How Rider got his name.

Story by foxy101 on SoFurry

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New Love Here's the basic usual warning. Yes, you should be 18 or over to read this story. No, I'm held responsible if your under. This story contains sexual scenes of homosexuality. So if you don't like it, you don't have to read it. All characters are devised by myself and are all copyrighted to me and cannot be used without my permission. Enjoy! :)

We arrived home at about 1:30 p.m. When we got inside I went to the phone and ordered some pizza when Kevin came running in. "Hi Jake your home late, is Alex here?" "Yea he's in the living room. I ordered some pizza did you already eat?" "No" "Why don't you go keep Alex company while I go pick up the food." "Okay" "Oh and tell him I'm taking his car." "Alright" Kevin runs into the living room "Hey Alex." "Hey Kevin where's Jake" "He took your car to go pick up the food." "Oh ok, so how was school." "It was alright what about you." "It was...Interesting" Kevin turned on the TV and leaned against Alex. Alex just wrapped his arm around Kevin "Hey Kevin" "Yea" "About what we did did want to do it right, I mean I didn't want to force you into doing something you didn't want to do." "It's alright Alex, I wanted it, really." "So Kevin... you still want to try something new today?" "Yea!" he said with a thrilled expression on his face "Ok, so do you want to wait until Jake gets home, or we can have some fun together." "Well we don't have to wait for Jake" he said as his cheek fur turns red "Ok, first I'll show you how to ride someone." "Ok what do I do?" "Just sit there I'm going to show you what to do and then you can try it." Alex stands up and takes off Kevin's pants, and then his own. He goes over to his bag and takes out a bottle of lube. Then he crouches in front of Kevin, and squeezes some lube into his hand. He starts to rub it all along Kevin's shaft making sure it's nice and slick. Then he lines his tail hole with Kevin's cock, he slides the cock all the way in his ass with one thrust, causing Kevin to moan out in pleasure. He starts rocking up and down on the member invading his tail hole, clenching down every time he gets to the base of the cock. Each time more and more moans escape Kevin as Alex continues riding the little kit. Alex can feel Kevin start to hump so he rocks faster and faster until he feels Kevin's cum squirt into his bowls. He squeezes down hard on the cock trying to milk it for all it's worth, but he pushes down too far and the knot ties them together. The sudden pain course's through Kevin's body causing him to gasp, and he cum's time and time again more than he's ever cummed before. Alex rocks more frantically with his bowls being overfilled with cum. Alex starts pawing himself off. It didn't take long before he too reached his limit. Alex then pulls off hard; you can hear the popping sound as the knot parts from his entrance. Kevin screams out in pain, and continues to cum on Alex's ass, he grabs his cock and tries to relieve the pain, but to no avail. Alex leans over and starts pawing him off squeezing every drop of cum out of the little kit, and Kevin pants in relief. Alex takes his cock into his mouth, and cleans it off before it recedes back into its sheath. "Hey...Kevin...are you...okay" he said, between breaths "Yea I'm okay thanks." "No, thank you" The young kit blushes as they curl up on the couch together, and fall asleep. About 10 minutes later Jake walks in, and puts the pizzas on the counter. When he walks in the living room he sees the two of them naked together sleeping and he just smiles, and sits down next to them. "Hey, you two have fun while I was gone." "Hi Jake, yea we did." he said, while trying to cover up with a couch pillow to try, and conceal his nakedness "Hey what's wrong you don't have to be embarrassed." "Yea I know I guess I'm still getting used to that." "Alright, wake up Alex and let's go eat." "Okay" Alex and Kevin walk into the kitchen still naked. "Hey honey when did you get here?" Alex said sleepily "Just a minute ago, come sit down and eat." "What did you get?" "A couple of sausage pizzas" "Sausage, my favorite" "I can tell" "I guess you can" "Hey Kevin, how would you like to meet another one of our friends tomorrow" "Sounds great" After we finish eating we went up to my room. "Hey Kevin how about you show me what you learned" "Okay!" I pull down my pants while Kevin Alex grabs my cock and starts pawing me off. Kevin comes over and lifts his tail in the air, Alex leans down and slides his maw over my cock getting it nice and wet, he slips off my cock and starts licking Kevin's tail hole sliding his tongue in and out of his virgin ass. Alex moves back and positions my cock right at Kevin's tail hole. Kevin leans back and his tight hole slowly wraps around my member. Kevin moans out with pleasure as my cock digs deeper into his entrance, spreading his innards as wide as they would go. Kevin pushes all the way down, sharp pain flows through his body causing him to yip, Alex moves in front of Kevin and takes Kevin's cock into his mouth making it hard. He pulls off and lifts his tail hole bringing in up to Kevin's mouth. He starts rocking back and forth on my cock as he licks Alex's tail hole. Alex moves forward and gets on his knees; he starts stroking Kevin's already hard cock, and takes it into his mouth again. Kevin starts moving faster each thrust getting harder and harder as Alex continues to suck off the young kit. I can feel my knot growing, when Alex pulls off Kevin's cock and starts licking my hole sliding his tongue in and out. He stands up, and slides his member all the way in pumping in, and out while pawing off Kevin. The feeling of Kevin's entrance squeezing on my cock and Alex's balls hitting against mine is overwhelming. I grab Kevin's hips and push my knot all the way into his tight entrance. Alex pulls Kevin into a kiss to keep him from screaming, his member still pumping in and out of me. The cum pours out of me, filling Kevin to the edge. I reach around Kevin and continue were Alex left off, stroking his stiff member until he cum's all over Alex's stomach. Alex picks up the speed and shoves his knot into my entrance, cumming like a flowing river. The three of us remain tied together for the next several minutes. "Wow!, Kevin you must be a really fast learner, to have learned how to ride someone in such a short time" "Well I learn things pretty fast when it's something I really like." "I guess we'll have to start calling you rider." "Ha Ha! Yea, well maybe after I get a little more experience." "Well I'm sure we can help with that." "I was hoping you would say that, Mr. Alex" "Hey what's with the Mr.?" "I guess I'm so used to calling my all my teachers Mr. or Mrs." "Then I guess you should call him Mrs. Alex" "yea, yea, yea, make your jokes, but just remember your in this relationship too, along with a few more people." "Who?" "Well there's Phil and.....ah...who else Alex?" "I guess we have to include your sexy little brother here, I mean he is a big part in our relationship" "Really, I am" "Of course Kevin, your my little brother and I love you, but it's much more than that." "Yea Kev, you're are partner too, and being partners doesn't just mean having sex, but it means that this is a special relationship based on love, and love lasts forever." "You really mean that Alex?" "Yes, and I'm sure that Jake feels the same way, right Jake?" "That's right Kevin, I'm always going to love you as a brother, but this is a different love, this is a love that Alex and I both share for you, and that will tie us together forever." "So, do you understand now Kevin" "Yea and speaking of being tied together, how long are we going to be stuck like this?" "It should probably be another few minutes, is that okay Kevin?" "Yea, alright Jake, I'm in no rush. I could stay like this all day." "I wish I could, but I'm going to have to go home eventually, my mom is probably freaking out, I mean I haven't been home since yesterday." "Didn't you call you her yesterday?" "Yea, but I better get home" "Yea, you don't want to make her mad, then you won't be able to come over" "Yea, that would be horrible" The three separate and Alex goes to get dressed. "Bye" "See you later" "All right, so Kevin what do you want to do now?" "Um...we could go see a movie." "Okay, you know what you want to see?" "There's a new action film called, 'Devastation,' it's supposed to be a pretty good movie." "Okay, but since Alex took his car were going to have to either walk or take the bus" "Let's walk, the bus's are always so crowed this time of day." "Okay, grab a coat and wait outside for a minute while I go call to see what time the movie starts" "Okay" 5 minutes later... "Let's get going the movie starts in 20 minutes" "Sure, let's go." Snow starts to fall as they walk to the movie theater. "So Jake, where do you want to go after the movie?" "We can go to that new restaurant that just opened." "You mean Mama Mia's Pizza?" "Yea" "Okay we can go and pick up some take out later." "All right, hey look it's the movie theater!" "Did we get here in time?" "Yea we still have five minutes left so let's hurry" "Hey Jake wait up, take this money and go buy the tickets, you're much faster than me." "Okay, just hurry up." Jake makes a dash for the Cineplex Kevin being left way behind. He comes to the window taking a second to catch his breath. "Two tickets for "Devastation" "Do you have a rewards card" "No" "That will be 16 dollars Sir." "Here you go." "The movie is number 5 and is on the left, have a nice day." Kevin finally catch's up and they walk in. They buy popcorn and some drinks, and go into the room where the movie will be showing. It wasn't too crowed since the movie has already been out for a couple of weeks. After two hours of watching stuff get blown up by some ex-marine who is pissed off at some third-world country for killing his wife, the movie is finished. "So Kevin what did you think of the movie" "It was okay" "You want to go get some food?" "Sure" They arrive at the restaurant about a half-hour later. "Let's just eat here Kevin I don't want to have to carry the box all the way home" "Okay" "One medium pepperoni pizza for here, please." "That will be $8.76" "Okay here you go. How long will it be?" "Ten minutes" "Okay, thank you. Come on Kevin let's go sit down" "Yea" The pizza gets there at about seven o' clock, and the two foxes were starving. "Wow this looks great. Don't you think so Jake?" "Yea, let's eat." After they each had four slices and finished their sodas they were stuffed. "Oh man, Jake I don't think I can walk home." "Me neither." Jake look at the back of the restaurant and who did Jake happen to see. It was none other than his good friend Phil. "Hey Phil, over here." "Hey Jake" "What are you doing here" "Well...I work here" "Since when" "Since my parent's opened this place." "So, that was your mom at the cash register, I thought she looked familiar. " "Yea" "Is that why you wouldn't come over before?" ]"Yea, I guess I was just a little embarrassed" "You shouldn't be, it's just a job" "Yea, okay" "So when do you get off?" "Not until midnight." "Oh" "But I'm off tomorrow" "Great, so I guess we'll see you tomorrow." "Okay, bye." Jake and Kevin walk home in the night. When they arrive there they exchanges good night's and go to bed thinking of what awaits them tomorrow. To be continued...