A Different World Chapter One: Altered Perspective

Story by Cimmaron on SoFurry

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#1 of Different World

A Different World; Chapter One: Altered Perspective

By: Cimmaron Spirit

*WARNING: This story is smut. Plain and simple. And with a lot of kinks and fetishes that you may or may not like, such as transformation, hyper, stretching, excessive cum, etc., etc. If you don't like it, then read something else. This story contains little, if no, plot or character development, and is designed to be the basis for an entire universe of smut stories. Thank you!*

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The tall trees of the forest surrounded the small human, towering so high above him that getting to the top might mean a lack of oxygen for anybody to breathe. The tall trees shaded the ground, making the forest darker and cooler than what was otherwise possible on this hot summer day.

Rick continued his hike, trampling his way over the paths that he had hiked over since he was a young kid. This was, basically, his forest. He knew the land and trees, every path and animal that lived in the confines. Sure, it was a state park, but very few ever made their way to this rural area to go through, and the few that did where mostly locals and the odd tourist that stopped by. And Rick did not mind at all.

"Nope, not at all," he grinned, continuing along his chosen path. Rick loved the wilderness, and living next to this park was the best thing that could ever have happened to him. At 18 now, and just finished high school, he was planning on becoming a forest ranger, and to spend his days in this park like he had spent his youth. He didn't care if it didn't pay well, just that he could do it. Rick loved this forest, and enjoyed it so much he would gladly loose himself here for weeks on end in the summer, only returning to civilization for the essentials.

Despite being cooler than outside of the forest, the heat of the mid-summer midday was starting to get at him. He paused on the track he was following, and slipped off his backpack to take off his sweat stained t-shirt, and to drape it over his shoulders. Rick took a moment before continuing to glance at his body: about the only thing about school he liked was the fully equipped gym they had, and his body showed all the work he had put himself through. He had won an amateur bodybuilding contest at 16, and continued to work out as much as he could, and when not in the forest, he was in the gym pumping iron.

Rick felt over the six pack abs that he had, and his fingers brushed along the brown haired treasure trail (the color of which matched the hair on his head) that ran up from under his shorts almost all the way to the broad pecs that crowned his abdomen. His hand continued across one of his bulging biceps, tracing along the bulging veins that crisscrossed his arms, and making him shiver at the sensitive feeling.

However, he wasn't here to feel himself up, so he pulled his hands away, and continued on his hike. Rick walked along a bit more before he noticed a path that leads into the underbrush. He stopped, wondering why he had never seen that before. Even the barest of paths that might as well have been animal trails he had followed, but he never remembered one being here. It looked old, and weeds and plants had overgrown the path.

"Ahh, what the hell," he muttered to himself, and was soon making his way down the unused trail, seeing where it would end. Most likely a path made when the park was first made, but forgotten as the years went on, it seemed. He continued along, as it seemed to sneak further and further into the forest, where the trees seemed taller and larger, making the area even darker than before. Bushes grew tall, and the branches full of tiny leaves grew over the path, being pushed aside by its first human visitor in what must have been decades.

But then suddenly, the path opened up again, into a well groomed trail, with fresh wood chips covering the trail, and some neatly trimmed trees held back from the route. Rick paused, now confused. The way he was going never had a path before, as far as he remembered, much less one that was as well manicured as this one. He continued on though, following the winding path toward where ever it was going.

"What the fuck?!" he exclaimed as he rounded a corner, and he saw a large open area, bordered and walled in by massive trees. He stood in awe, for in the center was a massive flat, smooth stone, and smaller stones that circled around it in what seemed to be a runic circle. Rick paused, and scratched his head, as he had never heard of what must have been an ancient temple site in his area. He continued into the center of the circle, and a feeling of power and... pleasure?... began to run through his body, so that by the time he reached the "alter", he could feel his cock tent at his shorts and his muscles tingling like they did after a good workout.

Rick groaned softly as he moved around the altar for something to place it, his cock feeling harder than it had ever had before. But the altar was bare: whatever carving their might have been must have been worn off, and the rock itself looked to be heavily weathered.

By now his member was screaming for his attention, and he could barely control it. He tried to resist though, wondering why he was feeling like this suddenly. It wasn't like Rick had never jacked off in the woods: heck, this was where he first had, when he was first exploring himself at age of 13, and when the effects of puberty where first hitting him.

"Ah, fuck, why not?" he asked no one, at last giving in to the lust that was clouding his mind. He slipped off his backpack, and kicked off his massive hiking boots and socks, before undoing his shorts. As he pulled them off, the jockstrap he wore was the only thing that held back his manhood, and he briefly admired the bulging jock, which left nothing to the imagination of what was under it. Rick grinned as he at last took it off, his cock bouncing out to stand at full mast, a good ten inches, and wide enough he could easily grip it and his fingers touched.

He leaned against the rock in the center, which, unregistered in his pleasure driven mind, was glowing a strange blue-red color. Rick started to run his hand over his cock, moaning as his hardened hands brushed over the sensitive flesh, while his other hand started to fondle the large balls that hung underneath his impressive manhood. He started to pump at a regular beat, pre cum starting to ooze its way out and further lubing his hands as he continued. Rick wondered where all the pre was coming from, because he knew that he had never leaked this much before, but the thought was quickly driven from his mind as the heat that started on his back started to work its way forward, driving him deeper into lust. The images of gorgeous beauties with perky tits and muscle studs with long, hard cocks started to fill his mind, his bisexual fantasies coming to the front, his desire for either of the sexes driving him harder in his masturbation.

He could feel his balls lift, the heat rushing through his body, the tightness of his groin that signaled a coming orgasm. Rick tried to hold off; wanting to savor this feeling of pleasure and desire, which was much more powerful than he had ever had before. But his body wouldn't let him. With a loud gasp and a shudder, his cock exploded, as he reached the peak of the lust filled wave inside him, sending hot cum soaring over his head, and landing on the altar behind him. Another wave of pleasure washed over him as a second, then a third, and a forth shot also came forth, as his member continued churning out the hot seed.

The pleasure eventually subsided, leaving him tired, exhausted... and covered in semen. Rick knew had never shot this much in one load, no matter how long he resisted masturbating, no matter how blue balled he got. His mind was swimming, and then he realized the heat that was covering his body, numbing and relaxing him. Something was calling him to relax, to let himself go... to give into the pleasure he just felt. The soothing call was eventually answered, as Rick passed out.

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It seemed like a dream, like he was no longer in the middle of a forest. Rick was in the gym, bench pressing his limit, and soon settling into a rhythm, feeling so at home to the sounds of the iron weights banging with each other. This was a dream he had so often, he knew where it was going. He was grunting and groaning as he continued his regimen, but then the weight seemed to leave his hands, as a tall, dark haired and massively muscular guy towered over him. He smiled down to the trainee, and then walked around, showing off the well-formed glutes of his rear, flirtatiously swinging them. He looked over his shoulder, and winked at Rick, who couldn't control himself. He got up and followed the gay muscle stud toward the showers.

When he turned the corner, there he was: over six feet of pure muscle, standing nude in the middle of the change room, a massive log of a cock (must have been nearly fifteen inches!) greeting the slightly smaller body builder. He couldn't believe it, because he had never had a dream with a guy that big before... but Rick couldn't stop himself; he slipped out of his shirt and shorts and jock, and kneeled down to the massive cock, using his tongue to work over the length, from tip to balls and back again. The beast above him rumbled his approval, and Rick continued, now using his mouth to take in the tip, using his tongue to play with his urethra, while his lips suckled on the length life a baby with his mother's breast. God, this was the most realistic sex dream he ever had... it was almost like it was real...

But before he could think anymore, the cock pulled away, leaving Rick whimpering slightly at the disappearance of his toy. He looked up with pleading in his eyes, but the stud only gave a wolfish grin, and spun his finger around. Rick smiled in pleasure, and rose from his spot and obediently turned around to face the wall, splaying his legs to allow the stud at his ass. He then felt a warm, wet, rough entity push up against his asshole, and he moaned as he was rimmed, the tongue of the muscle god poking into his ass every few moments, which Rick would respond with tightening his sphincter muscles around the invading tongue.

The beast rumbled again, and pulled away his tongue and replaced it with a finger, which played inside his rectum, making Rick shiver, moan and wiggle at the intrusion. A second, then a third finger joined in, opening up his ass even wider. However the stud wasn't content, and he poked in a forth finger, before he slipped in his whole fist inside Rick's ass, making Rick gasp and moan louder. He had never been fisted before, even in his dreams, and he couldn't believe the feeling... it felt so real!

But then the hand was pulled away again, leaving his anal ring gaped open, and Rick felt an emptiness in his ass that needed to be filled. And the stud provided, the massive cock easily filling in that emptiness, making Rick squirm and gasp even louder. The long manhood started to push in and out, going deeper each time, and which followed a grunt each time from the stud. He grabbed onto Rick's shoulders to give him more leverage, and soon the big cocked muscle god was driving his hard-on deeper, harder and faster into Rick.

But that was when the first thing that seemed wrong happened. Rick could feel that the cock drilling inside him seemed to be tapering off at the end, and growing thicker at the base. He didn't think about it until he felt an even larger mound of flesh slap into his ass, wider than the anal ring was, even in its stretched state. It felt so hot, so big...

Rick twisted his head around, and was startled to see a black furred muzzle, with deep blue eyes and razor sharp teeth looking back at him. Then he felt some sharp pain on his shoulder, and he glanced down to see long claws had grown from the beasts hands, and they dug into his flesh. He yelped, and tried to get away, but the clawed hands- paws- kept him in place. It was not a dream... he was being fucked by a massive, muscular, furry wolf man...

"Easy, young man," the wolf-man growled. "You aren't going to want to miss this." The beast flashed his teeth in a predatory smile, and Rick shrank back, not completely realizing what had happened.

But the bipedal wolf never let up his attack on his prey's ass, thrusting harder, the massive knot now trying to gain entry to finish the mating. Rick screamed, trying to stop it, knowing all too well what canines did to mate. He clinched his ass did nothing, but it did nothing but perhaps push the canine to even greater heights of pleasure. He was now panting heavily, grunting and groaning as his canine cock slipped in and out of the well-used ass, making lewd sounds as it continued in and out. The beast at last couldn't control himself any longer, and he pushed as hard as he could, the knot, at last with a POP! gaining entry into Rick's rear. The wolf continued thrusting, though now tied, it was but a matter of time before...

He unleashed his load of hot canine seed into the human's rectum, punctuated with a loud, blood curdling howl at his mating. Rick tried to pull himself off as he felt the ridiculous amount of cum filling his insides. He looked down to see his muscular stomach being distended with the shear amount of cum being poured inside him, making him soon appear that he had become pregnant. Tears rolled down Rick's face, fearing that he had become nothing more than a cum dump for this monster.

At last the wolf sighed, though he continued to pant at the exertion of the mating. He looked to see the human was crying, which, he knew all too well, was what the humans first did as soon as they were given the Gift, but it would soon be replaced with the pleasure and lust that it gave them. The wolf stretched his long, rough tongue and licked at the side of the humans face, and grinned as he saw the first changes beginning.

All over Rick's body a chestnut fur sprouted, covering the human quickly in a coat of fur from head to foot, though at his arms and legs, the coloring turned white, and long hair grew from that point, turning into "feathers." The canine grinned. This human was going to make an excellent stallion...

Rick saw the fur start to grow all over his body, covering his muscles, his extended stomach and his arms. A sharp pain was felt as his mouth and face realigned itself, stretching longer and longer into a muzzle, forcing Rick's teeth to change size and shape, and his nostril's enlarged and moved to either side of his face. His ears seemed to melt into the side of his face, and were replaced by a pair of triangular ears on the top of his head, now able to pivot to hear in all directions. His brown hair on his head grew longer, and started to grow longer in a lone along the back of his extending neck.

It was only then that he realized that, besides being turned into a horse, he was actually growing as well, his stomach decompressing to its regular size. He was taller, for sure, and he could feel his muscles literally inflate, nearly doubling its size, matching the canine still tied to him. Rick's cock, hard for almost the entire event, was now growing longer and thicker, the pink coloring now being splotched with some brown as well. A furry sheathe encased the base of his new member, and his ball sac seemed to balloon out as his testicles increased massively in size.

Rick's feet then began to flow together to be replaced with hooves, while his hands got thicker nails, looking almost like a hoof that had separated into five for each finger. But at last, he felt the area above his ass tingle, and Rick craned his neck to see a new equine tail grow out from behind, flowing over the canine member still lodged inside himself.

Rick looked forward, still in shock at the feeling of having been transformed from a human into a muscular, anthropomorphic stallion. He turned his head around to look at the wolf that mated him, who smiled and licked at the horse's muzzle.

"Welcome to your new life," the wolf said. He followed by at last pulling his deflated knot from Rick's rear, allowing cum to geyser out of his stretched and abused tail hole, which pooled around their feet.

"Wha...Wha...What do you mean?" Rick asked, confused.

"Well, you have entered the realm of Azhilohk, a world that only knows one language, action, and thought: sex. Any perverted and desire filled dream can be realized here, with no bounds or limitations. Some humans come here from time to time, and every single one of them loves it here. And I know you will as well." The canine paused, confusion still etched on Rick's face. "And my name is Geuafide, just so you know," the wolf said, smiling again.

"So, Geuafide, this world is all about sex and pleasure?" Rick asked, and the canine nodded.

"Why, is there something you want?" Geuafide asked, with a smirk on his face.

"Well, one thing," Rick replied, pulling the canine in for a kiss.