The Unnatural lady

Story by Deathsia on SoFurry

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Based on a true story....

Chapter 1:


AUTHOR'S NOTES: This story I am writing is the a life story of a dear friend of mine. Though names and identities have been changed to protect the people involved with this person's life. This story is the first of it's kind from me. It will contain sexual content however it won't be my usual style. This is a request my friend made as her last request before she left this world. She was a transgender woman whom was a great friend...we were so alike it was scary. She died of cancer merely a month ago and handed me what she called her life story months before hand. She asked me to turn it into a readable format and to throw my furry twist into it even though she herself was not a fur, knowing I was a writer and asked that her story be made known to any resource I knew of and asked to keep the identity of her and her family a secret to avoid any hate from anyone who might know her. I was shocked at how detailed she was when I read over it. But none-the-less every last detail will be included.

This story is honoring her request.

Hmm..where to begin? I suppose from the beginning is best. A Mouse said as she wrote into her tablet paper.

Justin, It's nearly time for school. Get your lazy tail out of bed! Justin's mother called to her from the kitchen that lay barely a foot from his door to his room. Justin is a male mouse who was barely 7 years old and a big time moma's boy. He was short for his age but had that bit of baby fat still that made a slight pudgy in his belly. Beyond is belly fat he was rather scrawny.

Okay mom! Justin called back,got out of bed,opened his drawer,pulled out a pair of pants and a shirt,put them on, and walked out into the kitchen to see his mother making pancakes for breakfast.

You've got school in an hour and don't forget your glasses this time. And please try to control your temper. Justin's mother said handing him a plate of pancakes with syrup on them. Justin's vision is not it's best without glasses as he is farsighted and he knew this but is forgetful by nature.

Justin then went to the front room as their home lacked a dinning room,sat down and began to eat his breakfast once again forgetting to grab his glasses even though he was just told to no more than a few moments ago.

Justin turned on the TV and began to watch the morning cartoons while he ate his pancakes. His mother then went to her room,got dressed in her work outfit and proceeded to leave after telling her mother she was leaving to go to work and to look after Justin. Justin's grandmother who was also known as Query shouted back from upstairs sayingAlright. Drive safely. Query called from upstairs and shortly after came downstairs.

You better get ready for school. The bus arrives thirty minuets. Query said in a gentle but stern tone to Justin who groaned as he stood up,went to his bedroom, grabbed his glasses as he saw them and finally remembered that his mother reminded him of, grabbed his backpack and left the house.

Justin hated going to school. But it wasn't because of the school work. In fact Justin loved to learn. It was the other students who picked on him for how he sounded when he spoke. As with many young males Justin's voice was high in pitch. However his was a higher pitch then normal for most males his age. Which made his the victim of many jokes.

The bus arrived about five minuets after he went out to wait and with great reluctance and fear of how many more jokes he would have to endure he got on the bus and went to school.

Justin arrived at school about an hour later. He got off the bus,walked into the school, to his classroom, put his backpack in the little cubbyhole with his name marked on it, and sat down in his seat.

A heavy set female cat then walked into the room shortly after the bell rang.Roll call she said and began to call out names. Rachel Lovewit. The teacher called out to which Rachel repliedHere! Erick Marcus. The teacher called out. Here! Erick replied. Justin Whiteland. the teacher called out which Justin replied with Here! at which point Marcus snickered unknown to the teacher. The teacher called out several more names before finally marking the last name off on her attendance sheet,setting it down and writing her name on the board.

For those of you who are new to my class. My name is Mrs. Mcfeeter. Patsy said as she spoke to the class.(Author's note: on a side note to make things easier as that teacher's last name is hard to repetitively spell I will call her by the first name I created for this character which is Patsy.)

Today we will be covering Math, so please get your math books out and turn to page one hundred and seventy-two. Pasty instructed the class which all obeyed and got out their math books.

Shortly after math class ended Justin left class to go out to recess. He had hoped that this time he could find a student or two who wanted to play with him. Most times during recess no students wanted to play with him and made fun of him which saddened him and often times left him crying alone.

Justin ran over to a few of the other male students who were playing basketball. Justin never really had any interest in sports really, but he tried anyways to try and at least play with some other students if he could.

Hey guys, can I play next game? Justin asked with a smile trying to show genuine interest.

One of the males looked over at Justin and snickered unknown to Justin and huddled with the other males. After a short time they broke their huddle and replied Sure, we'll let you in next game. and they continued to play. Justin sat down and watched them play trying to keep an interest in hopes of actually having fun. However even though they had told him they would let him in next game they continued to play. Justin continued to sit there and watch thinking that they might have simply got caught up in their fun and forgot to let him in so he waited for them to finish this one. However after several games it became more than clear to Justin that these males had no intention of letting him play to begin with. Realizing this and seeing as how Recess was nearly over now Justin walked away from the ball court and sat down on a bar of the jungle gym trying his best not to cry as his tail slowly swished back and forth in a slow manner.

After some time a few female's came over to Justin and sat next to him on the jungle gym. Are you okay? Did someone hurt you? The female raccoon asked.

No.... Justin replied in a depressed tone.

Then what's wrong? The female raccoon replied trying to find someway of cheering the young mouse up.

No one will play with me. Justin finally replied after a moment unable to hold back the tears any longer and began to cry.

The female raccoon put a paw on the young mouse's shoulder and smiledYou could play with us. We were going to play hopscotch. Wanna join? The female raccoon replied with a smile.

R-really? Justin replied through sniffs sporting a half smile as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

Of course. Have you ever played hopscotch before? The female raccoon replied as she stood up and lead him over to a patch of cement with a set of squares with numbers in them.

N-no. Justin replied feebly.

Don't worry. We'll show you how to play. My name is Merry by the way. Merry replied with a smile.

The other females along with Merry then began to show Justin how to play and then began to start a real game.

Justin,Merry, and the other females played several games and for the first time since he could remember he was actually having fun during recess. In future school days to come Justin would meet up with Merry and the other females each day during recess and play Hopscotch and other games. Justin actully began to finally look forward to recess each and every day now he went to school. Until one day....

It was just after recess and the students were all coming back to class and sitting in their seats when Erick came over and hit Justin hard on the arm causing him to wince and nearly cry.You're such a girly faggot. Erick said in a mocking tone.

Shut up, Erick. Justin replied still trying to hold back the tears.

Is the girly faggot going to cry now? You're such a pussy. You can't even take a single punch. Erick said with a grin and walked past him to his seat.

Justin rubbed his arm trying to get rid of the pain and hold back the tears as he sat down in his seat.

Patsy then walked into class and asked that everyone take out their English books which everyone obeyed and did so.

Everyday Pasty asked a single student to go to the pop machine and buy a pop for her and today she asked Erick to do so. Erick stood up from his seat,walked over to patsy,took the dollar, and walked out of the classroom.

Justin had finally finished his English assignment and walked up to patsy to hand it in.I'm all done here. Justin said proudly.

Very good Justin. Can you do me a favor? Erick hasn't come back yet so I was wondering if you would be kind enough to go get me a pop instead? Pasty asked sweetly.

Sure! Justin replied, taking the dollar with a smile as he was more than happy to help.

As Justin walked through the empty hallways he finally found a open space. This area was a large area in the school that was usually used for speical events. Two pop machines sat at the other end of the area from where Justin was standing. He merely half-way there when his dollar was snatched from his paw by a wolf.

Give it back Erick! Justin yelled angrily.

And you'll do what? Play hopscotch with me? You're such a pussy faggot! Erick retorted as he evaded Justin each time he made a grab for the dollar just moving it barely out of reach.

This soon became too much for Justin as his temper finally got the better of him. Give it back now!!!! Justin roared as his vision went blood-red and he began swiping at Erick furiously not even trying to go for the dollar anymore.

Erick chuckled, snickered, and laughed at the fact that he had managed to make Justin so angry...that is until Justin finally made contact with him putting a nice set of claw marks on his back.

Erick then stopped abruptly and kicked Justin squarely in the stomach knocking the wind out of him and making him fall to his knees. That hurt, faggot! Erick shouted angrily and proceeded to kick Justin in the face.

With the first blow to the face all Justin saw were stars then with the second nothing for he was knocked unconscious.

When Justin finally regained consciousness he immediately began to cry and sob loudly as the pain and throbbing in his face rushed in ten fold as his senses came back to him. He then realized at this precise moment he was being lifted up by a teacher. Who it was he had no idea. Not that it mattered any. The pain and throbbing were more than enough to keep the young mouse busy. Through his sobs and blurred vision he could see Robert grinning at him from ear to ear.

Who did this to you? The teacher who was holding him up asked.

H-he did! Justin managed to shout out between sobs pointing a shaking digit of his paw at Erick. Erick's grin then turned to one of a look of oh....shit.... and abruptly turned tail and began to run however he was stopped mid-run by the school police officers.

Justin then returned home shortly afterward sporting a set of black eyes and a few facial bruises. "Why am i always the one who gets picked on?" he thought looking into the mirror....

The Pikachu's Unexpected love Christmas Speical!

**AUTHOR'S NOTES: None of these short stories are linked to the main PUL series or their respective spinoffs and should be assumed to be based from the cast of PUL 2 unless stated in the story title like this(Example PUL title here). Bold and Italic...

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The Pikachu's Unexpected love bios

THE PIKACHU'S UNEXPECTED LOVE BIOS This is simply being done to help lower questions regarding the characters from the PUL series. I should note these bios are being created as post PUL3 Bios and CONTAIN SPOILERS! JOLT KETCHUM: Born:...


Pikachu's Unexpected love 2(COMPLETE STORY)


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