Dan x Kitty: Chapter Two

Story by SpecOpsElite on SoFurry

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#2 of Dan x Kitty

2/3 of this series. I tried my best, don't be afraid to correct me or anything like that.

And I know I've never said this before I don't own pokemon or anything like that. But if you steal my characters I will find you and use a rusty machete to disembowl you, then hang you by your entrails. Enjoy

Chapter two

Dan woke and stretched the next morning at 6am. He took a quick shower, ate breakfast, and was dressed for work before 7.

"I'm off to work Kitty" he called into the pokémon's room

The mew popped his head from his hammock to look at his roommate. He flew out of the bedding and wrapped his arms around Dan's neck tightly.

"Have a great day at work," Kitty purred, nuzzling his Adam's apple

"Um, Kitty?"


"Is that my old jacket?"

Kitty looked down, and there was in fact an old rag draped over him. The jacket vanished in flash of light.

"Just a souvenir," he covered quickly, "don't you have to get to work?"

"Ya, don't get too lonely without me ok?"

"I'll try"

Kitty watched as Dan left, locking the door behind him. The mew instantly became lonely in the relatively large and empty apartment and morosely floated back to his room.

The area was well over what the foot long pokémon needed, as such, it was mostly empty. Other than the hammock on the ceiling, the room was really only filled by a hand full of picture books and knickknacks scattered around and a collection of numerous dildos of varying shape, size, and color he'd acquired by various means laying out of sight under the bed.

Kitty examined his collection, trying to decide which one to use. But his loneliness and the thought of being so old and still a complete virgin got the better of him and he just floated away and curled up in his hammock to try and sleep until Dan returned.


Dan, meanwhile, was walking to work, thinking over the morning and previous night. The jacket just served to affirm his belief that Kitty might actually want to mate with him. That still didn't help him decide what to do.

He continued to think about it as he went about his usual day of working in the Maple City Tower, the tallest structure in the area and housing offices for just about every company large enough to have a stock. His job involved running errands and proof reading papers for his superiors across multiple floors.


Ten hours later

Dan unlocked the door and walked in, but his friend wasn't there waiting for him.

"Hey, Kitty, where are you?"

Kitty lazily drifted out of his room. He lacked his usual enthusiasm that even his flight carried.

"You ok? It's your birthday ya know?"

He yawned and gave a half hearted "whoop"

Dan shrugged, "well then I guess you don't want your presents"

Kitty perked up a bit and nodded vigorously, "no I do"

"Then you have to cheer up"

Dan suddenly snatched Kitty out of the air and pinned him on the ground. He immediately set to tickling the mew's sides, making the furry creature squeal and squirm under his treatment.

"Stop! Stop!" Kitty screamed, trying to push Dan away with his tiny arms and feet

"You've got to cheer up first!"

"I'm cheered up, now stop!" he squealed, tears streaming out of his eyes

"You promise?"

"Yes! Yes!"

Dan released his friend, only for the pokémon to tackle him right back and start tickling him with his claws, restraining his arms with his tail.

"Stop it" Dan cried

"Don't like your own medicine huh? You know what to say"


Kitty renewed his attack, knowing exactly where to hit to make his much larger prey squirm like a cat caught mouse

"Say it!"

"Alright, uncle. Uncle!"

Kitty obliged and released his roommate, floating just above him, carefully out of reach

"Now where's my present?" he demanded

"I have to get it from my hiding place"

"Well hurry"

Kitty helped Dan up with his levitation so that the human could delve into his closet and remove a box wrapped in colorful paper that Kitty would probably enjoy just as much as the toy inside.

"Here you go"

He giddily grabbed the box and ripped off the paper to find the box underneath. He opened the lid expectantly, only to find strategically placed stuffing paper. Agitated, he dug through the paper until he finally found the bright red dildo inside.

"You got me a dildo!?" he exclaimed, observing every detail with excitement. It wasn't the most interesting toy, just a three or four inch bit of soft red plastic with a knot at the bottom and a tapered length. But it was the fact that it was from Dan that made it so wonderful and unique for him

"Ya," Dan blushed, "I actually had it based off of you"

"Aw" he cried, embracing his friend, "thank you so much"

Dan hugged back, then said quietly and uneasily, "I also have something to ask you"

Kitty looked up at him, "sure, what?"

"Do you still want a mate?"

Kitty looked at him, confused, "ya, but what did you do?"

"Nothing, but I could help you...if you want"

"What do you mean?"

"Um, do you...want to be my...," Dan swallowed, "mate?"

Kitty was speechless, but managed to squeak out "you want to..."

"Only if you want to," he said faster than he meant to, "I mean, I was just reading into what you were saying, or thought you were saying. If I was wrong, then I'll just forget about it"

"No, you were right, er, I mean I just didn't, I was just gonna forget about it myself. You didn't seem to be interested"

"I wasn't, but if it'll make you happy"

Kitty nuzzled into Dan's chest, "I'd mate with you, but only if you really want to not because it'll make me happy"

Dan held his friend closer, "I've thought about it before afew time," Dan confessed, "and you are kinda, well, hot"

"Re-really?" Kitty mewed, blushing


"You're not just-"

Kitty was silenced by Dan grabbing the back of the mew's head and pressing their lips together. He completely froze for a second, his eyes wide as possible while Dan chuckled to himself.

After a moment of getting used to the feeling of another's lips on his own, Kitty closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Dan's neck, energetically returning the kiss. Dan smiled and pressed his tongue against Kitty's lips, asking for access. The mew gladly allowed the muscle to enter, trading it for his own.

After making out for afew minutes, Dan pulled off and stared into the bliss covered face of Kitty. It took a moment before the mew realized and blushed up at him, embarrassedly retracting.

"So, when do you want to...?"

Kitty blushed even deeper, "um...now?" he suggested

"Then let's go"

Dan abruptly stood and carried Kitty to his room and laid him down on the bed. He quickly undressed for the anxious mew. He'd seen his roommate naked afew times before, and just about every time, the mew went to masturbate. Now he was watching his soon to be mate undress before him with the intent to have sex with him, he was rock hard within seconds.

"Excited are we?" Dan asked, slightly embarrassed as his shirt dropped to the floor

"I've envisioned this for a long time," Kitty said


Kitty blushed, "all those times I was masturbating, I was...always imagining it was you"

Dan stopped in middle of undoing his belt, "that's kinda creepy to be honest"

"Sorry," Mew said meekly

Finally his pants and boxers fell to the carpet and Kitty was given a full view of him, eliciting a mur and kneading the blankets.

"How is it that you don't have a girlfriend?" Kitty purred when he saw the toned body with the comparatively huge cock sticking out of his groin

"I don't want one. They just get annoying after a while"

"So what does that make me?"

"The roommate I'm about to fuck"

"I don't want a fuck Dan," Kitty growled

"Well get over it, cause I like fucking my mates. Now could I get some help?"

He indicated his still mostly flaccid penis as he sat down on the bed. Kitty was perfectly happy to zip forward and cuddle his long awaited prize.

"So, when did you start wanting this?" Dan sighed while his dick was fondled by small pink paws

Kitty used his hands to massage Dan's orbs while he ran his tongue across the penis's skin, coating it in drool while it quickly surged to full mast.

"Not long after we met"


"Wouldn't you fall in love with your savior?"

"I suppoooh" Dan sighed as Kitty wrapped his warm maw around his head and suckled on it while his tongue lapped at his hole and around the head's circumference

Dan was a lot bigger than his own organ, the mew was barely able to hold the head alone in his tiny mouth. Still, he was determined and did his best, careful of his teeth, to massage his jaw around more of the meat.

Dan sighed again as another inch was sunk into his mate. By now, he was dripping pre that Kitty gladly drank down, finding it very different from his own but just that much better. He forced his jaw further open and another inch down, his tip now poking at his long non-existent gag reflex.

Enjoying the sounds of Dan moaning above him, Kitty drove more in, deep throating him, just over three inches of his length taken, and gurgling slightly around it. He held Dan there for as long as he could, letting his natural swallowing reflex massage him and his tongue lap at his underside and his hands fondle what was left out.

Once he could no longer hold his position, he pulled off and took a deep breath.

"Bigger than you expected huh?"

"Just a bit"

"Well, you'll have plenty of time to perfect that, what do you say we go a bit further?"

"You mean..."

"Which side do you want to be on?"

Kitty wrapped his arms around Dan's neck and whispered, "I want you inside me"

"Well, I'll need some lube then"

Kitty vanished then reappeared with a bottle. He smeared the fluid over Dan's cock, giving him a hand job along with it, then his own anus. Satisfied, he flew over to the center of the bed and got down on all fours, standing on his toes to raise his ass for his mate.

"You want some more lube?" Dan asked

"I'll be fine...I think"

Dan kneeled down on the bed and positioned himself behind Kitty, his cock resting just below his swaying tail, pressing against the puckered entrance that seemed to be perfectly tight despite its near constant abuse. He rubbed the tip around, smearing more of the lube around it and tickling the nerves.

Kitty growled at the teasing, "stop it and fuck me already"

"I don't want to hurt you," Dan said

"Don't worry, I'll, probably, be fine"

Not totally reassured, Dan gripped Kitty's hips and pressed against the tail hole. The sphincter resisted his penetration, but he just pressed harder. After just a bit more pressure, the ring parted and his tip popped in with a loud gasp from both of them.

Dan waited a moment, his pre slowly coating the tract, before he started rolling his hips back and forth, slowly stretching Kitty and smearing more lube over the inch or so of space. Dan pressed into the orifice, steadily sinking more or his length into Kitty. The mew groaned, a mix of pain and pleasure filling his mind. His hands gripped the blankets and his tail was going stiff.

As Dan got deeper into the narrow tract, the muscles contracted around his cock, reflexively trying to push out the invader. Kitty widened his stance and tried to relax, letting the thick meat slip into his body more easily. But even so, Dan only managed to get around half in before he started fearing he would damage the small pokémon

Giving the shaking cat a second to get used to an actual cock inside his body, and one much larger than the dildos he was used to, he only moved back and forth a slightly

"Ready?" Dan asked after a minute or so

"Ye-yes," Kitty growled in pain and anticipation, "fuck me, please"


Dan slowly pulled out until just his head was still implanted, then carfully sunk back in, making Kitty howl out again and him moan as they were filled and squeezed respectively. He removed himself again then thrust back, making the mew cry out. He went quickly, steadily thrusting into him until he was well stretched and lubed and he easily glided in and out.

"Here we go," Dan warned him

He pulled out then drove back the few inches back home with enough force to make Kitty yip and rock forward, his tail twitching and his brain slowly sinking out of awareness. Dan continued to pound Kitty slowly but gaining speed, making him howl out louder and louder. Settling into a reasonable pace, Dan removed one of his hands from his partner's hip and wrapped it around the slender penis that was jerking and spitting pre out onto the blankets below.

Kitty gasped at the feeling of an alien hand on his length, the digits having a firm but gentle grip on his sensitive nerves and squeezing his mostly inflated knot, and then cried out loudly when that hand started to stroke up and down in time with the cock thrusting into his ass, making him loose most of his brain's higher functions.

"You enjoying this I take it?" Dan panted

Kitty was too lost in pleasure to respond, kneading the blankets under him until his claws were ripping up the fabric and trying to both meet Dan's thrusts and hump his hand at the same time. But soon enough, his small form gave out and he ended up just collapsing onto the bed, letting Dan have his way with him while his eyes just glazed over and his tongue flopped out of his mouth, no longer getting enough air into his lungs to make more than gurgling sounds.

Dan increased his pace, driving his cock into Kitty with enough force to shift him around on the blankets while Kitty just mewled and purred under him and his hand was a blur on Kitty's dick, pre lubing his hand. Having not gotten any in quite a while, he wasn't going to last much longer, fucking his roommate wildly.

Suddenly, as he was driving a pokémon into the mattress like a sex plushy, ready to unload his pent up spunk into its ass, something seemed wrong. Then he realized what it was.

Kitty yipped when he was suddenly flipped over onto his back to face his partner.

"I wanna see you cum," Dan growled just before he did so himself

He slammed into Kitty, driving an extra inch into his rectum, as his scrotum drew up to him and thick ropes of hot jizz coated and filled the pokémon's intestines. His long awaited fantasy, Dan finally mating with him and pouring his spunk into his body, was enough for Kitty. He howled out loud enough for the building to hear as his cock jerked and a surge of mew-cum launched well over his head, leaving a pearly trail behind that bisected his pink body and was followed by blast after blast that coated him from belly to ears in semen. His ass, meanwhile, continued to be filled, Dan's cock forming a tight enough seal that only afew dribbles leaked out, the rest just ballooning out his stomach.

Their mutual orgasm lasted for several seconds until they finally collapsed with a last few jerks. By the time they finished, Kitty was mostly white and looked alittle chubby.

"So, how was loosing your virginity?" Dan panted, running a hand through Kitty's head fur while the other gently tickled his small knot

Kitty couldn't get enough breath together to respond, let alone compile a concise thought in his head. He just laid there in bliss, gurgling every once in a while when he remembered to breathe.

"Thought so"

Dan shifted to curl his body around Kitty, cuddling the tiny animal as his cock slowly slipped out of its tight home, leaving cum to leak out of the abused hole.