The War Ch9

Story by Sid burn on SoFurry

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#9 of The War

Jerin shifted around on the bed, scratching at her itchy black underside. She kept on armed curled around Marcus as she slept on. The irritating sensations on her underside was started to get more and more unpleasant until it woke her up. She looked down at her chest to see the left of residue of her and Marcus's love making, it also covered him too. It was a slightly white color and was slightly sticky...

She quietly tried to remove herself but stopped.......and got an evil idea; she grinned and grabbed the still sleeping Marcus. Carrying him outside of the cave set him down at the sandy shore of the pond. Crawled into the pool, sighing with relief as the water washed over her itchy scales, taking a large mouthful of water she took aim at Marcus and fire....well spit is more like it.

The stream of water hit Marcus; it took barely a second before he jerked awake. He cried out in surprise and rolled into the water, Jerin busted out laughed at the look on his face as he resurfaced. He felt a surge of anger as he found out what happen but quickly dismissed it as he pounced on her. She was to slow to avoid him as he landed on her, pulling her under the warm water where he gave her a kiss. Jerin closed her eyes and leaned into the kiss, wrapping her arms around him as she did so. They broke the kiss when they needed air, swimming back to the surface for air.

Jerin chuckled and swam around just out of Marcus's reach. "How did you like your wakeup call?" she asked as she closed in on him, hugging him and pressing her head against his, nuzzling him softly.

"It would have been better if you would have just said wake up." He whispered in her ear, scratching the scales on her neck, she pushed into his hand as he scratched. She grabbed his hand and rubbed it against her underside, washing away the sticky mess. His hand traveled farther down her chest as he scrubbed her further, the warm water relaxing them.

"Lower..." Jerin murmured softly as she purred softly, Marcus went down even lower until he reached the lips of her sex, she gasped at the sudden rush of pleasure that coursed through her. He traced his fingers around the firm lips as they clenched tight from the presence of his fingers; she gently grabbed his hand and pushed it into her eager sex. "Yess.....go deeper." She hissed as he rubbed further until she swam over the shallow water. He caught the view of her dripping sex, her tail swishing side to side as she grinned at him before rolling onto her back, beckoning for him. Marcus's waded of to her; she wrapped her tail around his leg and pulled him close. "I want you to not hold back at all, last night was so wonderful I didn't want it to end." She growled, giving him a long, wet kiss.

Marcus grinned and started to rub his rock hard erection against her pussy, "Trust me, I won't hold back for you, last night was only a taste of what is to come next for us." He then thrust into her, getting a squeal of pleasure out of her at the sudden burst of pleasure. He moaned as he felt her hot walls grip his member, slowly milking it. He pounded into her at a slow pace that slowly sped up. Jerin groaned softly as his slick shaft slipped in and out of her, she wrapped her hands around his waist and quickly turned him over to where she was on top.

"MY turn now, baby," Jerin panted, her tongue hanging out of her mouth as she bounced on top of him, he pushed upward as she came down onto him. Marcus closed his eyes and lay back as she pleasured them both. The hot walls of Jerin's womb clamped down tightly on his rod as she slammed down on to him, moaning and panting in pure bliss.

The fun went on for half an hour until they both climaxed almost at the same time. The pleasure racking their bodies until they the lay there panting softly, Marcus rolled off of her with a soft swish of the water. His seed and her juices slowly trickled out of her cunt; he just lay there looking up into the trees that cover them in cool shade. Jerin rolled onto her side and gave Marcus a lick on the cheek.

"That was.......A-amazing!" she blurted out, still trying to catch her breath. He looked at her and laughed softly, it had been the best time, it felt better than their first time. "I hope it gets better and better all the time." He scratched the underside of her chin; she hummed softly as the gentle caress. She then started to get up saying, "We should get going.......they are just starting to serve breakfast at the Albatross."

"MMM...that sounds good," Marcus started, "But we should clean up before we get moving, don't want to look messy." They quickly cleaned themselves up. Marcus put on a new pair of underpants, and fresh clothes. He quickly shucked the jacket it on and hefted the gear onto his back. He didn't want it to be stolen or broken. All the Nano-tech gear was very, very expensive.

Just as Marcus checked the time he encountered a strange smell, he sniffed the air again, and he smelled more than one scent. "Jerin, I someone is coming" he said as he brandished his Custom made M1911's before she could respond he was against the wall at the edge of the cave.

Jerin thought fast, "How did you know?"

"I can smell them."

Smell them? She thought, then it hit her. He was part dragon, his scene of smell was higher than a humans, she smelled the air and knew who it was. "Relax, they aren't a threat." Marcus lowered the guns and looked around the area until he saw two patches of green and silver scales behind a pair of bushes about twenty feet away. Jerin looked around too until he pointed two them. She sighed and rolled her eyes, "OK...Eriassa, Zorella come out from there."

Two dragons, a Sliver and a green dragoness came out from behind the large bushes; they were around the same size as Jerin.

Zorella was the first to speak, "H-how did you know we were there?" the green dragoness asked, looking around for what gave her away.

Jerin rolled her eyes, "We could smell you, you two were never very good at hiding from me. How long were you there?" Both dragonesses flushed heavily, and looked at each other before speaking up.

"Long enough," Eriassa sheepishly said, her cheeks were bright red. Marcus caught on quick to what she said and cast a quick glance at Jerin, "Sorry we waited until you were done, we were going to come out when you were looking but he sensed us before we could move away." A smiled started to break out on both Jerin's and Marcus's face as they looked at the two red faced dragoness's.

"Well," said Zorella, "Aren't you going to introduce us to your mate?" The two slightly horny dragonesses look at Marcus with curiosity. They clenched they damp thighs together to hide it, so far they were getting away with it.

"Marcus, I would like you to meet Zorella and Eriassa, Two of my best friends. They are very sneaky but not sneaky enough around me. Zorella, Eriassa I would like you to meet Marcus. " The two dragons looked down at the ground blushing.

"Wait Marcus," Zorella blurted out, "You mean the son of the two leaders of the Albatross that was sent away for safety and now has come back on his own?" Jerin nodded happily, the two dragonesses were stunned, and jealous that she was mated to a very important person. "You're so lucky!" she cried out in jealousy.

"Yea," Eriassa gushed, "You have possibly the most handsome and important human as at mate in the whole Dragon Realms!" When she said handsome it surprised him a little that there were other dragonesses that fancied him.

Jerin slithered up to him and wrapped her arms around him, "Don't even think about it, he is mine! Get your own." She said playfully, licking him on the cheek. He chuckled softly and returned it with a kiss.

"Ok," Marcus said, shifting his stance, "We are going to get a little breakfast, you are welcome to come along if you wish." They both a nodded and opted to come with, they chatted while they walked to the Albatross that was three miles away.


Caelia woke up with a slight yawn, the smell of cooking breakfast wafted up to her. She stepped out of bed, stretching her relaxed muscles before she padded downstairs. She followed the smell of cooking meat until she reached a door way that opened up into a large kitchen. Spyro, Cynder, and the Guardians were there, just starting to eat. Volteer waved at Caelia as she entered.

"We were just about to call you down to eat," Ignitus said as he handed her a large cooked sheep haunch, "Eat up, you have a big day ahead of you." Caelia looked at the leg as noted at the seasonings on it and began to dig in. When she took her first bite she was astounded at the wonderful taste!

"So," She said, "What is it that we are doing today?" Ignitus looked up from his meal and gave a small smile. "You, Cynder and Spyro are going to be doings a little work for us today." Caelia didn't like way he said 'Little' at all.

Breakfast went by fast, in less than twenty minutes they were done and sent out to a certain area of the forest and told to scout around the area. This was a five mile radius of large trees, and shrubs that covered the land in a sea of green leaves.

Spyro and Cynder had left their guns behind because Caelia said they were not ready to shoot live targets yet.

"You mean he has you guys do this a lot?" Caelia asked in a shocked tone.

Cynder nodded, "Yes, he does. I get pissed when we have to do this, so damn boring!" Spyro nodded in agreement, Caelia reached into her side pouch and pulled out three small microphone headsets.

"Here," she said and handed them one, "I'm going to scout in a different area, you do what you want."

"Wait," Spyro said, "Ignitus said we need to scout together."

"I don't give a shit what he said," Caelia sighed, "I was taught by a USCM Soldier, he knows a little more than he does about basic recon and patrol. If we stay like this we won't find anything, but since we will stay in contact with each other it will be easier to scout around." She took off into the forest leaving the two dragons alone.

"Ok.....What bit her in the ass?" Cynder muttered, raising a scaly eyebrow.

Spyro didn't get it either, "No idea, I don't think she likes to be ordered around by anyone she doesn't fully know." He didn't blame here, the guardians had a tendency to order people around...a lot. And Caelia wasn't going to have it; she took orders from only a few people, Marcus.....and possibly his parents.

The forest was alive with sounds, the birds chirped softly into the cool/warm morning air. The wind blew softly, creating a pleasant breeze. The two dragons were nervous now that they were alone, they didn't show it well. Cynder was the first to speak up; she looked at the ground as she did.

"We should...uh get moving and start scouting." Spyro looked at her and agreed.

"Yes, let's do that." How am I going to tell her how I feel? I have never done this before; I don't even know if she feels the same way about me! Cynder was no different.

She sighed inwardly, does he even feel the same way I do about him. I should have talk to the guard-no! They wouldn't understand, they would try to stop it from happening, I should have asked Marcus-I saw the way that Jerin looked at him. They fell in love with each other right off the bat, no doubt about it.... Ok, get it together Cynder you can do this, but.....what if he doesn't like me? She finally decided that there was to be no more stalling and to come out with it when they were deeper in the forest.

Caelia knew what was going on and that was why she left, so they could be left to let nature take its course. She chuckled to herself it was too easy to see the sparks between those two. She felt a little jealous but knew she would find a mate, she wasn't ready to mate or anything close but she could find a boyfriend. In time she would find one, there were many choices out there for her to pick from....


"Wow that was possibly the best breakfast I have ever had." Marcus said as he set down his fork and started to drink down his orange juice. Setting the glass down he looked at the three dragonesses as they ate what looked like cooked dear legs, the cook did give out raw meat to the dragons who wanted to eat it, which was all of them. Marcus reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of ten foot bubble gum tape, the original flavor, ripping off a five inch piece of gum and popped it into his mouth.

He watched as they ripped into the meat with their razor sharp teeth, tearing large chunks out of the legs as they ate. There was a loud CLANG that shook him out of his trance; he looked up to group of four large dragons congregated around a solider, a seventeen year old boy, just fresh into the USCM. He was around 5ft 9, yellow hair, and green eyes. His food lay on the floor, knocked out of his hands by a group of dragons. Everything went quiet when they heard it.

Marcus could tell right off the bat that the four dragons were nothing but common bullies that liked to pick on people different and somewhat weaker than them. He hated bullies; he had been the victim of a bully back in high school, the bully ended up in the hospital with a broken collar bone, broken wrist, and a cracked shin. No fucked with him after that, the bully had to undergo therapy for the beating he had gotten.

Jerin could see the spark of fire in his eyes turn into a blazing inferno of hate, "Marcus don't-"

Too late.......