The Dreamy Prey 3 - The First Flight

Story by Mediteral on SoFurry

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"Don't be afraid foxxy. It may be your first time but I know that you can fly. Trust in yourself." A western dragon stated proudly. It's Hazel scales seemed to reflect the sunlight and his wild brown hair fluttered in the wind. A large beast just bigger than a common, everyday sports van. He would be frightening to most if he didn't seem to be so cheerful all the time.

"I'm not sure, Hazel...I don't usually jump off cliffs," said Fox, an eastern dragon resembling a serpent. His body was covered in white fur and his underside sported bright blue scales of the same hue as his eyes.

Today was the day that Fox was going to fly. Hazel had dragged Fox out to a cliff above the sea one summer day, he guaranteed that Fox would not sleep until he had finally flown for the first time.

"It's a lot easier than you might think, sweetheart." Hazel grinned and nuzzled Fox, "I have to use my wings, you only have to use your mind."

Fox blushed and nuzzled Hazel back, "Well, if you say so..."

"Yes I do say so," Hazel quipped and approached to cliffs edge. Turning back and smiling at Fox, he said "Just believe in yourself and your dreams will come true." Suddenly, Hazel jumped off the cliff.

The Serpent tilted his head and looked over the edge, Hazel proudly lifted himself in the air just above the ocean water and smoothly flew over the sea. "...Just believe in yourself and your dreams will come true." Fox huffed and sat quietly. He nodded contemplatively, "...I never thought I'd hear that again. That's what 'he' always used to say..." Fox stared out into the sea and soon, his mind began to wander.


Gale held his paws together in a kind of prayer with his eyes closed and he dreamed. He stood stiff like a rock; his white fur glowed in the warm afternoon sun. At his back rested plenty of solid earth to stand upon, he didn't want go back to that. At his toes, a gentle breeze drifted between his fuzzy toes and claws above a sheer cliff with a great fall into rough waters; his obstacle.

The white fox faced the blue sky with his eyes locked shut and he dreamed of clouds. The cold winds were gusting beside him, it bellowed under his arms and swirled throughout his blue t-shirt, it engulfed him. It was quiet, only the whistling winds sung in the sky. Spinning, defying gravity, being free defined the brush strokes of his imagination. He flew quietly, furry white arms spread wide, and he dreamed.

"Gale?" Asked a soft-spoken wolf named Milo, "Careful not to fall" he warned. His fur was completely black over his body but the hair on his head grew to the color of light blue, the same color of his eyes. Most of his hair was short save for the cleanly groomed bangs over his right eye. On his lip, he had a single ring pierced in the middle, a fashion perk he was particularly fond of. He held a red notebook in his arms tightly as if it were a national treasure.

The white fox lowered his arms and he held the pockets of his jeans. He opened his eyes to the sea and the sprawling cliffs right before him. "I can fly, Milo." He turned to his friend, "...A real dragon can fly, right? Then I know I can fly..."

Milo grinned softly and crossed his arms. He approached Gale and grabbed his paw, "Hey, relax." He rested his head on Gale's shoulder and held the fox's arm tightly, "We'll both fly soon...Just us two dragons, flying in the sky..." Although neither officially admitted it, they were rather close as far as friends who've only known each other for a few months. However, they frequently whispered secrets in each other's ears like they were each other's personal diary, like they were lifelong friends. One popular secret between the two was their desire for something greater, to be a dragon and fly away to a better place.

Gale looked at the grassy earth, "Yeah...Then we'll find whatever it is we're looking for," He smiled at Milo, "Just like the stories in that little book of yours.." His blue eyes almost seemed to glow on the sunny day; they were as vibrant as the blue ocean.

"You're the artist among us." The black wolf released his friend and stood at the cliff's edge, "...Anyway, you said you'd come visit my brother with me, right?" He stared out to the distant horizon, fixated on an out-of-sight destination under the coming rain clouds. He flipped open his notebook and stared at the front page for a minute.

"I did," He rubbed Milo's shoulder, "And I'm ready to go whenever you are." Gale leaned over and peered into the book.

The blue haired wolf then tucked his notebook away and glanced to the white paw holding his shoulder. He sniffed, "Let's go then..." He grinned wryly as he stepped past Gale, "By the way, I can't help but notice that you have a cut on your forehead."

The fox winced and rubbed his crown, "Oh...You saw that? I thought I hid it well..." He muttered as he felt the fresh scab under the bangs above his right eye, he had been keeping it dry and even put a bandage on it. Of all the people he would rather not see it; he somehow knew it would be Milo to notice.

"You've been getting into fights again." The wolf stated, a pinch of frustration flavored his voice, "Why do you insist on getting yourself hurt, Gale?"

Gale rushed to his side and walked at a matching pace, "It's because," He huffed and smirked, "Some cop is just an asshole." He crossed his arms and cocked his head, he was thinking of police officer, the only full-time sheriff of the coastal town; Gale could never remember his name so he always just called him Officer. "Sadly, I was always end up smelling like bacon thanks to that pig."

"Well isn't that a little harsh?" Milo giggled as they passed the town gate and continued on the cold sidewalk and among low murmur of civilization. "Officer Calhounde IS a police officer, you know. He's a good guy so please don't give him so much trouble." He scolded the fox as they passed by and he held his paw out to pat the iron fence's bars, "I won't even ask how you got that little scratch, just don't get yourself in trouble, you hear?"

"Hey, I'm sorry... Just don't worry about me." Gale rebuked as his mind slowly drifted elsewhere, along with his gaze. He smirked naughtily while he quietly stared at the back of Milo's neck, his light blue hair traveled to his neck; his eyes drifted further past Milo's black hoody and to the waist of his dark blue jeans, his puffy black tail wagged gently over his small and round butt.

"I can think of something salty I can get used to," Gale murmured hastily while he daydreamed what he could do with a wolf's tail.

Milo felt a leap in his heart, he twisted and he stared at Gale, "What?"

"Nothing!" The fox looked up at the sky with a poorly hidden smile and crossed arms.

The black wolf blushed and he rubbed his blue bangs nervously, "Y-Yeah, whatever... You just keep smiling with that 'herp-a-derp' face." He pouted, licked his cold, black, nose as his ears lowered and his lips puckered up.

"Aw, come on, I was just joking." Gale walked closer to him, "Milo?" He tilted his head and leaned forward, trying to look at the wolf's face. "Are you mad?"

"No." The morose wolf spoke firmly as they passed under a small walnut tree reaching over a nearby small white picket fence. The sidewalk was shaded with specks of sunlight peeking through the branches. As the two passed under the errant branches, the light spots frenzied over their bodies like a disco ball's reflections.

Gale felt an awkward few seconds slip by and he leaned in closer, closing in on his friends cheek, "Then you should smile." He hissed excitedly.

Milo cocked his head and kept a straight face and tried to ignore the loopy fox leering playfully at him. The sun was soon smothered by clouds, dark clouds that foretold of rain.

"....Rawr?" Gale cooed in Milo's stiff and triangular ears, "Myow?" He mewed sounds that a one usually wouldn't expect from a snow-white fox.

Milo rolled his eyes and looked away defiantly, however, he seemed to be parodying himself with a tilted head and ears. "Go away," he whined.

"If I make my dragon smile, do I get a prize?" the fox whispered with a malicious grin, his nose almost looked like it was buried in Milo's ear, if seen from the right angle. "Don't tempt me, I know how to make you smile." He huffed a breath into the wolf's ear.

Milo shook his head vigorously, his ears slapping against his head and neck, and then suddenly froze. He held his head tall and strong, he wore a smirk on his fuzzy lips and his neatly groomed hair was now a hopeless mess.

Gale held his mouth in his paws and tried to hold back his laughter, "I know you hate that but," he huffed and shook his head, "But it's just too funny, every time." He sniffed deeply and cleared his thought, coughing out a small chuckle, "I told you I'd make you smile."

The two canines arrived at a red brick column that formed part of an archway, a wooden curve that connected to another brick column. Under the arc, seemingly fragile iron gates remained open, rusted and unable to close the path to the Cemetery.

"Milo? Are you mad? I'm sorry..." Gale tilted his head and rubbed Milo's shoulder, his tone dropping to an apologetic tone.

After the wolf brushed his hair over right eye, he smiled calmly and watched Gale with his blue eyes, "...Thank you." The yellow sun seemed to become absorbed in his fur, he seemed to glow.

"...You don't need to thank me for a smile, Milo." Gale smiled then frowned, he sighed and he felt strangely guilty of something. He scratched his head, in between his ears, looking pitiful.

Milo shook his head, "No, not that. Just...Thank you, Gale..." The wolf stepped slowly, leaning his weight listlessly with each step. He stepped between the red brick columns and nodded, "We're here..." The air was humid and small mists of rain descended over the landscape.

Gale examined the archway and looked past Milo, behind him, a lonely field of green filled the lifeless colors of gravestones. Rows of graves went on for the length of a football field. "The Cemetery? Wait," Gale glanced at the wolf with sad look, "Is your brother..."

"You never met him, have you?" Milo turned around and walked past the rusting fences, a cold chill swept over them. "He was always gone since before I met you. I didn't see him much either." The two walked past rows of graves, "He was buried here a week ago."

"...But you always said that you talked to him on the phone, right?" Gale walked close to Milo as he morosely watched the graves of anonymous loved ones, boxed and put into their storages like ancient relics to be revered by clueless souls. The fox never knew anyone who had died, no mournful losses or regrets; he felt like he had no right to be there, but now his closest friend's brother was buried in this cemetery. He felt like he was going to see a distant relative.

Milo continued to walk slowly, lumbering with each step and silently gazing at nothing. The ground was damp and the gravel they walked in was muddy and sticking to the wolf's worn-down sneakers, even in the afternoon, it always seemed cold in that small coastal town's graveyard. He stopped and lurched to his right, turning down a small row and stopping at the third gravestone in. A small grave, nothing more than a small ramp-like shape with the name, "Joshua C. Traumen" carved in it.

Milo crouched in front of it, holding his knees and stared at it. The wolf slowly reached out to the grave and ran the tips of his fingers over the name, the small black strands of fur catching on the slightest indent in the stone. The grave was slick from the mist and small puddles of water droplets formed.

"Joshua Traumen...." Gale muttered and stood beside Milo, the fox crossed his arms, "...How long ago was his funeral?" He asked while he felt a heavy air settle around them, it seemed almost soundproof to the rest of the world.

"Funeral?" Milo huffed, looked up to Gale and smiled wryly, he shook his head. "He didn't have a funeral, they just buried him here." He looked away and stared at the muddy ground between his feet, "I just gave the name..."

Gale grimaced as he watched the wolf stare at the grave like a lost kid. "But what about your...." He hesitated.

"Were you going to say parents?" Milo rubbed his nose, "What parents? You know I don't have parents..." It wasn't a subject Milo ever discussed with Gale, frankly, he never told Gale much about his family or past. He always kept to himself, how he managed to find someone so special in that white fox was mystery to them both. The only thing that Gale was certain of is that Milo never knew his parents and that he had once said that he was raised by his brother...the same brother in the grave in front of them.

"Josh was the closest thing to a parent I had...Now he's gone." Milo sighed and held his muzzle in both of his paws, "He left me..." He slowly covered his face and he continued to mumble, "Josh...left me all alone...." He mumbled and a long paused passed by.

Gale felt a pit form in his chest and he crouched beside the wolf . "Milo..." The fox muttered softly and felt a small tap on his snout and specks of water flung into his eyes. He glanced up to the sky and the dark clouds roamed above the town, it started to rain. The roar of the falling water caved in from the mountains and settled into the rapid taps of the droplets hitting the graves beside them.

In spite of the rain, Milo remained still. "Josh..." He kept his chin on his knees and he scowled at the gravestone. He hated it, the mere sight of it made his head spin. He sobbed softly and muttered, "...I hate you..." He scratched at his knees and his eyes burned, a wave of remorse drowned him.

"Hey," Gale took a small breath that sent shivers throughout his entire body, he spoke chokingly, trying to sound as comforting as he could, "...You're not alone. I'm here, Milo."

The wolf looked back, a scowl remained on his face, "I..." He looked away before he finished his sentence. The rain patted his head and soaked his light blue hair, his single bang dripped water on his furry cheek. He suddenly found himself regretting asking Gale to come along, he hated the very idea of breaking down and crumbling in front of his friend's eyes. He just held himself tightly and shut out the world.

Gale felt useless. He crouched beside his closest friend, silently watching him cry and he could not think of a single thing to say. He didn't know what to say about his lost brother, he didn't know what to say about his missing parents, he didn't know what to say about his missing family. He didn't know what to say at all.

So he didn't say anything. He stood and grabbed Milo's shoulder, gently pulling him to his feet. The wolf was silent as he was raised to his feet and spun around to face his source of comfort. The two canines watched each other, the fox held the shoulders of the wolf who stared with a pained expression.

Gale leaned forward and hugged the wolf warmly. His arms wrapped around the other's neck and shoulder and he nuzzled the wolf's cheek softly. Milo, however, remained still, his eyes wide open and awestruck as he was held in the warm arms of another. He slowly mustered the courage to raise his arms and after what felt like an hour, he was hugging Gale around the waist. He shuddered at the thought of the hug's imminent end.

A secret that Gale was not aware of was that the hug he relished at that moment, was Milo's first hug by anyone who wasn't his brother. The wolf with blue hair never had any previous boyfriends or girlfriends and his older brother was indeed his only family in the orphanage and on the long travels down the highway. This hug was also the first he had since the last time he last saw brother alive, before the older wolf left to make some extra cash to pay for a certain something, of which Milo was unaware of it's nature. The item in question was a portable music player that was supposed to be given to him on his next birthday which was, unfortunately, exactly one week after his brother was buried. Milo would be 19 years old that day, another secret Gale, sadly, was not aware of.

"Hey, remember," Gale whispered, "It's our dream...We're dragons Milo, and we're going to fly away together, just you and I." The white fox rested his head against the wolf's and he kept his heart close to the other's, he was determined to turn this hug into something meaningful.

Milo, however, slowly pushed away. Gale still held his shoulder and Milo held his shaking paws together over his chest, looking at the ground. The fox silently watched back, he tilted his head and planted finger-pad on the wolf's chin, bringing his muzzle to his level and they stared at each other's faces again. Milo's solemn face was drenched to the skin, out-of-place stains under his eyes among the raindrops, he was biting his lip and shaking lightly.

The fox's paw traveled along the wolf's wet cheeks, "You got something there..." He muttered as he wiped the wet stains away from Milo's cheeks. Before the fox could think of something else to say, the wolf leaned forward and kissed Gale softly. There was no hesitation, as soon as the kiss had begun, both of them were fully absorbed into the moment. The rain poured on while the two canines kissed and held each other, keeping the other warm in the rain-soaked graveyard.

When their lips finally parted, Milo shyly slipped from Gale's arms and stood in a puddle in front of the grave. He twiddled his thumbs and glanced sideways at the fox with an awkward grin. "I...I wanted you to come with me because you're the only person who I t-trust and...and ah-ah-AH-CHOO!!" He sneezed and shook his head, " I-uh... Couldn't handle seeing him on my own...," He rubbed his nose and stared at the grave, "...I still can't bring myself to believe he's really dead..."

"Well, don't worry, hun..." Gale reached out and held Milo's paw, "I'm always here for you...You can tell me anything you like." He stepped closer to the wolf, "I'm sorry about your brother," He leaned and whispered in the wolf's drooping ear, "You'll never lose me..."

Maybe Gale wasn't the one who might be lost, thought Mlo. He glanced to Gale, he felt a like a cringing child, afraid of what was next. He forced a big smile and sighed, "...You really will be there, wouldn't you?" He faced the fox and held his paws together, "You'll be my dragon..." He giggled playfully and suddenly hugged Gale, burying his nose in the furry nub of the fox's neck.

Gale, forever blushing at this point, could feel the lonely wolf shiver in his arms; it was either the moment or he might catch a cold in this weather, Gale figured. "...Hey, we're gonna get sick if we stay out here, wanna head to my place?"

"Your place?" Looked up at Gale, who grinned sheepishly, "Y-Yeah...Let's do that." He blushed and glanced at the grave one last time. The rain fell steadily, an ideal autumn downpour. Puddles welled in the grass and on the various dips on the gravel path while the air still smelled the damp musk of freshly wet dirt. He imagined his brother, sleeping in a box under the wet dirt, nodding pridefully that he had earned himself such a cozy place...

Milo kept thinking of his brother and how his world was different now that he was gone. He kept silent, one hand in a pocket and the other Gale's warm paw. He found himself treading over things he had already settled with before this day, how he would cope and what he would do; then there was Gale, his one and only dragon. Fox or Dragon, truly, it didn't matter to him but either way, he just wanted to give Gale any kind gift he wanted. Deep inside his mind, he thought of how he would make his and Gale's dream come true. He had a hunch...

The two had arrived at Gale's home faster than either had expected. No one had been outside of their homes on this rainy evening. The fact that the sun was setting was only hinted at with only darker clouds , thanks to the thick storm veiling the sky. The rain was still as strong as when it had started, small streams traveled aside the streets and slowed into various gutters and trenches. On such streamed was stepped over without a second thought as the two walked up the waterlogged porch steps and into Gale's apartment.

The carpets were dark grey and the walls, tan with blue tops and bottoms. The living room was dark, and the kitchen, separated only by a dining table from the rest of the room, hosted various specks of lights from various appliances. It was a single apartment in the fullest sense of the word, quiet, empty, and lonely.

After hanging their coats in the living room, the two entered the bedroom; the walls and floor had the same color scheme but the room itself had a whole life to it. A desk cluttered with sraps of papers and it's light curved to brighten up anybody working there; faded photographs lingered at the edge. The most remarkable trait for Gale was something he continued to contribute to; dozens of fantasy drawings taped, tacked, slapped upon the walls. Drawings of imaginary landscapes, fantasized vehicles, and most prominently, dragons and other creatures.

The wolf plopped down on the edge of Gale's bed in the middle of the room and watched the fox step past him and fiddle with a stereo. 'What song are you putting on?" Milo asked.

"You're favorite..." Gale yipped and flicked a switch with his index pad. Soon, a vague hum emitted from the speaker, it then transformed into a solid drum beat, going at the rate of a beat per second. As the aural hymns massaged his large ears, Gale turned around and sat next to Milo on the bed, "Thanks for coming." He smiled.

Milo smirked, "Why wouldn't I, after what happened in the graveyard." He brushed his light blue hair away from his eye and nudged closer to the Fox, "Besides, I should be thanking you..." He muttered and rested his furry cheek on the the fox's shoulder.

Gale chuckled, "Well...Wanna make it happen again?" He looked at Milo confidently.

Milo twisted his head to come face-to-face with his sweet little crush. He licked Gale's white cheek and giggled, "If you really want me, come get me."

"Of course I'm going to get you," The fox planted a paw on his blanket and nipped Milo's neck, receiving a ticklish laughter from the wolf. "For a second there, I thought I already did."

Milo snickered and he spun around. He leaned back to where he rested with his back on the bed and his head dangling off the side, "I guess that's true, I just didn't expect to be the seduced one."

Gale grinned and shook his head. He stood and crossed his arms, "I guess I'm just good like that." He daintily stepped around the room before kneeling beside his upside-down boyfriend. "I just thought of something hun, in your stories, wasn't it always the Wolf who did the seducing?"

"Huh!?" Milo suddenly blushed and twiddled his thumbs, a shy grin curved his lips.

"Yes that's right, I've read your porn." Gale nodded coolly, "I like the one where there's a lot of tongue usage."

"Hey, stop it" Milo whined playfully, covering his face and shaking his head. "You're embarrassing me."

The fox rubbed his chin proudly, "Mission Accomplished, now you're mine." He reached out and gently pulled Milo's paws away from his face, "Don't be so afraid of me sweetheart..."

Milo quietly watched, "I'm not afraid..." He looked to his right and huffed, "This just seems to good to be true..."

"Just go with it." The fox stated firmly. He touched his pink nose to the wolf's black nose and he nudged into it. A chuckle slipped from his lips and he moved from the nose to gentle a kiss. The two quiet;y kissed, holding each other's paws, and smiling so big their faces ached.

Gale raised his head and kissed Milo's neck, his paws climbing up the bed to rub the wolf's belly.

Milo arched his back on the bed and reached behind Gale's head, rubbing between the ears and down to his neck. He watched the upside down fox smiling down at him; he reached for the fox's black jeans. Slowly slipping his fingers around the button and slowly undoing it.

At Milo's touch, Gale lightly shuddered; he shuffled carefully on his feet and leaned over his wolf lover. With his left paw holding him up, he used his right to quickly undo Milo's pants. Inching closer to his goal, the button unsnapped and the zipper dragged downwards. At last, Gale spread the pants apart and was greeted by Milo's erect cock. It was a nice shade of pink that seemed to jump out of the boxer's slip. The bulbous glans and the veiny length, leading to the furry sheath connecting to the rest of the body. Gale licked his lips hungrily until he felt a jolt of pleasure travel up his gut; the wolf was one step ahead of him in the sexual department.

Milo's face was calm and blushed as he held the fox-cock in his paws at the tip of his nose. The foxhood was just slightly shorter than Milo's but just as perfect; it's round tip leaked pre above the wolf's face. Milo couldn't hold himself back as he cheerfully licked the underside of the cock, from just below the glans, down the smooth length to the base. He lightly nipped at the length before returning to the tip, licking the full underside repeatedly. As waves of ecstasy rushed through his body, each lick become more sensitive than the next, he grunted and sighed.

While the warm wet tongue messaged his cock, he lowered his head and started suckling on the wolfhood under him. His lips squeezed the bulb and the wolf's pre dribbled over the tongue, adding a gooey sensation to the suckling. Gently caressing the shaft against the roof of his mouth, he felt so naughty as he took in more of the pulsing length.

Milo felt like his throbbing member was wrapped in a steamy wet blanket that gently tugged more pre from the cock. With ever other bob, Gale would lightly rake his teeth against his glans, tickling the head and sending a shiver up his gut. He reached down with his paw rubbed the base of his cock, practically begging for the fox to suckle him harder.

With every other suckle, Gale would lightly buck into the wolf's caressing tongue, pushing deep within. He knew Milo didn't have as much freedom of movement as he did, so he held the wolf muzzle with a free paw and gently thrusted, the wolfs tongue wrapping around the foxhood.

Soon enough, Milo regretted his status as a virgin. Just when Gale began to deepthroat his leaky cock, he could already feel himself getting close. He wanted to tell the fox to slow down a bit but as pangs of ecstasy shot through him, he continued to suckle at the pulsing fox-cock.

Gale, however, wasn't a virgin. The wolf under whimper and started bucking slowly, but longingly, he knew the wolf was about to blow. The fox couldn't help but feel proud of himself for being able to please Milo so well. He decided not to mention it as he released the wolf's muzzle reached for the wolf's member. He began to rub Milo's balls, gently feeling around the testicle and rubbing sensually. He began to suck on just the tip of the wolfhood, beckoning the incoming orgasm.

That was the last straw for Milo. He whimpered desperately and released Gale's cock. "Oh god..." He muttered and gasped. A boiling hot sensation blasted his member, shooting up his gut and exploding in sexual delight while his pulsing cock spurted the gooey hot cum onto the Fox's tongue. Gale cheerfully lapped up every drop.

While the hot wolf seed dripped down the side of the now-sensitive wolf-cock, Gale could feel his own orgasm building up after tasting such a satisfying ending for his boyfriend. Milo panted heavily beneath the fox as he vigorously jerked off the fox-cock. He hastily licked at the cock while Gale gently bucked into the wolf's fapping paw.

"Ah...Keep going, " Gale murmured. He clutched the blanked and clenched his teeth as inched ever closer. The fapping was wild and he could feel himself losing control. It was only a matter of time now.

Milo happily licked the tip, listening to the fox growl uncontrollably. He opened his mouth wide, squeezing the cock desperately, ready to catch anything. Soon enough, the fox yipped uncontrollably and the throbbing foxhood spurted hot fox-cum on Milo's tongue. The first shot fired onto the roof of the wolf's gaping mouth, the second shooting further onto Milo's fuzzy cheek. The third and final stream shot back into the mouth. The pooling cum dripped out other lips and dribbled to the tip of Milo's nose.

Gale grunted and panted heavily. In a euphoric haze, the fox lapped up any drips of seed that escaped from him before. When he finished, he leaned back and sat in front of a messy Milo. "Looks like I've made quite the mess. Let me clean you up." The fox began to lick the wolf clean, lapping up the dripping cum from the nose and traveling to the wolf's sticky for cummy kiss.

Milo rubbed the back of Gale's head, scratching lightly behind the fox's ears. They shared a long kiss like this before they licked their lips clean. The wolf slowly rolled over to see the fox sitting upright again. He rubbed Gale cheek warmly and smiled, "Um....Thanks?"

That got a chuckle out of Gale, "Thanks? You're welcome, it was fun." He rubbed his nose against Milo's. Then he climbed up on the bed and rested beside the wolf, placing his head on the pillow.

Milo twisted to lay beside him hugged him around the torso, he rested his head on Gale's chest. "Really Gale...Thank you..." He didn't look at the fox, he just held him tightly.

Gale patted Milo's head, "Always...."

The two rested silently, just listening to the music. Night came and draped a blanket over the landscape and the duo eventually fell asleep. Gale couldn't but smile even through his dreams, knowing that he was holding someone precious...

...Midnight had just passed and stereo had shut itself off. Everything was still and silent, save for thing. As gale snoozed peacefully, Milo sat on the side of the bed, his paws clasped together to hold up his chin. In the pitch black, he could feel a warm drop roll down his cheek. He took a breath and wiped it away.

Standing beside window now, he cracked it slightly open. In the darkness, an amber light sprouted at the end of Milo's snout. It reduced to the small cherry of a cigarette. Another warm drop fell down his cheek, only to be wiped away again.

He looked back to Gale, who had just rolled over in his sleep. The wolf held the cig between his finger and gritted teeth. "...Why is it always so difficult..." he muttered. "...I guess dreams do come true..."

He took a long, steady drag and exhaled the poison out the window. He looked back, his eyes had adjusted to the dark so he could the room. He eyed the drawing plastered on the walls. He always loved Gale's artwork. He stared for five minutes and two puffs before a single drawing caught his eye. He smothered his cig at the windowsill and approached the drawing; it was a very skilled and detailed sketch of a dragon sitting on it's haunches.

"...Our dream will come true...I promise Gale..." He whispered to himself. He turned away and reached for his red notebook...

...It was morning but still cloudy, the rain had stopped for brief respite. Gale struggled to open his eyes and keep them open, like someone had glued them together. His head was spinning as he slowly sat up and rested against the wall. He rubbed his eyes and looked to his side, wanting to see his boyfriend's face.

However, no one was beside him. Milo was nowhere on the room. The fox tilted his head and moved to the edge of the bed. "Milo?" He called out. There was no answer. The fox rubbed his eyes again and looked out of his room into the living room, it was empty as usual. Then he went to the bathroom, no one was in there either.

After taking care of nature's business, he returned to the room. "Where's he gone?" He asked himself. He looked around the room and he spotted a notebook page waiting on the desk where he would draw most of his ideas. It was a single page with a few sentences written on it. He stood beside it and read it, he was starting to get worried.

"...Believe in me...Believe in yourself and your dreams will come true...I'll make out dream come true no matter don't come looking for me...I promise Gale, trust me...We won't see each other again...for awhile..." The fox muttered as he read. The note appeared to be...a goodbye letter. He continued to read, it seemed like the letter itself burned his eyes.

Gale silently stared at the paper. He was frozen and a swell of emotions began to come over him. His heart sunk and it became harder to breathe. He turned around hastily and he called out, "Milo!?" There was still no answer. Milo was gone. He left, leaving just a goodbye note. Gale ran into the living room to check the coat rack, Milo's jacket and shoes were gone.

The fox was still wearing the same clothes from the night before, he slipped on his shoes as fast as he could and ran out the door, not even grabbing his jacket.

It was chilled outside. Gale's shoes parted wide puddles as ran across the town. He was afraid. He knew exactly where Milo had gone. He wished he were wrong and he ran as fast as he could so he wouldn't be too late. He knew Milo had gone to cliffs. His heart pounded against his chest his body burned. He had darted all the way across town, ignoring the other citizens and life. Finding was his only goal.

The sound of the ocean crashing against the cliffs drowned out the sounds of the city, like a giant's voice. Gale held his knees and gasped for his breath when he had finally arrived. Panting heavily, he looked ahead to the cliff. There was no one here. Milo wasn't at the cliffs...but his red notebook was.

Gale stopped breathing and a gust blew by, turning the red notebook open as it rested at the cliff's edge. His heart stopped and he stared at the lone notebook. Gale had always believed that he would never leave his notebook behind on cliff. The fox approached the edge and keeled beside the book, he picked it up and began to read it. There was a story inside, about two dragon flying to new home.

He felt sick. He struggled to breathe as his eyes started to burn. He looked over the cliffs edge. He didn't see Milo...Only a piece of paper floating gently down the cliff before being engulfed by the ocean below.

"...Milo?" Gale asked softly, "....Where..." He stumbled over his words and he remembered the piece of paper being destroyed at the cliff's foot. Gale bit his lip and a tear fell from his eye, "...Did you really leave me?" His voice was shaky and held the notebook tightly, "How...How could you?" He then fell to his knees.

His body shook and sobbed, "How could you leave me like this...." He shook his head and shut his eyes, "...We were supposed to fly away together...Just us and only us..."

He desperately wished that Milo would just appear behind him and ask him what he was crying about. He wished he could then tell Milo it was just a misunderstanding. He wished that Milo had woken up beside him. He wished it was all just a dream. Most of all, he wished he told Milo that he loved him...


It felt like a dream. The wind roared as it rushed beside him. The crashing waves sent sprays of water at his underside. His whiskers flailed elegantly at his sides. He stared straight ahead as he darted through the air. The sun kept his back warm and the water kept him cool, every now and then, a small fish would jump out of the water beside him. It was perfect.

The sandy shore was fast approaching. Ripples of water formed beneath as he passed over the water, a small wave followed him. He was lighter than a feather and outracing the ocean. Before he knew it, Fox had landed gracefully on the sunny beach.

The sand was hot from being baked in the sun all day and it felt good between his scaly toes. He stood still, enjoying the calm moment on the sound of the Ocean. He was stunned that he had finally done it, He finally flew...

Fox thought back to Milo. He never learned what happened. Everyone in the town just assumed he had jumped off the cliff and forgot about it. He never forgot about him, how could he? He wondered if was really alive somewhere. He wondered if Milo ever flew...

"See? I knew you could do it!" The dragon, Hazel, happily chirped beside Fox. He lowered his head to meet Fox's blue eyes and he smiled.

The serpent looked up to I'm with watery eyes, it caught Hazel off-guard and he become worried. Fox stood close to Hazel and wrapped his long neck around Hazel's shoulder as a hug. "I finally did it, Hazel...I flew..."

"Hey...Don't cry, hun. It's alright." Hazel patted Fox's back with his large paw.

"I'm crying?" Fox leaned back and cleared his throat. He wiped his and and smiled weakly, "I-I'm sorry...You could just say that this was something very special to me."

Hazel touched his nose to Fox's, "You have nothing to be sorry for. I'll always do whatever to make you smile." He chuckled softly before closing his eyes and kissing Fox's lips.

"Hazel..." Fox smiled, looked away briefly, then back into the other's eyes, "...I love you."

Hazel tilted his head and blushed, grinning widely, "I love you too, Foxxy-hun." He nuzzled the serpent again.

"I just...wanted to say that while I still could." Said Fox, softly.

Hazel raised his large paw and held the furry serpent close against his broad chest. "You always can, Fox. I'm not gonna be leaving anytime soon."

In the large arms of a lover, Fox had no hesitation in trusting Hazel. They could have stayed like that forever for all he cared.

Afterwards, the two walked down the length of the beach, watching the sea. The late afternoon sun was comfortable and the wind was pleasant. It really was the perfect day.

Promise CH.7 -DMFA Fanfiction-

It's been ten days since I last saw Faye. Ten agonizing days of loneliness and desperation and I continue to drag on hopelessly, just wishing to see Faye again....

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Promise CH.6 -DMFA Fanfiction-

"Argh....Damn it..." In a low growl, Desho scratched at his head, taking deep breaths. His head continued to throb and ache with the pain from the Wraith of...

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