Tyler x Shadow: Chapter Twenty

Story by SpecOpsElite on SoFurry

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#20 of Tyler x Shadow

Just a quick chapter. Originally I just skipped over this, but I felt you all deserved it for what horrible people you are. Even so, you will get some sex in it and maybe even a picture later. Moving on

Chapter Twenty

"So who was it?" Jolt asked for what might have been the fifth or sixth time

"Oh my God! Shut the hell up already!" Shadow yelled, slamming her head into a nearby rock that stood jutting out of the soil

Afew of the other pokémon turned when the stone fractured under her forehead. The siblings were in the rock-type area that contained compacted soil and small hills of jutting rocks formations.

Jolt chose to ignore the loud cracking and sat calmly beside his sister, continuing his questions

"So, why won't you tell me who it was?"

"Because you don't need to know!" she growled, rubbing her head with a paw

"But," Jolt pointed out, "if you tell me, then your life will be easier"

"How, will you be crushed by a gyaradose?"

"No, but I'll stop questioning you about it"

Shadow thought about it, "not worth it"

"How so?"

"Because you'd never leave it at that"

Jolt smiled, "you know me so well. Well, if you don't wanna tell me, I have another proposition"

Shadow groaned, guessing what was next, "what?"

"I'll stop asking if you let me fuck you"


A female sandslash idly walked past the two. It took about half a second for Jolt to decide between what he might get and what he probably won't get. As such, he left Shadow behind and zipped up next to the strolling hedgehog.

"Hey, how's it going?" he greeted her 'innocently'

"Piss off"

Shadow snickered

"So, my name's Jolt," he introduced himself, undeterred, "and you would be?"

"Why does it matter to you? You'll never need to know it"

"I see, well then," Jolt paused, thinking over his next words carefully "wanna fuck?"

"*sigh*...sure, let's go"


Shadow slammed her head back into a rock, making it crack down the middle impressively

A machoke, seeing his opportunity, walked up to her, "hey. So, now that he's gone, you wanna-"

A shadow ball abruptly ended his sentence and slammed him backwards into a rock.

"What was that? I didn't quite hear you"

"*urg* never mind"

"Good boy"


"So, Shadow's doing well?" Jessica asked, taking her burger from the counter

"Yeah, she loves beating up random pokémon. Gets her really...excited"

Jessica settled into a chair at one of the tables, Tyler sitting opposite her. Both of them had a cup of soda and a cheeseburger. The café was populated by afew others and the sun just beginning to set made the ocean light up bright orange in a way that some might call 'beautiful'

"How's Jolt?" Tyler asked, taking a bite of his dinner

"As energetic as ever"

"Been sleeping with every female he can find?" he asked blatantly

Jessica blushed, "well, yeah, pretty much"

"So when are you gonna let him take a go at you?" he joked

Jessica blushed even deeper and laughed nervously, "you pervert"

Tyler laughed, "I'm a teenager, of course I am"

"*he* but yeah, afew days ago," she said nonchalantly with a sip of soda

Tyler choked on his burger and coughed violently, "wha*cough*what!?"

"Well, there was this oddish, and I was really horny for afew days, and we both know how often he was after me," she summarized

Tyler blinked at her, "that was sudden. And we're in public you know"

She shrugged, "it's not like it matters or anything. So, have you and Shadow done it?"

"Well, um," he wasn't nearly as comfortable with it as she obviously was, "so what other pokémon did you catch?"

Jessica wagged her finger at him, "no avoiding it. What did you do?"

"Well, um, there was a hotel room," he chuckled nervously, looking around, "and Shadow came in and, um, well...so what were your gym battles like?

He just got a stubborn look

"Well..." he spoke quickly and quietly, "I fucked her in the shower," then immediately took a bite of his food

"Nice," she congratulated him with a raised cup

"So how are your other pokémon?" he quickly tried to change subject

"Well aren't you bashful. They're just pokémon, it's not like they care that much who they fuck"

"Maybe not Jolt. Shadow's more of the jealous type"

"So what, is she your girlfriend or something?" she said with a chuckle

"Well, uh," he took another bite to stall

"So she thinks you could have a real relationship? She's a pokémon, you're a human"

Jessica wasn't trying to be mean or condescending. Even when sex with a pokémon wasn't looked down on very few on either side of the relationship ever tried to have a committed one

"If we keep this up then Shadow's gonna get even more pissed than she already is," Tyler said, not wishing to discuss it further. He himself still wasn't sure if the pair would really work out completely

"What, does she have spies laying in wait?" she joked

"No, we just share most of our thoughts" he answered simply

Jessica raised an eyebrow at him, "you mean you have a mind link with Shadow?"

"Most of the time, yeah, it gets kinda off and on when we're far away"

"So what's she doing now?"

"Well, she's beating off anyone who hits on her and head butting rocks. Jolt's fucking a sandslash btw"

"Saw that coming"


Lava shook herself dry as she exited the pool, Slash following behind

"Wanna take a nap?" she asked

"Kab" he nodded

The two left the baths for the main grassy area and found a tree lightly hung with bug-types. She curled up among the roots and motioned for Slash to join her, which he did gladly, wrapping his body around hers. They dropped into sleep for the next hour or so


"Oh yeah," Jolt sighed, sandslash's tongue working well on his pink tapered dick, "now turn over babe"

Sandslash, her name's Jasmine btw, denied his request. Instead, she pushed him flat on the ground and straddled his crotch.

"*hehe* haven't done this in a while," he said, submitting to his clawed fucker

Jasmine ground her groin over his length, mixing her fluids with saliva and making both of them sigh quietly. After afew seconds, she indicated Jolt to give her some help. He did so gladly, keeping her claws well away from his organ, and grabbed ahold of it himself and placed it at her entrance.

Getting the ok, she lowered down, his tapered length disappearing between her loins. Jasmine groaned loudly as her walls were spread wider and wider with a long slurp. Within a second or two the entirety of his modest cock was consumed

"Oh yeah, babe," Jolt groaned, releasing afew sparks from his fur and cock, "you're so tight"

The electricity barely even tickled the ground-type's cooch and she barely cared about the compliment. He was here for one reason as far as she was concerned. Jasmine began using her strong hind legs to bounce up and down, groaning as Jolt's cock slipped in and out of her tunnel repeatedly.

"*mmm* yeah" Jolt sighed, bucking back against her slightly

Jasmine continued to hump him, steadily building up her orgasm, and Jolt's. Her claws flexed in the soil on either side of his shoulders and hips while his own held onto her's lightly. While Jasmine growled and grunted quietly, Jolt was slightly more vocal, letting out loud sighs and afew random phrases.

"Oh yeah, your good," he moaned, enjoying the fact that she did all the work for him

The sandslash continued to ignore him, really only caring how much enjoyment she could get out of him. She flexed her pussy around the throbbing dick, the slowly forming knot letting out a barely audible plop with each thrust

Her quills shook audibly and her claws sunk into the ground as her bouncing increased in pace. She was just about there, afew more moments before release

Jolt cried out loudly at the sudden speed up, bucking back as hard and best as he could. He wasn't quite there just yet, but he could feel it building up in his loins. He cried out again when her walls clenched down on him and she let out a loud "slash!" Her body trembled while orgasm rocked through it.

After a moment, she settled down. Getting off Jolt, she rolled over onto her back and splayed her legs open. The puffed, wet lips were all the invitation Jolt need. He jumped up and mounted her.

With afew practice pokes, he found her snatch and sunk back into her. Jasmine moaned as she was spread again and Jolt let out a loud growl. He began fucking her rapidly, static crackling off his fur and penis

"*mmm* baby you are so tight," he grunted, claws digging into the ground.

Jasmine continued to moan quietly, sharp nails scrapping his needle like coat. She allowed the pokémon to ravage her like a wild, slipping back and forth slightly. His knot was popping in and out as it continued to expand to its full size.

"Oh yeah baby," he growled, "I'm almost there"

The usual tightness was just about ready to burst. Just afew more minutes. His knot was pressing repeatedly against her pussy, ready to tie them together.

"Here it comes"

With a final determined thrust, his cock slipped in to the base, the knot popping in with a mutual loud cry. Just afew short but frantic thrusts and electricity arched off of him while he howled loudly. His balls came up against his body and unloaded blast after blast of hot eon spunk into Jasmine.

The sandslash moaned as her tunnel was filled by the jerking cock. He continued to hump her, prolonging his orgasm and bringing her to her own. She cried out alongside him, her cunt milking him. They stayed there for afew seconds as their orgasm slowly passed, then laid down for afew minutes in the afterglow.

Both of them now sated, Jolt repositioned himself and forced his knot and penis free with a loud grunt, pop, and moan. Jasmine closed her legs and curled into her species' trademark ball while jolteon cum seeped out of her snatch.

Jolt shook himself clean and gazed around

"Now, where did Shadow get to?"


Jessica settled down in a deck chair, looking out at the sea sailing past. Tyler stretched out beside her. There weren't many people around, giving them some privacy

"So, how does that link thing work exactly?" she queried

"Well, I think it has something to do her synchronize ability," Tyler said, giving it more thought than he had in a while

"Random. What's it like?"

"Well, we share our thoughts, feelings, sensations, ect a lot of the time. It seems to be based on range, alittle bit anyway"

Jessica indicated for him to explain further

"Well, when we're walking along, we can hear most of each other's thoughts, kinda mind ready-ish"

"And at longer ranges?"

"Well, right now I mostly just hear what she tells me directly. But I get afew comments here and there"

"So what's it like during sex?"

Tyler blushed and coughed, "well, uh. Well, we're...we're as close as we could ever be" he said, thinking about it along with Shadow decks below, "we can sense every intention of the other. We're pretty much one person, feeling every nerve, every want, every need"


"It's great. Even when we're just resting up afterwards we're so connected," he panted, a small bulge forming in his pants

"So have you slept with anyone other than Shadow?"

"Just Lava afew times"

"I bet she's pretty hot"

Tyler smiled, "like an oven. I'm alittle afraid of when she evolves though. My cute little Lava turning into a bear. At least she'll probably be less timid afterwards"

"And your last pokémon, the kabutops"

"Slash. He imprinted Shadow as his mother. Tends to follow her around a lot and listen to everything she says. He acts like a child, his mind hasn't exactly caught up with his body"

"So how do those two get along?"

"Lava took his virginity in the forest"

"So pretty well then"

"Yeah-oh gods Shadow," he suddenly exclaimed, "I didn't need to see that"


'I have to look at it then so do you,' Shadow thought to him


"Hey sis"

Shadow groaned, she'd just found a nice place in one of the flower gardens (grass-type area) to take a little nap when Jolt showed up. She looked up at him and immediately yelled and turned away, clenching her eyes shut

"Enjoy the view sis?"

Jolt sat on his haunches in front of Shadow, his still partly hard cock hanging outside his sheath due to his persistent knot. Worse yet was that both his and Jasmine's cum clung to its veined flesh

"What the fuck you sick bastard?" Shadow growled, trying to rub the image out of her eyes

Jolt wiggled it around alittle, making her give off heaving and vomiting sounds

'I didn't need to see that,' Tyler thought from the upper deck

"I have to look at it then so do you," she growled

"Oh...kay...then" Jolt said slowly, wondering what suddenly got into her, "so wadda say about helping me clean it off?"

"Go away!" she ordered

"Come on, just a little lick"

"Why the fuck are you so obsessed with fucking me!?"

He shrugged, "you have a pussy"

Shadow growled and stood to walk back towards the main area. Jolt pranced next to her, cock bobbing along under him.

"There are dozens of other whores here, go fuck one of them"

"It's more fun to bug you"



"I don't know, I kinda like how it looks personally," Jessica commented

"Too bad I don't like cocks," Tyler groaned, trying to get the image out of his brain

"Everyone's alittle gay"

"Don't go there"

Jessica giggled, "well if you want to prove you're not gay..."

"Are you suggesting what I think you are?"

"Maybe," she said, shifting slightly closer

Tyler quickly became uncomfortable, "um...I'm not sure Shadow would like that"

"Are you just using that as an excuse?" she teased him

"No," he said too quickly, "I'd do you," he slammed his hand into his face, "I mean, It's just that, Shadow and me, I don't know. *Sigh* Shadow gets jealous and I don't think she'd appreciate me sleeping with someone else"

"What about when you did Lava?"

"Well, that was a special case I think"

"So, hypothetically, that Shadow said it was ok. Would you fuck me?"

Tyler cleared his throat and stood, "I think it's time I went and got Shadow"

Jessica stood with him, "you have plans or something?"

"Maybe," he blushed

"Well I should get Jolt too," she winked