The Soul Keepers Chapter 3

Story by Demon the WindDragon on SoFurry

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again, i wish to give thanks to Cheesepuff78 (who owns blaze) and also my mate Rayne Bidziil! (who owns Rayne!) jewel belongs to a freind of mine not on sofurry

thanks and now Enjoy

Late in the morning, a fairy named Farah was starting her rounds in SoulForest when she's grabbed and pulled into the dark parts of a SoulTree. Farah Struggles to get free but feels a claw grip her tightly making her yelp as she's forced to see her attackers face. Farah eyes widen as she looks straight into Ranshiin's eyes, seeing he meant business. Ranshiin holds Farah's body closer to his face as he took in that wonderful scent of female, that was in season. Ranshiin smiles as he looks her in the eyes and says "you give me information about "Windy" or I'll kill you." Farah glares at him before hissing "NEVER! Why have you done this? What have I done to you?" Ranshiin cackles out laughing before he squeezes her body her body even tighter. "Wrong answer fairy" He slams her up against a tree making her cry out and shiver as he looks her in the eyes again. "Now if you wish to live tell me about Windy the soul goddess." Farah's eyes widen in surprise as she faintly whispers "Windy's living with Demon in their SoulTree....not far" Ranshiin grins with the info as he chokes her. "By the way my name's Blood, but that won't matter anyway because you're going to die before you can even tell anybody about me. Goodbye Farah." With that Blood breaks Farah's fragile neck in seconds, before the fairy could even scream she was dead.

Meanwhile over in Demon's home.....

"Rayne! Stop it. That tickles." Rayne was in bed with Demon, tickling her with his muzzle as she giggles with glee. Demon finally stops as he kisses her lightly on the lips making her smile. "Rayne, why are you here? Is it to be with me?" Rayne smiles before nuzzling her. "Of course darling why not?" "Just curios is all dear." Rayne kisses her gently not seeing Ranshiin stand in the door way smiling. "So you do her yet?" Rayne nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard Ranshiin's voice ringing out in the dark room. Demon looks up seeing him then gets angry. "Ranshiin! What do you want?" "I want to show you a village I had found that called "Atari"." Demon gives him a look that said "you serious? In the middle of the night?" Ranshiin snorts as he rolls his eyes before staring at Demon to see she was only wearing panties and a bra that were both black. Demon glares at him before taking the blanket and covers herself up with Rayne glaring as well.

"Well you going or not?" Demon looks at Rayne before answering. "Fine but let us get dressed first." "Sure what have I got to lose?" he leaves making Demon scowl. Later after Demon had Angel and Rayne dressed, they follow Ranshiin with Blaze and Windy by his side (who looked tired). Demon takes Rayne's hand and holds it with hers making Rayne look down and smile before continuing on after Ranshiin. Not long later, the group reaches the SoulGate with Ranshiin saying. "Okay guys for now we run as fast as we can so we don't waste time. Let's go!" Demon groans at the thought of running. Why the hell is he making us run? Makes no sense to me at all. Oh well as long I'm with Rayne its fine. But something seems to be bothering Windy. I wonder what that could be.....maybe Ranshiin's not giving her what she wants or maybe...._Demon looks at Windy who looked very sad. _ He broke up with her like he always does with girls he has with one night stands with. But I will say this, if that's true his ass is mine. It's bad enough Windy's judgment is so near that she doesn't need this crap on her as well.

As Demon and her friends run through a forest that had trees as tall as the SoulTrees in SoulForest, Demon could sense something was amiss as Ranshiin stops when Windy couldn't keep up and says to everyone "break guys....not much farther to go."Oh yeah jackass? Then remind me to tell the "Atari" people to cook you over the fire for their supper. Speaking of food I'm hungry.......I hope we brought some food. Angel looks tired and hungry.....poor girl maybe we should-what was that? That sounded like a stick snapping. Ranshiin seems to have heard it too. Indeed it seemed so because Ranshiin holds up a finger to keep everyone from talking as his black ear twitches as he hears the noise again but a little louder this time. The noises get louder and louder to an all out stampings of a very large beast. "RUN!!!!" Everyone takes off running as Demon takes pine cones from some pine trees as she puts spells on them and throws them behind her at the beast.

When the pine cones hit the beast they exploded in sparks and flashes making the beast howl. When Demon was to throw the next pine cone, she gets a full look at this thing. The beast was huge and it looked as if it was decaying since some of its body skin was falling off. Its skin was grey with patches of grey and white fur all over its body. This beast looked like a dog but mutated into something nasty with its big jaws snapping at air. Demon sees a tree ahead and quickly makes the inside of the tree empty and puts bunks into it. As they run inside Demon teleports them all to the top where the bunks were as the beast tries vainly to grab them but couldn't. Finally, the beast tired gives up and quiets down outside the tree. "Is it gone?" "Maybe but will stay here for now kay?" Everyone snuggles down for the night with Demon and Angel turning into small rats that looked like them but had something's that were theirs as they snuggle up in their mate's arms for a long night's sleep.

The next morning......

Demon opens her eyes to a strange noise coming from outside the tree. At first Demon thought it was her dream but finds out it was from outside. Demon very curios climbs out of Rayne's arms and slips down the trunk before transforming back into her Dragon self. To Demon's surprise, a group of species were attacking the beast that had chased them last night. The group of species was wearing what looked like loincloths to keep some parts of their body hidden from sight. A Pink and white WindDragoness with oink stripes on her belly that curves in like a tiger was attacking the beast dead on with her clan mates. Demon watches not hearing her friends creep down and sit next to her watching the battle between the beast and the clan that fought it. Man look at them go. They can't be SoulKeepers or Catchers, this is soo cool. But why are they here? Maybe they're the Atari clan that Ranshiin was talking about earlier.

Demon and her friends watch as the pink WindDragoness holds up a small bamboo shooter and shoots a small pink flower at the beast. I know that flower! It's called a "hisbiss". Those things can kill anything if the aim is just right. That poor thing don't stand a chance. The beast stands there for a second before falling to the ground dead as a log. The Pink Dragon runs over to where Demon was and invites her to come out as her comrades check the beast's body. When Demon got a closer looks at this Dragon she saw that the pink in the dragon's fur went from a diamond on her nose all the way back to half of her tail. Her hair was long and blond making Demon wonder. What the hell? She looks just like me....well except from the fact that she has pink on her back with long bushy blond hair. The Dragoness stands in front of Demon who looks at her without fear as she says. "My name's Jewel, I'm the princess of the Atari clan. I offer you and your friends a place to stay in my village." Demon bows showing her respect to the Princess. "Thank you very much, princess jewel but we cannot stay for long." A small black wolf pup walks over to Windy his eyes widen in shock and says quite clearly while pointing at Windy "Soul Goddess!"

The Atari clan was still as they gasp before Jewel looks upon Windy who was now confused. "You! Step forward and kneel before me." Windy steps forward as Jewel looks her in the eyes. "What is thy name?" "m-my name's Windy, a SoulKeeper in SoulWorld." Jewel stares at Windy for a few silent minutes as Demon begins to wonder worriedly. What does Jewel want? What is she doing? Ugh! I've got a bad feeling about this....I hope this will go okay. Jewel smiles as she has Windy stand up and offers her hand in friendship. Windy takes and takes it in her own as she smiles. "You are in grave danger Soul Goddess come with me and my clan will take care of you and your friends." Windy nods as she quickly and her friends follow Jewel to Atari village.

Once at the Village, Jewel summons all the Atari in the village to come and meet Windy the Soul Goddess. Demon smiles as she watches all kinds of species come out and watch Windy in awe. "My dear Friends, brothers, sisters and rest of my beloved. I give you Windy the Soul goddess!" Demon watches as everyone comes to them and greets them with kind words of friendship. Wow! Everyone likes me here. But why me? Why was I chosen to be the Soul goddess? Well I'll worry about it later for now I shall have some fun. Windy looks at jewel who smiles as the village has a wonderful festival for Windy.

Later after the festival.....

Jewel leads the group to her farm house that sat on the outskirts of her village. As they approach Demon saw how small it was and decides to make it bigger. With the snap of her fingers, the small hut became a much larger one that had a room up top with lots of rooms and beds. Jewel looks over at Demon thanking her for the wondrous gift as a white windDragon with hat and goggles comes out smiling while holding a bundle in his arms. "SHIRON!" Jewel runs up to the dragon and hugs him gently while Rayne smiles seeing how they really love each other. Well at least things had turned out for the better than for the worst.....Maybe.......but what about blood? Will he attack us? He even tries to...._Rayne clenches his fist tight. _I'll kill him......with my bare hands if he even wants to even touch Demon. "Well everyone come inside so I can make supper." Demon smiles at the thought of food as Blaze laughs as he looks at the bundle in Shiron's arms to see it was a baby. The baby looked like her father but had more hair like her mom and an attitude as well it seems, because she grabs Blazes nose and tries to bite it. Shiron laughs as he looks at down at his daughter. "This is Arial she's at least a month old." "No wonder she tried eating me! I must be tasty." Blaze and Shiron laugh once more before heading inside the house.

After supper.....

Demon looks at the bunker room that she had made for Jewel's family; it was the way she had wanted it and was very proud to be standing in it. As Demon picked a room for the night to stay in, Rayne comes over to her and playfully grabs her backside before running off as demon runs after him. Angel watched Demon run after Rayne before clutching her stomach as nausea runs up her throat. Angel breaths as she swallows hard making her not throw up. Ugh! I must be close to my new wasn't that long ago when Montage told me about going into a new was normal for souls that were kids to die then become adults later.....but I have never seen this happen to a none human before and this is my first......I just have to remember what Montage said and I should be okay......hopefully. Angel goes to her room hoping she wouldn't hurl before going to sleep.

Back with Demon and Rayne, they were kissing and moaning as they moved with each other's body. Demon moans softly as she feels Rayne's Cock make its way into womb with each thrust he made. Rayne moans softly as he thrusted with his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth before he lets out a growl. Demon pushes herself back I time to hear Rayne roar out as he cums hard into her womb. Demon moans as she feels his hot seed fill her womb hoping she was pregnant but knew she wasn't. Once he had finished Cumming, Rayne lays down next to Demon who had fallen asleep. With a smile, Rayne kisses her before falling fast asleep too.

The next morning.....

Demon moans softly as she blinks the sleep out of her eyes and stretches out her limbs not seeing Jewel stand in the door way looking very sad about something. Demon looks up with her black ears sticking up in the air as if sensing danger near. "Jewel? What is it?" Jewel looks down not answering her. What's wrong with Jewel? She seems very upset about something.....I wonder what it could be......hrm. "Jewel? Is something wrong?" Jewel doesn't look up as she says making Demon's back stiffen. "Demon? Angel passed on last night.......I don't know why......I tried to talk to her last night but she was dying and I could tell Demon I'm so sorry."It can't be.....Angel's alive she's just faking that's all......yeah that's it......but she did look ill last night......oh god please no! Demon jumps up out of bed and runs to Angel's room to find everyone else was there, crying and sobbing as sadness filled their hearts. Seeing Angel's body, made Demon want to puke as she walks to her dead sister tears spill down her face as she gently kisses her sister's cold head before whispering. "I love you Angel, please come back." But when she didn't come back, Demon cries her eyes out before running out the door with Rayne looking around confused.


Demon looks at the grave she made for Angel as Blaze stands next to her as they both cried with Rayne coming up behind with roses in his hands. "Demon I brought roses, here." he sets them down on Angel's Grave as he hugs his love who couldn't stop crying for her sister that meant so much to her. In heaven, Angel bows to god and several others as they nod to her. "Angel is thee you ready to become a young women?" Angel looks up before nodding. "Yes sir I am." "Alright but you won't fully become a women for two days but we will allow you to become a ghost that can see your friends and sister. You may only talk to blaze and Demon understand?" Angel nods as she closes her eyes as the gods turn her from a child to a full grown adult. Down below, Demon sleeps at her sister's grave not knowing that she was not truly dead but was a soul for now.

well tell me what you think!