Not Your Average Gym (Part 2)

Story by Galthroc on SoFurry

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#2 of Not Your Average Gym

Weeks had passed since the guys first had that good time with each other. Virtually every day since then, they relived it in the locker room. They would arrive home hours late, completely exhausted from the rampant orgasms the gym eventually brought them. They were also each assigned a day in which they would have to stay behind and clean up the locker room, which was a chore that took at least an hour. Brad was the one to blame here, always covering the place floor to ceiling in horse spunk.

But today it was Tony's turn. The wolf grumbled as he mopped the floor of the dried, sticky mess, cursing Brad's name under his breath, but quickly praising him again. He had never seen such a hot speciman in his entire life, and didn't think he ever would find one better. That horse really knew how to get the gang going. Just a few minutes of watching that stud suck himself off and blow everywhere was enough to make you cream without even touching yourself.

Cleaning up the mess was a small price to pay for all the fun he was having.

Tony was whistling a tune as he began to mop the walls. He stood on his toes to get the ceiling, which was extra messy today, since Rick and Harry jerked Brad's monster cock off and aimed it straight up for most of the duration the horse orgamed. The wolf shuddered just thinking about it, finding he was somehow sporting another erection in spite of the countless orgasms he already had just an hour ago. The wolf tried to ignore it as it thumped against his stomach, his legs quivering.


Tony yelped and dropped the mop, jumping in surprise. He quickly grabbed the nearest tower and wrapped it around his waist. It was wet and gross, and hardly hid his member, but at least he was trying to be modest. "Y-yes?" Tony turned around and saw a rabbit standing at the entrance, clad in small shorts and a sleeveless shirt, his strong, athletic build providing Tony a treat for the eyes.

"Sorry if I'm interrupting."

Tony shook his head. "No, no, just doing some cleaning up," the wolf smiled awkwardly.

"I'm just new here is all. Just moved to town a week ago and wanted to start working out again." He stepped forward. "My name is - woah, what HAPPENED here? And what's that smell?" The rabbit's face scrunched up, and he recoiled.

Tony's eyes darted around, trying to think of an excuse. "Uhhhh, yeah, about that. Someone just had a little incident in here is all. Best not tell you about it, it was pretty traumatic. You might want to wait until I'm done in here. I'm Tony, by the way."

The rabbit nodded, appearing cautious. "Right. Call me Andy. I'll just...put my stuff in the car."

"Everything okay, Andy?" A fox appeared beside the rabbit, his eyes widdening when he saw the mess in the locker room. "What the..."

"UHHH," Tony began, waving his arms. "Best move along now! Locker room is closed until tomorrow!"

"Let's go, Lee," Andy said to the fox. "I just want to get some work done."

Lee nodded, letting Andy go. The fox hesitated a bit, eyeing Tony up and down, lingering for just half a second on the wolf's bulging crotch. He was skinny compared to Andy, but hardly scrawny. "Right..." he turned and left.

~ ~ ~

The next day, the guys were lifting in front of a mirrored wall, careful to keep their form, watching as their muscles bulged and strained from the effort of lifting. Rick was doing bicept curls with 120lb weights, his face contorted in a comical way as his arms lifted, biceps popping. Harry was doing the same, albeit with considerably lighter weights. He was much less focused, though, as his eyes kept darting to Rick's reflection, watching the tiger hungrily as the musclebound feline pumped.

Evan was spotting Brad on the bench press, the horse struggling with the 300 lb of weight he was lifting. "Come on, big guy," Evan said. Brad grit his teeth, veins popping out all over his neck, arms, and torso as he grunted, finally managing to straighten his arms enough to allow him to set the bar back on the rack. He exhaled loudly, laying on the bench limp. "Nice on!" Evan pat the horse on the shoulder.

"Nothing compared to you," Brad panted.

"I know, but nice nonetheless, you pansy," the bull chuckled.

Tony was standing at the side, just watching, thinking about what would happen in the locker room today. He found it diddifcult to focus on working out when the main thing he was anticipating had yet to happen. He had been hard since he arrived, anxiously awaiting sweet release, wondering just how much hotter it could possibly get.

That's when Andy and Lee walked in. They quickly went to the locker room to change, then came back, approaching the guys. Andy waved, and Lee just gave a soft hint of a smile. They were both wearing gym shorts and sleeveless tees, Lee not having too much to show off, Andy being at least respectable.

The guys all stopped what they were doing, turning to look at the two newcomers. "Well, well, well," Rick said, putting his dumbells back on the rack. He approached the two, towering over them both. "Fresh meat."

Tony intervened before Rick scared them away. "Guys! This is Andy and Lee. They joined yesterday. They're new in town." Tony introduced all the guys, his voice faltering when he reached Brad. The horse was sweating so much he glistened, his gym shorts clinging to his body in a way that blatantly spotlighted his massive endowment.

Everyone waved or nodded. Harry even shook hands. "It's a small place," the lion said. "I'm sure we'll get to be good friends in time."

"Why not right now?" Rick growled. Tony nudged him hard in the side.

"Right..." Lee said. "Come on, Andy. Let's get started."

Things resumed normally, everyone doing their own thing for about an hour. Some of the guys would nudge each other and point at Lee or Andy, chuckling, making crude gestures or remarks to each other quietly.

"They've gotta be a gay couple," Evan said to Brad. "For God sake, they're dressed the same. Two straight friends don't do that."

"Maybe there was a sale at Kohl's," Brad said. They both laughed.

Lee stood next to the chest press machine Andy was using. He eyes the guys warily, looking away when any eye contact was established. "Andy, they're watching us. I don't like this place, they're all weird."

"Don't worry about it," Andy said between presses. "They're just used to having the place to themselves. There's no hostility, anyways. They're nice guys."

"I don't know. That tiger was really strange. He kept...licking his lips. You don't think they're..."

"Don't be stupid. They're just messing with us because we're the new guys. Come on, spot me at the bench. I don't like this machine."

They sauntered over the the bench press, Andy laying on his back and waiting as Lee added the appropriate weights, struggling to remove the large amount Brad previously had.

"Let me help with that," Evan came over and easily removed the weights, his arms bulging as he lifted them off the bar and set them on the rack.

"Thanks," Lee mumbled. "Okay Andy, ready?" He took his position over the rabbit and spotted as Andy lifted, struggling after just 3 lifts.

"Come on, big guy," Lee encouraged, his fingertips grazing the bar, ready to catch it should Andy falter. But the rabbit saw it through, his body quaking from the effort, veins popping out of his neck and forehead. He lead out a loud, low grunt as his arms straightened out, having conquered the press. With another grunt, he let the bar fall onto the rack, breathing heavily and sitting up. "Today's not my day," he said with a frown, resting his chin on his hand.

"Hey, no worries," Lee said. "You're still stronger than me!" the fox nudged the rabbit enthusiastically, trying to cheer up his friend.

Andy leaned in closely, "look at those guys," he nodded his head towards the group of musclebound hunks close by, joking with each other, flexing their huge muscles, lifting enormous weights. "How am I supposed to retain any semblance of motivation or self worth with them hanging around?"

"I thought they'd motivate you to work harder," Lee shrugged. "Besides, you don't have to look like that to look good."

Andy kept his eyes on the others, imagining himself being that big. He'd touch himself all day, worshipping his own body. His eyes wandered downward, wondering if they were just making up for the size of something else...

"Come on," Lee snapped his fingers at Andy. "Let's just keep going. I need to go to the bathroom, though. Just give me a minute." He left.

Andy sighed and lay back down, drumming his fingers on his stomach. He was close to a six pack, he just needed to do a bit more cardio. He envied Lee for his amazing, cut stomach. That fox looked like he was chiseled from stone when it came to his abs. Every movie he made, from walking to just breathing, made those beautiful mounds of muscle flex or move. It was entrancing. Not that he was attracted to his friend, he told himself. He just envied him.

"Need a spotter?" Brad approached Andy, grabbing hold of the bar and looking down at the rabbit, towering over him.

Andy looked up at the horse, but found his view was obstructed by Brad's gym shorts, which were so filled with huge horse cock that they jutted out a little, even though he was completely flaccid. "What the..." the rabbit had to blink his eyes to register what he was seeing. When it clicked, he shuddered, feeling a warm sensation in his loins. That couldn't be right though. He wasn't gay. It must just have been the surprise. Needless to say, it was obvious this lucky bastard had everything when it came to physical appearance.

"I guess," Andy said, not taking his eyes off that clear-as-day outline of cock. It was as though the horse were naked, but his fur was a dark blue nylon color. It was being supported by the horse's compression shorts, the bottom of which ended just above his knees, way past where the nylon shorts ended, around the middle of his quads. He couldn't imagine how it would look in just those black compression shorts if it was so tightly fitted already.

Brad noticed the rabbit checking him out, but he kept his cool, smiling to himself. "Well, you going to start or what?"

Andy shook his head to snap out of his trance and grabbed hold of the bar, bringing it down. His eyes never moved, and he never realized his mouth was open, breathing heavily as he lifted the bar, brought it down, lifted...

Wait. Did it just move? There it was again! The horse's cock twitched a little bit, slowly but surely inflating, just as a balloon would, pushing those tight shorts further, still, as it became thicker and longer, bit by bit. It approached the right side of his waist as it grew in length. Andy couldn't contain himself. He felt his own shorts begin to tent as he watched that enormous cockhead reach all the way to the right side of the horse's hip, going further still to the right and stretching the shorts more as it kept going. Jesus! How big could it get?

Brad smiled wider as he felt himself starting to get a semi. He loved the feeling of wearing compression shorts. Every slight move of his legs stimulated him. He squeezed his muscled thighs together slowly, massaging his gigantic balls with his soft skin, making him hard for the rabbit. He noticed the poor guy starting to get aroused. Brad licked his lips as he watched Andy's shorts tent, raising up, up, up, and ending at a disappointingly low height. He guessed the rabbit was packing six, maybe seven inches. Oh well, he'd still manage to have fun getting this straight boy to worship him.

Andy stared even more, the weights feeling like feathers as his mind focued on a much bigger issue. The shorts strained to contain the massive bulge inside them. He never thought there could be a dick so big. He had heard horses were gifted, but this was madness. It was as though there was a growing baseball bat in there. With every breath the rabbit took, he could smell the heavy musk coming from the horse, his nose was so close. He couldn't do this anymore. He placed the bar back on the rack and then wrapped his hands around the horse's waist, grabbing his ass and pulling himself closer to the horse, stuffing his face up in between Brad's legs. He could feel his nose colliding with something big, like an orange or apple, but when he realized those two huge things were testicles, well...that's when he came in his pants.

He couldn't control himself. He had never experienced such masculinity. He thought Lee was hot, but this just emulated that infinitely. Andy stifled a cry as he writhed and twitched, shoving his face further into the horse's package and sniffing, his hands squeezing that tight ass. His shorts became wetter and wetter, some cum managing to seep through, but most of it remaining inside the cloth.

Brad's eyes widened. He didn't expect this, but damn was it hot! His cock stiffened considerably, and he could already feel his compression shorts starting to tear, starting at the left leg, since his cock was jutting so far to the right. It hurt a big, the pressure being so great, and he grunted as the fabric tore audibly. With his cock released from the compression shorts, it gave it that much more room to stick out of his nylon shorts. It was as though the small bat in his pants suddenly became even larger - a professional baseball bat, jutting from the right side, his nylon shorts so stretched that they outlined the left side of his bottom perfectly, they were so tight. And still, he was getting bigger.

By now the guys had noticed what was going on, and they turned to watch, grinning and stroking themselves through their shorts, laughing and nudging each other with their elbows and pointing.

Lee walked out the bathroom on the other side of the gym, and say some commotion going on. He stepped closer, walking quickly, then stopped in his tracks. "What the FUCK?" he yelled when he saw that his friend was being crushed between the horse's legs, his body shaking and struggling to be free. Why were they doing this! The horse even had a fucking weapon!

He ran over, yelling for him to stop hurting his friend, but when he saw what was really going on, he nearly fell to his knees. Andy wasn't being crushed, and that weapon really was a weapon. Lee blinked, trying to make sense of what was going on. Was this really happening? Was his best friend face first in another man's junk? He just stood and watched, horrified but nevertheless intrigued.

Neither Brad nor Andy noticed the new spectator. The big horse moaned as Andy's small hands roamed all over his enormous bulge, positively tiny in comparison to his mammoth package, which was stretching his shorts to their limit. There would be no way to get them off comfortably now. He wouldn't be able to stretch the waistband over his cock, and he was too hard to point his erection down and then slide them off. They'd have to be torn or cut. Andy sat up to see the unveiling. Brad immediately grabbed what handful of nylon he could and gave a quick tug. The shorts tore off like paper, the remains of his compression shorts falling off as well.

Andy couldn't help but gasp at what he saw. There was no way this cock existed. He had to be dreaming. It literally was the size of a baseball bat, but considerably thicker. It throbbed with life in front of him, veins bulging with every heart beat. Brad squeezed the base, and a drop of precum appeared at the big slit before falling in a long rope onto Andy's awaiting tongue. Brad smirked and let go, crossing his arms in front of his hulking chest. "You gonna stare all day or are you gonna make it cum?"

This motivation seemed to work, as Andy wasted no time in wrapping both hands around Brad's titanic endowment. "I can't believe it. Just so big..." he whispered.

"Yeah, it's been a fun toy for as long as I can remember."

Andy quivered as he thought of a teenage Brad, with a smaller body but still an enormous cock. He wondered how often the horse sucked himself. He wondered more how much he would cum. He yearned to fined out. Spurred on by this curiosity, he pumped with both hands, sucking and licking the leaking cockhead.

Lee's mouth was hanging open. He wasn't into guys, but he had to admit it to himself - this horse was godly. A towering hunk of muscle with a cock the size of the fox's arm. He couldn't believe it. He watched the horse's butt clenching as he thrust into Andy's tight grip, and quivered when the raw, sensual moan of the equine tickled his eardrums. Lee's legs quivered for a bit, but he regained his composure, closing his eyes and breathing slowly. Still, what he was hearing enticed him to open them again. When he did, he caught the waves of the other guys. They were urging him over. He thought about just leaving, but deep down he wanted to see this horse cum. He had to know just how much he would spew. So, he walked over to the other guys, even though they were groping themselves obscenely.

"Lee, right?" Harry said, his hand gripping and rubbing his own crotch. "Care to join us?"

"I'm not gay."

"Neither are we. But it's fun to just let go and let that raw, animal urge take over. Drop the labels and go with your instincts," the lion winked. Lee smiled weakly and stood there awkwardly, trying to avert his eyes from the hot display.

Rick slid his shirt off, giving his body a good flex and squeeze afterwards, trying to show off for Lee. The fox wasn't muscled or anything, but he had a damn hot face, and a nice, cut body from the looks of it. He wanted the fox to admire him. "We should get more comfortable, eh boys?" he said.

The others seemed to agree and all stripped down to their briefs, their huge bulges making Lee's eyes jut open._Jesus, is everyone here super hung or something? _

There they stood, side by side. A wolf, a tiger, a lion, and a bull, all wearing underwear that was being overflown with enormous packages, which were being groped by their respective owners. Lee swallowed, blushing as he felt his own cock starting to harden. This was just unbelivable. What did he get himself into? Would he be raped? Maybe he should run. Still, a desire loomed at the back of his mind. He wanted to see what else would happen...just how far things would go.

One by one, the guys slid their undies down, revealing their large cocks, which got bigger for every one that was revealed. Rick's big 14 inches, Harry's large 15 inches, Tony's huge 16 or 17 inches, and finally Evan's monstrous 20 inches, combined with balls like Lee had never seen. None of them, of course, compared to Brad, who was still being worshipped by Andy, who was lost in a lusty trance. The guys all started to watch and stroke themselves, balls swinging, precum squirting and flying and drooling, covering their hands and cocks.

"Come on, Lee," Evan said, winking at him as he thumped his huge dick on his body. "Join the fun. Take off your shirt."

Lee's body wasn't being controlled by himself anymore. He wasn't even thinking about his actions. One second, he was fully clothed, the next his shirt was on the floor, his lithe, cut body revealed. The guys whistled. "Damn," Tony said, patting the fox's stomach. "That's a damn impressive six pack you've got going on."

Rick stepped forward, and boldly rubbed his leaking cockhead on Lee's stomach. "Very nice, indeed.." The fox's fur was smeared with precum, drops of it trickling down the cut lines of his stomach. He moaned and closed his eyes, one hand rubbing his crotch and the other squeezing his stomach.

"Looks like our little fox is getting horny," Rick said. "Go on and show us the rest."

And Lee did. He stepped out of his shorts and boxers, his proud eight inches sticking out in front of him, throbbing lightly, the cockhead wet with a healthy amount of precum. His legs were well muscled, and his overall body looked like that of a healthy, strong swimmer. This happened to be Rick's favorite type of body. It drove him crazy. The tiger quickly embraced Lee, hungrily kissing his neck, his chest, his stomach. Before he knew it, he was on his knees in front of the fox, slurping on his cock like a vacuum, his paws squeezing Lee's hard legs and firm butt.

Lee let out a gutteral moan, throwing his head back and stickng his hips out, fucking the tiger's throat. He grabbed Rick's ears and pulled him closer, his butt clenching sexily.

Tony, Harry and Evan weren't expecting Rick to do such a thing, but it sure turned them on. They started to stroke each other, Tony bending down and giving his own cock a few licks. "I didn't know you could do that!" Evan said, smiling. "Just something I've been working on," Tony said, licking his lips of precum.

Meanwhile, Andy was in a frenzied lust. His arms were wrapped around Brad's cock, his tongue down his slit, his body humping and humping, yearning for release. He was making out with the horse's meat, and Brad was loving it. The horse kept moaning and moaning, his hands worshipping his own body as he was pleasured. Precum leaked out in such large amounts that Andy's face was soaked with it, as though he had just showered.

Lee was cumming. RIck didn't let up for a second, hungrily swallowing the fox's impressive load, even having some of it leak from his cheeks. The fox yelled in pleasure, and when he was finished, he was surprised to find he was still hard, still horny. Rick stood up and swiveled the fox around, pushing him forward so that his arms rested on the bench, his gorgeous bottom sticking in the air. Rick hotdogged his cockbetween those two cheeks, thrusting against them, leaking precum onto the fox's back.

Lee didn't even care what happened now. In fact, he wanted this. He wanted Rick to fuck him. He yipped when he felt the tiger's bulbous cockhead enter him, but it didn't hurt like he expected it to. No, it just felt like heven. Lee eagerly leaned into Rick's cock, wanting more inside him, which the tiger was happy to provide. In no time at all, Rick was fucking Lee. He had his arms wrapped around the fox, feeling up every inch of his gorgeous body, tugging on his cock, kissing and licking his neck. He finally had his prize, his dream boy, riding his dick. He was turned on like never before, every thrust sending a surge of pleasure through his body so intense that all of his muscles stood out.

Tony and Harry were kneeled in front of Evan, who was leaning back against the wall with his arms behind his head, enjoying the cock worship the two were giving him. Tony lifted and sucked on the bull's humongous balls, and Harry slurped and licked and pumped his significantly large cock. The bull just sat back and moaned, enjoying the special treatment normally reserved for Brad. He couldn't help but watch the horse, though, shaking his head at what was going on.

Brad was holding the rabbit, who was straddling the horse's cock, his legs squeezing tight against it. The two kissed as Brad thrust his cock in and out of Andy's tight leg grip. It wasn't much stimulation, but it was something. The horse regretted not being able to fuck anyone since he was too big, but he found ways to get by. Andy was slurping Brad's face, thrusting against the horse's body. Finally he broke the kiss and looked at Brad. "Can...can I fuck you? You obviously can't put it in me, but I can put mine in you, and it'd feel real good! For both of us!"

Brad had never catched before, but he was open to the idea now, thinking it'd provide him some good stimulation. "Yeah, let's go for it," he winked and got on all fours. Even on his hands and knees, the horse was about four feet tall. Andy eagerly hopped behind Brad and gave it cock a good lathering with his own spit. He wasted no time and immediately shoved as much in as he could. He and Brad both yelled in pleasure. Andy's cock throbbed when he saw Brad's dick poking the horse's chin as it throbbed and leaked. "So hot..." he thought aloud.

Lee had already cum again, his load spilling all over the bech in several thick ropes. This only spurred Rick on further. The tiger lifted the fox up and slammed him against the wall, fucking him so hard the fox was sliding up and down it. "Oh YES! Fuck me! Use me up!" he found himself yelling, so lost in pleasure he couldn't think straight. Rick was ramming his cock in and out, a copious amount of precum ropes bridging his cock and Lee's fine ass as he thrusted, ropes breaking and forming every time, some even dripping to the floor.

Evan was pressed against the wall, writhing with pleasure as Tony jerked the bottom half of the bull's cock, and Harry worked the top portion. They were finding it more and more difficult to pleasure the bull, as his cock was throbbing so hard that the girth never remained constant, instead swelling and deflating every second as the bull neared orgasm. "Yes..." he moaned as he began to thrust into their grip. "Yes...yes....ohhh..."

"Come on, big guy," Harry growled. "Cum for us. Coat us in that hot bull spunk."

"Oh, God...Oh...YES!" Evan roared and slammed back into the wall. Tony and Harry's hands roamed up and down Evan cock as it exploded in a shower of hot, thick cum. It reached so far across the room that it nearly hit Brad and Andy, but missed by a few feet. "Fuck yeah! Look at that big load," Tony said, pumping Evan harder. The bull continued to spew mightily, his balls swinging as he thrust, load after hot load shooting out with the force of a hose. "YES! Oh...YEAH!" he clenched his fists, biceps flexing.

Brad managed to flip himself over, on his back now, his cock resting against his chest and just below his chin. Andy held the horse's big legs apart at his thrust in and out. Brad jerked himself as he was fucked, moaning loudly, the whole experience a new level of pleasure. He held his cock skyward, slapping it against Andy's face, who promptly licked it and kissed it, the cockhead out of reach, he was so big. "Why don't _you _suck it?" the rabbit growled. Brad winked and complied, letting his cock fall onto his body with a loud thump. With no effort at all, he bent his head slightly forward and shoved his leaking cock into his mouth, slurping at it loudly, both hands pumping it at the same time. Spit and precum leaked out by the mouthful, covering his cock and chest in a slimy, clear residue.

Watching this turned Andy on like nothing else. "Fuck yeah, such that big cock..." he growled, feeling his loins grow warmer and warmer as his orgasm approached. He pulled out and started to jerk himself, hovering over the horse, who looked up at him expectantly, cock still in mouth. In just a few seconds, the rabbit's cock was shooting several relatively small ropes onto Brad's cock, which the horse used as lube as he jerked himself.

Lee was laying on the bench now, RIck standing over him, jerking himself off. The fox was touching himself all over, in a trance of lust. The tiger was growling loudly, thrusting into his clenched palms until he finally came. He put his hands on his butt and thrust the air, coating the fox with a huge load of cum for at least thirty seconds. His spunk was thick and bright white, the fox writhing on the bench as it splattered onto him. Right after his orgasm died out, the tiger began licking the cum off the fox's abs, lathering it in with his palms, worshipping Lee's amazing stomach.

Harry and Tony were holding and kissing each other as their cock slid and rubbed together. Tony was the first to explode, thrusting against the lion's body until it was coated in his cum. Harry followed midway through Tony's orgasm, and soon the two were covered in each others jizz, their bodies sliding against one another as the thrust against each other, fondling, kissing, rubbing.

Brad emitted a loud roar. This caught everyone's attention, and they all gathered around the horse. His cock was simply enormous now - they could tell he was about to cum. It stuck straight in the air, towering, throbbing as though there was a heart inside it, veins popping out all over. Lee and Andy took it in their hands and started to pump, slowly at first, and then quickly, driving the horse crazy.

"Make that huge cock explode!" RIck snarled, tugging his own. The others nodded, eagerly anticipating Brad's usual flood of an orgasm.

And it delivered. The horse writhed and twitched, lifted his back off the ground and roaring before slamming it back down, finally reaching his orgasm. A stream the size of his wrist burst from his cock, continuous even after 20 seconds before it broke and started a new one that lasted just as long. It flew into the air until gravity took its toll, causing it to splash back down onto the horse. Tony started to massage Brad, lathering the cum into his body, squeezing his immense, flexed muscles.

Lee and Andy got in the way of the stream of cum, letting their faces get soaked before they fell into each other's arms, kissing and licking, the rabbit soon worshipping Lee's stomach as Rick did earlier.

Harry and Rick jerked Brad off instead, licking his huge cock, shoving it in the horse's mouth, hugging it, kissing it, so turned on they didn't even notice they were shooting blanks.

But finally the stream turned into a dribble, and then a trickle, and finally ended. Brad's softening cock fell onto his stomach with a thump. Every sat back, panting, covered in spunk.

Lee and Andy were delirious, laying on the ground, not able to think straight after what happened.

They all waited a while, resting, wondering what to do next. Finally, Tony spoke:

"So...who's going to clean up this time?"

Rick and Harry were already getting up to leave. Tony and Evan followed. Brad came to his senses and darted out as well.

Andy and Lee just lay there.