Dragon Ranch: Black and Cresty

Story by Ausfer on SoFurry

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#2 of Dragon Ranch

Now this is a story all about how Kyle's life got flipped, turned up side down. I want you to take a moment and just sit right there and tell you how he became the toy of this dragon called Belai-I mean, Relia.

Ok, this is a continuation of the first story..... no need to reintroduce the characters so lets get back to where we left off, shall we?

Oh, and I actually bothered to to use SPELL CHECK this time! Yay.

EDIT: re-worded a few parts to make things easier to read, because I apparently used the word "smooth" waaay too much.


The dark gray dragon standing before Kyle was glaring at him. She briefly stretched her wings, showing him the reddish hue of her leathery membranes, before turning and bowing her front forward, thrusting her rear up. Her wide, muscular tail was propped high in the air, revealing her wet and swollen slit. She turned to look at him. The dragon was breathing audibly and there was a small bit of frothy cum stuck to the corner of her lips. Though he was sure any male dragon would probably have a heart attack from arousal, Kyle was immensely uncomfortable with the situation, and wanted to leave. His cheeks were hot with embarrassment and he bit his lower lip as he tried to think of what to do.

"Should I leave? CAN I leave?"

There was one thing that Emily had drilled into his mind since day one, and that was the fact that these creatures were quick to anger and very dangerous, and despite them being trained to work with humans, one should always be careful around dragons. That conversation was replaying in his mind over and over again at this moment. He was not ready nor willing to even think about screwing her. The possibility of getting caught frightened him, not to mention the fact that she wasn't even human and he wasn't exactly looking to branch out his interests. "Sorry... Wrong species, girl." He said, continuing his thought process out loud. The dragon was unmoved. Thinking it might be best for him to leave, he bent down to pull his pants up, then turned and slowly made a move for the door.

His foot did not even hit the floor before the dragon let out a growl, glaring at him, her eyes like piercing daggers.

Kyle froze, scared out of his mind. He took a breath, then bolted.

Everything that happened next was almost too fast for Kyle's brain to process. Taking a running leap towards the exit, he saw the dragon quickly get up from its bowed position. In an instant he had a hand on the door latch, but the next moment he was hit hard and knocked to the ground. Immediately, a huge weight fell on top of him, knocking the wind out of his lungs. He felt a sharp pain on both of his arms as large claws gripped them, and felt hot breath on his face.

He smelled his own cum mixed with the acrid breath of an angry female dragon. It was not pleasant.

She had pinned his arms down with her forepaws, and pressed her bulk against him, not allowing him to escape. Kyle dared not move or even yell, both arms already in pain from being squeezed by her sharp claws. She brought her face right up to his and glared, growling loudly. Kyle's eyes were wide open in fear. Her scales rubbed against his body, the edges catching against his shirt and feeling sharp against his skin.

"Re-Relia! Ok! Ok! You win! Just..... get off me. Please!"

Kyle's tense muscles went limp, afraid that any movement might anger her further. After a moment of silent staring, the dragon slowly released her grip and got off of his body, allowing him to stand back up. Taking a minute to dust himself off, he looked back at her. She was sitting on her hind legs, tail curled around her feet, watching him with narrow eyes.

"Okay....so.... um.... What now?"

The dragon, content in seeing the human was not making another effort to leave, again turned her rear towards him and lifted her tail. She looked back and licked her lips with a growl, wiping away a bit of left his leftover cum from her lips.

"Well, that's a relief... for a second I thought you were saving that for an afternoon snack."

He knew it wasn't exactly original, yet Kyle's quip made him smile. Taking the edge off the situation seemed to help him feel more at ease with what he was about to do. An involuntary shiver went down his spine, the aftershocks of the adrenaline that was still pumping through his body from the tussle a minute ago. Being tackled by a dragon has ways of making you feel like you could have crapped your pants. Kyle was glad she wasn't one of the larger species Emily had on the ranch. Kyle thought of one of the riding dragons they kept here... those ones were easily bigger than a car... two cars even. That could have been ugly.

Realizing that he was effectively stuck here with the dragon, he saw no way out but to give her what she wanted. Kyle frowned. "What the hell have I gotten myself in to?" Not wanting to make her mood worse, Kyle reluctantly stripped down to his shoes and approached her, again noticing a faint, earthy scent in the air. Kyle vaguely knew what it was: "It was the smell of her phermo-... phremo-.... sex... scent. Thing. Whatever that word was. The smell animals make when they're ready to mate." Kyle looked down at his own body and pursed his lips. He had just gotten a blowjob not even 10 minutes prior. Not only that, but he wasn't exactly looking forward to the next act. Needless to say, Mr. Happy was not being compliant right now: Kyle was completely flaccid. His brow wrinkled as he thought of what to do. He then decided to not keep her waiting and explore her body with his hands for the time being.

He placed his hands on her hips and got his bearings. The dragon reacted to his touch, shifting her weight towards him. Her legs were toned and sturdy, with her wide hips and tail coming together to form a Y shape on her backside. "Admittedly, they look rather shapely." He thought. "You know... for a dragon. Baby's got back". Kyle smirked. The lame joke made Kyle feel a bit better about his situation, and he gave the dragon a good once over. The dragon's tail was easily thicker than his thigh, and very muscular. He brought a hand up to the tail, feeling the smooth scales on the bottom and how they transitioned to the harder, more rough scales on the top. The coloring, too, changed... being more of a creamy grey on her bottom and inside of her legs, contrasting with the dark smokey color on her back. Kyle's eyes traced farther down. Just below her tail lied a puckered ring of gray flesh that was her asshole, and below that, her draconic slit. Kyle frowned with uncertainty. The area was swollen with desire, and fluids had accumulated at her opening. A little bit of pink was visible between her gray lips, but beyond that, it looked relatively tame, all things considered. He couldn't see a visible clitoris, and mused that he was probably going to need to find it later, a thought that made him swallow uneasily. Kyle was relieved the entire area looked remarkably clean, if a bit dusty, and was grateful for the dragon's grooming habits.

Mentally bracing himself, Kyle started the movement of his hands, and wandered down from her tail, rubbing the insides of her thighs. Her scales quickly transitioned to a smooth, slightly pebbly texture as he reached further towards her crotch. He massaged the smooth skin gently, trying to take it slow for his own sake. The female growled, though Kyle wasn't sure if it was from pleasure or impatience. Part of him worried that the dragon might tackle him again out of arousal.

As he slowly rubbed his hands closer to her slit, Kyle looked back on the unusual events the afternoon... He wondered if the dragon was just caught up in fortunate events, or if she was actually set him up for sex. "When she was sniffing me earlier.... was that a case of simple curiosity, or was she... coming on to me?" At first, Kyle thought the idea of a set-up and seduction was a bit ludicrous, thinking that to be beyond her intelligence level, but then he paused. To be honest he had no clue for sure. Kyle admittedly knew little of dragon behavior. He might have to ask one of the ranch hands about dragon smarts later. All Kyle DID know for sure was that she apparently really loved the smell and taste of his cum, and that she was currently in heat. It remained to be seen whether it was just her or all dragons that shared her tastes for his fluids. Kyle thought that question was something he might be tempted to explore in the future.

"Wow, I can't believe I just thought that." Kyle mused. "But then again..." With his hands currently caressing a dragon's crotch, Kyle realized he had no room to criticize himself for his fantasies.

Slowly, he brought his fingers to the edge of her swollen lips, marveling at the delicate smoothness of her flesh in that area. The area was hot to the touch and the dragon trilled in response to his stimulation. In spite of himself, he felt his manhood stir slightly at his actions. He suprised himself by realizing that he rather liked the feeling of her soft lips and how they would part and give way as he ran his fingers down them. After rubbing up and down the sides of her lips a few more times, Kyle swallowed uneasily as he took his left hand and ran a finger down the slit, wetting his digit in the slimy fluids of her sex. Rubbing his finger up and down several times, the dragon tensed up a little and growled again, following with a cooing sound that Kyle thought sounded rather cute.

Remembering the dragon's temperament, he decided to get on with it. Reluctantly, he slowly and deliberately inserted the finger into her suprisingly warm depths. Kyle frowned as he did it, but realized that it actually wasn't that bad as he thought. The reaction was immediate. Instantly, the dragon trilled and thrust her hips back, arched her neck, and clamped down on his finger. Kyle marveled at the tightness of her hole and strength of her muscles. Kyle noticed the hole was very warm and incredibly slick, feeling like silk on his skin. She was way bigger than any human yet somehow... she seemed tighter than some of the women he had slept with. He didn't want to admit it, but to see the dragon so visibly enjoying the treatment aroused Kyle. Quickly adding another digit, he began pumping his fingers at a slow, steady rate. After a few minutes, he gained a bit of confidence and decided to take things a little further. He took his right hand and spread her lips wide, exposing her labia to the air with his right hand as he pumped into her with his left. Kyle spread his hand out and began to explore her folds, running his fingers along her lips. He took the sensation of every nook and cranny he felt her immensely warm and slick flesh. Kyle then trailed down and felt for her clitoris, which he found nestled just inside her folds. Kyle was shocked at its size when he found it... the nub being quite big, Kyle thought, even for a creature of her size. He ran a thumb gently across the sensitive organ, which caused the dragon to tense up. Kyle couldn't help but smile he noticed her reaction. In spite of himself, he felt his member rise at the sight of her pleasure. Her hips began to sway as she pushed back into Kyle's intruding digits. After a few rubs he then brought a finger up to his nose and gave it an experimental sniff. Her fluid gave off an earthy, musky smell. He at first grimaced at the thought of tasting it, but then decided to steel himself and tentatively licked his finger. After tasting the fluid, Kyle smiled. He assumed it would have an unpleasant taste, but it actually wasn't too bad. In fact, it had a surprisingly mild taste, being a bit bitter and a little savory. It definitely was nothing like Kyle had ever tasted before, and Kyle tried to liken the taste to something else in his mind, but came up short. He licked his finger again, trying to get used to the flavor, when he froze.

Kyle noticed that the dragon was watching him with narrow eyes, having curled its neck back along her shoulder. Kyle was unaware that it had been watching him the whole time. And although Kyle knew dragons couldn't smile, he could swear that if they could, he'd be watching her do exactly that right now. He laughed uneasily as his self awareness flooded back to him. Though still fierce looking, Kyle thought the dragon's eyes seemed a bit warmer than before. The dragon only continued to stare with her eyes and brought her raised tail down, resting it along the back of Kyle's shoulders. She then flexed her tail, gently pulling him forward, encouraging him. Looking into each others eyes, they shared an intimate moment of silence. Kyle was surprised: the dragon, now that she her desire was being satisfied, acted surprisingly tame. A far cry from the aggressive demeanor he had experienced minutes before. He quickly decided to focus back on his job at hand. Adding a third finger to her hole, he returned his right hand to her clit, but not before gently rubbing up and down her slit and feeling the folds of her flesh. The dragon took the 3rd finger easily, ocassionally tensing her muscles around his fingers and arching her back as Kyle began caressing the swollen nub. Kyle thought she was probably big enough to take 4 or 5 fingers, but he didn't want to push the envelope. It seemed that regardless of how many digits he had in her, she somehow remained tight. Kyle mused that it was probably due to the powerful muscles she had back here.

As Kyle continued to work her with both hands, the dragon began to make a cooing sound and closed her eyes. For a several minutes, nothing could be heard except the dragon's panting and the soft schlicking noise of Kyle's fingers entering her sex repeatedly. The two enjoyed each other's intimate company.

As Kyle continued, he heard the female's claws begin to dig into the ground, and Kyle felt her tail begin to quiver on his shoulders. Both parties knew she was close, but as he worked her Kyle saw it would take a bit more to set her off. Unaware of nearly everything around him, Kyle's attention was focused on the silky smooth vent that encased his fingers and the small orb of flesh beneath. She began to rhythmically clamp down on his digits, and Kyle couldn't help but wonder what that would feel like on his member. The thought caused his shaft to jump.

In spite of himself Kyle couldn't help but marvel at this creature. He had always had perceptions about sex in the animal kingdom: lots of grunting and flailing as the male clumsily mounted and the female just stood and took it. While those ideas probably were right for many other animals, Kyle didn't really identify them with this dragon. There were many aspects about sex that he always assumed were unique to human relationships, and yet here he was having a very real, intimate encounter that, aside from the species, was very similar any other experience Kyle had had in bed. He never imagined these animals had such a capacity for sensuality. It was very arousing.

Suddenly the dragon tensed up, and Kyle could feel her orgasm approaching. She began to vocalize in an unfamiliar way, in what Kyle could only describe as a squeal. Her tail, still draped across his shoulders, twitched violently, almost smacking him in the back of the head. Kyle took the opportunity to speed up his movements, steadily rubbing over her clit as he continued pumping into her with his other hand. She grunted and began humping into his fingers, squeezing her eyes shut. Kyle was surprised that she seemed to be coming so soon. Now that he was starting to enjoy himself, he had actually hoped to continue this longer. He was a little disappointed.

For the dragon named Relia, however, there was only bliss. The human's soft hands were able to touch and pleasure her in ways a male dragon could only dream of, and she was relishing the exotic experience as much as she could. Her slick, warm vent tensed up and seemed to fill up with an indescribable pleasure as she rocked her hips into the human's fingers and let out another squeal. Her orgasm shook through her like a tremor, traveling down her body and igniting a fire within her belly. As the electric pulses of pleasure surged through her, she clamped down hard on the human's fingers, unwilling to let go. Though she had allowed herself to be mounted twice by one of her mates in the morning, it did little to quell the desire she had in her body. All day long she had felt the need for release, and now that she had finally had it, she was determined to ride it out as long as possible.

Kyle thought the dragon seemed to be in mid-orgasm forever, yet he was unfazed, and kept his ministrations faithfully for the creature before him. After what seemed like a few minutes, he could feel her muscles start to go limp, and in response slowed his own pace down, before gradually pulling his fingers out. He drew his other hand up along her wet folds, giving her one last grope before leaving her slit completely. The dragon the collapsed on the floor, falling to her side and stretched out in satisfaction. Despite not having anywhere near a human's capacity for facial expressions, Kyle could easily see a pleased look on the dragon's face: eyes half opened and a tongue hanging lazily out the front a mouth was pretty much a universal look of content. He wiped his hand and bent down to stroke the dragon's scaled forehead affectionately. In return she gave a soft coo. In the dragon's afterglow, however... Kyle stood back up silently, a little disappointed that she finished without giving him a chance. "That brings the score to be 1-to-1.... all tied up."

He hoped she was ready for round 2.

The dragon had just laid her head down when suddenly it shot up in the air again. She turned around to see Kyle bent down, rubbing her soaked slit, with his other hand on his raging erection.

"Oh no, Relia..." Kyle said with a mischievous smile. "You're not done yet."

He didn't know if the dragon could understand his words, but when her eyes suddenly opened wide, he couldn't help but grin regardless.


Giggity giggity giggity gig-oh wait, it's over already.

Yea, I wrote too much again and had to split up the next part AGAIN... so what started in my mind as a 1 shot story now has 3 parts. But hey.... at least it works out for more fap material for everyone. I seem to be completely incapable of writing more than one sex scene in a single story, but I'm trying my darndest to include 2 in the next one.

Protip: There will be some oral play, then he mounts her.

Dragon Ranch

_This a story of a dude and a dragon gettin' jiggy wit' it._ _If the previous sentence sounded great to you, then read on. If not, then... uh, read anyway. Read it for the lulz or something... I dunno._ ...

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