Meeting Kevin

Story by Lannius Drasec on SoFurry

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#9 of Lann

Lets meet Kevin

by Lannius Drasec

I walk down the hallway of our apartment building holding my key in my hand and the phone numbers of Mike, Mark, and Chad in my pocket. Remembering back on the wild night I had just a few hours ago, I have a broad smile on my face as I come up to the door. I would go inside and go straight to that computer and look for a job. I went straight inside and saw Tide sitting on the couch. Tide has a look of sorrow in his eyes and a tear falls down his cheek before evaporating in his flames.

" Where have you been? "

" I was at that new club. "

" It closed three hours ago. "

I stand there in silence. I really didn't have any reason to lie to him, because we weren't dating. " I met up with some guys and we went back to their place for a little party of our own. "

I didn't say it right out, but I knew he knew what I meant. He laughed and I was confused. He finally spoke up. " All this time I thought you were in love with me and just couldn't say it, I thought you were in love with me the same as I'm in love with you. "

" I'm sorry Tide, I just don't think I could ever love another man as a mate, but I do love a brother. That night at the hotel I saw the pain you were facing from such limited choices in a mate and I did what I thought would make you the happiest. That's why we do what we do, I wanted to see you happy. Me and you can fuck all we want, but in terms of a relationship, you're purely my best friend in the world. " I tried to make it sound as genuine as possible but something about it sounded fake. Tide just stared in my direction for the longest time, holding back a few tears as he fought with himself in his mind.

" You really love me? "

" Of course I do. "

Tide breaks down and cries, I hurry over to give him a shoulder. He buries his flaming beaked face into my neck and sobs. I give him as much time as he needs. After a couple minutes, he finally speaks again, a little more control in his voice. " Friends? "

" Brothers. "

Tide wraps his arms around me and I around him. We cradle each other and let our emotions tame themselves once more.

12 minutes later

Tide throws me to the bed and I pull him down over me. We let our tongues do a frantic tango in our mouths before he violently rips my shirt off. He then slides my pants off quickly and grabs my cock and balls firmly through my boxers. He squeezes and massages them to stiffness and then leans in close to my serpentine ears and whispers.

" how dare you go to another man to get some. Women you can go around with, but as far as men go, you're all mine. " This dominating edge in his voice was a serious turn on.

" Say it. "

" I'm all yours " He softens his grip and stops fondling me.

" Say it like you mean it. "

I look him straight in the eyes, my pupils forming into the primal slits that dragons get when either angry, ready for battle, or excited. I lower my voice to a gruff, masculine tone and repeat the words louder than before.

" I'm ALL Yours! "

He quickens his massaging and strengthens his grip on my cock. " That's a good boy. "

He takes my hand and puts it on my cock, leaving me to masturbate as he stands up in front of me.

" Now, I'll show you that you can't go to any other man to get better than me. I'll show you right now why I'm the best. " He then rips his shirt off and slides out of his pants, in just seconds he is completely naked. I slip out of my boxers and lay there. Still jerking myself to his dominate pose. He lays over me and puts one paw under my chin, dragging my head upward and making me sit up in the bed. He then guides my muzzle straight into his erection. I take him in and suck him off. He shoves deep down my throat and starts to thrust, muzzle fucking me as I reach around with the hand that isn't on my throbbing member to his hot flaming ass. I grab and assist him in his thrusts. I push him forward and contract my throat at each moment he thrusts inward.

" So, who do you think is better now, me or them? " I try to say something but my throat is still stuffed full. " What's that? I didn't hear you. " I try to say again, but another failed attempt makes him stop and pull his dick out of my mouth, a thick coat of lubricating saliva left on it.

He lays me back and looks into my eyes, lowering his body onto mine, but hooking his arms under my legs to force my ass into the air. " Now, what did you say? "

" You. "

" You what? "

" You are better than they will ever be. "

Without warning he plunges his dick into my tight tailhole without giving me any time to adjust. Luckily my tail had been taken earlier so I was slightly prepared for it. " That's what I thought. " He started to mercilessly hump me like a wild animal. He pounded my ass, impaling me on his meaty pole with each long hard thrust. His flames burning over onto my body. I watch his face twist and squirm in pleasure. He makes damn sure that I cum before him.

" Oh, god...oh fuck...Tide...oh my god, faster. " I moan out his name and grab his back, pulling him into his own thrusts. His flaming feathers stroke over my cock and tickle the sensitive underside until I feel myself building up. He starts to pick up the pace and he goes even deeper and stabs at my prostate. I scream out as that one jab pushes me over and my load shoots out, most landing in my own mouth.

Tide brings his mouth down to mine to catch a little of the load of my seed for himself. He starts to grunt and pant and then he shoves into me with three last thrusts of power. 1...2...3...explode. He erupts into my tight ass and keeps up the quick short thrusts as he empties himself. His balls slap against my ass cheeks and his seed starts to leak out of my entrance. He collapses onto me, the strength he put into such a dominating performance would take a lot out of any person.

We both lay there, breathing as one. Drifting into sleep, but wait, I just slept a while ago, I'm good to go. With that I get up and run over to the computer. I search the Internet for a possible job opportunity. I see nothing. A couple of comedies, one love story, and one horror that had a horrible plot. Damn it. I need work and I need it now. Wait, what the hell?

I come across a script that catches my eye. I read down it and it's action packed, suspenseful, original, and has a fan base. It's a movie script based off a series of Video games that came out a while ago. The title...Burnout.

I walk through the doors of Kevin's office, if you don't remember, he's my salamander of an agent. He's in about his early thirty's, obviously knows his way around Hollywood. He's very cunning, gets what he wants, and has negotiation skills like nothing I've ever seen. Even though he had a bit of an overactive personality that might make people think he has TS.

Mark gets up from his desk and offers a hand. " Lannius, what's happening? "

I speak with a big smile on my face.

" I'll tell you what's happening Kevin, I've got my first big project idea. "

" Really? Was it that last script I gave you, I knew that one was killer. "

" No, I don't think people will notice me for my first film if it's about love and lost relationships. It's too sappy, you know me man, I'm an Action guy. That being said I found a script on the net that would be perfect for my coming out. "

" Well don't keep me in suspense there, what's the god damn name? " However he used cussing it always sounded fast and friendly, it was weird and cool.

" Burnout. "

He stands there for a minute thinking. " Sounds like something that happens to my underwear after riding a crotch rocket. What's it about? "

" I take it you've never played the video game. "

" There's already a video game out there for it? "

" Yeah, but it's not too popular, so we aren't talking about too big a fan base. "

" Then why do you want it? "

" It has Action, girls, cars, and overall it has potential. "

" I'm listening. "

" A big fan base would mean that they would have to slap a big name on it to make it even bigger. This way, we wouldn't have to worry about them wanting a big director. "

" So they would go after the small guy. "

" That's right, since I'm young, original, and a fan of the series, that means I know it well. Plus I have good tie ins with a young new Action Star, and I can see Tide as this main character Zeke. Who better to drive muscle cars and sling guns than a guy who's already on fire? "

" I like the angle you present, has anyone else tagged it? "

" Not yet "

" Well, I'll make the calls and make sure you get first dibs on it. You want this, and I want it for you, we'll knock this town on it's feet, what da ya say kid? "

" I say hell yea! "

" I thought you'd say that. "

Kevin gets up and gives me a high five into a man hug and then we get up. I go out the door, refreshed and ready for anything. This movie could change both our lives. Kevin's never really had a big star to his name, I intend to help him out there. I leave the building in an emotional high. It's almost late so I leave. I fly to the apartment and see Tide waiting on the balcony. He waves and I land.

" Hey, just came form Kevin's. "

" What he say? "

" We might have a job. I found a movie perfect for us. "

" Tell me about it. " He was really excited. Why wouldn't he be, he may be able to actually act in a movie. His dream and my dream were one in the same, and about to be lived all together.

" Later, get ready, tonight we celebrate. "

" Where are we going? "

" I thought I'd introduce you to a couple of my friends, come on. " Tide goes into our room and changes into something a little more presentable, not formal, but more like expensive looking casual. From the apartment we flew out into the night, following the spotlights to the recently opened Club Yiffstar, it's about I took Tide to face the music.