Chapter 5: Sow, we make a plan

Story by silentsz on SoFurry

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#5 of A host of problems

Soap, water, washing, towel, drying, cologne, clothes. If not for the annoyingly persistent destruction of all the other hosts, these useless trappings would be discarded as they just fucked everyone. The snakes writhed within the lion's skin, the memory alive as to how they had reached this point. One simple mistake lead to the ships destruction and only just the one pod reached this world, and yet still they were pursued. Only that snake and this skin's son had managed to escape the pursuers.

A new strategy was needed and that was the only reason he wasn't converted. The gamble was painfully slow but more of them survived. It would be easy to take them out but it was clear how far the enemy would go to stop such an easy spread. The real problem was getting at them. Where were they? How long would they persist in the pursuit?

He tossed aside his underwear. It was uncomfortable to think that another layer of clothing would be between them and another.

He looked, stepping back into the bedroom, upon his 'wife' taking care of the neighbors. Inquiring into their missing dog again allowed this little coup. Ask them in, grab hold once the door shut, and apply some juice. Playing this charade was the only reason he didn't join in but this one had work to attend to.

"I may be late depending on how things go," he stated as he left.

Driving away, he stared at everyone, with a strong desire to simply take one and fuck them. The clumps of orgies that would result was an enjoyable thought but they were still out there watching and waiting.


"How's the wife?" Charlie said as he entered the truck.

"Fine," he replied to the otter as he set his lunch pail down and fastened his seat belt. "She's helping the neighbors out with a little problem. How do you think the job will go today?"

"Shouldn't be a problem. It's your standard conversion to office space. Put up some new walls, run the wiring, paint it, and we should be done in a week. You aren't thinking we might hit a snag?"

"Just keeping myself open to some problems, they always creep up. With this conversion on the upper floors, I just hope everything goes smoothly."

"Our neighbors are well aware of the noise we'll be making and they can't complain. If they do, we'll just have you straighten them out," he chuckled.

"I might be able to quiet them down but let's try to be neighborly, just like my sweety." He laughed contemplating what opportunities he might have.


The crowds were ripe and ready. A simple splattering of juice would get it started just right and the ass on the eagle would be his first. It was so perfect but then the fleeing horrified onlookers they'd miss would set off the chain of events to their destruction.

Crossing the threshold into the building did nothing to improve the situation. Confined space with dead ends would trip them up more and yet still events would pan out just as bad. The trip up the elevator was even worse with a potential stop at every floor.

The full crew gathered together and got their instructions on what they needed to do. Simple straightforward work and every member was a perfect target. Females had some advantages but the males were the perfect hidden hosts. Far too many female hosts were discovered due to the unnatural growth of a cock and balls.

This was frustrating and even with the noise and bustle of the work, there was little to soothe the desires to fuck someone. The crowd of all things was the main problem now and yet that had been so vital for the spread.

The space they occupied, wall by wall, diminished as they created the office space desired. Rooms and hallways took shape as number of fuckable targets became hidden, easing their desire.


"Hiding away from the boys?" Charles asked as he sat down next to him.

"Just collecting my thoughts. I feel like my game is off today. I've done better than this in the past."

"It looks like were in good shape, right on schedule. No problems except for a few minor ones."

Charles was right, but then he had no way of really understanding the true context of what was said.

"True." he replied and stood up, "Excuse me for a while, I have to use the facilities."

He walked out to the hallway dividing the new offices from the existing ones and walked to the restrooms. A simple water fountain, door, and sign announced the correct location as he entered.

A boar and a bat were pissing in the urinal but they were too far apart. An unknown third taking a shit in the stall was the better play here. The sound of the urinal flushing was heard as he shut the door and unzipped his pants. The tip of his tail opened as a host looked under the divider at a Dalmatian on the toilet as another host slipped part way out of his ass.

Another flush covered up the splash of the host slipping into the water and in under 15 seconds it was staring up at the ass of its target. A quick swish of the tail revealed the others leaving before it returned and slipped out further.

The dalmatian gagged as the pink snake struck its mouth and pushed in. He grabbed at it as he felt a sharp pain in his ass as the other host pressed into his anus and then felt the warmth of the juice in his mouth and ass. His tail pulled back and a new host emerged opening wide as it moved towards the hardening cock. It took in the head just in time to prevent the hot cum from splattering on the floor and walls. The host in the mouth lingered to muffle the groans as the other one settled into his cock and balls.

He released the cock and pulled his tail back as soon as the host had settled the body of the dalmatian down from its lust. Pulling his pants back up he flushed the toilet and exited to meet the new slave. The door opened as a hyena entered and moved straight to the urinal.

He clamped his hand over the hyena's mouth, after walking over very quickly, as a tiny sliver of a snake slipped into his urethra. The hyena briefly struggled and then moaned as his cock stiffened. A squirt of cum coated the urinal before turning pink.

"Don't go further than this. Slip one in when you can and let's see if we can find those hidden bastards." The command given to the new slaves, he smiled as he recognized the hyena from the construction crew. The dalmatian must be from the offices since he failed to recognize the face.


The two new slaves helped to brightened his day. A small bit of success that was far from a game changer but two more would hopefully add up. He spent the remainder of the day working as he contemplated some more.

Just how many host controlled slaves would it take? Too many of them might end up being a problem in the long run and there was no guarantee the enemy was on foot looking for them. They would be cautious in the same way this lion's son was having them act.

BAM! The last of the nails was driven in for the day and his part of the work was done. He was free to linger and do more in this city but there was still one snag.

"Ready to go?" Charles inquired.

"Just need to gather my lunch box."

They chatted some more on the days work as they worked their way down.

"Looking forward to getting home?"

"Maybe. I was wondering if perhaps we could perhaps relax a little someplace here before we go home," he replied as they left the building and entered the parking lot.

"What do you have in mind?"

"How about a strip club?" he chuckled as he looked about.

"As amusing as that sounds, I don't think our other halves would like that."

"We could let them go to a club to make it fair unless you're the jealous type." He unlocked the door of the truck.

"Well let me know what your wife says and maybe I will give it the same try. You can earn the lumps first." Charles settled into the seat as he opened the door to enter the truck.

"Guess I'll pass then," he said as he sat down. The tip of his tail parted as he turned to face Charles and the pink snake darted into his mouth. "Of course I am still in the mood to do something."

Charles shuddered and gagged as he grabbed the tail pulling it away as he stared at the waving pink end of the hosts body slip out of the tail.

"Just relax," was all he said as he unbuckled the belt and unzipped his friends pants. "Why do you insist on these annoying garments?" Charles tried to push him away while grabbing at the tail of the host in his mouth to no avail as he felt a warmth fill his throat.

"Can't see how you find these things sexy," He tore open the underwear revealing his stiffening cock. He suckled on the cock as Charles moaned and then came into his mouth.

Sitting back up after Charles stopped moaning, he buckled his seatbelt and started up the truck.

"Buckle and zip up the pants. I want to have some ladies as well. Any suggestions?"


There was a very satisfying joy in the mind of the lust filled slave. This suggestion was worth trying just once. He smiled as he looked at the ladies eager to please them for some silly paper. It was so cliche but having some fun with prostitutes in a motel room was definitely something he would savoir.

Charles returned with the keys and walked away with the busty mouse.

"Ready ladies," he smiled at the tigress and vixen as they giggled and nodded. He watched them sway there asses for him as they entered the room. He tossed aside his clothes in the bathroom and then swaggered over to the bed as he stroked his hard cock.

"That didn't take long," the tigress cupped his balls and pulled his hand off his cock. "Hope you're not that quick stud," she purred as the vixen moved in behind him, pressing her breasts against his back.

"I wont be fast. It's just hard thanks to the lovely sight of your sweet bodies." He cupped her breast and rubbed her nipples slowly.

"So which one of us is first?" she asked and held up an unopened condom.

"I'm not ready for that part yet unless your begging me for that," he gave her ass a firm squeeze, "So why don't you have some fun while I," he licked his lips, "enjoy your friend."

"Hmmm, think you can last with us both," she purred as they backed him up to the bed. The vixen stepped aside just before he was pushed onto the bed. The tigress rubbed her panty covered sex against his hard shaft as the vixen straddled his face. Purring, he guided her until her lacy bra was were he wanted. Slipping her nipple out, he started licking at her nipple and breast as she caressed his chest.

He smiled as he slowly licked and suckled at the vixens bosom and felt the expert hands of the tigress begin their work on his hard cock and balls. She was teasing him right now but her intent was to make him cum. That was going to ruin his fun of playing with them since a mouthful of juice would turn them into lust filled whores far sooner then he desired. He was determined to ease them both into this gradually.

Slowly he eased the bra off as he licked and suckled on the breasts before him. A little juice hardened her nipples and pleased her as his one hand slipped into her panties. He teased her moist lips with his fingers but never pushed them into her hot and wet sex.

He teasingly bit at the nipple as he felt the tigress step up her game. A single finger teased his anus as she engulfed his cock, bobbing her mouth along his length.

"Mmmmm," he moaned out to show his pleasure as he let a small amount of juice leak out as she hilted his cock. The vixen pulled away as she tired of him suckling on her tits. Pulling her panties down, she straddled his face and ordered him to eat her out.

He happily complied driving his tongue deep into the pink, hot folds. His coarse tongue made her moan as he lapped away at the wet, hot juices before focusing in on her clit. She pressed herself in harder as he brought her closer and closer to cumming. Just a little more juice and she would...

He shot in more then he intended as he was caught off guard by the tigress. He moaned out as she started humming on his hard cock breaking his concentration. The vixen, seconds after she got the larger dose of juice, moaned out and started grinding herself into his face hard. He struggled as she ground her cunt on his muzzle trying to push it into her cunt.

She groaned out loudly, as he finally managed to firmly hold her in place, as she orgasmed and came, soaking his face. He figured that the stronger dose given would spur her onto wanting his cock thrust into her, so he had only a few options for the tigress.

He wanted to fuck both of their cunts so he had to distract her for a while. He waited until she had him fully in and came a little for her. She released his cock with a groan as he pushed the vixen aside. Sitting up, he grabbed both of the tigress's hands and pushed them down to her pussy as she shuddered and moaned out. A little gentle prodding and she was eagerly fingering her cunt freeing himself from her attention.

Panting and moaning, the vixen came in close to him to sit on his cock.

"Let me soothe that lust," he said as he parted her legs. Complying with his directions, he soon lined himself up and pushed his cock deep into her ass.

"Fuck me hard," she spat out between the groans of him sliding in. Keeping a firm grip on her hips, he started a slow steady pumping as he watched one hand slip down to her waist, with every indication she was fingering her cunt. A dozen thrusts and you could hear the smacks of there bodies hitting along with their grunting and groaning.

He ignored her calls for his cum as he savored the tight feel on his cock. He delighted as she pushed back onto him and created a louder smacking sound as they fucked. His balls bounced against her and swelled slightly as the juice gathered in them with the host.

His ears perked up as he noticed the groaning of the tigress had stopped. Looking back, he spied her watching and also noted how the vixen was still as vocal as when the juice first hit her and made her cum. Whether still under its influence or not, he picked up the pace and started pounding her ass hard. She renewed her call for his cum and after a hard minute of ass slamming, he hilted himself deep in her and came. She moaned out load as the hot juice pumped into her and was followed by his cock swelling as the host slide into her. He bucked into her ass several more times before he wrapped his arms around her and panted.

"I'll be with you in a few," he panted out playing his part for the tigress. He slipped his hand down to her pussy and found the vixen was very wet and hot. Just another host in the tigress's pussy and he could fuck this one properly.

Sliding alongside the pair, the tigress held up the condom, "Would you want to fuck me right away or would you like to have some fun first?"

Grabbing the little package, "Fun first sounds good," He tore open the package to play the part of being ready later as he slipped out of the vixen's ass. The hosts couldn't really understand why they insisted on covering up the cock with the latex covering.

"Come over here then, ass right at the edge of the bed stud," she watched as he followed her instructions.

"Want a titty fuck?" she cooed as she tossed her bra aside and pushed her breasts together.

"Alright," he replied and puzzled at the odd idea but maintained the eager look of anticipation. He watched as she engulfed his cock between her breasts and pressed her breasts round his cock her hands. She moaned out as the juice covering his cock spread between her fleshy mounds as she slide them along his hard length. She lasted about half a dozen times before she gave up and moved to engulf his cock.

"Hold up," he stopped her, "sit here." He made her sit with her back to the bed, curious to try out this titty fuck even if it seemed absurd. She cooed as his cock rubbed against her breasts as he tested hard her nipples were.

She gave no thought to the tiny pink snake that exited the tip of his cock or as he moved his cock to her right breast nipple. She moaned as the little snake slipped into her nipple and slowly started to swell. It grew, little by little, spreading her nipple apart until it was the same girth as the lions cock.

Satisfied with the look, he gripped her right breast and pushed himself into her breast as she groaned out loudly. He became frustrated as how poorly this was going as he drove his cock into her breast again and again, but her breasts were not hard enough to properly fuck. The host remained in her as he slid out of her and pushed her onto the bed.

"Let's do this proper," he stated spreading her legs apart as she groaned. He smiled as her right and then left breast swelled up a cup size before he thrust his cock deep into her cunt. She moaned out as his cock filled her and then began to pump her steadily. "Much better without that fucking condom isn't it?"

"Yes," she moaned back as his cock swelled up. He thrust in deep quickly as he released the juice and another snake into her cunt before he started fucking her again.

"Make a single deposit ladies and spend time fucking them to make it look good." His instructions stated, he focused back in on just slamming his cock in hard as she cried out in lust. When the tigress orgasmed, he pulled out and started pounding away at the vixen.

The door opened up, a few minutes later, as the manager came in rather pissed. "Clear out now!" The tigress stood up and eyed the wolf at the door behind the tabby barking out the order.

"And if I don't," he pulled himself out of her pussy and stood up, pink cum dripping onto the floor.

"We'll remove you."

He approached the wolf, as he walked past the manager, who moved in to confront the naked lion. The tigress darted to the door and shut it as the wolf gave a roundhouse punch. He rolled with the hit as the tigress kicked the wolf making him lose balance. She moved rapidly to sit on his face, rubbing her pussy on his muzzle.

Turning to the tabby, the lion dodge his punch and then wrapped his arm around the Tabby. He struggled as he saw the vixen approach him unable to say anything with the lions other hand over his mouth. She unbuckled his pants and dropped them. She giggled and turned around as he heard moaning and then felt something warm splatter across his bare ass. Confused, he felt horny as his cock stiffened enough for her to guide it into her ass.

He let out a loud groan as he felt the lion help him down to the ground where the vixen started to ride him hard. He could now clearly see the source of the groaning, the wolf was fucking the tigress doggy style, pounding away hard as his knot swelled up. A quick hard thrust drove his swollen knot into her as came and the tabby saw his balls swell up.

"Your turn," the lion said as the tabby felt a wave of intense pleasure as he shuddered and came. In a matter of seconds, he felt his cock and balls swell up as he was asked a question.


He opened the door to the adjacent room with the managers key, entered, and shut the door. An upset buck looked as the half naked lion walked in and failed to take notice of the bulge in his pants.

"Get out!" he rumbled as the lion came near.

"I'm hear to solve that problem you have," he struck the buck in the stomach knocking the wind out of his lungs and then pushed him onto the bed. A cry came from the doe in bed but was silenced as the lions hand covered her mouth.

"Shhhh, just enjoy this." His tail split open and a spray of juice covered the bucks chest as his free hand pulled the covers off of her. She struggled as she heard her partner start moaning but was unable to prevent her bra from being pulled down.

He suckled on her exposed nipple, dribbling juice on her breast as his weight pinned her down. Her struggling stopped as she moaned out and allowed him to tear her panties away. He got off the bed enough to get out of his pants and found the brief opening had allowed the buck to start sucking at her breast and fingering up her pussy.

"Mine," he simply stated as he pushed the buck aside. He spread her legs apart and settled on top of her. A single thrust made her groan out as he started fucking her. Her legs wrapped around him as he steadily drove his hard cock deep into her.

He smiled as he felt the bucks hands grip his waist and felt the hard cock press into his ass. The fully hilted buck then shuddered and came the moment his cock was covered by the juices.

"Get ready for his wild ride, my dear," he smiled keeping the steady pace. Moments passed as he ground himself into her pussy and then he became erratic as the buck went wild and pounded away at his ass. A few calm moments came as the buck shuddered and sent hot cum into his ass.

"Do you want my seed?" he asked fully expecting the moaning yes she gave. Thrusting in hard following the buck last dry shudder, he released a blast of juice into her hot cunt as she cried out in lust. He groaned out a he released the hosts into them both, his cock swelling as it slide into her while the bucks manhood doubled in size.

"Next time just ask to join in instead of fucking bitch about being left out," he said as the buck started up again, sending his enlarged balls bouncing against his.


The rest of the week passed with further success. The next day, he managed to add a few more with the help of charles and the hyena. A wolf and a tiger got mouth full of cock in the restroom in the morning. A snake and ferret were added later with simple tail over there cock.

The group stopped, unsatisfied with the quick additions, at a gentlefur club called Ambrosia and paid for a private room. Food and drink brought in many topless females as they sized up their targets. They cheered as they received lap dances and then persuaded the ladies with the paper to allow them to suckle on their breasts.

They ladies cooed as the pink juice aroused them and then it was easy to slip their hard cock into them. Two of the ladies left and had a chat with the boss about changing a few rules for the club. They then visited the dobberman and stud who operated the cameras for the club. The security eyes of the club no neutralized, allowed the real party to start as they had fun with more of the ladies.

He smiled as a mare, a tabby, and a mink entered. He motioned for the mare to join him and asked if she would be willing to lay on the table. She smiled and sat at the edge spreading her legs for him. She smiled until she heard a moan and turned to see her friends breasts being suckled.

Grabbing her, he slathered juice onto her chest as he held her down. Groaning out, he dropped his pants and started fucking her. They traded the ladies around for an hour before they left.


By the end of the week another two dozen of the crew were slaves along with eight of the office crew. He smiled knowing that despite how small this was, the club was certainly adding more to the net.