Help For Mankind - Part 5 - Lost and Gained

Story by DarkSerpent on SoFurry

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#5 of Bull's home

Help For Mankind - Part 5 - Lost and Gained

By: DarkSerpent

I was lost in my thoughts for a while after my night with Dominic. I had found a conundrum that made my mind ache. Ever since I lost my wife I've tried to find things to burry in my mind in. When she passed on it moved to my son, and when he passed on it moved to these boys. I felt like I was using them simply to keep myself from being alone. Well today was the ultimate test, Gab the otter boy, was moving out today. He paid back what he stole and got a new scholarship to NYU. He would be leaving at noon today and I sat in my home office.

A soft knock came at the door and I looked up. "Come in," I smiled and he stepped in smiling. "Hi Andrew, I wanted to talk with you," He stepped in and walk over. "About what, we've already stopped your contract," Leaning back with a short sigh. "Well actually I wanted to say goodbye, and thank you. I never could have done all this without your help," He smiled and hugged me. "Well all I did was give you a roof over your head," I patted his back. "No you showed me that people care," He sniffled feeling a few tears drip off his cheek. "You'll be ok Hun, don't you worry about anything, if anything happens you'll always have a home here," I smiled and wiped his face. "Thank you," He cried and hugged me again.

Moments later we all stood in the yard waving goodbye as his car drove off. He turned a corner and we all let out short sigh. It was an interesting silence, a moment of reflection for all of us. This was the first time one of us moved on and the family was broken. We all knew that everyone would move on eventually. Get better jobs, get their own homes, and have their own families. "Well this was an interesting day," I smiled and headed back inside. "Yeah I'm gonna Miss Gab," Charles stepped inside behind me. "You're not the only one," Jordan sat down at the table with a crying Dominic. "It feels like the family is destroyed," Terrance coiled up and hissed softly.

"No it's not destroyed, it was his time to move on to something better," I sighed to myself. I patted their backs and headed upstairs with a soft sigh. I sat in my room and leaned back sighing to myself and rubbing my forehead. I didn't want to lose one of my friends but time is time. Peeking out the window I noticed a smaller boy looking up at the house. He was a small slender raccoon looking at one of the original clippings from the flier. He sniffed a little and stuffed it back in his pocket. He wandered down the street his long tail twitching from side to side as he moved.

I raised an eyebrow as he disappeared around the corner. "You ok?" A voice spoke behind me. "What?" I looked back seeing Charles in the doorway. "Oh yeah I'm fine," I smiled and he smiled back. "Anything I can do?" He cocked his head to one side. "No I'm alright," I kissed his cheek and he sat next to me. I moved back downstairs seeing everyone still at the table. "Well I guess standing here all bummed out isn't going to make us feel better, what something we could go do to make ourselves feel better?" I asked and they all looked at me. They all grew a big smirk and I knew exactly what they wanted to do.

A few minutes later we were at a massive laser tag place. Kids ran around as well as adults and teens. This place was a local hangout the size of three foot ball fields and two stories it was huge. It was split into three sections; the left potion was a massive laser tag arena all in black lights to pumping music. The left was bowling while the center was an arcade and restaurant. This place was a great for people of every age even to sit around and watch the people play in the laser arena. I gladly bought everyone all night passes to laser tag and let them play. I sat in the second floor observation booth watching them run around the arena shooting at everyone else. It's funny to see how they all try to act like they do in video games.

They were all having a blast and quickly cheering up which is what I wanted. Looking at my watch I watched the hours tick by and a Ms. O'Leary came out of nowhere and sat next to me. "What are you doing here old girl, thought this was a bit to hi tech for you?" I smiled. "Oh hush, my grand kids wanted to come and have some fun," She pulled a seat out next to me and sat down. "So I saw one of your boys left this morning," She looked over at me. I nodded and sighed making her pat my shoulder. "I know it's hard to watch them leave, they become like your kids and you want to be a part of their lives, but they have to move on and all you can do is sit back and be happy for them," She laughed under her breath. "Yeah I know," I leaned back and a small bat boy stepped up. "Hi mom wondered where you vanished to," He spoke and brought a drink over to her.

"Oh Andrew this is James my son in law," She introduced us and we shook hands. "So this is Andrew huh? The guy who took in the gay guys off the street?" He smiled. "Yeah I did," I leaned back cracking my back. "Well I think it's a great thing you did," He spoke. "Thanks," I smiled and we watched everyone in the arena. The night drug on and we got caught up in our conversation as the hours passed. Soon it was eleven o clock and we didn't even notice. "Well madam I gotta be heading out, I'll talk to you tomorrow and James a pleasure meetin ya," I hugged the old girl and shook the younger mans hand. I moved down the steps seeing the boys all sitting at a table sweating and drinking sodas.

"Well now you all look exhausted," I smiled and they all laughed. "Yeah it's quite a work out in there," Dominic leaned back. "I can tell, well I'm glad you had fun why don't we head home," I suggested. "Yeah thanks for bringing us baby?" David kissed me cheek and Charles soon followed. They all made sure to give me one which made me roll my eyes. I gave Jordan my keys and they all ran ahead to start the car while I got a refill. Moving outside I saw our car to the far right parking lot and I started over. Going past an alley way I heard notice a familiar figure. The raccoon from earlier standing on his tip toes looking down into a dumpster. He reached down opening a box of pizza and grabbing an old cold slice out of it. He smiled and sat down next to the dumpster. He took a single bite of it and a small cat can up rubbing his leg. He pulled off a piece of pepperoni and handed it to the kitty who gladly took it.

It ran off and he ate the old cold food. "Are you ok?" I asked and he looked up at me through his black bandit mask. He didn't say anything and stood up getting ready to walk away. "I asked you a question," I spoke and he froze looking down. He bent down and picked up a small rock and I stepped back getting ready to dodge if he threw it. He moved to the wall and started to write badly. "I'm a mute" He spelled out and looked at me. "Oh so you can't talk," I spoke and he nodded. "Why are you alone out here on a cold night like this?" I asked. He brought the stone back to the bricks and started to write. "Momma is on heroine, kicked out when I was six," he looked back and I sighed. "How old are you now?" I asked and he wrote out. "18" I felt so bad at that point. This boy had lived on the streets for twelve years because his mother kicked him out.

He smelled of garbage and wasn't bad looking. Just dirty and needed a nice hot meal. "Where are you staying?" I asked and he wrote out the word. "Here," this made me feel even worse. I came here with the boys, my son, and wife for years and I never even noticed him. "Come here," I asked and he moved over. I took his hand and he whimpered thinking I was going to hit him but I lead him to the car. "David get in the back ok," I spoke and he nodded. I let the smaller coon in the front making him curl his tail up around himself. "Who's this?" Jordan asked. "I don't know but he needs help and I'm going to give it to him," I told them. "And none of you better say nothing bad," I told them referring to his scent and appearance.

We drove home with most of them holding their noses the scent got worse in a confined space. Slowly we pulled up to the house and we all got out. The raccoon quickly zoomed over grabbing my hand a little scared. "Your ok, we're just going inside," I told him and lead him up to the door. "Terrance go start a bath upstairs ok," I ordered and Terrance slithered away. "Dominic hand me a piece the dry erase board and a marker," I continued and he did as he was told. I slid it in front of him and he raised and eyebrow. "Now I want you to write ok, tell me your name and everything," I tapped the board and he began to write. We all waited and he turned it back around showing us. "My name is Zach, never been in school, I like Pizza," We all laughed a little but we tried to hide that it was a little sad.

This kid only knew how to spell basic works. He also didn't have any kind of education except what he learned on the street. "Alright Zach, lets take you upstairs and we'll get you a nice hot bath then you can come down and get something to eat ok?" I smiled and he smiled back. He clutched my hand as I lead him upstairs and entered my bathroom. The tub was filled and the raccoon ran his hand through the water. "I'll get him some cloths," The Naga hissed and slid downstairs. "Ok let's get these old things off you," I smiled and helped him take his hoody up and off. I emptied his pockets finding the paper, twelve cents, a fake ring, and a picture of him mom. Looking up I saw he wore a T shirt way too tight for anyone. I helped him tug it off over his ears showing the inside covered in old fur where he had shed and never took off his shirt.

I got up to get ready to leave to give him some privacy and he quickly hugged me. He grabbed the board and spelled out "No leave me alone," I sighed as my heart melted and I sat back down. He removed his pants and helped me empty his other pockets. We found a few more pennies and a pen with almost no ink left in it. "Ok I'm setting all this right here ok," I set it with his other things. He took my hands and used them to remove his bottoms. He wasn't shy as he revealed himself before me. He smiled and tugged my hand towards the tub.

I stopped him suddenly. "No no I can't I..." He looked down sadly and started to cry a little. I didn't want to see him get upset and I guess it wouldn't kill me. I removed my cloths down to my boxers and stepped into the tub. Sitting down he quickly got in with me and sat on my lap. He splashed the water like a little kid. Where most kids his age would worry about jobs and college he didn't even know about those things. Being mute he was simply pushed off by those who didn't understand. He didn't have a childhood and this was the first time he'd been in warm water in a long time.

He looked at me and I grabbed a rag and began scrubbing his back. Lots of fur and dirt coming out turning the near brown coat grey. He giggled at every scrub and looked at me in his mysterious silence. I scrubbed his face making the smell wash away as he rinsed off. He leaned back against my belly enjoying the warmth and I pressed my hands on his chest. I could feel every single rib and his distended belly. Moving up his collar bone was very apparent and his arms were thin. He was very undernourished and it's amazing he lived through the night.

"Well you wanna get some food Zach?" I asked and he nodded. He jumped out of the tub and I grabbed a towel drying him off. He smiled wide as I grabbed a brush and ran it through his fur and he brushed his teeth. Surprisingly his teeth weren't in bad shape for someone who hadn't brushed in a long while. While he finished up I clipped his long claws and checked him over not finding anything dramatically wrong. For a kid who lived on the streets he was in excellent shape health wise.

I patted his back and Terrance opened the door. "Got him some cloths Andrew," He smiled and I passed him out to Charles and Jordan who dressed him. Stepping out of the bathroom in some old sleeping cloths I smiled at the newly clean coon. His fur now a shinning grey with long black streaks. His deep blue eyes glistening as his tail wagged. He moved over and hugged me. "Aw you're welcome," I picked him up onto my back and gave him a piggy back ride downstairs. Dominic had warmed him up some chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, carrots, and a nice tall glass of pop. He looked at me and I nodded making him jump down and dig in. He easily cleaned three plates of food before he leaned back and rubbed his belly. Grabbing the marker he wrote out "Much better". "That's good, now do you feel like a nice long nap?" Charles asked and he nodded. "Wanna sleep in my room," He asked and shook his head no. Everyone offered him a place to sleep but he kept shaking his head. "Well how about sleeping with me?" I asked and he nodded.

"Ok buddy," I stood and he climbed back up onto my back. Making my way upstairs he dozed off with a full belly. When I reached my room I laid him down under the covers and kissed his cheek. "Night Zach," I stepped back and sat in my chair. I pulled my old family picture off my desk and stared at it. A tear running down my muzzle as I ran my hand along the photo. I missed them so much and hated that I didn't have them. Slowly I looked up almost seeing her sitting on the bed. "Hi honey," I smiled and leaned back. It must have been my imagination running wild from being tired. "Hi sweetie," The apparition seemed to say. "How you feeling?" She smiled. "Bad...I'm not sure about this anymore," I sighed and leaned back.

"About helping these boys, why?" She smiled and moved over sitting on my lap. I held the figure tightly feeling the familiar warmth. "Yes I can't take them leaving me, I don't want to hurt them for my own sake," I sighed and the women laughed softly. "You think your doing this to hurt these boys? Then why did you let that one leave this morning?" She whispered. "Because it was for the best," I muttered under my breath. "Now would a man thinking only for himself let one of his friends leave to better themselves," She brushed his nose against my cheek. "I love you," I whispered and she seemed to fade from my arms as quickly as she appeared. As I let out a sigh another hand touched my shoulder. "Hi daddy," The familiar voice sent chills up my spin. "Andy," I whispered and looked back seeing my son. He smiled down at me with bright eyes and I quickly hugged him.

"I'm so sorry, I tried to do everything I could to save you," I broke out in open weeping. "It's ok daddy I don't blame you, how could I, you did your best, it was just my time," He smiled up at me. "Why didn't I try harder," I sighed and he pushed my big muzzle up. "Simple daddy, cause you knew that it was no use, daddy I love you and when I passed on I missed you so much, but I know one day I'll be with you again; but for now you have to help these guys just like you helped me," He kissed my cheek and he to faded away.

I was alone once again but this time...I wasn't empty. For the first time in a long time I felt like actually accomplished something. What I was doing was the right thing and I loved it. But...was that just my mind hallucinating or did it really happen. Looking back I could see the small coon still fast asleep snoring lightly. I moved out in the hall letting my feet take me where ever they would go. Needing to share this excitement with someone; I came to Terrance's door and with a soft knock I could hear him slide out of bed with a grumble. Opening the door he yawned softly. "Andrew? Is something wrong?" he scratched the back of his head. I kissed him suddenly making him gasp in his daze. He slid back and I stepped in shutting the door softly. "What are you doing," He muttered as I kissed the cool scales on his neck. "You always flirt with me and I want to satisfy those urges," I whispered and he bit his lip.

My muzzle softly bit his scales making him gasp as he laid back on his bed. His long tail moving up and wrapping around my body as he gripped my shoulders. I kissed him deeper my tongue grazing across his fangs as I do. My thick hands ran along his strong chest and very softly came to rest at his tail. With a small hiss he smiled and I we both quickly removed out cloths. We sat grabbing and rubbing one another bodies slowly. His two long cocks pressing up against my own making him hiss in excitement. "Put me in," I hissed and he nodded. His hand grabbed my member and guided it to his entrance. "Push in," He grunted and I shoved in hard. With one fell push I was completely inside the serpent.

His tail writhed and he kissed my neck softly. I pulled back and he gripped me harder just before I slammed back in hard. He let out a loud moan and I continued to move. His long tail held me and I fucked the younger boy. His claws digging into my shoulders as he gasped my name. My excitement had evolved into something more. A great lust that I needed to share with someone. Terrance was someone who would easily accept anything I requested. I only had to kiss him and he knew what I needed. "Andrew! Cum inside me!" He let out a loud groan and I smiled.

"Here it comes, take it, and take it all!" I ordered and he nodded. I suddenly exploded into him as he came up onto his belly. My cum filled his ass and dripped out of his cloacae. "Mmm that was great," he hissed and held onto me. I lightly laid him down on his bed under the warm blankets. He was out like a light and I kissed his cheek. "Night baby," I whispered. "Night..Night," he yawned and cuddled his pillow. I moved back upstairs and laid down with the small coon. He cuddled up into my chest and with a soft yawn we both slowly and lazily drifted off.