He winked at me while BayBay wasn't looking. I was a bit nervous of AJ. He seemed to know a lot more than he was letting on.

"Where am I sleeping tonight?" I asked. I was extremely drained and I didn't want to think about my new job anymore.

"Bay has her own room, but you can stay in here with me." I nodded and stretched out across the large fluffy bed. Definitely more comfortable than my bed. I heard Bay leave and the lights went out. "Are you sleeping in that?"

"I didn't want to freak you out or anything. A lot of guys are weird about that."

"Yeah, but I'm not." He removed his shirt and jeans to reveal bright blue boxers with white dots across them. I followed suit and snuggled under the covers in my own tight gray boxers. He joined me under the blanket and tried to start a conversation, but I fell asleep before I could respond.

My muzzle really hurt. Maybe tomorrow I could go kill that bitch.


Author's Note: Yup, I switched it up boobears! I know yall be missin me, but this series has taken weeks of planning and writing. Depending on the success of this first season, I have many more planned. Five at the moment and each contains ten episodes. I hope you liked it and hope you stick around to see all the other crazy stuff I have planned. Thanks for reading! Smiley's and kisses to ya.