My Hot Foxy Man

Story by Lannius Drasec on SoFurry

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#1 of White Wolf

On a personal note, this story is about the night I met my beautiful boyfriend, and how just one night was all we needed to know how much we meant to eachother.

Cubs, Hatchlings, and Human Lovers, out please.

My Hot Foxy Man

by Lannius Drasec

This was harder than I expected. I've been here for three freaking hours and I can't even build my nerves up to speak to anyone. I've never even been to a Yiff Club before, and the only girl I see is taken. I can't tell if any of these guys are gay or bi, it's almost impossible.

What a way to celebrate my 18th birthday, go to a club for the first legal time in my life and suddenly become a social recluse. What a day. Oh well, I'm not sure what I'm so worried about, I'm good looking, I stand over anyone here with great muscles and silvery white fur, pretty rare for wolves now n days. I swallow my fear and try to make conversation with someone, anyone. There were a bunch of chairs sitting just over the dance floor for people to sit and watch people dance. I waved up to a Dragon sitting on one of the couches, assisted by two other dragon males by his side and a female dragon cuddled up with him.

"Hi, mind if I join you up there?"

"The dragon looked down at me from his high pedestal and nodded his head."

"Of course, come on up."

I smiled at my victory, it wasn't so bad, at least not as bad as I'd built it up to be. I crouch down for strength and boost myself up onto the balcony. I land in a chair about one chair away next to one of the dragons...bodyguards they looked like. The two dragons sitting by him hardly made conversation, they just sat there, oh well. I sat down in that chair, and wish I hadn't, because now there was nothing to talk about. I felt like such a fool, it's not like I knew them or had business with them, I was just some stranger sitting in. I should have never came here.

Just then, I saw him. A white snow fox came through the doors of the club and looked around for a moment. He was wearing a black shirt with rainbow letters spelling Puppy Love, some black leather pants with hot tribal markings on them, wrist braces with small spikes shining in the lights of the club, and everything under that was Fishnet. He had his entire left ear pierced, although right meant gay, but the piercing were all rainbow. He had a slicked back green head fur that left large bangs going across his left eye, and those eyes, at least the one I saw, deep purple.

I felt myself growing short of breath. He looked over to me and I realized I was staring. I quickly turned my head to appear not to notice him. He looks up at everyone else in the club.

"Hey guys!"

The dragons all say their own hello's, and the boss dragon says. "Hey Killsma, you DJing tonight?

"I might, we'll see who else shows up."

Killsma, quite an exotic name, I liked it.

I watch out of the corner of my eye as Killsma crouches and leaps, somersaulting onto the platform with more grace that I'd ever hope to have. He sat in the chair next to me, great, a hot fox that I just intentionally ignored is sitting next to me, what to do? Nothing I can do, just go with it.

I muster up the courage to look over and see those purple eyes staring back at mine.

"You must be new here," he extends a paw. "Name's Killsma, and you?"

I stuttered with my words a bit, getting a giggle from Killsma. "I'm Lyca, everyone calls me Lyc" I extend my paw and grab his, a soft grip and smooth shake.

"Cool name."

"Heh, I dunno about cool, it's just an abbreviation for Lycan, and I, being a Lycan myself, hate it."

"Well, you could be a dragon friend of mine that's named Drake, he's a little self hating of his name as well, he asks everyone just to call him D."

I smile at the similar situation with his friend. "Killsma is a cool name though, I like Killsma."


There is an awkward silence between us for a little while. "So, you DJ here?"

"Every night I can. There's a party here just about every night, so I try to make the best of them."

"Cool" I say. The big dragon gets up and makes an announcement to everyone on the balcony.

"Tonight, drinks are on the house!"

Everyone cheers and throws their fisted paws in the air.

"I'll need someone to help me carry the drinks up here."

"I'll do it." I say, trying to get on someone's good side. I jump off the balcony and run over to the bar where the boss dragon lands at the same time.

There is a ruby red dragon on the other side of the bar. He doesn't look up from his glass cleaning, he just repeats the usual lingo. "Hi, my name's Lann and I'll be your bartender this evening here at The Dragons Playground."

The boss dragon shakes his head. "Lann? Are you even paying attention?" The dragon looks up and jolts. "Oh, hello sir, how are you this evening?" He tosses his glass into a slot and makes it perfect. He comes up to the bar. "Who's your friend sir?"

"New guy, he's helping me with the drinks."

"Hi, I'm Lyc."

Lann nods to me. "So, the usual sir?"

"Yeah, but make it two bottles and six shot glasses."

"Coming right up sir." Lann moves lightning quick to a drawer and gets out two bottles of ice cold Strawberry Vodka. He gets six shot glasses and slides them onto a tray. "There you are sir."

"Thanks, hey, you know if Tide's showing up today?"

"I'm hoping so sir, it's our six month anniversary."

"Wow, ya'll been dating for six months?"

"Yes sir. Six great moths."

"If he shows, take the night off."

"Thank you sir." The boss dragon nods and takes the tray.

"You go ahead and take the bottles, I've got the trays."

"Okay." I said. I grabbed the two bottles of vodka and quickened my pace towards the balcony again. I crouch down and leap onto the balcony again, landing soft and sitting down. I hand the vodka around. Someone passes me a shot glass and I decline. "No thanks, no alcohol for me this year."

"New years resolution?"

"Yea, it's been a pain this far, but it's worked."

"I know the feeling." We sat there all night, oblivious of the others. I learned he played the drums, and I played the guitar so that was pretty cool, and that he only had half sisters, and no full brothers, which I was likewise an only child, so we seemed to be pretty alike. After a good long while we both got a little tired, and needed to move about. "Well, u wanna go to the mall? We could go shopping."

Shopping? Was he...hitting on me? "Sure." I couldn't tell which side he was batting for ,but if it were the away team, hopefully he would be a catcher, cause I'm a pitcher, always have been and always will be.

"Okay, I'll be outside, we'll take my car." He gets up and brushes his black tipped tail across my chest. Hell yea, that's flirt. I didn't wanna seem too desperate, so I slowly got up. I calmly slipped out of the bar undetected. I saw him by his car, nothing fancy, and I had one just as similar in value, so neither was better, neither was worse.

"Maybe I should drive, I'm not so sure about someone who's had five shots of vodka."

"I can hold my liquor very well, but if it makes you feel better, she's all yours." He tosses me the keys. We get into the car. I drive us off towards the mall.

3 Hours later it's late at night as late can be. We drive up from the Mall with new clothes everywhere. Most of them I was now wearing. I loved this new attire. Black Vengeance pants, a fitted black T-shirt, and a brand new black leather jacket. It felt so good on my fur I just couldn't help but wear it. I walked into the bar, and there was one of the bodyguards there behind the bar counter. Lann must have taken the night off. Me and Killsma are heading to the balcony when he gently grabs my wrist.

"Hey, I know a place where we can sit in privacy." He winks at me and I just smirk back. All night he's been coming on to me, and I've been returning his advances every chance I got. He knew I was interested. He lead me to the upper balcony, the floor just above everyone else. I saw a high rise platform in one of the very corners of the building. He jumped up there and nodded for me to join. I did so and there was one very plush chair big enough for two. He let me sit down first and he followed suit. He wrapped his arms around my chest and we laid there in an intimate cuddle.

"That jacket looks really sexy on you." He said, making me blush under my fur.

"Well, you didn't need any new clothes, you're sexy as it is."

"Awww, thanks hun." Hun? He's on the same team as me, good, cause I really liked him.

We just sat there, listening to the thumping music and he started to dance in his seat, brushing a couple things against my lap.

"Less than three hours and I'm already getting a lap dance?" I said jokingly. He looked at me with a serious face, and then smirked a little.

"You wanna lap dance, wolfie?" I bared my teeth in an evil grin and nodded my head. He got up and kept eye contact with me. He then got up in front of me and started to sway his body very slowly with the music. The fast beat mixed with the slow dance was erotic. I couldn't take it, he whipped his head around slowly, one eye peering at me from beneath his green hair. He then moved his hips in a way I never saw a guy do before. He just moved them from one side to the next with no hesitation. It was like no dance I have ever seen. He slowly turned around and leaned over, his muzzle mere centimeters away from mine, he extended his tongue and gave my nose a quick lick before grinding his chest and crotch against my own chest and crotch, then he turned around and flicked his soft tail under my chin and rubbed his ass all over my lap.

I felt an increasing bulge in my pants and knew what I was in for tonight. Apparently Killsma knew as well, because he just kept up the dance, keeping me aroused to the breaking point. It took all my common sense to not let my urges get the best of me. Such a cute, horny fox, begging for a ride on my cock was too good to pass up, but I was a gentlefur, and had manners, as far as outside the bedroom goes. He sits completely in my lap now, proceeding with the dance. He puts his muzzle right next to my ear, and says, "Is this making you a bit too horny?"

"You have no idea."

"Well, follow me Wolfie."

"Right behind ya Foxie." I get out of the chair. He goes to the protective railing of the platform we're on and slowly climbs over the bars, then just lets himself go, and lands perfectly. I follow suit. "So, where we going?"

"You'll just have to wait and see, now won't you?" I smirk at the comment and just keep following. He leads me to another building not too far away and we go inside to be greeted by a feline behind the desk.

"One room for the night."

She tosses him the keys without even looking at the computer. "The usual, have fun Killsma."

"Oh, I plan on it." He looks back at me and gives a playful growl, and I just snap my teeth at him. We walk up to the room and let ourselves in. We go in to immediately see someone else on our bed, actually, two people. One is a bright red phoenix, and the other is a Ruby red dragon. The phoenix is riding the dragon's cock like there's no tomorrow. In fact, I remember the red dragon from behind the bar at The Dragons Playground.

"Tell me this isn't 106 again." Killsma said with a bit of embarrassment.

"Yea, it is." Lann starts to giggle and his phoenix friend, Tide if I remember correctly, was a bit too preoccupied to notice anything humorful.

"Sorry about that, have a good night." Killsma said before rushing out of the room. "Damn it." He looks at the numbers on the door and she turns the 9 in 109 to a 6. We then travel to the real 106 and unlock the door.

"Well, that was awkward." I said before stepping into the room and looking around. There was a queen bed and a bathroom. Basic, and tidy. "Nice room," was all I said before I turned around, just to get pounced on and have my lips locked with his. He was a bit shorter and lighter than me, so I held him off the ground for as long as we kissed. My balance knocked me off and I was backing towards the bed, but I wasn't about to be straddled by the small fox, so I turned us around just as I hit the edge of the bed and laid him on his back.

As quickly as he pounced, he just slipped my shirt off, revealing my snow white furry chest. I just then slipped his own shirt off, revealing his undershirt of fishnet. I could see everything I wanted, and yet it was still covered, extremely hot for some reason. Our chests pressed together through the net and I started to work my way down to his nipples. I bit at them lightly, coaxing one of them till it was brighter red than the other. Then going to the opposite one and evening them out.

I slid down to his pants seam, and stroked his bulge in the crotch of his pants a few times before standing up and undoing my own black pants. I slid them down very slowly and revealed my hardening sheath. Killsma started to take his own pants off at the sight of my sheath and furry balls. He just slipped his pants off and started stroking his own member. Fully erect now, he was waiting for me to come to him again.

I slid my own hard cock out of my sheath and walked towards him. He was sitting up now and I just stroked his chin fur and guided him to me. He let the big piece of wolf meat run along his cheeks and forehead first, and then he finally extended his tongue and started dragging it around me. He took the rough fox tongue to the underside of my dick, making me go wild.

After a few minutes he finally took it all in, all 8 inches of my cock down his throat. He didn't even show the slightest appearance of gagging. He just thrust his head forward and shoved my dick repeatedly down his throat. I grabbed the back of his head and started to muzzle fuck him. I started to thrust my cock into his mouth and felt myself nearing the edge. I stop, slowly decreasing my effort into a slow rhythm.

"You want it?" I asked the cute little cock sucking fox.

"Yes, bad."

"Tell me where you want it."

"In my tail," he said as if he were half dazed. He just looked up at me, still stroking the cock in front of his face. "I want you to take me for the first time."

"You're a virgin?"

"I've been with plenty of guys, but none I felt safer with than you, and I want to loose it by you."

I smile and lean his chin up. "And I want to loose mine to you as well." I kiss him deeply and he turns around and gets up on his knees. I lube up my wolfmeat a little more and then slide my paw around his rump, using my lubricating juices to slicken his entrance. I arch myself over his bent back and put my muzzle close to his ear. "This is what happens when you give big, horny wolves lap dances." I push my cocktip forward and slowly, but surely penetrate his virgin hole.

My whole lupine dick slides in, the full 8 inches before I hit the already formed knot. Killsma whimpers under me, hating but loving the feeling. I keep myself hilted in him and let him adjust to the size. I then slowly draw back, and let it all ram his entrance again. His furry ass receiving my big hot cock was all too good. I thrust into him like I had his muzzle earlier. I started to ride him vigorously and he started to pant beneath me. He moaned out my name as he got the first penetration of his life, and he was definitely enjoying the moment. I reached under him and started to jerk him off, placing my lubed paw just at his own canine dick. He thrust into my hand so he was jerked the same as humped.

He started to moan out my name, my full name, easier to moan I guess. I, in turn, started to moan out his name. It was a symphony of name calling as we neared our own climaxes. I was first to loose my mind to the ecstasy and blast my load into his wanting tail. He clenched at just the right times to make me empty myself into him for all I'm worth. I feel something hot and sticky covering my paw pads and know he's reached climax as well. The feeling of hot seed shooting him in his prostate must have been too much. We ride the pleasurable waves of our climax and slowly drift ashore to the afterglow. He lays down and I lay on my back on the bed. He then crawls over and places his head onto my chest. The hot, toned, fishnet covered body rubbing up against mine, his tail twisting around with mine.

We looked into each others eyes and just stared for the longest time. We didn't say it, not out loud, but we knew that we had each declared the other the perfect man to be with. Me, with my dominating style and appearance and yet kind nature, and he with his submissive pleasures and his willingness to do it any and all the time. He was perfect for me, I was perfect for him, and we really liked each other, this is a fox I could see myself falling in love with.